Save Our Bones Bulletin: Flu Season Worst In Years, Study Confirms Flu Vaccine Weakens Immune Response, New Bone Formation Pathways Discovered, And More!

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA News

7 min Read

This month’s Bulletin brings you the latest news about the flu in the United States. Multiple strains of the virus are tearing through the country, and preliminary numbers paint a grim picture– reminding us of the failures of the flu vaccine.

Meanwhile, new research offers damning evidence about the long-term negative impact of the flu vaccine. And last but not least, we’ll review brand new research on osteoblast-derived extracellular vesicles that offer new insights into the creation of bone and opportunities for new osteoporosis drugs.

2017-2018 Flu Season Is The Worst In Years

This year’s flu season has been devastating for people of all ages across the United States, where the hospitalization rate has climbed as high as 22.7 people per 100,000. And that’s just the people who have been hospitalized for the flu, meaning the rate of infection must be very high this year. So far 20 childrens’ deaths have been attributed to the flu, and officials expect that tragic figure will grow as the weeks continue.1

Reports of influenza hospitalization and deaths tend to lag, and the veracity of that reporting has been called into question, as some sometimes doctors assume flu cases without performing tests to confirm the diagnosis.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will release interim figures in February. Below is a quote from the head of the CDC’s influenza division, Dr. Dan Jernigan.

Relevant Excerpt:

“The influenza A virus H3N2 has caused the lion’s share of the illness in most parts of the country this year. But recently there’s been an uptick in activity by another influenza A virus, H1N1, Jernigan said, warning that even if the season appears to have peaked, flu viruses will circulate for weeks to come and people should continue to take precautions against getting infected.

Jernigan said that people over the age of 65 are being hospitalized for flu this season more than any other population. Even people age 50 to 64 are being hospitalized in high numbers.

The Australian interim estimate suggested the H3N2 component of the vaccine — and H3N2 was the main virus there during their most recent winter — was only about 10 percent effective.That means if 100 people got the flu shot and all were exposed to H3N2 viruses, only 10 would have been protected.

Jernigan said it looks more like the H3N2 portion of the vaccine is performing here like it did last year, when it was 34 percent effective at preventing infection. Unfortunately, that’s about on par for the flu shot’s H3N2 component, which is the weak link of flu vaccine.”1

The ineffectiveness of the flu vaccine is clear every year, but this year’s failure is particularly striking. When 34% is hailed as better than expected, the bar is revealed to be extraordinarily low. Flu vaccines, at the end of the day, are a guessing game played by the Medical Establishment and Big Pharma.

Instead of relying on a thin margin of defense, forgo the questionable science, and take time tested steps to bolster your immune system and protect your health.

Flu Shots Shown To Depress Immune System

As if the staggeringly low prevention rate of the flu vaccine wasn’t enough reason to save your body an injection of acidifying drugs, a new study has revealed that consistently receiving the flu shot depresses the immune reaction to the very virus you’re hoping to avoid.2

Relevant Excerpt:

“A new study published in the journal Vaccine, and led by researchers from The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, looked at the antibody response to flu vaccination in pregnant women and their newborns to determine how the vaccine impacts pregnant women.

“We know in normal situations flu shots help us develop antibodies to protect us from the flu virus, but when it comes to understanding exactly how vaccines impact pregnancy, our understanding has been somewhat lacking,” said study author Lisa Christian, PhD, in a recent news release.

The researchers noted that receiving a prior flu vaccine can reduce the body’s antibody response in subsequent vaccinations, and so they wanted to study the potential implications in pregnant women and their babies.”2

Here’s the most important part of the above: “receiving a prior flu vaccine can reduce the body’s antibody response in subsequent vaccinations.” When you receive the flu vaccine, it results in a reduced immune response.

Here’s an excerpt from the study itself:

“…Receipt of influenza vaccine the previous year predicted higher baseline antibody titers and decreased antibody responses at one month post-vaccination against all influenza strains.”3

This weakening of the body’s response to the flu is, of course, exactly the opposite of what the Medical Establishment and Big Pharma would like us to believe. This fact was not being questioned or tested by this study. In fact the established and accepted long- term negative effects of recurring flu vaccinations prompted the researchers to conduct this study.3 And yet, you’ll never hear a doctor disclose this negative impact of receiving a yearly flu shot.

Extracellular Vesicles Identified As Bone Regenerators

Researchers at the University of Birmingham in England have isolated what they believe to be a means of stimulating bone formation: extracellular vesicles. They are membrane-surrounded structures released by cells that facilitate intercellular communication.

The scientists experimented with using extracellular vesicles taken from mineralizing osteoblasts to induce mineralization in mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) cultures. MSCs are adult stem cells that can differentiate and give rise to adipocytes (fat cells), chondrocytes (cartilage cells) and osteoblasts (bone-depositing cells).

The baseline question for the study was whether by introducing more of these tiny transporter vesicles, more bone mineral matrix would be produced.4

Relevant Excerpt:

“The study, which is published in Scientific Reports, has found that vesicles produced by stimulated cells outperform the current gold standard, BMP-2 (Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2). Bone fractures place a heavy burden on healthcare systems across the world, with osteoporosis alone causing 8.9 million fractures each year. The group believe that this could be a new approach for the regeneration of bone, teeth and cartilage.

The technique uses extracellular vesicles derived from mineralizing osteoblasts – cells that synthesize bone – to enhance tissue regeneration. When these, and a source of phosphate, were added to mesenchymal stem cells, mineralization occurred indicating that the stem cells were heading towards forming bone. Impressively, the technique beat BMP-2 treatment, which uses a growth factor that is important to the development of bone and cartilage to stimulate repair.”5

The applications of this new research are not yet clear. As more information emerges on the behavior of extracellular vesicles and their role in the creation of new bone,t their function will become clearer.

Big Pharma will undoubtedly be looking to this research as a potential source of new osteoporosis treatments, claiming to have produced another wonder-drug. Savers know that there is no miracle pharmaceutical.

As the Save Institute monitors this emerging frontier in bone-formation research, we will keep you informed.

Whether it’s flu-vaccines or osteoporosis drugs, the Save Institute stands by its drug-free protocol, detailed in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. You have a wealth of tools – diet, exercise, and daily behaviors – that you can use to stay healthy, have strong and fracture-resistant bones. Don’t forget about the power you hold!

Till next time,


1 Helen Branswell. “Flu season is shaping up as one of the worst in years, officials say” STAT. Jan 12, 2018. Web:
2 Einav Keet. “Despite Weakened Antibody Response, Annual Flu Shot Protects Pregnant Women & Infants.” Contagion Live. Aug 07, 2017. Web:
3 Lisa M.Christiana et al. “Effects of prior influenza virus vaccination on maternal antibody responses: Implications for achieving protection in the newborns.” Vaccine. Volume 35, Issue 39, 18 September 2017, Pages 5283-5290. Web:
4 O. G. Davies, S. C. Cox, R. L. Williams, D. Tsaroucha, R. M. Dorrepaal, M. P. Lewis & L. M. Grover. “Annexin-enriched osteoblast-derived vesicles act as an extracellular site of mineral nucleation within developing stem cell cultures.” Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 12639 (2017) Web:
5 Alex Dale. “British Scientists Regenerate Bone By Mimicking Nature.” Sept 10, 2017. Web: