An Inspirational Audio Interview

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Inspiration

2 min Read

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Please note that the “The Bone Health Revolution” was the previous title for the “Osteoporosis Reversal Program”.

Here are the highlights of the conversation:

  • In 2004, Melanie Haas, from buffalo New York, doctor recommended that she drink a lot of milk to prevent further bone loss evidenced in her Bone Density Scan.
  • Two years later, Melanie was diagonosed with osteopenia, (increasing her milk consumption only made her gain weight) and was prescribed Fosamax. Her doctor also warned her that if she didn't start taking the medication immediately, she could fall and break a bone, and become immobile.
  • Melanie was worried about taking osteoporosis drugs since she knew that they contain harsh chemicals, and read first-hand accounts from people who suffered and continue to suffer from the side-effects of the drugs. After further research online, she came across the Save Our Bones website.
  • Melanie read Vivian's story and noticed how similar it is to her's, and decided to order the Osteoporosis Reversal Program so she could start to strengthen her bone density naturally without taking the drugs.
  • Melanie found the Program very easy to understand and follow, and this further motivated her to stay off the drugs.
  • After a year of following the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, she went back to her doctor for a Bone Density Scan and was amazed to find that her spine showed a normal reading and and that her hips had improved to only a -1. She had a great deal of success with the Program.
  • Melanie told everyone she knew about her results, and emailed Vivian to report the good news.
  • This is just one example proving that the Osteoporosis Reversal Program is effective in increasing bone density without drugs. Whether you have osteoporosis or osteopenia and even if you have already started taking the drugs, the Osteoporosis Reversal Program will increase your bone density.

Click here to learn about the drug-free Program Melanie used to increase her bone density »