Osteoporosis Scare Tactics: Has A Doctor Ever Done This To You?

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Inspiration

2 min Read

One of my most rewarding experiences is to visit different parts of the country and to lecture on osteoporosis and ostepenia to fellow “truth seekers” like you. All are eager to learn and share their experiences, and I'm eager to teach and listen.

One of issues that never fails to come up is the fear mongering used by their doctors. It typically goes something like this:

“If you don't take the prescription medicine (Fosamax, Boniva, Actonel, Evista, Reclast, Forteo, Protelos, etc.) , one day you'll fall, break a hip, end up in a wheel chair… and die.”

Now that's a grim outlook, if I ever heard one! But you don't have to stand for it. Armed with the truth, you can “filter” through this scare tactic.

And most importantly, you can make intelligent decisions about your bone and overall health. The key is to make decisions based on knowledge… not fear.

As explained in great detail in The Osteoporosis Reversal Program (Chapters 2 and 3), there is a lot more to predicting future fracture risk than a simple T-score, which is the only guideline doctors use. The problem is that they're missing the other half of the equation.

That's why a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine led by Karen Mauck, MD, MSC, reports that in reality, only 13% to 18% of women older than 50 meet the correct diagnosis criteria for osteoporosis.

So yet again, we have another sobering example of cookie-cutter medicine failing up to 87% of women that may have been incorrectly diagnosed. This alone should be cause for alarm to you when trying to pursue a life of wellness.

So if your doctor ever tries to scare you by painting a grim picture of your future, don't let that get in the way of true knowledge and your pursuit of happiness.

Has your doctor done this to you? Share your story with our community below.