How to Flip the Hidden "Switch" That Builds More Bone!

Brand New Research Reveals New Map For Jumpstarting Bone Growth

From: Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

Dear Friend,

This could very well be the most exciting message I’ve ever written…

In the next few minutes, I’m going to reveal some exciting new research in the area of bone growth—and I’m going to “connect the dots” and show you how you can use it to jumpstart the growth of your bones.

More than that, I’m going to give you a way to focus on those areas that are most prone to fracture.

By the end of this short message, you will understand that…

You Are No Longer “Stuck” With the Bones You Have…

…And You Will Soon Know How You Can Turn on Your Body’s Bone Growth “Switch”

Most people don’t realize that your bone is ALIVE. And there are things you can do, starting today, to send the signals to your bones to start building themselves up.

And it only takes 15 minutes a day, three times per week to make real progress.

What you’re about to discover…

Can Put You In the “Driver’s Seat” When It Comes to the Health of Your Bones

You can’t really find a person who would argue with you that exercise is good for your body. That’s plainly obvious to just about everyone.

And while most people understand that regular exercise tones and strengthens your muscles, far fewer people have any idea what it can do to your bones.

I understood part of it, but I didn’t see the whole picture. Not until about 2007 when research started coming out about a relatively new field called “epigenetics.”

Most people think they are stuck with their DNA. That there’s not much they can do about their “genes” and how those genes affect their life.

As epigenetics is beginning to show us, that couldn’t be further from the truth. While it’s not really possible to change your specific DNA sequence, that doesn’t mean you are helpless!

Epigenetics shows us that, while we can’t change our DNA sequence, we can exert control in changing how our genes are expressed. The way you take control is by making strategic changes to your environment.

Here’s how it works…

A Real World Example: Epigenetics and the Fat Burning “Switch”

A study from June 2013 demonstrates just how powerful epigenetics can be. This study was actually focused on weight loss. But I’ll connect the dots to bone health in just a minute.

This example makes it easy to understand how powerful epigenetics is.

In the study, a group of men were monitored over the course of a 6 month exercise program. Some amazing things happened as a result of the “environmental” change caused by the exercise.

Following the study, researchers discovered that the exercise had in fact “switched off” the expression of genes known to contribute to obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.

The men still had the genes but they were no longer expressed!

Did you get that?

The genes didn’t change, their expression in the world DID. And it was all caused by changes in environment.

So what does this mean for bone health? And how can you use this breakthrough to help strengthen your bones?

Connecting the Dots: Wolff’s Law, Epigenetics and the Birth of Epidensity Training

As I began digging deeper into the world of epigenetics, I started to wonder if this very same idea could be focused on the genes that control the growth of bone in our bodies.

If you’ve done much research into bone health, you’ve probably come across the work of Julius Wolff and his discoveries about bone transformation.

After decades of work, Dr. Wolff presented his now-verified theory that bone is a living tissue that is created and changed as a reaction to the force of muscular tension and gravitational pressure imposed on it.

I’ve studied the work of Dr. Wolff closely. One day I realized that by taking Dr. Wolff’s discoveries and combining them with the new research coming out about epigenetics, there might be a way to use exercise to flip the hidden “switch” that controls bone growth.

Then you’d basically be able to put yourself in the driver’s seat. Through strategic changes in your environment, you can control how your genes are expressed.

If you get nothing else, know that exercise grows bone. And exercises targeted at the areas most prone to fracture could help transform the future of anyone suffering from osteoporosis or osteopenia.

I call all of this “Epidensity Training.” And it’s the secret behind something that I’m extremely excited to announce!

Working with personal trainers and physical therapists, I developed a simple and quick program called Densercise™. It’s the world’s first exercise system specifically designed to help you increase bone density.

Introducing the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System

As I detailed in my best-selling Osteoporosis Reversal Program, I made the decision to fight osteoporosis without prescription drugs and their harmful side-effects.

Densercise™ is the exercise component of my battle against osteoporosis. It’s specifically created to improve bone density. The Densercise™ Epidensity Training System is a four-week program that incorporates a system of weight bearing, resistance, and postural exercises. I developed the exercises to build and support bone in high-risk fracture areas such as the bones in your wrists, ankles, hips, and spine.

You don’t need to buy any equipment and it only takes 15 minutes a day, three times a week in the comfort of your home.

When I developed the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System, I had this principle in mind: simple exercises that do not require special equipment and that you can do anytime, anywhere without getting bored.

In fact, Densercise™ only takes 15 minutes a day just three times a week. And the entire System is available for immediate download—so you can get started just minutes from now!

The exercises in Densercise™ are not hard to learn. And once you familiarize yourself with the movements, you can even multitask – Densercise™ while you watch TV, for instance.

And even though they are simple and take only 15 minutes, the Densercise™ movements are extremely effective at building bone density.

And it’s actually fun! That’s right, you’ll actually enjoy the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System.

A Closer Look at Densercise™ and Why It’s So Powerful

The real secret that makes the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System so effective is something called Epidensity Training.

Inside your bones is hidden a very powerful secret. The secret is a “switch” that powers the creation of more bone. If you know how to flip this “switch,” then your bones will begin the process of getting stronger.

Using targeted exercises, we can change the environment your bones find themselves in.

Your skeleton is capable of “perceiving” the changes brought on by the targeted exercises. Strains of DNA are generated by physical activity, and these strains act as markers.

These genetic markers are then assessed by bone cells, which “read” them in order to assess your bones’ structural effectiveness. The bone cells act accordingly. This is the essence of epigenetic regulation of bone.

The Densercise™ Program shows you just what exercises you need to do in order to stimulate this epigenetic response in your skeleton, which is why it is called Epidensity Training.

The Densercise™ System includes specific exercises that flip this “switch” and trigger your bones to grow.

What Makes Densercise™ So Valuable

Each Exercise Is Beautifully Illustrated So You Know Exactly How to Do It

All 52 Densercise™ movements are fully illustrated by a professional artist. Instructions are crystal clear and easy to follow.

The Entire Program Can Be Done At Home!

You don’t have to join an expensive gym or hire a personal trainer to build your bones! With Densercise™, simply complete the exercises in the comfort of your own home following the instructions and videos!

Strengthen Your Bones and Look Great!

While Densercise™ can help you improve bone density, it can also help you regain toned muscle so you’ll look great! We don’t imagine you’ll complain!

Feel Like New in As Little As 30 Days!

You’ll feel the benefits of Densercise™ as soon as you get started. And you can look forward to feeling like a whole new person in as little as four weeks—All it takes is just 15 minutes of Densercise™, three times a week.

Build Your Bones Completely At Your Own Pace

With Densercise™, you can exercise at your own pace and enjoy significant progress no matter what your age or fitness level.

Never Suffer Through Boring Exercises Again!

The Densercise™ Epidensity Training System will keep you interested with a unique variety of weight bearing, resistance, and flexibility exercises. If “exercising” brings up nightmares of countless hours on a treadmill or stationary bike, don’t worry, Densercise™ was made for you! You’ll love it!

I created the Densercise™ eBook to help people of all ages…

  • Regain youthful vigor
  • Avoid prescription drugs and their side effects
  • Improve balance and posture
  • Restore and maintain youthful and strong bones

  • Get on the road to reversing osteoporosis and osteopenia
  • Improve flexibility
  • Increase strength
  • Tone muscle to achieve a youthful look

Densercise™ is proven.

After being diagnosed with osteoporosis, I made the decision to increase my exercise regimen and I included weight bearing, resistance, and flexibility exercises. I personally developed the most complete bone exercise system to date. And Densercise™ has helped me fight osteoporosis and increase my bone density by 20%.

Densercise™ is fast.

There’s no need to join a gym or hire a personal trainer. You can complete the training in just 15 minutes a day and you only need to Densercise™ three times a week. Of course, you can speed up your progress by exercising more often. In addition to helping you gain improved bone density, you’ll look and feel better and look younger—with youthful toned muscles. There’s no need to join a gym or a club. You can Densercise™ in the privacy of your home. And there’s no need to buy any equipment.

Densercise™ is fun.

Densercise™ meshes perfectly with our flagship Osteoporosis Reversal Program. Densercise™ is all you will ever need to exercise your bones and get on the road to improved bone density.

Here's what you get as part of the
Densercise™ Epidensity Training System

The Densercise™ Manual

  • All 52 Densercise™ moves are illustrated and include instructions so there’s no guess work and you can clearly follow along.
  • It is a complete, full-body exercise system for your bones.
  • It clearly walks you through a complete 4 week exercise schedule.
  • Thanks to the super-targeted Densercise™ moves along with the Density Training Method, you only need to practice the moves for 15 minutes a day.
  • Each day has 3 moves that target different muscles and bones.
  • Every day is different so you never get bored with the same old routine.
  • The Densercise™ Manual features a variety of weight bearing, resistance, flexibility moves and more, making the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System the most complete bone exercise system to date.

Densercise™ Online Video Collection

You'll get instant access to the total Densercise™ Online Video Collection.

With access to the Densercise™ video collection, getting started is simple and easy. In the online video, I personally guide you through Densercise™. I demonstrate each exercise — making it even easier for you to get started.

BONUS! Densercise™ Eating Guide

The Densercise™ Eating Guide is packed with healthy eating tips to give your bones the vitamins and nutrients they need to support maximum growth. You’ll discover the best foods to eat before and after you Densercise™. Even though you’ll see great results with the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System all by itself, your body will thank you for adding in even more bone building foods.

Get Access Now

$49.99 for only $27

60 Day You'll Love It Guarantee

We want you to be 100% satisfied or your money back! If you’re not satisfied with Densercise™ for any reason, please contact us (via email) within 60 days for a full, prompt, and courteous refund — no questions asked.

Your Questions Answered

Who is the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System for?

Densercise™ is for you if:

  • You want a four-week exercise program that incorporates a system of weight bearing, resistance, and postural exercises.
  • You want exercises to build and support bone in high-risk fracture areas such as wrists and ankles… plus the hips and spine.
  • You want a bone-building exercise program but don't want to buy any special equipment.
  • You want a bone strengthening exercise plan that only takes 15 minutes a day, three times a week in the comfort of your home.

The moves in the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System are designed so that anyone, regardless of fitness level, can safely exercise for their bones and increase their health and strength. Plus with Densercise™, you can exercise at your own pace and enjoy significant progress no matter your age or fitness level.

What is included in the Densercise™ Manual?

In the Manual you'll find the 52 Densercise™ moves with instructions and illustrations so you can clearly follow along. It walks you through a complete 4 week exercise schedule. Every day is different so you never get bored with the same old routine. And to get the results you're looking for all you need is 15 minutes 3 times a week.

What is the Densercise™ Eating Guide?

The Densercise™ Eating Guide gives you the best foods to eat before and after you exercise, so your bones will get the necessary nutrients to support their maximum growth.

Can I purchase the Online Video Collection and Densercise™ Eating Guide Bonus separately?

The video, where each Densercise™ move is demonstrated, and the Eating Guide are included for free when you order the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System. They’re not available for sale individually.

I was diagnosed with osteopenia, not osteoporosis. Can Densercise™ help me?

Yes. In fact, Densercise™ is designed to also help prevent and reverse osteoporosis and osteopenia.

Does Densercise™ require me to buy any special equipment or difficult-to-find exercise accessories?

Not at all. In fact, you can use common household products such as food cans in lieu of dumbbells.

Can I practice the Densercise™ exercises if I have never exercised before?

Absolutely! The moves in the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System are designed so that anyone, regardless of fitness level, can safely exercise for their bones and increase their strength. Plus with Densercise™, you can exercise at your own pace and enjoy significant progress no matter what your age or fitness level.

Is Densercise™ available in a physical printed format?

No, it’s only available instantly in digital format. The course as well as the downloadable PDF files are easily accessible through the Save Institute Members Platform which you can access on any device such as phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.

Are there any additional materials required to access the program?

No, the program is all you need.

Where do I turn to if I need help and guidance while going through the program?

The Support Group found on the Save Institute Members Platform is the best place to engage, ask questions, and share stories with Vivian and fellow Savers regarding Densercise™.

If you need additional help, our support team is just an email away! You may send an email to We do our best to reply within 24-48 hours and our support team is available Monday through Friday. Your email is extremely important to us and we value you being part of this amazing community.

What exactly do I get when I order Densercise™?

You'll get instant access to the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System, so you can get started right away. You'll receive an email that contains your sign in details which you'll use to access the program via the Save Institute Members Platform. You’ll get lifetime access to the program and can sign in anywhere via a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone. All the information is in one place and comes in a format that allows you to navigate it conveniently.

The program includes:

  • The Densercise™ Epidensity Training Manual
  • Densercise™ Online Video Collection
  • BONUS: Densercise™ Eating Guide
  • Support Group
  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

You'll also get access to features such as:

  • The Save Institute Members Platform
  • Bookmark feature
  • Downloadable PDFs

How much time does Densercise™ require from me?

Densercise™ only takes 15 minutes a day, three times per week to make real progress.

Until when do I get access to the program?

Your access never expires! After your order, you'll get lifetime access to the program so you can always refer back to it as needed.

How does Densercise differ from the other exercise guides?

Densercise™ is specifically developed to improve bone strength and quality. The Densercise™ Epidensity Training System is a four-week program that incorporates a system of weight bearing, resistance, and postural exercises. We developed the exercises to build and support bone in high-risk fracture areas such as wrists and ankles… plus the hips and spine. The system is uncomplicated and easy-to-follow. You don't need special equipment and can follow it in the comfort of your home. The illustrations and video demonstrations are all clear and easy to comprehend.

What if I have a certain condition that keeps me from doing some exercises?

Our advice is to check with a physical therapist first and present Densercise™ to them. They should be able to help you point out which move are safe for your condition and which are not.

How can I order Densercise™?

Step 1: Click the ‘Get Access Now’ button at the bottom of this page and select your package.

Step 2: Complete the short order form and click the ‘Click Here To Complete Your Order' button.

Step 3: You'll receive an email that contains your sign in information that you'll use to access the program via the Save Institute Members Platform. You’ll get lifetime access to the program and can sign in anywhere via a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone.

Rest assured that all your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction takes place on a secure server using the latest available technology.

What types of payment do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal.

Does my order of Densercise™ include a money-back guarantee?

Yes, definitely! You’ll get a 60-Day No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee. If you'd like a refund for any reason, simply email us at and we'll issue a quick and courteous refund.


1 Maddalozzo, G.F., and Snow, C.M. 2000. High intensity resistance training: Effects on bone in older men and women. Calcified Tissue International, 66, 399-404.
2 Andrew P. Feinberg, MD, MPH. Epigenetics at the Epicenter of Modern Medicine. Journal of the American Medical Association. March 19, 2008—Vol 299, No. 11.
3 Peter Vrtačnik, Janja Marc, Barbara Ostanek. “Epigenetics Mechanism in Bone”. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. Pages 1–20, ISSN (Online) 1437-4331, ISSN (Print) 1434-6621, DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2013-0770, December 2013.
4 Rönn T, Volkov P, Davegårdh C, Dayeh T, Hall E, Olsson AH, Nilsson E, Tornberg A, Dekker Nitert M, Eriksson KF, Jones HA, Groop L, & Ling C (2013). A six months exercise intervention influences the genome-wide DNA methylation pattern in human adipose tissue. PLoS genetics, 9 (6) PMID: 23825961

Densercise Epidensity Training System

$49.99 $27

  • Densercise™ Manual
  • Densercise™ Online Video Collection
  • BONUS! Densercise™ Eating Guide
  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • One-time payment. Lifetime access.

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All Access Bundle

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$349.99 $97

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All Access Bundle Plus

$599.99 $397

  • Everything that's included with the All Access Bundle
  • Plus Phone Consultation With Vivian Goldschmidt, MA
  • Plus 6 Months Access to a Bone Health Coach
  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • One-time payment. Lifetime access.

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