Fluoride: The Invisible Threat To Your Bones

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Nutrition

3 min Read

Water fluoridation is seen by mainstream scientists as one of the top achievements in public health. Most dentists and doctors praise the supplementation of municipal water.

However, multiple studies show that fluoride has a direct negative impact on cellular and enzymatic activity, causing a slew of undesirable health effects. From thyroid dysfunction to neurological disorders and brittle bones, study after study has shown that practically no body function is immune to fluoride’s onslaught.

What’s more, because fluoride is a protoplasmic poison – meaning that it changes the permeability of the cell membrane…

Fluoridated Compounds are Used as Insecticides

Water fluoridation began in the 1950‘s. According to the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, at the turn of the 20th century sodium fluoride was already widely used to control pests such as cockroaches and poultry lice. New expanded uses were added after the Second World War, at which time fluoridated compounds were actively researched and later continued to be used as insecticides.1

Sodium fluoride is listed in the CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) Registry with the number 7681-49-4, where it is described as:

“… a colorless crystalline solid or white powder, or the solid dissolved in a liquid. Sodium fluoride is soluble in water. Sodium fluoride is noncombustible. Sodium fluoride is corrosive to aluminum. Sodium fluoride is used as an insecticide. Sodium fluoride is also used to fluoridate water supplies, as a wood preservative, in cleaning compounds, manufacture of glass, and for many other uses.” 2

Confirmed: Fluoride Increases Hip Fracture Risk

You see, multiple studies have shown that a large percentage of the ingested fluoride accumulates in the bones, which leads to bone damage and in some cases, skeletal fluorosis.3

This certainly explains the increase in hip fractures linked to water fluoridation, as shown by a review of 18 studies.3 And while the CDC continues to tout water fluoridation as a success in tooth decay reduction, upon its review of the studies in 1993, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) commented that:

“The weight of evidence from these experiments suggests that fluoride added to water can increase the risk of hip fracture in both elderly women and men. However, questions remain due to issues such as the lack of information on trends in hip fracture and total individual fluoride consumption.” 3

In view of the detrimental effects on your overall health and on your bone health, does it make any sense to drink fluoridated water? The answer is obvious. In fact…

You Should Avoid Fluoride Like the Plague!

If you have the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, you know this already. And you’ve also read detailed information on this topic in the Osteoporosis Hydration Protocol.

In light of these concerns, taking steps to limit fluoride intake are beneficial for protecting both general and bone health. For those seeking alternatives, options like using reverse osmosis filtered water or distilled water can help reduce fluoride exposure. By making informed choices about the water you drink, you’re actively supporting your well-being and minimizing unnecessary risks.


1 https://www.fluoride-history.de/p-insecticides.htm
2 https://www.chemicalbook.com/ChemicalProductProperty_EN_CB8854278.htm
4 https://abcnews.go.com/Health/fluoride-recommendations-buck-decades-dental-health-practices/story?id=12564884