Study toasts beer as being good for your bones
NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) – Beer drinkers now have a good excuse to order another round — the brew may help keep bones strong, a study has found.
NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) – Beer drinkers now have a good excuse to order another round — the brew may help keep bones strong, a study has found.
Researchers from the Department of Food Science & Technology at the University of California, have found beer is a rich source of silicon and may help prevent osteoporosis, as dietary silicon is a key ingredient for increasing bone mineral density.
These were the findings after researchers tested 100 commercial beers for silicon content and categorized the data according to beer style and source.
Previous research has suggested beer contained silicon but little was known about how silicon levels varied with the different types of beer and malting processes.
“We have examined a wide range of beer styles for their silicon content and have also studied the impact of raw materials and the brewing process on the quantities of silicon that enter wort and beer,” researcher Charles Bamforth said in a statement.
The study, published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, found the beers' silicon content ranged from 6.4 milligrams per liter to 56.5 mg per liter. The average person's silicon intake each day is between 20 and 50 mgs.
The researchers found there was little change in the silicon content of barley during the malting process as most of the silicon in barley is in the husk, which is not affected greatly during malting.
They found pale ales showed the highest silicon content while non-alcoholic beers, light lagers and wheat beers had the least silicon.
“Beers containing high levels of malted barley and hops are richest in silicon,” said Bamforth.
“Wheat contains less silicon than barley because it is the husk of the barley that is rich in this element.”
But Bamforth told reporters that the results shouldn't be taken too serious. The study examined the beers but it did not look at bone mineral density or analyze patients' data.
“I would first consider flavor and whether you like it or not,” he told science and technology magazine Discover. “Choose the beer you enjoy, for goodness sake.”
Source: Reuters
My Take
It turns out that beer has significant levels of the most bioavailable form of silicon, orthosilicic acid (OSA). And silicon may have a positive effect on connective tissue such as collagen and on growth and mineralization of bone, the latter especially in men and premenopausal women.1
Silicon is involved in bone growth processes by affecting bone collagen turnover and bone matrix proteins such as osteopontin. The latter is a glycoprotein that plays an important role in bone remodeling, wound healing, and certain types of cell-mediated immune responses.2
Have scientists found the pot of gold at the end of the bone-health rainbow? You’ll get the answer when we analyze this study with a fine-toothed comb.
Potential bone health benefits of beer are brewing up a storm
You see, even though dietary intake of silicon has been linked to greater bone mineral density, the devil is in the details: the study that created the “buzz” about beer and bone health doesn’t correlate beer drinking as beneficial to osteoporosis.
Conducted by the Department of Food Science & Technology at the University of California, Davis, Bamworth and Casey, the study authors, reveal that the barley husk is the principal contributor to silicon in beer.3 Also, after testing 100 beers for their silicon content, they observed that the pale colored malts retain the highest levels of silicon because they are more impervious to heat stress during the malting process.
Silicon is present in many alkalizing foods
Call me a party pooper, but I must tell you that beer is neither the best nor the only source of bone-friendly silicon. You see, beer is an acidifying drink because it contains alcohol. Granted, beer has lower alcohol levels than wine, vodka, whiskey, and other drinks, but it is still acidic and it can therefore draw calcium from your bones to correct the low pH. But that doesn’t mean that if you care about your bones you can’t enjoy an occasional beer; you can have it in the right balance, as is the case with any acidifying food or drink.
But the really good news is that highly bioavailable silicon is also found in many alkalizing foods such as beets, pumpkin, carrots, onions, cherries, apples, oranges, and raisins.
The highest levels of silicon are in the skin of cucumbers, bell peppers, and tomatoes. Here's one of my favorite silicon rich recipes:
Better than Beer Salad
Serves 6
- 2 cucumbers, diced
- 6 tomatoes, diced
- 4 green onions, finely chopped
- 2 radishes, finely diced
- 1 red bell pepper, seeded and finely diced
- 1 teaspoon lemon rind
- 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon parsley
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Black pepper and sea salt to taste
- 12 Kalamata olives for garnish
Combine all ingredients in a large serving bowl and garnish with olives.
Take the bone health benefits of beer with a grain of “hop”
As with any other acidifying food or drink, you can still enjoy a “cold one” making sure that it is in the right acid/alkaline proportion.
Also try to eat some cucumbers, bell peppers, and tomatoes to nourish your bones with the most absorbable source of silicon and other bone-smart nutrients.
Now you know what the “buzz” is all about…
Cheers, and please leave your comments below.
1 Jugdaohsingh R, Tucker KL, Qiao N, Cupples LA, Kiel DP, Powell JJ. “Dietary silicon intake is positively associated with bone mineral density in men and premenopausal women of the Framingham Offspring cohort.” Journal of Bone Mineral Research.;19(2):297-307. (2004).
2 Forrest H. Nielsen and Rhonda Poellot. “Dietary Silicon Affects Bone Turnover Differently in Ovariectomized and Sham-Operated Growing Rats”. The Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine. 17:137–149 (2004).
3 Troy R. Casey and Charles W. Bamforth. “Silicon in Beer and Brewing.”.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. February 2010.
Is Pale Ale the only beer that might help my bone density?
I remember reading in one of Vivian’s emails that a glass of wine is fine as long as you balance it with an alkaline snack. Hate beer! Love wine!
Anyone correlate osteoporosis with lack of hormones as we age & the aversion of hormonal replacement therapy from most of the medical community?
You don’t have to do hormone replacement therapy, though I don’t know whether a lack of hormones causes osteoporosis. Look into adaptogenic herbs such as ashwagandha root, maca root, and rhodolia rosea root to naturally correct hormone imbalances.
This can be a good news for drinkers!
Keep it up Vivian
im always trying to find information on bones, cause i do have osteoarthritis,,,,, always looking for info. what foods to eat, or not to eat, what vitamins or herbs to take . and have been looking for ways to keep my body alkaline.,. but some of the things i need to eat, i have to avoid them cause i have fibromyalgia, too… but thanks for this info….
I wouldn’t mind getting the program but I will not give my credit card info on the internet. Is there any other way of paying?
I am grateful to have found your information through web search on Osteoporosis. I am soon to be 57, and must say I am terrified.
In a recent Dr. appointment, I have lost one (1) full inch in height since June 25, 2008.
A recent dental appointment has heightened this fear. I have been advised I have bone loss mass of a 72 year old. I broke a tooth on an olive pit, and before the mold could be made for a bridge, I was eating and bit down. When doing so, the only tooth behind it slid behind the back, bottom tooth and literally popped out of its socket.
I stepped down ever so gently and my foot slid off of a two inch rock and broke my big toe.
Suddenly, I am experiencing Neuropothy in my arm and lower back, causing the loss of the use of my legs.
The lack of supplemental insurance, combined with mounting Neurological, Orthopaedic, Dental is soring out of control with a fixed income.
Your information is invaluable to assist me in rebuilding my skeletal structure, and bone mass, rather than drugs.
I am going to save for these books, so that I can have a return in my structural/dental health.
The foods you write of in this article are within my dietary plan. The milk consumption is a surprise to me. When my daughter was born, it was nothing for us to consume five (5) gallons of milk a week.
Thank you again. Lois Lane
I would like to save my bones naturaly.
Hello Vivian
I am 80yrs young & have made my own beer for over 30 yrs.
Good to hear it is the way to go.
I agree with you Vivian. The salad sounds very good.I love salads and that will be a good recipe to have. Thanks a lot Vivian!
Thank you, Vivian for this entire article:
My son can not go 1 day without beer probably 2 cans minimum. He knows how I feel about alcohol. It wasn’t in my parents house as I grew up. But his father taught him wine often. Even a glass of red wine is rare for me. I’m glad to have this article to send him because he does care to eat wisely, is a terrific cook and enjoys entertaining. Grows his own basil he chops finely to sprinkle on top of the olive oiled fresh from the garden tomatoes.
GREAT INFO ON MILK AND BONES.Is wheat bad for bones also ?
It is for sure bad for Celiacs. and maybe others
Whole wheat, robs your bones of calcium.
One of the most frustrating experiences I have encountered in the last few years, is the spraying and waxing of fruit and vegetables. The healthiest part of an apple or a cucumer must be peeled away. Even organic food has some spraying done.
Vivian, thank you so very much for all the informative articles you have researched, published and shared with us, esp for me, a bone density worrier, who have family history of osteoporosis and arthritis. I have been a health freak watching everything I ate and supplements I took but have overlooked that too much acid intake may caused bone less. My last bone density test last year resulted to 39 which is on normal level but my primary dr. still prescribed fosamax once a week which I did not take, but instead keep up with my religious intake of vit d 2000 daily with calcium 1200 daily in divided dosage each day. In the past I love drinking 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar with a cup of water 2 or 3x a day, maybe the reason why my bone density scan was low, and also resulted to so much bloating, cramping and gas esp after a meal. But since I started taking apple cider vinegar with 1/4 tsp baking soda and a cup of water, all the bloatings, cramping and gas were gone, once a day only, but have included only a tsp of honey for great taste. Does honey and apple cider vinegar helps with good bone density. I have experienced with 1/4 tsp or a pinch of baking soda dissolved in half tsp apple cider in quarter cup water, a fast relief for bloating/cramping. I am not a beer drinker but I like your salad recipe. I always try with what I have like cucumber with a tbsp apple cider vinegar and black pepper. Thank you for all your help and concern, and thanks to everyone who have informative comments regarding bone inssues.
Thank You so much Vivian to keep on checking on information for us with bone trouble and thank You very for the salad receipe it sounds delicious I am a salad lover Keep up the good work and may God bless You..You have my vote anytime..when I have no message from for a while I feel like theres something missing in my life as I depend a lot on all the info….
Gaspacho soup is great too. Has almost everything in the salad.
Hi Vivian ,I thought I responded to the beer alert, although I don’t drink at all, I shall stick with the suggested vegetables. Your salad looks tempting, I shall need to add tuna or chicken to it. I really enjoy all your healthy tips for maintaining our bones, keep them coming.Janet Talley
Thank you, Vivian, for your continued sharing of very important information for our bone health.
I do plan on the natural way of bringing my bone density up, I have researched and will take supplements but not medication. Thanks for the information.
I apprecieate you for taking your time to research the beer issue. I have never tasted it and therefore have never had to worry about its effects on my body. I appreciate your information on which vegetables to eat to get the silicon that I need. I do wonder how much of these vegetables I have to eat in a day to get the right amount of silicon? If you could send an answer I would very much appreciate it!
Thank You!
Junette Argyle
What about tofu and soy
I really like like the point about beer’s acidity drawing calcium from the bones.
This is a great lesson about this kind of research that supports a particular industry, especially in the foods/beverages. In this case, Professor Bamforth and his colleagues are somewhat biased because they are brewers; they start with “Beer is good. Now let’s find out why…” Not particularly impartial research. Consumer of information beware.
But I’ll still continue loving beer
Thanks for the informative article and debates to hop to.
The “Devil is in…” I don’t like the taste of beer period. I don’t care who you are…, upon your first official drink of beer…you have to gulp it down to wash the horrible taste down. You really have to acquire a taste for beer. Secondly, I don’t like the effects that the poor kidneys and liver have to go through just to break this stuff down in your body. For one glass of wine or beer alone try about 12-14 hours. Not to mention that it is a physical depressant to motor functions/reactions. Thirdly, I prefer to have sharpen brain cell functioning instead of dull or delayed.
Hats off to you for informing me as a student to your bone classes. Kim Mack
Thank you for doing the reserach I do not have the time to do. You are absolutely the best source of info regarding osteoporosis and debunking a lot of hype regarding its cure. Kudos to you!
Dear Virginia!
Thanks for the info about beer. I am not a beer drinker, don’t like the taste of the stuff so I think I will stick to veggies. Any kind of veggies. I am a salad freak so hopefully that will help my bones to stay strong. Thanks again
Vivian, thanks for the beer comments. Have hypertension so can’t drink alcohol. If I could and you said drink it, I would. Feel like your book is gospel for me. Am following your suggestions in the back of your book for food. I have osteopenia. Love all your comments.
I do have osteoporosis in my lower spine. I have your book and am trying to follow the diet. I just came across Truvia, nature’s
sweetner. Should I be using the product.
Thank you
That salad sounds like an odd combination but I will try it.
Is there a test that can measure a person’s ph?
My sister-in-law says there is an ex-pharmacist turned naturalist in our area that makes a ph elixir to balance one’s ph. Is this possible?
I don’t drink beer as I see any form of alcohol as empty calories and a waste of money that I could be spending on healthy food.
Thank you for the heads-up on beer research (what will they think of next?!). Please keep up your work, Vivian. It is interesting and helpful, as well, to read all of the comments.
Thank you to everyone,
Thanks again Vivian for all the good work you do to help people build strong bones. It is real epidemic with women. I also enjoy reading the comments other people add. We can learn so much. I have been taking Strontium for over a year as well and have been taking Silicea. I have a hard time keeping the 80 -20 for meals. I still eat too much acidic foods. I hadn’t heard about the buzz on beer. Carole
Love it!!! Keep the research coming!!! Thanks so much.
Thanks for sharing your information. You can always use an article like that to justify drinking something that is not healthy for mind, body, or spirit. What about alcohol damaging brain cells? Let’s see, do I want to eat those foods you mentioned or drink beer and damage my brain cells, liver, etc.? NOT
Hello Vivian
I have been making my own beer for 34yrs.Of course I drink beer but I also have a salad every day.
Nothing has changed for my aged body so all this leads to nowhere.
It helps to have you give updates as my patients always have questions and I don’t have the time to review everything out there. Have you looked at the Blood Type Diet by Dr. D’Adamo? I have found it extreemly useful with the patients who have diabetes and find he recommends acidic vs alkaline foods based on blood type which is really useful for bone management.
Thanks for your work!
Thank you Vivien for your wise and helpful comments about the beer. I don’t particularly like beer and would rather eat the salad you suggest.
I love receiving your emails and always take them to heart and act on them.
Very best wishes and thanks June
Doesn’t anyone drink beer? There is nothing better after a round of golf with good friends. Eat healthy food, enjoy beer and wine in moderation and above all – have fun.
Notice how the very article on beer said iteslf, “The study examined the beers but it did not look at bone mineral density or analyze patients’ data.” Just that is all the proof I need that this beer buzz is not valid medical research and advice. Granted, I am not a beer drinker nor any other liquor. About red wine and any other pro-liquor-good-health hoopla: I have done enough research on health and nutrition to know that you actually get the same health benefits, if not better, from fruit and vegetable juices as you do from wines.
Joel M. Wilson
Hi Vivian,
I am celiac who has a terriblel time gaining weight. I had recently seen a gluten free beer and wondered if 2 beers a week would help me gain a few pounds. I don’t drink at all so I’ll stick to your advice about the salad and other alkalyzing foods.
Thanks for the info. Since I am a celiac, no beer for me so I am not missing much. I enjoy fresh vegetable salad any time over beer.
Keep up the good work.
Dear Vivian
I recently wrote you about my large dosage of vitamin D (50,000 UI once per week) because of an extremely low level of this vitamin (19). Normal level is 30-100 with 40-50 being okay.
I enjoyed your article regarding Vitamin K2. I have just mail ordered from a company called New Vitality a product called Strontium Bone Matrix which has 300 mg of “Strontium Citrate and 45 micrograms of K2. Please tell me a little more about this “Strontium Citrate.” Thanks, Marie Monet
Many people have benefited from strontium citrate. But a few healthcare professionals do not support strontium citrate.
In my opinion, not necessary for osteopenia or minor case of osteoporosis.
Just make sure you take strontium citrate away from calcium i.e. don’t take them together.
“I am increasingly recommending a product called Strontium Support (AOR) for all my osteoporotic patients. Since I’ve started using strontium in my practice, I routinely see five to 10% improvements in bone density after a year without any of the usual drugs prescribed for osteoporosis. It should be taken at least three hours away from any calcium supplements.”
Hi Vivian:
Thanks again for keeping us all knowledgeable and for that wonderful recipe which I will be making real soon. I, also, am not a beer drinker. I do use a lot of barley in homemade soup. Is this good? I was told a while back not to ever use anything with Strontium. Take care, stay well and safe and keep the emails coming.
I missed the beer advice that’s all the rage. It would be the last thing I would consider to drink for bone health regardless of any findings.
I hope too many aren’t planning on following it thinking it will save their bones. The salad advice is excellent and more believable.
I will have to get my hands on it. A Rickards porter would be ietnresting. I think that, for a macro, even their poor stuff is good-ish. It’s drinkable at least. It’s, like Sleemans, a good introduction to better beers for a newb, and at least a passable drink for those with more refined palettes. I didn’t mind the honey brown. But if the dark is better, then it’s worth it. The white is nice.
Hey Vivian,
Thankyou for yr imfo,have too confess i do not drink beer,i can not have sugar or alcohol,due too another heath condition,have a great day.
I don’t drink beer at all ,i like the salad racipy i will do it verry soon . Thabk you for your kindeness.
maria .
My mother had a very severe case of osteoporosis. She was also a heavy beer drinker. It does not appear that beer helped her in any way.
the salad sounds great, beer is nasty.Satan is doing his best to fool us. But, we have a choice to do what is best for are bodies. thanks for all the good advise. Eve
Hi Vivian, I purchased your book to find some more helpful things for my bones. I was always eating healthy and most of the time very similar to what is in your book but this did not help my bones. I am slim 5″ caucasian and my density test is not so good. I started the fosomax but because of my dental problem I stop taking it after 15 months. To tell you the truth I expected more from your book. I am surprised that you put prunes in the acidifying group. Prunes have calcium, potasium and also phosphorus, but there is more potasium than phosphorus in the prunes. Prunes are very good and many studies were done to prove that prunes are good for the bones. One of the studies were condacted for 3 months were women were eating 12 prunes a day and their bone density improved. In your book you are telling women to eat them in moderation. Why? I like them and they are part of my diet. I like some of your recipes but I am not using butter,margarine, sour cream or white flour which you are using in your recipes. These ingrediens are not a very healthy choice.
But thank you, you gave me something to think about and study further.
Regards, Lusia
I won’t eat prunes nor raisins. Even if they help my bones they probably rot my teeth first.
I’m anxious to make the salad. It sounds delicious. Would much rather eat that than drink beer!
Hi Vivian,
I rarely have beer, but it’s good to know which colors have the most silicon. Usually, it’s
horsetail that you find in supplements for silicon, how available that is, is in question.
You give very sound advice, & I would caution
all readers that beer can be addictive for some
Thank you Vivian especially for the great salad
Do not have the Reclast infusion. Like any drug/meds there are side effects…some very dangerous. This IV solution stays within you for a year. If there are serious side effects you are suffering with them for a year. No like with pills, where you can just stop taking them. Be careful & don’t do it. A friend of mine had this done about 4 months ago…biggest mistake she ever made. Fo;;ow Vivian’s program as best as you can.
God Bless & Good Luck.
Vivian, thanks for the salad recipe. I love salads and can’t wait to try this one. I learn something everything I receive your e-mails. Can’t wait to see if there is a new when I bring up my computer after work each day. Thanks again for the information about ost.
One more careful analysis of the facts much appreciated. Although not a consumer of alcohol, I’ll enjoy using the recipe.
I enjoyednthe article and have never been a beer drinker. since following an alkaline diet I have really learned to like peppers and find them economical. We also grew great ones this past summer and were able to freeze some to use in cooking.
I read somewhere that using baking soda helps, so do you know if it is good to drink some baking soda in water every day to increase one’s alkalinity? And what about using apple cider vinegar? Do these help? I take turmeric every day, and it really helps with my inflammation. Please let me know. Thanks!
Thanks for sending us all this information Vivian and as somebody else said, for educating us. I have been trying to have a more alkaline diet and my next scan is in April – here’s hoping. Bless you.
thanks for the veggie tips-I appreciate all of your tips thanks!
Thanks again, Vivian, for all your info – well taken!
Very interesting article – I wouldn’t drink beer if it was good for me. It is a good thing, because my allergy tests show that I am allergic to malt. I am going to try your recipe which sounds delicious. I have been following as near as possible your plan in the book for about a year now. I have had gastritis which resulted in the use of Nexium for 3 months. That was a concern since the ppi’s block calcium absorption. I was told to stay on it for one year, but I am trying aloe vera juice before I eat and it seems to be helping. I did have the endoscope test which only showed inflammation and no serious problems.
What is your recommendation on taking a calcium supplement such as Viactiv instead of using milk in the diet?
Hi Vivian, thanks for the silicon knowledge in some beers. I prefer to continue to get my silicon in pumpkin, carrots, onions, apples, and ocassional raisins. I was never a beer drinker, not even for silicon purpose, I do not like the taste. Appreciate your vital information, as always. WE shall keep informed with your help, helping us maintain and improve our body and mind. Thank you greatly Vivian.
Always Janet Talley. Oh I have become skeptical concerning finishing the Soy Silk Milk I purchased, I am uncertain what milk I will use for my honey nut cereal.
I wouldn’t drink it.
As for Calcium, there are better grades of it as well.
Look for Calcium citrate, and Calcium aspartate. They are more readily assimilated by the body. Don’t forget it needs a combination with Magnesium and Vit.Ds. D2 or D3
Hello Vivian 🙂
Thank you for your article and recipe. The fact is that I don’t drink alcohol simply because alcohol dries an already very dry mouth. As you know I have SJOGREN’S. I also steer clear of all types of peppers and anything else that will”burn” the inside of my mouth. If I don’t the result is I will get mouth ulcers.
To those of you out there who don’t know what SJOGREN’S is. It means that I cannot produce tears or saliva. So anything that is remotely “hot” as in peppers etc I cannot wash away from the inside of my mouth, like a normal healthy person can. People who do have saliva just take it for granted, we patients who have none just wish we could get it back.
So beer or any other spirits mean nothing to me. I will continue to eat healthily to the very best of my ability, and hope that my bones will benefit from my efforts.
best wishes from Scotland
Hi Vivian, I was on Fosamax for a little over 1 year after a dexa scan showed osteoporosis of the spine. I stopped for a year and haven’t taken any Fosamax. I’m drinking soy milk, cutting way down on meat consumption and recently had a new dexa scan which showed osteopenia. The Doctor credits the Fosamax and I credit what I’ve been doing since going off it. My question is – I’ve been reading another source that has recommended taking Strontium pills for osteoporosis. What do you know about that theory? Thanks, LG
I have read some research supporting the use of strontium, but my physician has nixed this idea. I have been diagnosed with Ostopenia, and am concerned because it seems to run in the family.
I agree with Vivian that a diet of a variety of fresh vegs n fruits, soy products is superior to beer anytime for nourishing the bones.Have gone off strontium after reading Vivian’s book n following the alkaline diet as far as possible including replacing rice with quinoa. Will wait a while b4 doing a dexa scan, having done 3 over a period of time n confirmed with osteopenia.Orthopedic surgeon said I will have oteoporosis in a yr or two.
For some reason, doctors really, really push Fosamax. After rufusing to take it, my doctor said that I should find another doctor — that I did not want to do anything he said. Then he suggested Reclast, and after reading about that, I refused it also. He is not a happy camper. I’m sure I do have weak bones, but I don’t want to take something that gives me OTHER prolems.
Strontium is an excellent “faker”… wanting to become a “shaker”! Strontium is denser than calcium, and it has its own (undesirable) side effects. Plus bones are made mostly of calcium.
The best bit about your article for me is the straight-forward explanation of why we should be avoiding foods that have an acidifying effect on our bodies:
“it is still acidic and it can therefore draw calcium from your bones to correct the low pH”; though it would have been even better if you’d written “it is still acidifying” or “it is still acidic in its effect” 🙂
Thank you for yet another great article Vivian.
Hi Vivian,
I know I’m off topic here but I am working hard to change my acid body to alkaline with little progress. I find even when I eat a very high intake of the alkaline foods my body’s ph is still low. I eat about 6 fruits each morning and try to put a large number of fruits and vegies in my meals through out the day. I exercise at the gym three days a week and do a lot of walking at my work. Do you have any other tips for me?
Hello Vivian,
I have the very same question as Beryl. What is your answer?
I am not sure this will help but i did read it
somewhere thatincluding a few slices of lemons in
your filtered water helps to eliminate the acidic once
you drank it.
Any comments?
Get a water machine that will make you tap water alkaline. Most tap and purified waters are quite acidic. A good one is put out by Ion Ways. http://www.ionways.com for more info.
Thanks a million for your recipe – it taste delicious. Funny enough I buy small sweet peppers and eat them as sweets. I like bell peppers also so I shall certainly include them in my shopping list. Beer has never been a favorite of mine – in fact I detest it so I am glad I dont need to drink it.
Arthritis – check out the arthritis sites – it is well documented that those with bad arthritis suffer more with the deadly nightshade vegetables. If you suffer badly it sounds like it is well worth trying to omit them for a while, then try them again and see if it makes a difference for you. Good luck!
What are nightshade vegetables?
Hi Kay ~
The Nightshade (NOT “deadly nightshade” – that is a specific plant) Family is the botanical family Solanaceae, which have as members the ever popular:
All these plant foods, when ingested, have been found to exacerbate sore joints such as those in Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. I have both and I know for a fact that if I eat tomatoes or potatoes, I will suffer greatly with joint pain the next day.
Very much like white flour and white sugar, unfortunately, these plants are widely eaten and are in many prepared and ‘staple’ meals. If you have arthritis, try to stay away from them and see if your pain improves. I use Sweet Potatoes instead of white, and I rarely eat tomatoes. I never eat peppers or eggplants. It’s interesting that my body is also NOT attracted to these foods as I seem to have a natural aversion to them.
Good luck with your new diet!
Stella Raye
Plant Science Tech.
Thankyou SO MUCH Vivian, not least of all for gently reminding me at periodic intervals that i have osteoporosis and need to take care of myself. (I am only 35).
Thankyou for debunking the myth rather – although yes, i would feel less “guilt” in having a glass of beer if i felt inclined (not really an alcohol drinker though).
And thankyou for reminding us how important silica is! It is millet all the way! for me. I have always felt really good for eating millet. And then i forget all about it for a couple of weeks. BUt it is SUCH a good food. I will schedule it in more often as i will also cucumbers.
What about strontium for bones……have noticed lots of advertising that recommends that…..
i would like to know more about strontium for bones
I, too, have read positive things about Strontium. I have been taking Strontium Citrate on and off for approximately 2 years now due to a diagnosis of Osteopenia (I stopped when pregnant and breastfeeding). I would love to hear if there are any concerns about this supplement. Thanks!!
Thanks for the Salad Recipe. I love salads. I don’t drink beer. I drink red wine once in a while for my blood pressure. I don’t know if it worked. I continued my daily cardio and muscle strengthening exercises program. I don’t have the pains in my groins and low back. Thank you again for the interesting health for the bone researched. Your book helped me.
I have been having terrible pains in my groin.
No one can figure it out.
I had an xray and nothing showed up.
Do you know what they are caused from.
I see you mentioned that your pain in groin and lowr back went away.
I had groin pain as well and my chiropractor helped me. The pain was coming from the low back.
Just wondering who actually funded this research….could it be the beer industry?
The salad sounds great.
Thanks for all the great info.
What is your take on Tomatoes and Potatoes being bad for you if you have Arthritis? Also
is drinking coffee bad for your bones?
Thank You,
vivian — thank you for your helpful articles…I especially love the ones with recipes and latest “Bad for you” ingredients in foods to watch out for…..I’ve changed my eating (not all the time, but most of the time) and my lifestyle!
tgfv thank God for Vivian!
What about those night shade vegetables like tomatoes, eggplants, and white potatoes? Are they really bad for arthritis or is that a myth?
Thank you for the current information on the beer issue. I have made the salad recipe for years and my family loves it. Thank you for sharing it here.
Looking forward to more beneficial information as you send it.
Blessings to you!
I knew immediately that the beer news was bogus. I’m 70+ years old and have been drinking beer for a long time. I had been on the “meds” for a long time too and thanks to Vivian the beer has become the 20% allowable acidic part of my diet. I am off the GERD meds too and have my annual physical next week. I have been on alkyline program for 6 months so don’t know if it is too soon for bone density improvement to show. Gerri
There is no way beer can be of benefit to our bodies in any way! If we payed attention to everything we saw on television we would go crazy! I never drank any alcohol and never will.I take care of my body as I see fit which may be different from others I am sure but that is the way I feel.
Hi Vivian,
Thank you for the wonderful work you do helping to keep our bones strong and healthy which means we are keeping our whole bodies and minds healthy at the same time. I’d like to make a toast to you! Maybe with some carrot juice? By the way, what’s your take on red wine?
Warm Regards,
Red wine is acid as well.
Does anyone know anyone who has had the new procedure done called Reclass. An IV drip good for a year. I know it is expensive and could be very painfull to a few. My doctor said it was safe , my insurance Humana covers it but I have no veins in my body they keep collapsing when I even have a blood test. Please help.
Linda P.S. I have to have it Monday morning.
I would not recommend the procedure for anyone. Once you get that procedure, that will stay in your system and if you have all the side effects that go with it, it takes a year from them to go away.
You need to read the side effects. Very dangerous.
Can even put your heart into
arto fib.
Drink lots of water! This helps the veins to flow.
CHEERS to you! The receipe sounds intoxicating!
Thank you for your dedication to educate us on all these important issues about bone health. And I love getting the recipes! (I am somewhat of a recipe hog)
Luckily I have never liked beer so that is one good thing in my battle with “O”. Thanks for the info and I continue to follow your Bone Health plan. I have an appointment with my Doctor to discuss my plans on following your recomendations. I am nervous about talking to him but I will reread and prepare myself with your advice on ‘how to talk to your doctor’. Thanks again for your help.
Dear Vivian:
Thank you so much for keeping us informed as new bad information surfaces. Your input is so valuable and most appreciated.
Dear Vivian,
This has nothing to do with beer (I think beer taste awful), but I am reading your book The Bone Revolution. It is so interesting, I am learning so much about bone loss. The only worry I have is that I have been taking Actonel for about 18 years and I just stopped about a month ago. I am not sure if I did the right thing. My gums and teeth have been weak and painful for years. I don’t know if there is a connectiin. I have a dental appointment coming up soon.
I think my son drank to much beer and he now has bone cancer.
Here in Australia they do not care about bones. Calcium Fluoride is far, far better for both Teeth and Bones, Yet they use Sodium Fluoride Pesticide Poison in drinking water because all they care about is teeth. They have ignored the warnings from WHO not to use Poison because of all the health problems associated with it, but the State ALP Governments do not care about what anyone says as long as though they get their own way.
Millet has the silicon content of 500mg per 100 gm; while barley has only 230mg per 100 gm. Rye has 600mg, the highest in the list tested. Indian plantation labourers in Malaysia who take millet as a stable diet,do not have the problem that prevails in the West, even upto very old age.
Dear Vivian, thank you so much for your work on behalf of all of us concerned with our bone health. Well done for disspeling the beer idea!! Personally, I would not refuse an occasional glass of nice cool lager with a meal. However salads are simply a must and lovely to eat: combining various veggies, seeds, spices, often with an avocado mashed in, and always garlic. What can be better and healthier?!
There is one question I would like to ask: does porridge oats, cooked lightly in water and eaten with honey, daily for breakfast (esp warming on cold days)rob the bones of calcium? Would be obliged to hear your opinion. I follow your general advice and spread your teaching among friends in the UK and Czech Republic, incl the medical world.
Thanks for your hard work.
Margita Ingham
There are osteoporosis sites like NOS with lots of information. You will see different points of view.
Porridge is an acid but is also very good for you – if you eat it with dried fruit like apricots/prunes etc I understand it will alkalanise it to some extent. Also make it with water not milk as milk is acid. Vary your breakfast – have fruit or just grapefruit some mornings. Variety is the key i believe.
I’m not a regular beer drinker, but I do like barley wine now and then. So how good is that? I also have difficulty digesting cucumber with the skin on but often use the rest of it with bellpeppers in my salads.