This weekend’s challenge is an isometric exercise that works your inner thighs, abs, and glutes, all while lying in bed. And the only thing you’ll need to target these key muscles is a pillow!
Isometric exercises are a form of strength training that involves muscle contraction and resistance, but without movement. They don’t require any special equipment since your body works against its own forces to tone muscle and build bone. Holding a plank, for example, is an isometric exercise.
Isometric exercise brings some surprising and specific benefits, as it “isolates” muscles to really focus on particular areas of the body.
So let’s get started!
Here are more reasons to incorporate isometric moves into your routine, some of which may surprise you.
- It strengthens the core muscles because you must hold your body steady in various positions. A strong core is a key component in balance and spinal and pelvic alignment.
- Everyday movements involve isometric moves to some extent, so performing such exercises helps increase task proficiency and greatly decreases the risk of falling.
- It targets specific muscles rather than increasing endurance and burning calories as with cardio and aerobic exercise (these are important, too, of course). The targeted nature of isometric exercise is particularly beneficial when you want to build and strengthen specific bones and joints.
Isometric exercise improves quality of life in cardiac patients, according to a review published in the Ochsner Journal. The researchers noted that:
“Since so much of daily activity involves isometric exercises…light isometrics such as hand grips, and light weight lifting…has proven to be safe and improves the quality of life of our patients. In addition, since muscle mass progressively declines with aging…some isometric exercise has other potential advantages for our middle-aged and older patients.”1
- Isometric exercises are low-impact, and therefore helpful for those who are recovering from an injury, have compromised joint integrity, or otherwise wish to build strength without stressing the joints.
Unlike high-intensity exercise, isometric exercises do not raise blood pressure, and in fact, may lower it. A recent review states that:
“Isometric exercise… is usually completed three to five times per week for 4-10 weeks. …improvements in conduit and resistance vessel endothelium-dependent dilation, oxidative stress, and autonomic regulation of heart rate and BP (blood pressure) have been reported. The clinical significance of isometric exercise training, as a time-efficient and effective training modality to reduce BP, warrants further study.”2
As you can see, isometric exercise offers multiple benefits for building bones and overall health. It does this by isolating a particular muscle or even a part of a muscle to really hone in on the area that you wish to strengthen.
The specific bones and muscles worked in today’s exercise include the following.
The abdominal muscles include the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and, to a lesser extent, the external abdominal oblique.
- The rectus abdominis is in the front of the abdomen. This is the muscle group that creates a “six pack” on the bellies of athletes. The lower part of the rectus abdominis around the belly button gets worked in today’s exercise.
- The transverse abdominis is a deep muscle that wraps around your spine to help stabilize and protect the vertebrae.
- The internal abdominal oblique lies above the transverse abdominis and below the rectus abdominis. It runs in the opposite direction from the external obliques.
- Along your sides from hip to armpit run your external obliques. These muscles are on the side and also the front of the abdomen.
The Isometric Femur, Abs And Glutes Strengthener also works the inner thigh muscles and the buttocks, to strengthen the femur and pelvis.
- The adductors are the main muscles of the inner thigh. These are the muscles you use when you squeeze your knees together.
- The glutes, or gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus, are the muscles of the buttocks. It’s particularly important to work these muscles, because our modern lifestyle often involves sitting for long periods of time, which causes these muscles (and others) to atrophy.
Now let’s take a look at how to do the Isometric Femur, Abs And Glutes Strengthener.
- Lie on your back with your knees up and your feet flat on the bed (or floor if you prefer).
- Fold a standard bed pillow in half and place it between your knees.
- Squeeze the pillow between your knees hard, as if trying to pop it like a balloon. Engage your buttocks and abdominal muscles at the same time. Hold the squeeze for a few seconds, and then release.
- Repeat this squeezing, holding, and releasing pattern approximately 10 times. Stop if you feel uncomfortable.
To target these same muscle groups, you can follow this weekend’s challenge with the Hip, Glutes And Femur Strengthener and the Isometric Femur Builder. They also build muscle and bone in the same areas of the body, but in different ways.
This sort of variety is important. Not only is it beneficial to vary the moves within a form of exercise, such as isometric, but it’s also good to incorporate different types of exercise in general into your routine.
And that’s why the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System includes resistance, weight-bearing, isometric, and postural exercises. It’s the most effective way to build your bones and stay in shape.
Take Exercising For Your Bones to the Next Level!
Learn the 52 exercise moves that jumpstart bone-building – all backed by the latest in epigenetics research.
Enjoy the weekend!
1 Lavie, Carl J., et al. “Exercise and the Heart: Risks, Benefits, and Recommendations for Providing Exercise Prescriptions.” The Ochsner Journal. 3. 4. (2001): 207-213. Web. September 8, 2016. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3116747/
2 Millar, P.J., et al. “Evidence for the role of isometric exercise training in reducing blood pressure: potential mechanisms and future directions.” Sports Med. 44. 3. (2014): 345-56. Web. September 8, 2016. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24174307
Hola Vivían
Gracias por estar pendiente de nosotras. Haciendo una linda labor altruista, quisiera como Matilde (yo ya te había enviado un mail diciendo lo mismo) que si la información nos la puedes mandar en español, para poder entenderla, y nosotros comprarla.
También estoy interesada en el calcio, pero, a mi me aplicaron dos años seguidos el ácido zoledronico,el último que me aplicaron fue este año en enero. Por desconocimiento. Pero yo no me voy aplicar eso más, yo podría tomar este calcio trueosteo ya o tengo que esperar un tiempo después de esta aplicación de acido zoledronico? Para asimilar el calcio
Te agradecería si me informaras por favor, me urge el calcio
Maria, como le contestamos a Matilde, toda la informacion es en ingles. Sin embargo, puedes usar Google Translate, el sistema que automaticamente traduce:
Saludos y los mejores deseos,
Customer Support
Thank you from me also for your welcome reminders.
Por favor, necesito que me envíen la información en español. Gracias
Matilde, lamentablemente, por ahora solamente tenemos la informacion en ingles. Deseandole buena salud,
Customer Support
Do you have any exercises for Corporal Tunnel syndrome. on hand. They want to do a nerve induction study and then surgery and I would like to try some exercises first and see if that would help.
Also do you have any exercises for the cafe of the back of the leg. Which one that you describe would be good for that area. It aches and is stiff.
Hi Mary,
While we don’t have any specific exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome, however, there are several challenges that address the calf muscle. Here is one to get you started:
Feel free to search this site for more. 🙂
Thank you Vivian for this wonderful information. Isometric exercise is my favorite way to stay in shape and try to strengthen my bones. Lately I’ve been removing my pillow and sleeping like this in hopes it will help correct a forward head and kyphosis condition. I also gently press my head into the mattress and hold for a few seconds. I have an adjustable bed so it seems comfortable for me to sleep without a pillow. Thanks again.
I love to hear these everyday tips and ideas from the community. Thanks, Carol!
I really don’t know what exercises are ok for compression fracture T5 have ostoporosis please email if you can thanks Yvonne
You’ll need to check with your physical therapist or doctor, Yvonne; he or she will be familiar with the particulars of your situation and can recommend appropriate exercises.
Thanks as ever for these exercises. I will add it to my stretches I do before getting out of bed in the morning. I try to do little exercises while watching TV to avoid just sitting still doing nothing. I have a recliner chair, used usually at an angle between sitting upright and fully reclined. While in this position I have been getting a cushion and squeezing it between my knees (I sometimes do pelvic floor at the same time). I also have a stretch band, some small weights and a small squeezy hand sized ball there as well to vary what I do. I am careful to have my back supported though.
I don’t know about others but I find it easier to incorporate exercises into my day than try to do them all at once since they are more likely to get done.
Thank you for the information as well, without your frequent reminders I very much doubt whether I would do very many specific exercises.
Great tips, Jan! Thank you.