Osteoporosis Exercise: The Spine Strengthener

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Exercise

4 min Read

Video Overview

The Spine Strengthener exercise is a great way to strengthen the muscles around your spine and prevent fractures.

And best of all, all you need is a flat surface, a pillow and a towel.

Be sure to check out the Densercise System for more exercise like this.

NOTICE: Please check with your doctor before beginning this or any exercise program.

Video Transcript

Hi, this is Vivian. You might be wondering why I’m holding a rolled up towel and a pillow. That’s because I’m going to show you an exercise that will benefit your spine. It’s an exercise that will strengthen the muscles around the spine, and as you know, this is something that can prevent the dreaded spinal fractures. It could also help you increase bone density in the spine. So I’m going to show you how you can use these simple tools – yes, a rolled up towel and a pillow – to strengthen your back and get those spinal muscles working for you.

I love doing the Spine Strengthener anywhere in my home, but I especially enjoy it in my backyard. Now, I am here on a wooden deck which is a pretty hard surface, so I’m using an exercise mat to soften the floor. You can do it in any room in your home, on the floor or on the carpet, and of course for comfort, you may also want to use an exercise mat. It’s totally up to you.

So now let me show you how to get started. But before, I want to tell you that there are two steps to this exercise. The first one is a beginner’s step. Once you get comfortable with it you can, so to speak, graduate to the more advance level. In both cases, you start with the rolled towel placed here on the floor where you are going to be resting your forehead. Next, take the pillow and place it at the level of your hip bones so that you can rest on top of it comfortably. Now I’m in position to start the beginner’s level of the Spine Strengthener exercise. You’ll notice that I’m barefoot, but you can wear shoes if you want to, or socks. It doesn’t make a difference.

So to get started, place your forehead on the towel like this, and then place your arms parallel to your body. Then, lift your head like so, and count to three. One, two, three, and lower your head again. I’ll show you one more time so you see it. Lift your head, count to three – one, two, three – and then lower your head again. Do the head lifts ten times, and that’s considered one set. Now take a break in between, and do three sets of ten head lifts each.

For the advanced Spine Strengthener, you begin the same way as in the beginners level. Put your forehead on the towel, place your arms parallel to your body, and now lift your head, lift your legs, and move your arms forward that you look like an airplane. Count to three, and go back again. Now rest to the count of three and do it one more time. I’ll show you how. Now count to three, rest, and start again. Again, one, two, three, and rest, two, three. Do ten repetitions of this exercise and that’s one set. I recommend that you do three sets of ten counts each.

So this is the Spine Strengthener exercise. I recommend you do it at least three times a week. I do it three times a week and I really feel great afterward. And if you follow the Save Our Bones program along with this exercise, you’re really on the right track for strong and healthy bones naturally. So I hope you enjoyed the exercise. I'm happy you watched it, and hope to see you soon.

And if you haven’t yet, give the Densercise eBook a try.

I created the Densercise eBook System to help you:

  • Get on the road to reversing osteoporosis and osteopenia
  • Regain youthful vigor
  • Avoid prescription drugs and their side effects
  • Improve flexibility and increase strength
  • Tone your muscles to achieve a youthful look
  • Build and maintain “Super Youthful” Strong Bones

What makes the Densercise eBook System special is that it only takes 15 minutes a day three times a week to get the results you’ve been looking for.

Try my simple, yet incredibly effective Densercise eBook System risk free. If you’re not completely satisfied with it, simply contact Save Our Bones within 60 days of purchase for a 100% refund, no questions asked.

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Stay strong and healthy!