The Save Our Bones Daily Double Challenge: Day #1

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Inspiration

3 min Read

Today, I’m happy to introduce for the first time, the Save Our Bones Daily Double Challenge. I'm super excited about this as it'll allow me to be more personally involved with the little details that can make a big difference in your bone-building success.

My goal is to keep you motivated and to help you stay on track, to insure that you’ll apply bone-healthy actions now, not later.

What’s more, it'll also tap into the power of our community and by leaving your comments and ideas below, it'll greatly help everyone to stay motivated and actively involved.

Here's How It Works

On Daily Double Challenge days, I'll send you two challenges that are easy to apply. You'll do them, then come back here and leave a comment on your challenge completion. This will greatly motivate the rest of the Save Our Bones community. Simple!

My hope is that as you practice the bone-healthy habits for one day, chances are they’ll become second-nature to you.

So let’s get started now with…

Challenge # 1

What: Chew your food really well

Why: It may sound silly or perhaps way too easy, but trust me, it’s not. We have a tendency to chew food in a rush, sometimes gulping it down – without even realizing. However, it is very important to chew food really well. Because the more you chew, the more alkalizing your food will become.

Digestion actually begins in the mouth, where saliva does a lot more than just moisten food so we can easily swallow it. Saliva contains amylase, also known as ptyalin, which helps digest carbohydrates, and in particular, starches.

And there’s more; bicarbonate ions are also present in saliva, helping you with your alkalizing goals. Plus bicarbonate seems to activate another enzyme: cellulase, which is involved in breaking down cellulose, commonly known as fiber, found in many veggies, fruits, grains, legumes and seeds. So chewing your food well also helps digest it better.

How: For this challenge, be more aware of the length of time you chew your food for, and when you would normally swallow the food, chew a few times more.

Challenge # 2

What: Take deep breaths throughout the day

Why: As I write in a blog post titled ‘Breathe This Way and Help Your Bones', deep breathing has many benefits that relate to your bone health and to your general health.

In essence, and as it relates to your bones, deep breathing is a great way to lower stress, which as I explain in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, can harm your bones. It can also help your body get rid of acidifying toxins.

If you happen to be a shallow breather, you’re not taking in as much oxygen as you might need.You are also not exhaling sufficient carbon dioxide out of your body.

How: The challenge is to pay special attention to the way you breathe. Every hour or so take some deep breaths, and concentrate on feeling each one reach your abdominal area. Then take your time to fully exhale.

So here’s your Daily Double Challenge for today, and I’m looking forward to getting your feedback, motivational ideas, and more below. And look out for more Double Daily Challenges to come.

Till next time,