Savers are surely aware that falling is a major cause of fractures, particularly in older people. But what may come as a surprise is the primary cause of seniors’ falls, a topic that until now, has been largely unexplored.
When scientists studied the context and details involved in seniors’ falls, they discovered that there is far more at work than simply loss of balance.
This weekend, I’m excited to share the details of this study with you, and show you how to perform an exercise that directly addresses the real cause behind falls, which we’re going to look at next.
Anatomy Of A Fall
When you think of an elderly person falling, chances are you envision them tripping over something, slipping, missing a stair step, or simply losing their balance while moving. While all of those scenarios can certainly result in a fall, the primary reason most elderly adults take a tumble is incorrect weight shifting.
Weight shifting refers to moving from one position to another, such as side-stepping or leaning in any direction. And for seniors, this can throw them off balance and lead to a fall.
Researchers learned this by observing 277 falls in a long-term care facility over the course of three years (2007 – 2010). Strategically-placed video cameras recorded the falls, which were then analyzed by the scientists. The way in which the seniors moved from one position to the other – weight shifting – proved to be the number-one cause of falls.1
Quoting from the study:
“Compared with previous reports from the long-term care setting, we identified a higher occurrence of falls during standing and transferring, a lower occurrence during walking, and a larger proportion due to centre-of-mass perturbations than base-of-support perturbations.”1
Thus, “centre-of-mass perturbations” – in other words, moving the body from one area to another – is more of a danger than changes in base support, as in the case of slipping.
Why, then, does weight shifting pose such a challenge for seniors?
From the study, we can extrapolate that lack of coordination and muscle tone play into ineffective weight shifting. Fortunately, weight shifting exercises can counteract this problem, and the Standing Leg, Hip And Shoulder Builder strengthens the bones and muscles you need when shifting your center of gravity.
Once you’re used to this exercise and your balance has improved, you can make it more challenging by using a couple of small weights, one to three pounds (feel free to use water bottles or cans of food). At the beginning, though, it’s best to work without weights and exercise near a bed or chair so you have something to catch onto if you fall.
- Hold your arms straight out in front of you at chest height.
- Bring your left leg out to the side while bending your right knee to go down into a one-legged squat.
- Straighten your right knee to stand up again, bringing your left leg in toward the middle and up, bending your left knee to approximately hip height.
- Bring your left leg back out again and repeat these moves as one motion, six to 10 times.
- Switch legs and repeat six to 10 more reps.
No Special Equipment Required!
If you have the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System or you’ve been following the Weekend Challenges, then you are familiar with the Save Institute’s commitment to exercises that do not require a lot of space or specialized equipment. This makes stimulating new bone growth through targeted exercise accessible to anyone seeking to naturally rejuvenate their bones.
Densercise™ helps make this possible, with all 52 + moves requiring minimal space and simple (if any) equipment, such as towels, water bottles, or other common household items. Building bones through exercise and nutrition need not be complicated!
Take Exercising For Your Bones to the Next Level!
Learn the 52 exercise moves that jumpstart bone-building – all backed by the latest in epigenetics research.
Let us know your thoughts on this weekend’s challenge, and what you’re doing to improve your balance and prevent falls by leaving a comment below.
Have a great weekend!
1 Robinovich, Stephen N., et al. “Video capture of the circumstances of falls in elderly people residing in long-term care: an observational study.” The Lancet. 381. 9860. (2013): 47-54. Web. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(12)61263-X/fulltext
how can I get a paperback or hard copy of your book, recipes and exercises?
I see someone asked the same question, but there was no answer unlike all the other questions asked. I cannot download all of this information.
thank you,
Mary Oberholzer
Hi Mary,
We’re sorry, but all of our books are digitally delivered to your e-mail inbox as PDF files. We do not have hard copies available.
Hello–love this web site!! I have recently found out about a franchise called OSTEOSTRONG. (www.OsteoStrong.me) It uses the theory of osteogenic loading using a Biodensity machine. There are not many sites across the country but it looks to be legitimate. A ny information on this???
Hi, I would love to have a copy of your bones book ,but all I see is an e- book .Having a problem with downloading anything it just isn’t working . can I recieve and paper back copy buy ordering it.. thank you for your help.. FRANCES
Hi Vivian
Just wanted to tell you how glad I am that I found you and bought your book Save our Bones. I was in osteoporsis at the time and blood tests showed my calcium levels were fine but D3 levels were on the floor. Doctor recommended the usual drugs and a large dosage of viramin D3. I did not take the drugs I took the D3 and followed your book and took on some food life changes. Three years later after my second dexa scan I am out of osteoporosis. I added the K2 vitamin which directs the calcium to the bones and keeps the blood thin which should be on prescription but is not. My last visit to the doctor they wanted to take me off the D3 I asked why would you do that when It works, lucky for me the doctor I saw also takes D3 so she said I can stay on it for life. I would have anyway no one would have stopped me. I am 65 in three weeks and fit thanks to you, your work is helping so many people.
Thank you
MARILYN WALSH from Cardiff Uk
Congratulations on reversing osteoporosis, thanks to your dedication to follow the Program, your inquisitiveness, and not being afraid of questioning and challenging the Establishment!
Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing your amazing story 🙂
Wow, now that is a challenge of an exercise, but brilliant.I held my core in at the same time and looked straight ahead. This is one to really persevere with. I do Tai Chi classes twice a week and have done for eight years now, also daily practice at home each morning. Aquarobics I do two classes a week , each for an hour. Wonderful exercises…..
Glad you like this weekend’s challenge, Paula! And keep exercising for your bones 🙂
More blessings to you for sharing us these extraordinary exercises.
I’m starting to wobble and I know that this will help me or anybody.
Vivien thanks again and God bless.
Thanks so much for your kind words!
Hello Vivian,
Thanks for all the information you send. Have you ever thought of
maybe making a video for every day routine exercises? It would be more appealing and easier to follow.
Thank you
Thanks for the feedback, Sima! Stay tuned – the Save Institute is always growing.
does the toe touch the ground when the leg is bent out to the side?
thanks for all you do!
Hi Carla,
Yes, the toe touches the ground on the extended leg. 🙂
While I understand the format of giving people a single exercise each weekend, why not also recommend the study of tai chi? Tai chi creates strength and flexibility in the hips, knees, ankles and feet while teaching the awareness and focus during movement that prevents falls. Proper weight shifting is one of the fundamental aspects of tai chi study. Instead of just building strength in a support leg as this weekend challenge exercise does, tai chi builds strength and flexibility throughout a range of movements that are more like the movements of daily living. The “stillness in motion” that tai chi study produces also reduces stress and opens the body’s energy systems and reduction of stress hormones is integral to preventing excessive bone loss.
Good point, Elizabeth. In fact, tai chi is recommended in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
Thanks Vivien for your healthful exercises, I am showing them to many people ad friends,that ,I wish, will buy your books about them
You’re very welcome, Donatella! And I thank you for helping to spread the truth about osteoporosis 🙂