Every single day I am thankful for the Save Our Bones community.
And on this Thanksgiving day, I'd like to give special thanks for your being a part of it and for sticking by my side.
Our community is growing by leaps and bounds, and although much to the chagrin of some, it's a a victory for those who believe that the truth must be spoken.
I thank you again from the bottom of my heart for being my companion on this eye-opening journey. May we continue to follow together the path to a healthy, happy, and peaceful life.
And as a small token of my appreciation, I am sharing with you today a handy e-book that I hope you'll enjoy and use.
To end, I'd like to quote an inspiring Irish blessing.
“May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day.
May songbirds serenade you every step along the way.
May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue.
And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.”
Happy Thanksgiving!
Feel free to share the “Chef Secrets” e-book with friends and family.
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The report is in PDF format. To open PDF files you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. You probably already have it. If you don't you can download a free copy here.
Vivian, When I turn my computer on, I always look to see if I have anything from you. I will finish two years of Forteo Sunday, and have a DEXA next week. My Dr. wants me to start Reclast. That is not going to happen.I have your Save Our Bones program, the Densercise program,and today, I ordered the Trueosteo supplements. I was so glad to see those because I had not figured out how to take everything I neeeded, but with all combined, it will be so much easier. Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all you do for everyone. Thank you.
I love all the info you give us. Thank you! I am having trouble getting the Back Pain book offered to us at no cost. There are some unsecured things on that page and my computer won’t allow me to order it Can you help? Perhaps someone needs to look into it. It would be appreciated.
I’m glad you love Vivian’s info, Andrea!
Lose the Back Pain is available through The Healthy Back Institute, which is not our company. Their customer support information can be found at this link: https://www.losethebackpain.com/contactus.html
They can be contacted by email, phone, or fax. You’ll find all of that info at the above link. Please contact them directly with your questions or concerns.
Have had your Save Our Bones book for a couple of months. Will be starting
the program soon.
i am unable to download, please resend
Vivian, I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving day. You deserve the best as you are one wonderful lady for sharing so much of your research and your serving heart! May God bless you and keep you and cause his face to shine upon you…always!
Iam unable to download your thankgiving gift
No, thank you for all the nutritionally sound advice, advancement in research, for new exercise program to free Chef Secrets Tips. A lovely Poem, I found online from Karl Fuchs,that I thought was just beautiful. A gift back to from me to you. Kim, Ohio
More Than A Day
As Thanksgiving Day rolls around;
It brings up some facts, quite profound.
We may think, that we’re poor;
Feel like bums, and insecure.
But in truth, our riches astound.
We have friends and family we love;
We have guidance from heaven above.
We have so much more;than they sell in a store,
We’re wealthy,when push comes to shove.
So add up your blessings, I say;
Make Thanksgiving more than a day.
Enjoy what you’ve got;
Realize it’s a lot,
And, you’ll make all your cares go away.
By, Karl Fuchs
Once again, Damiana, this is absolutely fsicanating. I am going to try some of your remedies. I do believe in them. I also like your pointing out that it will take some weeks or months to cure something that took years to develop.Thank you so much!
Happy Thanksgiving to you Vivian and thank you for the gift
Thank you for even more helpful information. You are an inspiration to us all, Debbie in Australia
Thank You for sharing the Chefs Secret and all your helpful emails. You are such a wonderful person Vivian, Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours. Thank you for you, May God Bless You and Yours, Always.
Thanks for this gift Vivian – very worthwhile, as always.
Thank you for the e-book and very beautifull poem.
The e-mails i recieve are full of very good information, that i look foward
to every time. Please keep sending them, you are a wonderfull person.
Kind Regards
A very happy and healthy Thanksgiving to you too, dear Vivian!
Thank you for the nice gift!
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving.
Your emails are a special part of my day.
Thanks so much for your Chef’s Secret E Book…..As always, I enjoy all your emails on great tips, exercises etc….
I wish you and your family a very happy, healthy Thanksgiving!!
Warm Regards, Allison
Thanks for your very useful Thanksgiving gift Vivian!
Thanks for that beautiful poem , made my day a lot brighter., God Bless and have a Happy thanksgiving,– Joyce Mccarter
kassa Posted on I would very much like to do my masters in early cdoihhlod Education because I love to kkow more about how childresn learn, and I want contribute by preparing the right materials .
In “Chef Secrets”, I would like to warn against combining oil, garlic and storing them together. There is the risk of growth of Clostridium botulinum and production of Botulinum Toxin, a very potent toxin.
I have used garlic-infused oil for years without problems and it’s a staple in my store cupboard.
Sorry, last bit of that reply didn’t appear – I meant to add that I don’t understand the problem!
very usefull tips it saves time and wastage and the taste is still to be enjoyed
My doctor is now recommending Evista. As far as I can determione it is just as lethal as the other osteoporosis drugs. Am I correct?
Thank you Vivian for e book -“Chef Secrets”. Good tips. in fact I have added it to my 10,001 Time saving ideas.
Thanks a lot.
All the best.
Usha Shukla.
Thank you very much for all your advice Vivian.I have your book but still like all your little tips and exercises.
IN fact I tried to follow the advised especially in regard to to nutritional values for us and it really work.
All articles that I have read are excellent and are easy to follow.Thank you for the excellenct of the job done, thank you..
I eat incredibly well, have had a personal trainer this year, went to an excellent acupuncturist for a year specifically for my bones and my bone density is the lowest yet. I take high quality vitamins, I don’t drink, smoke etc. What is it?
All the calcium and vitamin D etc that you consume go for nothing if you don’t ask your bones to use them. The secret is weight bearing excerise, and you have to increase the repetitions or your endurance to have the bones become stronger.
Thanks you for this reminder! It’s so easy to forget or ignore the weight bearing exercises needed. So much easier to pop the supplement pills and forget the hard work needed. The plus is that Vivian has this new Densercise program that can be only 15 minutes a few days a week. Think I’ll order it and get back on track!