7 Tips To Prevent Falling Fractures - Save Our Bones

Anyone who knows me, knows that one of my passions, second only to natural health, is history. So this past weekend while reading about the Roman Empire I came across a very sensible quote from the Roman philosopher Seneca. He wrote:

“We are more often frightened than hurt, and we suffer more from imagination than from reality”

When it relates to the fear of osteoporosis and osteopenia these are true words of wisdom.

Here's why: while you may have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia, statistics show that regardless of bone density, you will most likely never break a bone. In fact, studies show that over 85% of women turning 50 years old today will never have a hip fracture, regardless of their bone density.

Unfortunately, once the diagnosis is there, many react with fear and foresee a bleak and doomed future for their bone health and well-being… and you may be one of them…

Let me ask you two simple questions that will put this fear into perspective

Question #1: What is the biggest risk of osteoporosis and osteopenia?

Of course the answer is breaking bones and then losing your mobility and lifestyle that you enjoy.

Question #2: How does someone break a bone?

Easy… One would have to fall and the impact would cause the bone to fracture.

Now common sense would dictate that if we take steps that minimize our chances of falling we won't be victims of osteoporosis and osteopenia.

So here are some of my suggestions that will help you avoid fractures the smart way:

Tip #1: Improve your balance and strength

When you stay fit and active you'll maintain sharp reflexes and good muscle tone, both necessary to prevent falls.

Tip #2: Always wear comfortable shoes

Ladies, stay away from very high and skinny heels. Also, and this applies to everyone, avoid sneakers with deep treads that can trip you up.

Tip #3: Make sure you know how the medicines you're taking may affect you

Several drugs such as sleeping pills or muscle relaxants, and even some heart medicines, can cause dizziness and lack of coordination.

Tip #4: Don't mix meds

If you take prescription medications, let your doctors know which medicines you're taking, to avoid dangerous “cocktails” that have unforeseen side-effects.

Tip #5: Lighten up

Brighten up your home. Use nightlights in your bedroom, bathroom and hallways so you don't have to turn on the light switch in the middle of the night.

Tip #6: Keep rooms free of clutter

Always use a designated spot for your slippers and shoes, to avoid tripping on them. Also, keep electrical cables off the floor.

Tip #7:Get enough sleep

Studies have shown that if you lack sleep it will have a similar effect on your reflexes as being drunk.

By following these 7 simple tips, you can greatly decrease your chances of falling and breaking a bone.

These precautions along with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program can lead you to a happy and fracture-free future.

The Top 14 Things You’re Doing That Are Damaging Your Bones... And More!

  • Stop The Bone Thieves! report
  • Email course on how to prevent and reverse bone loss
  • Free vital osteoporosis news and updates.
Get It Free Now

Comments on this article are closed.

  1. abdul rahim

    hi please advice me what should be my general activities after foot fracture.
    which was immobilized for more than 20 days.
    crepe will do the protection

  2. arit george umoh

    thanks you for the great information. I surely abide

  3. Faye Clarkson

    The fear of falling, is a risk factor for a fracture. Paying attention, while walking outside like looking for uneven spots on the sidewalk. Picking up your feet, being careful not to drag your toe. If necessaary, walk slower. In cold weather, walking long distances can make a person feel light-headed. I agree, lack of sleep can make a person feel drunk or light or unusual in the head.

  4. Harry Michael Miller




  5. badminton sneakers

    Thank you for another fantastic article. Where else could anyone get that kind of information in such a perfect approach of writing? I’ve a presentation next week, and I’m on the look for such info.

  6. anthony Aronica

    Thank you for all your info on Saving Our Bones, and preventing me from falling and breaking my bones. I am very fit I play tennis twice a week and my balance is very good for my age. I will do as you say.

  7. Terry

    Thank you, Vivian, for your work in the area of bone health; I’ve shared your information with several friends.

    I agree we should take all the steps we can toward leading a disease-free, active life, which is why I must disagree with Tip #5 – Lighten Up. The use of nightlights, or any light, in the bedroom is also detrimental to our health. All forms of light should be blocked while sleeping, including clocks and street light through the windows. For information about the many ways light influences our bodies and our sleep, please read ‘Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival’ by T.S. Wiley and Bent Formby, Ph.D.

    The tip concerning improving our balance is a critical point. We are often unaware of how poor our balance has become and how we experience loss of balance as we age.

  8. Terry

    Thank you, Vivian, for your work in the area of bone health; I’ve shared your information with several friends.

    I agree we should take all the steps we can toward leading a disease-free, active life, which is why I must disagree with Tip #5 – Lighten Up. The use of nightlights, or any light, in the bedroom is also detrimental to our health. All forms of light should be blocked while sleeping, including clocks and street light through the windows. For information about the many ways light influences our bodies and our sleep, please read ‘Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival’ by T.S. Wiley and Bent Formby, Ph.D.

    The tip concerning improving our balance is a critical point. We are often unaware of how poor our balance has become and how we experience loss of balance as we age.

  9. Norman

    In Iten #4 You recommend talking to the Doctor. They do not have the information you need, talk to a phamacist as they know the individual contents of the meds and can compare the action or reaction of each component of each med you are taking and can discuss alternatives with the doctor.

  10. elass

    I’ve become a devoted follower.
    You have some of the best tips to deal with osteoporosis.
    Thank you for these !

  11. Cora Diamond

    Had a call from a nurse with my insurance company and I told her what I’ve learned from your website and gave her the link. She thanked me for the information and said she will follow it up.

  12. Jean Douglas

    Really interesting.I am 85 years young. Have just fallen down 12 large stairs in the dark and have only fractured my elbow and wrist. No operation was necessary as the DR.pulled my wrist back into place.I am not on any prescribed pills and only take Natural Medicine if necessary. I have always kept Vitamins and especially Minerals in my cupboard. I do not take anything in regular order. Everyone cannot believe I managed only to do such a small amount of damage to my bones and I believe it is because I have just taken enough minerals to keep my bones healthy.I have just recently driven myself over 4,000 ks and most people say they believe I am 65 years.So I guess taking care of my body really has “paid off” as they say.Thank you for your article. I was a World Federation Healer in England for 14 years and am always interested in other peoples Health. Thank you. Jean Douglas.

  13. Joyce F

    I know you can fracture a bone when you fall, however, what about bones that have osteoporosis that fracture & cause the fall?! Would these extreme cases of osteoporosis warrent medication?

  14. CarolK

    “Question #2: How does someone break a bone?
    “Easy… One would have to fall and the impact would cause the bone to fracture.”

    I have read that sometimes the fall is caused by the hip bone breaking spontaneously.

    Vitamin D3, good mineral supplementation (calcium, magnesium, boron, strontium, trace minerals) along with healthy nutrition will go a long way to prevent osteoporosis. Find and talk with a good naturopathic doctor.

  15. Imtiaz Ahmed

    I can say only, this discussion is instituion and real service to mankind and useful knowledge for human life.God bless you.

  16. Gloria Jones

    I’ve noticed that a lot of these poor women are writing to you via this section, but I don’t see any replies to them from you. Some of them sound really desperate and need help, particularly when they address you personally. You can’t answer everyone’s questions, I realize. However, you should take the time to make more comments along the way that include women with similar situations. Otherwise, it doesn’t make much sense to have this section if all it is, is a sounding board. Commiseration is fine, as they say, misery loves company. But you should be offering real help outside of the “one-size-fits-all” type of connection. We are all individuals.

    • gretchen santos

      Is there a support group of followers of the Save Our Bones community in the Oklahoma City area? It would make life so much easier (and happier) if I knew of others that were in the same boat as I am. Thank you.

  17. Velma Sturm

    Thank you for all your research. What you shared about blood thinners was new to me…Thank you!! There are so many gems in all that you share with us…THANK YOU!! Velma S.

  18. Liza brown


  19. ida

    Received your book this morning—
    Am looking forward to reading it later. Thank you for writing it. All the best, Ida

  20. Janet Klumb

    My fingernails seem to go in cycles of growing and being strong and then breaking or and being soft. Does that indicate my bone health in any way or is it environmental from doing dishes, working in garden, etc. I am 61 years old.I follow a healthy diet and exercise but have Celiac.

  21. Claire Mason

    I have severe osteoporosis. A very few exercises are even permitted. Severe GI problems inhibit the benefits of good nutrition and supplementation.
    I am told I must take Boniva injection (3 month type) followed by one month off and then 8 months of Forteo daily injections – then testing to see if the process of bone loss has been halted. I have a left hip in real danger – even of pathological fracture. My life is totally limited and fear of disabling fracture is ever present.

    What, if anything, does your program have to offer me?

  22. Andrea

    Great advice! I follow all of it except I don’t sleep well and wake up not feeling refreshed. Sleep deprivation is a huge problem for many people.

  23. Josie

    Hi Vivian Thank you so much for all the info. you give me everyday I allways share it with my Mom she has osteoporosis

  24. Giovanna

    Dear Vivian
    I have your SaveOurBones programme book, thank you, and I am trying to follow the course. I find it hard to give up 1 espresso coffee and 1 capuccino in the mornings. How bad is that? Does it go against the programme? Ialways have a few strawberries afterwards to compensate for the acidic of coffee and capuccino. Please any advise? Thanks for the great work!

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      An espresso and a capuccino might be a bit much, Giovanna, but I actually wrote a blog post that shows how you can continue to enjoy your coffee: https://saveourbones.com/drink-this-not-that-for-better-bone-health/. Nothing’s completely off limits on The Osteoporosis Reversal Program — it’s all about balance! 🙂

  25. Doffo

    I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 4 years ago – now in remission for over a year – and wondered if there is any connection with that and osteoporosis which I have been told I have.

    • Donna

      I recently read that methotrexate & prednisone thin the bones. I didn’t know this when I was given them by my rheumatologist. But, I also read eating apples with the skin prevents bone loss and red vegetables like watermelon, apricots, pink grapefruit, tomatoes, guava, papaya increase osteoblasts by alkalizing the blood (I believe is how that was worded).Also, blackberries,canteloupe, cherries, grapes, pears, broccoli, cabbage, celery, onions and parsley. Also, they recommended not exercising excessively because the body releases acid residue that is stored in tissues. I hope this helps you, I had to do alot of reading to find this out.

  26. Nat

    Recently diagnosed with osteoporosis in lumbar 3&4 and hip. I’ve exercised 5 days a week for 16 years including weight lifting. I need to know now what exercises I should avoid. I’ve heard no crunches and twisting of the spine. What ab exercises can I do? Suggestions?

    • Addy

      I’d like to know the answer to the obove question too. My bone density is 3.1 and 2.9 in hips (also have it in the lower spine although that is not scored). Can these scores be lowered by diet and weightbearing exercises? How MUCH exercise?

  27. susan lipsett

    Please change my email address from slipsett@yahoo.ca to slipsett40@ymail.com.
    many thanks,
    I am a huge fan…

  28. Ken Mecham

    Please advise how to order book without putting credit card information on the computer. KLM

  29. Kathie Roberts

    Vivian–was wondering when your recipies will be ready —I can use some help in deciding what I should eat !!

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Hi Kathie,

      I’m just putting the finishing touches on my cookbook, and it should be out early next year.

      • Jeanie

        I sure hope that when your cookbook is out you will send everyone an email to let us know. I am so looking forward to it. thanks

      • Edna

        Hello Vivian, I am here in Cancun on vacation for 2 more weeks, But I am finding that here much of their food do not fit in with my new way of eating!!, I am getting in a LOT of walking, but my ankles are swollen. I use to Just LOVE THEIR PAN DULCE….(Sweet Breads), But I think i’m get acid from them. It is the salt in their food?? Can you give me any suggestions on what to eat here? Thank you so much for any advise. Edna

  30. szczuczynska

    Good advice, Vivian. It’s a matter of taking
    sensible precautions to avoid falling, and generally looking after onself. Regular exercise (i.e.
    simply walking or jogging for a few miles each
    day) keeps one fit and provides sustained practice in keeping one’s balance.

  31. Kathie Roberts

    Vivian I am so anxious for you to list what supplements for us to buy because I really don,t know what I,m doing !!You said take vitimin k2 because it has ”Natto” in it and I do take a circulation natural vitimin called ”The circulation Solution ” that has 100 mlg. of natto in it . I can,t take both that and k2 because it would thin my blood too much . Help !!!!Any answer about this would be of so much help and peace of mind .
    Thank you

  32. Elizabeth Morrow

    I have your book and trying to use it. I felt soo alone with all these dismal test results. I was planning my funeral,I hurt soo bad. I have made a lot of changes but am not there all the way. I do feel soo much better reading and connecting with others that are having the same problems. I cried everyday and could not smile but I quit crying and I even found myself smiling again. Thank you.

  33. Carolyn McKinnon

    Please remove my name from your e-mail listing.
    No longer available at this address.

  34. Judy Kirkpatrick

    No doctor or nurse ever told me that eating too much protein would cause me to lose calcium.

  35. Anna

    Hello Vivian, I enjoyed reading your articles.
    Is it okay to drink organic milk? Thanks.

  36. Nancy Diaz

    no more e-mails please

  37. Nancy Diaz

    Please do not e-mail anymore, not interested.

  38. Pamela Goscomb

    Thank you all, I find the information all very interesting.Great learning for me,and many other people also I,m sure.

  39. Marie Conway

    I do not have Osteoporosis, however, my mom at 83 does. She is active
    and has been taking Fosamax for almost 5 years. My nutritionist warned me 2 years ago about studies that suggested problems after the 5th year.
    Her doctor said he will consider taking her off at the end of 5 years.

    She had terrile side effects: headaches, and, as I recall, she had a terrible rash all over her body that zapped the energy out of her for 6 months. She did not go out to the senior club; she said she thought she was dying. She also went on a summer vacation to Disneyworld with the grandkids and had a spontaneous abscess that blew up her
    cheek and required emergency attention in Fla. Now having read the warnings which have recently come about, I attribute all of these subsequent problems to Fosomax. IT IS POISON!

    I am going to follow the 80/20 rule as well as increase my exercise from 30 to 45 min per day. I am going to do some strength training,
    and improve posture with balance and weight exercises. I do some light yoga, but I will expand my repertoire.

    • Gloria Jones

      Yes, Fosomax and all the other evil drugs are poison. In fact, I always refer to all prescription drugs as poison. It’s a well-known fact that the Big Pharmacies know quite well that they are killing people with their poisons, and only take them off the market if they feel they are being threatened with a lawsuit. Otherwise, they don’t do anything except continue to promote their poisons in order to make billions of dollars at the expense of people’s lives and well being. Be smart and go the natural route. There is a natural alternative for just about every ill known to mankind, even cancer, heart and circulatory problems, alzheimers and diabetes, just to name a few. The drug Lords know this too, and they are trying very hard to limit our access to supplements and health information because they can’t patent these natural wonders, and would not make dime one on them. Sad, but true.

    • Marcia

      I’m 59. was a ballet dancer, ice skater, love horseback riding… running and playing my whole life..you get the idea.
      Have had 4 knee surgeries. In 2005. I had a injury. I was lifting at work. Plus being a single mom. I did everything.
      Went to Barrow Neurology Inst. Had cervical fusion in 3-4. The Lumbar in non operable. I go to PT for the past 4 years. I have been diagnosed with osteoparosis. I was on Actenol ..but went off. I eat well and try to walk a lot. I take Cal and Vit D and Magnesium. What should I do more of???? Advise please…I’d like to hear form experts and all women..opinions and all.

      • Betty Schutz

        Hi, just to let you know I also went off of fosomax. I havae been on for a little over four years. I am going to just do the calcium, vitamin D, fish oil and a few more vitamins.

  40. Elizabeth A Johnston

    Can strontium supplements help osteoporous? Also Vitamin K .

    • barbara Marcks

      i have been taking strontium and so did my sister until her doctor
      told her to stop. in germany strontium is out.
      my doctor does not know any reasons for the recall.

      • Gloria Jones

        Strontium does make the bones strong and dense, but it also dries them out and makes them more susceptible to fracture. Also, many women take both strontium and calcium and that’s a mistake because they cancel each other out. So what it boils down to, is you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. So Vivian has the right idea. Go the natural route and follow her suggestions to build bone density without taking substances that can prove to be harmful in the long run. I firmly believe that’s God’s intention also.

  41. Johanna

    Dear Vivian,
    I would like to order the book:
    Save our bones program,but would rather want to pay by cheque
    ( in advance, if you like)
    How can I do this from Australia?
    I am 81 and am not very familiar
    with the computer.
    Yours truly, Johanna.

    • Alma Monroe

      Send me info. on how to order your book on incresing bone density..Thanks

      I appreciate your fine work and info. that you share.

  42. elisabeth

    Regarding the comfortable shoes: also stay away from flip-flops and open heel sandals. They don’t give you the support you need to regain your balance when (if) you stumble.

    • Audrey Weber

      You are so right — I have fallen several times, and most of those times I was wearing very well made and comfortable sandals, that I considered quite safe — until the heel dropped down when going up a curb and tripped me! You would think that I would learn after that! I try and wear tennis shoes most times, but still insist on going out walking in sandals — pretty dumb, I must admit.

  43. Jackie

    I love the information and am always searching for natural ways to build bone. However, I have developed scoliosis after turning 55 (now 65) and the bones of my spine are now resting on each other at one end while the other is wide open. they have also twisted and turned and I’ve developed spondylosis along with lower spine osteoporosis. Any bouncing is not good for me. Does anyone know of something that I could do to also correct the bending, twisting,spondylosis and osteoporosis of my spine in a natural way?

    • elisabeth

      I can identify with that. I have a similar problem, probably started in childhood when I had mild case of polio. I can see that my bellly button is not in the middle, but way off on my right side. Have had five compression fractures in the past five years. But they were fixwed by a radiologist who squirted a cement-like substance in them. I don’t know of a permanent solution to this problem. Maybe there is one if you’re still young. I’m already 82, don’t take any of the drugs, walk with a walker and just am careful. Hope to read more about this in these blogs.


    Walking for 17 years, refuse to take drugs, eat and take calcium, but i still got mothers bones, who would know!
    But I haven’t broken any bones, knock on wood!

  45. Karin

    Thank you very much for this much needed Informaton it is sooooo true i saffer so much morefrom Imagnitation then from pain
    Thank You Vivian for all the Support you give

  46. Pauline Benjamin

    With regard to leaving or putting on bedroom lights at night, this is not feasible, if I were to put on a light it would wake my husband up, and similarly if he were to do likewise it would wake me up.

  47. Ellen Johnston

    Received my copy of “save our bones” today. I am small boned, fair
    ,thin and athletic and 69 years old. I have been lifting weights, running 5-7 miles every other day, doing yoga and love to hike for many years and still after my last bone scan have osteoporosis! I take multiple vitamins and the only drug is Synthroid as I had half of my thyroid removed as it turned out for nothing!! Any way, water under the bridge. Thanks to you Vivian I am seeking even further info to find out what else I can do to keep my bones healthy and strong starting with your program. My mother has osteoporosis and is 90 and nothing broken, knock on wood! My doctor also tried to get me to take Reclast but after reading some of your information and hearing about others experience I said “no”. So here we all are hopefully making a difference for others and ourselves by taking control of our bodies (with help) to solve issues in a healthy manner.

  48. trudi mcdonald

    i have been diagnoised with it i have 2 slipped discs in my back and am on morphine sulphate oramorph and diazapam and amertrytaline i take oestio tablets i do your exercises im 42 my daughter is 22 she has it in her hps we just never are out of pain what else can i do?

  49. helene vandenbrink

    I have been taking Fosomax for 3 or more years, but hearing of all the ugly side effects, decided to quit, may 1st. I do not feel any different at this point but hope the end result will be better thanks Helene


    HOW OFTEN CAN WE EAT A MEAL OF 80-20? Can we have chocolate?

  51. Helen

    Thank you Vivian for your fall prevention tips – some very wise ideas. Another thing that I have done in my home is to use non-slip mats, especially on smooth or ‘wet’ surfaces. Of course, this might be obvious, but something that some people might not know is that you can buy special non-slip material for putting under mats you already have, if need. I got mine from a warehouse department store, but you may also be able to get it at some hardware stores. Helen

  52. Marie

    I’ve gone off Actonel and am doing K,Strontium, boron, calcium and magnesium. But I am in a wheelchair and can’t weight-bear anymore. Bone density continues to decline. What can I do if I can’t do weight-bearing exercise? Help!!

  53. mary wal

    thanks for your reassurance today. i do have fears eg medicines and fractures!!

  54. Ms. L. Carmel

    You Are Right Vivian. People Should Take All The Steps To See That They Live A Long, Safe, And Healthy Life.

  55. Beverly Tibke

    I ordered a book on May 20, 2010 and other info by check and to date I have not received it. How long will it take?


  56. sandra brigham

    Hi Vivan, I have not spoked yet but maybe I’ll get lucky sometime. I have your book and have been reading it. I have applied as best I can of late. I think I mention once before in an e-mail that I went off med.Foxamacs before I heard about your book. My body was screaming at me long before the book,the side effects with that drugs was not good, however I have had some from coming off. However that is not stopping me. I also have depresstion along with ostero. I am dealing with that separatly. I an 75yrs. old. I lift weights and take vitamins and minerals,good cal.mag.etc.D3, and go for walks. Trying to get my emotions some professional attention for the first time. The reason why I am mentioning this is because I think all is intertwained to a positive approach to dealing with this condition we have. So glad it is not a desease as you have proclaimed. Thank you for your info. and time

  57. Shirley Lyn Anderson

    My bones are so bad that I am getting compression fractures in my back and my rib cage hurts and feels so tender. I have fallen twice on my right ribs and broken there so now I feel like it keeps on over and over. For years I have hurt right under my right rib cage after I eat. After suffering so much i finally let them take my gallbladder out, but it didn’t help. Since my fractures, I feel crushed under my whole rib cage and my abdoman sticks out so there is a crease there and it is very hard to breath. Besides having severe osteoporosis (the Dr. says that he can hardly see any calcium in my bones and that he can hardly see any difference between my bones and my other tissue) I have severe sleep apnea. This is a real trial also.
    I ordered your program so am anxious to talk with you.
    Back in 1995 I did start to take Fosamax, but I hate to take medicine so after a few weeks or months I did not take it.
    I didn’t take all the other meds the Dr. wanted me to take for bones and hormones.
    About two years ago I finally started on that other bone drug, but this past month I wanted to see how I would feel by not taking it. On the first of may I am suppose to take it (monthly) and I am scared to take it and scared not to.
    Is there any hope for me?
    Thank you, Shirley

  58. Mangai

    Hi Vivian,
    My mother , at the age of 90 had 8 fractures. She was bed ridden in her final years and passed away in 95. Where as I am 62 and realized the seriousness of this disease very lately.
    These simple tips are of great help to tackle the problems with out the physician’s help.
    Thank you for your tips

  59. Jane Faris

    I have osteopenia and GERD, and the meds for one condition worsen the other condition. I would like to believe that Vivian Goldsmith has the answers for osteopenia, but I need hard scientific evidence to convince me. Is it available?

  60. Nancy Bennett

    I was on Prednison for 2 years, and tried to go off of them. My Dr. said to decrease to 2 then 1 then 0. I tried but was in so much pain all night.
    Now I’m taking 2 a day. I was put on Fosamax because the Bone Density showed I have Osteopenia. I took Fosamax but did not like the side effects so I quit. I read that it builds the bone, but then causes the bone to become brittle and then break. No sense to that drug. I won’t take it again.
    I plan to do physio therapy and walk, and pray that I will get off Prednison. Nancy

  61. Vera Cummins

    How long should it take for the program to arrive by post to Australia?

  62. Madelyn Guthrie

    I have been off Fosamax for several years but
    have results of the side affects. My bone density test was not good and the Dr. recommended Forteo. I read the side effects and
    dediced that there had to be other options.
    Nutrition and exercise seemed more sensible for
    me. Exercise at this time is walking a mile each day with the addition of a weighted vest with a gradual increase in amount of weight and
    time of wearing. I am interested in additional
    exercises that will benefit my exercise program.

    Madelyn Guthrie

    • sandra brigham

      Yoga is another option along that is stress relieving and good for the absoption of calcium and etc.

  63. Vivian McCormick

    I have been taking Fosamax but was told today that Actonel has another ingredient that is not as harmful as the alendronate sodium 70mg tablets. Is this true? I appreciate your feedback. Thanks. Vivian Mc

    • Halo

      If you have read the website of Vivan’s she does not believe in prescription drugs. I also don’t agree on taking drugs and that is why I am thankful I have found this website. I ordered the book. I would never take drugs when you can change bone density around the healthy way that being supplementing your diet with vitamins its all about living healthy.

  64. Suzanne

    I was feeling very hopeful about your program. However, after reading the comment section I need to know if your program is a sure fire way to increase bone density. It appears that for some they are breaking bones regardless. Can you please explain or at least share your thoughts. PS_ since I have been using the 80/20 I no longer have a need to take Zantac for heartburn. Every now and again if I eat too much asidiying foods I take a Tum. Also when I do eat 80/20 I feel better in general. Thanks Vivian!

    • Halo

      Vivian is not God, she cannot predict your future. Prescription drugs cause more harm. Do your research and don’t expect others to fix your problems. There are no guarantees in life. You don’t wait until your body is in such bad shape to make the change. You do research and take the more natural approach. To put your health in bone density drugs is a bad choice but each to their own.

  65. bridie droney

    I am totally confused now at this stage and dont know which way to go . My mom had oesteoporosis and fractured her hip and immediately after her hip operation suffered a stroke and thereafter downhill. I was told a stroke was common after hip operation can you tell me why as it has since been proven to me .

  66. denise palmer

    I now have osteoporosis in my spine, headaches and neck pain are almost constant. sometime i feel my neck will break.

  67. denise palmer

    I had a broken hip 8 years ago, when I was 50
    there was then bone thinning, now osteoperosis.
    dr has put me on an acid tablet, no other advice
    given except that i have to walk, unfortunatley it is a nightmare for me to walk as I suffer from M.E. which washes me out.

  68. Ann Marie

    Hi I am 44yrs and my doctor sent me for a dxa scan beginning March this year, I got the results 18th March diagnosed with osteoporosis of the spine. I was in a bit of shock because I thought I was a bit young. I have been put on Activelle on tab a day, Actonel on tab a wk and two daily Calcichew D3 Forte. I was also given a leaflet to read. I felt so alone until I found ur web page. 5yrs ago I fell down a stairs and broke 4 Vertebrac. I have tatanium rods ans bolts. 1 and a half years ago I fell and shattered my left elbow and have tatanium in my elbow. I also stopped having periods 7yrs ago, but every time I asked my Dr. could it be early menopause I was told I was to young..Im felling very upset and confused..xx

  69. Kay

    I have 7 fractures without cause, falls etc. Anyone else out there that has trabecular osteoporosis? Cheers

    • Diane couture

      I was on Actonel for 4 years not a good thing to do, I have had many fractures while on this, two being femur broken right off. Now I am pined in both femurs. Do not take this med. Go all natural.

    • Dee

      My sister and I both are osteoporotic, and my sister keeps fracturing her back for no reason.
      We are both on the same medication after trying several different tablets. I have old crush fractures of the neck and back, but have also fractured both knees, fibula, and humurous bones, and also my wrist. I had to have a hip replacement back in 2008. I am 62. After six dexa scans, mostly done in Australia, my readings seem to have stabilised. I have been taking Bonviva for about four years and can say that I have suffered no side effects of any great importance.

  70. Joyce

    I also have rheumatoid arthritis about 10 years, then this year my dex scan showed 4 thorax spinal bones were sitting on top of one another, called spontanious fractures. I have no idea what is next, and when medicare is cut I will be unable to seek medical advice for anything.

  71. Alicia

    Thank so much for the continued, Vivian. I’ll bet you never thought helping people deal with osteoporosis would be your spiritual calling!

  72. ann watson

    I’ve been on Boniva for 9 mos. Awfull experience. The side effects are terrible

  73. Karen Stryker

    I was petrified to get my first Reclast infusion. I began the Grow Bone System vitamins, with Centrum and other supplements, religiously kept the 80% alkaline and 20% acidic diet, eliminated all reg. teas, coffee and dairy products with child meat/fish portions, and now I feel elated to have my cholesterol, parathroid gland, and blood pressure are normal. My worst scenario was 342 cholesterol, 186/112 BP and was hospitalized for tests due to chest pains, and into the chiropractor several times a week due to -3 DEXA Scan. It feel great to feel great now! My bones feel like steel now.

  74. Diana

    I had a huge increase on Forteo – 9%, but lost 3% when I stopped taking it for 6 months and then the Miacalcin nasal spray lost me another 6% in one year. So, now that I’m losing bone density at a rate of 6% per year, I feel like I’m in this drug culture, and can’t get out – I know that when I finish this new Forteo prescription (another 18 mths – still don’t understand how my bone specialist can do that when Health Canada only allows it for 24 mths), I HAVE to take something to stop the deterioration, because I will just lose it again. I wouldn’t dare not take anything because I’m already at -3.5% and I’m only 66, and without taking anything I’m losing at a dramatic rate – I just can’t afford to take any chances on any remedy that doesn’t have a clinical study to prove it works. So, I’m terrified of taking Reclast. My doctor assures me I’ll be fine, but I have hydronephrosis of one kidney. So, the other kidney works fine and would clear the drug, but it’s going to sit there in the damaged kidney, and do who knows what? I can’t take the pills, so the only other option I can do is the new drug that’s in the approval process – Denosumab, and I’ve been reading on the internet that it affects your immune system – that people have died. I already have celiac disease, which is an autoimmune disease, so that’s really not a good option for me either . I would say to anyone new on this website, don’t take anything, try natural remedies for a few years, and only start into the drug culture once you are certain that nothing else works. Because once they’ve destroyed how your body works naturally, it’s hooked and your body is a permanent purchaser of drugs – you’re into the roller coaster ups and downs with your bone mineral density, there’s no getting out.

  75. Denise R. Sanders

    Hi Vivian, Thank you for this information. I am one who fears osteoporosis will affect my quality of life. Your advice is nourishing, but I have learned I have to do the exercise. I am not ambitious at all so this is a big problem. I will try to work on my balance and agility. Keep me posted on any news? Thanks again, Denise

  76. T.Nachuk

    Hello Vivian: I have taken most of the medication from Fosamax,Actonel,among others. I am now slated to have another injection of Aclasta in April of this year. I do have Osteopororis for many years. I am 73 years young. Would like your opinion. I have been following your hints on the computer.T.N.

  77. Lin McNulty

    Dear Vivian,

    Those common sense tips are great!

    Where does that 85% statistic about people who don’t break their bones, come from?

    Thanks for your work.


  78. Lisa Basham

    I had my 3rd back surgery on Sept 30,09 and was
    told by my surgeon I have severe osteoporosis-I didn’t have a clue prior to the surgery! I just had a dexa scan that only said my results were normal according to a 30 year study. Went back for a checkup to my surgeon he said my bones are horrible- putting the screws in was like putting them into sand and said I will end up hunchbacked like Julia Childs (If I could just cook like her!) He wrote a perscription for Fosamax- I’m scared to death to take it- Is there hope for me? I’m 54 yrs old with the bones of an 80-90 yr old according to my Dr.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Lisa, there’s always “hope” because bones are alive and constantly changing… for the better or for the worse. So once you know what to do, you can improve your bone health and have peace of mind.

      To YOUR bone health!

      • Marian

        I wonder if Julia Childs followed the 20/80 rule? (ie,Vivian’s rule in reverse. Love your work Vivian! Keep going. you might want to team up with UI Terry Wahl, MD!!

  79. Jo Lynne Owen

    Falls may be the primary cause, but other accidents can happen. I learned I had osteoporosis because I was picking green beans in my garden last September when a motorcyclist lost control, was thrown from his bike and his body hit me hard slamming me to the ground. He was nearly dead and I broke 2 bones in left ankle and right knee requiring surgery on both. Was finally back on my feet for a couple of weeks, when I was in an auto accident a few days ago was injured again, though apparently no broken bones this time, just muscles ligaments etc. Learned my Tscores are femoral neck area -2.6 and spine T -4.0. A bit scary, but thanks to this program I have not taken the meds that are being strongly pressed on me. I am working hard to follow the program. Just wish I could exercise more easily. Any ideas for exercise to build the spine without putting weight on the feet? Would appreciate any response.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Jo Lynne, the abdominal muscles play a very important role to support the spine, so you can start by making sure that you work out those muscles on a daily basis. Remember to check with your doctor before you try any new exercises.

    • Anne Horn

      I would also like to know of some exercises to increase bone density in the spine particularly thoracic spine.

      • Judi Pearson

        I would be very thankful to know what exercises you recommnend for the spine.


        • Marilyn Ross

          My Dr. told me to do more Taoist Tai Chi for degenrative discs. Glad Vivian also mentions Tai Chi in her book. Have had it several days & am recommending friends go to the web site.He did not ask me to take anything for ostopenia . just shrugged at results whc. we went over together & explained they really did not mean that much. Will do another density in a year or two & know with this program I will improve.
          Having read Kevin Trudeau,s books I know Vivian has done her home work.

  80. Rose Downey

    Regular exercise is of utmost importance. I try to do 45-50 min. aerobics at home in the winter 5-6 days per week and walk outside or play tennnis as soon as weather is decent enough to be outdoors. Calcium supplements of at least 1200 mg per day and sensible eating, mostly alkaline foods should help a lot in the bone building. I have stopped taking biphosphonate medication and have switched from milk to ricemilk.

  81. Joyce Duren

    I had been diognosed with osteoporosis several years ago, I fail in October and broke my femur in my right leg, I’m still recovering. I’m taking Actonel once a month and OSCAL 500 + D and I’m praying I don’t brake another bone. I also had a hip replacement in 1999 because of bone thinning due to medication I take. I still believe in exercise and the bones strengthening themselves, is this a pipe dream?

  82. Lynn

    If the bones in your hip are transparent and full of osteoporosis, you don’t have to fall the hip sometimes just breaks and causes you to fall.

  83. helen

    thanks vivian for the information. when i found out about my bonesit really did not scare me . it just made me know that i had to work harder at getting myself where i need to be. I have been aware of the shoes. look forward to hearing more from you.

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