You’re conscientious about keeping your kitchen clean. You wipe down countertops, clean crumbs off the table, and don’t let the dirty dishes pile up. It’s not just for looks – you also want to avoid harmful bacteria coming in contact with your food.
But while you’re busy keeping your kitchen free of germs, you may not be thinking about bone-damaging toxins that can get into your food no matter how clean you keep your kitchen.
In fact, if you use the most popular kind of cookware, you are exposing yourself to a dangerous bone-damaging chemical.
The Non-stick Cookware Revolution
When “non-stick cookware” came out in the 1960s, it was all the rage. Created by the bonding of aluminum and polytetrafluoroethylene, or PTFE, this slick cooking surface was touted as the best innovation to come along for home cooks.
PTFE was trademarked as Teflon in 1945, and was used in the creation of the French product Tefal (known as T-fal in the US). In 1960, the FDA approved its use in American cookware.
Today, non-stick pots and pans are standard kitchen equipment. Health-conscious people have been especially attracted to this kind of cookware, because very little oil or fat is needed to keep food from sticking. But the sad irony is that the non-stick coating is anything but healthy; it can damage your health and your bones.
Fluoride: the Hidden Toxin in Your Kitchen
When you look at the chemical formula for common non-stick coating, you’ll notice that fluoride is lurking among the chemical terminology: polytetrafluoroethylene C2F4, or polytetrafluoroethene F2CCF2.
“Savers” already know that fluoride is used in pesticides and fertilizers and that its harmful effect on bones has been well-documented. Throughout the 80s and 90s, researchers confirmed over and over that fluoride accumulates in the bones and causes harm. When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reviewed these studies in 1993, it concluded that fluoride ingestion specifically increases the risk of hip fracture.1
In The Missing Link, a detailed report on water included with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, you’ll learn more about fluoride and the body of research that points to its detrimental effect on bones. The bottom line is, fluoride is a poison that has no place in food or water.
More Toxic Effects from Non-Stick Cookware: Pet Birds
Ask anyone who has birds in their home, and they’ve likely heard about the lethal outgassing of non-stick cookware. When heated, Teflon emits numerous toxic gases, some of which (like perfluoroisobutane) are actually used in chemical warfare. And studies have shown that the non-stick coating does not have to be heated to excessively high temperatures to start giving off these fumes – Teflon has been shown to begin degradation at temperatures below 400 degrees F.2
In the not-so-distant past, canaries were used in coal mines to test the air quality. People have known for a long time that if a bird can’t breathe, it indicates an unsafe environment for humans as well. Perhaps we should take the same wisdom and apply it to our kitchens!
It’s Not Just Teflon…
There are additional hazards lurking in various other kinds of cookware, too.
Ceramic Cookware and Lead Poisoning
Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University discovered an alarming fact: ceramic cookware imported from China has dangerous levels of lead in the glaze. When foods are cooked in these ceramic vessels, lead leaches into the food at frighteningly high levels. In fact, the researchers found high levels of lead just from swabbing a lead-detecting solution on the glaze itself.3 Ceramic cookware imported from Mexico is also suspect.
Another popular and relatively high-end type of cookware is made of copper. But this, too, has been shown to be problematic.
Copper is No Longer the “Cadillac” of Cookware
Professional chefs and gourmets have long touted the use of copper for cooking, because it conducts heat evenly. But when you use pots and pans made of copper (not the kind with a copper coating on the bottom), the copper comes in contact with your food. The metal can then leach out in high amounts, causing significant digestive upset and a host of other health problems.
There’s yet another kind of cookware material that “Savers” will be familiar with: aluminum.
Aluminum Cookware Harms Bones
When you cook in aluminum pots and pans, the aluminum contaminates your food. And the higher the temperature, the higher the aluminum levels, especially when you cook high-acid foods like tomatoes.
Aluminum weakens bones. When it accumulates in the body, it wreaks havoc on bone remodeling and building. Aluminum actually impairs your body’s ability to absorb calcium into your bones, resulting in high blood calcium levels.
What Type of Cookware is Safe?
I recommend using stainless steel pots and pans for a variety of reasons. Stainless steel is nonporous, and it won’t leach any metals into your food. There is no coating on stainless steel cookware, making it scratch-resistant and very durable, and free from chemicals. You can use about any kind of utensil from metal spatulas to wooden spoons and not cause damage.
Look for These Features When Buying Stainless Steel Cookware
Not all stainless steel is the same. Look for pots and pans that have aluminum or copper cores inside, or copper lining on the outside. In both of these designs, the aluminum or copper does not come in contact with your food, but it still helps conduct and distribute heat. Another tip for purchasing stainless steel – make sure the handle feels sturdy and solid. Handles should also be heatproof.
It’s Easy to Prepare Bone-Healthy Foods!
Using stainless steel pots and pans is an easy way to ensure you’re not harming your bones and your health. And believe it or not, simple, home-cooked meals, rich in bone-building Foundation Foods, are a cinch to prepare. In the Osteoporosis Reversal Program you’ll find the complete Foundation Foods list, and the Recipe Sampler, which is included with the Program, has delicious bone-healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Here’s to your home cooked bone healthy meals!
2Boucher, M., Ehmler, TJ and Bermudez, AJ. 2000. “Polytetrafluoroethylene gas intoxication in broiler chickens.” Avian Dis 44(2): 449-53.
3Gilmore, Thomas, et al. “A Comparison of the Prevalence of Lead-Contaminated Imported Chinese Ceramic Dinnerware Purchased Inside Versus Outside Philedelphia’s Chinatown.” Journal of Medical Toxicology. March 2013. Vol 9, issue 1, pp 16-20. Web. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13181-012-0225-3
Hi Vivian,
my question is miracle maid pot and pans safe to use ? TY
All nonsense and rubbish
How about the pans that says stainless steel but is black inside. Is this saucepan safe?
please tell the precautions to be taken before using a granite coated cooker.
Hi Vivian,
Thanks for sharing this nice post. I want to share my personal opinion, So far I love “Anolon Advanced Bronze Cookware Set“, had it about 2 months, high sides so stuff is less likely to boil over.
I worry that it will get scratched on the outside, you have to be careful not to just toss it in with the rest of you pots and pans. the grill pan left nice brown marks on my tofu. Thanks…
Kayla Robey
I have read your article on toxic cookware but am still uncertain what I should buy. You suggested we should all stick to Stainless Steel for safety, although someone has said that this does leach metal, but then when people asked you about glass, titanium, enamel cookware and even ‘green’ ceramic coated, you said these were also generally safe. I am very confused, which is a shame as I am looking to buy a new set of saucepans!
Hi Lynette,
I can understand how it can be confusing! The bottom line is, many types of cookware are safe. It’s briefer to outline the general categories of those that are toxic. Stainless steel is widely available and safe, and cooks food similarly to non-stick pans and pots, so I suggested it as an alternative. But by all means, feel free to explore other safe types of safe cookware that fit your needs and your budget!
I personally use a cast iron cookware. Really heavy and sturdy.
This is how our ancestors going back centuries (prior to invention of stainless steel) cook their food in.
Our ancestors didn’t have other safer options. Plus they didn’t have other heavy metals in their air, water, food, clothing, beds, cleaning products, cars, cell phones, etc to process through their liver and other organs.
Copper and cast-iron are the best material for cookware. Whatever she has written here is nonsense and confusing .
Copper and iron are necessary minerals but can easily reach toxic levels if they’re ingested often, especially if ALL minerals in the body are not in proper ratio.
Hi Vivian
What about stainless steel made in China? Have they managed to poison that as well?
I am 61 and I have bone loss.
Some say take calcium some say not to.
Ironically, Bone loss more often caused by either Magnesium, Vitamin D or Vitamin K2 deficiencies, or all of the above. Calcium does not work alone in your bone, in order for Calcium to “stick” to your bones, it needs Magnesium, Vit D and K2. Any of these are missing, your Calcium leech out of your bones into your blood stream, which can cause hardening of arteries, Gallstones, Kidney stones, Stiff joints, Cataract, many many others.
Sugars in your diet depletes Magnesium storage in your body.
Most people stayed indoor far too long too much, they don’t get enough sunlight on their bare skin, thus the Vit D deficiency.
Vitamin K2 is produced by the process of fermentation by Gut bacteria. Most people have abnormal gut bacteria (thanks to over use of Antibiotic), and the Gut bacteria which responsible for synthesizing Vit K2 have been killed off. So these people cannot make their own Vit K2, instead the have to EAT their K2, by supplement or K2 rich food (Brie, Gouda cheese, Natto, Miso, Grassfed beef liver, Pastured eggs, etc)
How about stoneware slow cooker, but I always use Low – the lowest , almost no light but the cooking is very long. but it’s ok . I am not in a hurry, I give ample time. Because the stoneware is also glossy, so I think may be it is ceramic too. For people asking about Microwave . Google the dangers or Hazards of Microwave. and you will know all about microwave, that I trashed mine long time ago, when I read it.
I suggest to use Clay pots and pans. Clay cookware probably the healthiest way to cook your food, since the clay actually add beneficial minerals into your food.
Just make sure the clay wasn’t “treated” by anykind of chemicals.
Thankyou for your advice regarding Teflon and Aluminium cooking pots.
Is stainless steel and cast iron safe?
Years ago, I had a large kitchen/diner. At the diner end, I had a Cockatiel, a canary plus 2 tiny zebra finches.
Their cages were no where near the gas oven. A non-stick baking tray had slipped onto the open flame and was burning. This toxic smell killed them all within minutes. Please don’t put birds in kitchen diner areas, I learnt the hard way, it was very sad.
Does this article refer to the Original Green Pan sold by Anotech (USA) LLC, 120 White Plains Road, Suite 115, Tarrytown, NY 10591? Their website: http://www.cookware-co.com.
Please comment or direct me where to find information.
Thank you!
Hi Vivian,
You may have answered this question and we might have missed it, but my hubby wants to know your stand on Anodized Aluminum cookware? We have Emeril cookware. It wears fairly well & doesn’t easily a scratch.
Thank you for your time.
Hi Bobbi,
Good question! Anodized aluminum is still aluminum, though – and tiny fissures can form in the anodized coating, paving the way for aluminum to leach into food. I’d stick to stainless steel! 🙂
Thank you, Vivian!!
After reading Vivian’s comments, I wondered about my cute mugs from China and putting hot liquids in them. Would those also leach lead? I also have some old china dish sets and wondered about the sealing process on those produced in the 1940’s.
Is T-Fal cookware safe to cook with if you keep it at a medium temperature? It is Resistal 100% genuine
A note on cast iron – as I said in my response to Pia below, cast iron is fine! The iron that leaches into the food is not bioavailable, but it’s not harmful. Beware, though, that the taste of food may be altered with the use of cast iron. 🙂
I have a bone and need to get rid of it ,this is why im interested in this info
Thank you for all your comments on cookware but I am confused about the various different cookware.
We are looking at a new set of Cuisinart Anodized cookware which has the Eterna nonstick interior, aluminum core and stainless steel base for induction, and the hard anodized exterior with armorgard.
We are not sure where to go from here. Please help us!
Get a life you guys. All this info about what everything is doing to our bodies…what harm living is doing to us….to what end?
It is no life, if you are living in fear.Fear is a tool of the enemy…don’t give it mind- time. Embrace life. Embrace the giver of life and He will take care of things.
Angelins made a choice for her situation.Tossing the pros and cons of this decission is gossip. Her decision for her situation may or may not influence others. That is their decision.
Get away from your computers( what about gama ray????Could kill you)Get out and enjoy the life you have been given BY GRACE.Sure.Try to live as healthy a lifestyle as possible.avoid take-aways soft drinks and alcoholic over drives etc.Moderation in all things.
Ignorance is not a bliss.
Hi Vivian,
Would you please advise me if there is any side effects on the following medicatioin which I have been advised to take by my doctor. The product is Protos Sachets 2g (Strontium Ranelate) I love your informative emails keep up this great work. Best Regards Bob
Robert, Vivian has written quite a bit on this drug and its side effects. It’s also called Protelos. Feel free to take advantage of the Search feature at the top of the page – just type in the topic, like Protos or Protelos, and any posts Vivian has written on that topic will come up. 🙂
Ditto on Calphalon & Le Cruset. Are they safe?
What do you think about cast iron cookware? I use stainless steel for all the reasons you speak of, but love my cast iron pans as well.
Ditto on this question. I too love my cast iron pots.
The only problem with cast iron is, don’t cook acidic food in it such as Tomato, Lemon, Vinegar, etc. Acid corrodes bare iron, leeching iron oxide (rust) into your food.
If you have to, cook your acid food “quickly” and don’t linger! and NEVER leave your spaghetti bolognese sauce in your cast iron pot. You’ll be adding rusted iron particles into your sauce.
Hi! Vivian,
Thank You Very Much For Sharing This Very Valuable Article With Us.
It Can Help Save Our Bones, And Our Lives Too!
Until Next Time – Take Care And Stay Well!
O K .3 questions what about cafalon? they say its a safe aluminum ,is that so ? also le cruset is cast iron covered with porselen and what about plain cast iron or glass pots and pans ? before I go out and replace I really want the full low down. thank you so much
Are the french cast iron pots SAFE??? LE CREUSET.
I also have pots and pans which do not say weather or not they are stainless steel or aluminum–how can I tell the difference?
What about titanium coated cookware? It’s very high end and expensive, and the store I saw it in says it is NOT a teflon product. I bought one fry pan and it does stick some, and now has scratches which I hope aren’t dangerous.
Wow. Perhaps it would be best to just eat raw organic fruits and vegetables. Everything for eating/cooking that has been created for convenience seems to have pitfalls. Thanks so much for your updates, Vivian. We are what we eat – makes more sense everyday.
My first time and I love it. No one mentioned Salad Master surgical steel cook wear. As for as I know it is the best but very pricey. It uses low heat and very little water.
I am also curious about cast iron cookware. Is it safe? I did not see any information in your email about cookware.
What about cookware that I purchased about 40 years ago called “Miracle Maid.” Have you heard of it? Is it safe? Any information you can give me would be appreciated. Thanks, Vivian!
Did I miss your guidance on using cast iron cookware?
What comments do you have on using cast iron pans? Once seasoned, I find this has its own ” non-stick ” properties and is easy to clean up.
Fluoride is also present in much of our drinking water. Ingested fluorine is responsible for many of the pairs of knock knees that you see nowadays. In fact they are so prevalent that they are hardly noticed anymore and even mannequins are being with that feature. Originally Fluorine was added to our drinking water supposedly as a dental help, but the real reason was to dispose of the fluoride that was a residue by product of aluminum production and the effect on teeth was negative.
like it. would like to know more on save our bones program
Vivian, what about the new “green” ceramic -coated cookware? i just got one for Mother’s day and it is a non-stick but without teflon..just ceramic -coated. Perhaps you have seen these on TV…are they safe?
I would like to know the answer to this also!
Me too! I’m a little upset that some questions are answered, while others are ignored. I’ve seen several ask about this with no response. Some of the questions that are getting answers are ones that have already been answered.
Hi Kathy (and Mary and Job),
There are many types of cookware marketed as “green,” and we can’t possibly evaluate them all. Here is an informative article on various types of “green” cookware that should help answer your questions:
Thank you again for all your wonderful information. I do try hard to follow it. I just want to add my question re the good old, black cast iron. I have a number of skillets for stir frying and sauteing, as well as sauce pans and two very large dutch ovens which are mostly used on market days for cooking the the things which take so much cooking time. That way I can freeze quantities for our daily use.
Also, I have a Le Creuset which has a hollow handle so it is obviously solid cast iron with whatever covers it and gives it its outside colour. Others have asked re these concerns. I am just adding my vote so you know there are a number of us with these similar questions. Thanks.
Thanks for confirming the facts about cookware. We stopped using the coated cookwarea and aluminum foil on the grill many years ago. We miss the conveniencwe of wrapping veggies and potatoes in aluminum foil and tossng them on the grill, any suggestions? I did buy a stainless steel veggie pan for the grill and it works, but of course it has to be cleaned!I am excited to tell you that the latest cancer research of successful alternative treatments confirms that cancer can not live in an alkaline environmet and recommends a diet that maintains an alkaline balance! The information is packed with the same great foods you recommend for our bones! It talks about the current American acidic diet. I am a cancer survivor and will never submitt my body to the drugs and radiation again, I feel like all I survived was the poisons.Yet another reason to follow your wonderful advice! Thanks Vivian.
Thanks Cherie for the info re cancer not being able to live in an alkaline environment. Can you lead me to your source of this info, or guide me to more reading about it. This is really good news. So far I have been blessed to not have it, but because my dad did, I take every precaution to avoid it. My husband and I have noticed that there is a small trend of people moving into a simple, healthy life style which includes real food and natural remedies, putting more emphasis into prevention. Hopefully society will catch on and bring an end to these terrible health conditions.
Just search for info on cancer and alkalinity. A German scientist named Otto Warburg won a Nobel prize for this discovery in 1931. This info is widely known, so a simple search can help you find more about it, but one web site I can suggest that deals with it specifically is www[dot]cancer-coverup[dot]com. This site deals with the use of cesium (not the radioactive kind) for cancer treatment and details the story of Neal Deoul and his experience both with cancer and the bureaucracy that attacked him for selling certain supplements. The story is a great read with an O’Henry-esque outcome.
Cesium is the most alkaline mineral on the earth. I’m informed it works, but using it takes some skill and assistance because the treatment can be rather drastic.
You may be interested in Dr. Mark Sircus. Check out his site here and scroll down the page: https://drsircus.com/medicine/cancer/
Good luck. There are lots of alternative ways against cancer. I have loads of info on it if you are interested.
Good luck.
Cherie, Congratulations on your cancer survival and even more on discovering that the conventional “cures” are in reality shortcuts to the grave. The internet is full of information on cures for cancer and so many other chronic problems that it is a wonder that Pharma-med has not shut it down. While you are at it look up Dogtorj.com. Dr. Symes has made very beneficial discoveries… Clint
Thank you so much for being a strong voice on this subject. We were taught to cook in cast iron and stainless. Never needed a coating or much fat. I have been so surprised to even see pro cooks using coated pans. Years ago when the info came out about the coated pans being toxic, I was yelling at the tv, “It’s about time!” But, of course you didn’t hear much beyond the first announcement. There’s a lot of money involved. I was never enticed to use them. I always, somehow knew that it didn’t make sense. Plus you couldn’t heat them to brown things like cast iron. Also aluminum. I never got it, why anyone would use them. One of the reason I don’t like restaurants is that they use a lot of old beat up aluminum pans. I believe in protecting my body and brain the best I can. It’s been talked about for a long time that aluminum can effect the brain and may contribute to aszheimers. That’s enough for me to not take a chance. I stopped the commercial deodorants at that time. (and no, I’m not a hippy!) Just a smart consumer. Just like the food…I prefer the un messed around with, non refined or processed stuff, closest to nature that I can. I think it comes from being “poor” as a kid. Ate from the garden, killed a chicken or a rabbit for the week, and cooked in cast iron. When I remember to keep it simple and not get caught up in the latest gadget, I do ok. Thanks Vivian for the reality check.
Our cookware is copper with stainless steel liner. Typical French cookware.
Typical copper is lined with liquid tin, applied with muriatic acid. It is ok, but can’t be heated to brown things. I have some of the newer version, like you, that has the ss lining too. Not so sure about heating them without fat or water, either. The best to brown/caramelize is iron. Otherwise they’re ok for other cooking.
On cookware, what about the new green coating advertised?
Thanks for all your research.
That’s the ceramic coating she is talking about!
I have a question – what about my cast iron skillets and roasters? I think they are great (but really heavy) and I figure if they were good enough for Grama they are good enough for me.
If you can get someone to show you how to easily cook with cast iron for sauteing, stir frying etc, you will be a happy cooker. Good workout for the arms. Problem for me now is that not cooking meats, I don’t need that much browning etc. My choice now is heavy bottomed stainless with glass lids. I have learned how to brown or caremelize onions in a dry pan. Turns out that browning…all browning is oxydizing and not that good for us, so not using the cast iron that much any more, either.
I am using pottery pots to cook in. Are they also bad for the bones? Maybe tha glaze? I also cook in glass pots. Are they safe?
Clay pots should be safe, as long as they are not glazed or treated with toxic materials. Glass pots are also safe.
Very good questions above. Waiting for answers, especially on cast iron and microwave cooking.
Wow, I’m really blown away. I do have nano-ceramic cookware that I bought two years ago. I really thought I was doing the right thing then…but that was before SOB was in my life. I have some stainless steel which I will use and will try to build up that supply as soon as I can. Just reminds me to be careful about jumping in on something before all the testing and research is in. Thanks Vivian.
O.K., Good to know. I saw the titanium reference below. Mine have the titanium ceramic coating, so I’m going to be careful not to scratch them. Thanks, again. It was a great conversation this morning!!
I enjoyed this article on Cookware. I cook very little to none but do bake a little. My diet is 95% raw so cooking is unnecessary. So I look to the Gorillas, elephants and deer to see how they live as long as they do. I utilize the organic fruits, vegs, nuts and seeds as much as I can. And do fasting now and then. I am 84 and looking forward pass 100 if the Lord allows me to receive his blessings. Keep up the good work. bb
Very interesting, Bobby! We can learn a lot from nature…
What about those good old black, cast iron skillets mother used, and I love using now?
Cast iron is fine – the iron that leaches into the food is not bioavailable, but it’s not harmful. 🙂 Beware, though, that the taste of food may be altered with the use of cast iron.
I just purchased a couple of Titanium frying pans. I wonder what you think about those. From my research, these are completely safe. Also, I was told by someone that traditional non stick cookware was to be banned because it has been linked to pancreatic cancer. Do you know anything about that as well? And finally, what do you think about Le Creuset enamel over cast iron pots?
With titanium, the main concern is to avoid scratches. So if you use wooden utensils, that should not be a problem! 🙂
Isn’t Titanium metal really tough, it’s not easily scratch.
what about cast iron pots………how do you rate them?
That is exactly why I use iron cookware. But it also leaches into food, which is great if you are low on iron.
What about use of microwave ovens? Iread some unfavorable reports last year and decided to take a vacation from my microwave. I was surprised how much better the food tasted, so I have been using conventional heat ever since. But I still wonder about that original report. Any comments?
Using a microwave is a bad idea – these ovens may be convenient, but they heat food from the inside out, deconstructing the nutrient molecules. So microwaves definitely do affect the nutrient value of food!
And btw, Microwave ovens emits super high EMF radiation. I’ve tested this myself with my EMF meter. Even when the Microwave unused, just plugged into power socket, it emits a fair amount of radiation. Once the M/W turned on, the radiation went OFF the CHART! The radiation extends up to 3-4 meters radius.
So not only M/W nuked your food to hell and back, if you use M/W for your food more likely you’re getting baked by EMF radiation by standing around the M/W.
What about cast iron pans?
What about glass pots and pans?
Glass is generally considered safe! The same warning applies to it as to enamelware – decorative elements and even glazes used on glassware can pose a problem, so look for glassware made in the US. 🙂
What about Anodized Aluminum pots with the non stick cooking surface. I was told the the aluminum is all on the outside making it safe, and the non-stick surface is not teflon and is safe. IS IT??? Do I need to get new pots again?
What about the old-fashioned enamel saucepans. I still use one I’ve had for ages. Otherwise all my pans are stainless, except the frying pans which I don’t use very often.
Enamelware is generally safe – the only thing you need to watch out for is the decorative glaze. Sometimes the pigments can contain lead or cadmium. To avoid possible contamination, it’s a good idea to get enamelware that’s made in the US. 🙂
I read that a magnet will adhere to good stainless steel cookware. I recently bought four pieces of stainless steel cookware. A magnetic would adhere to two of them and not to the other two. Next time I’m shopping for cookware, I’ll bring a magnet with me! Maybe my information is incorrect, though…?
The “magnet test” may be based on the fact that aluminum is a non-magnetic metal. If a stainless steel alloy has a high percentage of aluminum, a magnet wouldn’t stick to it. 🙂
Hi Vivian,
Thanks for your info. Is using heat-proof rubber spatulas safe ?
I use them in baking and cooking.
I strongly disagree with your statement: “stainless will not leach metals into your food”. Try leaving a stainless bowl filled with an acidic food, such as tomato juice, in the fridge overnight and see what it tastes like next morning! Stainless steel is an alloy comprised of iron, nickel, and
Perhaps, but that is not “cooking” that is more along the lines of marinating, don’t you think? Given enough time any food taste will change and of course it will take on the taste of what is around it.
What about enamelled cast iron cookware?
Thats’what i often use as well as stainless steel.
Thank You Vivian.Those info’s about the cookware ,I was trying to find someplace , for a long time. Greetings, Jana