As Seen On
From: Vivian Goldschmidt, MA
If you’ve been diagnosed with osteoporosis and osteopenia, you’re not alone. Did you know that according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF), osteoporosis and osteopenia are a “major public health threat” affecting almost 58 million women and men in the United States?1 This means that almost 60 percent of adults aged 50 or older are at risk of fracturing a bone.1 And the NOF predicts that by the year 2020, half of the American population older than 50 will have osteoporosis or osteopenia.2
Osteoporosis and osteopenia are not diseases.
That's right! This is what the pharmaceutical companies pray you never find out. Take a look at the official definition of osteoporosis:
Osteoporosis is a progressive metabolic bone disease that decreases bone density (bone mass per unit volume), with deterioration of bone structure. Skeletal weakness leads to fractures with minor or inapparent trauma, particularly in the thoracic and lumbar spine, wrist, and hip (called fragility fractures).” 4
What's really incredible is that most people don't even know that before 1994 this wasn't the definition of osteoporosis at all. You see, before the year 1994, you actually had to fracture a bone from minimal impact to be diagnosed with osteoporosis.3
So who changed the old definition and why? And why the recent boom in osteoporosis or osteopenia?
Well, I have the answer for you. But first let me tell you about…
The chilling day that changed my life…
I remember the exact day: It was August of 2004. Summer was in full swing here in South Florida. My three sons were enjoying care-free days floating in the pool with friends. Life couldn’t be better.
Just having turned 50, I scheduled my first-ever bone density test. After all, that’s what women my age do.
I remember sitting in the cold room, waiting to hear the results from my doctor. I’m an optimist and kept reassuring myself that everything will be okay.
But what the doctor said shocked me to my very core. He was holding the results and they showed that I had osteoporosis. Then, without saying much, handed me a prescription for Fosamax to ‘treat’ my osteoporosis.
At this point I was holding back tears; I would not accept this.
Thanks to my background in nutritional sciences and biochemistry I already knew that I wanted to avoid taking prescription drugs at all cost. So I didn’t know what to do. But I did know I had to do something, very fast, before my condition would worsen. I needed an alternative osteoporosis treatment.
And as I was thinking about it, I asked myself: Before I start taking the osteoporosis drugs with potentially dangerous side-effects, why don’t I consider what it is I want… and don’t want… in an osteoporosis treatment.
So first, I began thinking about what I DON’T want in a osteoporosis treatment.
- I don’t want to take prescription drugs because of the known (and even worse, unknown) side effects.
- I don’t want to have to do time consuming exercises.
- I don’t want to take costly osteoporosis pills and still fracture a bone.
- I don’t want to live with pain.
- I don’t want to follow an impossible osteoporosis diet.
- I don’t want to lose height and bone density.
- I don’t want to have to buy expensive osteoporosis equipment.
- I don’t want to lose my independence and mobility.
- I don’t want to live with fear and anxiety because of osteoporosis
Then, I began thinking about what I DO want in an osteoporosis treatment.
- I want an all natural osteoporosis treatment that works.
- I want to reverse osteoporosis without taking any drugs.
- I want to find out the real truth about osteoporosis.
- I want to increase my bone density scores naturally.
- I want to reverse bone loss with no negative side effects.
- I want to live a worry-free, long and happy life.
- I want to get to the bottom of WHY I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. Why were my bones getting weaker?
- I want a proven Osteoporosis remedy that’s based on reliable scientific research.
And do you know what? I tore up the small prescription paper and never turned back… I, like you, am a fighter. And after hundreds of hours of research…
I developed the perfect natural treatment for bone loss.
It’s true, and here’s how it happened: You see, this diagnosis turned out to be a blessing in disguise. It led me to embark on what would be a long and fascinating journey – to learn the truth about our bone health.
Taking advantage of my science background, I started researching osteoporosis and osteopenia.
I discovered ignored scientific studies proving that bone loss can be reversed easily. Much to my amazement, I quickly began to realize that the way mainstream medicine treats this condition is all wrong.
But here’s the most important thing I uncovered from all my research: bone loss is not inevitable, and no miracle drug will stop it without harmful side-effects. We can take control of our bone health and by following a simple plan we can successfully improve our bone density.
I took all the scientific data I compiled, including hundreds of journal studies and medical research papers, and devised my own personal bone health action plan. I immediately began to follow through with my plan and was thrilled when I got back my second bone density results less than a year later.
My bone density score improved by 20% without ever taking any drugs!
I took control of my bone health and it felt so good. I soon began sharing my story with others.
And since then, thousands of people have taken control of their bone health and have reversed osteoporosis without taking drugs.
Osteoporosis drugs exposed.
According Dr. Herbert Fleisch, the Swiss researcher who pioneered the use of bisphophonates to treat osteoporosis, “Bisphosphonates were used in industry, mainly as corrosion inhibitors or as complexing agents in the textile, fertilizer, and oil industries”.6
Would you put those “corrosion inhibitors” in your body? So it’s not a shock that most people cannot tolerate these drugs.
The most common side effects of osteoporosis drugs such as Actonel®, Boniva®, Fosamax®, Reclast®, Aclasta®, Forteo®, Evista®, Protelos®, Miacalcin®, Fortical® are:
Why are these drugs so widely prescribed in the first place?
Reason #1: Has your doctor ever done this to you?
Some doctors use a typical scare tactic to convince their patients to take drugs for osteoporosis or osteopenia. Your doctor might say to you, “If you don’t take this osteoporosis drug (Fosamax, Boniva, Actonel, Evista, Reclast, Forteo, Protelos, etc.) , one day you’ll fall, break a hip, end up in a wheel chair… and die.” Unfortunately, in many cases the shock of the diagnosis and the fear involved prevent patients from asking the right questions… and they leave with nothing but an uneasy feeling and a prescription.
Reason #2: Drug Companies Are In a Race Against Time
Drug companies protect their drugs from their competitors with patents. That’s why they need to sell as much of their new osteoporosis drugs as possible before the patents expire. Once they expire, the cheaper generic versions are made available, and that translates into billions of dollars of lost revenue.
Reason #3: The Little Known Link Between Big Pharma and Advertising
The annual marketing budget for drug companies worldwide is nearly double than that of research and development. In other words, for every $1 they spend in researching and developing new drugs, they spend $2 in advertisements. So where do they get the money to pay for their astronomical marketing budget? You guessed it! From sales of their existing patented drugs. How incredible!
The mainstream media are catching up to Save Our Bones… slowly.
Take a look at the screen shots above. Major media outlets such as The New York Times, NBC, ABC, are finally running stories with headlines like “Drugs to Build Bones May Weaken Them” and “Does Popular Drug Cause Broken Bones?” The mainstream media are finally beginning to catch up with us.
What the big pharmaceutical companies do not want you to know.
- Osteoporosis is not a disease but rather it’s the body trying to correct an imbalance. And there’s one simple thing you can do to correct this imbalance. More on this later…
- Osteoporosis is not inevitable. Anyone can easily prevent and reverse it without taking drugs. Actually, a 2006 report by the Mayo Clinic says that over 37% of women older than 50 don’t meet the true criteria of osteoporosis and are wrongfully diagnosed!5 Are you one of them?
- The active ingredient in prescription osteoporosis drugs (Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva) is a bisphosphonate. That’s just a fancy name for a common ingredient used in laundry detergents, fertilizers, and industrial lubricants.6 Would you put those in your body?
- For every 100 people that are taking the drugs, 10 may get osteonecrosis of the jaw—a painful condition that causes the jawbone to become infected, rot, eventually die and leads to partial or complete loss of the jawbone.
- According to a recent article by Consumer Affairs (February 2007), Merck, the maker of Fosamax, has put aside $48 million to set up a defense fund for lawsuits related to the debilitating side-effects of Fosamax.7 Does Merck know something that the general public doesn’t?
- Your bones are “living” tissue, that can regenerate and strengthen themselves, as long as you know what to do. In fact 5-10% of all our bone tissue is renewed during one year! Bisphophonates, such as Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, Reclast, etc. stop new bone from forming and leave you with old dried-up and brittle bones that are more prone to fracture. Yes, your bones may be harder and denser, but they are also dry and brittle.
- Top researchers have found that osteoporosis medicines can make bones more fragile, actually increasing the risk of fractures. “Many people believe that these drugs are bone builders, but the evidence shows they are actually bone hardeners and bones could become brittle,” wrote Dr. Susan M. Ott in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2004.8 Picture bending a dry hard twig or a moist and flexible one—which one would break first?
- There’s one simple thing you can do to completely prevent and even reverse osteoporosis and it has nothing to do with taking dangerous drugs or supplements, changing your lifestyle, doing weird exercises, or following impossible diets.
To sum it up for you, osteoporosis drugs may cause more harm than good. That’s why I spent countless hours developing my revolutionary all natural, drug-free osteoporosis solution and followed it myself… and I'm living proof that it worked.
In fact, it worked so well, that I was compelled to share what I did with others who are also looking for simple and natural ways to reverse osteoporosis and osteopenia . So I developed the Save Our Bones All Access Bundle to reveal exactly that in a clear step-by-step format.
The revolutionary program that reverses osteoporosis in three easy steps.
The Osteoporosis Reversal Program reverses osteoporosis in three easy steps using the RESTORE principle.
It is filled with breakthrough, yet simple to understand nutritional, exercise, and lifestyle solutions that are proven to increase bone density naturally. The ‘Actions!’ outlined at the end of the chapters show you exactly what to do and are all backed by over 100 scientific sources.
Implementing just a handful of the ‘Actions!’ is guaranteed to improve your bone density so that you don’t have to live with osteoporosis any longer.
The program will guide you effortlessly through the three steps. In step 1 of the program you’ll ‘RETHINK’ your bone health. Then in step 2 you’ll discover how to ‘STOP’ the bone thieves. And then in step 3 you’ll know how to ‘REBUILD’ your bones.
Read what world renowned Dr. Robert B. Salter had to say about the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
Having read the Osteoporosis Reversal Program by Vivian Goldschmidt MA, I am pleased to recommend it as essential for all persons involved with preventing and treating osteoporosis.”
Dr. Robert B. Salter, MD, CC, OOnt, FRSC, FRCSC, FACS, Canada
Dr. Salter (December 15, 1924 to May 10, 2010) was a world renowned Orthopedic Surgeon, professor, author, scientist and was named one of the 10 most outstanding scientists of the past 80 years by the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine.
Better bones in just three short weeks…
Week 1
Week 1 of the Osteoporosis Reversal Program (chapters 1-3) is crucial as it paves the way to your bone density increase. This step alone will give you the peace of mind you’ve been looking for. Week 1 reveals:
- The true definition of osteoporosis, based on my revolutionary findings, that proves it is not a disease.
- The small change that was made “behind the scenes” to create the osteoporosis epidemic we have today – and what you can do to not be a part of it.
- What men need to know about osteoporosis.
- The “Fingernail Window” method. Your fingernails are “windows” to your bone health. Learn how to read them and you’ll get an inside glimpse of your true bone health.
- Why you must ask your doctor this question BEFORE you get your next bone scan to avoid being misdiagnosed. Millions won’t ask this question and may end up with a wrong diagnosis – you won’t be one of them.
- And much more…
Week 2
Next, in Week 2 (chapters 4-9) you’ll know exactly what’s causing your bone loss. The best part is that you’ll finally discover how easy it is get rid of these “bone thieves.” Week 2 reveals:
- The long-forgotten “bone-smart” way of combining foods that will immediately stop bone loss in its tracks.
- Why table salt may be jeopardizing your bone health and why sea salt is the bone-smart replacement.
- The types of antacids that sabotage your bone health because they prevent you from absorbing important minerals and vitamins.
- Why dairy products drain calcium from your bones and leave them more prone to fracture
- Why a visit to the dentist while on Osteoporosis drugs can be extremely dangerous.
- One beverage you must stay away from if you want to have healthy bones (and it’s not milk).
- Three warning signals that are your body’s way of telling you that the Osteoporosis drugs are causing harm.
- Why combining certain foods can be devastating to your bone health and actually make your osteoporosis worse.
- Exactly what you need to know if you took osteoporosis drugs and want to stop. Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
- And much more…
Week 3
In Week 3 (chapters 10-15) you’ll find your bone health action plan. Everything is included, from the Foundation Foods that nourish your bones (you may already have them in your kitchen) to the widely available Foundation Supplements that accelerate your bone density increase. Plus, you’ll read about little known studies showing how small steps, such as a breathing technique, can give you big and positive results. Week 3 reveals:
- The Foundation Foods that are proven to build healthy bones (you may already have them at home).
- How “Wolff’s Law of Bone Formation” reveals the proper and safe way to exercise for your bones. Exercise the wrong way, and you could be wasting your time.
- How breathing properly triggers faster bone density growth.
- A crucial mineral your doctor may never tell you about . This multitasking mineral is calcium’s best friend and is involved in over 300 essential body functions. Without it, you’ll be wasting your time and money taking calcium.
- The super antioxidant you’ll find in certain fruits and vegetables that “awakens” the “sleeping” bone building cells you already have in your body to maximize bone density increases.
- Why leaving a window slightly open while you sleep can speed up bone building overnight.
- The four key elements your bones need.
- The one essential vitamin and antioxidant you desperately need to replenish after taking osteoporosis drugs. Common osteoporosis drugs block the production of this amazing nutrient, vital to every cell in your body.
- How polyphenols found in fruits such as apples and grapes supercharge your bone building success.
- How implementing just some of this information guarantees your bone density increase.
- And much more…
Backed by over 100 scientific sources.
I really want you to join the thousands who are naturally building their bone density with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. That’s why I’ve made it as easy and risk-free as possible for you to get this program and prove to yourself that it will improve your bones and your life.
This is your opportunity to revolutionize your bone health and to get the results you’ve been looking for.
You’ve already made it all the way to this part of the letter, so I know you are committed to your health.
But ultimately it’s your choice. How much is your health worth to you?
Will you continue doing what you’ve done until now… or will you start building strong and healthy bones naturally.
Are you going to continue taking dangerous drugs and fear their side effects… or are you going to let nature help you build strong and healthy bones naturally.
Will you continue to live with the fear of falling and breaking a bone.. . or will you live happily with the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your bones are strong and flexible.
Read some of the success stories below and I look forward to hearing yours soon.
Plus I'm going to show you how you can eat your way to strong and healthy bones.
The real secret to bone health is found in giving your body the fuel it needs to be healthy.
If you eat foods that tip the balance of your body in the wrong direction, your bones will suffer. But eat foods that tip the balance in the right direction and your body can do what it is designed to do… which is to keep you healthy.
What you might not know, however, is what dishes are best for someone who wants to build healthy bones.
And that’s why I’m so excited to include the Bone Appétit Cookbook with your bundle. It takes all of the guesswork out of preparing bone healthy meals (that taste great) for you and your family.
If you’ve ever struggled with finding the time to figure out how to eat bone healthy food every day, then this will fix that for good!
Never again will you be stuck wondering what to make for breakfast, lunch or dinner. And better yet, you’ll have the confidence knowing that what you’re feeding your body is going to help you improve the health of your bones.
I’d like to show you what’s inside of Bone Appétit.
WARNING: Going any farther could make you hungry!
Watch this short video to learn more about Bone Appétit!
Perfectly balanced bone-healthy recipes.
Bone Appétit does all of the hard work for you! Best of all, the recipes are created with my 80/20 pH ratio of alkalizing vs. acidifying foods in mind.
Just look at the table of contents or even the mouth watering full color pictures and get a bone healthy meal on the table fast.
Find your meal. In beautiful full color.
Just look at the table of contents or even the mouth watering full color pictures and get a bone healthy meal on the table fast.
The full color photos alone are enough to make your mouth water.
Over 200 mouth-watering bone healthy recipes.
Inside Bone Appétit you'll find over 200 recipes for Breakfast, Smoothies, Appetizers, Soups, Salads, Vegetarian Dishes, and plenty of Main Courses, including Fish, Poultry, and Beef, and even an entire Dessert section!
Recipes such as Cherry Walnut Bars, Mediterranean Sunrise, Pears ‘R’ Peachy, Guacamole Surprise, Curried Pumpkin Bisque, Alkaline Bliss, Vegetable Soup, Symphony Salad, Bistro Chili, Pasadena Citrus Pasta, Coconut Crusted Salmon, Fish N’ Fab, Waldorf Chicken, Jade Treasure, Stir-Fry, Mango Steak Delight, Country Peach Cake, Nutty Brownie Cake, Raisin Oatmeal Muffins, and many, many more!
Short on time? ‘Quick Picks’ can help.
If you’re ever short on time, you can just flip to the “Quick Picks” section where you’ll find a selection of bone healthy recipes you can prepare in 20 minutes or less!
Eating bone-boosting ‘Foundation Foods' just got a whole lot easier.
Many dishes in Bone Appétit contain ‘Foundation Foods’ so that you can get all their bone-building benefits. These are foods that offer double the bone-building benefits of regular foods. They contain the ‘Foundation Supplements' in their natural form.
Cooking tips and tricks.
From how to easily skin a tomato to the secret to peeling garlic, Bone Appétit even includes cooking tips and tricks that make preparing delicious bone-healthy meals even easier.
BONUS! Bone healthy meals planned for you for the next 30 days!
For a limited time, when you order Bone Appétit, you’ll get a copy of the '30 Day Meal Planner' absolutely FREE!
With this handy booklet, just pick a day, pick a meal and start enjoying delicious bone healthy meals.
A lot of the recipes come right out of Bone Appétit (you’ll get the page numbers in the planner) and you’ll get two extra pH balanced snacks a day.
And you'll get the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System
Densercise™ is the exercise component of my battle against osteoporosis – and it's included with your bundle. It’s the ONLY exercise program specifically created to improve bone density. The Densercise™ System is a four-week program that incorporates a system of weight bearing, resistance, and postural exercises. I developed the exercises to build and support bone in high-risk fracture areas such as wrists and ankles… plus the hips and spine.
You don’t need to buy any equipment and it only takes 15 minutes a day, three times a week in the comfort of your home.
When I developed the Densercise™ System, I had this principle in mind: simple exercises that do not require special equipment and that you can do anytime, anywhere without getting bored.
In fact, Densercise™ only takes 15 minutes a day just three times a week. And the entire System is available for immediate download—so you can get started just minutes from now!
The exercises in Densercise™ are not hard to learn. And once you familiarize yourself with the movements, you can even multitask – Densercise™ while you watch TV, for instance.
And even though they are simple and take only 15 minutes, the Densercise™ movements are extremely effective at building bone density.
And it’s actually fun! That’s right, you’ll actually enjoy the Densercise™ System.
A closer look at Densercise™ and why it’s so powerful
The real secret that makes the Densercise™ System so effective is something called Epidensity Training.
Inside your bones is hidden a very powerful secret. The secret is a “switch” that powers the creation of more bone. If you know how to flip this “switch,” then your bones will begin the process of getting stronger.
Using targeted exercises, we can change the environment your bones find themselves in.
Your skeleton is capable of “perceiving” the changes brought on by the targeted exercises. Strains of DNA are generated by physical activity, and these strains act as markers.
These genetic markers are then assessed by bone cells, which “read” them in order to assess your bones’ structural effectiveness. The bone cells act accordingly. This is the essence of epigenetic regulation of bone.
The Densercise Program shows you just what exercises you need to do in order to stimulate this epigenetic response in your skeleton, which is why it is called Epidensity Training.
The Densercise System™ includes specific exercises that flip this “switch” and trigger your bones to grow.
What makes Densercise™ so valuable
All 52 Densercise™ movements are fully illustrated by a professional artist. Instructions are crystal clear and easy to follow.
You don’t have to join an expensive gym or hire a personal trainer to build your bones! With Densercise™, simply complete the exercises in the comfort of your own home using the printed instructions and the follow along video!
While Densercise™ can help you improve bone density, it can also help you regain toned muscle so you’ll look great! We don’t imagine you’ll complain!
You’ll feel the benefits of Densercise™ as soon as you get started. And you can look forward to feeling like a whole new person in as little as four weeks—All it takes is just 15 minutes of Densercise™, three times a week.
With Densercise™, you can exercise at your own pace and enjoy significant progress no matter what your age or fitness level.
The Densercise™ System will keep you interested with a unique variety of weight bearing, resistance, and flexibility exercises. If “exercising” brings up nightmares of countless hours on a treadmill or stationary bike, don’t worry, Densercise™ was made for you! You’ll love it!
I created Densercise™ to help people of all ages…
- Regain youthful vigor
- Avoid prescription drugs and their side effects
- Improve flexibility
- Build and maintain “Super Youthful” Strong Bones
- Get on the road to reversing osteoporosis and osteopenia
- Improve flexibility
- Increase strength
- Tone muscle to achieve a youthful look
Densercise™ is proven.
After being diagnosed with osteoporosis, I made the decision to increase my exercise regimen and I included weight bearing, resistance, and flexibility exercises. I personally developed the most complete bone exercise system to date. And Densercise™ has helped me fight osteoporosis and increase my bone density by 20%.
Densercise™ is fast.
There’s no need to join a gym or hire a personal trainer. You can complete the training in just 15 minutes a day and you only need to Densercise™ three times a week. Of course, you can speed up your progress by exercising more often. In addition to helping you gain improved bone density, you’ll look and feel better and look younger—with youthful toned muscles. There’s no need to join a gym or a club. You can Densercise™ in the privacy of your home. And there’s no need to buy any equipment.
Densercise™ is fun.
Densercise™ meshes perfectly with our flagship Osteoporosis Reversal Program. Densercise™ is all you will ever need to exercise your bones and get on the road to improved bone density.
The good news is that you can “fast track” your body’s ability to heal itself and grow stronger bones!
Soon after I released the Osteoporosis Reversal Program™, I realized that most people needed an extra boost to clear away the years of damage their bodies have endured.
The fact is, our current world is full of chemicals and toxins that compromise our body’s ability to grow healthy bones.
So if you’re going to steer clear of all of the pain and suffering that comes with unhealthy bones, you have to take matters into your own hands!
And that’s why I created the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse: The 7 Day Bone Building Accelerator.
The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse is a seven day process that flushes out the toxins in your body and sets the stage for restoring the health of your bones through the Osteoporosis Reversal Program™. If you want maximum benefit from your bone building efforts, you simply must flush out the dangerous chemicals and toxins that are standing in your way.
If you’ve taken any of the common (and extremely harmful) osteoporosis drugs, the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse can help to flush them out of your system. That’s what it’s designed to do!
The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse is so effective, I recommend you repeat the process twice a year.
Now before we go further, I want to put your mind at ease. Some people get a little bit nervous when you mention the word “cleanse…” And that’s for good reason!
Not all cleanses are created equal!
You may or may not have experience with natural cleanses for your body. If you’ve ever looked into those, you probably know that some of them sound downright crazy!
Don’t worry, the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse is extremely simple. I’m not going to have you fasting for 80 days or living only on cucumber juice or anything weird like that. Instead, the cleanse is made up of six simple steps that won’t take you too far outside your comfort zone.
But that doesn’t mean it won’t be powerful!
I’ve broken the entire process down into 6 easy steps that you follow for seven days. That’s it! You’ll be amazed at what your body can achieve in a very short time, provided you give it the materials it needs to do its job.
After following the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse, here are just a few of the things you can look forward to:
When your body has to invest less of its energy dealing with toxins and residual chemicals, guess who gets to enjoy the extra energy… you do!
Most people have no idea just how valuable their liver and kidneys truly are. With the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse, you’ll give your vital organs what they need to keep your body working well!
Who wouldn’t want to experience a deeper and more energizing night’s rest? Well prepare yourself, because many people report that that’s one of the “side effects” to a process like the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse.
No we’re not selling the Fountain of Youth here. Instead, we’re removing toxins from your body. And that means that your cells can renew themselves faster, which leads to improvements in the look of your skin.
The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse is definitely not designed for weight loss. That said, this IS one of the possible “side effects.” But we don’t imagine anyone will complain!
The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse guides you step by step through the systemic cleanse which is vital to restore your kidneys’ proper function and accelerates your body's natural ability to rebuild strong bones.
I’ve created the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse as a perfect compliment to anyone pursuing bone health through the Osteoporosis Reversal Program™. It’s a very simple, very powerful way to give your body an enormous head start on your journey.
But even if you have no intention of using the full Osteoporosis Reversal Program, the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse will help keep your body in a state that promotes optimum health.
The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse is packed with tons of information to guide you every step of the way. You'll discover…
- A very special fruit that boosts your body’s natural cleansing power. It’s an alkalizing powerhouse!
- The one very unique type of meal you’re going to eat during each day of your cleanse. If you’ve never tried this, it’s going to boost the amount of benefit you get from your foods. Don’t worry, I’ve included a ton of recipes for you! Just don’t hold me responsible if you get “hooked” on this way of eating!
- An extremely simple activity (it’s not exercise!) you can do to help improve the circulation of important nutrients throughout your body.
- A very powerful daily habit (it’s not hard) that can help keep your kidneys and liver operating at their optimum levels.
- The special type of water you should be drinking during your cleanse. Not all liquids are created equal. And even water can work against you if you get it from the wrong source.
- The ONE most common food you should definitely avoid during the entire cleanse. Without doing this, the results of your cleanse will be far smaller than they should be.
- The two supplements that are “must haves” during each day of the cleanse. These are extremely common, and together they become a powerful helper in your journey towards bone health.
- And much, much more!
During the seven days of the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse, you’re most likely going to be eating and drinking a bit differently than you’re used to. But that’s the point. And it’s those differences that are going to help get your body on the fast track to bone health.
The 6 steps to accelerated bone buildling.
The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse protocol is all backed by the latest research and is broken into a simple 6-step structure.
Clear lists of ‘good' and ‘bad' foods, proportions and quantities.
During the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse, it is important to avoid foods and chemicals that place a burden on the liver and kidneys and are detrimental to bone and general health.
Just as you are engaging in activities and consuming nutrients that support kidney and liver function during this time, you will be avoiding those that do not.
Simple shopping lists take away all the guesswork.
With the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse not only will you know exactly what to eat and what not to – you'll get convenient ‘done for you' shopping lists for you to take with you to the store.
The whole thing is pretty much ‘paint by number' simple!
Over 40 Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse Recipes
I’ve pretty much done all of the work for you. To make things even easier for you, along with the shopping lists, you’ll get over 40 recipes you can use during the process, leaving no stone unturned.
Here's everything you get with your
Save Our Bones All Access Bundle
Exciting program features.
We made sure to make the Osteoporosis Reversal Program comprehensive, cohesive, and easy to follow. And because the Save Institute is a vibrant community, it only made sense to incorporate that ever-important element of community into the Program. For that reason, we’ve added a Support Group feature to the Program.
The Osteoporosis Reversal Program is also designed to be the most readable as possible. Each section ends with convenient “Let's Summarize”, “What This Means To You”, or “Action!” sections so that it's even easier to take immediate action.
Everything you need to discover which foods build bone density most effectively, the effortless lifestyle modifications that you can make today, which supplements to take and their exact dosages and a lot more.
All the information is in one place in an easy-to-follow format so that you can get results fast.
Members Platform With Digestible ‘Course’ Format
The Osteoporosis Reversal Program is accessible via the Save Institute members platform which you can access anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
The Program is broken up into sections and lessons that can be marked “read” upon completion so you can pick up right where you left off. You’ll have lifetime access to the Program anywhere you are via your desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone.
Audio Narration
Don’t feel like reading? Listen to an audio narration of each lesson with adjustable playback speed.
Bookmark Feature
You can bookmark lessons with the click of a button to easily reference them later.
Support Group
Ask questions, share your results, and, most importantly, receive motivation, encouragement, and support from fellow Savers in the Support Group.
90+ Recipes
There are more than 90 delicious recipes inside the Osteoporosis Reversal Program and best of all, they're all gluten-free.
Inside you’ll find delicious and easy to prepare bone-healthy recipes that follow the program guidelines. From quick breakfast delights to sit-down breakfast staples, soups, sandwiches, and entrees, these arenʼt your typical recipes. All the mouth-watering meals are perfectly balanced for your optimal bone health. Some of the recipes include:
- Autumn Harvest Soup
- Lawrence of Arabia Cereal
- Baked Spinach Lentil Croquettes
- Can't ‘Beet' It Stir Fry
- And many more
Quick & Easy Bone Healthy Snacks
We've included more bone-healthy snacks recipes that are either pH-balanced or entirely alkaline. They’re also designed to keep you satisfied and give your body the nutrients it needs to help boost your bone health between meals.
Osteoporosis Stress Management Guide
We've included this guide to help you avoid the damage that chronic stress can inflict on your bone and overall health. Inside the guide, you'll find a three-step 100% natural approach to stress management that you can adapt to your individual needs and circumstances.
Osteoporosis Hydration Protocol
Inside, you’ll discover how water impacts your bone health:
- The chemical lurking in your water that increases bone fractures – especially hip fractures.
- The simple way to check if your water contains this chemical.
- The inexpensive way to filter out this and other dreaded chemicals from your water. Don’t waste your money on other filters, pitchers, etc.
- Stay away from this type of tea if you want to build healthy bones and keep them that way. Don’t worry, there are plenty of bone-healthy teas you can drink.
- Simple solutions to minimize your exposure to toxic chemicals while in the shower.
- And a lot more.
Doctor Communication Tutorials
Inside you'll find effective communication techniques you can use to establish an open and honest dialogue with your doctor. You'll also discover:
- How to match your doctor to the five doctor personality profiles and how to best communicate with each type.
- Sample dialogues with each personality type so you’ll be ready for your next visit with your doctor.
- A study you can mention to your doctor that proves you are in the majority when seeking alternative, drug-free solutions to osteoporosis.
- And much more.
BoneFlex Exercise Video
The Osteoporosis Reversal Program includes BoneFlex, our brand new exercise video. Complete with a warm-up and cool-down, you'll follow along with our trainer as you strengthen your muscles and bones. From a touch of yoga to an imaginary jump rope, BoneFlex is going to keep you on your toes.
Downloadable PDFs and Transcripts
Prefer the old PDF format? No problem, you can still download the course as PDF files just like before.
Bone Appétit
$47.00 Value
- 200+ delicious bone healthy recipes for every meal
- Over 130 pages
- Cooking tips and tricks
- Quick Picks for under 20 minute dishes
- Dishes rich in ‘Foundation Foods'
- Beautiful full color photography
BONUS #1: 30 Day Meal Planner
$27.00 Value
Now you can have 30 days of bone healthy meals planned out for you!
They're all in an easy to reference 30 Day Meal Planner for you. A lot of the recipes come right out of Bone Appétit.
30 Day Meal Planner is not available for sale, but you'll get a copy of it absolutely free today with your order!
Bone Appétit already does all of the hard work for you! And now, with the 30 Day Meal Planner, you don’t even have to think about what to make or when, because it's all laid out for you.
Just pick a day, pick a meal and start cooking!
- 30 days menu of pH-balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner + two snacks
- Handy tips to simplify your meals
- References recipe name and page number from Bone Appétit
- Creative bone-healthy snacks
- Each day displayed separately for easy reference
BONUS #2: Blender Magic
$27.00 Value
Get great nutrients with a fraction of the work of juicing.
When done correctly, blending is faster, easier and even possibly healthier than juicing! When you blend your fruits and vegetables, you’re actually eating all of what nature intended you to eat. That includes the juice and fiber.
And the good news is that Blender Magic is absolutely free when you order Bone Appétit today.
- 30 bone-healthy smoothie recipes
- ‘Foundation Supplements' listed under each recipe
- Valuable tips on storage of fruits and vegetables
- How to pick the right blender
BONUS #3: Calcilicious
$16.00 Value
It is no secret that calcium plays a vital role in maintaining and strengthening your bones. But not all types of calcium are equal. The most efficiently absorbed calcium is organic, derived from natural wholesome foods.
With the delicious calcium-rich recipes found in Calcilicious you'll boost your organic calcium intake without the unhealthful side effects of milk and unfermented dairy products. The unique and unconventional vegetables used in this book can be found quite easily in your supermarket’s produce section. You will discover that as you expand your culinary horizons, you’ll also be helping your bones become strong and healthy.
This handbook contains the very best calcium-rich recipes, comprised of the most wholesome ingredients.
- 24 delicious recipes high in calcium
- 100% dairy-free
- Calcium content for each recipe
- Includes dips, spreads, soups, and entrees
- Most recipes are pH balanced or 100% alkalizing
BONUS #4: The Densercise™ Manual
$37.00 Value
- All 52 Densercise™ moves are illustrated and include instructions so there’s no guess work and you can clearly follow along.
- It is a complete, full-body exercise system for your bones.
- It clearly walks you through a complete 4 week exercise schedule.
- Thanks to the super-targeted Densercise™ moves along with the Density Training Method, you only need to practice the moves for 15 minutes a day.
- Each day has 3 moves that target different muscles and bones.
- Every day is different so you never get bored with the same old routine.
- The Densercise™ Manual features a variety of weight bearing, resistance, flexibility moves and more, making the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System the most complete bone exercise system to date.
BONUS #5: Densercise™ Online Video Collection
$27.00 Value
You'll get instant access to the total Densercise™ Online Video Collection.
With access to the Densercise™ video collection, getting started is simple and easy. In the online video, I personally guide you through Densercise™. I demonstrate each exercise — making it even easier for you to get started.
BONUS #6: Densercise™ Eating Guide
$13.00 Value
The Densercise™ Eating Guide is packed with healthy eating tips to give your bones the vitamins and nutrients they need to support maximum growth. You’ll discover the best foods to eat before and after you Densercise™. Even though you’ll see great results with the Densercise™ System all by itself, your body will thank you for adding in even more bone building foods.
BONUS #7: Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse
$37.00 Value
- A simple, clear, road-map that eliminates all guess-work.
- Uniquely designed to promote bone health and protect kidney and liver function.
- Restores body’s pH balance by purging stored toxins and acidifying drugs.
- Focus on health, vitality, disease prevention and wellness.
- Explains Whys, Dos and Don’ts in clear, understandable “people-speak”.
- Quick and painless compared to most other Cleanses.
- Less restrictive on food and drink.
- No counting of points, calories, carbs or fat grams and no measuring of food.
Get the Save Our Bones All Access Bundle Now and Get All the Extra Bonuses FREE!
$528 $349.99 value for only $97!
1-Year Double Your Money Back Guarantee!
Purchase the Save Our Bones All Access Bundle today and use it for the next full year.
After that year, send us your before and after bone density scans.
If you didn’t see an increase in your results, we’ll send you a check for double the price you paid for the program… guaranteed.
Or if at any time within the first year you're not 100% satisfied with the program, send it back for a refund – no questions asked!
They Did It. And So Can You.
My bone density has increased by 16.4% and I’m absolutely thrilled”
Pamela Ward, UKIndividual results may vary
After a year of following the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, I increased my bone density and now have a normal reading!”
Melanie Haas, Buffalo, New YorkIndividual results may vary
Today my bone scan says in big bold writing “NORMAL” I cannot begin to thank you for all the help and advice that you have given me over the last few years!”
Lorraine LockertIndividual results may vary
Having read the excellent program entitled the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, by Vivian Goldschmidt MA, I am pleased to recommend it as essential reading for all persons involved with preventing and treating osteoporosis.”
Dr. Robert B. Salter, MD, World renowned Orthopedic Surgeon, professor, author, scientist.
Read more testimonials →
I had a bone density in 2009 and HAD osteoporosis, with Vivan’s help I improved my bone density by 16 percent. Now I finally did a saliva test and I have adrenal fatigue which is lots of stress for long periods of time. I am working with a wonderful Dr. and hopes to get me well in about 6 months without drugs, just supplements and the right diet. I believe if my adrenal was normal I wouldn’t have osteoporosis. Vivian is so right about getting your stress under control. My blood test never showed that the the adrenal was abnormal, saliva test is the most concise.”
Pat, submitted on 10/15/2012
Individual results may vary
Hello, I just turned 59. I have your book and exercise plan. After following the plan in your book for the last 6 months (just started the exercise plan), my bone density test last month showed NORMAL from having had osteopenia for the last 6 years. Thank you. Your advise just makes sense to me. Thank you for shining the light on this subject. I plan to continue with the plan and taking the suggested supplements.”
Linda Schultz, submitted on 11/10/2012
Individual results may vary
2012 was the year I reclaimed my bones thanks to the Save our Bones program. I didn’t follow it strictly. But it gave me the information I needed. I went from having severe osteoporosis of the spine in Sept 2011 …to osteopenia in Sept 2012. The program helped me to learn about the bad drugs the Dr wanted me to take. I will continue to follow the program the rest of my life. I am a 78 year old lady. I feel better then I did a year ago, and will always be thankful that I had the information to heal my bones.”
Ann C., submitted on 12/31/2012
Individual results may vary
Read more testimonials →
Your Questions Answered
You'll get instant access to the Osteoporosis Reversal Program so you can get started right away. You'll receive an email that contains your sign in details which you'll use to access the program via the Save Institute Members Platform. You’ll get lifetime access to the program and can sign in anywhere via a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone. All the information is in one place and comes in a format that allows you to navigate it conveniently.
The Osteoporosis Reversal Program is a self-paced course broken up into sections and lessons that can be marked “read” upon completion so you can pick up right where you left off. We made sure that it’s easy to comprehend and follow
Here's what's included with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program:
- Osteoporosis Reversal Program Course
- BoneFlex Exercise Video
- Osteoporosis Reversal Program Course Manual
- Osteoporosis Stress Management Guide
- Osteoporosis Hydration Protocol
- Doctor Communication Tutorials
- 90+ Bone-Healthy Recipes
- Quick & Easy Bone-Healthy Snacks
- Acid Alkaline Food Chart
- Foundation Foods Directory
- Foundation Supplements Directory
- Glossary
- Bone Appétit
- 30 Day Meal Planner
- Blender Magic
- Calcilicious
- The Densercise™ Manual
- Densercise™ Online Video Collection
- Densercise™ Eating Guide
- Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse
- Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse Shopping Lists
- Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse 40+ Recipes
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Support Group
You will also get access to features such as:
- Audio narration
- Bookmark feature
- Downloadable PDFs
What is the Blueprint?
The Blueprint is the core of the Osteoporosis Reversal Program that shows you step-by-step how to naturally rebuild your bones and get rid of osteoporosis. It consists of 15 chapters in large print, so it's easy to read. The Blueprint also has a Bibliography, where you'll find all the scientific studies in alphabetical order.
How much is shipping and processing?
There is no shipping cost or waiting to get your shipment. So that you can get started right away, after you place you order, you'll get instant access to the Save Our Bones All Access Bundle and can download it all in PDF format.
Does my order of the Save Our Bones All Access Bundle include a money-back guarantee?
Yes! You'll get a 1-Year No-Questions Asked Money-Back guarantee.
Yes. The Save Our Bones All Access Bundle is designed to help your bones regain their density and strength whether you've taken osteoporosis drugs in the past or not.
I was diagnosed with osteopenia, not osteoporosis. Can the Save Our Bones All Access Bundle help me?
Absolutely! The Save Our Bones All Access Bundle is a comprehensive drug-free solution to reverse bone loss and to nourish your bones to prevent fractures, regardless of the quantity of bone density decrease. In fact, the Program also helps prevent osteopenia and osteoporosis!
I don't have a science background. Could I still follow the Save Our Bones All Access Bundle without difficulty?
While the Save Our Bones All Access Bundle is backed by many scientific sources, it is written in an easy-to-understand style that clearly explains everything you need to deal with your bone health in a drug-free way.
Does the Save Our Bones All Access Bundle require that I buy exotic supplements or hard-to-find herbs and/or remedies?
Not at all. In fact, the core of the Save Our Bones All Access Bundle is based on everyday foods you can find at any grocery store and supplements that you may even already have (but may need to adjust the dosages).
How can I order the Save Our Bones All Access Bundle?
Simply select the package you'd like to order below. Then click on the ‘Add to Cart’ button at the bottom of this page and fill out the order form to complete your order. You'll get instant digital access to the complete bundle in PDF format.
What types of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, PayPal, and you can now also order using your account!
3 Assessment of fracture risk and its application to screening for postmenopausal osteoporosis. Report of a WHO Study Group. World Health Organ Tech Rep Ser 1994; 843:1-129.
5 Mauck K.F. , Clarke B. L. “Diagnosis, Screening, Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis.” Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Volume 81, Issue 5, Pages 662-672 , May 2006.
6 Fleisch. “‘Bisphosphonates: Mechanisms of Action.” Endocrine Reviews. 9(1): 80 –100.1998.
8 Ott, S. New Treatments for Brittle Bones, Annals of Internal Medicine, 141 (2004): 406-407 [letter].
All Access Bundle
Limited-Time Special!
- Osteoporosis Reversal Program Course
- Osteoporosis Reversal Program Audio Narration
- Support Group
- BoneFlex Exercise Video
- Osteoporosis Reversal Program Course Manual
- Osteoporosis Stress Management Guide
- Osteoporosis Hydration Protocol
- Doctor Communication Tutorials
- 90+ Bone-Healthy Recipes
- Quick & Easy Bone-Healthy Snacks
- Acid Alkaline Food Chart
- Foundation Foods Directory
- Foundation Supplements Directory
- Glossary
- Bone Appétit
- 30 Day Meal Planner
- Blender Magic
- Calcilicious
- The Densercise™ Manual
- Densercise™ Online Video Collection
- Densercise™ Eating Guide
- Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse
- Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse Shopping Lists
- Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse 40+ Recipes
- 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee
- One-time payment. Lifetime access.
- Instant digital access.
All Access Bundle Plus
$599.99 $397
- Everything that's included with the All Access Bundle
- Plus Phone Consultation With Vivian Goldschmidt, MA
- Plus 6 Months Access to a Bone Health Coach
- 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee
- One-time payment. Lifetime access.
- Instant digital access.
*If at any time within the first year you’re not 100% satisfied with the program, send it back for a refund – no questions asked!
Individual results may vary.