Decisions, decisions, decisions! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you didn’t have to make them? The answer is no.
You should welcome being in control of your decisions because nobody is more qualified to make bone health decisions for yourself than you.
But because you may not be sure of yourself, you might become stressed and anxious.
So today, I want to give you the five main reasons why you are more than qualified to make your own osteoporosis choices – regardless of what anyone else tells you…
Because you are a truth-seeker
Nothing can stop you from finding the truth. The mere fact that you are on this website proves it.
You want to discover the truth about your osteoporosis diagnosis, about the drugs you were prescribed, and everything else you need to know, so you can make an educated decision. While others blindly accept what they’ve been given and told, you are willing to go the extra mile.
This isn’t to say that you will actively disobey what your doctor tells you, but rather you would like to discuss your findings with him or her in an open and pleasant dialogue. As George Lundberg, M.D., executive vice-president and editor-in-chief of Medicalogic/Medscape states in an interview, “physicians need to welcome the idea of patients being interested in their own health.” Amen, George!
Because you question everything
You want detailed, common-sense information and you won’t settle for the proverbial “because I say so.”
You want to get to the bottom of things. But did you know that unlike you, most doctors don’t research the latest health information?
The US Department of Health and Human Services reports that “once a new piece of scientific evidence emerges as a medical advance, it takes up to 17 years before doctors routinely incorporate that information into how they practice medicine” (Comparative Effectiveness Research: What It Means for You, Carolyn M. Clancy, M.D, April 7, 2009).
In light of this, it surely does not look like a good idea to rely on your doctor for the latest information on any health topic, let alone osteoporosis.
Because only you know what your “normal” feels like
You know yourself better than anyone else, so you know when you’re just not feeling right. I receive many emails from readers about how doctors denied the side-effects they suffered while taking osteoporosis drugs, and flatly transferred the blame to another unrelated condition.
For example, many in our community wrote that when they complained of acid reflux while taking bisphosphonates (a common side-effect of those drugs), the doctor would blame it on stress, and handed out yet another prescription for an anxiety drug. More often than not, stories like these don’t have a happy ending… As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect”, and you have been practicing at being “you” since the day you were born.
Because you did not study Medicine
You see, Medical students immerse themselves in a wide array of complicated subjects, and they also need to memorize information on thousands of prescription drugs. The Physician’s Desk Reference has information on over 4,000 drugs, and the number keeps growing every year. Clearly, doctors are exposed to an overwhelming amount of data.
So it is not surprising that Dr. Barbara Starfield of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health writes that there are about 250,000 iatrogenic deaths (physician-caused deaths) per year in the USA. Plus there are 12,000 unnecessary surgeries, 7,000 medication errors in hospitals, 20,000 “other errors” in hospitals, 80,000 infections acquired in hospitals, and 106,000 “non-error, negative effects of drugs.”
Alarmingly, medical-induced deaths are the third leading cause of death in the USA, after heart disease and cancer (B. Starfield, M.D., Journal of the American Medical Association, Is US health really the best in the world? July 2000).
Fortunately, you have an edge over any doctor because you only have to focus on your own health issues. If you've gone through the Osteoporosis Reversal Program and read the articles on this website, you most likely are already more of an expert on the truth about osteoporosis than your own doctor is!
Because you are self-sufficient
You know that your body is designed for health and not for disease, so you trust its ability to heal itself. Even a single microscopic cell in your body has more chemical processes going on than all the chemical factories in the world combined. Now multiply that by about 75 trillion, which is the approximate number of cells in your body, and you’ve got yourself an industrial complex the likes of which you’ll never see on our planet.
Indeed, osteoporosis prescriptions drugs are no match to what your osteoblasts and osteoclasts can do.
And let’s not forget that Nature also gives you a helping hand to improve your bone health. For example, there are approximately 8,000 bone-healthy plant polyphenols that can help increase the production of osteoblasts (Garie G. Duthie et al. Plant Polyphenols: are they the new magic bullet? Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 2003).
These powerful antioxidants are found in every day fruits like apples, cherries, cantaloupe, pears and grapes.
Now that you know that you are your best bone health decision-maker, it will help you achieve peace of mind. And then, a beautiful thing happens: along with the peace of mind comes less stress, better decisions, and better overall bone health. As I mentioned before, this website is testimony to your willingness to take responsibility for your bone health and to the power in your decisions – I'm glad you made it here.
I have fallen and broken my hip I have a rod inside my femur and screws holding it, I was told by the orto doc that the rod went in to easy so I felt like maybe it was time to take the boniva after many years of being told I should, we’ll I have taken it for 10 month and have started having terrible muscle , knee pain and problems with my teeth,I did not take my 11 month pill and will not anymore, but I really need help knowing what to eat to help my bones I have a -3.5 bone scan area in lower back which really worries me. I am 62 please help me.
Chris, remember, no on can make you take (or continue to take) osteoporosis drugs! It’s your decision, and if you are not comfortable with the way the Boniva makes you feel, you are not obligated to keep taking it. If you want to build your bones without drugs, you’ve come to the right place. 🙂 We’re here for you!
Reading your post today, which referenced Dr. Barbara Starfield, I was reminded of something I had read earlier about her death by drowning following a cerebral hemorrhage. Please note the following comments from a Oct. 10, 2012 posting by the Mercola website. “In an ironic twist of fate, Dr. Starfield, the Johns Hopkins doctor who, over a decade ago, presented the shocking evidence in JAMA that caused me to coin the phrase “doctors are the third leading cause of death in the US,” has died from fatal brain hemorrhage following a Plavix-aspirin regimen, as prescribed by her cardiologist.” I didn’t have time to read through all of the comments on this subject on your website, Vivian, so maybe someone else had pointed this out earlier.
You are preaching to my “choir”. Very good discussion.
At 68 years of age I had my first bone density test. It showed moderate bone density loss in vertebra L1 and very slight bone density loss in left hope. I had already searched out the Save Our Bones program and begun the exercises. I’m very active physically, walk, bicycle, do some weight training. When we talked about the results of my bone density test I showed my doctor the program and the orthopedic doctor’s endorsement in the material I had. He was familiar with the doctor and was more than willing for me to deal with what he called “a very slight bone density loss” with exercise and diet. I will have another bone density test in two years. I’m am doing the desercises three times a week and improving my diet gradually. And being faithful with calcium supplements. I like your program and will continue to work with it. Thanks for your research!
Sorry, I am NOT going to click the “like” button because I do not like Facebook, I find it more than a bit intrusive.
Your article makes sense on the whole. I too have gotten bad advice from more than one doctor who has not kept up with the latest findings, and I have no idea whether I really do have osteoporosis, or if it were only in my doctor’s mind.
I wish the only interaction with the medical community was osteoporosis, but I am looking at Stage IV colorectal cancer, and that has been really complicated. After two months of healing from surgery, I face chemotherapy in a week, and all they say about side effects, etc., is first we try it (6-hour infusion) and see how you react, and then we’ll deal with that.
So why is this blog controversial??? I now realize how great my doctor must be, as I’ve researched and questioned for years, and he encourages me. One comment, and off the Fosamax! One question about K2 and strontium (backed by copies of the research and source) and he sent me to the carefully picked specialist who agreed to let me try them instead, encouraging me after carefully testing me. When he heard that, my doctor did a fist bump with the universe, accompanied by a shouted “YES!!!” Apparently I’ve been really lucky with my doctors. Keep looking. There are some out there! (This one is not young, either.)
I appreciate your comments about having an open minded doctor. Mine is more traditional and recommends the known drug, but adds, “of course it’s your choice if you decide not to take it”. I do have a local pharmacist who is a Woman’s Health Specialist and by appt provides a consultation. She is also open to natural health options, but in my case really thought I should be on Forteo. I have received very beneficial input to my health issues otherwise and am grateful.
I have only been using the program for a couple of months, and for me the vegetables are enjoyable. I wonder about the fructose in too much fruit. I am thankful to have found this program and the forum of discussion it provides both pro and con. I take medication for GERD (faulty valve), but have extended time between pills to 36 hours and am working on getting off it altogether if possible.
I wish Vivian and staff and all the members of the program a very Happy New Year, better bone health, and inner peace, hope and joy in every circumstance.
I also wanted to ask Nancy about Strontium as that has been recommended for me (I take K2). If you do use it what feedback do you have about it?
A wonderful story, thank you. It had me thinking about a ‘spur heel’ that is presently annoying me. I avoid walking on hard surfaces, if at all possible, because the spur heel pain flares up, making me rest more than I would like. Feet are made for walkin’! Is there any information in your program that can overcome the spur heel? Thank you, once again!
I agree with everything stated in this article.
Thanks for all your good articles. I already felt the same as you about taking control of my own bone health issues; just don’t trust any of the meds the “medical doctors” are putting out there for us.
have been doing your exercises thank you.
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The year we went on Safari to Kenya and Tanzania we rode 6 hours a day in little vans on very BUMPY roads. The up and down force on my spine increased my bone density. When I saw your heel lift exercise it was the same thing. I like to hold onto my windowsill and look out side while doing these. or at the kitchen sink. Thanks for the geat information to help make us stronger.
Does anyone take bio-identical hormones. I was told to get on progesterone,
testertone and vivelle (estradiol) I was told this would help balance me out and help me to absorb calcium, and that it would help lubricate my joints as well. I am not sure about any hormone, even bio-identical. Comments please.
Miss Bones: You are smart,thank you for passing it along.I like information. I am a 77 year old single male/live alone,I choose that. I am not retired because I choose that also.I’m a licensed/certified pilot/flight instructor/mechanic aircraft and cars teacher of the above.I have doned this for over 50 years.I like my life and professions I will never quit.I live on a 95 acre airport called Cagney Airport,Clio,Michigan.Also I am the best trial lawyer I know,I had to get into law because of dumb attorneys. tom
You always send me very good articles to read. I am very happy to read and is very informative.
This is a question rather than a comment. I read your article re the importance of alkaline foods to help your bones .Was just wondering if organic apple cider vinegar is alkaline? i like to add it to my diet because of its wonderful mineral content and digestive qualities.
ve shared your information with my son……very helpful to say also with me…Thank you…Vivian
Hi Vivian,
Thank you for all the continual information you are sending.I am learning so much in what you are saying.
It is so encouraging to know that our bodies are the real healers of it’s own problems.And you Vivian giving your time to make us /me aware of the right path in helping our bodies to do that.
I have read the article and I DO agree with you completely … As I always eat healthy food ,, I cook with olive oil and I go for a walk 3 times a week ,,, in addition to my daily activities ,,, I have stopped taking almost all the medications that the doctor prescribed to me after reading and searching the web and joining this site ,, I take only Vitamin B complex, B6 and Caltrate 600 with vitamin D in addition to vitamin C ,,, I am now much better ,, in fact I – not only feel psychologically better but physiologically as well ,, finding out the terrible side effect of all those drugs scared me ,, I would like to than Dr. Vivian for the good work she is contributing to us ,,,
May the Almighty Allah grant you health & happiness dear Dr. Vivian
About 18 months ago I had my second bone scan. Soon after my doctor said “Well, it looks like Evista isn’t working, I think we’d better put you on Fosamax.” I told her I didn’t want to take that drug. I think I had already heard some bad reports about it. She wrote the prescription for me in case I would change my mind. I didn’t! Instead, I try my best to eat the right balance of acidifying/alkalizing foods, almond milk, distilled water etc. Aside from a few problems that come with living a long time (84), I feel good. I never noticed any side effects while on Evista. Did opthers have bad effects from that med? In about six months, I’ll have my 3rd bone scan. I expect to send a good report.
Shirley, I am having the same experience. Having read about the dubiety of Fosamax, I discontinued its intake in 2011. My doctor only questioned my decision, said that it was only based on attorneys’ lawsuit pursuits, and gave no alternative. I am wavering in the wind hoping Vitamin C takes up the slack until my next bone scan of which I do not welcome, and question, the radiation.
I have known for many years that western medicine got way too far in the wrong direction and that is why that I, for the past over 30 years don´t rely on doctors to keep healthy. I will be 65 this year and don´t have any major health problems thanks to my decission from many years ago when I myself became responsible for my own health, be it physical or mental.
It is wonderful to learn that drugs are not the best way to produce strong bones. Thank you for your website and your information. My doctor tried to have me start Fosimax but my sister had already suffered bone loss and tooth loss after taking it.
great work.at 82 i don’t have those problems.i try to eat very care full.
no cows milk,no soy.i use macademia oil for cooking, grass fed meat plus i use filtered water, & i do pace exercise.these are some of my attack dogs
moringa,nattakinais.seanol.resveratrol & lot of sea weeds’i feel like 40 yrs old.ever part oe my body is active.
This is wonderful information!!!! My friend has this issue and I have sent her(Suzy) your email. Thank you!
Stephanie Misasi
I was diganosed with “advanced osteoporosis for my age” in September 2010. I am 71, and had my first bone scan in Sept. 2010, when I was shocked to hear I had osteoporosis. I never thought I would have it, but one doctor said it’s because I’m white and thin. At that time, I found out I had fractured two vertebrae, the pain causing me to have the bone scan in the first place. I am trying natural methods to overcome the problem, but I also fractured a 3rd vetebra in April 2011. I just saw an orthopedic surgeon who said he thinks I should go on one of the many drugs for osteoporosis. I am not now nor have I ever been a fan of man-made drugs. I left his office feeling hopeless. I take calcium, vitamin D, essential fatty acids, vitamin K2, a multi-vitamin, and other supplements. I am also mostly vegan, though I eat eggs and I eat fish once in a while. Am I doomed for more spinal fractures – or worse?
thank you ,great encouragement..Ita.
Can I comment about taking Calcium suppliments here? as I forgot to leave a comment when I read your article about Calcium.
It is alarming that a high % of the general public don’t realise that taking Calcium suppliment is not ideal and what the negative effects can be.
Often trying to do a research on this, can often be difficult, as the materials available can be somewhat contradictory, thus confusing…however, what I have been reading about your various articles..they all make alot of sense.
Most important of all, it is all base on natural products and not on “chemically” made medication.
My brother in law told me I should take calcium suppliments…I took it for quite some months…I wonder if this is one of the factors that also led to a build up of my having kidney stones!!
Last but not least, I don’t believe in taking medications when one is able to find a natural alternative!!! the health care team here was “desperate” to put me on medication with ref. to my high blood pressure.
How is it that they don’t understand that they are trying to treat the symptom and not the cause? In doing so, they only create a vicious cycle, where the patient will feel that they have no control over their own situation…= the patient will get even more hyper. I mananged to bring my blood pressure down…without medication!!
Thank you Vivien
Vivian, I am concerned because this week I ordered the SAVE OUR
BONES programme and was promised sheets that were to come directly to my e-mail address and the book in a few days….I paid by credit card, yet I received NO CONFIRMATION that my order had beeb received nor have I received any sheets by e-mail.
I am an old age pensioner and cannot afford to throw away 75 dollars plus. What’s going on?????? Yours truly, Pat Martin
I need help in purchasing the required supplements. I’ve been to Srouts four times. Isn’t there a multi supplement? I can not find everything needed per the book without purchasing individually, as I do not enjoy taking pills I’m hoping you’ll have a suggestion.
Thank you
Thank you Ms. Goldsmith for the information you’ve been sending via email on bone health & the risks of taking biphosphonates. I am a dialysis patient and was also recently diagnosed to have osteoporosis on my hip. I would rather strengthen my bones through diet than by taking Fosavance the medicine prescribed by my doctors. I live in the Philippines and I’ve been looking at the fruits & vegetables you suggest to improve bone health & most are found locallly. However, I am also disabled (unable to walk w/o help) butI can do exercises sitting or as long I have support. I would thus, appreciate it if you could send me videos of such exercises.
I purchased the program, and will have “the conversation” with my dr. tomorrow. He prescribed fosamax for me, but I have not taken it. After reading the books and articles, I feel well-informed and prepared to make my case to follow “save our bones.” I also appreciate how customer service always responds with thorough answers to questions when I e-mail them. Thank you, thank you. I am going to buy a book for each of my young adult daughters. I wish I had this information 10 or 15 years ago…..but it’s time to look forward, not back. Is one year on the program enough to see results on a scan?
Obviously you hit a nerve that needed to be hit and thus the many positive responses. Sadly many won’t get your information as they do not seek, just run to the doctor for help and accept anything the doctor or pharmacists says. ‘You are responsible for your own life’ does not seem to play with too many.
Thank you for your wonderful work and sharing of your knowledge.
Videos are fine for the illiterates, but most of us readers can assimilate the content faster by reading. Please give us readers the chance to read a transcript, rather than have our valuable time taken up by having to listen to waffle.
If you are referring to the RESTORE video, sir, there is a transcript (as there is for most of Vivian’s videos). Just click where it says “Click to Download the Restore Video Transcript” directly below the video.
i like your articlesthey are informative and easy to understand easy to implement into your every day activities
I agree with you about doctors. Some of them have a real ego problem, and think they are God. Others, like you say, are basically uninformed about natural methods of healing, or they pooh-pooh the whole idea. I am fortunate in that I have a doctor who also believes in holistic healing and regularly dispenses or suggests nutritional substitutes for the commonly used drugs that are dispensed by his colleagues. I was surprised to learn from your commentary that drugs are the third leading cause of death. At last count, they were considered the fourth leading cause. It’s really scary, isn’t it? Because a lot of people wouldn’t think of defying their doctors. Well, I ain’t one of them, and I’m still here. I guess that says something, doesn’t it? Yay, Vivian! Keep up the good work! We love you and so do our bones.
Vivian: Am s-o-o happy with your “Blog”, and other comments, that my Osteoporosis is ‘not a disease, but can be turned around by Diet. Such a relief!!
THANK YOU for being a “Truth – Seeker”!
Velma Sturm
I certainly agree with you,Vivian. When I had my last physical my doctor indicated that I was foolish told me I would not be able to do anything for my bones with diet.
Thank you for the reassurance, Vivian. It does helps and I confess that I’ve reached the conclusion that the worry over side effects of bisphosphonates is undesirable, especially as I spent the first 6 months of this year undergoing treatment for breast cancer. I’ve stepped up exercises and tweaked my diet, however, I’m still hesitating over stopping taking alendronic acid. This morning, for the first time, I didn’t take the weekly tablet. Will this cause anxiety? We shall see. Meanwhile, I plan to tackle the doctor as to why diet and exercise were’nt discussed after the osteopenia was diagnosed following the DEXA scan.
Hello Bee Thank You so much for your comments. I, too, spent the first 6 mts doing chemo, radiation, for breast cancer. (After healing from a mastectomy in Sept. 2010. This was my 2nd time to go through it in the last 5 years.
You did not mention your age. I am 65. I’ve been very active all my life. I’m still a physical person. But I have a crushed vertabrae (T-7) 35%. I can’t do much now. I’m a swimmer, dancer, horseback rider,,,,,,etc.
I’ve worked hard most of my life. I was looking forward to an active retirement. This is rough. OK, But I have friends that had cancer when I was first diagnosed who have already passed away. I am Grateful!
Even so, the arimidex, aromasin, steroids, (taken to prevent inflamation, nausea) from the chemo drugs, actually cause our bones to dry out, get brittle and crack. Typical side effects of these drugs are “joint pain, bone fractures”, etc. Even worse, while on chemo it’s hard to eat much of anything, the effort is to keep something down that resembles food. We are in a more delicate situation than most (who are just fighting osteoporosis).
God help us in the decisions we make. We were poked, infused, flooded with the nastiest drugs on earth, brunt to a crisp on a cold table, only to survive with these dried out crunchy bones, that like potato chips, can be crushed or cracked without us even being aware.
I love to cook, and I am very interested in nutrition. When I’m feeling good I hunger for healthy foods and get the urge to do fun stuff like hike, or take a friend out. Life is short and every minute counts. Bee, I hope I have helped or inspired you in some way. take care and I will too.
I to I totally agree with you about our responsibility in taking care of our precious bodies. But what does one do when the choices are taken out of our grasp. I was recentaly diagonosed with hyper-thyroid an auto immune decease, and now all the good vegetables and food like kayl, cauliflower, broccoli to name a few are forbitten to me because they all have iodine as does any milk product, and fish and all sea food. I am between a rock and a hard place. This has become like a ball and chain. Anyway, Blessings and have a woner day.
I totally agree with you about our responsibility in taking care of our precious bodies. We need to be in touch with our bodies so we know when something is wrong. The difficult part is getting your doctor to believe you and follow through with what you have to say about your own health. I believe you and your doctor should be partners in the caring for your health. Most doctors do not have the time, patience or what other excuse they have in not listening to their patients. My doctor was out right offended when he told me to take the Osteoporosis drugs and I told him I would not take them, but would rather find another way to strengthen my bones. I do read your e-mails often and get a lot out of them. However, after paying for your information, I do feel a bit “used” when you tell me that I have to pay again just to get the densercise directions. Sorry, but that is how I feel.
Thank you again Vivian. I do always question any medication that is offered to me. The reason for this is my now lack of confidence in doctors due to bad experiences. My hearing in my right ear had been deteriorating for a very long time and was becoming worse. Spoke to my doctor who said he could send me for a hearing test but it was a two year waiting list!
At that time I did not have any other option so agreed to this. I could feel there was a problem in this ear which was growing worse and worse so rang the hospital to ask if this appointment could be brought forward, luckily after telling them I would soon be deaf in that ear they finally hurried my appointment through. The hospital arranged for me to see an ENT consultant who arranged for an MRI scan. This showed that I had an Acoustic Neuroma which is a tumour that had developed on the 6th 7th and 8th vestibular nerves and was now butted up to my brainstem, so listen to your body not the doctors!
Everything you are saying makes so much sense.
And, even though you have been telling like it is… there seems to be a lot of news lately about how many deaths are caused by prescriptions; and talk of finally making drug companies, doctors accountable for “over prescribing.” I’m following your plan, and helping my 84 year old sister to do the same.
Thank you!
I stopped taking Boniva last May following all the scary stories about sudden thigh bone breaks. Now I’m following your program and trying to eat a more-alkaline diet. (For years, I have spent one or two hours each day with weight training, Pilates, tai chi and brisk walking — so I’m pretty strong).
When I told my doctor of my decision, he pointed out that only a small percentage of bisphosimate-takers had experienced broken bones, and said they usually recommended the drugs for five years. (I had taken Boniva for 2-1/2 years). Was originally told that they would be taken for life — and now understand that a drug holiday is recommended after three years. So yes, I apparently am more “up” on the latest findings.
excellent article and I totally agree
I think that over the years we all were trusted to believe what ever we were told by doctors. Not realizing at that time the trillion dollar drug market we were about to be entering. Since my battle with the side effects of actonel,fosamax (generic)from broken teeth to eye problems, we have found that through natural and herbal remedy’s we could achieve our solution. Since the start of my side effects what we have found to help dramatically with the pain in the hands and fingers and joints is Devils claw creme used 2xs a day along with taking hylauronic acid also 2xs a day. After about 2 weeks we had noticed a dramatic relief in the joint and hand pain. We are also going to a rhumotolgist for a consultation and his findings also. What we have learned since having developed these problems is that as much as these drugs are to be building bone they at the same time are making bone more brittle being like a double edged sword. Hopefully some young women who are being told of these drugs think twice and seek a herbal and natural way to remedy the situation of aging. One other very important factor which very few if any even speak about is “resistance” exercise. This is as important as the medication to keep bone strong and healthy.
Hello Vivian, I have not been in the loop lately because I have a lot to do. I was wondering if anyone can explain PTH to me
My mother has an elevated PTH of 74H . I know that is high but her calcium is normal. Her rheumatologist has not responded to her primary care doctor. I did take her to a medical nutritionist and she put her on liquid vitamin D an K which is made by Douglass Labs. The other supplements are thyroid related and do not seem to be disagreeing with her. We will meet with her again this week. Thank you Irene
I always research any drug or supplement recommended, and when I have felt it was contraindicated, explained why to my doctor and the doctor has agreed with me. Doctors follow the “general best for the normal” population, and I agree that none of us are the “average”.
We are all unique and must know, listen to, and follow what our bodies tell us.
My body has always like an alkaline diet, exercise and lots of organic fruits and veggies. My osteoporosis is in only one hip, I therefore wonder if I have been favoring that side for years since breaking both bones in that lower leg. I am therefore concentrating on using that foot and leg more forcefully when walking and exercising. Only time will tell if the bone regenerates, but I think it will.
I was prescribed 1500 mg of calcium a day. I consume 3 chewables throughout the day. However, having read Save Our Bones, I understand that only 50% of that is actually absorbed. Then I get algae based calcium tablets of which 3 are also consumed throughout the day. But, the algae based calcium is not a chewable and only has 770 mg per three tablets. Am I to assume that the algae based pill is completely absorbed, giving me 770 mg a day? And since the chewable gives me 750 mg of actual absorbed calcium a day, did the doctor prescribed 1500 mg knowing that I would only get 1/2 of it, or am I supposed to double up on either of these choices? (Algae based is more expensive.) Also, what do you think of Advacal? I appreciate any comments or advice. Thanks!
Hi Terri, Please read my free Ultimate Calcium Guide for info about why the amount of calcium you take is not nearly as important as the type of calcium (and lots more about calcium). You can get it here: https://saveourbones.com/the-ultimate-calcium-guide/
vivian; I read all you send find it interesting and knowledgeable thanh you tony
I am so glad you are offering an alternative to the drugs Doctors are offering today. I had a difficult discussion with my Doctor and she said I had to take a course of treatment of some kind, all with medicines like bio phosphates and other hormone based drugs. I did not say NO but I did not tell her when or if I was going to take her prescription.
She told me to think about it.
I have seen ads recently on television about class action law suits for people who have taken these drugs because one of the side effects from these drugs is that they that actually lead to fractures. I refuse to take these chemicals and I have changed my diet and supplementation to work on my bone density. The sad thing is that most doctors don’t know anything about nutrition and go straight for the medications. My doctor said she read in a Journal that the studies supporting these drugs showed so much benefit from them, but no one ever tells you what they actually do to your bones by creating weaker bone in the long run.
Keep up your good work of informing people about good nutrition for better bones.
thank you,Ita
Good Job.
This is a very good website as you continue to add to our knowledge with various information. It did not stop with the book I “copied” but you are wonderful support with more and more information. Thank you
Sue W. ( age 70)
You are most welcome, Sue. I’m glad you enjoy the information! You can trust that I will continue to provide you with new information as it comes out and keep you up to date with new developments in bone health research.
I had left heel pain and discomfort at my left hip joint. Interestingly, I used to carry my mobile phone in my left pocket… doctor told me that my left heel is a result of my poor posture, and my left hip joint is scarred as well. After a course of treatment, pain got slightly better and I had removed my mobile from my left pocket as well. So far, my left hip feels fine, as good as new.
I had wondered why?? after reading your article, I got my answer. thanks Dr Vivian
Hi Vivian. I was diagnosed with osteo’ about 5 yrs ago after a private scan. Had a DEXA with NHS confirming and took Actonel for 4 yrs. I had 2 breaks in 12 months and was put on Aclasta infusion. I’ve had 2 sessions so far but shall refuse the next one. I was alerted to the dangers of the drugs as a friend got osteonecrosis after taking Fosomax so i looked on the net and found your book so now I am trying to follow your guidelines. One question, “why is it best to eat Romaine lettuce in preference to others?”
I wanted to see the answer regarding the romaine lettuace.
dont see an answer yet but I bet it is due to the additional “green”. I stay away from the traditional “ice berg” lettuce and have for years. I understand we are seeking COLOR in our veg and fruit.
Hi Jenny,
Romaine is much richer in nutrients than most other varieties of lettuce. As a comparison, romaine contains more than 10 times as much calcium as iceberg lettuce, more than 3 times as much Vitamin K, and more than 4 times as much folate.
Hi Vivian,
I am doing all I can to stay on the bone healthy program. I am sure it will be effective,as I have some background in nutrition and public health. What a relief to be off the biophosphonates for the last 6 months. It took 3 months for the esophageal syptoms to resolve. Had my throat checked for cancer, negative. Vision disturbances have gone, etc. My next scan is due later this year.
I appreciate your program. Thank you very much.
Dear Vivian: Just last April 13, I got “Osteoporosis Reversal Program” book. My daughter Angelica Urdanivia paid for it with her credit card.
I feel very grateful in the first place with the Universe because puts you in my life. And the second place with you, because you are my Angel. You are my Light.
I send you may blessings for shering with me and other women your knowledment. I know your investigation has been very hard. Thank you for your honesty.
I always read all the valuable information that you mail me and, of course, I will read Save Our Bones Progran book too.
My warmly regards.
Dear Vivian,
I agree with you and am a seeker of the truth about my body. I try to keep up to date. I appreciate the information you give. I have just begun the save my bones program and look forward to the values of my next bone density examination in about a year.
Mary Blomberg,
Stockholm Sweden
You are write about asking your doctor.
I Relly agree with what you have said.
I relly want to ask my doctor to be sure it is ok.
Your friend Virginia parka
Keizer Oregon
Hello Vivian,
I received my copy of Save Our Bones. I haven’t gotten very far yet, but seem to remember you talking about a website where you recommend the brand of supplements you like. Would you please give me that website again? I’m not sure that I am absorbing my calcium supplements and you mentioned marine algae.
Dear Vivian,
I recently read ” Save Our Bones “and am
already following the Program. I also did
“Rapid Cleanse”.Needless to say I stopped
taking Actonel two months ago and that
makes me feel good !
I enjoy all your reports as every day I learn someting new.Keep up the good work !
Thanks for all your help.
Dear Vivian,
I have read your great book and am currently
following the program. I have also
I would like to know how blueberries cranberries plums and prunes affect your bone density.
A couple of months ago, my Rheumatologist said I have Osteopenia after having a bone density test…not Osteoporosis yet, but he put me on Fosamax saying that I was at a high risk of breaking bones. I took it for about 5 weeks and started having side effects. That’s when I did research on it online and read your articles on your site about bone loss, etc. Sure enough my side effects were all there so I stopped taking the Fosamax. When I told my doctor, he wanted to give me a prescription for another med, but I refused telling him what I had learned. He kind of poo-pooed what I said but I stuck to my guns telling him that I was going to stick with taking Vitamin D and calcium. He wasn’t too pleased, but it’s my body. I really like all of the information that you provide on this site and the fact that you are trying to protect people from these drugs. Thank you.
Very good and necessary wake-up call.
We really need to understand how much we can accomplish by taking care of ourselves.
Thanks for helping.
Thank you for this wonderful, uplifting, and encouraging post. It is EXACTLY what I needed to hear. Thank you for all that you do. Keep it going strong!
I am totally confused as to the difference between plain bone loss and arthritis. When anything in my body pertaining to bone loss occurs my doctor calls it arthritis. I have lost both shoulders which I am helping through exercise, now one of my knees is acting up. Again, bone loss (arthritis). I am confused about taking injections, etc. Should I wait it out and try to heal with your program or what? Marian
Hi Marian,
If you have arthritis, it has nothing to do with bone loss. With arthritis, cartilage (not bone) gets inflamed and eventually degraded to varying degrees. Although the acid/alkaline balanced diet in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program can be helpful for many conditions, the program is specific to osteoporosis or osteopenia.
Hi Marian and Vivian,
Interesting you say that Marian,I have been told the same from my Dr’
Maybe they are generalizing,to explain the pain, not going into the detail of the pacifics of what really does happen.
Hi Viv,
I enjoy all of your correspondence. It has provided me with some very useful information.
Cheers, Barry.
I have purchased this program, but I keep getting purchasing ads.
I would love to buy your book but do not want to do so via my credit card.
Could I order it and send a check?
thank you for your information on bone
Sure Millie! Here are instructions for ordering by mail with a check or money order: https://saveourbones.com/mail
We always hear about women and elderly men getting osteoperosis and hardly ever about young men.
My husband, 40 yrs of age has been diagnosed with severe osteo. He has had all the main test with good results. They found only his vitD to be low.Of course they want him to take medication which he hasn’t yet and hopefully he won’t.
I just want to know, if it’s normal for a young male adult to have this.
I’m very happy to have found this site as it has given me more faith. I don’t feel scared anymore and i’m more determined to becoming more healthy.
Thank you
There are many of the above remarks that I would like to see your answers to. I was on Fosamax for some 10 years or more and one year on Eclasta infusion which is finished. Not on anything now. Should I carry on with the 2 Calcium with Vitamin D each day? Read an article that says that a calcium build-up is one of the causes of osteoporosis! Says to stop for 3 months to allow Magnesium to buildup in the body???? I was also on Zoton (pump inhibitor?) for reflux. Have stopped that too quite recently. Have Hiatus Hernia which caused the reflux but the Fosamax obviously helped it!!! Would appreciate answers as is all very confusing. Have had numerous fractures and quite recently a crushed vertebrae from having an Endoscopy.
I think your blog is right on. I was stressing about what to do when I found your website and ordered the program. Also hada good discussion with my Orthopedic Dr. ans he agreed to giving this program a trial for a year to a year and a half. Thank you.
Thanks.Extremely valuable and interesting figures on medical deaths,errors.
This was a terrific article. indeed, I do like to be in charge of my bone health and it has indeed caused me much anxiety. Thanks to your website, the decisions are easier. Bev
I have a ‘high risk’ fracture score and have taken biphosphonates for 5 years. I also have a scholiosis and following an accident have had three lumbar surgeries including a spinal fusion and am really afraid of relying solely on diet and vitamin supplements.
Hi Vivian;
I agree with Cate’s comment – it is hard to go against accepting what the doctor says
unconditionally – we need to know that others
make their own decisions about their bone
health too, and have good reason to do so.
I ordered the book but don’t think my address
in Canada was accepted.????
I especially need a push to exercise, I feel
fine and was always quite fit but to build my
bones I have to take actionand be more
motivated. ’till next time.
A key to many people’s attitude to their doctors is your use of the phrase “that you will actively disobey what your doctor tells you.” We need to realize that doctors are not the boss. Your doctor is your employee, one with certain knowledge, opinions and approaches, but certainly NOT the source of truth, and NOT a person to be obeyed. We need to grow up and stop being intimidated by doctors. We now know that a significant amount of what they consider truth is very much open to question.
I agree – doctors hand out prescriptions too easily. Enjoying “Save Our Bones” immensely.
Thank you.
Thank you Vivian for your dedication to informing us about the downside
of drugs like Alendronate like I had been on for c. 5 years. A week after considering your information I took myself off the drug. I feel fine and strong. I disliked being on the drug from the first and am open to trying to do without.I think you say that at first, our osteoclasts, which have been suppressed for so long by the drug will take awhile to kick in and that the osteoblasts will be having a field day. How long before the osteoclasts restart the regeneration process? How much Calcium and D vitamins should we take daily?
I have not yet consulted my doctor and a close friend is skeptical.
I’m going to keep on trying to do without the drug, watch and feel
how my body is doing and within maybe 10 months go have another
bone scan to check the effects on my bones–which over the last few
years have become more porous–I’m 2 inches shorter than I was at
50. (I’m 59 now) Thanks for all you do! Ciael
With only two month on Boniva, my right knee was in so much pain, I had to walk up the stairs backwards….when I called my dr. he told me to stop it and when it heals, we will take it from there.
It took several months to rid the Boniva from my body….By the end of August I was pain free. I am thanking my lucky stars I found this program…..I am just loving it.
Warm Regards to Viv.
I was told I have “Osteopenia” in the right hip. TheDR. started to say what I should take. I said sorry I will not take any RX for it. Oh was the reply! But did not ask what I was doing.
So thank you Viv for your book.
Vivian, your comments are so true. It was almost like hearing myself!!!!!!. I can identify myself strongly. My own GP actually is extremely good. She listens as well as just hears me. She accepts my comments and questions; she will also answer honestly if she has no answer and will investigate my question and get back to me. She does not mind me questioning her treatment and suggesting alternatives. She welcomes i!
I am very fortunate to have a general practitioner who deals with me in this way As a medically retired vsocial worker, I would strive [whilst working] to encourage and facilitate people to takle charge and be in control of decisions about themselves; also to accept responsibility for them.
Thanyou again. Your work/ time/ effort is appreciated greatly.
Yes I agree very much with the idea that people should take reponsibility for their own body health and that no one is more aware of how they are feeling in their own skin. Doctors are too ready to prescribe drugs especially new ones on the market. What is the real reason behind this I can only guess. Now after a visit to the Drs I sought through the advise and prescriptions he has given me and decide for myself what I consider will benefit me.
Interesting article, has anyone read the book yet?
I never have had a bone dnsity test nor do I plan to nor do I take anything for my bones I just try to eat right get plenty of sun and exercise and by the way I have fibro still dont take anything [ I used to but no more ] ..Pills kill not heal !
One cannot generalize about all medication killing not healing . Over the top remark I feel.
Generally speaking, I agree that pharmaceutical drugs are not a blessing; however,there are a few that are life saving and I would not hesitate to use them..AFTER I have read everything about them and determined if they are really what I need. For me, that’s the whole ball game: What do I think about a drug. It is my body that’s on the line, not the doctor’s. I also research the nutrients I take, and buy only from the most reputable companies. Ergo, I stay mostly pain free as well as drug free.
I have borderline osteoporosis and was put on Fosamax and Adcal D3 straight away. I took them for 5 weeks before giving up, and 2 months on I still have acid reflux and heartburn, though it is gradually getting better. My doctor said don’t take them – 100 people would have to take Fosamax to perhaps save one fracture! She will order another dexa scan in 3 years and if there is deterioration then we will think of something else, but she supports me in trying to rebuild my bones by diet and exercise. But now I have blurring of my vision and realise it is probably caused by the Fosamax, even though I only took 6 tablets. Very worried, but I doubt I will convince anyone!
My doctor and I are going head-to-head over what she thinks is a good ‘fix’ for my osteoporosis as I’ve taken myself off Alendronate do to its many side effects. With the recommended supplements, eating right and doing the specific exercises from your site, on top of my regular exercises, I hope to prove her wrong in my next Dexascan. Keep up the good work.
Thank you so much for informing women about osteoporosis and all the “ramifications.” We need the truth that we’re not getting from our Drs., unfortunately. I haven’t personally taken any of the drugs, but my friends have and one’s legs broke out horribly after taking Fosamax. Plus, her Dr. had told her to stop taking all her vitamins before putting her on it! We live in Florida, and in the heat, she really suffered till it went away! Thankfully, she stopped taking Fosamax instead!
Thank you for this article. I did need to have someone tell me that I was on the right path. Doing what your doctor says unconditionally is a hard habit to break. I felt there was some thing not right about actonel and refused to take it. I will continue to be boss of my own bone health!
When I was first diagnosed with osteoporosis I took the drug Evista for 3 weeks, before I decided that this was not the way for me. Over the course of the next few years through diet, supplements, resistance weights, walking, and a progesterone cream, I reversed my score from -3.4 to -2.5. Unfortunately for me 2 years ago I became ill and then developed a cancer. My bone density became worse, and I have taken arimidex for 8 months. Due to the awful side effects this drug has had on me, I have stopped it, and am hoping that once again exercise and a good diet will reverse my osteo.
That was very good Vivian.
Seventeen years . . ??? that’s incredible. Still, especially elderly patients are very reluctant to question their physician’s pronouncements, prescriptions, dismissive attitude. Since it’s almost impossible to find a GP nowadays, I try not to anger my (opinionated) doctor; she might refuse to treat me on account of my “non-compliance” . . .
I hear what you are saying! When I told my PA that I was no longer taking Boniva, and what I had learned about the drug, she totally disagreed with me. I told her I was going with supplements and a healthy diet to try to improve my bone health. By the time my appointment was over I felt that she was angry with me! But that is her problem not mine. I still like her and value her opinion, but not in this particular situation.
I was taking Calcium Citrate and then read in the Save the Bones book that inorganic calcium was better. I bought Garden of Life Bitalmin Code Raw Calcium because it is supposed to be algae based. Since then I have read negative things about this product. What is the best possible calcium to take?
Sorry – Typo – it is Vitamin Code Raw Calcium.
The depots I have been reading are very informative. I was diagnosed with osteo approximately 6 months ago and was given a prescription I discontinued the prescription 4weeks ago I am so glad I did after reading what the side effects are. Thank you
Thank you for your reassurance. I have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis and for the past 1 @1/2 years I have been dealing with my treatment plan. I was unable to take boniva after 6 months, because of bowel problems, which I discovered myself and refusing to take Reclast on the suggestion of my physician. Now, after exercise suggested and checking my diet, and taking the vitamins and Caltrate as suggested am feeling almost back to my normal lifestyle. I am 79 years old and loving being alive and mostly healthy again. thank you.
Thankyou Vivian for your email. Perhaps one day hopefully Doctors will become more educated on natural health issues and not rely on the latest research by scientists and the pharmaceutical corporations promoting such medicines. I can at last talk to my doctor quite frankly about the decisions I have made regarding my osteoporosis and I hope that he may perhaps one day recommend natural solutions to his patients rather than those awful bisphosphonates. I think perhaps the general population have been brought up to think that doctors are like a god and not look to their own health. Very kind regards, Barbara Guthrie
Dear Vivian
I am rather dissapointed in that I order your “Save your bones” programme on 1st July and I still have not received it despite the fact that the money has been charged to my credit card. It is hard to understand why it is taking so long. I know I live in England but hat is no excuse for waiting for nearly three week. I hope you will be able to look into this and resolve it as soon as possible. Thank you
Best wishes
Andy Leonidou
22 Burcorr Road
United Kingdom
I too waited six weeks and no book came I got in touch with the support team and they are sending me another hope it arrives soon.
Armed with all the information you have given in your book, as well as online, you have given me the courage to go on without Fosamax. Thank you.
Hi Vivian
Thank you for another great article. While I was on Actonel I had developed a great deal of pain in both hips and my leg muscles to the point I couuld barely walk. On a scale of 1-10 it was an 11.The doctor took x-rays and ultra sounds and found nothing other than a bit of arthritis. No explaination for the severe pain. I read your book and stopped taking it and the pain is all but gone. I walk several miles a day as well as roller blade eight miles home from work with very little pain. I had a saying for a while that pain was my new best friend. The pain hurt so much I new I was alive because dead people did not hurt this much. Thank you for this. I can not figure out why I have Osteoporosis. I have been doing most of the things in your book before I read it and still have this imbalance and according to my last bone density scan a couple of months ago it is still getting worse. What else can be taking the calcium out of my bones? I have found no help on the internet so far.
Yours truly
I am a man of 56 with osteoporosis and there is a lot of overwhelming information on the Internet.
As a biochemist, I came to this ‘recipe’ multivitamin and minerals (the best being mercola.com or douglas’ ultrapreventive X or Usana’s Essentials.
Then I add vitamin K2 100 mg (NowFoods at iherb.com), also I make certain I get 1000 mg Calcium and about 500 mg magnesium, completing what is already present in the multivitamin and minerals, silicon in organic form Biosil is good, Milk Basic Protein from AOR, onions every day, and finally X-Factor Gold from Green Pastures.org (concentrate of butter oil from organic butter from grass fed cattle).
Also I measure my urine’s acidity making certain it is not acid by choosing food that is alkaline.
Exercise : walking 1 hour per day with weights in each hand, increasing the weights, plus stationary bicycle 15 minutes each day.
I am now adding a new kind of exercises : warm up 3 minutes so the hearts beats at about 110 per minute then 8 cycle of 30 seconds high intensity so the hearts beat at about 220- age, it feels as if you could not do more than 30 seconds, then 90 seconds recuperating with moderate intensity. This is makes the body produce growth hormone, but to get that the 8 cycles must be done. And do not eat carbohydrates for the next 2 hours after these exercises as they will shun the hormone production.
Checking with your doctor for this before.
I have definetly made my decision about drugs for bone building. No more fosomax, boniva, or forteo for me. Heal thyself.
After 2 years, 3 vertebral fractures, 2 inches height loss, & an increasingly severe osteoporosis BMD since 2003 (which actually began many many years prior with dental problems), today at 2 pm the nurse will come to instruct me re: Forteo injections. This was NOT an easy decision. Having studied nursing & been previously “abused” by medical profession, having a doctor step father who was addicted to drugs & a distrust of pharmaceutical companies added to one month of inept, inefficient uninformed personnel at the Eli Lilly Foreteo Connect office. However, having found 2 doctors who understand, share & compassionately tolerated my 2 years of very technical questions combined with an insurance company willing to pay the cost and a economic lifestyle that causes me to live month to month after having once come from a wealthy background, I made this choice. For those interested in my progress, please feel free to communicate. I plan to keep a daily journal & am attempting to connect with other Forteo users. This is a difficult task, since there are HEPA privacy laws & at the moment no osteoporosis support groups. However, a woman I met at a seminar, contacted the Osteoporosis Foundation in Washington & discovered it will assist us in setting up such a group….I am soliciting for a as many prayers as I can get and am trying to manifest that this drug will help to grow bone, not make me sick or kill me.
It’s your choice but do you really want thicker bones which may become more brittle in future? If they actually interfere with bone building why take these, as this is the source of the problem. You can stop taking things which break down bone but the main thing is to build new bone surely? Carole.
Interesting comments…the major impression is that everyone’s situation is different. The Osteoporosis Reversal Program provides a good deal of useful information and this article reinforces the concept that each individual can take from it what works for her/him. I am working toward dicontinuing Actonel as well as an acid reflux medication…my doctor has a balanced, common sense approach, as does my dentist, and both have been most helpful. It might be that the medical profession here in Canada has a bit different attitude to drug prescriptions from their US counterparts? Thanks to Vivian for interesting articles, which send me onto further internet research.
After I told the practice nurse that I wanted to cancel the presciption for alendronic acid, Igot a phone call from the receptionist at my surgery saying that the doctor wanted me to continue with this drug & that I was to discuss my decision with him during my next appointment. Now I’m a coward & feel he’ll talk me into continuing alendronic acid. Help! What should I do or say?
Hi Margaret. You should have the attitude that it is YOUR body, these are harsh drugs and you would rather try the gentler and healthier approach to building bone density through diet and exercise. Take on board what the doctor has prescribed and acknowledge the potential benefits but having done your own research you would first like to take a kinder approach before contemplating alendronic acid.
Now a little about my own experience – I am 63 and was diagnosed with osteoporosis in April this year and was prescribed alendronic acid and adcal-d3 calcium tablets. After reading about the awful side effects and seeing at first hand my late mother suffer under this drug I decided not to take it but to carry on taking the adcal-d3. I found Vivian’s website and started on the program straight away before waiting for the book to arrive. Like you, I dreaded going back to the doctor to tell her I was not going to take the alendronic acid and instead take the healthy way (Vivian’s way). Although I was careful not to mention Vivian by name or her specific program, to my shock the doctor was understanding and was impressed by my attitude that I had taken control of the matter to find out more about my condition. She gave me her full support and told me that some people can never tolerate these drugs – this statement alone took the wind out of my sails and somewhat disarmed me as I had prepared myself for the possibility of a hostile reaction. I am however still taking the calcium tablets that she prescribed and I left with the understanding that I would return in a couple of years to compare scans. This now gives me two years to prove to myself and the doctor that Vivian’s way is not only kinder but will yield measurable results. So, good luck and take control.
say no it is your body, I went to my GP and explained the reasons for giving up the drug, what can he do but accept it, it is your body.
MARY (uk)
Hi,Go and see your doctor take with you the book on save our bones program say you would like to give it a try. stop taking the tablet.
The tablet gave me a lot of joint pain and a very bad stomach and after my talk with my doctor she said ok. I now feel 100% better and no bad stomach and my joint pain is 95% better. Iam going to have a scan at the end of the year so looking forward to the result.Im so glad i found saveourbones. Barbara.
Do what i did,after a very bad stomach and having to go for a camera down showing reflux disease thats what the tablets did to me.So i went to my docs with the save our bones program and said i wanted to try it, she could see how determined i was and agreed.I now feel100% better and my stomach
feels great no more pain.Iam so glad i found Vivians
Hi Vivian
I am so glad I found your website I find the articles very interesting and I have your book
and reading it thoroughly
Your information certainly makes sense I have
said No to the specialist who wanted to put me on Forteo so now I only have 2 caltrate tablets
a day I went to my local doctor and told him what
I have done and he fully agreed with me he doesn’t believe in taking drugs also Vivian after trying fosomax actonel and protos I have shrunk from 4 foot 10and one half inches in height to 4 foot 6 inches so that is good enough proof for me
Hi Vivian,
I have been taking Actinel for about 10 years after finding out I had some bone loss and was diagnosed with ostopenia. I have not had any side effects as yet but after reading about your Save our bones Program I stopped taking the actinel about 3 months ago. I have ordered your book am waiting for it to arrive. I am worried that I have really harmed myself by taking the Actinel all these years thinking I was building bone. I will be getting another bone density test this summer, my 3rd one so far. I was told by a pharmacist that the actonel stays in your body for 10 years so she said there was no sense in stopping taking it. I am worried about this.
Thanks for your help.
Although I’ve stopped taking Fosamax generic, and I did before I sent for yuur book.I felt awful ached for 2 days after I took the drug. Also had numerous choking spells,which I questioned. I now have very few. I am trying. I find it somewhat hard to eat all the foods necessary,m but I do not eat too many bad ones. MY question to you is , I take lots of natural supplements. How much fruits and veggies are necessary everyday? I also excerise. Thank You Sandra Brigham
I am interested in the Save our Bones program, but would be much more likely to buy it if it were available in bookstores where I could look at it first. I don’t line buying things on line where I have no opportunity to thumb through the information and make an informed choice.
Hi Viviene
Have now purchased your book and had already taken heed of the 20:80 ratio of acids/alkali foods, plus the item on milk (I used to drink 5 pints per week believing I was giving myself the necessary calcium I needed to promote healthy bones!!) I only have a little in my morning tea and coffee now (less than 1 pint a week) and use Alpro yoghourt on my fresh fruit salads every day. I was already eating 2 bananas a day and was delighted to learn from your item on this fruit that I was helping my bones with calcium in a positive way. I have not taken my Alendronic Acid tablets since March and sincerely hope that my bones are repairing themselves naturally. I walk my dogs for an hour each morning and must go up and down stairs at least a dozen times a day so get quite a bit of exercise. I am now doing the heel exercises demonstrated in your video. My only question to you is: how long will it take to expel the Alandronic Acid already in my body? Previously to discontinuing the tablets I was taking them for approximately two years.
As I live in the UK I would very much like to hear from fellow countrymen if they have had the courage to kick the Alendronic Acid into touch.
Yes I was taking bonviva for 2yr 9mths – I too thought they were good for me until early this year I had some dental treatment – which ended in a root filling – since then I have had pain in my jaw, I am currently seeing a consultant privately, and beacause I’d taken bisphosphonates the simple procedure to remove any infection from jaw is out of the question because of the risk of ONJ. It really frightening to think the GP prescribe these drugs and i’m having to pay for treatment to try and put right the damage — I too am turning the the save the bones programme hoping to improve my bones ……..
Hi from the UK, I stopped the tablet in may, went to my doc and told her i would like to try the program she agreed. The tablet gave me a very bad stomach and joint pain. But now i feel 100% better and my stomach has no pain.Iam so glad i found Vivian’s program.
Thank you Vivian, and God Bless You! I’ve been
“fighting” with my doctor about taking osteo
drugs, then you came along…..Thank you, thank
you, thank you. I have your book, and I love
the way you explain “the working of our bones”.
It’s so easy to understand. My best wishes to
you. Have a healthy, wonderful life. Jan.
Have read the book Save Our Bones. Today I entered my name for the The Natural Bone Building Guide as I had not done this when I had your reply to my first Email.
I would much rather use something natural than the prescriptions offered – Boniva bothered my stomach so had to take something each month for a few days prior to counteract the effect. Very good information, thanks.
Thanks for your e-mails. They are very imformative and I put most in actual practice.
Thanks again,
Hi Vivian,
I have purchased your book and read through chapter 9. Great information!
Yes I do think that we should all be responsible for our own bones. We can listen to our GP’s but, we should have the final say as to what we put in our bodies. Great blog too!
My dentist just told me I have severe bone loss and need to have several teeth pulled. Is there any way to avoid this and grow new bone in my mouth and if so how long does it take? I hate to have teeth pulled if there is hope of another solution.
I am frustrated because I can’t get an answer to my question about the ph balance. Do you have to have an 80-20 ratio at every meal or is it over the span of a day. ThANKS. pAT
I think you said everything that I would have said if I could write as well as you,always to the point and not little infO from the Doc.
The medical profession just seems to run you thru like cattle and have no time to talk,its about Bill It Bill It and how sad that we have the best health care but also some of the worst!
I just read that almonds counter the absorption of calcium and I have gone to drinking almond milk. Is there any validity to this?
well is there? and if the calcium is taken six hours away from almonds surely that would be ok
I make a decision to act your program gradually, now I have to change my eating habit little by little, it might take a long perid.
Thank you for your instruction.
I have been trying to make a decision about using strontium as a replacement for bonivia which was prescribed almost one year ago. I had some reactions from bonivia which I could not pinpoint. Now my calcium level is high. My physician has suggested that it might be to the bonivia. I just finished reading the book on e-mail and am discovering that strontium may not be the answer. I am about to make a decision to try your program .
Vivian is against Strontium but if you google it there is very solid research from Europe supporting it. It’s a hot topic and I think there are reasons someone might not be in favor of something that seems, according to almost everything I’ve read, to be effective and reversing Osteoporosis.
I totally agree with what you said.
What do think of Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous?
Have you ever heard of it? Its suppose to be better absorbed than any other and the research says that it gets into the bones not the blood vessel, etc. to do damage.
Please let me know what you think.
I definately have osteoperious, and have been taking Actonel Combi,and of course I had a bad reaction to them, and afterreading about what you have been saying, I now take no Doctors perscriptions, and have started on what you have said to do naturally , it is too soon to see if there is any results, but I am will to give anything that is natural a try, what can I loose, nothing, Thanking you so much for all of your infomation it is greatfully appreciated.
I will let you know in a few weeks time how things are going with me.
Thanks again. Lea
Your article was right on, and fit me perfectly. I went to the doctor many times with side effect symptoms of Fosamax and was given prescriptions for meds which had nothing to do with my problems.
I am so happy that I found you and your information and everything you say is true. I am getting much better.
Thank you for being here.
What an ah-ha! moment for me Vivian. My doctor diagnosed me with acid reflux which also affected my voice. I always believed Boniva was the real cause of my symptoms, and his response was that it was because I didn’t want to believe what I was told. I never took the Zegerid, only took 3 or 4 Boniva, and will be looking for a new doctor. I am so happy to have found your program, thank you…..
I have osteoperosis (or however you spell it)pretty bad. Broke my hip in 2004 and it took 3 surgeries and 3 and 1/2 years to get it fixed. Finally found the right doctor. I broke my wrist in 3 places in February of this year. Was glad to hear that grapefruit is good. I have refused to take any chemical drugs for this as they are worse than the disease. Thank you for the info.
From books on whole foods I’ve read, I am convinced that our bodies can do marvelous things for us if we pay attention to what we eat. I am learning something new about that every day and appreciate getting your e-mails full of information. How sad, we are so slow in realizing how important it is to nourish our selves in mind, body and spirit. Viola
Unfortunately, as we age, more than one thing goes out of whack at a time, and I very recently tried to discuss this with my Doctor–who was sympathetic with my concerns, but not decisive.
For many years, I have had some sometimes severe stomach problems. Not taking Motrin, nnd taking Prilosec relieves that problem, but I have read that Prilosec can lead to softening of the bones–so what to do??
I have dry macular degeneration and was prescribed Preservision, which contains a high amount of many vitamins including A. I have read (probably in one of your articles) too much Vitamin A is bad for the bones.
Now, I was prescribed reclast, and decided against that, and was prescribed Actenol, and I don’t feel comfortable with that. The doctor simply said, not to take it if I didn’t feel comfortable with it, so there you go, back on square one.
Thanks for listening.
Totalmente de acuerdo con su analisis de que debemos ser los que decidamos sobre nuestra salud, especialmente cuando contamos con elementos como los que usted nos suministra en su libro. Estoy aplicando con mucha disciplina su PROGRAMA ALIMENTARIO y espero pedirle a mi doctor un nuevo CT SCAN dentro de algunos meses, para saber si he superado el diagnostico de OSTEOPENIA que recibi en el mes de Febrero pasado.
It is amazing how blindsided physicians can be when it comes to doling out drugs and their side effects. Your points are well taken. There have been some NY Times articles – crtical errors of hospitals and technicians (in treating cancer). It is frightening how so many Americans follow their doctors like gods.
It truly is a tough decision regarding this health diagnosis.
However taking the time to read your research has provided me with informed
options. It is a very frightening diagnosis. Thank you for all of your
research. I look forward to discussing this information
with my doctor.
Thanks again!
Thanks for the e-mail Vivian, I truly enjoy hearing from you,I try to do what is right for me.
Bless you + keep up the good work.
M. Wilkins
I was diagnosed 2 years ago with Barettes Esophagus.I wonder if this was caused by taking Boniva. Now I’m on a drug for the rest of my life for this disease. What a nightmare!
I too have Barrett’s esophagus. I was on Boniva for years and the Barrett’s got worse. I stopped taking it as I hated the way it made me feel and after a year or so, my next endoscopy showed a much improved esophagus. I still take one pill a day for that, but do wonder if the acid reflux was caused by Boniva in the first place. Very frustrating when I go to the dr. and just get more prescriptions – which I usually don’t fill.
Am now going to the gym and lifting weights and losing weight and eating healthier. Hope it works in the long run as my osteo is rather bad in my back.
Good blog Vivian. I use Doctors but I dont let them make the decisions for me. I was on Fosamax for one month, actonal for two weeks, and forteo for five days. I was sick on all of them and I said no to reclast. I have your book and am trying. Sweets are my downfall.Im really active but have a very bad spine and pain in hips and back. I weigh 110. Cant have any jaring on my back. bone density in spine is a -5 and hips -4. I will keep on eating better but cant do the excercise on your video. I have no problem walking though. Thanks for all you do!!any more ideas?
Yes, I agree with what you say and have indeed gone down the do-it-yourself route……as the doctors do not seem to know much about “it” and have such limited resources (biphosphonate) to offer…….I am currently investigating a Mineral Hair Test Analysis and a following consultation…..I do hope this will help as I am still losing on the spine…..
kudos to Vivian! a tonic for the gray cells.that too while confounded with so many medicines.
hello I like your posts,I have beeen researching my own bone health for many years(off and on with living my life!) I eat very little dairy about 1 litre of milk per9 days and a sixth of a kilo of goats cheeseover 20 days, I eat a lot of vegetables . I wodered what (if any ) your thinking is on Natural Progesterone cream.
Thank you for all the information and videos
My concerns regarding discontinuing Fosamax are that I really had no side-effects while taking the drug and that my mother had a very serious case of osteoporosis. However, I have read some very negative articles regarding the drug and when I had some dental work done recently my dentist as well as dental surgeon advised me to discontinue the drug previous to starting the work. My doctor insisted there was no evidence that Fosamax damaged the jaw and that if I stopped taking it, even temporarily, I could get osteoporosis. I did follow my dentist’s advice, but went back on the drug until I started reading your book and received your subsequent information. Since I am not aware of any side effects from Fosamax, I am wondering if at my age, 86, I would be better off, or at least no worse off, just to continue with it.
Dear Vivian,
I was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis and advised to go on Reclast. After much research, I found your program and am now following your Save Our Bones program. You provide important information which is not out there and the doctors just want to push the medicine. I am hoping that the program works when I get my next bone scan in the fall. I am only on the program about 6 weeks. The one good thing is that I am eating healthier foods.
Thank you.
Dear Vivian, after I read your program and e-mails, plus some other very enlightening books on the subject, I definitely made the decision of stopping the Fosamax. I must see my Dr. at the end of April. I will keep you posted about that meeting.
I welcome your e-mails and I welcome even more your knowledge,understanding and empathy for people with osteoporosis. I too was prescribed Actonel but stopped the medication as I had an instinct that it was possibly doing more harm than good. Your advice has been invaluable – thank you.
Thanks for the decision making comments. My wife’s doctor promptly “dumped” her whwn she refused to take prescription drugs.
To attain an alkaline diet, sweet potatoes are recommended.
Question: Are yams (either ruby garnet or just plain “yams,” like sweet potatoes? They are a deeper color, and less “stringy” texture, and seem like they’d be superior, but I’m not sure.
I’d appreciate knowing.
I always thought it was bad to drink a glass of water during or immediately before or after a meal, as it reduces the gut’s ability to absorb the goodies. Now I have pills which are to be taken with a main meal with a glass of cold water (on a full stomach). Since the pills are to benefit bone quality for osteoporosis, it makes no sense if the meal and they are poorly absorbed. Any thoughts?
Dear Vivian,
Thank you for your e-mails. You have given me
the peace of mind I was searching for. I am
grateful for your book and all the new research
you continue to up-date me with through your
e-mails. I find the advice easy to follow
and feel great. I’m so glad I have your support
and love reading other peoples comments. I
don’t feel like I’m the only one who refuses
to take those drugs for bone health. I feel
this natural alternative is going to be the
best for me. I’m determined to do all the
right things for my good health.
Take good care, and God Bless
Gayle Toloff
Thank you for keeping up to date with such important information ,i am a meditator and yogi person all you describe make a lot of sense since i do not believe in any drugs except for calcium and vitamine d ,our body has every tool to help us heal if we take care of it there are no miracles ,excercise a good diet awakening and being concious,and live the now,kepp on enlightning me ,i love it ,thanks
Great articles. I enjoy all of your articles.
Thank you Vivian for all of this valuable information. I will be 80 years young in 3 wekks and am healthy! I walk in Divine Health!No prescription drugs of any kind. I broke my hip a year and a half ago and had a full hip replacement.I was told then by the surgeon that I had a bir of Osteporosis, and I said I don’t receive that evil report. I had had a few falls in the previous 2 years before and I think my bones were becoming weaker in the legs. Howevere he put me on Fosamax and I got side effects, like swelling and itching of the legs,and chill in the middle of the night. So then I was switched to one of the others you menbtioned and same thing so I said, forget it and came right off and now take calcium/magnesium/vit D all together in a liquid supplement, and Vit.B12 spray. Aloe=wera Juice
and a supplment StemEnhance which I am a distributor for Stem Tech Health Inc. Here is my website if you would like to check it out.www.stemtechbiz.ca My ID# 5600530. As for a person dying 6 months after a hip replacement it has and is not happening to me, I am just as much alive as before and the Bible promises me Long Life and I intend to stay around here until Jesus catches up the church Amen!
Thank you vivian for all your information,I look forward to your emails it helps me stay on track,when I think its all for nothing and am I taking the wrong road your emails pump me up again and put me in a more positive frame of mood I am working hard at the discipline on food and exercise, my only concern with the program is I fear of loosing weight as I am already light framed and weight approx 55kg do you have any suggestions of how to keep the kg on as an 80/20 is a little weight concern for me. Love hearing from you and many thanks for your constant input. Cheers Rhonda from down under (australia)
dear dr. vivian goldschmidt i just the article on decisions and you are so right. i have chosen also to go otc for the treatment of my bones because i did the study on the after effects of the drugs that were offered to me. so i went shopping and purchased caltrat+D and also the new chewable caltrate plus+D and take one in the a.m. with breakfast and the other at dinner time. and believe it or not iam beginning to feel better if at least even in my mind because i feel i have chosen the right treatment for my bones thanx for the nice article
I have stopped taking the drugs from my G.P., and now take Calcium and Magnesium, in a balanced ratio; Boron, Flax seed oil, Vitamin D3.
I also do my exercises and eat healthily, with lots of fruit and vegetables.
Hopefully, this will be enough to protect my bones, on my already very tight budget. Other wise, I just give up!
just “discovered” that sillicium can improve calcium assimilation in the body and that calcium intake can have the opposite effect….(??)
How true that we should be more knowledgeable about our body. While on a trip, I had a stroke. I was seen by the local doctor who could not find any sign that I had it but I insisted I had the stroke. He made me sign a “quit claim” since I refused him to give me further treatment since I am leaving the next day. I saw my doctor in a military base hospital who had a CT Scan for me but could not find any sign of stroke. He requested a doctor from National Health Institute who read the Xray too but could nto find one either. They were asking me why I was insisting I had one and told them that they maybe doctors who studied medicine but I know my body better then them. They decided to do MRI and lo! they saw it and showed me where it happened in my brain. I must add that the patient must have an active participation with her/his own treatment. I always tell my doctor whatever I took besides the prescription he was giving me however. Many times, a herbal medicine I took did a better result to me than the prescribed one.
Amen!!! You have told it like it is. Congratulations and many thanks.
My whole saga began with unexplained foot pain. After a long slow process (x-ray, MRI, bone density scan) I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis. I am 57, fairly fit and in very good general health. I have been taking supplements (high quality ones) for 30 years and my Dr. was very surprised when my bone density test was in the osteoporotic range. He prescribed Actonel and not knowing which way to turn I took 16 weeks worth. I did some research and determined I did not want to follow the pharmaceutical route. On my next visit to him I showed him my research, told him about the side effects I was having with the drug and asked for his support in trying alternative methods to correct this imbalance. He had recently been to a nutritional seminar and was not aware of the benefits of Strontium. However he was quite interested when I told him Strontium was being produced as a prescription medication. That is always the thinking – needs to be a presciption!! Anyway, he was quite agreeable and I am working hard at balancing my calcium/magnesium and have started taking Strontium (low doses) because there is some controversy as to its benefits, and of course made some major changes in my dietary habits (I am a prairie girl and I grew up on wheat – that is the most difficult one for me to adjust to). But I am convinced my bones will thank me! I spread the word to anyone I know has Osteoporosis, and am not shocked in the least at the resistance to change. My involvement with supplements and healthy alternatives over the years has met with lots of resistance from non believers. Sorry for the long blog – it is my first and I will try to keep them shorter from here on in.
Question for Vivian – what does B12 have to do with osteoporosis? My B12 is too high ( it was almost twice normal) and the only B I was receiving outside of my diet was from a multivitamin (I have since switched brands and it is slowly coming down).
Vivian, I love your articles and look forward to your emails. So very informative. I am so thankful I found your information. I have MS and osteopenia. Are their any bone-strengthening excercises done from a sitting position? I can stand, but very unstable.
I like the idea of this information that you send out and I like making my own decisions.
My doc says that 50% of women who break a hip, die within six months. That is scary. However, taking Forteo or continuing Boniva is also scary because of the side effect I get from Boniva…. didn’t realize all these indigestion problems was from the Boniva. It is hard for me to buck the medical establishment. It is also hard for me to believe that all women who have osteoporsis will break a hip. And, why do people who break a hip, often die soon afterwards?
I have your wonderful book, Vivian and refer to it often. My quandry is that two doctors tell me I have to take Forteo to keep from breaking a hip and that 50% of older people who break a hip die within 6 months. (I’m 75). That’s scary info. However, I just don’t want to take Forteo or continue taking Boniva infusions. It is hard for me to “buck” the establishment. You and your book are the only ones who tell me there are other ways, besides drugs, to help my bones.
I am a pensioner who broke her hip in an unusual way in April 2009, lost 2 units of blood, and was subsequently diagnosed with osteoporosis, and was on Actonel for a few months until reading about Vivian’s book, then stopped this stuff. I was never happly with it at all, but I did the exercises for my hip diligently and can walk about almost in the way I used to do. I go to an hours exercise class once a week at the sports centre and try(not perfect) to watch my diet especially acidic foods which probably caused most of my problems, and to concentrate on alkali with supplements, so don’t take fright, just be determined to do the best you can for you. I also stopped cows milk and butter when I read Vivian’s information, and a bonus is that the catarrh I had most of my life has largely gone. I take plain greek style yoghurt with sesame seeds sprinkled on and have increased my fruit and veg, and intend to increase my exercise (maybe dancing). Carole
so far everything I am reading is helping and I have already started drinking distilled water but my only concern is what about the minerals that are in the other water that we need?
Yes I too have wondered about drinking distilled water and what we are then missing out on that we need in tap water.
I just did a PH balance test on my tap water. I came out to 5.5 which is very acidic. You need to keep your PH balance in the alkaline limits (7.0).
vivian, please summarize the supplements we should be taking. I am a vegetarian, and have osteopenia. Have just started your program. have been heavy on dairy in the past but now know better. Thanks,
Hi.I.m new at this ,so bear w/me.
The Dr. has me on Fossimax and am also taking vit D,Osteo-cal w/mag,OIL Of Primrose,Magnesium,Glucosime Sulfate and VitB100. I also take a blood pressure pill and something (wait for it) for my reflux.
My last bone density test showed a great improvement in my hip but my back went down .1.
I was so happy about my hip and all he told me was to keep doing what I was doing. Was he right ???
In 2009 I developed several DVT clots and no clue why. After dozens of blood work and extensive tests – still no clue. Then I downloaded your information. I was on Fosamax for about 8 years – now I know better. Side effects have been digestive problems, small ulcers and now I find blood clots. They want me to start reclast because it bypasses the digestive tract – Is that rolling the dice or what?? Thanks, but no thanks. Even the Drs didn’t know about the possibility of blood clots. The other was varified by colonoscopy and endoscopy. Thanks for that info
Has anyone else out there had problems with blood clots, especially???
I understandthat nattokinase is an excellent supplement for circulation. However, don’t start taking with anti-coagulants. It is not suppose to have the side effects of the drugs. I have been taking Health Resources brand with no problem. I see there are lots of brands out there so you can probably get a good deal someplace. I know nothing about quality differences. Vivian, do kn ow anything about this supplement? Any problems that I may be unaware of? I am not a nutritionist or specialist of any kind.
If I can do most of your recomendations for Osteoprosis will it also thake care of the Osteroarthritis?
Up to a certain point…
Any substitute ideas; unable to eat grapefruit,
or drink the juice – on Lipitor
Hi Jean,
Here’s my idea: consider substituting Lipitor for a natural cholesterol lowering supplement and follow the pH balanced Osteoporosis Reversal Program. Many in our community have reported that their cholesterol numbers have dropped when on the Program.
Oh, and one more thing: if you decide to do that, go ahead and eat healthy grapefruits!:)
excelant notes docters would be the only ones to disagree,unfortunately the truth hurts,thanks again for your commitmant.
Hello everyone,
I am 64 and have terrible shoulder pain and feet problems, how do I excercise when everything hurts. Any suggestions ? I think getting old sucks!
For eleven years it has been one thing after another. I take lots of vitamins go to acupuncturist, and am on natural bio identical hormone cream. I have great DR.S who support all the natural approaches. There seems to be no conclusion as to what is wrong.
It all started after a hysterectomy, I am at a loss. Burning in most of my body, especially joints. Have arthritis and osteoporosis. Does Ezorb realy work?
Check out the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. It explains how easy it is to bring your body to the appropriate balance so your bones become strong and renewed. Bringing up your pH to an alkaline level can also relieve arthritis symptoms.
I just received the Saveourbones book and did a quick read of the entire book. It makes sense! It is an accumulation of alot of information I have been researchng on my own and it is good to have many of the habits I have tried to incorporate confirmed. Also many new pieces of information I was not aware of. I am looking forward to receiving the rest of the save our bones package especially getting into the excercises. Thank you!
Thanks for all the info. I know now I’m not crazy and lots of other women are going thru the same things I’am.
I’m a vegan and I stay away from doctors. I broke my hip 5 years ago and found that I have severe osteoporosis. (5 compression fractures in my back). I take strontium citrate and lots of vitamins. Calcium citrate and EZorb. I feel fine now. Don’t know if my bones have improved because, as I said, I stay away from doctors.
The statistics on medical profession disasters in this article are really informative.
Thank you for all the info you have sent. It’s been most helpful. Since I’m over 80 and not taking anything but calcium, I’ve depnded on exercises to keep me in reasonable shape. Sincerely, Lorraine
Happy New Year Vivian; I am very thankful for all the information you share with us. I am doing anything that is possible to fight osteoporosis; like exercising, taking vitamin D3 and eating the right foods.
I’ve read the article and though it was very good.
As usual, a very knowlegable, sincere and to the point article,very helpful!
Thanks very much !
As so many have already said but it’s coming from the heart — “Thank You Vivian for all your labor of love that you do for us who need help and solid advice!”
You are a breath of fresh air in a world of legal drug pushers!
So Very true
Thanks for your appreciative comments, Linda.
I vow that 2010 is the year to start taking care of me. Do you know of an easy to follow
video using weights to help me with my osteoporosis – hopefully free or inexpensive.
I have been saving all of your emails and I think you mentioned an exercise in one of your emails.
I would like a video workout to do appx. 3 times a week that is easy to do with weights at home.
Any info you can forward is sincerely appreciated.
I have your program and will start reading and applying it in 2010 – the year of me (hopefully).
Yes! The year of “all of us” also… 🙂
Hi Diane,
I have been using an exercise video for osteoporosis titled, “Skeletal Fitness”, by Mirabai Holland. You can get it on Amazon.com. I think it’s very good.
Good luck to you in making 2010 your year!
thank you for the information ihad been looking for.
I totally agree with you, taking responsibility for one’s own health is the sensible thing to do. I purchased your book a couple of months ago, and find the food proportions (alkaline/acidic) so easy. I was giving this information to customers in my health food shop almost 30 years ago,and this is one fundamental truth that hasn’t changed.
I referred my sister in England to your site, and thankfully she has stopped taking Alendronite for her “early signs of osteoporosis”. this was prescribed after she had a nasty fall and sustained a wrist fracture.Having read comments by your members on their side effects, my sister recognised that she was experiencing a number of them herself, which was the impetus for her to cease the medication. She expressed concern to me about her doctor’s reaction, but I told her that she has a right to make her own choices.
I will continue to spread the message to whoever needs it. Thank goodness for your research and commitment!
Have a great day!
Thank you Vivian for all you do and share with us God bles you.Merry christmas and a very happy new year
I just turned 80 – my DR wanted me to take Evista – side effects – heart attacks, blood
clots and hot flashes – none of which I want.
I am the last one in my family – all of them
died of the first two above side effects ..
glad I found your site.
My doctor says I have osteoporosis and wants me to take Reclast injections. I took Fosamax years ago and he says it didn’t help me.
I am afraid of the side effects of these drugs, but my doctor said the risk of breaking a hip could be deathly. I am 70 years old and in good health except for the osteoporosis. The only medication I take is omeprazole for acid reflux. I do take 1200 calcium and 800 vitamin D a day for the osterporosis. I am at wits end to take the drugs, and worried that I may break a hip without them. What is your advice.? I read your e-mails everyday hoping to help my decision.
Pat. According to the research done by the Vitamin D council, the body can use (if it has it) 4,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day. That’s a far cry from 800 units even though I am sure you think 800 is a lot since it is twice what the RDA has been for the past 5o years. The IU measurement used for vitamin D is miniscule.
i know that I have osteoporosis because I stayed out of the sun or used sunscreen when I had to be outside for the past 30 years. Get your blood level for D3 checked. Less than 30 and you are in the deficiency zone. You want a reading of at least 50. Depending on where you live, you may be able to et your D3 from the sun is you get out during the noonday sun. I sit for 20 minutes in the sun exposing as much skin as decently possible during the noon hour in the summer. I take 5,000 units of D3 each day. My blood test shoed my D3 level to be 72. Do not get a prescription for vitamin D as some doctors are still giving prescriptions for D2 which is a poor substitute.
If interested, Google The Vitamin D Council. These doctors have devoted years to the study of the vitamin and have a lot to tell you. You will not see a lot of advertisements on D3 because there is no money in it for drug companies.
Just remember, your body cannot build good bones without vitamin D, regardless of how much calcium and the other necessary minerals you take in.
Here’s what your doctor is not telling, most probably because he doesn’t know: you can reverse your bone loss without any toxic drugs (and Reclast is high on the list!).
My program gives you all the info you need to do that. At least explore this option before you decide…
Thank you for your concern and e-mails. I am experincing a lot of stress listening to all my doctors say that i “have to go on one the Osteoporosis drugs due to my very bad Dexa report”. I am trying to come to my own decision that I believe will be right for ME!!!!!
Thanks for the encouragement.
Hi Dorothy,
I am in the exact situation you are in! The bone specialist I go to is actually having me get another DEXA scan (in his office) about 1/2 year earlier than required because he’s counting on the fact that it will be considerably worse than the first one I had (when I wasn’t told I had osteoporosis!) and then he will use the scare tactic to push Fosomax (for the 3rd time!).
Let me encourage you to do the same thing I’m going to do — come to my own decision (and that is to handle this osteoporosis the NATURAL way — through proper nutrition, weight-bearing activity and researching supplementation that is good for me.) Doctors are waaaay to eager to push drugs and the raunchy side effects don’t affect their body — it affects us who would take that poison! Please give it some serious thought — don’t always trust a doctor — remember, they are still “practicing” medicine — it’s definitely not an exact science and the FDA is right in the bedroom with the big drug companies.
Keep up the good fight — your overall good health is so worth it!
Dorothy- don’t let them push you around- it’s your body, your health, your life. Maybe you could try meditating or hypnosis (I’m serious) because what getting really stressed out does to your cortisol levels is NOT going to help your osteoporosis or your general health. You’ve got support here- do what YOU decide.
Jarrow Formulas Bone-Up was recommended to me recently and I have been taking it for my calcium. Today I saw my naturapathic doctor and on reading the label, she advised me not to continue taking it as the Vitamin D in it is D2 which she said is a synthetic and goes to the arteries instead of the bones. I have been taking a separate D3 supplement. I also was taking a calcium citrate/magnesium supplement and will go back to that. Do you agree with this decision?
Yes, Paula. The Vitamin D we get from the sun is D3.
Dear One: I purchased your book and saw my GP in March of last year. He had prescribed Fosamax 2 years before after a bone density test showed osteoporosis. (I was having terrific back pain and leg pain.) After reading your book I just told him that I had quit the Fosamax a couple of weeks before seeing him, because my back pain was worse and I had read the information in your book as to what Foxamax is composed of. He just said “Okay, take more Vitamen C” and then did another bone density test. And as you know, it was even worse. Then he said he would like to do another test after I have been off Foxamax for a year. I said “Okay” to that. But I know that my bones have gotten better as I do not have the intense pain as before. Thank you so much for your book and the information I have received by e-mail. Edline
I have enjoyed reading your information and reader comments. I keep up with my bone density every two years — not good but could be worse, and after taking Miacalcin nasal spray for 2-3 years I quit several years ago and just watch my diet, take calcium with D, walk the dog, do stretches every morning — 20-25 minutes even while traveling, and work out at the gym for 45 minutes 2 days a week. I fractured my hip in May, and my surgeon said he never saw anyone heal so fast, and I came home rather than going to extended care for rehab. With suggestions from Home Health, I did my own rehab. I will continue to read your comments as long as you keep sending them and Thank You!
I am so enjoying all this info as I have just recently come off Fosomax in the last 2 months having taken it for 6 years. Now that I am symptom free – no more GERD, rashes, disappearance of a ganglion on my wrist- I am thrilled to be off Fosomax and eating better than I have in years as well as supplementing my diet with minerals and vitamins. Thank you for your exercises and your encouragement.
Dear Vivian. Dr. Just put me on fosamax after finding out through two broken ribs and very low t score that I have osteoporosis. Also have severe bursitis. Cannot exercise right now – help! Exercise and diet! Would not like to take meds but don’t know what to do right now. Read you and thanks for all your info so far.
Dear Vivan,
I was diagnosed with bi-lateral breast cancer in 4/07 and started taking Armidex in 9/07. You can see by the time lapse I was afraid to take this drug because it strips you of all your estrogen and one does not needs to be a genius to figure out what the lack of this can do to your body and mind. Most certainly, this diagnosis I received just got more grim with going from a warning to osteopenia during two bone density scans. My oncologist wants me on one of the many drugs that are suppose to combat this-an intravenous one. I was in surgery both in July for a horrible sugery and in October to correct it making some areas worse. I have not had an opportunity to set another appointment but dread discussing things with her. I do not want to take anymore drugs. I am sick of it afterall I take the big granddaddy of them all with Arimidex. I have been looking at your site for a long time and I can see how thorough you are. Good for you that you were able to put all your talent,education and perseverance together to do what you have done. The biggest thing that scares me about these drugs is how you have pointed out that the bone gets harder but stops regenerating – this does not sound good. I am not a doctor and I know very little but this does not sound encouraging because even if the bones get harder/stronger-they still in turn become more brittle and I know brittle anything can snap. So where in essence is the good in that? I want to do the best thing by my body I have been in rough shape for the last three months – actually 7 operations in three years. I am fed up. I never dreamed whacking off ones best asset and then with an open playing field put two new ones in and sewing everything up. This has been a nightmare-my kingdom for someone who knows what they are doing. Well, I certainly have talked long enough. Have a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
God Bless, Vivian
Your right again. I quit taking the Boniva the doctor had prescribed in September and I now have more energy and I do not have that wore out feeling any more. Thanks for your emails.
As I am a vegan and I study what is in each fruit and vegetable I eat. Thanks you for keeping the public informed.
I am very new to all of this. I have read your book Save Our Bones. I have found it very informative and have tried to keep to an alkaline diet most of the time. I hope to go for a further bone scan next year so will let you know how I get on. I would be very interested to hear of a good decent recipe book as there is so much on the internet and do not know which to purchase. Any help. Also what is the algaecal programme would be interested in hearing about it.
Good news for you and everyone in the Save Our Bones community: I’m working on a comprehensive recipe book. Also, I’m doing in-depth research on algaecal that I will share with everyone in a blog post soon.
Hi Vivian,
Thanks for the e-mails. Every time I start to doubt myself I get an e-mail from you that keeps me going. I got off to a rough start with the PH diet because my ulcerative colitis acted up. You made a reference in the Bone Health Revolution that “unless certain gastrointestial conditions are present, the biochemical imbalance may be corrected by diet.” Is there something about ulcertive colitis that I need to know. Will the diet not work for me? I basically know I have to stay away from lettuce and certain nuts.
Hi Jenny,
The Osteoporosis Reversal Program can help you; just make sure you stay away from the foods you know create problems for you.
This article is so “Right On”! I am so frustrated with the medical community and making me feel like an idiot if I question anything or make a comment.
Thank you so much.
Thank you again! Best information source I have re: bone health
Thanks Vivian for such vital information. I have been taking actonel foe three years. Earlier this year I went to a new Doctor who wanted to put me on forteo,but after the info. posted on your website I rejected the idea. whenever I can I will get your book; until then I will try toeat right and exercise regularly. By the way what is the algaeCal program?
Does any one know about the product OsteoPhase
by Tango Advaned Nutrition. I just started on it so do not have a report on it. I am taking boron, vit D, OsteoPhase and a multiple vitamin. Anything I should take to help my bones along with exercise.
To Gayle: My system is unable to handle all the herbs in the Osteophase but I think it’s one of the finest Calcium sources (my nails grew like crazy) and the doctors/administrators at Tango are very helpful and I feel strongly that they are trustworthy.
Hi Vivian
Thanks for the timely reminder. I have been a bit low in spirit just lately and have let my ‘bone’ diet slip. I will back on track tomorrow! The exercises are great. I will be back on track with those too! Do you have any for strengthening the back?
I am lucky that my doctor respects my decision not to take any bisphosphonate drugs for my bones and I am weaning myself off (with my doctors agreement)HRT, so I shall see if it affects my bone density – any advice on that?
I have also asked my doctor if she could set up a workshop, say once a year, for people with or vulnerable to osteoporosis. She is quite interested and is going to speak to the head of the practice about it. So here’s hoping!
Many thanks for all effort you make to keep us informed.
Hello Liz,
Wow — what a neat doctor you are going to!!! What city do you live in? Most of the doctors around here (Newport News, VA) are legal drug pushers!!! If your doctor sets up a workshop, would you be willing to share that information as to what she does in the workshop with all of us on this blog? I know I’d really love to find out since there’s nothing available like that here.
Dear Vivian:
Thanks a lot for your reminder about my respon-
sibility in making personal decisions regarding
my bone health.Every bit of relevantinforma-
tion that you share are deeply appreciated. I
also read a lot of books both for traditional
and alternative natural treatments. Right now
I have a lot of things to deal with because of
other medical conditions. As soon as I have re-
ceive my Humana medical insurance, I will sign
up for physical fitness program to get proper
instructions for exercises using the machines
and my own walking. I am applying the heel
raise and jump exercise that you recommended
from your friend. Julie treatments Isubsubscribe subscribe lotof information
In a few days I will see my doctor and I have decided not to take any drugs to improve my bones.
First of all, I will have to find a solution to my underactive thyroid that seems to not be be working with the medication.
Then I will have to figure out why red blood cells are year after year low.
In the meantime I am continuing to eat a healthy diet, adding vitamins and minerals and using weight bearing exercises.
Thank you for your continued assistance.
Kind regards,
I commend you for the wonderful you do. You give people “hope.”
I took Forteo for 2 years. You can only take the drug for 2 years. You should continue until the 2 years is up.
My doctor put me on Forteo. I am a breast cancer survivor…radiation to my entire right rib section. Dr. said I’d be fine. I called the pharm co. that makes Forteo. They said DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG. one of the side effects is bone cancer if you have had radiation to bone.
You have to be your own advocate.
Hi Vivian, Your information is greatly appeciated. You spend so much of your time on researching info that you send to us, I just pray that you take time for yourself.
I took Forteo injections for two years, now the doctor wants to put me on another drug and I said NO.
I am doing the exercises that Mike Ross suggested. I know in time it will show improvement. Thanks for introducing Mike to us.
Take care and God bless you with love.
Thank you once again.
Many fruits like lemon, grapefruit , oranges are acidic too, but in your stomac they act like alcaline. Maybe the same with tomatoes?
Hi Charles,
Foods are classified as acid-forming or alkalizing depending on the effect they have on the body after digestion, and not based on their taste or their intrinsic acidity or alkalinity.
Also, alkalizing and acidifying foods contain different minerals. By the way, I discuss this topic in great detail in The Bone Health Revolution (Chapter 7).
An acidifying food contributes hydrogen ions, making the body more acidic; an alkalizing food removes hydrogen ions, making the body more alkaline.
So even if a food tastes acid, it does not necessarily have an acid-forming effect on the body. For example, you might think that oranges are acidic; yet they are actually alkalizing.
Vivian I have discovered some supplements are hard to digest and actually make me feel like there is acid burning my tounge when I wake up in the morning.
Dear Vivian!
I read your article, and agree about doctors not having the answers to the affect of prescription drugs. I am no longer taking Fosamax or Boniva after founding out what is in them. It’s been over a year since I stopped, and on my last bone density test, the result was good. I have been trying to incorporate lot’s of fruit and vitamins, of course, in my diet and it seems to be paying off.
Thanks for all information. I’s really helpful to have somebody with the same view.
I had hoped that after a year on the recommended diet, I would be able to get another T score to determine effectiveness. However, I have been told that Medicare will not pay for the test if you’re not on medication. What’s with that>
I was prescribed Fosamax for three years and then Actonel for two. My Bone Density showed that my Osteoporosis had gotten worse. My doctor wanted to order another medication, but I refused. I said enough with medication! I told him that I was going to exercise and hope for the best.After all, I had nothing to lose.
I have fractures in my spine and hip. Initially, it was just the spine.
Great thinking right on-the-mark!!!!!!
This is all so interesting! I had a bone density last year and it came back that I have osteo…I refused any drugs as my husband is on so many and I can see what they do to him..I know I have to get off coffee,tea etc.and I will be getting your “save the bone” book…I know I have to change some lifestyle habits I have and this is all so encouraging..thanks for all the info
Thank you,thank you Vivian:)
Keep up the excellent work,my husband got me your book, since then I’m free from all the side effects& worries(from the drugs)
thanks for all the info trying to get it all together and under stand some is a surprise but and very interesting
Thank you for all you are doing.
And many thanks for this article.
I have just finished 13 months of Forteo. My DEXA scan improved greatly From a -3.9 (lumbar area) to a -2.1. My hip is still -1.6 (no change). I am going to take a break at end of December and I will still have 9 months that I can take Forteo and a later date if neccesary (may only take Forteo for total of 24 months) I assume I will have to take a biophosphonate for a period of time so that I do not have “rapid osteoclast resorption”. I have read that this is a risk when stopping Forteo. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I took Forteo shots for about 5-6 months. Then I had 12 compressed vertabrae during the end of 06-07 .I will NOT take any more of them.I was in bed most of that time. I found out I didn’t have any Vitamin D at all when having my bloodwork.I used the nasal spray for a little over a month and I had another compressed fracture in December. My Vitamin D and Calcium were fine. This fracture was one I had years ago and I fractured it again. I have had the cement procedures on all of the vertabrae in my back now. I was advised to use the Reclast drip. I am afraid of that now.I think I will just stay with the Vitamin D3 and my Calcium. Thank you .
At one time you offered your orignal “save your bones” without having to purchase all the other books. I really wish you would offer this again. take care–Linda
Hi Vivian:
I have been told by an internist, that no one knows my body like I do. He said he wishes more of his patients knew what was good for them as I do.
Thank you for putting it in writing.
Hi Vivian,
I’m always happy to see your name pop up in my inbox. What is Vivian up to now? 🙂 Thanks for being so dedicated to helping us live our lives fully. Your encouragement and information is really a blessing.
Thank you so much, Lynn
Thank you for your concern and information! I appreciate all your time and research.
Thank you again,
Junette Argyle
Y’als video is skipping and stopping. I just thought you should know about this. What I could see of the video I really liked.
Good on you Vivian! Love reading and learning new things about my health that I am in control of. Keep it up, and thanks!
Dear Vivian,
Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to all of us with osteo. your new information allways makes me so greatful i never started taking the osteo meds. I was prescribed. I always look forward to your emails! thanks again.
Wonderful article!
Keep the public aware of the facts that are often shaded and allow the light of knowledge to shine on them.
Many thanx!
I don’t know what to do. My bones are fragile and I’m torn between medications and vitimins….I need help. Can you help me? i
Good news: you CAN conquer osteoporosis by following a nutritional plan and taking the right supplements.
Read about it, analyze it, decide…and believe in yourself 🙂
Hi Vivian 🙂
Since finding out about Bisphosphonates on the net and what they do to your body, I now never accept a drug until I have read more about it, if I don’t like what I see then I don’t use them. I do have to take an antibiotic occasionally because I am immune deficient, but on the whole that’s about all I will take with exception to using my B/P & water tabs.
So decision making is now a whole lot easier when we can use the net, which is probably a headache for most of our G/P’s, who do their very best to help us, after all they have spent many years studying & training to get to the position they are now in.
In a nutshell…. I now make up my own mind, I am 65 years and I am taking care of my own bone health with healthy eating and exercise.
I have joined uour bone health programme and am quite satisfired with it. I was also prescribed drugs and had many side effects, for which the doctors had no answers.
I have also read your book and found it very informative. Thanks.
I’m so glad that I found your web-site all those months ago Vivian. I had just picked up my first script for Fosamax; and with my chemist’s warning about it building brittle bone – I went to the web to find out about it – and found your site. I’m doing all I can – including cooking the “green bananas” plaitain ?? An Indian friend told me to cook them just like potato – and that’s what they taste like. She told me to peel off the outer skin fibre – leaving some covering – cut them up and cover with water – bring to the boil and simmer until soft – strain and rinse – and eat!! There are lots of ways to cook them – but the less trouble for me the better. (I’m 78years old this month). Apparently the “short-chain fatty acids” are very benefical to our “Good bacteria” and keep them healthy and happy – so we enjoy good bowel health!! Thanks again for all your wonderful work – I could not play the Heel lift Video – can you send an e-mail with the exercise in it?? Many Blessings Kelsey Fickling, AUSTRALIA.
Thanks for keeping us up to date.
Good information from all !
Please be advised that you yourself are your own best friend ! The road to recovery from the bone loss you all may be having is reversable…..the process is not to happen overnight….and following your own common sense and the good recommendations found in Vivian’s Bone Health Revolution will, hopefully, turn things around in the right direction…be patient and be kind to yourself, keep sharing and caring for all those you love – including yourself !!
Hello Vivian;
Many tx for all the info. Many doctors recommend calcium and vita D3; unfortunately, this combination does not improve bone strength and if it enters the bloodstream it can damage the arteries according to Dr.Carolyn DeMarco & Dr. Letitia Rao who are in charge of the research lab on calcium at St.Michael’s hospital in Toronto. Title of the book: The Bone Building Solution. I was diagnosed with osteopennia and my doctor was already suspicious because I had lost three inches of height at age sixty already and I am now eighty yrs old and have lost another 3/4 inch of my height, and yet the bone densitomitry test still states osteopennia, a bone specialist told me two years ago that I was definetly suffering from osteoperosis; however, he claimed there is a very fine line between the diagnosis of the two. Since I read the book about the bone building solution I have been taking the proper calcium preparation.
Tx again, Vivian and keep up the wonderful work.
taking alendronic acid april 22nd 2009 and began treatment with strontium {the bonemaker} much improved awaiting results of latest scan will let you know
It is scary to read that medical induced deaths are the third leading cause of deaths in the USA. I am doing every thing I can do for my bones,with out taking drugs.I hope that its enough. I have been on the 80-20 plan for about two months now,changed my drinking water,take all the vit.& minerals,and do weight bearing excerise. When should I have another bone density test done,how many months? carol
If you find out about the weight walking vest, would you please pass on the information to me? I found out that I have a lot of visceral fat around my heart altho’ I am not overweight. I feel that it has something to do with my having had asthma and COPD for most of my life and my cortisol levels. Taking cortisone for most of my life has affected my bones. Catch 22’s. Thank you. Happy Holidays to you!
Just read ccomment by Tricia… Dont take that drug Tricia !!
that is the one mentioned in the $300,000,000.00 dollar lawsuit !
That is the one that gave people bone tumors and made some people loose their teeth and jaws!!
Tricia buy a bottle of calcium magnesum in the health food store
don’t be stupid.
Hi I love the advice Vivian has , it is really
important to stay imformed as the AMA is not telling women the truth about bone health they are only pumping you full of very dangerous
chemicals . In fact I read the other day that
one of those bone drug companies is being sued for giving women everything from bone tumors to necrosis of the jaw bone by many people.
I listen to Viv and use my NYK wieght vest which is bone strengthening exercise also , I wear it when walking and take no drugs.
Women wake up you are being taken for a ride by your great greedy doctors.
Thank you and everyone else for your comments. I have long ago decided that bisphosphonates were not for me, but wondered if I was making a mistake. Please inform me where I can purchase a NYK weight walking vest. Right now I carry a weight inside a back pack!
I have never heard of the walking vest & wondered were they can be purchased. This information would be greatly appreciated.
Dear Vivian, I like your latest article, the way you treat me and all of your group as intelligent people who can make choices of our own.
I took courage some months ago to stop taking Alendronic acid which I had been taking for about six years. It was the day when I saw the osteoporosis nurse and we had been talking about moving on to another drug. The literature had been in my hands for several months but I could not decide what to do. Not having a computer up and running at the time was part of the problem. What a joy it is to search the web and arm oneself with information.
You have a feisty lot of readers over there in the USofA. I am full of admiration for their dedication to self healing and clarity of purpose. We will all learn together.
Strength to your typing arm, Vivian and many thanks, Christine
How true. I appreciate your words and my ability to question what any person wants me to put in my body.
Once again thankyou for all yr support to all of us out there special thankyou!!
Regards Steve.
Steve,was low testostorone part of your osteoporosis problem? James
I just wondered if you had replied to the message I left, yet find it difficult to access chat room.
Thank you Vivian for pointing out that doctors are often not very well informed and that we have to listen to our bodies.
Your suggestions on what fruit protect us are very helpful and help reduce anxiety about our diets. You put us in charge of our health with natural products.
Thanks for all the info Vivian! Check out the OCT. 2009 article (Life without Josie) and you will see a first-hand experience that is heart-wrenching about a family who lost a baby because of medical mistakes. I do not want any of my family or me-included to be one of those stats. Your research and info make good sense to me. My body cannot handle drugs. your natural way of helping me with my bones is GREAT NEWS and I will continue to learn more about these things Drs. don’t want you to know about — Thanks, Vivian!
Sorry – that was the OCTOBER, 2009 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING magazine that tells the story of the medical mistakes and this mother’s passion to share the info with others. I admire her courage to talk up to the medical profession as she helps protect other families. You do the same—THANK YOU!
Thank you Vivian, for your dedication to spreading the truth about bone health and for encouraging women to decide for themselves which course of action to take.
Hi Vivian,
Thanks for all the information you have provided on this subject. I have read each and everyone of your messages that you have sent me, plus I have read the book. I’m so very happy that I decided to research the medicine that the doctor had prescribed. My appointment with that doctor is coming up on Nov 17 and I can’t wait to tell her what I have discovered and what I have decided to do about my bone health. Tomorrow, Nov 6, my new treadmill will be delivered and I plan to use it everyday if at all possible, plus eat some of the right foods and just be happy and fortunate that I’m not one of those people that is suffering with the complications of these horrible medicines. Thanks again for sharing this information with me and others that have taken advantage of what you researched and discovered. People like you are hard to find, especially nowadays with all the fraud and abuse that is going on in the medical field. Elvia
Have you plugged into your readers that strontium is a major factor increasing bone STRENGTH which can be just as valuable as increasing bone density? A unresolved question I have is–taking a chelating agent counter productive to bone supplenentation for osteoporosis?
I have taken Fosovance, Actonel + Evista. Discontinued each after 3 months + having discussed it with the family physician. Side effects were severe + removed the quality of life. I discontinued taking Evista in January of 2007- it caused among other things such horrendous muscle spasms that I was becoming immobile. the spasms caused my sciatica to become extremely aggrevated to the point where I was unable to sit, walk. lay down without great pain. I finally went to the Chiropractic College and they helped a great deal with exercises, that I continue every morning and they keep my sciatica under control; however, I still have problems with muscle spasms; nevertheless, they are far less frequent now.
I also took medication for hypothyroidism and had such gumsores that I could only take liquids for nourishment. I saw a medical doctor, not my own as she does not believe in herbal treatments, + she suggested one milkthisle capsule and one hawthorne and gugulon 15 minutes later – prior to breakfast and dinner time. My gums healed within two weeks and my thyroid is fine – I have been following this regime for nine years and I am now eighty years old. I also take calcium tablet daily of 1000 mg including many other minerals. I do not take any medications at this time although I was informed in 1996 that if I did not take my heart medication which I had discontinued then I would be dead in two years. As you can tell that I am still alive today. Thank you for all the useful information.
Hi Vivian, Thank’s so much for all your info, I really apprieciate all you do for me.Please keep up the good work. I will keep my eyes open for any other messages you send. Thank you Your’s Dolores
Way to go! Keep up your enthusiasm. I’m sure you’ll do great!
I find Your articles about bone health very helpfull. do You also have knowledge about
arthritis ? I wake up 5 hours after I go to bed and have pain on my leg midway between knee and hip, MD says I have arthritis on knee and hip but pain goes away as soon I get up and walk, there is no swelling or redness I work out every day no pain till 5 hours after I lay down, my MD has no answers. Bill
I took fosamax for many years and quit because of acid reflux and other side effects. Now my doctor wants me to take Evista which I have no intention of taking. Hopefully with extra calcium and vitamin D and milk products I will manage to have no broken bones as have managed well so far at 70.
re your article many thanks for all the info. I have been on actonel for the last 6 years and I am now diagnosed with severe osteoporosis, 2 crushed vertebrae,etc…I did everything right, so I thought! But, one thing has occurred to me, I am on thyroid meds. for the last 3 yrs. and it seems that ever since I am on them , my bone density results were getting worse. My Endocrinologist does not agree with my theory and I am in a bind and very frightened! From all reports that I have read, the thyroid gland is the catalyst. Does this make sense to you? I am now in a desperate frame of mind, all the calcium,etc, gets leached from my bones no matter what I try. If someone else can relate to this, I would appreciate hearing from you. Shirley
I took Fosomax for approximately 5 years and then I started having problems with tightness and pressure in my throat and sometimes difficulty swallowing. I started searching for some answers and found this website. I stopped taking the medication in August and am already much better. Thank you so much for going to the effort to help others.
Some of the medications used for
Osteoporosis can cause Seizures!
I have purchased the book and its worth the read. I also took advantage of purchasinf a piece of equipent called vibeplare….for thos who do not exercise as often as they should to increase bone mass. I purchased it because i am in a wheelchair and have osterposis. It works amazing and thank the author for sending the information thru a newsletter.
To me, what you are saying isn’t controversial at all as I have always been very independent. I make all of my own decisions based on research and keep an open mind. Thank you for your valuable input. Please continue to share.
Andrea Moore
I was on Fosomax for five years and had no problems with it. However, because I am healthy and athletic, now sixty years of age, I preferred not to be on any medication and adopted your diet. Two bone density tests later, my doctor called me in to inform me that my bone density, which had improved with Fosamax, was markedly less–but he left the decision up to me. He pointed out that there are no real ways of testing the efficacy of a drug that is supposed to reduce bone breakage–other than doing a study in which fifty women are dropped out of the same five-story window to see whose bones resisted breakage. He also pointed out that the body naturally has to balance out its acidity/alkalinity all the time. (Strenuous execise produces a lot of lactic acid. Does that mean that it’s bad for you?)
I hope that all of your followers examine their own situations. I’m sure one can cite a “scientific study” to support practically any premise.
Deborah Greitzer
Has anyone heard of Zometa – Zoledronic Acid for treatment of osteoporosis. It apparently is an annual injection. Anyone tried this?
Dear Vivian,
It is always very helpful to read your comments on bone situation. I have been aware of so many issues from your articles – thank you. I actually have decided to buy your book.
Recently, my bones have started to be week. I am more concerned on what I should do more to feel better. My doctor prescribed Calcium/Vitamin D – should I take it or not. Give me your advice. God bless. Desta
Vivian — I should be straightforward and reveal immediately that I am a foe of bisphosphanates, for the multiple reasons you have listed in many posts. But I have a question. I’m admittedly no whiz at math, but one set of publicized stats I find particularly ludicrous. On the one hand, the number of osteoporosis-related fractures has risen dramatically over the last decade. That fact is inarguable. At the same time, the makers of drugs like Fosamax claim that their products have substantially reduced the numbers of osteoporosis-related fractures. Obviously, the two statements don’t jibe, but out of curiosity, I contacted the author of the article indicating that fractures had dramatically increased, and asked whether the study took into account any of the following: (1) whether the fractures occurred in women who were or were not taking bisphosphanates; (2) whether the women suffering fractures were on any kind of osteoporosis supplements or diets; and (3) whether the women were aware, prior to the fracture, that they had osteoporosis (under the new definition.) The answer was “no” to all three questions. None of those factors were taken into account at all. How can Big Pharma get away with issuing such blatantly contradictory statements?
Do you know or can you refer me to someone knowledgeable, who can tell me if it’s a good idea for someone w/Lupus to get the H1I1 vaccine? I have heard comments on both sides.
I took 3 drugs when I was first diagnosed. They all made me very nauseous so I quit. My Doctor told me to take calcium and Vitamin D which I have done ever since. Interestingly I took 2 doses of Fosamax and now I constantly have a “crick” in my neck. I put it down to the Fosamax as one of my friends took it for a year and now has a paralyzed neck. Too bad something can’t be done to abolish these drugs!
Hi Vivian:
Just wanted to let you know that I contacted Mike Ross re: The Balance Manual and asked him if the manual would help my loss of balance caused by my Scoliosis. He replied with a very nice email and I immediately ordered his book and now starting to do the exercises he suggests. I know I am doing all the right things for my condition. I agree with you that you know yourself best. My doctor has given up trying to convice me to take Fosamax. I will have another bone density in Feb. 2010 and I am confident I will see an improvement. Thanks again for all the wonderful information you share with all of us. Stay well.
I agree. I don’t like the drugs (Actonel, Boniva) because I broke out from the Actonel and I was starting to get a rash from the Boniva. I heard the vitamin K2 is supposed to be very good for osteoporosis. What do you know about this?
I, too, want to know about Vit K.
Almost six years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I survived two surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation, and after all that, my doctor prescribed Tamoxifen for five years. I took it for about four months, and found it to be positively personality-altering. I stopped taking it, and within 48 hours I felt so much better. When I called my doctor to tell him, he scheduled me for an emergency appointment – and his solution was Tamoxifen with Prozac. I flatly refused, changed my diet, started an exercise program (and lost 70 lbs.), and haven’t looked back. I feel great!
At least, until recently, when I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis. My doctor tried so hard to get me on Evista, and I’m still fighting it. Between your book and your articles, I’ve adjusted my diet, and am truly curious to see what my next dexascan will show. Thank you so much for caring enough to share all this information.
Thanks again, Vivian, for this most recent info.
I really appreciate all these tips and didn’t realize these fruits would help bone density. As I have been off Foxamax for 2 and 1/2 yrs. my bone density in the spine is back to what is was before I started on the drug. Dr. not happy about this because it is a 3.8% decrease since I stopped. I’m taking everything to help built the density and doing exercise. I take what you suggest every seriously.
Thanks, Carole
HI Vivian, Enjoy your common sense knowledge. Am a victim of Actonel (12 pills). HOw long does this destructive drug stay in my system. NOw have acid reflux(with a dry constant cough-like smokers), have never smoked, partial loss of vision in one eye(Glaucoma). Ruined my life. Had all the other systems during taking the pills. Was a runner, skier,biker. still doing things but definitely with great loss of strength. How can we stop this poison from being sold? Mjw
Hi Mary Jean,
I’m so sorry about what happened to you. The good news is that the free-flowing drug leaves the body via the kidneys in about 3 to 4 months. Make sure you drink plenty of water to accelerate this process.
Sorry to hear about what osteo drugs did to you! My mother was victim leaving her with a distegrated L5 vertebrae. We were lucky to have had one of the experts DR’s on the research into the bisophosonate drugs and the damage they are doing unfortunately she has seemed to have vanished (I won’t go there) but my mom was put on a horomone daily injection because her bone turn over was suppressed to a 0. DEXA scans are a false sense of security because she had a normal DEXA. Also know that the bisophonates stay in your system for years!!!!! She finishes her 2 year horomone treatment this month and have already been told her bone turn over will fall over dramatically. But we are going to opt for a natural treatment and monitor with metabolic panels for bone regeneration as density is useless once you have been on the bisophosonate drugs. Good luck to you.
Dear Vivian,
You are an encyclopedia with knowledge & applying your knowledge to improve the lives of many a women & men.
thank you,
Love you,
thank you vivian for all the information you send me even though i did’nt buy your book. today i read the latest (“about you”)and i agree with that.ihave always thought i should do that but at age 89 i did’nt feel it was safe anymore-wrong-iam now in (assisted living). thank you again,may god bless you.
Thanks Vivian! I would never find the time to gather all the valuable information that you
furnish us with. the reading is easy and enjoyable. The world is a better place because of your “SAVE OUR BONES”. Carry on.
I like what you are doing with the save our bones program. Keep up the good works ! I find it very helpfull to me. Thank you for your learned advise .
Thanks for the support. It is hard to go up against your doctor-but I have and I did! Each month that I am off Boniva I feel better and have less and less pain. I truly believe that drug was all wrong for me. I am taking Osteo-K and am fully confident that I am on the right track Thanks To You! save our bones and all the articles you write have been my inspiration. Thanks again
The stats on physician related deaths in the U.S. is mind-boggling. I have been very fortunate in only having been hospitalized for childbirth (3 times) and at 79 I hope I can continue to avoid hospitals!! My doctor(D.O.) has been willing to work with me and gave me no static about refusing to take any more Boniva or any other drug. Most of my friends are on one or more drugs and they don’t eat very healthy but tend to tell me I’m too picky but I prefer to be healthy and I don’t even want junk food.
Thanks Vivian for speaking out and giving all of us excellent information.
Very interesting & informative article!I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for the information.
After recent spinal surgery, I met with my surgeon for followup. He expressed great concern that I was not taking a drug for osteoporosis – and when I responded with the results of my research into osteoporosis drugs and the alternative nutritional and exercise program I was on, he sat back with eyes wide and said “you definitely know more about this than I do. I rarely meet patients who have done such extensive research.” I felt quite vindicated!
What you said is so true. We all need to be more informed about health in general. I believe people should be taught in school from an early age about how the body works and what to do to keep it healthy and working properly. I think many doctors are too busy to read everything about the medications and we need to be informed before just taking something because the doctor prescribed it. The internet is a great resource and you can find out a lot about a wide variety of drugs. Health also has to do with eating properly which is something that we are now just starting to realize. The more we learn about food and how to prevent disease, such as bone loss, and others, will keep us healthy. I like the new commercials about asking your doctor questions. If the doctor seems “angry” that you are questioning him, it is time to seek a new health provider. Thanks for all your hard work in the health department. It has meant a great deal to me.
Dear Vivian, i am so grateful for all your info and support for those of us who don’t trust the traditional medical system. I wondered how the figures you just shared about our health care system compare with other countries such as Switzerland, Germany and England. If you have access to such a comparison, would love to see it. Thanks so much for all you do.
Hi Vivian
Thank you Vivian sincerely for all information
I am trying so hard to improve my bone density by eating good food and some vitamins.
I went to my doctor from Osteoporosis and he thing i must taking a new medicine call PROTELOS 2gs, for OSTEOPOROSIS AND OSTEOPENIA, My questions is how he knows is gone to be very good for my bones it is a new medicine,?well I do not believe and I decide I do not take any medicine for bone like you said OSTEOPOROSIS IS NOT A DISEASE……..
Best Regards CLARA
An excellant article Vivian.Keep up the great work you are doing. Thank you.
After reading your brochure last year, I abruptly stopped my Boniva, did some weights and waited until my next GYN appt. to discuss it with the Dr. I gathered my facts, presented them to him and he listed, asked for one more dexa scan (hadnt changed in two years) and agreed to go with me. I am still off of Boniva now 11 months and doing fine. I also am monitoring my balance. THANKS,
I cannot thank you enough for helping me to improve my bone health! A year and a half ago I was diagnosed with Osteoporsis and had one bad reaction to Bonvia, which “led” me to read your book. For over a year I followed your advice and eating plan, while having positive conversations with my doctor that I wanted to try your plan before any other meds. Last month I had another bone density test. My doctor was surprised to report to me very positive results. In her words, “There was significant improvement” and I no longer am considered as having Osteoporosis. And the best part of this is that I turned 50 this year. So you are absolutely correct – YOU CAN IMPROVE YOUR BONE HEALTH even at older ages!! I am a firm believer. Thank you so much!
Dear Vivian, I am glad you are reminding people that we have to be the steward of our own health.
This also means that we have to be responsible for our own health and that means quit eating food that is laden with toxins from processing and chemical additives and void of nutrients and then expect miracles from supplements let alone drugs.
Again, thanks for the information. I always learn something.
Most people who go to the doctor want a “cure” for something (many go to the doctor wanting a certain drug or procedure or surgery), so it’s not surprising that doctors will try to diagnose and treat. Only a small percentage of us would like to take charge of our health and well-being, and medical providers are not adequately prepared for our type.
Whatever would we do without you, with all your news flashes and gentle reminders to keep us on the straight and narrow!
Thank you so much
I have IBS and I am lactose intolerant. There are so many things I can not eat or digest. Most things with calcium in them have dairy. I have trouble digesting raw fruits and veggies.
Seaweeds are very wonderful sources of not only minerals but also are very soothing for the intestines, easy to digest. Wakame or kombu in soup, dulse in morning cereal. Etc. Lactoferrin is helpful for absorption and health in your intestines, too.
Thanks for your comments. They are easy to read and understand and I always learn something new.
Hi Vivian..My doctor hs been trying to get me to take a once a year injection and I have refused over and over. She is very intellilgent so I don’t understand why the push for this drug, even the pills. I’ve read the ingredients in these pills and frankly the whole thing scares me and they scare me with the threat:(well, just wait till you break yur hip) My comment: raspberries. thanks for all you do. Hugs, Betty
I was told by the Drug Company that the injections stay in your body for at least a year. If you have problems with it ??
I read your book with great interest and I am following the diet and foods suggested. It will be interesting to see how I fare in the next 10 years. I am 76 years old, and I am not taking any medication and I am in good health. I exercise regularly, golf and practice good nutrition habits, by following the guidelines from health experts, such as yourself. Many thanks.
My Dr. prescribed Fosomax, I took it for 2 weeks, had lots of pain in the muscles across my back. When I told my Dr. about this, he said it couldn’t be from the drug as that wasn’t one of the side effects. Haven’t had any pain since I stopped taking the drug.Thanks for all the info you give us.
In response to Alma’s nov. 6 comment, re: doctors not knowing the side effects of these drugs……….I got on the FDA website and saw that the FDA had to send Drs. an alert that these drugs may cause severs, debilitating bone, muscle, and joint pain………..obviously, suffering patients have complained to the FDA and the Drs. are/were totally unaware of these side effects, or don’t believe their patients! Go on the FDA website and read for yourself!
Just this morning I realized that, since the early seventies, doctors use various tricks to get the patient to do their bidding. One doctor let slip that they are first taught to get the patient under control. After suffering from these onslaughts for years but wondering whether I am paranoid, I finally came to my senses. Depending on how a doctor sizes up the patient, he chooses the trick that is best designed to intimidate the patient and get her to do his bidding. I have found most doctors do not permit an intelligent discussion. To illustrate, I used eye drops for years and then had laser surgery on both eyes for glaucoma, with the suggestion for more surgery, which I refused, before I caught on I never had glaucoma. The more informed the patient, the more zings from the doctor. I no longer see value in providing a complete health history because something in it will give them what they need to make you knuckle under before you can realize what has happened. From now on only if I am in the hospital for an emergency, do they get that history. Here’s a trick you can use: Stand in the presence of the doctor. That makes the balance of power more equal.
Thank you Vivian for your research and information on this condition. You have really given me good information on doctors and the medicines that they prescribe. They want you to take a drug that they don’t know much about themselves. Keep writing your blogs. I find them very informative.
Does anyone take EZORB calcium? A friend recommended it to me for fibromyalgia but it says it is the best for osteoporosis. You have to take about 8 a day so I am worried about whether it is safe.
Tammy, I have been taking Ezorb for 3 yrs. It absorbs better than the rest of the calcium..I took 8 a day for 3mths and cut back to 4. I have Fibromyalgia and I also use 024 Fibrommmyalgia…Since I have been using it I have felt no pain for a month..I have to do my best to keep stress out of my life as i know it triggers my Fibromyalgia…no side effects of Esorb..My daughter takes it also…
I use EZORB. I seriously evaluated their claims and had many questions, which the EZORB staff promptly and satisfactorily responded to. It is the first calcium supplement I felt comfortable in taking and I believe it is a good product. I take the powder and according to my weight only need two tsp. a day, which I blend in with my daily protein drink or a fruit smoothie. It dissolves in any kind of liquid. I have not had a new bone scan, so I do not have any proof the product provides the benefits they claim. It may also be to soon to tell because I just started it this year. However, I feel, and this is strictly my own decision, it is probably the best product on the market, particularly because it is an organic form of calcium. Inorganic mineral supplements do not get absorbed by the body, from all I have learned.
I just purchased your bone health plan and have been looking over the email downloads while waiting for the book to come in the mail. It is so exciting to think that osteoporosis is treatable without drugs, and that bone density can actually be INCREASED. I took Fosamax for 10 years, but after reading various magazine articles about the condition decided to stop taking it about a year and a half ago, while including more exercise and eating less sugar and dairy products. My recent bone density showed my hip bone density to have remained the same but that in my back to have decreased some. So I am eager to add other strategies I find in your bone health plan, in hopes of having an improvement in my next bone density. Thank you for the information in this blog. I praise God for His wonderful natural remedies and for your wonderful work in uncovering and diseminating your findings in the area of osteoporosis!
And thank you in advance for improvement in my bone health.
Nancy Jo
So if you were taking fosomax for 10 years how did you manage to have a lower bone density in your back. Do you have any side effects from the fosomax? How often do you get your bone density checked?
Who knows how or why this happens, but it does. I had a similar experience with actonel. I was on actonel for 4-5 yrs. & everytime I went for bone density tests, they were all over the place…up & down between the hips & spine. One time I’d go & there was an improvement in one area, the next time it would be down in that area & up in another. I was not doing anything different as far as diet or exercise went. I quit taking the actonel, made some other changes & generally feel much better. I’ll see what the next tests show.
I stopped taking Actonel,
watched my diet, lots of fruits and vegies and I feel good. I did not go back to my doctor, I changed PCP and I am happy
and never
went back for
bone density test. I don’t
discussed my bone problem with my family of doctors. Drs. don’t know your feelings. You are the master of yourself. Have faith and God will help
As always you are full of good information. I feel like I am doing better than ever on the food you told me about in your book. I am going to do the heal lifts in my Florida backyard and let you know how that goes. Both my sister and myself are now off all meds and feel soooo much better.
Thank You, Carol
Vivian, thank you for the information on osteoporosis. I find it very helpful. I no longer go to a doctor for treatment of my osteoporosis. I stopped my Fosomax a long time ago and use herbal supplements. Thanks for telling us the truth about doctors and drugs.
Dear Vivian:
Many of your comments seem medically sound but I disagree with your stance on vaccines. I believe vaccines are one of the truly miraculous medical advances of our time. Your opinion on vaccines makes me question the validity of some of your other ideas.
I am sure the theory of vaccinations is meant with the best of intentions. However to learn of some of the ingredients allegedly used, no more for me. They would have to drag me off screaming and kicking. I believe all these things are cumulative and some say have five jabs and old timers disease is just around the corner. I have an old NHS leaflet for seasonal flu that advises nurses to avoid the jab containing mercury if possible. ‘It works just as well’ If not, have it anyway.
It’s not the vaccines as such but the carrier which is either mercury or thimerisol. These are popisons to the human body just like fluoride!
I’ve been on Boniva for 3-1/2 years. In June my bone scan showed no improvement in my hip and that lower lumbar got slightly worse. Asked doctor why I’m taking Boniva if it’s not helping. She said we want to keep my osteoporosis from getting worse. I said I want to get better so I can stop the Boniva. She highly suggested I keep taking the drug, but incorporate more exercise in my daily routine. I can’t tolerate milk, don’t like cheese, not a big meat eater and don’t like fruit. What’s left?
A quality low amplitude vibration machine with the right diet and exercise like we all know we should do is the route I am taking. It is lots cheaper than Reclast and approved for osteoporosis in 30 other countries including the UK, NZ, and Australia. I am not waiting for the FDA study. I will be my own one person study. The stats on these for bone growth are everywhere EXCEPT in this country. We all are still floundering around trying to figure out how to stay strong without drugs. This method does not terrify me like drugs!
You do not need to be a big meat eater, A little will do. At a local farmer’s market I found a sealed packet of pigeon breasts. Now they are not large, have very little fat, no bone or gristle, and make a suitable lunch for one with, I imagine, no added antibiotics. Also what about fish. The oily ones are particularly good for bones. If you are not near the coast or a river use tinned ones e.g. sardines.
Don’t forget peas and beans, sea vegetables and of course,vegetables from the land of all kinds. Sprouted seeds which you can grow yourself provide high proportions,relatively, of protein and readily available vitamins and minerals including calcium.
Don’t be discouraged, there’s a lot of help out there
I forg0t to say fruit of course.
Hi Vivian, Great Information as always. I am happy to report, I have finally found a doctor willing to work with me taking Vitamins and not Osteoporsis drugs. I am so excited and continuing my good health practice for safe and effect osteoporsis management.
Thank you for this latest update.
Lovely to hear from you again Vivian especially with such encouraging words. l am sure doctors always think they are acting in our best interests when they prescribe drugs,but as you say they really are overloaded with new data everyday and rely on the Government Drug Agencies for their guidelines on safety, side effects etc. Sometimes l think these Agencies give the o.k to drugs too quickly. Having suffered so badly from the side affects of the Bisphosphanates myself and the classic prescription drugs to help tolerate them l really do wonder why these drugs are still being prescribed if so many people have to stop taking them. Perhaps it is thought that if at least 30 per cent of patients can take them then that’s o.k. Initially l thought it was wonderful that there was some treatment for osteoporosis and was grateful for the drugs. There really is no quick fix. Scientist should learn.
Kindest regards
You wrote: “l am sure doctors always think they are acting in our best interests when they prescribe drugs.”
I am not so sure. One M.D. reveals that he recommends a certain procedure because he has to follow certain guidelines set by the bureaucrats and he has to protect himself from any law suits first and foremost.
Also doctors have to push the drugs to get funding from the big pharma’s.
Patients’ interest may not be first and foremost.
Think again! Wake up people.
I find all your e mails very interestingI have stopped taking bishonates as I developed a gullet problem even tho I was following directions to a T.I also have reflux which I see could also be a side effect.I now take CalfovitD3 powder forsuspension Have you any views on these powders.
I appreciate your e mails and forward them to my sister—osteoporosis is in the family
thank you for the reminders and support. your caring, generous spirit touch me deeply, down to the bone…
I was in agreement with everything you said, and as shortly I expect to be entering into yet another a debate about taking biophosphonates with a health professional, I will hopefully be better prepared, especially as I am only considered “at risk” due to the Prednisolone I am being treated with, there is no evidence of osteoporosis, no scan has been carried out.
I am taking part in a therapeutic exercise regime and also regulating my diet to maximise my bone strength, hopefully this will be sufficient to avoid future problems.
There is a new treatment for osteoporosis currently being trialed in the UK, it remains to be seen what side effects this new drug will have, and if the bones can be strengthened through diet and exercise this is all the better.
Have found your advice very helpful.
Thank you.
Hi, Vivian.
When I visited my new internist last week and told him about my 8.8% increase in bone density, he said it was incredible and wanted to know how I did it. I told him I stopped using Evista and also gave up coffee, tea, sodas, cheese and crackers, my daily snacks–attempting to gain an appropriate ph balance. His only comment was that the Fosamax I had taken for nine years previously was still working in my bones.
I on the other hand am ecstatic. Your book is amazing and I share it with everyone who will allow your research to trickle in. So many are skeptical!
Thank you for your good common sense research, and thank you for sharing it with all of us!
Marce Welch
Hi Vivian,
Thank you for once again helping us make wise choices for bone health, a template for other paths to good health. This is especially vital since – shockingly – it takes 17 years for a positive change to be incorporated into a physician’s practice. Very grateful and congratulations, Vivian.
Just read your latest iinformation about looking after our bones.
Well, I’m trying so hard to improve my bone density by eating the correct combiinatioons of food especially foods, and avoiding all foods that destroy bone growth. I do lots of walking, power exercises using weights. I am dew for another another bone density test next year so I hope to see a big improvement. Thanks for your wonderful program containing valuable iinformation, help, ideas etc. etc
Fortunately I do not feel guilty at all in taking my health in my own hands. This and other medical/health web sites back the acid/ alkaline theory and it makes perfect sense to me. So I applaud Vivian for helping us to know the best way to help ourselves.
I did talk to my doctor telling her I would not be taking the Actonel and had decided to take a far healthier approach to my osteoporosis. She unfortunately did not want to know any thing about it. I was very surprised as I have always thought her to have an open mind. I do tell everyone that is interested about this site so the word will soon spread by us doing that.
Thanks to Vivian we all have a better chance at a healthier life.
I thank you sincerely for all the information
you pass on from your dedicated years of study,
My daughter with full osteoporosis of the spine at 54 years of age and myself with osteopenia at 78 are following your “Bone Health Revolution” guidelines.
Thank you Vivian for all your hard work.
Warm wishes,
I’m always glad to see some ‘mail’ from you- it helps me get back on track. I feel like I am not a very good patient- not doing as my doctor asks. This column makes me feel better about that.
Thank you, Vivian, for sharing your research with us. We really appreciate you.
There are those who give information freely and those who sell books. When I pass on information to others it is blocked by doctors who are looking for money. Natural Food Remedies are the way to go but doctors say it has not been tested even though they have worked such as My foods that protects the heart from heart attacks. I have had Irregular Heart Beat Episodes since 1995 and my heart is still not affected. But Cardiology doctors here in Australia do not want to admit that Mg Foods DOES protect the heart, as well as other food remedies that have resolved other medical problems.
What are the foods you eat for your heart? Personally, I eat nuts, Cia seeds, olive oil, avocados, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, am a vegetarian (almost vegan). I have never smoked, am a non-drinker, walks daily from 40-60 minutes and does mild body exercises. I work in the garden, and generally have a healthy life style, but I often have symptoms from my heart of various kinds.
I have had an irregular heartbeat since I was a Teenager. I Wore 3 Holter monitors for a few days at a time etc. Now I’m 67 yrs.
As I got older the irregular heartbeat got worse (under stress also), and to the point, I would have to push my chest in to stop it, and I could hear or feel a grinding noise!
When it got really bad, and the Drs. didn’t have the answers (Duh), I owned a business at that time, and One day talking to one of my clients that was into Natural health, I told her about my heartbeat.
She said take “Hawthorn Berry”, which is a Herb. I took two aday, 550mg each together..
After a couple of months, I noticed it was not happening as much, then not at all after about a year. ( I was getting a few irregular heartbeats a day) So Scary.
Now I take about one aday, after taking two aday for about 12 yrs, and I Do NOT have anymore irrgular heartbeats.
From what I have found out and now my personal Dr. says this also.
Hawthorn Berry is a Heart Strengthener.
I also now take Co-Q 10, which is very good for my heart also.
Before you take Hawthorn berry , as it is a Herb, make sure it doesn’t interfere with any meds etc. you are taking.
That said, I take allot of Vitamins, and I have not had any problems with taking Hawthorn Berry.
You can buy it over the counter at a health food store, or your market may carry it. It is NOT expensive.
I live in Calif, Usa, not sure if your in a different country!!
Take care,
P.S. I do NOT drink, smoke, or do coffee, etc.
I do not eat anything with Caffein it. That can be a triger also.
Thanks a lot, April.I’ll try and find Hawthorn Berry next time I go to town. Hope it is available here in Australia. I also take Usana’s COQ10 and other good supplements. I never touch caffeine :-)By the way, I’ll be 74 next month and am in good health, really. It is just that the irregular heart beat, when it occurs, worry me, so it would be nice to get rid of it. My youngest daughter (45 yrs old) has the same problem, so I’ll tell her about the Hawthorn as well. Anne.
I have had atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) for 12 years. I’ve been prescribed coumadin and lanoxin for the problem. So far, it has worked and prevented a blood clot and stroke. I eat healthy and try to exercise daily. Now I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Does comadin contribute to bone loss?
I haven’t read anything about that but you may be low in Vitamin K, which is essential for bone growth. You can’t add it into your diet with blood thinner drugs; they work against each other.