7 Motivation Secrets That Keep You Exercising For Your Bones - Save Our Bones

It’s no secret that weight-bearing exercises such as walking and running build bone density. And there are so many other benefits to regular exercise – such as youthful energy and decreased risk of disease – that it’s hard to find a reason not to.

And yet…we do. It’s especially easy to make excuses when fall and winter set in and it’s much more tempting to curl up on the couch than get moving.

I used to be all-too-good at finding excuses not to exercise. But all that changed after I applied these tips that I am going to share with you today.

Let’s start by taking a look at some intriguing research that clearly shows the importance of exercise in overall health and in building strong, youthful bones.

Study Shows Increased Bone Density In Postmenopausal Participants

Scientists studied two groups of women who had gone through menopause at a relatively early age. One group did not exercise (the control group) and the other group exercised 4 times per week (twice in group training sessions and twice at home). After 26 months, what they found was notable: the exercise group experienced increased bone density in the lumbar spine and hip, and also less back pain.1

The study’s conclusion is key:

“General purpose exercise programs with special emphasis on bone density can significantly improve strength and endurance and reduce bone loss…”1

That’s exactly how the Osteoporosis Reversal Program is structured. Chapter 13 is entirely devoted to the subject of exercise, and it delves in to the research and science behind building bone density through weight-bearing exercise. You’ll also find a guide for incorporating bone-density exercises into your everyday routine, as well as suggestions and descriptions of specific moves.

And the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System expands on this idea. It’s a comprehensive exercise program specifically designed to increase and build bone density in fracture-prone areas. And while it only takes 15 minutes, 3 days a week…believe me, it still helps to get tips on how to stay motivated!

That’s why today I want to share with you…

7 Secrets That Helped Me Stay On Track With My Bone-Building Exercises

1. Focus On Small Goals First

Remember, building bone density and muscle strength takes time. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see big results after a week or so of regular exercise. You’ll probably feel greater energy pretty immediately, though, which is very encouraging! So focus on doable goals that you’ll experience soon, like feeling happier or getting a better night’s sleep.

2. Build Flexibility – Not Just With Your Body

What I mean by building flexibility here is to come up with creative ideas and ways to exercise even if a relatively good excuse not to exercise presents itself. For example, when winter comes, bad weather may prevent you from meeting up with friends at the gym for your usual workout session. Instead of settling down in a comfy chair, look for ways to exercise at home. Find an exercise video online, do the exercises in Densercise™ Epidensity Training System,” or look at some of the Weekend Challenges here on the Save Our Bones site.

Be flexible in keeping your commitment to exercise!

3. Make It Enjoyable

I know that I am much more likely to stick with an activity if it’s not drudgery. When I do the exercises in Densercise™, for example, I like to put on music that I don’t get to listen to at other times. Then I have another reason to look forward to my workout.

Another way to make exercise more fun brings us to #4…

4. Exercise With A Friend Or Group

Having an exercise buddy not only makes it more fun and sociable to exercise – he or she will also hold you accountable for your commitment to work out regularly. When I took up walking and jogging, I joined local groups and committed to a common goal (running a marathon in the case of my jogging group), and it was very inspirational and fun to be involved with supportive people.

5. Put It On Your Calendar

One of my tendencies in the past was to wait and see if I’d have time to exercise on a given day or week. Naturally, the time never presented itself so I became convinced that I “didn’t have time.” But when I started scheduling in exercise and actually writing it on my calendar, that excuse was gone!

Sit down and take a look at your schedule, and see how you can fit exercise in as you would an appointment. Maybe you could get up a half hour earlier in the morning, or use part of your lunch hour to work out and eat at your desk. Maybe you could save the dinner dishes until the next morning and use that time for an evening workout.

6. Keep A Record

Try keeping your calendar in a visible place (wall calendars are perfect) and mark off the days you kept your commitment to exercise. You can use a big blue checkmark or a purple smiley face or whatever works for you. The point is, when you look at that calendar and see all the exercise marks, it feels great to “see” your success!

7. Treat Yourself Now And Then

One of the most pleasurable parts of exercising can be the time afterward, when you relax with a favorite, bone-healthy drink or go out for a post-workout lunch. You don’t have to do this every time you exercise, but a few times a month it really helps to connect your workout with something else positive that you look forward to.

Are You Feeling Motivated Now?

I hope you are! And I have even more inspirational news: it’s easy to build youthful bone density in just 15 minutes a day, 3 days a week, in the comfort of your own home (so inclement weather need not hold you back).

As mentioned earlier, I am talking about the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System, which is a versatile, effective workout program that specifically targets fracture-prone areas such as hips, wrists, and ankles.

You can invite friends over to “Densercise” with you, too, if having a workout buddy is motivational for you.

Please feel free to check out this revolutionary exercise program by clicking here.

Stay inspired!


1 Kemler W et. al. “Benefits of 2 Years of Intense Exercise on Bone
Density, Physical Fitness, and Blood Lipids in Early Postmenopausal Osteopenic Women.” Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:1084-1091.

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  1. Jackie Waite

    I can’t stress strongly enough how beneficial bouncing on a rebounder (mini trampoline) is for our bones. It’s fun and even the astronauts used it to regain bone strength when they came back from space. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on them either. Just bounce every day and see for yourself how great this is. No jarring of the joints either. Thanks for letting me rant, Vivian. I love what you do for us.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Sounds fun and healthy, Jackie!

  2. Marolyn Yard

    Thank you for your complete program. I have been following this program pretty closely for the past two years. Just had my scan done after two years and want to report that my hips have stayed the same and my back has improved. This is great news because prior to this my numbers kept getting worse.

    Just wondered what or how to order the daily vitamins that you recommended a while back? Was unable to find that information.

  3. Leslie (Ms. L. Carmel)

    Good Afternoon Vivian And Fellow Commenters,

    Just Reading All Your Comments Is Very Good, And Helpful.
    Thank You All Very Much For Sharing Them With Us.

    And Most Of All, Thank You Vivian, For Always Trying To Help Us (SAVE OUR BONES)!

    Take Care Everyone, And Stay Well.


  4. linda ziegler

    I was on the Boniva Injection reluctantly for 4 years. September 2013, my doctor wanted to switch me to Prolia, because my bone density numbers for my hip had decreased. I read the side effects and decided…no more drugs.
    Since then, I joined a fitness center, worked with a nutritionist, purchased Vivian’s resources, and I have read many other books borrowed from my local library about nutrition and osteoporosis.

    When I retired in 2006, I was focused on exercising. However, in 2012 I did not do much exercise. I guess the Boniva kept my spine numbers up, but the hip numbers decreased with not much walking.
    My bone density femoral neck in 2013 was -2.7 and the femoral neck number in September 2014 was -2.2. Walking and other exercises certainly helped to increase the bone density numbers on this years test.
    Yes, winter is approaching and I tell myself…I have to keep walking. Thank you for you motivational reminders.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Thank you for sharing that, Linda! This is a wonderful and supportive community, so feel free to check back in to help with motivation all winter (and the rest of the year, too!). 🙂

  5. Marlene Villar

    Good morning Vivian,
    Thank you very much for everything. All the different
    topics that you continue sharing motivates and encourage
    me to make changes to improve myself and to reverse
    my bone loss naturally in HIS timing.
    Have a wonderful day and take care always.

  6. Carol R. Brayshaw

    I am now 72 years old, and I have a problem getting motivated – I suffer from Arthritis of the knees and hips, also Hypertension, Diabetes for which take 8 needles a day, allergies and sinusitis, asthma, I am unable to urinate sometimes – so I go the the Emergency when that happens. I had a brain stroke some years ago, which left me with memory loss – I am still struggling with it. Went to Rehab but could not understand what was going on. What can I do?

    • Deedee

      Perhaps you should check out if there is a video that you can follow at home. You could do it at your own pace. There should be something that allows you to remain seated.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      It certainly sounds like you have a lot on your plate, Carol! Did you know that research shows that regular exercise is good for hypertension and diabetes? I hope you’ll find the inspiration you need to make exercise part of your daily routine. 🙂

      • linda

        I found some exercise DVDs for my dad to do. He is 91 and the video shows someone doing the exercises standing and another person sitting. Moving with Mike by Mike Ross. We have 3 of Mike’s. My dad enjoys the Moving with Mike DVDs.

        I use Qi Gong for Seniors with Lee Holden. Again you can watch and do it with someone standing and another sitting.
        I borrowed the Lee Holden DVD from my local library and then purchased my own copy. I ordered Mike Ross online.

  7. Claudia

    I find it very difficult to stay motivated to eat well and exercise on a regular basis when so few others in my life join me in that effort. I do it, but I need to schedule regular sessions with my trainer and join exercise groups as you suggested to keep myself going. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take a very long time without enough exercise to lose a lot of fitness. Sometimes I get discouraged so I especially appreciate your messages telling me that others have the same issues. I am going to sign off now and make myself a chart for tracking daily activity and to be sure I am doing what I want and intend.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Yes, Claudia, many of us find that we need a little help to stay motivated! It’s not unusual at all. 🙂 I am glad you’ve found inspiration in today’s post!

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