9 Bone Damaging Chemicals You May Be Using Everyday - Save Our Bones

If you’re eating a bone healthy pH-balanced diet, exercising to strengthen your bones, and making lifestyle changes to reduce the acidifying effects of stress, you are doing the right thing! All these easy lifestyle changes will go a long way toward reversing osteoporosis and osteopenia.

Today, I’d like you to take a close look at the products you use to clean your home. Chances are, you are unknowingly exposing yourself to an excessive chemical load.

Toxic, acidifying chemicals are everywhere – in the air we breathe, in municipal water, and in auto exhaust. As if this were not enough, indoor air pollution is a also problem, especially in office and retail environments. Although some exposure is unavoidable, the good news is that as long as you’re following the Osteoporosis Reversal Program you’re greatly reducing the acidifying load that your body needs to “neutralize”.

But I still recommend detoxifying your system on a regular basis. I created the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse, to expedite the removal of the harmful osteoporosis prescription drugs from your bloodstream. Even if you never took the osteoporosis drugs, the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse also functions as an excellent general detoxifying program, and I personally use this easy method of cleansing my system at least twice a year.

In addition to cleansing a couple of times a year, it makes sense to minimize your exposure to toxins wherever possible, and the one place where you’re in control and can easily take steps to clean up your environment is inside your home.

What’s the Problem with Commercial Cleaning Products?

There’s no need to add to the toxic stew by using harmful chemical cleaning solutions, especially when there are safe alternatives that are easy to get or make at home.

Here are just a few of the toxic chemicals in common household cleaners – and remember, in addition to their individual characteristics, they are all acidifying:

Ammonia, found in a wide variety of cleaners, can cause kidney and liver damage. It’s also a neurotoxin and can inhibit the synthesis of critical neurotransmitters.

Butyl cellusolve (a.k.a. butyl glycol and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether), found in general degreasers, oven cleaners, spot removers, and glass and carpet cleaners. It’s a neurotoxin and reproductive toxin that’s capable of rapidly penetrating skin and can also cause damage to the liver and kidneys.

Diethanolamine (DEA), used in a many cleaning products, has been classified by the State of California as a suspected carcinogen. It is toxic to the skin and respiratory system.

D-limonene is included in many “natural” products. Although it’s made from orange peels, the end product is a highly concentrated neurotoxin that can also cause respiratory issues.

Ortho phenylphenol, found in many all-purpose cleaners, can cause which is a severe eye and skin irritant.

Parabens are used as preservatives in a wide range of cleaning products and have been shown to disrupt the endocrine system.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a chemical that increases the lathering capability of cleaning products, is a known skin irritant. More importantly, it can exacerbate that action of other toxic chemicals.

Toluene is a solvent that California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment has identified as a reproductive toxin that can damage the unborn.

Xylene, found in scuff and graffiti removers and adhesives, is a neurotoxin that can cause memory loss.

Do you want any of these chemicals touching your clothing or skin or polluting the air you and your family breathe inside your home?

So What’s a Person To Do?

Manufacturers are not required to list the ingredients in cleaning products because they are actually considered “trade secrets”. And even if all the ingredients were listed, the chemicals I described above are just a very small sampling of the toxins that are part of most commonly used household cleaning agents. You would have to be on the lookout for hundreds of chemicals.

Go Natural

The safest course is to avoid all commercial cleaning products except those that state on the label that they are non-toxic, fragrance free (or scented with 100% pure essential oils), and biodegradable.

Another option is to make your own cleaning products. That may sound daunting, but it really is quite simple, and can even save you quite a bit of money. A quick online search can provide you with easy, natural recipes for almost any cleaning need that you have.

Here are a few of my favorites made with common items that you probably already have in your cupboard:


Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, and voila! You have an all-purpose surface cleaner that will cut grease, remove mildew, disinfect and deodorize. Use it to clean your stovetop, bathtub, countertops, sinks, and floors.

Use undiluted vinegar to clean your toilet bowl. Just pour vinegar around the rim of the toilet bowl, scrub, and flush.

Vinegar’s also a great fabric softener – just add about ½ cup to your rinse cycle.

If you’re worried about your house smelling like a salad, don’t fret. The vinegar smell dissipates quickly, leaving behind only fresh, clean surfaces.

Caution: Make sure the vinegar is sufficiently diluted; otherwise, the acids can eat away at grout and similar surfaces. And never use vinegar on marble or other natural stones, such as granite.

Lemon juice

To freshen and deodorize your garbage disposal, run a whole lemon peel through the disposal.

Lemon juice is great for dissolving soap scum, removing hard water deposits. You can even use it for shining brass and copper.

Baking soda

Instead of using an abrasive surface cleaner, clean surfaces with baking soda. Simply make a paste by mixing it with water. It’s a great cleaner and stain remover.

And of course, baking soda is a great deodorizer – keep a box in your refrigerator, in a closet, or anywhere that needs a fresh scent.

Here’s another natural deodorizing tip: Simmer a few cinnamon sticks and cloves in water to make your whole house smell delicious!

And below’s my favorite recipe for an all-purpose cleaner – I always have some on hand in a spray bottle!

All Natural All Purpose Cleaner

Size: 16 oz.


1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon liquid soap made of vegetable oils (e.g., castile, olive oil, or Marseille soap)

4-5 drops orange or lemon essential oil (citrus cuts grease)
2 cups hot water


Combine all ingredients in a 16 oz (or larger) spray bottle and shake well. Allow to cool, and use anytime, anywhere.

With these simple DIY ideas, along with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program and the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse, you’ll increase your bone-building success and your overall health. You’ll feel better, you’ll have more energy, and it’ll be easier for you to reach your alkalizing goals.

If you haven’t yet, I recommend you try the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse – even if, like I, you never took osteoporosis drugs. The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse incorporates six easy-to-follow steps in only 7 days, all backed by scientific studies, that make it the fastest and most effective way to eliminate osteoporosis drugs and other toxins from your body.

The Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse also helps protect your liver and kidney function. Plus it accelerates your bone-building capacity by effectively balancing your body’s pH. You’ll also get mouth-watering recipes, including ingredients shopping lists, and best of all, clear, easy to understand step-by-step instructions that leave nothing to chance.

To your “clean” life!

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  1. Mary Beth

    What is a good clear gel cleanser to wash face? Is castille soap good?

    • Greg

      I use Dr. Bronners Magic Soaps > 18-in-1 Hemp, pure- castile soaps made with organic oils, for soaping up, washing hair, and washing of hands. Great stuff. Have had no problems with this product. Dr. Bonner soaps come in several types… Tea Tree, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Rose, Almond, natural, and more….. check it out. I’ve been using them for years now. Concentrated. Dilute if U wish.

  2. Linda

    When I worked in a Big Bear Deli, we cleaned the drains each day with the acid/alkaline reaction caused by pouring baking soda on the drains and pouring vinegar on it. It is cool, the bubbling reactions sizzles down the drains and cleans out all the grease and muck. To this day, I clean my drains this way.

  3. Arlene Walberg

    I also use hydrogen peroxide for brushing my teeth because it’s supposedly non toxic and green. Also use it for cleaning.

  4. mary t ball

    Thank u Vivian for very useful tips. White vinegar is also very effective on removing underarm odours and persperation stains.


  5. Doug

    I have found multiple web sites listing alkaline and acid forming foods. Why does opinion vary so much on which foods are acid or base. In 5 minutes I found a difference of opinion on green peas, olive oil and soy milk.


  6. phil nicholson

    Thanks for all the helpful information.

    My husband is a very heavy smoker and he smokes
    everywhere in the house:-(!

    I’m thinking of puchasing oxygen masks for the family….. it’s that bad!
    I try to air the house as much as I can when he’s not there which is seldom as he is retired….. god help us!



    • Greg

      Phil…. Show your husband a picture of a set of lungs from a smoker, whose smoked for several years. IF that doesn’t convince him, nothing will. His lungs probably already look bad, as it is but, he can extend his life, if he takes heed and starts initiating some helpful naturopathic ‘repairs’.. Good Luck.

  7. Valerie Goh

    love your tips, will give a try though I heard about using vinegar as cleansing agent before. thanks Dr. Vivian

  8. Linda


  9. Shula

    Thank you so much, I love the idea. Shula

  10. Cat

    Very helpful. And another good cleaner for granite is rubbing alcohol…diluted. If you don’t like the smell you can get wintergreen alcohol.

  11. Gerri D.

    Thanks Vivian for your houshold tips.My mother taught them to me when I was a young girl and we would clean the house together.
    Microfiber cloths are great too as a natural glass and window cleaner. Just use a dampened cloth with plain water and it is amazing how it cleans surfaces without chemicals.I also use them to clean my shower doors and tile walls.They are a real time saver.
    Thanks again,
    Gerri D.

  12. Paula

    Thanks Viv for your helpful household hints.
    Happy New Year 2012

  13. Shaw,C.

    Vivian, hello and howdy too 🙂 (o:
    Thank you for the information on internal body cleansing. I had been thinking about doing an internal cleanse, but my thoughts have been along the lines of fasting, (in fact I asked a close friend, if she wanted to do a fast), or of using a detoxifying tea. I plan on giving this method, Rapid Cleanse an opportunity.
    Also, thank you for those household cleaning ingredients, we will too, try them. Thank you again.
    Respectfully, Shaw, C.

  14. .Martha

    Thanks for the wonderful cleaning tips.

  15. .Martha

    I have been using your cleaning tips for years. My mother taught some ofthese things to me. Thanks for reminding me again.

  16. LESLIE

    Hi! Vivian,

    That Was VERY GOOD ADVICE On The 9 Bone Damageing Chemicals Found Around The House! Thank You VERY MUCH For SHARING IT With Me!


  17. Nina J.M. Mutebi

    Hi Dr. Vivian,
    Thank you for that great information about our bones. This has been an eye opener as my last born daughter – 19 years now is a great lover of milk, but complains of body pains. I had not taken seriously until I came across your website about the bones and milk. The earlier she stops taking milk the better and checks out her bone status.

    For air freshener in homes,boil the lemon peels. Let it the steam from it goo round the house for some minutes. This will give your house a natural smell. You could do the same with the lemon grass. In my country, we grow it around the house to give us the natural smell and at the same time chase off mosquitoes.

  18. LynnCS

    This is great information, Vivian. Every little change in habits makes a difference, I think. I recently started ordering a shampoo, conditioner that has no Laurel sulfate in it and has only ingredients from “natural” sources. I trust the company, so it is an improvement, I’m sure. Because I am older, I have a lot of years to overcome. 1st on my list of things to do this new year is the Rapid Cleanse. Thank you for all you do and I hope you and your family are enjoying a wonderful holiday season. Love, Lynn

  19. martha martinez

    As usual great ideas, the all purpose cleaner is a recipee I have been
    looking for. My bathroons have no windows and chemicals make me sick.
    Happy Holidays to all the “Save your Bones” community. Martha

  20. Suzy

    Thank you, Vivian — great stuff! And here’s another tip! Pour baking soda down any drain, and add white vinegar — voila! Your very own foaming drain cleaner! It can foam up pretty high and pretty fast, so be prepared to watch, or use smaller amounts.

  21. Dorothy Robinson

    Thanks so much for this info, very helpful. Have a blessed New Year.

  22. Dr Kandan

    Dear Dr. Vivian

    Thanks for your all efforts
    I am, board certified psychiatrist, and going on in authorising arabc book ( The remedy withour medicine)
    I am using your previous info and from other puplisher as refference.
    I hope you can give me more suggession and even to supply other more recent info.

    Best wishes

    Dr Kandan

  23. celia

    Having been recently diagnosed with hypersensitivity to petrochemicals, I have been researching this topic and have been shocked at the amount of nasties in everything from cosmetics to soap to cleaning products. So thanks for all this, Vivian. It may well help others to take these things seriously and clutter-clear their house of harmful chemicals.
    happy Christmas!

  24. Manohar Rao Vangoori

    Very educative!
    Merry X-mas and happy New Year!!!

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