Video Overview
The Spine Strengthener exercise is a great way to strengthen the muscles around your spine and prevent fractures.
And best of all, all you need is a flat surface, a pillow and a towel.
Be sure to check out the Densercise System for more exercise like this.
Video Transcript
Hi, this is Vivian. You might be wondering why I’m holding a rolled up towel and a pillow. That’s because I’m going to show you an exercise that will benefit your spine. It’s an exercise that will strengthen the muscles around the spine, and as you know, this is something that can prevent the dreaded spinal fractures. It could also help you increase bone density in the spine. So I’m going to show you how you can use these simple tools – yes, a rolled up towel and a pillow – to strengthen your back and get those spinal muscles working for you.
I love doing the Spine Strengthener anywhere in my home, but I especially enjoy it in my backyard. Now, I am here on a wooden deck which is a pretty hard surface, so I’m using an exercise mat to soften the floor. You can do it in any room in your home, on the floor or on the carpet, and of course for comfort, you may also want to use an exercise mat. It’s totally up to you.
So now let me show you how to get started. But before, I want to tell you that there are two steps to this exercise. The first one is a beginner’s step. Once you get comfortable with it you can, so to speak, graduate to the more advance level. In both cases, you start with the rolled towel placed here on the floor where you are going to be resting your forehead. Next, take the pillow and place it at the level of your hip bones so that you can rest on top of it comfortably. Now I’m in position to start the beginner’s level of the Spine Strengthener exercise. You’ll notice that I’m barefoot, but you can wear shoes if you want to, or socks. It doesn’t make a difference.
So to get started, place your forehead on the towel like this, and then place your arms parallel to your body. Then, lift your head like so, and count to three. One, two, three, and lower your head again. I’ll show you one more time so you see it. Lift your head, count to three – one, two, three – and then lower your head again. Do the head lifts ten times, and that’s considered one set. Now take a break in between, and do three sets of ten head lifts each.
For the advanced Spine Strengthener, you begin the same way as in the beginners level. Put your forehead on the towel, place your arms parallel to your body, and now lift your head, lift your legs, and move your arms forward that you look like an airplane. Count to three, and go back again. Now rest to the count of three and do it one more time. I’ll show you how. Now count to three, rest, and start again. Again, one, two, three, and rest, two, three. Do ten repetitions of this exercise and that’s one set. I recommend that you do three sets of ten counts each.
So this is the Spine Strengthener exercise. I recommend you do it at least three times a week. I do it three times a week and I really feel great afterward. And if you follow the Save Our Bones program along with this exercise, you’re really on the right track for strong and healthy bones naturally. So I hope you enjoyed the exercise. I'm happy you watched it, and hope to see you soon.
And if you haven’t yet, give the Densercise eBook a try.
I created the Densercise eBook System to help you:
- Get on the road to reversing osteoporosis and osteopenia
- Regain youthful vigor
- Avoid prescription drugs and their side effects
- Improve flexibility and increase strength
- Tone your muscles to achieve a youthful look
- Build and maintain “Super Youthful” Strong Bones
What makes the Densercise eBook System special is that it only takes 15 minutes a day three times a week to get the results you’ve been looking for.
Try my simple, yet incredibly effective Densercise eBook System risk free. If you’re not completely satisfied with it, simply contact Save Our Bones within 60 days of purchase for a 100% refund, no questions asked.
Stay strong and healthy!
I am wondering about lifting your head back in the manner shown as it could compress spine, nerves and arteries at base of skull. I was always taught to lift my head by keeping it in line with my spine to avoid injury. Should you not err on the side of safety with this lift?
This is exactly the exercise I did and broke a lower rib – which sent me off for bone density test which revealed spinal osteoporosis. So BE CAREFUL! (and I am an experienced yoga practitioner).
hi vivan,
thank you so much for the great information ,i appreciate you to provide more ..
You are most welcome, David!
Good article…as a practising physical therapist at healthclues, Hyderabad I want to suggest that…Most bone fractures occur because of a fall. You can reduce your chances of falling by exercising to build your muscle strength and improve your balance. Exercise can also slow the rate of bone loss, which reduces the risk of fractures from osteoporosis. for more
I don’t think this is a good exercise for the spine. I had some pain doing it so I won’t be doing it again. Anyone with back injuries and disc issues shouldn’t do this.
It might depend on what stage you are at with your recovery (or time of day, for me first thing in the morning is best) – ask your Physio and/or Osteopath for help/advice. Maybe you need alternative treatment / exercises first. I have problems in my Lumbar 1 and 2 discs dating back nearly 30 years (initially it was too painful to walk) and have done this exercise regularly, in combination with leg raisers whilst lying on my back, from when my major pain had resolved, on the advice of my Physio/Osteopath. It has kept me pain-free – when I don’t do it the pain starts to return and reminds me to do it. But certainly I wouldn’t do anything which causes me pain unless advised it was OK to do it.
Dear Vivian
Thank you so much for your research
We need to feel able to work and
deliver excellent results
Your leadership empowers!
Well appreciated Vivian
Thank you, Vivian for showing the spine exercise, I will do it everyday.
I am looking for a complete exercise program. do you have one? the few that are in the book and the two on website are good. but i need weight bearing exercises and i do not know which ones are good/safe to use. I thought there was a complete exercise program on your website per the book but i can’t find it. i am getting conflicting information from health care professionals on what not to do and I feel i have all of these restrictions and feel frustrated. Please help. thanks
Lin, Densercise is the complete exercise program you are looking for! 🙂 In addition to the links in the article above, you can read more about it here:
Hi Vivian,
I’ve wanted to do the spinal exercise (video above) but since I have spinal stenosis at C1 and C2, I am not allowed to tilt my neck back (towel) on a regular basis. Are there any other spinal strengthener exercises I could do?
Btw, I have two discs without gel at the moment, can I still do spinal exercises? I’m willing to try almost anything as the pain gets unbearable many days mostly in mid to lower lumbar region.
Thanks so much. 🙂
Tanialee, you should definitely speak with your doctor or physical therapist before doing these exercises. 🙂 He or she can go over your medical history and advise you as to which exercises you can or should not do. Chances are, there are plenty of density-building exercises you can do. 🙂
I would like to purchase the book.
is this a yoga pose called the locust?
I have been diagnosed with scoliosis of the lower and middle of my spine as well as osteoporosis and degenerating discs in the lower back. I do a lot of walking weather permitting and my husband is building me a 3 wheel bike. I keep asking our doctor for exercises but all he says is we will see what the next xray in July says! help any ideas?
Dear Vivian,
It is a very good & simple exercise.I was suffering slip disc problem 17 years before.Doctor told me to do operation,but I cured with yoga exercise similar to yours.Today I am totaly fine without any back pain.Thanks for your noble cause.
Regards & best wishes.
Vivian…You are amazing. Hours can go by watching and reading all you provide, if I’m not careful. So much good information. It’s hard to have any questions after seeing how much you provide. How are you so patient? Well, I’m just glad you are. Thanks, again..Lynn
What’s your opinion on those vibration plate machines and their use as bone density building tools. Here is an example:
The above shown item is one that vibrates vertically (up and down) supposedly initiating the body’s natural bone building cells, rather than the oscillating or side to side cheaper vibrating plates that perhaps I assume could cause joint damage? (total guess)
The following study tested bone building benefits. Although, I read another article questioning the safety of such machines for people with stroke risk, circulatory issues, eye and ear damage.
Nonetheless, it seems to also have been tested by NASA astronauts to preserve the density of their bones.
Your thoughts?
Vivian, Thank you so much for the book. My husband has osteoporsis & takes a shot once a year. He has most of the side affects you listed. He is looking at it differently now & hopefully will do the exercises & change his diet. You reaaly are doing wonders with your information.
Greetings Vivian,
Thank You so much for the information. I have been watching my food combinations. I do not eat
proteins and starches together. I have viewed your video on the spine strengthener and have done the exercises. It is very liberating when one takes charge of their own health.
Peace& Continued Blessings To You
vivian i would like to share this on Facebook…wish you had a Facebook button to click on! YAY for exercises for osteoporosis.
Thanks so very much for spine exercises and also the hip. I had my annual check=up recently and my results had come up just a small fracture, so I was very please to go know that I was not increasingly getting worse. I was not sure at times if I was eating the right percentages of the right foods. Enough of all that, just that I am so pleased.
Is there a group somewhere that talks about what they eat for meals? I would like some suggestions besides the list of good and bad foods. Thank you.
I am an 84 year old woman who has had two spinal fractures and now has another compression fracture of the thoracic vertebrae. The pain requires me to take at least ibuprofen and tylenol (I don’t like to take a lot of drugs). I have recently seen my doctor and X-rays were taken and the doctor recommended a procedure called kyphoplasty and the medicine forteo to build up the bones. Could you please tell me what you know about kyphoplasty? Also, what would you suggest as an alternative to this procedure. For many years I have been taking Bone-UP calcium supplement with a high dosage of vitamin D. I am in the process of studying your book. I have to make a decision very quickly, since the surgery should be done as soon as possible in order to prevent further fractures. I would appreciate your help very much. Thank you,
Hi Vivian,
Can the heal lift exercise be done by someone with osteoporisis? Can forward bends be done by someone with osteoporisis?
thank you for your help with this. I have been taking a bone class and two things they told me I should not do is leg jumps and forward bends. What are your thoughts on this?
Thankyou Vivian for all your knowledge and information given over the year i live on the GOLDCOAST in AUSTRALIA . i have passed on your contact address to a friend of mine in England she has just found out that she has Osteoporosis Have a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR
Diagnosed with oteoporosis last year == and recently diagnosed with polymyalgia rhumatica and and three weeks ago started steriods (no option)! However, refusing to take bishosophonates and calcium carbonate advocated by my doc. You suggest an organic
calcium and I have been reading about Ezorb ….. which sounds promising could you advise if okay to take it. Following everything else in your book. Very inspiring.
iwant to give my thanks for all the help you have given to all of pleasetell me what you can about ezorb calcium. i also take d an magnesium chelate. also please tell me what you can about ukerane for esophageal cancer. thank you for being you. audrey.
Hi Vivian, Thank you for the latest information. Your spine strenghtening excercise is a variation of one givin in 7steps to a pain free life by Robin Mckenzie PT. He says it came from the Mayo Clinic so it must be good.
Thanks so much, you are so right. My spine t-score is 3.7, I don’t take any bone drugs and these excersises are great. I feel like I have a new back after doing them. Keep up the great work. God bless you!!!!
Vivian, Thank you for the spine strengthner exercise. I’ve been doing it along with other stretching and light impact exercises. I feel great and I hope it will help strengthen my lower spine. I will keep you posted once I pass a bone density test.
Thank you for your loyal support.
Hi Vivian,
I just love the heel lift and spine strengthening exercises. They don’t take up much time so with my busy schedule I always find time to do them.
The back strengthening exercise that you show is very dangerous for the neck muscles. I do a lot of very similar exercises in my yoga class but you should never ever lift your neck in the way you show, you should always keep your neck long with your eyes looking down. Please do revise the method in which you do this excercise for the sake of all the people who see it and do not know any better.
I used to take actenol then stopped. I started garden of life calcium with strontium and my back stopped hurting,is there any connection?
I would like to start taking organic calcium, could you please advise me what brand name in Canada would be best for me. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis last fall. I am following your save our bones program. Thank you. Doreen
Used to have severe cramps in my legs and sometimes even in my abdomen, but all that has changed, not only from the alkalising, but from the addition of coconut water….a perfect electrolyte source, completely natural too.
I can’t seem to get the video to play. Any ideas?
I have a MacBook and also cannot get the voice on the video.Did you find any soution yet? Kit
Unfortunately the exercises don’t seem to be suitable for people with hip replacements where jumping and impact is not such a good idea. I would be interested to hear if you have anything suitable as my T score is – 4 and I don’t want to take the biphosphonates.
I opened your video but there was only music and not the voice. Is this just a problem with my computer? or am I doing something wrong?
Just want to say thanks for the videos and exercises – I’m doing both. I’m especially concerned about spine strength; I had surgery for spinal stenosis over a year ago. Some of the pain and stiffness probs are returning now, so I need to work on spine strength. Of course, I’ve been diagnosed w/osteoporosis; my primary doc is not pleased that I refuse to take Actonel, as I had done when diagnosed 6 years ago, but quit after 2 yrs, because I was scheduled for dental procedures. Thanks for your help!
i want to thank you you are great.
These are so helpful… thank you.
Hi Vivian,
I have been taking Synthetic hormone replacement for the last 20 years due to early menopause and would like to take a natural bio identical hormone but I am concerned about the estrogen content as I have heard that bone loss increases when stopping hormone replacement. Do the bio identical hormones produce adequate estrogen to help sustain bone density. What are your thoughts, I am taking a natural progesterone but still using synthetic estrogen.
I really like this exercise. I’ve been doing it every day since you put it on line. My back feels so much stronger and I have a feeling that if I had known about this exercise, I might have avoided surgery. Excellent piece of advice and I thank you for it. Barbara Bell
Vivian, thank you for the video. I have osteopenia and scoliosis and am trying all the exercises for the spine that I can. Leaning back like that is exactly what I need because the scoliosis is pulling me forward.
Fran Miller
Thank you Vivian for the new video on bone density exercises. They are so simple and easy to do. Keep up the good work.
Hi Vivian, Looks like a great exercise, I plan on adding it to my routine. Thanks for your help Carol
If anyone has taken the Forteo injections or Reclast IV, please let me know how that was. I have to make decision soon. I am only 57 and have hip reading of 3.03. I am truly glad to follow all Vivian covers in her book. Hope it would help rebuild, but will it? Glad for anyone to give me experiences on either Rx or this program. Thanks….Katherine
Your hip reading is cause for concern. But please, please, give this program at least a twelve month try. I’m only 49 and was diagnosed with Osteoporosis 10 years ago.
Those drugs are more dangerous than they lead you to believe. Give your body what it really needs, good healthy measures. The solution is to solve the cause!
I am now 67 years old at 57 I was given fosamax by the doctor. at 61 I was diagnosed with esophogeal cancer. I had the operation where they cut you in half almost to get the tumor out. I was given 3 months to live I went on a natural product called Ukerane and the Cancer has been gone for all this time. I have only just learned that Fosamax can cause this cancer. When I told my doctor of the findings I was told to stay on it for my osteoporosis.Like that is going to happen now let the doctor take it. I will stick to my calcium and D and K. Anna
Hi Katherine,
I took forteo injections for 13 months with no side effects other than increased bone density. In that short time my hip went from -2.4 to -1.8 and my back from -4.3 to -3.8. Unfortunately my insurance changed & with the change I was no longer able to continue the forteo. I was going to go with relast injections but my endocrinologist talked me into trying Boniva orally (once monthly.) I just started yesterday and had terrible gas, indigestion, fullness & a bit of acid reflux. Today I woke up feeling better but a few hours later I began to ache all over. I took my temp and it was 100.4. I called the dr to see what if anything I should take & he said to go with tylenol extra strength. He also said that it had nothing to do with the Boniva and that there was “something going around”. I rarely get sick and no one in my home or office is sick so I beg to differ. If the symptoms go away by tomorrow I may try another month but we’ll see…. Good luck to you.
I am 66 and I just got off of Forteo, after being on it for 22 mos. My numbers DID increase dramatically. I had no side effects. Doing the injections daily took some getting use to, but I did it. Now my dr. has suggested going on to Reclast. I am a bit hesistant to start it tho. Want to read more about it.
Both Forteo and Reclast are both deadly.
My O/S Dr. told me that death is one of
the side effects. And since I seem to get
all the side effects of every medication
that I have ever taken, I refused to take
these two deadly pills. I wanted to warn you.
Thank you so much for all your advice and clear instructions. I try to get my Mum to do all your exercises as she suffers from spine degeneration. Thank you and best wishes
Spine strengthener exercise – brilliant Vivian and so well explained. It is so encouraging to have exercises shown for us. I am going to give it a go in about five minutes!
watched the video. If I have bone density loss, will this cause a fracture? Why does my MD recommend increasing my milk products intake for helping my density problem. I have read in yoru book that this is not recommended by you. Appreciate your reply. Thanks for the book & the help it gives.
Hi Mary Ann,
As I note on all the exercise videos, please check with your doctor before beginning this or any exercise program. Your doctor knows your condition. I cannot give personal advice about whether a particular exercise would be a problem for you. What I will say is this: If you feel pain when doing any exercise, STOP! Listen to your body and work at your own level.
As far as why doctors still recommend milk products, The simple and unfortunate fact is that the general public, and this includes most doctors, have bought into the myth that milk is a health-building food for humans. Take a look at my article Debunking the Milk Myth, where I explain the milk myth in detail.
My self motivation is normally very bad when it comes to doing exercises but this exercise makes me feel so good that I actually want to do it. Thanks a million Vivian.
An excellent exercise especially for us with osteopenia. Thanks so much, Vivian. I will do the exercises – first one first as it’s not that easy. Then after a week or two I will attempt the more advanced one. Margie
Hi Vivian ! thanks a lot for that information about spine excercise. as soon as I finish writing this, I will take my mat and start doing the excercise. I was told that I have osteosporosis in my back,but since I started reading your book and following it , I have not have any pain at all. I think that those excercise will help me . Let you know in a couple of weeks.
Thanks so much for the latest spine strengthening exercise. I do appreciate the helps that you send from time to time.
i could not open the video either?
Hi vivian, I have trouble withmy neck muscles but I will give this a try (gently) but I have always had trouble trying to watch your videos. Thanks again, Carole.
Hi Linda,
In general, if you’re having any sort of technical problem with our program or with the site, please submit a request through our Customer Support Center by clicking “Customer Support” at the top of any page on our site.
I will tell you though, that there has been some confusion about this video.
Some people have been trying to click on the picture to the left of the article’s title. The picture is NOT the video. It is just that, a picture.
The video is below the title, with a big arrow in the middle. Just click on the arrow to play the video.
I hope this helps!
Great exercise-thank you so much for all your wonderful tips. Nancy
Vivian, the back exercise is one of many that we do in pilates. It was nice to see it was one that you recommend. In my opinion, pilates are one of the best ways to strenthen our core and back. I am in a class off both women and men of all ages and we are confirmed advocates of it. Give us more exercises, please. Thanks, Eileen
I watched video thank you I go to hospital tuesday and will check if ok to do it thank you it looks good. patricia
It sounds like a great exercise, unfortunately I can’t open the video.
I just read the transcript.
Just diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. Like this exercise but is this the one to start with or one to work up to?
I have been diagnosed with severe osteo in the hips primarily, but also in spine. I would like to think that there is high hope to rebuild bone without any of the Rx’s, but not sure how that would truly work. At 57, the doctors want me to do Forteo. I do not want to do that or others. Please share any knowledge concerning this decision I must make. Thanks so much….This video is SUPER in all ways. Love to see lots more of recommended exercises. Thanks so much….Katherine
Hi Ruth,
As noted below the video, it’s important to check with your doctor before beginning this or any exercise program. Your doctor knows your condition and can advise you.
Thanks for demonstrating this spine exercise. I know something similar, and always look for variations. Was told that changing the variety is important for the bone-growth.
I couldn’t get the video on the exercise which helps for osteoporosisl
In order to understand these directions diagrams or fotos are needed. GB
Thank you Vivian.
It’s a love video – The spine strengthening exercise, your instruction is so clear and the exercise is simple and easy to learn, I don’t need to buy some special equipment.
I am already into your food programme ratio 80/20. Its great and exercise three times weekly sometimes four.
I intend to continue.
Thank you enjoyed the video and make a printed copy of the exercise and a drawing on print out. Ty.
Vivian you are fabulous!!! I’m so thankfull for all that you do for us.
I will co these exercises as several months ago I fractured my 12 thoracic vertebrae.
Thank you for these exercises.
Thanks for the exercise video. One question though: is this exercise ok for someone with low back pain? If not, is there an acceptable variation?
I wish I had picked this book up off of the end-table when it first came (onlu a few days ago)BUT IST HAS LITERALLY CHANGED MY LIFE FOR THE BEST!!!!
Please keeep up the good work and find someoone else to market it. Every one who has had bone pain whether from foot ball, basketball, tennis or football (MY devil) get it in the Military and freshman college why not high school or jonmior high, every where there us a place for bone or tendon injury Make it required. Anyone who ever sincerely tried it would be a guaranteed user for life!
My comments were so full of errors that you you may not have paid attention to it. I wish I had a hard cover copy to leave with my (Dr.) Accompanied by a stack of order forms. People need to see this and qrder order it!
Thank You for changing my life!!!!!
Larry J. Pool
233 East Lois Avenue, Tulare California 93274
Cell 559 737 0884
dear vivian-the xercise looks pretty easy. will try it and get back to you. I am a walker from way back.
Thank you very much for the great spine exercise! I appreacite it so much and will add it to my regular exercise program.
Thanks for making it so simple to save our bones. I remember doing this exercise in gym class in school. So many of us just don’t exercise but we expect to stay healthy. What’s happened to our brains. It takes work to maintain a healthy structure.
I have a problem bringing up your videos, what am I doing wrong.
Do you know anything about bone stimulators? I had a shattered femur last August and had an appliance put in to fix it. This last April the appliance broke so they had to do the surgery again with something different. It wasn’t as painful the second time around and I am walking again, but the re is no new bone growth. The doctor thinks he’ll try the stimulator. Oh, yes, I was on Fosamax for the last 5 years ‘ but since this happened I have not gone back to it. Genevieve
Thanks! The spine strengthening video looks great. Looking forward to using it in my exercise program. I enjoy all your exercise videos and helpful information. Thanks for caring!
really liked that excercize for the spine. also am doing one other that you recommended. walking around with weights on ankles. good ways to strengthen bones. thanks, marilyn
Thanks Vivian,
I too appreciate your videos but the one for strenthening the spine on my first try I couldn’t get my head off the towel. I will continue to try and perhaps slowly I will be able to do it. Would this be a problem with my back or my neck?
Don’t worry about getting your head off the towel. Just take it at your own pace. Simply making the effort will have an effect, and your strength will gradually improve. Very important: Never push and never take any exercise to the point where you feel pain!
Thanks again for sharing.
HI Vivian, Thank you for sharing this spine strengthener. I am going to add it to my daily rountines. I also swim side and breast stroke laps everyday. While that is not weight bearing exercise, it does help the muscles around the spine and hips. I feel great doing this and lift weights as well.
Always the best info here!
Happy Summer,
Celestina Marie
Vivian, I tried calling but I paid and never received your book. Can you help me. thank you.
Hi Vicky,
Please submit a ticket to Customer Support. Just click “Customer Support” at the top of any page on our site. Our support team will be happy to look into it for you.
Just received your e-mail and I’m going to start these exercises immediately. I do have trouble getting up and down to the floor but somehow I’ll manage. Thank you for this suggestion. I feel I need exercise and this should do the trick.
Hi Avis,
Simply getting down to the floor and back up is good exercise in itself!
But, if that is too difficult, the exercises can be done on your bed.
Fabulous exercise. My chiropractor gave this one to me a year ago so I have been doing this already. My back always feels good and I hope I am helping my spine as well. THis exercise has strengthened my back and now I rarely have any back discomfort.
Greetings Vivian,
I am deaf and can’t understand what you are explaining on your exercise video.
Captioned text or at least a text summary of the instructions would definitely be appreciated. Hearty thanks will come from all of us who can’t hear but are still trying to save our bones.
Hey Cora,
There is now a text transcription of the video for you. You’ll find it right below the video player. I hope this helps!
Big Thanks.
Hi Vivian,
I cannot open the video.
Hi Sandy,
It may require a faster internet connection. I suggest you try again, or you can read the transcript below the video.
It reminds me of breast stroke without the water! Thank you Vivian for doing your best for us. I will try this next time I exercise 🙂
In checking with my physical therapist this exercise is good except for the tilting of the head back….very bad body mechanics for the cervical (neck) spine. This exercise should be done with the head and back in straight alignment to strengthen both the back and neck muscles to support the entire spine.
I agree. The Yoga posture which strengthens the back muscles, lifting legs and arms together, keeps the head and neck straight, so the spine is aligned.
good morning vivian,
My doctor talked me into taking Boniva and now am off of it after 4 mos.,
but am having bad reaction in my muscles. Have any of your readers
experienced the same problem? Have been off for 3 wks. but the stiffness and pain is most uncomfortable. Would like to hear from anyone else having this same problem. I am a GOOD example that one shouldnot take these drugs. Thanks, Sidney
I was on Boniva for only one month but I had a severe reaction….hurt all over with pain moving around (from shoulders to back). Vivian suggested taking COQ10 to help remove the Boniva faster and it did help. I was miserable for several weeks and some residual aches for several months. Hope you will feel better soon!
My spine is very worn with little padding left between vertebraes. I have ignored it for years but recently the pain was so severe that I had to resort to accepting a spinal injection – cortisone I believe – and now the pain has virtually disappeared. I chose the lesser of two evils, the injection or what the GP wanted which was the wearing of opiate patches, 50 mg each.I would be interested in comments from you. Thanks, Bob
I am in the same situation, but I am a bit scared of this cortisone injection (epidural). If not administered correctly, it can cause problems, e.g. major nerve damage. Cortisone can also damage bones and cartilage. I would like to know a bit more about this procedure, e.g personal experience from the readers. My GP just tells me to go for it without elaborating on possible risks and side effects. Any reply would be greatly appreciated!
What if you have already had 13 compressed spinal fractures ( still have pain) and a neck fusion .
Hi Joyce,
Are you asking whether you can do the exercise? If so, as noted below the video, it’s important to check with your doctor before beginning this or any exercise program. Your doctor knows your condition and can advise you about which exercises are safe for you.
I hope this helps!
Very easy to do. Should I do both exercises everyday? Just got tested for osteoporosis. Don’t have it yet but I’m 60 yrs old and showing signs of it coming. Thank you.
The same thing happened to me, I had great bone density before menopause, then starting with mp, the numbers just dropped. I’m a runner and do yoga.
I did not take any drugs or hormones. Exercising during those years was hard. But I’m back to running and Yoga. So, whatever you can do, do it.
Also have yourself tested every yaer (or every 2 years)
PS: The body structure has to do something with it
I am80 years old. I have 5 fractures of the spine and severe fractures of both arms.One of which is a malunion. It is impossible for me to lie down on the floor. Please show exercizes in which I can participate.
I’ve had spinal surgery and can’t get down on the floor either. I have a fairly new very supportive mattress and I find it works great for these exercises. Good luck, Brenda.
Hi Gloria,
This exercise can very easily be done on your bed, so you don’t have to get down on the floor.
But, as noted below the video, it’s important to check with your doctor before beginning this or any exercise program. Your doctor knows your specific issues and can advise you about which exercises are safe for you to do.
wish you would post verbal instructions and pictures, as my slow connection will not play video.
I can’t do videos with my computer. It would be very helpful to
have written instructions with some still pictures.
Mary K.
Hey Cheryl and Mary – the transcript has been added to the post. I hope it helps.
LOVE the videos! Thank you for the clear istructions. It is especially helpful that no special equipment must be used to do these exercises. Please keep them coming!!
I am recouping from spinal surgery (3 months ago. I have found your spine care information extremely helpful. I have a daily regimen of core strengthening exercises, I will add this to it!
Thank you so much.
Hi Vivian,
Thank you for the spine strengthening excercise. Your regular support and great health tips encourage me to take charge of my health. Thanks again.
This exercise is fantastic! I have done a similar movement while doing Pilates and Yoga, but have never thought to do dedicated repetitions and sets. The spine is what I have to work on so will definitely be adding this exercise to my regimen. Thanks so very much!!!
Hi Vivian 🙂
Watched the video, the exercise looks great and quite easy to do. I’m going to give it a try. We are not getting younger and we older citizens need to keep fit and well, we must also continue to eat healthily, simple and easy exercises are a must for everyone, regardless of age.
have a nice day
Marysia 🙂