Do You Have A Hard Time Making Decisions About Your Bone Health?

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Inspiration

5 min Read

Decisions, decisions, decisions! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you didn’t have to make them? The answer is no.

You should welcome being in control of your decisions because nobody is more qualified to make bone health decisions for yourself than you.

But because you may not be sure of yourself, you might become stressed and anxious.

So today, I want to give you the five main reasons why you are more than qualified to make your own osteoporosis choices – regardless of what anyone else tells you…

Because you are a truth-seeker

Nothing can stop you from finding the truth. The mere fact that you are on this website proves it.

You want to discover the truth about your osteoporosis diagnosis, about the drugs you were prescribed, and everything else you need to know, so you can make an educated decision. While others blindly accept what they’ve been given and told, you are willing to go the extra mile.

This isn’t to say that you will actively disobey what your doctor tells you, but rather you would like to discuss your findings with him or her in an open and pleasant dialogue. As George Lundberg, M.D., executive vice-president and editor-in-chief of Medicalogic/Medscape states in an interview, “physicians need to welcome the idea of patients being interested in their own health.” Amen, George!

Because you question everything

You want detailed, common-sense information and you won’t settle for the proverbial “because I say so.”

You want to get to the bottom of things. But did you know that unlike you, most doctors don’t research the latest health information?

The US Department of Health and Human Services reports that “once a new piece of scientific evidence emerges as a medical advance, it takes up to 17 years before doctors routinely incorporate that information into how they practice medicine” (Comparative Effectiveness Research: What It Means for You, Carolyn M. Clancy, M.D, April 7, 2009).

In light of this, it surely does not look like a good idea to rely on your doctor for the latest information on any health topic, let alone osteoporosis.

Because only you know what your “normal” feels like

You know yourself better than anyone else, so you know when you’re just not feeling right. I receive many emails from readers about how doctors denied the side-effects they suffered while taking osteoporosis drugs, and flatly transferred the blame to another unrelated condition.

For example, many in our community wrote that when they complained of acid reflux while taking bisphosphonates (a common side-effect of those drugs), the doctor would blame it on stress, and handed out yet another prescription for an anxiety drug. More often than not, stories like these don’t have a happy ending… As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect”, and you have been practicing at being “you” since the day you were born.

Because you did not study Medicine

You see, Medical students immerse themselves in a wide array of complicated subjects, and they also need to memorize information on thousands of prescription drugs. The Physician’s Desk Reference has information on over 4,000 drugs, and the number keeps growing every year. Clearly, doctors are exposed to an overwhelming amount of data.

So it is not surprising that Dr. Barbara Starfield of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health writes that there are about 250,000 iatrogenic deaths (physician-caused deaths) per year in the USA. Plus there are 12,000 unnecessary surgeries, 7,000 medication errors in hospitals, 20,000 “other errors” in hospitals, 80,000 infections acquired in hospitals, and 106,000 “non-error, negative effects of drugs.”

Alarmingly, medical-induced deaths are the third leading cause of death in the USA, after heart disease and cancer (B. Starfield, M.D., Journal of the American Medical Association, Is US health really the best in the world? July 2000).

Fortunately, you have an edge over any doctor because you only have to focus on your own health issues. If you've gone through the Osteoporosis Reversal Program and read the articles on this website, you most likely are already more of an expert on the truth about osteoporosis than your own doctor is!

Because you are self-sufficient

You know that your body is designed for health and not for disease, so you trust its ability to heal itself. Even a single microscopic cell in your body has more chemical processes going on than all the chemical factories in the world combined. Now multiply that by about 75 trillion, which is the approximate number of cells in your body, and you’ve got yourself an industrial complex the likes of which you’ll never see on our planet.

Indeed, osteoporosis prescriptions drugs are no match to what your osteoblasts and osteoclasts can do.

And let’s not forget that Nature also gives you a helping hand to improve your bone health. For example, there are approximately 8,000 bone-healthy plant polyphenols that can help increase the production of osteoblasts (Garie G. Duthie et al. Plant Polyphenols: are they the new magic bullet? Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 2003).

These powerful antioxidants are found in every day fruits like apples, cherries, cantaloupe, pears and grapes.


Now that you know that you are your best bone health decision-maker, it will help you achieve peace of mind. And then, a beautiful thing happens: along with the peace of mind comes less stress, better decisions, and better overall bone health. As I mentioned before, this website is testimony to your willingness to take responsibility for your bone health and to the power in your decisions – I'm glad you made it here.