Today, I’m happy to introduce for the first time, the Save Our Bones Daily Double Challenge. I'm super excited about this as it'll allow me to be more personally involved with the little details that can make a big difference in your bone-building success.
My goal is to keep you motivated and to help you stay on track, to insure that you’ll apply bone-healthy actions now, not later.
What’s more, it'll also tap into the power of our community and by leaving your comments and ideas below, it'll greatly help everyone to stay motivated and actively involved.
Here's How It Works
On Daily Double Challenge days, I'll send you two challenges that are easy to apply. You'll do them, then come back here and leave a comment on your challenge completion. This will greatly motivate the rest of the Save Our Bones community. Simple!
My hope is that as you practice the bone-healthy habits for one day, chances are they’ll become second-nature to you.
So let’s get started now with…
Challenge # 1
What: Chew your food really well
Why: It may sound silly or perhaps way too easy, but trust me, it’s not. We have a tendency to chew food in a rush, sometimes gulping it down – without even realizing. However, it is very important to chew food really well. Because the more you chew, the more alkalizing your food will become.
Digestion actually begins in the mouth, where saliva does a lot more than just moisten food so we can easily swallow it. Saliva contains amylase, also known as ptyalin, which helps digest carbohydrates, and in particular, starches.
And there’s more; bicarbonate ions are also present in saliva, helping you with your alkalizing goals. Plus bicarbonate seems to activate another enzyme: cellulase, which is involved in breaking down cellulose, commonly known as fiber, found in many veggies, fruits, grains, legumes and seeds. So chewing your food well also helps digest it better.
How: For this challenge, be more aware of the length of time you chew your food for, and when you would normally swallow the food, chew a few times more.
Challenge # 2
What: Take deep breaths throughout the day
Why: As I write in a blog post titled ‘Breathe This Way and Help Your Bones', deep breathing has many benefits that relate to your bone health and to your general health.
In essence, and as it relates to your bones, deep breathing is a great way to lower stress, which as I explain in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, can harm your bones. It can also help your body get rid of acidifying toxins.
If you happen to be a shallow breather, you’re not taking in as much oxygen as you might need.You are also not exhaling sufficient carbon dioxide out of your body.
How: The challenge is to pay special attention to the way you breathe. Every hour or so take some deep breaths, and concentrate on feeling each one reach your abdominal area. Then take your time to fully exhale.
So here’s your Daily Double Challenge for today, and I’m looking forward to getting your feedback, motivational ideas, and more below. And look out for more Double Daily Challenges to come.
Till next time,
would you tell me where i can write and get some answers to some questions i need answered thank you please let me know right away
Great tips. Have been going to exercise classes 3 times a wk., and we end our session with deep breathing to bring heart rate down – however, I am guilty of eating faster than I should and have been trying to slow down. Keep up your helpful tips. Thanx so much
Thanks for your two great tips. Another excellent way i have found to improve my bone density is to apply a cream called ‘Pro-Juven’, which has a high percentage of the hormone progesterone, available on prescription.
Hi Vivian,
Great tips. I do take deep breath some times. Now I will try to practice and do it more often. Is any started this? Is any change you seen?.
There are great breathing exercises on Dr wells breathng exercies…The proper way to do it ..
Just getting to my email and this a wake up call as to how lazy I have been Thank you
I just learned about the value of plums in preventing and restoring bone loss. The NATURAL HEALTH DOSSIER printed an article on this. The British Journal of Nutrition published a study of eating plums daily. Dr. Bahram Arjmandi and Dr. Bernard Halloran reviewed and approved of the report… This is exciting. Carole
Carole, please see my reply to Bev on this.
Hi Vivian and Carole:
Can you repost your “reply to Bev,” Vivian?
I looked at all the comments but could not find it. I too would like to know what you think of these reports.
thank you
Hello Vivian, Thanks for these two great tips and the reasons for them. I am a slow eater (mostly) – but am very guilty of shallow breathing – and have just started taking some deep breaths. Many Blessings, Kelsey.
Great Ideas! Will do!
Thank you Vivian for all the wonderful infos you are giving all of us interested in rebuilding our bones & health in general….Chewing well our food & deep breathing are such important factors yet I keep forgetting about doing it !…Thank you for reminding me…Sabine ( Charleston,SC )
Your suggestions are welcomed. Now, to have the discipline to follow them, is very much necessary. I truly hope that the information I have derived from you, will show improvement for me. Thank you.
Just back from holidays and found your reminders very welcome. Thank you for encouraging us to stay on track.
I started chewing my food more thoroughly many
years ago when I read an article by Nancy Reagan who claimed that was how she lost weight
and kept it off. You may be the last one to finish at the dinner table, but you may well be the healthiest.
Thank you for the info. As of yet i don’t do either, but i will try both challenges. Anything that will help the bones. Thank you again.
Hi Vivian,
You’re an angel:-)!
Thanks for all the helpful advice
and tips.
With regard to the deep breathing,
I try to do 2 ten minute sessions
every day . I think this might be easier to remember than once every hour.
All the best
I find the challenges helpful. I already chew well, thereby eating slowly. The breathing exercises are great and helps with getting to sleep. Thank you for the articles. Dolly
Chewing my food well is no problem for me. The breathing is difficult to remember because I am so used to shallow breathing. I need some kind of reminder to do this, and then perhaps it will come automatically.
Chewing really well is also a great way to allow our body to register when we are full. It takes about 20 minutes of eating to allow this. If we gulp our food, we tend to eat more than our body really needs.
I often get distracted when eating as it is an opportunity for multitasking. Concentrating on chewing centers me on the sensual pleasure of eating.
Before my workout, I balance on one leg for 7-8 minutes per leg. Deep breathing helps me to relax into position. By focusing on the breathing, I don’t think about keeping my balance…it just happens.
Thanks for the tips and the challenges. They keep us on track.
I always chew my food well because I am the last one done. I will have to practice on the deep breathing. Thank for the challenge.
I commented earlier on the chewing and breathing as being so important and necessaray to remember. Thanks very much for bringing them to our attention.
I also want to say that your website itself, the way everything is designed and laid out is so attractive. It’s such a pleasure to log on every day. And the little leaf logo in the yellow square is a beauty! Thank you for your attention to these details…I’m sure they brighten many days!
What an inspired idea—2 simple challenges which have both immediate and long term health benefits. The only problem for me is to REMEMBER to do them…so I’m going to have to do something which reminds me about it. May move my watch to the other wrist, so each time I notice it it will remind me that I’m doing something new and different!
Thank you for all that you do for us out here. Finding your website was a life-changer for me!
Dear Vivian:
You are a gem to give us so many good tips to constantly improve our bones. Your suggestions to chew our food well and also to breath deeply are very appreciated. This is advice I needed very badly. Thank you very much.
The more our foods are cooked and processed, the less we chew them. I chew raw foods much longer than processed cooked foods. I try to eat at least 75% of my foods raw.
Thanks for the 2 challenges! I have tried to do the first one every since I first read it in your materials. I am sure it does have great value. The second one I shall attempt to do more often each day. I go to an exercise class two times a week and we do a lot of deep breathing there and I do a little bit when I do exercises by myself on additional days of the week. Now the challenge will be daily and throughout the day. I will try to do that!
I agree with WendyNC, as my bones feel weather cmnoig. I think it’s got something to do with atmospheric pressure changes before a storm. Eric Sloane in his fine Weather Book mentions that, quoting a poem that includes the line Old Betty’s bones are on the rack.
I have been trying to chew more; know I frequently eat too fast. I also have been taking deep breaths often, as I know it is good for you. I don’t believe I am really a shallow breather, but I love the fresh air (especially in the fall) and love to breath deeply. Thanks for your challenges. Look forward to more.
Two things I know that I need to work on. Chewing is hard because I have a couple of missing teeth. Sometimes I forget to breath and hold my breath when I am stressed. Thanks for all your great advice Vivian.
THANK YOU VIVIAN!!! I just received the good news that my T-scores have made a “significant improvement”. Although I am still in the “Osteopenia” category I am heading in the right direction thanks to your Osteoporosis Reversal Program and the information and encouragement on your website. May God continue to bless you and your work. Louisa
That’s fantastic to hear, Louisa! Thanks so much for sharing your good news with us, and keep up the good work! 🙂
Dear Vivian – I have never commented before even though I have your program and have been reading your blogs/e-mail. I am thrilled with the challenges you have put forth. I have always been a slow eater, but still don’t think I chewed enough – just waited between bites. Now I’ll pay attention to my chewing. Also, I’m an A type personality and stress seems like part of my day. I’m really going to take time slowly deep breathe from the belly up and count as I breathe in and out. I have begun a journal of your challenges and plan to do all I can. Thank you for caring about our bone health.
Love your comment Vivian.I have always found it a problem to chew my food as it goes cold before i am finished,but i will give it a try it is a hard thing to do if you feel hungery no problem with deep breathing though
I’m just back from a three week vacation where I ate too much, too fast, so the timing is good. I have never chewed my food long enough and am usually one of the first to finish eating in any group. This is going to be a great challenge for me! Thanks, Vivian.
my computer has a notepad function and I put Vivian’s 2 challenges on a notepad right on my desktop to help me remember this every day… will do a note just of Vivian’s reminders – these and future challenges
Chewing food thoroughly also helps control acid reflux.
Thank you,for the reminders. This is a boost to my effort to chew thoroughly and breathe deeply. I’ll work at these two practices more diligently. Your program is, and has been, a Godsend to me. Along with my naturopathic doctor, you have saved me from Fosomax. It’s been a year and a half since I stopped taking that bone destroyer! I don’t want to have another bone scan just yet due to radiation. However, I am eager to know how my bones are doing. They feel great thanks in large part to you,Vivian. God bless you!
I really like the daily challenges. Keep them coming! I’m already looking forward to the next one!
I’m always the first to finish my meal now and used to be the last. My husband sometimes comments, “You must have really been hungry the way you wolfed down your food. This is a wakeup call for me. And I’m also a shallow breather. At times my body takes over and makes me gulp air. I’m really going to give this a try. Thanks.
Although a slow eater myself, I didn’t realise the profound effects that chewing could have on the body as a whole, let alone the bones.
As for deep breathing, I do realise the importance of it but as with most people, it so easily slips from the conscious mind. I recently had a local anaesthetic (injection) to the eye prior to cataract surgery and had to be reminded to breathe! I then realised that I was actually holding my breath and immediately took several deep breaths which helped me to relax, but I had to be reminded.
Thank you Vivian for your idea of daily challenges, I think they will help many people beyond their expectations.
Chewing and breathing info very good and timely.
I travel (wife is with US Peace Corps) frequently and am in Romania presently. Diet control is challenging, but do able. Back to US tomorrow and more control.
Deep breathing am improving daily.
I have a tendency to swallow lumps of foor not ground down properly. From to day I must take more time chewing and eating.
Looking to the challenge.
Just what my Mom use to say, chew 20 times per bite and breath to fill the diaphragm . Thanks for the reminder.
Thank you for caring so much as to teach us these wonderful things. With 8 children I did not evin get to tast food because I was always busy. And I have learned these things but we become complacent and forget. Thank you for reminding me. Know I can start over.
Qwestion dose chewing and breathing help pain like stenoses of the spine?
When I cook my oatmeal in the morning I put walnuts and raisens because it helps me chew it witout gulping it down as I usualy do. My children use to joke about inhailing food that is a no no but they were just joking. But we do get it doun and move on. Boy you are going to change a lot of peoples habits Vivean. THANKS
Vivian, Thank you so much for all your advise. I must admit, I have always seemed to be so busy, that I have not taken the time to breathe or chew my food properly. Your reminding me to do this is really helpful, especially since I now know it will help my bones.
Dear Vivian, thank you again for reminding us what we know all along and neglet to do. I always take several deep breath before starting my meditation but forget to do it through the day. As for chewing, my husband does not chew at all, and once he end up in the operating table. That’s how important it is. I’m doing my best.
I have been doing the “chew” thing since 1986. Went to a 10 day silent meditation retreat and one of our practices took place while eating. This one just stuck.
As to breathing?? I coach people’s breathing. This is a moment to moment practice for me. Every motion I make rides on my deep breathing.
Good to be reminded.
Thanks and I enjoy everyone else’s comments too! Deep breathing isn’t as easy as it sounds but it is important as is chewing food well. Thanks for the challenge to work at it!
I have always chewed my food well, and do deep breathing but not as often as I should. I will try to do more on a daily basis. I fine at bedtime, when I have alot on my mind, deep breathing helps me get to sleep. Thanks Vivian for your support and encouragement.
I Think If We All Tried To Chew Our Food For At Least 15 To 20 Seconds, That Might BE VERY HELPFUL!
As For Taking Deep Breaths; I Think You Should Try To Take At Least 2 Deep Breaths Every Hour Or So; But Do What You Think Is Best For Yourself!
Thanks for the reminders (chewing and breathing).
Great ideas! I had no idea that slowly chewing your food was so beneficial. Thanks for all your encouragement!
I recently told my personal trainer that I was feeling groggy and he said, “Breathe deeply. You’re not getting enough oxygen.” I did. . .and he was right! But while I do breathe deeply at times, I need reminders to do so on a regular basis. Thanks!
These are both great challenges. I’m working on the extra chewing.
Great challenge, thank you. I really enjoy the slow, conscious breathing.
I need to be challenged each day so that I don’t slip back into old habits. Thanks for the advice.
Thanks for the two challenges that are something I can do.
It definitely takes longer to eat an apple this way :-).
Any ideas about how to get your husband to chew this way??
I recently started eating more slowly and chewing my food more thoroughly. I find that I have less gas and indigestion.
Thank you for the easy and practical suggestions to help us keep our bones healthy. These are great for helping me to stay on track in trying to live and eat more healthily.
Now, that is a challenge I can handle! I knew chewing is important, but this extra info is helpful. I may be able to use it to convince my husband to slow down and chew! (When I bring it up, he says it is from when he only had 15 minutes to eat lunch in school. He’s 61. I told him that that excuse is no longer valid!) He has expressed an interest in eating alkaline, so here we go!
Thank you for two easy and important suggestions!
Hi,Vivian—I feel so much better about the care/treatment of my bones, having read your book and e-mails. I am taking an algae-based calcium supplment, as well as the daily multi-vitamin called “The Kitchen Sink.” Do you think this is a good choice?
I love your suggestions!
thanks for your information on breathing and chewing your food slowly, i will really try to do both = thanks again, marge ramsaur
I was happy to see that I already do the first two challenges. As a former singer, I was taught to take deep breaths by feeling my ribs expand, not just my chest. I use these breaths, not only for my bones, but to relax, relieve stress and to feel my lungs being “swept” clean!
This is a great idea! Both are thins we can easily do. Thank you so much! I look forward to the upcomming challenges.
Hi Vivian,
Thank you for the daily double challenge and advice. We do need to be reminded even though these things seem easy.
Your deep breathing suggestion is one of my favorites. I have incorporated it into my exercise program and the results have been short of fantastic. I am 80 years old and I need all the help I can get to keep my body together. Deep breating was one of the best changes I made in the past year and I feel as though I am 65 again. My neurologist complimented me when he told me I don’t look my age.
I have your book and am very impressed with it.
It’s interesting as I have been chewing slowly;
in fact my husband gets annoyed as he thinks I eat too slowly and is always trying to hurry me up. I try to do deep breathing and did some last night which really relaxed my muscles. I guess it helps the muscles, joints, and bones in total. My husband and I are both vegetarians(really vegans as we don’t use dairy) though I do eat greek-style (non-flavored/non-sugar yoghurt) yoghurt. I recognize the power of chewing well. I’m glad to know what I have tried to follow is confirmed. Jeanne from Mississippi
I’m breathing better & enjoying every breath!! Also working on the chewing. Every little thing helps in the overall picture!! Thanks Vivian
It’s always good to be reminded to do things we know we should.
Thank you Ms. Vivian for sharing such vital information with your readers. I do appreciate your taking the time out to give us information to benefit the health of our bones. You are amazing. Thanks again.
It’s always nice to have a reminder no matter how small it may seem.
M Gabriella
I recently wrote a blog post about whey, Gabriella, so I have lots of comments about it. 🙂 Here you go: https://saveourbones.com/the-whey-to-bone-health/
Recently a neighbor told me that Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese monk, tells his followers to chew every bite 50 times. Another friend responded, “My grandfather told us to chew every bite 100 times”. I went home and because I have had gut issues alot in the last years, I tried it. Wow! It was very disconcerting to actually count each bite and chew until it was liquid…. however, after the first meal, my stomach didn’t hurt…for the first time in years I think. I realize that I would make a few perfunctory chews, add another forkful, and swallow. THIS IS HUGE for our digestion as well as bones. You are the best!! PS: I chew this way at every meal now. No pain.
Dear Vivian, I definitely need to heed your advise about chewing my food and breathing deeper. I’m always in a rush to get dinner on the table and find myself rushing to eat it, can’t seem to slow down. I’m also a shallow breather but I’m trying to remember to take deep breaths once in a while , think I wil set an alarm every hour to remind me. Our son said if we chewed our food slowly we would get full faster, is that true? Thank you so much for all your advise, looking forward to your daily tips. Valerie
Easy, I can do this!!! Thanks, Vivian for your many tips!
Easy suggestions; chew more, breathe more deeply; great! I have to tell you about Aunt Hattie, who used to tell us to “chew your milk”! I already disliked the taste of milk, so “chewing” it was NOT what I wanted to do. But I tried. The result was, I liked milk even less, and didn’t drink it at all after that. Wish they’d had almond milk around when I was a kid; I still avoid milk, which I guess is not such a bad thing.
I love doing the deep breathing while walking in the mornings – very refreshing for me and makes me feel awake and renewed. Also, I have always been known as a slow eater – I guess I overchew my food.
Thanks for the consistent encouragement…I am a newbie to your program and very excited to find it! Thanks for being here!!
Thanks for your frequent emails with tips and hints for bone-building, Vivian. I look forward to them, and they make me think about my bones on a daily basis. I feel connected to you as my “bone coach” and I don’t feel like I am doing this alone. I am sitting at the computer now and doing the deep breathing. It feels cleansing. Today I will chew my food slowly! Thanks!
I did not know much about the chewing and deep breathing. I will definitely do it starting today. Thanks for the challenges!
I try to take deep breaths often, especially when I take a walk outside. I never knew the significance of them until I started your program. I also try to chew food for longer periods of time, as it helps with intestinal troubles too. Thanks for the reminders though. We often forget how simple it can be to help oursselves.
I need the daily reminder. It will help so much. A very good idea. People are busy and stressed and we forget. Keep reminding us. 🙂
Yes, I agree whole heartedly, please keep reminding us.
Thank you so much for reminder of chewing and deep breathing. I’ll try it today.
I have always chewed my food well. I learned that in third grade. Others finish their meal when I am only half done.
I go to exercise class twice weekly. Deep breathing is emphasized. I still need to work on this.
This is a great idea to be reminded now and then of the many things we should do or do correctly in order to preserve our bones.
I also wanted to express my thanks for the many excellent recipes in the Save Our Bones book, which I am trying one after the other.
I have to say thank-you so much for those reminders. I will definetely work hard at trying to make this a part of my day. I read all your emails, and look forward to new information.
Thanks for the reminder. I take more time to chew my food than I used to and I will pay more attention to deep breathing.
Thanks for the reminders! They can be easy to forget.
Once I learned about the deep breathing, I started doing it. It happens to me now and then throughout my day without planning it. It seems to come naturally now after practincing for some months.
I am stuck on the challence of chewing food thoroughly though. When one has 20 minutes for a lunch period and has to spend that time making sure their students select thier food items without problems and redirect students during lunch, there isn’t but a few minutes to eat. I want to chew thoroughly but if I do, I don’t get enough to eat. I don’t function well if I don’t get enough food to energize my mind and body. Any suggestions from anybody as to how I can get enough to eat and chew thoroughly during a short luch break would be helpful. Any suggestions?
Great question, Carol! When you have a limited time to eat, it can indeed be challenging to chew properly. Just try to chew a few more times. As I said in the article, when you’re ready to swallow, go for just two or three more chews.
Becoming more conscious of the chewing process will help, even if you don’t have a lot of time. If you normally eat with a group of people and chat while you’re eating, you might try eating alone for a while and simply focusing on your food. That alone will make it easier to slow down just a bit.
Of course you need enough food, but I think you’ll find that slowing down just a bit and chewing just a bit more will enable you to digest your food better and wring every ounce of nutrition from what you eat. 🙂
Hi Vivian, thank you so much for all the tips and advice you give us. I am always confused about the deep breathing………when you inhale should your abdomen go in or out ?
Good question, Buntie. When you inhale, your abdomen should expand. Think of it like this: When you inhale, you’re bringing the air IN to your body and filling it up, like blowing up a balloon. When you exhale, the air leaves your body, deflating the balloon. But don’t force the breath or “push” your abdomen out; your diaphragm area (just above your abdomen) should naturally expand as you inhale — if you tend to be a chest breather, think more in terms of visualizing the air moving lower until it become a natural process.
Your comments about breathing deeply are perfect. I have been doing Pilates for over a year now to help with my asthma and with osteoporosis. I have exercised to have better posture, hence, better breathing. Most asthmatics have poor posture and are shallow breathers. I do a short set of deep breathing exercises every morning and the last time I saw my pulmonologist I had a normal reading on the spiromometer,which measures lung capacity and oxygen, which is unusual for me. So, I cannot say enough good things about Pilates. I have high hopes that it will strengthen my bones too. I am sure that it will on my next dexa scan in a year.
Vivian, thank you so much for the helpful tips. I need reminding to breath deep as I am a shallow breather and to slow down when chewing my food. Perhaps I’ll be more noticable of these now that I know I’ll be helping my bones.
Wow! This is a true eye-opener. It’s no wonder why I have osteoporosis. I will start making a conscious effort to CHEW my food for longer periods of time and to take as many DEEP BREATHS throughout the day as I can remember! Thanks, Vivian.
Thanks you so much.
Why do I tend to forget two very simple things to do in my daily life. For me it is stress and anxiety.
Thanks for remembering me.You woke me up.
I read all of your emails and thanks for the reminder about chewing your food longer. We all tend to get in a hurry in this fast paced world, thanks again…keep up the good work and i am anxious for your cookbook to be released.
An not too hard challenge. Thanks for the reminder
Sending these reminders is a great way for reinforcement. As soon as I read these I remembered them, but have forgotten to do them. Thanks for the reminders!
Thanks Vivian –
I will work on both. Breathing…………….
Thanks for the reminder about chewing food. All suggestions will be taken. I don’t get a dexa scan because I will not take a drug for bone loss. What’s the point?
I don’t plan to take any of the drugs but had a DEXA scan. I can’t take them because I already have so many of the side effects of the drugs as symptoms of other problems. In hindsight I had it to prove I didn’t NEED the drugs. But, I learned I have osteopenia of my femoral heads. Knowledge is power. I now know now I need work. I am a woman with a passion. As a registered nurse working in a preoperative surgery area I am around lots of women my age as they are getting ready for surgery or are the family member. I can share the message with them to get their DEXA scan, have their serum Vitamin D level checked, do light weight lifting and make dietary changes.
Ouch, you got me there! I’m a food-gulper and hard-driven in lifestyle. Trying to change all that. Confused, however, about the meat issue. My nutritionist tells me protein at every meal is essential in causing all the minerals to work in the body properly.
While I don’t feel it’s necessary to have animal protein at every meal, Eileen, you certainly can if you choose. Just make sure to balance the usually acidifying protein foods with plenty of alkalizing fruits and veggies. Nothing’s off limits in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program — it’s all about balance. 🙂
Thank you Vivian for the reminder – I am practicing both. I feel better when remembering to deep breathe. I am making a conscious effort to eat slowly.
Vivian…How did you know?,,, These are two of my problems…I am a very stressed person these days because of the growing problems of being in business and “Sales not so good” for an importer like me that resales to other people not doing so well in sales either…. But I tend to “Gulp down my food” because I’m thinking about the problems while eating and I was diagnosed with “Hyperventilation’ when I was much younger…(I’m 72 now).. Thanks for these reminders. I will try hard to think about both of these problems during the day, hopefully I can because I know they will be good for me. I wrote to you recently about a film my husband and I looked at: “”Food Matters”…Since seeing it we have become Vegetarians and can visibly see improvements in the way we feel. Because of getting your book and starting with your ideas, this film just added to our reasons for cutting out meat.
I look forward to your e-mails. Edna
Thanks, Vivian!
I really appreciate your natural ways to improve bone health. These two are especially simple and ones so easily forgotten. Great daily reminder!
My husband has agreed to join me in the Day #1 challenge of chewing slowly. We had a time of ‘laying down our forks’ and chewing our food well where we both lost weight. This is a welcome challenge as we both need to lose. Breathing shallow is a habit I want to break – looking forward to reporting back with good results!
Thanks for helping us keep our bones strong. I look forward to incorporating these changes into my day.
Thanks for the easy tips which all of us can remember without having to go look something up in a book. I really need both of them as my husband always tends to rush through everything and, when you are around others who are rushing, one tends to rush right along with them–even at meal time. Now I have a good reason to take life at my own pace and perhaps I can convince others to do likewise. Patricia from NC
It is not difficult – more chewing food and deep breath.
I remembered I followed a man to learn “Qi gong” It means breath. He was 95 years old,
But looked around 70, no sick, he could stand one hour to explain his “Qi gong” to the
Students and didn’t feel tired, but I could’nt learn.
Thank you Vivian, such simple daily tasks with rewarding results
This is a great idea…..one or two specific tasks a day on which to focus. Good reminders. I have a routine of doing deep breathing/slow exhaling (more exhale than inhale) for a few minutes before I go to sleep at night. Good for the breathing and I often fall asleep before I’m done (relaxing!).
Thanks for the good advice. It is a wakeup call for me to chew my food so much more. I will be more conscious about it now. I am going to have a sign up at the table.
Also taking deep breaths is good.
Thanks so much for thinking about us so we can improve our bone health
I’m excited! Love this idea and look forward to all daily-double-challenge-days!
Chew your food and take deeps breath are often forgotten in busy life styles. They also enhance relaxation and thus decrease stress.
Great idea..
chewing and breathing for today
Hi Vivian
Many thanks for your emails, from Australia. My Father, my Brother and myself have to be the slowest eaters of all time, we just chew for ages and we are all also very thin!!!
As for breathing, I have Asthma so breathing is not something I do well. So my goal is to make more of an effort in that area.
Best Wishes
Yes I need the challenge as I don’t always think to breathe deeply. Sometimes I feel I almost forget to breathe especially if stressed. Thank you for all the help you give us
Funny you should say ‘forget to breathe’. A long time ago, I must have had a time of being stressed, though I didn’t realize it. I would find myself forgetting to breathe during the night. I was afraid to go to sleep. It scared me to death. My Dr gave me a prescription for Valium and I only took 1/2 a pill. I did get over it but I know now that it was a stress problem. Just neat hearing someone say they sometimes forget to breathe. I am sitting here eatiing my breakfast and reading the posts and chewing my food better. I am a shallow breather too and will work on that today too. Thanks.
Dear Vivien,thanks so much for this program which is such an inspiration to me.. I have so much to share with you but for now will restrict myself to the challenge. I live in Sydney and there is lots of sun and fresh air but I don’t remember to breath deeply as recently have been so stressed. I also tend to rush my food so these two practices are going to take high priority, chewing and breathing deeply. Thanks again.
Thank you Vivian. You make these challenges very understandable and spur people on to help themselves, far better than just swallowing pills
Many thanks
Joan UK
Thank Vivien – I can’t wait to start putting these suggestions into practice. Good idea to have just two points per day – I think we are more likely to remember them.
Hello Vivian, from Glasgow, Scotland and once again thank you for your caring and your emails. It keeps me on track and away from drugs, and your chewing food/breathing deeper I will now apply daily which will then become a daily thought.
Thank you, youare blessed.
There’s another bonus I’ve discovered by following your advice to chew more – no more hiccups! Thanks for these very easy to do challenges Vivian. Simple but effective!
I like those challenges as well. It is good to be reminded to breath deeply. When I walk almost every day I make sure that I go up and down sloped areas so my breathing is deeper.
Thanks for your help.
Dear Vivian, not only are these absolutely Super ideas; I want to Thank You personally for having the caring to share your thoughts in the way that you do.
Richard from the UK
Your first challenge I totally agree with as I had started to do this about 2 weeks ago and have noticed an enormous difference in myself as well but the difference will be when I go for my scan next Tuesday to see how things are improving.
I tried one of you drinks(rockmellon as they are classed here) last week when it was very hot here and found not only being good for me that it was so thirst quenching I was stunned. Thank you so much it was wonderful and have passed it on to many people not only that have bone problems but just as a beautiful drink.
May I comment on your emails as they are so great to receive as you never know what interesting things you are going to read, my doctor is one that believes that if it doing some good then stick to it. I am sure that he will be supprised when he reads my scans as there has to be an improvement with the natural food that I am eating as I have started the purple food as well considering I have bone cancer as well, at the moment I feel great and doing lots more than I have been doing.
A big thank you for your inspirations in dealing in this feild.
Well, that’s not too difficult! I was a shallow breather.