Did you ever try to imagine what our world will be like in the year 2050? While watching the news last night, I asked myself the question and, not surprisingly, my thoughts quickly led to – what else…our bone health. Even though increasingly negative news about osteoporosis drugs keeps popping-up in the media, we really don’t know what the long-term outcome will be. In other words, will doctors still prescribe osteoporosis medicines in the future?
With that in mind, I came up with two imaginary opposing scenarios for the year 2050, as reflected in a news broadcast. One is where the “cure” of osteoporosis and osteopenia revolves around prescription drugs, similar to nowadays. The second scenario pictures a world where everyone manages their health in a natural and drug-free way.
Oh! And please don’t forget that what you're about to read is ONLY the product of my imagination. So join me on a time travel trip to the year 2050…
Here’s the first scenario
Good news for those diagnosed with osteoporosis. Pharmaceutical giant Profit & Gamble announced today that the FDA has finally approved their new drug Cementex to treat advanced osteoporosis. Dee Seat, a spokesperson for the company, told WBS News this morning that “we are thrilled to launch our latest drug that will help millions afflicted with osteoporosis, a crippling and potentially deadly disease. Thanks to Cementex, we can guarantee to both women and men a fracture-free future”.
Unlike current osteoporosis treatments, Cementex requires only one dose that will last a lifetime. It is injected directly into the bones under light sedation, and the whole procedure typically takes no more than a couple of hours.
Ms. Seat went on to explain that reported side-effects are negligible: “The most common side effect is stiffening of the joints, which happens when Cementex leaks out to the cartilage and joints, affecting mostly the knees, elbows and fingers. We can cure osteoporosis, but unfortunately, we can’t fight gravity…yet.”
Doctors can easily treat this side-effect and the occasional pain by prescribing Dieoxx , a new drug developed by Quirck & Co..WBS was not able to reach anyone at Quirck to get more information on this drug.
Ms. Seat also confirmed that Cementex is covered by Mediscare, and that the first one thousand patients will receive a $200 discount coupon toward the purchase of a wheelchair, compliments of Profit & Gamble.
Stay tuned because when we come back, we’ll show you the latest umbrella designs that are stylish and give you 100% protection from acid rain…
Here’s the second scenario
TNN just got news that pharmaceutical giant Quirck & Co. filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection. Quirck is one more casualty added to the long list of prescription drug manufacturers that have had trouble with the dwindling demand for their products.
“We regret that this is yet one more drug producer that has failed” said Roland Paulman, a spokesman for the privately owned Health and Human Services Marketing, Inc., “but consumers are staying away from the type of drugs they manufacture”. He went on to comment that “This is further proof that our aggressive Just Say No to Prescription Drugs campaign continues to show great results. Ultimately, patients make their own decisions, and the trend clearly points to an ever increasing choice of natural supplements and herbal remedies.”
We were not able to reach anyone at Quirck & Co. However, TNN’s financial sources told us that it’s been long known that Preventive Medicine was taking a big bite out of the now doomed company’s profits. In the last twenty years osteoporosis, arthritis, heart ailments, and diabetes, to name a few, have literally become a thing of the past.
Among the sector's biggest gainers is Natural Supplements, Inc. Upon hearing Quirck’s filing, investors rushed to purchase Natural’s shares causing an unprecedented rally. Our financial correspondent at the New York Stock Exchange reports that Natural Supplement’s shares have gone up by more than 5% in today’s trading session.
When we come back, we’ll interview Dee Tocks, the owner of Stay Healthy Walk-in Centers, a nationwide franchise. You won’t believe what she has to say about the reduced visit prices starting next month, and she’ll reveal who qualifies for the new Stay Healthy mail-in rebate.
Whoa! Back to reality now
Stay healthy!
I have been following up all notes coming from you and i appreciate them. All of them will be very effective if at the outset the health of the bones are maintained by the proper sustenance of nutrients from the circulatory system via the nerves from the brain. That is, the bones should be properly positioned and that no nerves are clipped as aging goes on. Otherwise, bone maturity and vulnerability to faster aging is high. This can be done by appropriate hand massage and technique to release/restore potential bone narrowing that may result to impediment of nutrients from the blood pushed by the nerve system. We have the experience on this so that even sciatic patients could get recovered without the adverse effect of surgery. Thank you for this opportunity to share, wishing you all the bests and powers.
I would really like this last way to care for our bodies come to pass. As long as we have so many Doctors aligned with “pill” companies it will probably be awhile coming. In the past few years I have relied more & more on natural foods & supplements. I can tell a difference in the way I feel. I appreciate the work you are doing because I was on Fosamax for about 7 years before being taken off & have some problems to deal with. Keep up the good work.
That was great! and very creative. On the serious side it will be interesting to see what the next ten years will bring. If we can all be proof that your nutritional program works for a broad spectrum of individuals with osteoporosis we’ll certainly be talking to our doctors and friends to proclaim its merits. Sure hope it works for me as I have some obstacles that make progress a little more difficult – age 71, thin, low weight, and take PPI every day for GERD. I have chosen not to take Forteo which has been STRONGLY recommended and since I’m not taking that another has recommended Strontium. I prefer a more natural approach and pray that this is the right choice for me.
It would be interesting to hear the results from those who have been on the program for awhile. I wonder if Vivian is keeping any kind of data base to determine outcomes. Thanks.
Hi, Betty. Left hand, palm up, massage pinkie on its outer
edge and listen to yourself get rid of the trapped air. So it’s just trapped air, thank God, and not your heart.
I now take vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) , 1,000 IU. I have pain in the base of both thumbs. Do you think this is from the vitamin supplement?
Scenario #1 not going to happen.
Big Pharma is not in business to cure anyone, if they did they would lose revenue.
This beast must be knocked off its high horse!
i love getting your articles and am a firm believer in natural healing. I have a question? Is raw milk any better than what you buy in the store? Or does it have the same affect?
Our ancestors don’t used chemically made drugs to cure sickness or disease.
I still believed they used what our mother nature provides, natural herbs,plants, seafoods etc.Also, they used to hunt food and lots of manual worked in the field,which is healthy to the body and good for the bone. My opnion do not relied on drugs to improve your health.It will destroyed your life.It will make you sicker and is a silent killer.Thank you, Vivian for sharing the truth and I am glad you willingly helping others to improve their health.Keep up the good work.God bless.
I thank God I found you Vivian. My spirits have been lifted just learning all about osteoperosis and knowing there is a natural cure. Is it alright to drink organic soy milk — l cup a day? Thank you for all your help for myself and millions of other people. I will do all I can to also help spread the word that they do not have to use drugs.
Thank you Vivian for this wonderful program. I was on Actonel for 10 yrs. but stopped 2 yrs. ago. With my diagnosis of osteoporosis, I am following all of the nutritional and exercise programs I can. In the Osteoporosis Reversal Program book you list food and supplement info.. but could you come out with a 7day or 14day menu plan that would give us more examples of how to put these foods together in order to keep our bodies healthier and more alkaline?
That is the only information lacking for me!
Thank you again for caring so much….. Lyle
Dear Vivian
I@m so glad that I read your articles and thus I saved not only my bones but even my mental health. I’m a fighter as a person although I have been through a mytral valve replacement 24 years ago and since then I’m on blood thiners. These pils prevents blood clots but on the other hand they distoy some how the calcium that I take from food. I had osteopenia for more than ten years and I had accasionally taken some natural mild food suplements.
Last June on my annual scan for osteoporosis the score was -2.83. My doctor prescribed for me Prolia and in July I had my fist (and of course the last)injection. I started having pains all over mh body, my joints became so stif, I could’t go out of bed every morning as I was feeling so weak, my thoat was dry and soar and generally I was feeling like 100 years old lady. I started my search and lucky me your articles appeared as my first good luck. So, I said to myself after all you diserved that.
Thank you Vivian
I have been using Vitamin K2 as it takes calcium from your blood, where you don’t want it, and deposits it into your bones, where you need it. I suggest you google Vitamin K2 and ask a good natural healer/ health store/ homeopath for some advise before you decide to take any.
Do some research and make sure that you understand any side effects which could occur, although I do not know of any. I have heard that if you have blocked arteries, it Vitamin K2 can help clear them, but may also be the cause of a stroke as it loosens the blockages.
Good luck.
Dear Vivian,
Since I read about your Save our Bones program last month, I immediately stop all the prescribed medicines though my children’s against it for fear that my sickness might get worst. It has been my long wish to find alternative med for my osteoporosis. Drugs were so expensive and am not sure if it really cure my sickness or it will just worsen my bone problems for am sure my internal organs will surely suffer. i just continue with caltrate as my Vitamins and fruits available…But after reading your latest massage regarding FDA’s Cementex drugs, am again confused what should really be done to save my bones and be free from worries while we can still save it… kindly share to me a clearer ideas and assurance which to believe and be followed!…
warm regards,
I am 39 years of age, and have osteoporosis of the lower lumbar, and osteopenia on my left side hip, etc. Prescription drugs is the path that brought me to my current diagnosis. I had premature labor with my two youngest homegrown (bio) children. My boys were born 16 months apart and they gave me high doses of magnesium to stop labor. The magnesium caused my kidneys to fail shortly after the birth of my youngest son, who was born at 31 gestation. My son was born healthy and strong at 4 1bs 9 ounces breathing on his own. (A wonderful miracle) My health was quickly deteriating at the young age of 24. To combat the kidney failure they gave me very high doses of prednisone. This was not sucessful so they told me I was to be science experiment and gave me IV chemotherapy to jump start my kidneys. This was followed by 1 1/2 years of oral cytoxin (chemo). As a result, it left me menopausal at the early age of 26. The early onset of menopause, prednisone history, etc. brought me to a diagnosis of osteoporosis this year. I suspect though that I have had osteoporosis since my early thirties. I have been given one year to try to combat my osteoporosis naturally. So, I am doing my best to learn and research. It is difficult though because even among the natural vitamins and calciums I really do not know who I can trust. There are natural vitamin companies that are also corrupt and scamming the innocent especially the elderly. I have settled on Bone Renewal an algae based calcium source. They were the only company that listed all their ingredients on their label (that I saw). It still makes me nervous though because my doctor will not give me another bone scan for a year. It is very difficult to sort out what companies are legitimate. As far as prescription drugs even my physician told me I could not take them for more than three years. The side effects are just too bad. I am unwilling to take that risk even to be on prescription drugs for a short time to begin the reversal process, so the doctors say! It is prescription drugs that brought to where I am. One drug causes another problem, which is solved by another drug. I am not anti physician. There are good doctors out there willing to listen! You just have to be proactive in your medical care. I always laugh when a doctor asks me “why are you here and what do think caused it.” I tell them my speculations and smile. I guess what it comes down to is we must be proactive in our health!! Never assume that a physician has all the answers and follow his advice blindly.
My wife’s dr prescribed something like fosamax over 15 yrs ago. After reading the warnings in the literature we decided she shouldn’t take it and she is so glad today at 79 yrs of age.
Vivian! I think you doing a marvelous job; special help some people which don’t have any idea, about bones. I’m involved in alternative medicine for decades; and because most doctors only like to prescribe drugs from the pharmacy, I avoided has much I can. Doctors happened to be a professional way of life; then I divided in many categories, the one’s are for the money, and the others because love to see won patients with love. I usual saying animal world; just we all having what the Universe have. We have most of mineral the Universe have, but every human being only aloud of a portion of each. Calcium can’t be take without magnesium to make sure stay. I can’t mention to much because you Dr. Vivian are the one that help them people, only give any advise very little about it. I read about milk the; most about the ones come in boxes, and not raw. Such milk have conservatism that not good for our bones. Raw are the best, but have to boil to stay good for the day.
I still don’t know answer to my question about getting/keeping calcium in my bones but not so much in my blood.
Thank you Vivien
For this item and for all the update messages you send,
I Am on your programme already.
Early days but going well.
I truly thank you for your honesty and insights
I will continue to apply your sensible and heathly approach .
Your regular updates are greatly received here in Sydney Australia.
I just want to thank you for all the good information you’re giving me.
and am doing good and still learming, I will be stop my zometa iv which is due in june and won’t longer taking them and start set up an appts for my dental care etc. Thanks so much ,Vivian.
Prevent and help osteoporosis by learnignreal Tai Chi and bone squeezing qigong
Thank you Vivian ,for all this intersting information, I enjoy reading
They reckon Doctors will be the thing of the past in 2050.
Lets allllll hope so.
Oh I forgot, the drug companies as well I hope.
anthony Fry
I am passionate about Nutraceuticals as opposed to allopathic. Most Doctors know nothing about chronic health challengers except to prescribe drugs which DO NOT HEAL. If you give the body what the body needs, the body will heal itself. Paracelsus, the father of Pharmacology said in the 17th century All that mankind needs for good health and healing is provided in nature… the challenge to science is to find it.” AND SCIENCE HAS FOUND IT.
the biggest revolutionary change in the war against disease is represented by glyconutrients. Should you wish to know more about glyconutrients, please feel free to contact me. I had health challengers which went away when i took glyconutrients.
Yes, to paraphrase Shakespeare: “Tis a consummation devoutly to be fulfilled.” In other words, referring to the past as well as to the future, when will people get smart enough to ban the use of deadly prescription poison, which does maim and kill, and utilize instead the wonderful natural methods that God has provided, and that Vivian and those who share her beliefts, will reap the reward of lasting good health that these natural ways are ours for the asking? Additionally, we will be richer, not only monetarily, but health wise! The profiteers who poison us just to make their profits expand, will someday, (and sooner than later) realize that their moments of glory are over forever!
I think that the wording used in the future will be a bit different. Instead of saying
“Preventive Medicine was taking a big bite out of the now doomed company’s profits. In the last twenty years osteoporosis, arthritis, heart ailments, and diabetes, to name a few, have literally become a thing of the past.”
We should hope for something like:
“The search for healthiness has long ago replaced the search for medicines, and our understandings of health has left many medicines without a raison d’être.”
tracy – http://www.pesonalhealthfreedom.com
Vivian- Hi. Am so excited. Today, I now have Water (Reversed Osmosis), so can drink as much as I want. I never realized how the water and coffee were poisoning me (bones). Am so THANKFUL, that you decided to ‘give us the truth’ about Osteoporosis.
With a sincere heart,
Velma Sturm
I just want to thank you for all the good information you’re giving me.
and doing very good and still learming.
Hey Vivian, Your second scenario is also how I see the future! Thanks to the information age, Humanity will take over and we may all allow our bodies to heal naturally. The way it was designed to do! Entering the Age of Intuition!
Vivian, stay away from comedy and keep on telling the truth ~!
I will have to wait and purchase your book until after the new year. I got your book from the library; however want my own copy. I wish you would have more recipes, a book would be wonderful. I still have a hard time as to what to fix, especially considering what I fix for my husband. I need examples of what to fix for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a week so that you don’t have to repeat the same thing.
Why don’t you “market” your book and concept to physicians/diagnostic clinics/medical schools/health clinics? Also, go to women’s events in several of our large cities. Try to get on Dr Oz or The Doctors show.
I think our Savior will have arrived by 2050.
I also believe Jesus will return before 2050,therefore, no need to worry.
I found the article interesting, tho. Of course, us that have osteopenia or osteoprosis still have to be careful and follow your program and I thank you for caring about us. I thank God for someone like you, Vivian, who was smart enough to study and write “Save Our Bones” program.
Wow how the industry can bluff people with information that they think sounds good however the real people who receive all the knowledge from you Vivian know what is the truth and will always be happy for the information that comes their way.
I don’t think we need to worry about this. Jesus is going to come way before 2050! Infact he is at the door now.
Awesome job! May your second scenario come true! I love all the names you created! Susan Ratner
Until the big pharmacutical giants stop giving doctors huge kick-backs for prescribing their poisons, the hypocaratical oath will remain a joke. We as patients, are not the priority anymore, the almighty dollar is. The more fools doctors can prescribe these expensive and dangerous meds to, the better as far as they are concerned. Case in point, my husband has type II Diabetes, and the doctor prescribed not one but 2 meds, same with his blood pressure 2 meds, one VERY expensive. We told the doctor after years of paying, we cannot continue paying this much, and viola! He came up with a generic that cost less than 10% of his kick-back brand. I paid the high dollar for the different bisphosphonates for 9 years AND NEVER IMPROVED! Stopped 2 months ago and told the doc yesterday, he flipped out, said I am doomed to a debilitating hip fracture that will kill me (I am 58).
Don’t pay any attention to what the doomsayer docs tell you. I’m not really blaming the doctors, but they have to conform to certain standards of medical practice in order to keep their licenses and practice. If the truth were known, many of them do not want to remain silent about the virtues of natural cures as opposed to what Big Pharma dictates to them. Doctors nowadays are a new breed, and the Hippocratic Oath has as much meaning as yesterday’s comic strips.
I liked your article, Vivien. I am unlikely to still be here in 2050 as I am quite elderly but I am thinking of my daughter and daughter-in-law in the near future and also my 12 year-old grand- daughter and so of course I’m hoping that the second scenario comes true.
It is some time since I first found your web-site and took notice of it. I found the low acid eating a bit difficult to manage at first but it is part of my life, now. Some people think I am a bit strange but I don’t care. If they’ll listen I will explain it to them.
I enjoyed your latest article on osteoporosis. It’s too bad all these drugs are so dangerous. I think your solution remains to be the best and makes more sense. But is it enough to really do the trick and slow down osteoporosis? Only a bone density can tell you that. I also have been taking Evista for my bones. What is the scoop on this medication? Nancy W. bl***********@ya***.com
it is excellent information and is according to my vies as i am already practicing since 1996 sep.when i joined for a yoga class organised by sidha samadhi yoga and i avoided drugs almost and utilising water for any treatment.very rare usage is paracetamol!!! thanking you.
Well, what can I say? It sure would be wonderful if we could only get completely away from drugs to cure anything. I try so hard to tell my friends and reletives to PLEASE TRY some of the natural cures but it seems in vain. I try to take care of my bones with exercise and food along with supplements, so far so good, I am grateful, so grateful for your information on Save Our Bones.
Let’s hope that with the proliferation of your newsletters, etc. the second scenario will play out! Thank you for your research.
I read all your e-mails, I have learned much from them. Your articles have helped me. I always say “you are never too old to learn”. (that’s me).
Profit & Gamble is a play on words. It’s for comic effect.
Thanks Viv for your insight into your future! I would hope by 2050 that all doctors would be prescribing all natural and not pills, shots. or things that come in a box, etc. made by the pharmaceutical companies. They all out for the all might buck, and not the well being of the people. It’s so sad to even think about it. I know that’s a stretch of my imagination like this is of yours in your two scenarios. Thanks again keep doing your great research & reaching out to as many people as you can.
Great article of a possible look into the future. I doubt I’ll be around to see it but we sure are taking steps toward natural ways of doing things as in days gone by. The circle may be then complete and people wont be looking to something in a box, shot or pill to help what’s wrong..Kudos!!!
Wow, that was great writing. Very imaginative and yet so informative. I am reading and just picturing 2050. We may not be around or even this very world. But please keep up the good work for now Shelly. God bless
I liked your stories. Before the year 2050 I am sure that our world will be different than ever before & much sooner than that.
I have changed my diet to take some of the suggstions seen on the computer slide and my health has improved immensley. I can now get in and out of the car and bed without help and walk quite naturally. I am free from the worst pain. I gave up fosamax because it made me ill and I am telling everyone about your program. Fosamax is very dangerous for people with ulcers and other stomach ailments.
And now I’m going to have to listen to Buddy Holly for the rest of the day and lanemt the day the music died Reply by on August 12th, 2009 at Wednesday, August 12, 2009 @ 1:02 pm@Sheila (Charm School Reject), you could just listen to Weezer’s Buddy Holly song, which is much better than any shit that Buddy Holly, Richie Valens or the Big Bopper ever came up with.
Thank you for the scenario, Vivian….I really think the drug company’s are only interested in “profit” and don’t give a darn what their meds do to the people who take them in good faith…I will continue exercising, trying to eat “live” food, staying away from the “dead” food and away from as much medicine as I can….
I was on Fosamax for a few months with lots of problems, developing an ulcer….I can take celebrex now, but decided not to do it and instead am taking tylenol, exercising and diet…I am feeling somewhat better too…
Be careful with Celebrex. It has basically the same ingredients as Vioxx, which was taken off the market.
Great scenario. Let’s hope the drug manufacturers get the picture soon. I have a question about zylitol for stronger, whiter teeth with fewer cavities. Check out zellies.com . It is now being sold in Wegmans Food Markets. Dr Ellie Phillips is in my area.
Every calcium I take makes me constipated, and I have osteopenia. What can I do????
eat large amount of fiber and/or probiotics.
Osteo Calm, Google it, best laxative in the world!
At age 50 I was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis in lumbar 3&4 and hip. I’ve exercised 5 days a week for 16 years including weight lifting. I need to know now what exercises I should avoid. I’ve heard no crunches and twisting of the spine. What ab exercises can I do? Suggestions?
I am exactly in the same situation you are. Interestingly, my Doctor had me tested for Calcium and vitamin D in blood, and as it tuned out, my calcium levels were fine, but I am Vitamin D deficient!!!
I love it! I think you or SNL should make a “future” video, starring an older Sally Field look-alike, with the “tin-man’s” jaw. (Sorry, Sally) Thank you for all you do for us Vivian. My nother had broken both hips before she died, snd my father broke his second at the first of the year. I’m a skinny white girl of 54 who has never eaten right, so I thought I’d better get checked. I was expecting osteopena, but sure enough, I had it full blast. Like you, I went into research mode in search of the best calcium. I had narrowed it down to five choices when I found you. I chose Algae-Cal, and I’m trying to eat better. THANK YOU
Let’s think positive, by the year 2050 all people will have heard about the Bone Revolution and there will be no need for the big drug companies with their lousey drugs.
I am tired of reading to come to the end and the info is still the same.
Our bones are going to do what they are going to do and if we do all we can to save them that is it.
I tried Fossamax for a short while and had many problems so I stopped and will simply eat well, exercise and be careful of my activities.
I am healthy except for osteo, take no meds only supplements and I am very thankful for the good health I have.
Vivian, i am having trouble with Facebook. I give them my phone number to verify me and my existance. But then they say sorry that phone number is being used by another member. unfortunately it is me. I can’t seem to get them to understand. I did enjoy your two humorous examples of possible events to take place sometime in the future. However the future is now and it is getting very close to more women taking a stand for their health. I know I am fed up with doctors. I am sure I am smart enough to get myself setup with a program that will at least improve my bone health. That is with your help. I think I am on the right road. Maybe one of your articles will actually be here much sooner than 2050. I recently heard that doctors are beginning to be curious about why so many women are having a low vitamen D level. In can’t think clearly at this moment. I WILL write more tomorrow. I believe women will begin to bypass doctors and find the necessary help from people like you. I have gained some peace about my problem by talking to you and reading your stories. I don’t know the answers but I do have a direction to move in. I believe it is a positive direction. Talk more tomorrow with you. Thanks for the articles, they both seem rather true. Well at least belivable. I am happy to have found you and am now going in a better direction with hope for a better future. Best regards, and keep writing , Joyce
Would you consider having Cementex if you had
advanced osteoporosis ? Do you recommend it?
Thank you for your very interesting articles.
Hi Helen,
Cementex is a “made up” osteoporosis drug I invented as part of the fictional scenario in this article. It doesn’t exist (and hopefully never will), although some vertebral procedures do utilize medical-grade cement.
There are two surgical procedures that are similar to “Cementex”. One is Vertebroplasty and the other is Kyphoplasty. They are on you tube and they look like great alternatives to osteoporosis, if you already have it. My mother has an exaggerated kyphosis due to osteoporosis and I have been wondering if one of these procedures would work for her. I doubt if any of the materials “leak” out into surrounding tissue.
I loved your article, as I too am in favor of natural without drugs. Thank you for comfirming my thoughts.
Love the scenarios…I pray that our human race will wake up and smell the money! The money gained by drug companies, and the money spent on medicine that is not good for us and causes other side effects larger than the one we took the med for! We need someone minding the FDA. The second scenario sounds wonderful Vivian…thank you for the smile!
Isn’t everyone after money? What about Vivian Goldschmidt promoting her book on this site? If she were a true philanthropist, not interested in making money, she would surely make known the essential contents of her book “Save our Bones” on this website.
But she doesn’t do that, does she? She too wants you to pay to (possibly) fix up your osteoporosis.
Good grief. What is wrong with people like Ralph? Is there no value in the research that someone has done? Is that not worth something to you? Are you a philanthropist, giving away your time and skills for nothing? No – you probably would like some income to put food on your table, a roof over your head, and so on. Why must information be free?
If you value something, then you should be prepared to pay for it somehow.
I wonder which drug company ‘Ralph’ works for????
thanks for that superb piece of satire. we need to see the health care industry as it is, and you have given me a humorous glimpse into the profit makers and their gimmicks. thank goodness for PAINLESS reading!
Very interesting. More injections which shall result in nothing worthwhile and defunct drug companies. I am hoping I shall finish reading my copy of Save our Bones and progress on with help for my codition which did not respond to several medications and IV’s. I am desperate at this point.
Believe exercise promotes bone loss but try talking to PT people when one has a complete left knee and right hip and 6 huge screws in your back. Then Doctors start the prescription nonsense. Oh try it for 2 weeks and see how you feel. Bunk!!!
Well, you must have allowed the doctors to get to you with their experimentation! Stay away from all of the quacks!
Thank you for all the very interesting information,exercises,recipies and tips on good eating habits.I enjoy reading all the articles.Keep up the good work.
Extremely interesting. I’ll pass the information to somebody who suffer this decease.
It’s not a disease – it’s a deficiency caused by mal-
oh semantics!!
What do you know about this drug for osteoporosis drug [co-etidrocal)?
I enjoy your newsletters and this one as well. I think you’re right about those scenarios…it will be one or the other. I hope the natural one will be right one, even though I won’t be here to see it! I would be over 100 years old by then if I still was living!
Of course I’m staying with the second scene, thanks Vivian for these moments enjoyable. Life is much more friendly with humor and I think what you are now planted in 2050 no doubt many people will be grateful.
From Spain
I like the first sinario. I hope I will be aroung to take part in this new way of treating osteopenia and osteoporisis.
Vivian,while reading those two scenario”s I thought this could well be coming from my own imagination.It”s not funny you know,any of those two scenarios could very well be reality.
I beleive in good time the public will reject all these pharmaceuticals that are dangerous and purchase natural products, get to the cause not cover up the symptoms. It’s good to see stocks are responding to the natural products and soon we will see the public knowing the real truth about pharmaceuticals!
The world would be better if the second scenario were to occur, but the reality is: people are lazy.
When I say lazy, I mean they want an easy quick fix, whether it be a magic little pill or a quick surgical procedure. People tend to not think for themselves & just accept what ever has been scrawled on a doctor’s script pad or wait for a some scientific study to come out to ‘prove’ something which should be just be part of good common sense. A healthy lifestyle is no longer the norm, but a goal of the conscientious.
Exercise & eating nutritious, natural foods would simply be a return to begone lifestyle. Rare is the individual who takes an evening walk after dinner, children who go to out to play all day in the sunshine during the summer, people eating vegetables organically grown in their own yard. People today would rather drive around to find the closest parking space, order drive thru, & corral their kids safely indoors at a computer screen.
I don’t mean to sound negative. It’s just that stats came out just today revealing that America is more obese than ever. Our slimmest state is more obese than our most obese state in 1995. Our national health is in a general state of decline not improvement. All this, in spite of the increasing popularity of organic food & the lowered national consumption of soda pop.
It is too hard for every person to learn to think for him or herself, exercise & eat healthily when the media bombards us with ideal of easy life, quick fix & magic drugs. There will always be suckers willing to buy their snake oil. As WC Fields said- There’s a sucker born every minute.
Albeit, I love the utopian scenario:) if only…
Thank you Vivian for your forward thinking into the future. Projecting myself into the year 2050, I see the issue of Osteoporosis today will no longer be an issue.By the time we get there we will have irradicated every disease known to man. perhaps we will no longer need to eat,or sleep for that matter, for we will have entered a period where the mind and consciousness is power, and the body is conditioned to function by nanotechnology!!
Natural products are certainly the way to go, beginning now!
I hope the second happens. I would love to have a copy of your book, but I can’t afford it at this time. But please keep the emails coming, I get little hints with the information you send with them
My husband will never work again and is just going to apply for disability, which leaves me with not buying anything until I can see some sun at the other end of the tunnel that I think a lot of us are in.
My husband was diagnosed with osteoporosis after 15 months on steroids. In the past 5 months he has fractured his hip and fractured 5 vertebrae as well as his ribs. He has had three vertebroplasty procedures which have successfully taken away pain and allowed him to continue to walk. He is on 3 mg a day of steroids and hopefully will be weaned off them. Is there any hope for improvement when on steriods? What is your opinion of vertebroplasty? Thanks, Kathleen
I would like to learn more about vertebroplasty. Is your husband having success with it? from your post it sounds like it’s working for him.
Very entertaining, Vivian. You have a super imagination. The trouble is the future for osteoporosis management could go one way i.e. more pharmaceuticals or the other – self-management. I must say since finding your site, I have stopped my actonel after taking fosamax for 8ish years (it stopped working) hence the change to actonel. My consultant wanted me to have a “drug holiday” after taking the drug for 10ish years so I have taken this opportunity to stop the drug and look at other ways to help myself. I have bought the weights including the osteo-belt. My diet is now including sesame seeds and other good calcium. Thank you for all your help.
My Doctor knows i have reflux, so he want give me any of the oral medicine but did mention the one time injection.HE HAS ME ON CALCIUM 800 AND VITAMIN D 800.My blood test showed vitamen Di was low.I am scared of this bone density medicine.
Mildrid, You are scared for a good reason. If you end up being one of the unlucky, you will be experiencing a massive amount of side effects. I did the Reclast IV last November (2011), and am still having really bad side effects this long after. I wish I had been as questioning as you are, and less trusting in my doctor’s advice enough to research it and find out the whole truth about yearly IV osteo medicines. Please keep researching and look at all of the alternatives. I wish I could roll back the clock to where you are now and make the choice again…this time it would be right (no Reclast IV). Good luck on your decision.
Thank you for sending me all the information I find it very interesting I wish one day there to be a cure thank you
I love your script, only make it for the very near future. The book titled, “Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting” by Lynn Grabhorn explains this concept.
I’m lovin it!
I read that book, it’s good!
I am still confused of what I should do and how to treat it.Waiting for your book at this time to give me some guidence.Karola
I love your imagination and sense of humor, as well as your scientific grounding. Once I have had more tests done to find out exactly where I am located on the osteoporotic curve, I will be back in touch.
That wal-in clinic idea is an especially good one. Thus providing easy access (maybe in a shopping mall) to preventive information and products could easily be realized, I think.
The idea of a walk-in clinic with advice and supplements sounds like a health food store! Only this time with educated health professionals and more serious products like herbs, homeopathy etc.
While I was reading the article I some times want to laugh but, in the meantime I felt angry about these invented medications how they trade our health for their own profits and they don’t care what is going to be our future health. They feel now they lost their profits and who is going to cover their crimes that has been done in their own hands and how they want to manupilate us by convincing us that we are mistaken we should continue the medicine until we say goodbye to our life with broken legs and knees etc. I can assure you that if they would have contacted us and give us a coupon to travel all around the world and talk about their products how miracles it makes.
Hi Vivian,
I just recently learned about your wonderful site. Thank you! I love your scenarios above. We are trying to go the preventative route in this house!!
I’m seriously trying to do a make-over — lose weight, recapture bone density (I was just told I have osteopenia), lower blood pressure.
I was reading from Ann Louise Gittleman that grapefruit and its juice actually interferes with liver detox and is not good for people on high blood pressure medication. Yet, here I need it for bone growth.
Any thoughts or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
Mega thanks,
Carol Palmer
Vivian, I LOVED your story re: the future of osteoporosis!! The discovery of your postings on osteo have been very helpful to me personally, and also a great resource to share with the ladies in my yoga classes. Finding natural methods of helping ourselves achieve and maintain our health (especially as we add years to our lives) is the goal of the majority, regardless of media attempts –and often our physicians insistence, as I’ve experienced– to convince us to use manufactured drugs. Thanks so much for your valuable information.
I am reading all exercises but haven’t found anything for me. I cannot walk because of my multiple sclerosis. Is there any help you can offer? My doctor says only actonel or an infusion in hospital. I don’t want either after reading Vivian’s book. But I need to find some exercise to help with the diet and supplements etc. I asked how to get organic calcium and they gave me 2 websites – one was invalid and the other didn’t have anything. I was so hopeful that this program would give me help.
find a chiropractor, doctor, or other such professional who can get you some Standard Process supplements. Also Premier Research Labs (www.healthline.cc) has some great stuff! Check out their websites.
Sure hope your prediction for 2050 comes true. I
truly believe in non-drug remedies. Wish I had
known about your program earlier.
Yes, I hope that your second scenario comes true. With people like you and your great book which is just so very helpful tome and others it is not impossible. I think there has been a resurgence (which I have noticed in Australia) towards health and healthy products. I was certainly horrified when I had a good look at the Actonel’s side effects etc, as before I had my accident which cracked my hip I was only into health, vitamins etc. refusing even to take a panadol for a headache. I just feel so much better now that I am back into taking healthy products such as magnesium, calcium etc. Our biggest hope is that there will be a revolution against pharmaceutical medicine and the Corporations to help yours and my wishes also come true.
Thank you, Vivian, for the opportunity to respond to your very creative “scenarios” for 2050.
I am currently finishing an astonishing book by T. Colin Campbell and his son Thomas Campbell called “The China Study: Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-Term Health”, c 2006. It links the intake of milk and all animal protein to the “diseases of affluence”, including osteoporosis. See pp. 204-211. I think the research findings that are summarized by Dr. Campbell coincide with yours.
May I ask you to re-send the link to the page in which Dr. Robert Salter is stated as to his endorsement of your program.
I have known him since I first took my infant daughter to his office. The second daughter had the same issue. My husband, as a 16-year old was operated for a bone infection that 2 other doctors had dismissed as imaginary in origin. My sister saw him after her twice-braken leg failed to heal properly. He is a big part of my family’s history, beginning with my mother-in-law, who worked in the OR when he was doing surgery at Sick Children’s Hospital, Toronto. If you like, I can pass on to you an obit that covers some of his achievements.
Best regards.
Mary Korda
Toronto, ON, Canada
Sorry I spelled Believe wrong….oops!!!
Hi Vivian.
I, like a lot of people, agree with you that Natural is the way we should all be. My concern is who is controlling the “natural” and what goes into it? The companies that manufacture our suppliments are not charities nor are the people that grow our produce. I disagree with your first scenerio. Drug companies will nerver go broke. These people are not stupid. If they see that everyone has stopped taking their medication and they are not selling them what makes you think they will not simply switch over to making our supplements and growing our produce.
If you want to look into your future, start to think about how you are going to ensure the quality of the “Natural” way you are promoting so we do not wind up with the same type of side effects naturally as we do medically. There is already enough crap in the ground our produce is grown in and too many fillers in the pills we take for our suppliments. Someone needs to look at this very carefully so we can all have a very healthy FUTURE.
Just a thought.
Hi Vivian,
I agree with William, unless we grow our produce ourselves, we have no idea what is in products we buy hoping that they are free of insecticides and other poisions that are added to the fruits and vegetables even after they are picked. Not everyone has enough land for even a small garden. We have neighbors that grow some vegetables and let me tell you that there is a big taste difference in home grown and store bought. Needless to say, we buy from them. Keep up the good work. Alyce
The Second Scenario Is By Far The Best To Me. I’ve Been Trying To Go Natural And Herbal With My Medications. I Take It A Step At A Time. Because Of My Financial Situation!
I am with you all the way as far as resenting the pill-pushng medical establishment. I am following the suggestions in your book and and looking forward to an improvement in my dexa results.
Very well said!! I think you need to be in contact with Mike Adams of Natural News..He will get your material out to a lot of “natural” readers.His articles have been the first push for me to question the ‘drug and medical’ world.You have helped me very specifically and I am so grateful!!I hope more people will begin to question what they are putting in their bodies so that scenario # 2 becomes reality! Best regards!
After badgering me with my 10% bone loss and the awful consequences, couldn’t be worse than 20 years of RA consequences with the strong medicine required to quieten it, I gave in. Over and over I said, “I’m very sensitive to chemicals. ” One, 3 month injection of Boniva gave me an overdose reaction, with 6 months of side effects, leaving permanent nerve damage in the left hand. Comment by my doctor, ” We have to aprise you of your condition and what you need, you make the decsions.” They tell you nothing of the toxic bisphonates!!!! Geri Craig
I enjoyed Vivian’s vision for 2050 – I agree wholeheartedly with her observations. The more I research the more I rather go the way of natural treatment. Plus weight bearing exercises and Vivian’s exercises.
Thank you for your ongoing interest and support.
I wanted to let you know that I returned “Save our Bones” to you because I have found a natural physician who is going to help me with my osteoporosis. I showed him your book and he was impressed, but I figured I didn’t need it since I was going to follow his orders. He is opposed to drugs for the treatment and will take me safely through this maze, thus avoiding the deadly Reclast option.
Your book was a breath of fresh air and a much needed boost to my confidence in fighting this disease naturally.
Thank you.
Margaret Connealy
I would sure like the name of your doctor. Give him my email address. I bet he could answer a couple of questions I have.
Good Luck
My doctor told me on Friday that she wants me to take an IV of Reclast that lasts for a year.I have read the side effects and now I am not sure I want to go that was.Please give me your Doctor’s name and Phone number please.
I took Reclast last January.. I was sick “ALL WINTER” long with the flu…After the IV, I went to the grocery store and while shopping, I got a severe pain in my knee that hurt quite alot…That same night I started with a fever and flu symptoms which led to bronchitis..I had a hard time getting rid of the bronchitis and was on antibiotic’s most of last winter…
I also took Fosamax and developed an ulcer…I am okay now, but I do not plan on taking anymore of the osteo meds..ever…
Email me about the Reclast, if you want too.. My advice to you is…don’t do it…
I never did take the medicine my doctor gave me, but I went to a well known Herbalist, Jan Defriece, and he has given me Urtcalcin and Osteo Prime capsules, and I see him once a month, and he says he will be able to cure me. I allrready feel much better, as I kept having mussel pulls, which was happening frequeantly, and very sore ndeed. That seams to have stopped.Vitimin K allong with the exact amount of other herbas seems to be the secret. I hope. Best wishes Kathryn.
Thank you Vivian for all your in put it is invaluable,and I am enjoying all your news about 0steoprosis.
Well done! We learn quickly through humour. I enjoyed the names of your companies!! People like you will eventually lead to the bankruptcy of companies selling poison in the form of good-for-you products and empower the populace to become healthy.
I am determined not to be swayed any more by doctors and their medicines. After just two Boniva treatments, I quit! I am experiencing severe jaw pain and flu like symptoms every time I try to eat. I want to increase my bone density, but not at the expense of my daily health. I wish I would have done more research before I took their suggestions. Now I am hoping that I will not have any lasting effects of their drug.
I certainly hope they come up with something better than Cementex! I don’t want my daughter, granddaughter or great-granddaughter to take anything like that.
How about telling them to get lots of calcium, vitamin D and K and magnesium and KEEP EXERCISING. I wish somebody had told me to do strength training. I had a bone spur on my knee and they recommended that I swim-which was great excercise but didn’t do anything for my bones.
Thank you for sharing a lot of information on the internet. The free handbook alone is already packed with a lot of useful advice.
I had an ovary removed via elective surgery in 1994 (due to a benign cyst) and now, some 15 years later, i realize my health problems may have its roots from that decision caused by the decreased supply of estrogen. I suffer from hypothyroidism, severe insomnia,elevated cholesterol, and now osteopenia.
Does your book touch on estrogen in relation to bone health ?
Thank you so much
Hello Vivian & Fellow Belivers: I am beginning to ‘get it’ after many years of closing my eyes to eating right, supplementation and specific exercises to build bones. Yes, I have always been an active person (entertainment fielt & raising miniature horses), but ‘activity’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘exercise.’
Vivian, your book has enlightened me to no end. It has given me the ammunition I need to speak intelligently to my doctors (OBGYN & GP), about my newly diagnosed osteoporsis and thyroiditis (I am reading up on that subject too). I, too, am comfortable with my decision not to take the bone building drugs. Your suggested exercises are sensible and effective. I do the ‘jumping’ and ‘weightbearing’ daily – in the sunshine when possible. I FEEL GOOD, I FEEL STRONGER. Correct exercises are also giving me the stamina I need around this farm. Sensible eating is helping my overall health and supplementation is the icing on the cake. Thankfully, because of the being armed with your researched information, having knowledgeable discussions with my doctors has convinced them that I know what I am talking about and they are more willing to work in concert with me. Keep up the good work, Vivian. Here’s wishing all of us a healthy and happy future. Veronica
The natural way sounds the best for certain.
There are certain things you have mentioned,
such as yoghurt & soy that I am allergic to
what do I do now, as they seem to be very
big in your natural program?
Please reply
Love the senerio of future health of our bone’s!! Even today I have taken the path of ” doing thing’s the natural way”!! Tried the prescribed medications, and found them to be detrimental to my over all health. Keep up the good work on letting the public learn the healthy way. I”m 73.
I haven’t received my book yet, either. It’s been 3 weeks. If there’s a rush on the book and it’s in reprint stage, I can understand. Many women need this information. I’d still like a comment from Vivian about the role of thyroid and the hormone it produces (calcitonin) that allows the body to absorb calcium.
If I hadn’t been on a computer in my local library, I would have laughed myself silly. It was very funny and so-o-o true. Now you know why I’m fed up with traditional medicine–all they ever know is “drug ’em up or hack ’em up on the operating table! I absolutely detest the FDA and the drug company CEO’s and the medical schools who teach learning doctors to “Just ask the drug company salesmen what to prescribe for your patients!” Evidently the FDA also tells the health insurance companies what they can pay for–but NOT for anything in alternative medicine! I’m absolutely outraged at their immense GREED for MONEY AND POWER!!! Full steam ahead, Vivian. God bless you. By the way, I don’t think we will have to worry about what will be happening in 2050. Christ’s return is so close, we won’t have to worry. HE WILL HAVE TO COME BACK SOON TO PUT A STOP TO THE WHOLE WORLD TRYING TO BLOW EACH OTHER OFF THE PLANET WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS!! IF YOU HAVEN’T ASKED JESUS INTO YOUR HEART YET, I URGE YOU AND OTHERS TO DO IT PDQ!!
Hi Vivian
I had breast cancer at the age of 62 and with the chemo treatments I have been diagnosed with osteopenia. I have been taking calcium lactate 4 x 2 and cataplex D 1 x 2. It is a constant battle because the med. I take for the next 5 yrs also will affect my bone density. I will have a test in late May to see how I am doing!! I totally agree that the pharma. is out of control and they put in more chemicals in your body which causes too many unwanted side effects and added problems.
I enjoy your articles and believe natural is the best way to heal.
I really enjoyed your “take off” on both situations and the humorous names you gave to the companies and products.
Let’s hope the world will be more like the last
one of the two.
Enjoy reading your articles. Thank you.
I don t want 2 end up in a wheelchair.So i would rather take natural herbel remdies.
I have decided to go off of mycalcin which is suppose to help my bones. Some of the side affects like bloody nose, dry mouth, stomach upset.
When I took the bone desity test it showed that my r high was deteriating and that scared me. Your articles are giving me hope that I can give up the mycalcin.
Calcium upset my stomach too so I tried EZorb calcium & it works & doesn’t bother me at all. I take 4 pills/day.
Hi Vivian .. good to hear from you. I am trying real hard to keep up with everything, I do not have a regular Dr. i guess better off without one, I take my chances with the Clinics we have around here. I heard about th Yoga toes, they are shoes I saw adv. in the Prevention Mag. I guess they are great for sore feet. I find Mike Ross`s exercises are really great, you can find him.. The Balance Manual.com I received 10 warm up exercises from him today + just from doing them I felt better, wishing you the best……. Marg W.
Hi Vivian, Really enjoyed your last E-mail.I like people with a sense of humor. Stumbled on your web site by accident and was so impressed I made an appointment with my Dr.to get off of Actonel which I had been on for 6 years. I was having problems with my jaw and that is one of the side effects and terrible heart burn. She agreed with me. I bought your book and am eating more alkaline foods and less acidifying foods. Thanks Vivian. I definitely feel God led me to your web site.
Vivian, I do appreciate all the information you have been providing me since my original inquiry. I have not commented up to now.
I should tell you that I am 90 1/2 years old, have scoliosis that has shortened my height from 5’5 to less than 5’…..has not stopped me, however. I worked most of my life, am still active. I stopped taking Fosamax two months before I first wrote you. I have osteoporis, of course, but have little pain.
Thanks for your tremendous help.
I have recently joined The Osteoporosis Reversal Program
and stopped taking Fosomax when I read your first
newsletter via email. Over the last ten or more
years I was taking Evista,Actonel and then back to Fosomax when I lost my health insurance. I hope it’s not too late for me. I am definitely
receptive to building my bones the natural way.
Dear Vivian, I do enjoy and find interesting your emails. As you say, Osteoporosis is not a disease. This “ailment” has been a curse from before recorded history. So far no magic bullet has been found to successfully treat it and perhaps one day there will be a treatment devoid of “destructive” side effects that will enable us all to feel confident in accepting a remedy. Reading all the horror stories on your website certainly reiterates the necessity for all to investigate prescribed medication. I take Calcium Citrate alternating with Calcium Carbonate Supplements,Zinc, Boron, Silica with a healthy diet, sunlight and exercise and feel happy with my decision to refrain from Biphosphonates at all cost.
I thank you for your interest and perseverence in keeping us informed.
funny but true.eternal vigilance and listening to the body and brain will help in stopping abuse of the body and escaping the conmen.
I’ve been diagnosed with Osteopenia and am relying on foods with extra calcium and on calcium supplements. I am eager to read your book to see what other alternatives are available. As for your time travel stories into the future, I don’t consider them flights of fantasy. I see them as visionary goals to aim for in self care.
Had big Pharma been driven by such altruistic motives, we could have been there by now. I am grateful someone has stepped up to the plate to shape this vision and focus efforts on making that vision happen – even if it takes more years than I will be on this planet.
I’m thrilled there is a competing vision to profiteering in the market place of wellness. I’m not against anyone making a good living from medically advising others. I object to someone profiteering from my broken bones without helping me.
Dear Vivian , Very cute stories and not at all unrealistic. I’m convince now that the second scenario will come true.
I appreciate your emails concerning bone health. It is interesting to read what the medical industy is up to with their new ways to have people use their manufactured drugs. I am so thankful to have found you to give information to help with bone health the natural and safe way.
Thank you.
I think the story of natural remedies is one that will come true.
It is already happening. I would like to ask you about Strontium . I once saw a sentence where you commented about what we do not know about strontium. Please let me know. the more I read your articles I know I am going to buy your book.
Most interesting. I have recently started taking a course of Collagena Medica. I am crippled with Osteoarthritis, and I have had a couple of fractures. I do my exercises every day, and I am using a Walking Frame. When the pain gets too bad I take Osteo Panadol. Regards Jean.
Hi Vivian, Thanks for keeping osteoporosis at the forefront of our minds, especially in a humorous way! Hopefully, by 2050, osteoporosis will be as quaint a disease as the whooping cough or scurvy! They will have invented many new diseases and conditions by then!!! Many thanks again,
I like your imagination and your sense of humour!
I just went through all the tests. My Dr. had her receptionest call me and tell me I have Osteopenia. No word on what I could do or should do to help my bones. I called the Dr. back and she said she would write me a note to go to a pain specialist where I can get a cortizone shot. Is that it? I have to live with this pain the rest of my life unless I live on cortizone shots?
Thank you for your time
I took Fosamax several years ago and it made me sick and my ribs felt like someone beat me up. I then went to the Natural Food Store and started to take Bone Strength. It did help a bit and my hips improved but now they have a new product called Grow Bone which I started 3 weeks ago. They will pay for the bone density tests if no improvement in 6 months.I probably had the worst bone density results on earth. I’m going to be 73 in March. I take care of 2 horses, 2 donkeys and have a smooth fox terrier which I am training and a 9 month old whippet.I love my animals and it’s a good reason to get up every morning because they depend on me. I believe I get enough exercise maybe too much.I always have pain in my back and shoulders. If I sit or lay down too long I really get stiff so moving around is better. I didn’t send for your information because I have read so much that I decided to stay on Grow Bone and see what happens.
dear vivian just read your last letter on osteoporosis.i also have been diagnosed i was 5 on the bone density test. not good iam self treating with caltrate +D .i cannot have another bone d. test for another 2 yrs. but i would like to suggest that everyone young women after her child bearing yrs if not sooner have abone d. test done and begin to add extra calcium + d to their diet. donot wit until 55 or plus plus 67 to be tested like everything i think we wait to long to be diagnosed. thank you for listening to me but this is my comment
thank you for your e mails.
I look forward to them, and it is great to learn so much that agrees with my thoughts on health care. You are performing a wonderful service.
I truly believe our bodies are capable of healing and regenerating when challenged with stress, chemicals, falls, or other damaging events. Bioscience needs to learn how to encourage quicker response from nature. That would be a successful partnership of homosapiens and their wellness program. Exercise is very beneficial but must work with the natural functions of the joints and muscles. Flexibility is a life long commitment in order to avoid accidents. There are no guarantees for complete success, however, the process is more promising. Eunice
Vivian…That was a wonderful piece of creative writing. I sure hope the second scenario is realized one day. Your emails have given me the courage to turn down my doctor’s recommendations for taking Reclast. I have read Gillian Sanson’s book on The Myth of Osteoporosis and plan on purchasing yours.
I am 69 years old, in good health except for progressive osteoporosis…which I think was due largely to having a vitamin D deficiency for many years that was not detected. I am not on any prescription meds and hope to keep it that way. I take multi vitamins from True Encapsulations …prescribed for me by a pharmacist who believes in natural treatments for what ails you. My recent T score was -3.8 with a BMD of 0.728…which my internist was horrified over and like all the other MDs wanted me to take one of the osteo drugs. I SAID NO..I WILL TAKE MY CHANCES.
Dear Vivian,
Your knowledge and advice are greatly appreciated. I enjoy your wit and wisdom and am determined to live healthily and actively to ensure my bones are as strong as possible. I believe that at 63, having worked hard in my professional life for more than 40 years, it is time to prioretise my own well being.
I too am sceptical about the motivation of drug companies and doctors who seem to be in league with those companies.
Thanks again for your advice
What a future, not sure I am really looking foreward to it.
I am afraid I am not a person that jumps to take any medication! I do believe in natural healing processes. I do follow your regime and appreciate your guidance.
Thank you
i enjoyed your article. I have been taking celated mimnerals and vitamin oxidants and refusing to take anymore fosamx.
Am working my way through The Bone Health Revolution. When I purchased it I was told that I would be having a phone conversation with you. It has never happened. I do read all of your e-mails. Am trying to follow the 80/20
diet. Three years ago I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Went to a very good nutrionist who got me started on a very healthy diet plus good suplements. I eat so very healthy now. I am 79 years old and have
been working out for years at a club. Have been on the Fosmax, Altenol, and Boniva drugs.
I refused to take them any longer. Then my Dr. wanted me to do the nose spray which I refused. In October I did have a compression fracture in the spine which am pretty much recovered from. I am very anti Drs. I truly believe that good nutrition suplements and exercise is the way to go. Thank you Vivian for all the valuable info.
I am so glad I stopped taking Fosamax.
That was hilarious!Thank you, Vivian.
I am still silently giggling about your futuristic article about the cure for Osteoporosis! You have a great sense of humor -love it!
I have just finished reading your book,I am trying to now follow the 80/20 rule.
I have been taking Fosamax for 14 years.In the last 3 years I have broken 3 ribs and am still in pain from a compression fracture of my T 7 which I did 3 years ago.I decided in December that I would stop the drugs and change my diet,and excercize more, in 1 year I will have a bone density and see what is happening to my Osteporosis.Iam open to co************************@sy*******.ca
Thanks for all your letters I appreciate all the information you send to me about how I manage my osteoporosis, but at this time Ican`T bought the program to Save my Bones. At this time only drink Caltrate 600 with Vit. D and suplement of Centrum Silver. My grettings for you.
Kill the stock market, prices are too high already for supplements. Several big investment
companies are buying smaller manufacturers & the
big ones are trading on Wall Street, this is wrong!
I am starting to think osteoporosis is another medical fad like mitral valve prolapse – a real condition but over-medicated and over-treated and then dropped like a hot potato. I had bladder consequences for 20 years from 2x year antibiotics before the dentist would treat me and then suddenly, all the medicals were laughing that we civilians were so gullible to believe such a dumb thing.
A terrific book to read: T. Colin Campbell. The China Study. Makes it all clear. Available at many libraries and cheaply from Amazon.
I just ordered your book. I appreciate the tips, etc. I have received from you. It confirms my theory about osteoporosis. My mother lived to be 93 years old, fell out of her bed in an assistant living residence when 92 and didn’t break any bones. She never had a bone density test, ate only home-cooked meals, much of what came from her garden(gardened until 89), and passed from a broken heart when her husband, my father who also lived in the facility with her, passed away.
I’m on a bone repair program now but thank you for all the info. you have sent.
there are some very interesting questions above, but where are the answers? Particularly what supplements are absorbed easily? I was diagnosed with Osteopenia after breaking my hip joint aged 56. Also broke my shoulder last year aged 66 in three places, probably due to stronger but more brittle bones. I have taken Alendronic Acid (Fosamax) until Nov 09. I am trying to follow the 80/20 diet suggestions, but would really appreciate more information.
Please send info to me at pb*******@ao*.com if you can help.
Thanks in advance, Barbara
Way to go Vivian – great sense of imagination.
I enjoy reading your book. Lots of great info.
After reading your information I have declined to take the perscription(atonel) that my doctor recommended for my bones. I see him on the 14th of this month and I am looking forward to what he has to say.
Would be interested in sharing your Dr,s comments on stopping the drug,I saw my Dr just recently for the same reason and she had know problem with me stopping.Keep the info coming Joan.
Vivian…if you save all our bones & have then nothing to do,you could be a writer full time. Such an entertaining read and perhaps quite visionary.
I am reading & reading & digesting the information in your emails. I have requested a copy of the free handbook.
Please let me know the cost of your book Save our Bones..I am seriously thinking of buying one.
Thanks very much
Sonja Cole
Dear Vivian, thank you so much for all the emails and communications you provide on this condition. I’m trying to follow the 80/20 plan as per your book. I have discovered new ways to eat well, and I hope that with the help of the right foods and Calcium intake, my osteoporosis condition will reverse. Please continue keeping us informed… Thanks, Martha
Vivian…………..another word for your blog
if you can handle my rant. More statistics
for your readers that I stumbled upon recently
in our local rag. That 85% of those diagnosed
with osteoporosis will probably never break
a hip. Yes, another 15% will have a fall in
their latter years, but if we use common sense,
as in good footwear, stay home on the icy days, or generally exercise good caution in winter………………we will never suffer half the fears peddled to us by the medical profession, including my GP, who last year told me I couldn’t afford not to treat the osteoporosis! Due to some natural “goodies” I buy at my local health food store, I am almost always pain-free!
Fear not you fellow soldiers of age-related conditions, my mother just reached 90 last year only to have that inevitable fall at home, the cause of which was some osteoporosis in her hip and spine! Well. hello all you doctors out there, I take my hat off to her for getting to 90 without many health problems you could have given her.
Keep on trekking, Carol on Vancouver Island, B.C.
Thank you for your interesting email…. I like Option #2, that we should all take
responsibility for our health and treat the condition NATURALLY. Who will be able to afford these “miracle” drugs? I can barely afford the essential drugs, a small dose of antidepressant and anxiety Rx which caused the ruination of my bones in the first place! At a CD a pill, my pension barely covers
the cost.
Way back when I worked and earned good money, I was able to pay the whopping bill…………but I weaned myself down to zilch o, because I could not afford the higher dose. And guess what, I’m still standing,
walking, and sometimes even playing. No thanks to the “…..Big Guns in the Pharmaceutical Industry”
I love your focus on this money-grabbing industry, that wreaks havoc in our lives, then
when we find ourselves in the poor house, they wash their hands, and say “…tsk, tsk, another
sucker down”. I’d rather die an early, dignified death, than succumb to their agenda!
Keep on the path of goodness, and righteousness, and never say die until your
time is up, C. McCallum Vancouver Island,
B.C. Canada
well, at this given time i want to avoid takeing any type of drug for now
i have been diagosed w/osteopenia, borerline osteoporosis in the hips, and DO NOT take meds. tho they were prescibed. i take aRAW CALCIUM formulated w/all the supporting minerals and the maximum amount of STRONTIUM allowable under safety guidelines along w/5000IU vit. D3 daily and Ipriflavone. i combine a daily walking regtimen along with weight lifting 3 days weekly, and hope for the best. THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR TIPS, cordially, arthur
Loved your two scenarios–The play on words was great! Have had your book for about two months, and am trying to follow your suggestions on diet, supplements, etc. I have exercised regularly for many years, and my weight is where it should be, so I’m a real believer in that advice. I took Actonel for a number of years, but decided not to renew the prescription several months ago, and found your website while trying to research alternatives. Your philosophy makes real sense to me, and I appreciate the guidance from the book, and your follow-up e-mails,etc.
The book is very interesting. I have stopped taking fosamax and feel much better. I haven’t finished your book yet.
Dear Vivian,
thanks for your optomistic view of the future. I would love to see some of these big pharmacueticals go down. You know they don’t have the people in their best interests…it’s always the almighty $! I’ve been an avid ‘naturalist’ when it comes to drugs for some 20 years now. It started with my Thyroid of which I take a natural Thyroid med. Thankfully, I go to a doctor who is very open to trying things the natural way and for the most part, has been the right thing to do. I have osteoporosis in my lumbar region but the doctor says to just keep up the calcium, vitamin D and excercise and try to get some weight off and he’ll take another look in a year to see how things are going.
By the way, thank you for your emails…haven’t got through the book yet but what I have read has been very enlightening! Thanks again.
Vivian, your sense of humour is a tonic in itself: are you also a laughter therapist? Profit & Gamble ~ soooo appropriate. They take the profit and we take the gamble. Cant comment on the book as I still havent received it but am eager to start on the programme. Thanks for what you are doing. Pearl
Vivian, I enjoyed your look into the future! I intend to be in the 2nd scenario! I’m reading (and rereading) your book and never miss your emails. Diet is definitely a factor and maybe even more important are weight-bearing exercises which I feel should be stressed even more. Your 80/20 program makes sense although borders on a vegetarian diet which is really difficult when chicken, fish and eggs play a big role in many of our meals. I’ve always lived by my “80/20 rule” (80% of the time I try and get it right and I don’t sweat the 20%). Keep up the good work and I’ll keep trying too!
Well written Vivian.
It is well known that the pharmaceutical companies are not working in the public’s interest. However, not all is well with the so called “natural remedies” either. I have spent £200′- on Vitamins and Minerals, which I sourced from a reputable company called Nutri, but I have huge problems to digest these items. The alternative program for osteoporosis is an alkaline diet, regular exercises and the Vit/Min and the Omega oils. But I noticed, that my body gets totally stress by taking these Vitamins and Minerals. Not always but most of the time.
This is the reason why I sent you an e-mail earlier on, asking for a recommended product that I could take and absorb. I had no answer from you as yet. It is clear to me now, that digestion plays an important role in osteoporosis. There are hundreds of companies out there, that sell health products, but do we digest them? These Vitamins and Minerals are very concentrated and harsh on the body.
Please help,
I am so thankful that your articles came when I really needed them most. I did not take my prescribed drugs. Am applying your suggestions on natural remedies-food, exercise, sunshine, etc. and plus being careful not to wear something that may cause fracture. Am sure that I will be okay without those bone-stiffening drugs.Thanks so much……
Vivian, you are truly a breath of fresh air in a sea of scripts!!! Thank you so much for the e-book — it is extremely interesting! You did email me and somehow my computer “ate” your email 🙁 This was last week so if you still have your email in your “Sent” file, would you kindly send it to me again. I am so grateful to you for what you are doing and look forward to reading more of what you have to say about osteoporosis and generally good health. Many blessings to you!!!
Hi Vivian,
Good to hear about Drug Companies going belly up, it is great that the public is finally questioning what they are taking and dealing with their health in a sensible way. Thanks to you for doing your research on bone health and giving us alternatives.
Hi Vivian,
You’re so right. GPs do think they are doing their best for our health and won’t listen when we tell them of the side effects. I have had a very worrying effect with my legs which I put down to taking Calcium with vitamin D twice a day and alendronic acid capsules once a week. My legs started to swell at the calf and at one stage started to leek a clear fluid. Then I got terrible stabbing pains in my ankles and feet which I reported to my GP and he sent me for an MRI scan and X-rays which all showed no problems. Now my legs have started to lose flesh and muscle and my right ankle feels as though it is collapsing and I cannot wear heeled shoes because my foot has become rigid and is turning out to the right. I am very worried as no-one seems to know what is the problem and my legs are getting thinner and thinner. I put it down to too much calcium and think I must stop taking them. Do you have any comments? I think your emails are very informative but as a pensioner on a very limited income I cannot afford the books unfortunately. Keep up your good work.
I have been told that I have osteoporosis but until September, although I had fallen a few times I never broke any bones. Now I have been put on Cancium with vitamin D twice a day plus once a week, Alendronic Acid capsules. I had a fall in September and broke my hip joint, spending 2 weeks in hospital. I think that too much calcium makes the bones too brittle and more susceptable to breaking. As I said I never had any trouble before taking Calcium with vitamin D AND Alendronic Acid. I think we must think twice before taking any mad-made cures and return to a more natural
diet. I don’t know what to eat to replace the Calcium and the Alendronic acid. Any recommendations?
Your approach is common theme among people who believe in natural remedies. I am one of those people that why I never take drugs of any kind. It is a hefty price, however, that I paid to have the information in your book.
Why so much?
Yes, I am also on the AlaeCal/Strontium program. I ordered it online. After readig Vivian’s book on the Strontium it does make your bone stronger but does not mean they are not going to break. We want flexibility. So cut down the strontium. I have been on all the osteroporosis meds they have on the maket so I am not sure what is going to happen with me. I will get a better idea when they do a BMD. Even then who knows.
Thanks for all your help. I was diagnosed with osteopenia and the Dr. gave me calcitonin salmon nasal spray. I took it for 4 days–then I had severe burning and pain (urinary)when going to the bathroom. I quit taking it, and the burning cleared up. However, all the surrounding tissues had become inflammed and I had pain for another month. I had to use hydrocortizone cream to clear up that problem. It was awful! About that time I stumbled across your website and I now eat differently, exercise more, take strontium and other bone building vitamins. I informed the Dr. I will not take any of those drugs again. I am hoping for good bone density numbers next time.
I am 48 years old and diagnosed with osteoperosis in one of my hips. I took Actonel and had very severe chest pain and muscle aches. I decided I would not take another drug for that!! After 2 months I no longer feel the side effects.
I am post menopausel at a younger age than most , I think. What are my chances of losing more bone density than the normal age of menopause?? I guess I feel like my life has been shortened by 10 years. I started perimenopause @39 . Anything I can do other than drugs.?
I need information how to correct osteoarthritis
Vivian: I enjoyed your humor and all your emails. I am studying your book and trying to follow the 80/20 plan but am not sure I’m getting it just right and it is hard as I cook for my husband in the old way. I often eat a little of what I fix for him and add more veggies and fruits for myself. Have tried some of your recipies and would like more. I want to try the carrot cake recipe you sent. What I am particularly thrilled about is that the diet has been so helpful with my digestive problems. I am also seeing a naturopath and take a lot of nutritional supplements. She does wonder why you recommend light olive oil. I mostly use virgin olive oil and some other good oils. The only supplement that you recommend that I don’t take is Vitamin K as I read it is plentiful in fruits and veggies. I am 75 and was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis in hip area with a T-Score of -2.6. Spine -1.5. The doctor nearly had me scared into taking Actonel but decided that I was more scared of the side effects. I do not take any prescription drugs but have in the past. I took Prepro for about l2 years but have been off of it for several years. I do have some other questions but don’t want to make this too long. I was going to mention that I take MSM capsules for my knees which I get at Walmart. I take 1000 mm twice a day plus another mixture containing 750 mm of MSM. This saved me from orthoscoptic knee surgury a few years ago. I do have a torn meniscus in one knee but they feel fine except for some stiffness. I do walk every day about 2 miles but need to do more for my upper body which is jelly. I am fairly thin at this point weighing about l33 and am nearly 5’7″. Thank you, Vivien and God Bless You. Love, Esther
Loved the scenatios. I fervently hope that the second is the more accurate vision. I am more and more convinced that we are all guinea pigs in the great pharmaceutical bottom line frenzy. I know I asked my doctor about the side effects of Altace, a drug I take for High Blood Pressure. She assured me that all drugs have side effects, I always thought that physicians were boound first of all to do no harm. There is something terribly wrong in the practice of medicine today. Paternalism and maternalism has no place in doctor/patient relations.
Vivian, I am reading the information that you send, and I am thinking about what I want to do. I see an endocrinologist soon, and I will continue to look at all options. I do appreciate the information that you are sending. I have been on Actonel for a long time, along with calcium and vitamin D. I have to take a B12 supplement, because my B12 was very low. My vitamin D is low, and my bones have gotten worse over the last two years, so you can see why I’m looking at my options. What I am doing does not seem to be working. Thank you!
Vivian, great message! Yes, it has been a couple of months since I got into “save our bones” and I am truly enjoying every piece of info you put on the e-mail. I just re-read your entire book,”Save our Bones” Revolution and am trying hard to stick to your advice. No soda and drinking distilled water for the last 2 months and working hard at eating the 80/20 alkaline vs acidity foods. It is sometimes hard to follow when invited out to dinner but am making much better food choices. I’ve tried a couple of your receipes and love them!
Keep up the great work! I am sure that in years to come more women will go the “drug-free” way to increasing bone density.
I continue to find encouragement in reading your e-mails and your book on The Bone Heath Revolution. Please keep up your research on the natural way to keep our bones strong.
I’m on a senior income and can not afford [i’m sure, very informative] books.Sorry.But your emails are appreciated.
I loved your article and believe that in a few years people will realize that a healthy diet, exercise and some good supplements will prove better than drugs and all their side affects!
Keep up the great job, the encouragement and very informative e-mails….they are important in keeping me on track with “save our bones” program. THANK YOU!!
You hit it on the head, Vivian!
As we head towards an even more-highly-populated future and a loss of
natural resources, I think you’re seeing it realistically. It’s scary to imagine the perspectives of future generations as the world becomes aimed toward digital/less natural thinking with a greater loss of human thought! Let’s make sure people stay healthy because of good thinkers, not drugs – thanks for setting a terrific path for them!
Hello Vivian:
I remain very impressed and interested in your presentation of your studies and your practice.
I’ve had an interest in my bone density for years. I was in an automobile accident in 1969 that resulted in right ankle fractures as well as facial damage resulting from impact causing nasal cartilege and left cheek puncture. Aside from the damage my right ankle, I had fractures and was bedridden for a few weeks. I didn’t have broken bones (just fractures) but I had nasal cartilege loss and my left cheek was puntured. This accident took place
42 years ago. I have had ankle swelling and daily swelling that I take over the counter
arthritis medication for daily. I still dance, sail in the summer and hike the woods until it’s too cold. I’m cautious but concerned about my right leg as the bones don’t appear to be thinning but my musculature is significantly less below my right knee. I know that there’s some bone loss in my leg. Dr’s are somewhat but not overly concerned about my anke but only suggest that I wear an elastic brace of sorts. My Dr at Yale New Haven wants to set me up with a brace (this week in fact). I intend to turn down the offer because I think I do ok with some support but the contraption that he measured me for seems overdone if not totally unnecessary. My other Dr recommended and set me up for Boniva because another Dr reported that I had some loss of bone density. Aside from all this verbiage,I remain active and think that exercise is fundamental and important to continue as long as my bones remain reasonably strong.
I remain very impressed and interested in your study and dedication to your presentation of information. I have shared copies with a close friend. I respect your practice and your updated study of bone density. I’ll continue to be interested in your study and receiving the information that you’ve presented.
I am a social worker, presently unemployed and looking forward to working again. Let’s stay in touch. Sincerely, Charis Lockwood
Dear Vivian, I have just read all these letters from people who sent them to you. I am always in pain and am on one pain med.sometimes it works sometimes it dont. I just recieved a back brace today. Sometimes there is much pain ini my knee but not all the time.My Dr. is going to be sending me for another cat-scan and a MRI. I find reading your material very interesting and informative.Thank you for sharing your information, God bless you, Merry
I’m glad I signed up to get your information. I read every bit of it.
I have Osteopenia which is……. well, you know what it is. I am very
afraid of taking drugs, and that’s why I research it and found you.
I am very sensitive to drugs and try not to take any, just vitamins.
Thank you for your information.
Even though this is supposed to be “hyupothetical”–it totally rings true. I am so thankful for being off Fosamax for a year (yes, I took it for SIX!!) and for knowing about eating alkaline and for my weight vest and for Vitamin D. And I’m also thankful for all the information that you give us, Vivian, because it is so encouraging and because it’s true. I look forward to your messages and save them all. I just wish I’d known about this, seven years ago!
Vivian, I am reading your Bone Health Revolution Book which is very interesting and really makes alot of sense with a natural approach to help osteoporosis rather than drugs. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis 3 years ago and have been taking fosamax since then until July of this year when I stopped after doing research on the drug and looking for other options. I am trying to follow your book as best I can along with doing weight bearing exercises and taking calcium and a multivitamin. I don’t like the idea of taking drugs so your book has really helped me make a choice. Thank you.
My mother had a terrible case of Osteo to the point she was in constant pain and her ribs would break and she was unable to walk. I have a terrible fear that I may end up like her. I have been taking Foximax for five years with no noticeable side effects. I am hesitant to drop it cold turkey as I am afraid my body will just start having fractures.
The other day I went for my pap smear and the little booties had Foximax written on them. I know this is a lot of hipe for the drug companies but I have such a fear of becomming bed ridden. I do take E, D, calcium, fish oil, and many other vitamins and have only had a few painful experiences where I reached for something and strained a bone somewhere and was in pain for a week or so.
How can I be sure you are right and my doctor is wrong??? I have seen this disease at its worst, my mother had the hump in her back and lived in constant pain.
I do read yr comments on osteoporosias, very
informative and also have yr book that I have
shared with a couple of ladies. Latest info
I just read is also interesting, but 2050 is a
long way off.
The way things are going I think the fist scanario is what will happen in the future.
My dream would be the second scanario.
Thanks Soili
I don’t hasve osteoporosis I just wante to learn about it.
Hi Vivian, Thank you for all your information. I have been reading the bone health book. Iam doing the best I can on the 80/20 diet. I also started my weight bearing exercises at the gym.I have osteoporis in my left hip,the Dr. put me on calcitonin salmon nasal spray.My cardio Dr.said no to all the other drugs because I have a history of a-fib. I went off the nasal spray two weeks ago after reading your book. My hips,knees,ankles ached after stopping the drug for about a week. Could that be side affects? I only took the nasal spray for one month.I also take thyroxine for my thyroid and a simvastatin. Are these drugs going to affect the rebuilding of my bones? I really appreciate all your help. Carol my
Great website, and very helpful. I’m off Boniva now and eagerly reading and attempting to follow your program. Thanks so much.
I am so glad I purchased your book.6 weeks into the 8 to 2 diet
and Iam beginning to feel less pain
in my upper back.The recepies are great and my husband likes them also. I even have a little more
energy.I thank God I found you.My Dr. still pushes the Actonel. But
I will never take them.
Thank you,
Karin Kestler
Vivian, thank you so much for your e-mails. I ordered the Bone Revolution book and am doing my best to follow your advice regarding the alkaline and acid balance of 80/20. Also, enjoyed the two articles which I think are right on.
I was diagnosed with osteoporosis six and a half years ago and was prescribed Actonel which I took for five and a half years. There were many side effects which my GP would not acknowledge were caused by the Actonel. One side effect which I have never heard anyone else address was a chronic cough. It was almost unbearable. GP treated me for acid reflux, asthma and angina pectoris before finally referring me to a cardiologist. The cardiologist could find nothing wrong with my heart after many tests and suggested I discontinue the Actonel for a month to see if that could be causing my cough. My GP was not happy with this suggestion and referred me to a pulmonary specialist. The pulmonary specialist could find nothing in my lungs that would cause me to cough. She said to stay off the Actonel for now and see if that helped. It has been almost six months now since I have taken an Actonel and I have almost stopped coughing completely.
Now, I do not know about my bones but I feel great and can walk again for almost an hour each day which I was not able to do. I will never go back on the Actonel as I am sure that was the problem. I am trusting diet, supplements and exercise to keep my bones strong.
I know this comment is long and poorly written but I am so happy to know that others think the same way I do about the drugs and I thank them for their comments and thank you, Vivian for all the good work you do for all of us.
Thank you for the information you send us. I took Actenol for about three or four years. I stopped taking it about a year or two ago and July 8, 2009 I fractured my spine. It has been a painful ordeal and I am still in pain. The doctor said that when you have osteoporosis that is one of the areas that can fracture easily. I thought after taking the Actenol I would be ok but apparently not.
Thank you again,
Hi Vivian,
I am enjoying your emails and your book and have for sometime been using herbs prescribed by a Naturopath as opposed to always running to the doctor and getting prescriptiond filled. All those chemicals, ugh!
I also carefully read the ingredients on packages of food and tend not to buy prepared food but rather make meals from fresh food and produce grown close to home.
I am using the Wellness belt and the wrist and ankle weights and will be geting into the diet shortly.
Your scenarios were very interesting and I hope that it plays out sooner than later for the health of all mankind.
Thank you so much Vivian. You are so helpful with the information. Those drugs the doctor prescribe have a lot of side affects. I have a sister-in-law that believes ever thing the doctor tells her and more. She is on these drugs. I will see what happens to her in the future. So far I have not taken these drugs for bones. Years ago but did not take them long. Thanks to your book and also herbs so far so good. Thanks again Vivian.
Interesting to say the least. I don’t remember anything about Vitamin D prescription in any of your material so far. That is the one you need to be warning people about. I have a fat folder on it, unfortunately.
What’s wrong with taking Vitamin D?
yES i HAVE commented on that(vitD) It is also very important for your immune system . I would get colds that would take ages to go away especially the nazel gunk but now think it was to do with vit d being very low.
Great scenarios. I believe in preventive medicine. I feel Dr.’s are to quick to prescribe drugs instead of getting to the route of the problem. I have healthy bones and want to keep them that way. Thanks for all your information.
Thank you for all the information. I have read all that you have sent me. I was diagnosed with Osteopena in August of this year and my doctor did not want to prescribe Boniva or any of those other drugs. She expressed her concerns about the side effects and instead put me on Calcium and Vitamin D. I know that doctors usually try to push these drugs; therefore, I feel very blessed to have a doctor who truly cares about her patients. Please continue sending the e-mails. I would like to order your book sometime in the near future.
Thank you.
I like your second scenario, but am afraid it will take much longer to get Americans to believe that natural is the best way. I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis a year ago, at 49. I took the Fosomax, and began having pain almost immediately. I thought it was because my bones were bad. Six months into it, I began spacing my doses because the burning in my chest was so bad. Nine months into it, I looked in the mirror and had no eyebrow. My web search revealed that this can be a rare side effect. The pain in my back, hips, thighs and wrists was so bad that I had a hard time standing from a sitting position. I had begun to become sedontary, which is quite unlike me. I quit the Fosomax and ordered your book. The next week I went to the dentist who found my jaw bone is dying, and he could find no reason as my hygiene is perfect. The book arrived, and I tested my Ph. I was off the charts! I began the diet, and adjusted my vitamins and supplements as suggested. Ph is now normal and I’m active again! I’ll see what the doctor has to say in two weeks, but I’m NEVER taking those drugs again. Sally Fields should be ashamed!
Dear Vivan, I do appreciate all your emails and your book on bone health. I had been taking alendronate for about a year. My knees were really getting to be painful. The doctor said I was walking bone on bone and I would need knee replacements. After reading your book I stopped taking alendronate and have been on the 80/20 diet. The left knee had nerve pain all the way down to the top of my foot. The pain has gone in the left leg, however, I still have alot of pain in the right knee. I can’t do stand up exercise because of the pain. When I walk the pain shoots up to my hip.
The doctor gave me 3 shots of synvisc directly into the knee. That was 1 shot per week. I am hesitant to get knee replacements. I need to lose some weight before it can happen. In the meanwhile , I am following your suggestions with the diet. I find losing the weight is difficult with this diet. Do you have any suggestions? In the meanwhile, I look forward to your emails with all your ideas and helpful aids. Thank you for all your hard work.
Do you have a list of recipies and meal plans for us to follow?
your book is an answered prayer; I am reading it for the second time and taking alot of notes. The 80%-20% is fabulous . . . I feel better health-wise just doing that. I love your encouraging emails and since I grew up in Ft. Lauderdale, I feel like we are alot alike.
My husband brought me to God’s country, Knoxville, TN – it really is closer to Heaven up here.
THANK you so much for caring for our bones and sharing your wisdom with all of us . . . we really appreciate you.
God Bless you !
Loved your look into the future but I hope it comes sooner rather than later. Lets hope the medical profession really gets involved on our side
If anyone is interested in selling me their book, please contact me. I have seriously limited funds, and cannot even afford supplements at this time. I appreciate anyone who can help me. Thank you so much
Write to me. I think I can help you out. Put ‘Vivian’s book’ in the subject line.
Hi Vivian,
Although ‘tongue in cheek’, your choice of ‘company names’ reflects a reality that is disturbing. Profit is put before people and I am sure that the drug companies would not publish drug information unless they had to. Reading the list of possible side effects has led me to ignore my last prescription and concentrate on an alkaline diet. I feel better for it and look forward to a postitve result from the next bone density scan.
Thanks Vivian.
Dear Vivian
Thank you for your latst message, a really brilliant spoof (I hope) on the future. It made me smile but, of course it is not funny.
You say I haven’t contacted you. Well I have sent you the odd email. But what I would like to say here is that I do appreciate all your messages and I am taking it all to heart and putting it into practice, especially giving up the Fosemax.
I am feeling very well and I am sure my bones are doing well, though I don’t have a scan till next year.
Thank you for you wonderful work. Best wishesJune
Dear vivian I have sne tyou several apreciative messages but am not sure you got them.
In case it didn’t work, I am basically saying please carry on sending me news of osteoporosis – I take in all the tips and am doing fine.
Thanks Vivian,
I enjoyed your interpretation of what might eventuate in the future and had a bit of a smile when reading the company names!
I am currently taking Protos 2G (Strontium Ranelate), prescribed by my physican, after a previous Drug did not show any improvement from the last BMD. Naturally I am weaning myself off this drug whilst changing my eating & exercise habits.
My age & sex (52yr old male) proves Osteoporosis does not just effect older women!
Thanks again,
Hi Vivian:
I loved your latest email of looking into the future. I don’t think its too far into fantasy. I do hope the second email is what really comes about. Thank you so much for sending emails to us to keep us informed. I really look forward to reading and finding any information that I can to protect my bone health. I do everything that I can to be healthy.
I loved it! So clever. I only hope that the second scenario will happen sooner! (:
You are so wonderful to care for people as you do. I haven’t bought your book yet as money is worse than tight presently.
A month ago I was diagnosed with my hips at -2.5 and my spine at -2.6 with a fracture already. I refused fosamax and forteo. I know how amazingly the body will respond if we will even do just a little to help it. I have not slowed down as I think that would be the worst thing to do. I walk and use my ab lounger to strengthen the muscles in my back so they can support my bones until I can build them back. I research the cause of osteoporosis and found I ate mostly acid foods so I am changing that, also.
You give me hope that I really can build my bones back.
Thank You!!
Dear Vivian,
It is hard to predict the future (I wish I could), but I hope that more and more people will increasingly take the time and trouble to do their own research regarding their daily regimen and health care decisions instead of blindly leaving everything up to their physicians. Doctors write prescriptions for a living and we, as patients, need to examine other possible (natural) alternatives to the harmful drugs, most with devistating short and long term side effects, that are so casually pushed off on all of us by doctors.
I wish I could look into the future and see most, if not all, of the drug companies forced out of business because of overwhelming numbers of people following a healthy life style of sound nutrition and regular exercise. Unfortunatley, a lot of people still think it is easier to continue eating their twinkies and chips and then take pills when they develop chronic illness.
I have increased my weight bearing exercises as I believe that the bones have no choice but to step up if the corresponding muscle structure requires it. I believe that along with a proper alkaline diet and supplements, that my bones will respond positively and restructure and rebuild in a normal, natural way.
Thank you for your correspondence, Vivian. It is always good to hear from you.
I’d like to see an answer to this!
Since reading your book, I have shared the information with many of my friends and family. I have shared my book and your website to try an inform them that these drugs are not doing what the pharmaceutical companies say they should. My mother,who is 81, fell and broke her hip and femur. She needed two pins in her hip and a plate and 6 screws in her femur. Needless to say she was on Fosamax. Two weeks prior to her fall, I told her about your book and suggested that she stopped talking Fosamax, which she did discontinue. Of course, it was too late for her. She does take coral calcium and vitamin D. It is amazing that our doctors who we entrused our lives with, are informing us incorrectly. What will it take to get these drugs off the market? I took Boniva for 6 months and did not like the side affects. I told my doctor I wanted to discontinue the drug. Then I stumbled uon your book and know I made the right decision!!!! Thanks!
Hi, Vivian
The information from Save Our Bones motivated me to look further into alternatives to the Actonel my physician prescribed when she gave me the diagnosis of Osteopenia. Thanks to you and other excellent material I found on the web (see http://www.Melioguide.com, for example) I booked an appointment with my family doctor to discuss the natural alternatives…and she agreed to give me a year to NOT take Actonel….but to take the healthy supplements, to change how I eat to move my body toward alkaline balance, and to be doing weight bearing and strength exercises with bonafide support. It took courage to make that appointment, but my doctor and I are on the same page now. Thanks for your commitment to support healthy alternatives to drugs! Hopefully the Health Care Reform in the USA will include more paths to wellness. I’ve been sharing this information with others! Nancy
dear Vivian: just a footnote to the last comment
I am currently retrieving your letters out of our j-mail and transferring them into our medical folder. So don’t despair, all is not lost!! (yet!!)
dear Vivian: I really only contacted you on behalf of my wife, Joanne F. Mez, who would be the one benefiting from your letters, providing
she doesn’t get bombarded with them as I am. She has stopped taking the Ost. drugs some time ago, and is unfortunately way overboard into naturopathic and organic stuff, which is totally overpriced. Please re-direct all your comments to her so that I can put you on the contact list, which is currently not happening.
Clever little piece. You’re probably right on!
Vivian, I just want to say ‘thank you’ for all the information about osteoporosis and osteopinea. It has been so helpful. Since learning more about this, I told my sister about the danger of ‘fosomax’. She was taking it for maybe a couple of years. She has now stopped taking it. She is eating a lot more wisely now and getting more exercise.
Thank you for the continued information. I save each and every article to read over often. Doing the same with the book as well and following the advice. Please keep the emails and articles coming.
Thanks so very much!
Celestina Marie
dear vivian,
i am 42 and just recently diagnosed with oa..im worried about it especially this coming winter.
i went to the doctor to ask what to do with it,but the dr said there is no drugs in treating it just take ibufropen or tylenol when its painful..i always read your natural tips and appreciate it.
i dont have credit card to able to buy books.i commend you on your will to help
Well i am doing ok. I went to the doctor for my pap test and they asked how i was doing with fosmax and i said good i am not taking it. I said (but it did not matter i was not taking it) what will the doctor say and she nothing and she said they really do not know that much about it. Duh. So i know there will be know issues when i see him next year and with all the materials i have to get through which are interesting and great i hope to have improved by next year. On my quest with talking with people who have had bad experience with and other who think they cannot live without it. So each his own all i can do is share. I mention to you about citracal plus bone density builder. I was taking 2 a day and I was telling my sister in law about it and she looked and read it is 4 a day. So one week i up to the 4 a day and woke up when went to bed with cramps in both leg and i thought what in the world is going on. I let this happen for a couple of day and i switch back to 2 a day and all was good again. It so happen that i got a email from a the citracal site on which i had sign up for a health challenge. At the end they let you down load at coupon but this time it did not and i had to call a # and got to talk to real person. I said i called because the coupon would not download but wanted to asks question anyway and told her my story. She very interested and surprised and asked a lot of question. She also called me back about 15 minutes late with some more question. But short of the story i like the product and believe and believe it or not i can tell a good difference in my teeth with taking 2 but cannot take 4 because of the cramps it cause with the 4. As soon as i went back to just taking 2 all is well again. But on to your info i am working on the 80/20% and what a shock that was to read. I am an eater but am not over weight but was interested in the combination of food. I have not had time to get to all the site you have as i am working hard on the information and reading the book. I have not changed my mind that doing it the healthy is not the wrong. One thing i was surprised at was about where blueberries feel in the list. Never ate a lot of blueberries but always heard they were so go and by chance this summer i have frozen 5 quarts this past month.I was pleased with watermelon love that fruit. Lot’s more to say but i want to work on the paper work and i believe it is the right thing and picked up the coQ10 50mg gelatin capsul softge capsule today. the only thing and the person at the store never heard of it was the words ubiquinol and ubiquinone. Did find it in the on the bottle. It was in the book i have and the new version that gnc has out. So all and all it has been an interesting day and i was thinking and talking about you and came home and here was your email. I am still progressing and thank you and will check out the site as i can get to them. 8/7/09
I amm holding fast against my dr.who keeps pushing boniva etc and now wants me to try Reclast.I am not going to use these drugs. I am looking for a better way.
I have read and dog-eared the Bone Health Revolution and have lists of foods from the book that are best for calcium intake hanging on my refrigerator. Lifting light weights and doing squats, etc. to strengthen the top of the femur where i have a -2.6 BMD. Took the FRAX test and came out still in the acceptable range, although my internist wants another Dexa this year and says “then we shall see”. She is determined to get me on Boniva. She was not a happy camper when I asked how can the osteoblasts build new bone when the osteoclasts are unable to leave!!! Loved your 2050 comments—Profit and Gamble, etc.! I’m sure you are right.
It sounds like you have a crystal ball, the way things are going, it just might be true. The drugs now are too “iffy” to use. I am trying to save for your book. Thanks for caring. Carole
The sad thing is your first story sound more like the real future. Until protocol changes were doctor’s aren’t afraid of being sued. Drug companies have so much money and no ethics. Doctor’s are so over booked that they have no time to teach wellness. The likely hood for your healthy bones, drug free and oh my, no fast food and soda for our over weight kids. But we can all have hope that one day when things get bad enough just maybe everyone will have an AH HA moment and start to get it. One day and one person at a time is a start. Thanks for all you do. Sherie
Hello Vivian,
Recently I had a very bad infection on my left arm from what we believed to be a spider bite. Doctor prescribed severall items and a potent antibiotic. Voila….it worked it’s wonders. But in reading the side effects very carefully we noticed that it said “do not take calcium with this medication” and the flags went up. I have been taking a once a week vitamin D pill and lots of calcium from our Roex company. Today my doctor asked me to do a colonoscopy and I told him no, that I was afraid of it because my past father in law had received one and they punctured the colon which ended his life some weeks later. My wife uses holistic and natural ways to take care of me. We don’t need the meds for everything. Thanks again for your wonderful book and all the rest.
i use natural remedies for everything, Vivian–only way to go.
i’m 88 and i just quit chasing girls last week when they finally outran me.
Read most of your e-mails, and for some odd reason I feel kind of alone, being that there doesn’t seem like too many people that are in my age range? Though it is great having others with the same problems and side affects that understand and can relate. I happened to experience on my first encounter with Boniva, the worst pain. On my first perscription, never again will I believe in those medications and Bluff Scare tactics that they want to put on your guilt…. I do appreciate all that I read and learn from everyone. Good Luck and God Bless everyone!!!
Dear Vivian…
Am enjoying your book “The Bone Health Revolution”, good common sense information. Also enjoy your site on my computer.
This is the truth: Last year my hips hurt so much I had to hold onto the railing going up the stairs. I read about flax seed oil being good for you. Looked it up and it said there were no side effects from it.
Tried it, and two weeks later, no pain in my hips and even though I don’t have to hold onto the stair railing, I do anyway for safety.
I cannot swallow pills, I get the liquid. I take one tablespoon every morning. I do this, plus follow all your great advice. Hope this discovery helps. I also take 2 calcium tablets and 1 baby aspirin daily.
Take a walk (short) every day, eat well & bowl twice a week. I am 78 and doing great…Thanks Vivian…
Hi Vivienne,
Thanks so much for your book which I read avidly and am trying to follow pretty much to the letter.
My doctor keeps on trying to force me to take these awful medications, and say that she wants me to have infusions as the pills have had adverse affects. I took one, and felt ill, so these were changed. I haven’t taken any since, but am continuing with self medicating which I had started before this ‘brainwashing’ that my bones are going to be so brittle, that my hips and spine are likely to break with any gentle tap!!!
I am a gardner and work long hours pulling, tugging, digging etc, etc, and feel fit and well and healthy. I have even fallen on my hips a couple of time when pulling and something suddenly gives and jump up fine and laughing, so, something must be working – could it possibly be the calcium, magnesium, vit D & K I’m taking!!! Of course not I am told. Ha ha, its me who is laughing now, and will continue to with your wonderful help, inspiration and fantastic book full of brilliant information. THANK YOU. Gloria
I am 73 and had a prognosis of massive bone loss.My doctor wanted me to take Aclasta, which is a once a year injection. It is also very pricey.I was told to save up for it because if I didnt he wouldnt be responsible for the outcome.I did some research on the net and found that the main ingredient had many side effects.Also
this ingredient was not the same spelling as the one on the net, but
close enough. There was something about it I just didnt trust, plus the doctor making an appointment for me without my permission.
I have scanned your book and find so much validation for my mistrust. I have also started seniors weight training and exercise
regularly now that I have a purpose. I drink unpasteurized milk (moderately) 6000 ml of vitamin D (for my age group)
and make my own kefir, which are said to be superior sources of
calcium. (Dr. Mercola) No wheat products since gluten is not our friend. There is so much to learn from your book and it sure motivated me to trust my own body.
I’m not sure how much we absorb calcium and magnesium in tablet form.I understand that trace minerals might be more important? Forgive me I’m still learning!
Thank you so much, I look
forward to your posts.
I am reading your book. It is not the first time that I heard about the low acid diet. It is not always easy to follow. I have an added problem, since I have celiac disease which is probably what caused my osteoporosis in the first place. I do exercise a lot. Thanks for reinforcing my decision not to take drugs.
Sounds like new and exciting news. I’m not yet at the point of needing the new drug for advanced ostoprorosis but it’s great to know that there IS something out there that won’t make your life even more miseable. Thanks so much for the update. I will continue my association with your website and appreciate all the helpful information I have gotten from it. Keep up the good work!!
Vivian, I have stopped taking Fosamax, and your book awaits my
reading since we have been away on vacation. Have been doing
weight machines for past few years, calcium & Vit. D supplements.
Looking forward to seeing what else in your book.
I am sorry that I took osteoporosis medication for about 10 months. I stopped taking the meds cold turkey in April 2009 and I have side-effects that thus far have not gone away. The side effects are stomach and esophagus related and also effects my breathing. Although I have had numerous tests, my lungs are healthy but my stomach and esophasgus are slightly inflamed. Hopefully, this will all go away in the future.
I like the philosophy of trying to remedy problems with one’s body in a more natural way i.e. , diet, exercise, etc. My goal is to stay away from meds if at all possible.
If anyone out there has had similar side effects and gotten over them, please tell me about it.
Vivian in early April this year I had a bone scan which showed that I hade Osteopenia and was prescribed Boniva,after I expressed my concern about side effects this was changed to Fosamax,in my research I came upon your web site ordered your book and reviewed all of your e mails and I am convinced that there is another way. I am 84 year old and have many strikes against me,but I think its worth a try,at least I haven’t seen any side effects using your method. By the way I haven’t filled my perscriptions as yet (ha),talk to you at another time. Jimmie
Well, Vivian, I hope the second scenario will be in place, but being 77, I will not be here to experience it. My bones will be at rest…
Thank you for being so human, so patient and so generous with your time. Everyday, I watch for your e-mails and I print them in case I would forget your precious advises.
Keep up the good work and as Obama says: God bless you and God bless America!
St. Lambert, Qc. Canada
Really enjoyed your humour in the scenarios – more stress relief!
Am now trying to really understand alkaline and acid foods and get the balance right. Thank you very much for your informative emails.
Vivian, I am so thankful I found your web site. I wish I had done my homework before I took the once-a-month Boniva but better late than never!
It has been a little over two months and I am mostly free of the side effects…just some aching in my thighs which comes and goes. I have taken Glucosamine and Chondroiton for several years and take Citracal with D and recently started Citracal plus Genistein which is claimed to increase bone density…also take 200 mg. of magnesium and a super B-complex. My neck and lower back have been bad for many years but Chiropractic has helped and my overall health is good for 78!
Is there any way to get through to Sally Field and ask her to stop recommending Boniva? I see this ad several times a day.
Thanks again for all the info!
Carol Cook
Quite a lively imagination you have, Vivian! Fun reading those scenarios. I have been on hormones since 1968 when both ovaries had been removed, a few years apart, because of cysts. Got off them for about 1 1/2 years during the HRT scare, but resumed the pills because I couldn’t sleep at night. My GYN & a Menopause Specialist both want me off Cenestin & on to Boniva. But I refuse, telling them I had rather use natural aids, but they won’t listen – all they know are RXs. I did take another bone density scan, which showed my diet, exercise, increased calcium & vitamin D had improved my osteopina in 2 years time, which they refused to acknowledge! I read every email you send, which I appreciate very much. Please keep up the good work; bless you for sharing your information!
Hi, I like the humorous, and appropriate, names such as Profit & Gamble, Cementex, and Mediscare 🙂
The second scenario would be better, although I am also sceptical of many of the claims made by purveyors of herbal remedies and vitamin supplements. There is profiteering at work here too. I believe there was a recent study which showed that large amounts of calcium in the form of supplements, as recommended for post menopausal women, can contribute to heart problems. Seems the best way to improve bone health is through diet and exercise. I would say bone density tests are a waste of time, since they are not only inaccurate, but also do not measure bone strength.
As for “Just Say No to Prescription Drugs,” I’ve been pretty much doing this for the past few years after belatedly discovering how bisphosphonates work and their potential to cause considerable damage. I read “The Myth Of Osteoporosis” by Gillian Sanson which enlightened me about the subject. She seems to say pretty much what you are saying.
I loved your scenarios, got a good belly laugh which felt good allover. I’m with Francine and will stick with the grapefruit, or maybe season with a little bit of Portland cement!!! Keep the e-mails coming, I really look forward to your information . Am enjoying reading your book and trying to improve my own bone health.
Very interesting scenario!let’s stay with grapefruits!
I truly enjoy reading your news letters, it has helped me quite a bit, the use of natural products, rather than Fosomax, Actonal & HRT etc. they are bad news, too many side effects, I would prefer to take the natural products, my health, immune system in general has improved with the correct diet & exercise, thanks to your information. Your research has been like a bible to me. cant thank u enuff.
I have been reading the book “The Miracle of Magnesium” by Carolyn Dean MD. Anyone who has osteoporosis should read this book, also share with one’s doctor. I have read similar material and am really sold on the importance of magnesium, especially transdermal magnesium choride oil. Research this on the internet and you will find much information about it.
Vivian, I enjoy reading all the articles published. I have been trying to order your book. Could not get my card to go through the computer and called but the recording said leave a name and number and I was not going to be home….so no luck. I have osteopenia. I fractured my back the end of Dec. 08 by picking up something too heavy. I am in a great deal of pain, but am trying to walk, do some exercises and am now going to physical therapy. I also went one time to a reflexologist. I believe she really helped me, but nothing seems to last. I eat healthy. Do you believe in the procedure Vertibroplasty? I went to a specialist in Winston Salem NC and he recommends it. The possible complications don’t look too encouraging. I have to take medication (Tramodol) every day if I plan to do any work outside or in the house. What are your thoughts on the procedure? Am going to try to order the book again this week. Thank you for your help.
Dear Vivian, I really appreciate all your eforts to keep us upto date with osteoporosis information. It is a mammoth task no doubt. I look forward to all your emails and the information you impart.
I am however a little confused when I go to the website and I find Q&A’s, blogs etc under different tabs. Reading your responses to others questions really helps answer a lot queries for many but I do find it hard to follow at times.
I am trying very hard to follow your acid/alkaline food suggestions but have fallen off the wagon the last couple of weeks with visitors. I will be back on again soon.
Keep up the good work and Thank you
I really enjoyed the article on Honey and Cinnamon. I will read it more thoroughly later on.
PLEASE, please make it clear to some of your readers that Cementex is Not a drug, and repeat that it was just a product of your imagination.
Kudos to you for all you do!
Vivian, thank you for all the info. I found many uses for honey and Cinnamon. The doctor put me on Fosomax for osteoporosis. I took 6 doses and I had many side effects from it. The first week I was on it caused somethin like a ball to come up in my throat, then my breathing was affected, I had major problems with heartburn and stomach problems. I got off, been off 2 weeks and am feeling much better already. I read it would take 4 months to get out of system. I think it may not be that long for me as I only took 6 doses. I am taking tums with calcium, magnesium, 2000 i.u. vitamin D, omega-3 and will take my chances with the osteo. I eat healthy and let your info be a guide for me. Thanks again for all the information. Really a help.
I enjoyed your scenarios. You have a good sense of humor. I have picked up a lot of info from all the emails that have been sent to you. Hopefully I will be able to order your book soon. It’s a money problem.
I was on fosomax for 4 1/2 years and lost 4 inches of height. I am now 5′.
After that I was put on forteo for 2 years. I went from osteopenia to osteoporosis then back to osteopenia. Another prescription was ordered but I did not fill it. I am on Osteodenx from Nikken for a year now. The next bone density test is not until spring of 2010. Hope it will show no problems.
I did have a problem with a pinched nerve in my back and the nerves in my left leg. With 2 shots in my back and physical therapy all is back to normal. I am trying to walk more now that my left leg works again. I am 76 and feeling okay with blood pressure meds.
Thanks for printing everyones emails. Sure is a help to me……Carol
I just want to thank everyone for the information provided. I am not taking anything in pill form, nor do I want to after the wealth of information shared by everyone and Vivian’s wonderful counsel.
I am taking the Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D, am walking almost daily, and getting some sun as I walk. I also do small weight bearing exercises a few times a week.
I have also altered my diet, and I feel better over all.
Thanks SO much to everyone.
Hi Vivian; I believe my husband Andre, has osteoporosis, but I’m not so sure, and you will see why when you read this message. Could it be possible he has osteoarthritis?
In 1976, Andre fell fifteen feet to the ground, landed flat on his back and broke just about every bone in his back. He wore a brace for a year before the surgery and had to learn how to walk all over again. A few years later he was supposedly diagnosed with Osteoporosis. I am not a doctor, but I would think that he had osteoporosis only in his spine due to such a severe injury at that time. I don’t think he has it throughout his body, because he has very strong arms and legs. He definitely did shrink though, from 5′ 8″ to approximately 5’4 1/2″ over the years.
On March 30th, Andre tripped on a small stump, which was on a small embankment near our hedge. He broke his left hip and hurt his knee. He was trying to get a branch off the gravel road below. I was working on my computer at the time, as I knew he had gone outside to clean up the lot. After approximately one half hour I realized he hadn’t come back in, so I proceeded downstairs to look out the diningroom window where he said he was picking up pine cones and some branches, but he was nowhere to be found. I also looked out the front door window, but no Andre. I then decided to run upstairs and look out our bedroom window, as you could see everything up there. I saw him lying on the gravel road just below the embankment. I rushed downstairs and out to him. He told me he had been lying there for about half an hour. He also told me he could not move his left leg, and asked me to call an ambulance, which I did, and I followed them to the Cowichan District Hospital in Duncan, B. C. The next afternoon at approximately 1:00 p.m. he had his surgery. They gave him a spinal which numbed him from the waist down. He was totally awake and could hear everything that was going on. They repaired the left hip by putting in a long screw, plate and stitches, which were staples. They gave him oxygen, and apparently his heart beat was irratic, so they gave him cardio pills to regulate his heart beat. After that, they put him on a blood thinner named Coumadin. It prevents blood clots, strokes and heart attacks. Not total prevention, but much less chance of these happening with Coumadin. He was immediately taken off the ASA baby aspirin, which he had been taking for quite a few years, but the doctor said it was not strong enough. They gave him a lot of oxygen after the surgery, as his oxygen levels were quite low the first few days. He also had pneumonia.
I spoke to the surgeon who performed the operation, and he told me that Andre had lost very little blood, and that he had strong hip bones and very strong legs. I was quite surprised, as I thought when Andre fell, it was because of the osteoporosis, and that it would take nothing for him to break a bone. I’m not so sure, as I mentioned earlier, he tripped on a small stump on the embankment and fell hard on the gravel road below.
I spoke to our family physician a few weeks before Andre fell and told him about a natural remedy for Osteoporosis entitled “Osteorganical”, and that I would like him to try it instead of Didrocal, which he had been taking for quite a few years. Our doctor agreed, so I told the nurses at the hospital to make sure he would get the natural Osteorganical, which had been approved by our doctor, and I even went to the Pharmacist with all his other meds to see if Osteorganical would interact with them. She assured me, no. Therefore, Andre has been taking Osteorganical for over a month now.
One thing I don’t understand is that a year ago he had a bone density test, which indicated that he had an increase in bone density in one area of his hip. A year later, we got the results of another bone density test which indicated that his bone density had decreased to something like 3.9, which is borderline. That’s when I decided to look into natural remedies.
Before Andre fell, I bought some two pound weights, which can be used for either the ankles or wrists, at your suggestion. He told me when he went walking, it allowed him to walk a little faster, and that after a few days, the arthritis pain in his hands was just about gone.
Andre was transferred to a rehabilitation centre where he remained for about a week and a half. He was then rushed to emergency, as his oxygen levels were very low, approximately 60? They did not know what was wrong, so they did a gambit of tests and discovered he had double pneumonia, and VRE infection from either the hospital, or healthcare centre. He was in emergency for about three days, and then sent upstairs to an isolation room. He remained there for another three or four days, and is now in an isolation four bed ward. The doctor says there is a definite improvement in his health.
This was quite a setback for him, as now he has to have physio all over again, and needs to build up his strength by eating, and walking. So far, he is unsteady on his feet, as well as shaky sometimes. He’s been through a lot, so I guess it will be some time before he is able to come back home.
Vivian, I know this is a very long-winded e-mail, but I just wanted you to know what Andre has gone through, and I’m hoping the Osteorganical natural remedy will eventually reverse the osteoporosis. Andre is 79 years old. His birthday was April 26th. Do you think it is possible for this reversal to happen one day?
Looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Margaret Dube
Thanks, Vivian, for your book and all your information. I would not take Fosamax and told the Nurse about all the harm it can cause. The Dr. then suggested the nose spray, which you shouldn’t take,if you have any nose bleeds. The suggestion then was the expensive injection yearly, that isn’t covered by insurance,and is deadly to your bones. Was instructied to take D-3,and my reaction was heat. My intire body,especially my feet, was flaming. Worse than any hot flash that I had ever had. Incidentally, I have a reaction to hormones,MSG., and many medications. I am following your reccommendations on exercise,diet, and calcium supplements. My follow-up density test is in 2 years,isn’t covered by insurance any sooner. Thanks again,I am passing along all the critical information, we must edcuate everyone on the affects of Fosamax,etc. Lynda P.S. Did some of your readers really believe cementex is a future medicine? Your story was great!!
What type of Vit. D were you taking and how much.
Someone emailed me and sent me the following article.
What do you think of it?
Honey & Cinnamon
Cinnamon & Honey ~ Bet the drug companies won’t like this one getting around.
Pray that this info will be of some use to you.
Facts on Honey and Cinnamon: It is found that a mixture of honey and cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also accept honey as a “Ram Ban” (very effective) medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without
any side effects for any kind of diseases.
Today’s science says that even though honey is sweet, if taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients. Weekly World
News, a magazine in Canada, in its issue dated 17 January, 1995 has given the following list of diseases that can be cured by honey and cinnamon as researched by western scientists:
Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread, instead of jelly and jam, and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack. Also those who have already had an attack, if they do this process daily, they are kept mile away from the next attack. Regular use of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heart beat. In America and Canada, various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that as
you age, the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged; honey and cinnamon revitalize the arteries and veins.
Arthritis patients may take daily, morning, and night, one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured. In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors
treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week, out of the 200 people so treated, practically 73 patients were totally relieved of pain, and within a month, mostly all the patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis started walking without pain.
Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder.
Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water, given to a cholesterol patient, was found to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent within two hours. As mentioned for arthritic patients, if taken three times a day, any chronic cholesterol is cured. According to information received in the said journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complaints of cholesterol.
COLDS: Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and clear the sinuses.
Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also clears stomach ulcers from the root.
According to the studies done in India and Japan, it is revealed that if honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.
Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacteria and viral
Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals.
A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural ‘ Ingredient’
which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu.
Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, arrests the ravages of old age. Take four spoons of honey, one spoon of cinnamon powder and three cups of water and boil to make like tea. Drink 1/4 cup, three to four times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age. Life spans also increases and even a 100 year old, starts performing the chores of a 20-year-old.
Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root.
Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections.
Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. If taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.
Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of the stomach and bones have been cured successfully. Patients suffering from these kinds of cancer should daily take one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month three time s a day.
Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful rather than being detrimental to the strength of the body. Senior citizens, who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts, are more alert and flexible. Dr. Milton, who has done research, says that a half tablespoon of honey taken in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder, taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 3:00 P.M.
when the vitality of the body starts to decrease, increases the vitality of
the body within a week.
People of South America, first thing in the morning, gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water, so their breath
stays fresh throughout t he day.
Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder, taken in equal parts
restore hearing. Remember when we were kids? We had toast with real butter and cinnamon sprinkled on it!
You might want to share this information with a friend, kinfolks and love d ones ~ everyone
needs healthy help information ~ what they do with it is up to them ~ share with your
email buddies !!!!! Cheers, have a nice day.Just remember how industrious Bees are. NB: this is the latest BUZZ.— Reuters!!
——-Subject: Fw: Honey & cinnamon – very important info
Honey & Cinnamon
Cinnamon & Honey ~ Bet the drug companies won’t like this one getting around.
Pray that this info will be of some use to you.
Facts on Honey and Cinnamon: It is found that a mixture of honey and
cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries
of the world. Scientists of today also accept honey as a “Ram Ban” (very
effective) medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without
any side effects for any kind of diseases.
Today’s science says that even though honey is sweet, if taken in the right
dosage as a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients. Weekly World
News, a magazine in Canada, in its issue dated 17 January, 1995 has given
the following list of diseases that can be cured by honey and cinnamon as
researched by western scientists:
Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread, instead of
jelly and jam, and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol
in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack. Also those who have
already had an attack, if they do this process daily, they are kept miles
away from the next attack. Regular use of the above process relieves loss
of breath and strengthens the heart beat. In America and Canada, various
nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that as
you age, the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged; honey
and cinnamon revitalize the arteries and veins.
Arthritis patients may take daily, morning, and night, one cup of hot water
with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If
taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured. In a recent research
conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors
treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half
teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week,
out of the 200 people so treated, practically 73 patients were totally
relieved of pain, and within a month, mostly all the patients who could not
walk or move around because of arthritis started walking without pain.
Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a
glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder.
Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in
16 ounces of tea water, given to a cholesterol patient, was found to reduce
the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent within two hours. As
mentioned for arthritic patients, if taken three times a day, any chronic
cholesterol is cured. According to information received in the said
journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complaints of cholesterol.
Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon
lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. This
process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and clear the sinuses.
Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also clears
stomach ulcers from the root.
According to the studies done in India and Japan, it is revealed that if
honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.
Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and
protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found
that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of
honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacteria and viral
Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food
relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals.
A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural ‘ Ingredient’
which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu.
Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, arrests the
ravages of old age. Take four spoons of honey, one spoon of cinnamon powder
and three cups of water and boil to make like tea. Drink 1/4 cup, three to
four times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age.
Life spans also increases and even a 100 year old, starts performing the
chores of a 20-year-old.
Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste.
Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with
warm water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root.
Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts
cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections.
Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast on an empty stomach
and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one
cup of water. If taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most
obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat
to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.
Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of
the stomach and bones have been cured successfully. Patients suffering from
these kinds of cancer should daily take one tablespoon of honey with one
teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month three time s a day.
Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful
rather than being detrimental to the strength of the body. Senior citizens,
who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts, are more
alert and flexible. Dr. Milton, who has done research, says that a half
tablespoon of honey taken in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon
powder, taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 3:00 P.M.
when the vitality of the body starts to decrease, increases the vitality of
the body within a week.
People of South America, first thing in the morning, gargle with one
teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water, so their breath
stays fresh throughout t he day.
Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder, taken in equal parts
restore hearing. Remember when we were kids? We had toast with real butter and cinnamon sprinkled on it!
You might want to share this information with a friend, kinfolks and love d ones ~ everyone
needs healthy help information ~ what they do with it is up to them ~ share with your
email buddies !!!!! Cheers, have a nice day.Just remember how industrious Bees are. NB: this is the latest BUZZ.— Reuters!!
Hi Vivian,
Even though I have never met you , I feel like I know you! Thanks so much for all the info . I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis and I was given the prescription but never filled it. I truly believe in taking care of the issues of our bodies the natural way. When I think back over the history of my life -everything that has ever been wrong with me I can trace it back to too much acid . I am saving for your book . I know it will be well worth the cost. The info on honey and cinnamon is great.
I do have one question- everytime I take any form of calcium (even from the health food store) my bones, especially my wrists begin to hurt (they feel like they are broken) If I stop taking the calcium it stops hurting.
thanks so much , I appreciate all you do.
Sue Sienkiewicz
I have emailed you a couple of times but I do not know whether you have received them. So I am still trying to make contact with you.
Thanks for these helpful tips.
I have a question: Sometimes you hear about people who have Osteoporosis shrinking in size or becoming rather stooped. Is this true? Is this just a fairy tale? Maybe becoming stooped isn’t caused from Osteoporosis. It may be just deterioration of the vertebra or another disease.
I try to walk and sit with my head up and shoulders back.
What is you response, Vivian. I will be waiting to hear.
Vivian I would like you to write about grape fruit as a fruit that helps to strengthen bones or to help bone growth.
Hope to hear from you soon
Dear Vivian,
Thank you so much for all your informative emails. There is lots of useful information. I preferred your second scenario.
Unfortunately, I too accepted the doctor’s advice and reluctantly had an infusion of Aclasta last summer, since Fosamax and Bonviva had caused such problems with reflux. I bitterly regret it as I have suffered since then with constant problems with my teeth and gums and am really fearful for the health of my jaw. I have also suffered a broken ankle since having the infusion!
It was good to find your website which confirmed my doubts about the drugs.I am determined never to take bisphosphonates again and am trying to follow your dietary and exercise advice.
Thanks again.Keep up the good work.
Rosemary Devon England
I enjoyed your article, sorry I am unable to comment on it at this time, due to a time factor. I will be looking forward to you next bulletin/article.
Thank you and keep up the good work.
Hello Vivian :o)
I read with great interest your two scenarios, if only dreams would come true then we could ALL live in a carefree, pain free world without the use of any type of drugs what-so-ever and have a natural healthier living….if only.
I can see a MASSIVE MULTI MILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT, suing the company who made these drugs on TNN news, looming.
I have NEVER been put under pressure from either my Rheumatology Consultant or regular G.P to take the Bisphosphonate drugs to strengthen my bones. The fact is that after the Dexa Scan, I was diagnosed with a “T” score of −2.5, as are millions of other men and women, and told, as I am on the “THRESHOLD” of Osteoporosis we would recommend that you take this drug to help your well being and provide you make stronger bones.
No one ever told me that I was actually destroying them and that they would die. A male patient went in to see my dental Consultant last week just before I did, and the doctor had to break the news to him that half his jaw bone is dead, all because he took Bisphosphonates. I do not want that happening to me which is why I have stopped this drug. I don’t know how much damaged that I have done in the 3 years that I taken them and pray that damage is minimal.
I like reading all that you send out to me in your e mails and I greatly appreciate all of the work that you do to help all of us who suffer in this way, thank you so much, long may you continue to do so.
best wishes
Hi Vivian,
Thank you so much for all your email. I too, print it out so I have it handy for consult. I do have your book which I keep for reference. Working to keep my Ph balance in keel & do walking. I do not excerise because of aggravating my L knee &L shoulder repair gardening. I also have a sliding rib & just had a shot in it as that pain is no. 6 on a scale. Nothing seems to help it. Any suggestions I would appreciate. I stick with the diet as much as possible & guess what I lost 5 pounds. Imagine. That is good.
L loved the two scenarios and at 77 hope I am not around in twennty years. Thank you again for all your expertise on this subject. Joan Miller
Vivian—those having the dexascans should verify that the machines are current in their callibration and certified by governing medical examiners. It is also very important to have the same machine used on any follow-ups to insure diagnostic continuity. There are slight to marked variations between machine brands.
I am impressed by your work. Your book confirms what my naturopath advocates and I am proceeding to adopt the foods which contribute to bone building.
At 63 and with 6 fractured vertebrae plus a verteboplasty operation on one vertebra, I was in a stste of shock. I too readily accepted the doctor’s advice and had an infusion of Aclasta (detergent based!)subsequent visits to the specialist confirm their dedication to drugs and they all seem to have a total disregard for alternative therapies. I think it’s because they see it as a disease and not an imbalance which is capable of being healed by the body itself, providing the correct regime is followed.
I a glad to have your reassurance to supplement what I have come to believe.
Thank you
Melbourne Australia
Thanks Vivian for these two wonderful examples of choices we have for the future. It’s great to see alternative information in such an entertaining way. Do you know of Nancy Appleton’s work? Similar information.
Thanks again.
Why do I get the impression, from some of the early posts above, that some people actually BELIEVE that the first scenario is TRUE? Did they not get the joke in the name “Dee Seat”, or “Profit & Gamble”? That’s hysterical, and VERY WELL DONE. But to not see “Ms. Seat also confirmed that Cementex is covered by Mediscare” as a huge joke? They must have been looking for a better drug, and Cementex really sounded GOOD!
Apparently people see what they want to see, and completely overlooked your statement that “One is where the ‘cure’ of osteoporosis and osteopenia revolves around prescription drugs, similar to nowadays”. Perhaps it would have helped to say “The first one” instead, although I doubt it. I guess I got it clearly because my Grandmother was a London Cockney, which is why many people don’t get MY sense of humor. The entries of those who “believed” were almost as funny (if they weren’t tragic) as was your Breaking News! I really enjoyed your News! Keep it up! But next time, you may have to somewhere include that it’s all a joke. Too bad.
Vivian, Thanks so much for all of your e-mails. I have not completely read al of your book as yet, but have gone through each chapter. I also have changed my Calcium tablets to Citracal + with D and Bone Builder. I like it so much better. Much easier on my stomach. I have been taking a Osteo-Fit class three times a week since Nov.
It includes 25 minutes of Cardio (treadmill) and 25 minutes of weight baring machines twice a week and the other day is 50 minutes of floor exercises with mostly weights and stability ball. I love the class and will continue. I have also stopped taking Fosamax and will have my Bone Density taken again the first of April. My T score for my spine is -3.1 and the hip is normal. I am 71 years young. Please keep up the good work.
Dear Vivian,
Your website was the first intimation I had that Osteoporosis could be reversed. I have since read other books that say the same thing – Hallejulah. I most definitely did not want to take the Actonel Combi my doctor prescribed for me (I still have the prescription unfilled). When I asked her about the side effects she said “I would not live long enough to be troubled by them” !!!!! I don’t believe her.
So I have started on the vitamins, diet and exercise and have peace of mind again now that I have decided not, ever, to take any of those drugs.
It is wonderful to read all the letters from everyone – what a wonderful way to be able to help each other with various hints and suggestions.
Last December (08) all my muscles, from neck to ankle seized up overnight. I could barely move. At the moment I am taking 1/4 of 25mg prednisolone daily – to keep me mobile. I am not sure if I have fibromyalgia or polymyalgia rheumatica (am to see specialist in about a week). Does anyone have any ideas on how to unspasm my muscles ?
So thank you for all your good research Vivian. Your work has obviously given hope to alot of women. I look forward to your next newsletter. Val 2
Just a quick note to say that strontium supplementation is being used by a lot of docs now. they are prescribing doses of 250, 500, 600 mg. The latest i heard is that SIX milligrams of strontium are safe.
I have taken Calcium, Vitamin D, Glucosamine/Chondroiton, Senior Vitamins, etc. for years, and have been taking the generic for Foxamax for several months. You’d think my bones would be healthy. Last January (2208) I had a fracture in my right ankle area…..finally that healed. This January I was having (and am still having) pain in my groin area. After going to my gyn Dr. and my Internist, I ended up going to an orthopedic dr. Guess what? I have a non displaced bone fractue in the pelvic area. I wonder what’s next!I also (according to a bone density test and X rays) have osteopenia.
Hi Vivian!
I have a problem with my PTH and my endocrinologist want me to take Fosamax. Of course, he told me that I have osteoporosis but, do I have to suppose that every one who suffer that problem have a PTH too high or is it a particuliar problem for me only?
I went to see a naturopath who puts me on a treatment. Since the time I started in september 2007 my PTH get lower around 9.7 (it was at 12.4 at the beginning) I want to continue with that treatment and follow your recommandation in your book because I don’t want to go to see him again (endocrinologist)…
I thint I made a good decision
Jeanne M. from Mtl. QC. Canada
Have received your book – sat down and read it in one go. I will now read it more slowly and digest the contents. Saw my Doctor and informed him I no longer required perscription drugs due to side effects. He immediately told me to drink lots of milk and I told him your comments. He blushed! I mentioned about hard bones compared to thinner and more flexible and agreed that point. He said I could not have another scan, but my hospital said 18 months ago when this was diagnosed that I could have one in three year – 18 months time. I am taking Calcium 1200 mg as calcium phosphate, Vitamin D3 800 I.U. as powder for oral suspension. The Doctor gives me this on the NHS. I purchase Mangesium after reading your book 300 mg and take it with the others. I also now only take half the dose at a time i.e. lunchtime and evening meal. To be honest I did now have any tummy upsets on the full dose. Also I did not get any side effects from using Protelos but did not like what I read. I will have to wait 18 months to see the results. I have bought wrist weights 1 kilo gram. and doing housework and cleaning windows takes on a whole new meaning. I actually enjoy doing these as I know I am benefiting. I do aerobics once a week – 50 mins and 30 mins in jym. I dance once or twice most weeks and walk whenever possible but I have to watch my knees as I have wear and tear due to walking 10 miles twice a week on the moor, but it was worth it. I saw parts of Devon I would never have seen otherwise. I am 70 years of age so I expect some places to get worn. I still feel in my 50’s in my mind, but get beaten every Monday by a group of ladies in their late 80’s and 90’s at scrabble. I am putting a notice on the board at jym regarding your web site for any ladies with similar complaints. Thank you for your advice and e-mails also the ladies who contribute. It is nice to know others are trying to combat this complaint with commonsense and perseverance. Good Luck and Good Health to everyone. Keep smiling and be positive.
Patricia Bates – Devon, England.
Vivian, I like your second scenario, however would like to suggest an even better one; that we eventually come home to our true balance with our beautiful planet. Our compromised health is a symptom of our broken covenant with the laws of nature. Until we begin to place value on our integrity with these laws, some of which are cooperation and compassion, we will continue to have these symptoms showing up in our bones; the foundation for our bodies that house our spirits while we are attending this ‘school’. Vitamins, whole foods and therapeutic modalities are good adjuncts for the transition, but can be another version of the concept the drug companies embody – to put a bandage on the symptoms but circumvent the real issue. I encourage everyone who takes this high road for healing to discover the message our bodies are really saying to us and to search for where we have lost our connection to our hearts, communities, country and the planet. It starts with the breath, and finally to walk our talk of truth, love and compassion. I honor the truth that Ruth offered about finding the middle path to create a bridge of communication between opposing forces, to unite with a common goal to begin cooperating and building a strong foundation in our healthcare community that embraces truth rather than economy. Perhaps the extreme out of balance nature of our current world health has been the necessary impetus to be the agent of change for balance and finally, blessings to all the people who have had to experience the hard lessons of dis ease to bring us to this point in time.
– Lesley
Hi there, thanks for the update, Viv. I don’t expect to put my body thru any more punishment as what i experienced with Reclast, thinking I was going to die for 15 hours, then the symptoms lasting from Dec. 12 to a couple of weeks ago. I’ve written to Medicare, AARP, the doctors and said I’m NOT going to pay the $350.00 charges! I wrote Reclast, and got some person from India whom I could not understand clearly saying:’they are not responsible, call my doctor!” I retorted with: “Yes, you ARE, you are killing people with your poison, the lab test animals died, and you ARE responsible!” I also told him I am going to take this further, sending the info to congress.
Now you’re probably not going to bother with me again, but i am a fighter and will do as I have stated. The FDA sucks! – Roz
Vivian, please tell Talei to try hyaluronic acid for her knees. I was told that I had osteoarthritis in my knees and if the pain got too bad I should have cortisone or hyaluronic acid compound shots. I bought hyaluronic acid from my favorite supplement site and the pain was gone within 10 days. The swelling also disappeared. I told my brother who had a similar problem, and it worked for him, too. Please try this before surgery and see if it works. I walk every day for 2 miles, pain free. I am 67 and working on the alkalinity of my diet. Will be awhile before another bone density test to see the results. No broken bones!
Hi Vivian – I have just finished reading your two scenarios, and I trust that the second one is what really happens. In fact, I believe it is beginning now if enough people start questioning the meds they are prescribed. I feel extremely fortunate to have found your web site after ingesting 1 of the monthly Actonel, which left me feeling horrible all over. I certainly am thankful for your research, and I even took my book with me to my last doctor visit. Thank goodness my family practice doctor is totally supportive and trying to help me with the natural approach. The gyn was the one that prescribed the Actonel and tried to scare me that I should be careful not to fall. I have been taking the MCHC calcium and reading one of the comments perhaps that isn’t the best. I use to take the calcium citrate as I had been told that absorbs better. I had already made so many adjustments in my diet after open heart surgery two years ago, that it just took a little refining to follow your suggestions. The biggest thing was giving up milk. I have been using soy now and have less stomach aches. My doctor does think I may not be digesting my food properly and gave me a natural supplement Zypan. She didn’t think I had enough acid, so now I am a bit concerned since we are to have an alkaline balance. Thanks for your e-mails. I am always eager to read them.
Hi Vivian:
Receive all your e-mails and love the information you share. I am following your advice…..no meds….primarily veggies, fruit, soy milk, calcium citrate w/magnesium and vitamin D supplements. I have been exercising, however, due to unexpected emergency hernia surgery, I have been curtailed a bit.
All you send is sincerely appreciated. Stay well.
Good Afternoon —
That’s an interesting senario. At 72, I’m not libel to see the outcome, however – I’ll fill you in on whats happening right now with me.
Since I recieved your book two months ago, I started following the directions as best I can. It required a whole new life style change which includes eating the right foods regularly. and exercise every day. I’m following the exercise pattern from the book “Pain Free” by Peter Ecoscue and it’s not hard to do but very effective.
Frankly, Vivian, I feel great now and I’m looking forward to gardening and camping (if it ever quits snowing)
Oddly enough, my Dr. is going along with me on this and says we’ll do another density scan in 9 months to a year to see what the change is. He considers me some kind of an experiment because I’m such a disappointment as a patient.
Please keep up the good work – I think you may have saved my scrawny backside.
Gerry Hilton
Calgary, Alberta
Dear Vivian,
It would be helpful to hear your response to some of these comments. I have 3 freind who, like me, get very constipated from calcium, all brands including calcium citrate and the powder. I eat yogurt and try to follow your diet and eat tons of greens. Do you have any other suggestions on how to get the calcium in?
My spine bone density is improved and the hip is still osteoporosis but I am stepping up the exercise to 5 days @ 30 min on the treadmill. Thank you Donna R
Hi Vivian
Thank you so much for sending me all the information about bone health. I was on Actonel for 10 months and regret taking my doctor’s advice on trying it. My ankles swelled, terrible heartburn, chest pain, stomach pain, etc. I told my doctor I quit taking prescription drugs for osteoporosis. Now I am on prescription medication for heartburn. Also, I am going for exrays on my esophagus because of the heartburn.
I plan to order your book on bone health soon. Meanwhile, continue sending all your information.
Keep up the great info! The drugs are so ridiculous, if all those drug manufacturers were as smart as they think they are they would figure out the truth!
Hi Vivian: I really appreciate receiving the newsletters…thanks for keeping us up to date on the latest research. My doctor didn’t fight my decision not to take Fosamax, but it seems like every other physician I’ve spoken to about this since (I work for an integrated health system) thinks it’s really crazy that I won’t take it. When I ask them if they’ve read the research on bisphosphonates and what they do to bones, I get a blank stare. This confirms to me that physicians are indeed brainwashed to sell whatever the pharmaceutical reps convince them to prescribe for various conditions. Too often, the cure is worse than the disease if you rely on drugs to help you. I am 58 and am totally committed to advocating for myself and doing everything I can to take care of my body with exercise, supplements and healthy foods. Thank you for helping me do that.
I’ve been reading that eating animal products raises the body’s acid load and that this contributes to leaching calcium from the bones. I’ve been a vegan for about a year, and I take calcium citrate. I walk two miles or more a day and my weight is normal. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis a few years ago, and took Fosamax and then Boniva, until I read about the dangers of both, and then stopped the drugs. Do you recommend a plant-based diet? I’m concerned about how to get enough protein without getting too many calories.
Hi Vivian
I loved your latest email. Please keep me on your mailing list.
I have been taking calcium lactate on the advice of a natural healer. What is your opinion of this supplement?
Your loyal reader,
thank you vivian for your emais; i was not ignoring you by not replying to your emails and with regrdyour book, i can’t afford it….
i liked your senarios too; anything is possible! p.s. i have stoped taking the Evista perscription, then i informed my doctor and he perscribed me now with Calcichew-D3 Forte tablets; will these cure the fructure i already have for a long time now. i have fallen hard on my bottom and felt pain going through all the way to my back and spine. do you have any comments on this? i truly appreciate your support. i had a hesterectemyat the young age of 26, now i’m paying furher with my health from depression to osteoperosis to stressing about the future as these issues deteriorate.
best regards
I have purchased your book. Lots of good information and have passed your website along to others.
Keep it coming.
Denis M
I am very glad and privileged to have read your book( I still go over every now and then). I am trying to follow the food guide and have also encourage my family to do so plus walking exercise. Aside from your food guide, I still take calcium vitamins and calcium supplement calcium aspartate anhydrous. Hopefully by the time I see my doctor my bone density have increased and hope to be pain free soon.
Thank you again for the information and your hard work of research.
More power to you always and God bless!
Vangie Knowles
Hi Vivian
Thanks for all your hard work and research. Two great scenarios I stopped taking medication in November after 3 months I was not happy on it and it did not like me too many side effects. I am determined to help the Osteoporosis with supplements diet and weight bearing exercises which I do 3 times a week.
I am spreading the word here in England to as many people I know even a friend who has chronic Arthritis is looking at the diet I live in the lovely county of Cheshire it’s good to share views and ideas with so many other poeple
Thanks Vivian
I am a 63-year-old with osteopenia in the hip diagnosed about 5 years ago. I have been back and forth taking and not taking Fosamax. I had been taking Strontium (citrate) 227 mg daily for awhile. The Strontium gave me diahrrea. Now that I am off both of them for about 3 months, my hip stopped hurting and the muscle/joint aches are gone. I excercise 3-5 times a week in classes from Pelottis to low-impact aerobics.The exercise is so valuable for my mood and flexibility. (I am still working and will do so full-time for at least 5 more years). I take calcium-magnesium and Vitamin D. I have abundant energy and feel that I live at a level of consciousness that I will not fall. I have almost perfect blood pressure.
Your emails have helped to make me clear that I will obey my naturopath who has researched the supplements I am taking (He also recommended Strontium.) and that includes staying away from Fosamax. I confess that I bypassed some of your emails and missed the acid info re: the diet. I eat very well – lots of fruits and veggies and often organic – but I love my desserts. I drink no soda and am mostly caffeine free. I drink pi water, which is filtered and has great health value.
And I am also confused as to what you are recommending to maintain health bone structure. Are you pointing to a particular supplement. Also, I am not convinced of the value of getting the book. But I am so grateful for your research and concern. Thank you and if it is possible to resend me the acid-free diet info, I would be most grateful.
Very interested in your scenario. You certainly know what you are talking about. I, too, refuse to take any of the medication out there to prevent osteporosis. I do have osteopenia and have been taking calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. I eat well, exercise and am very youthful for my age – 77 years. I do, however, have Scoliosis and I wish there was something I could do to improve my appearance. I am very fortunate that I do not have any pain and attribute this to the fact that I eat well and exercise. If there is anyone out there who is also affected by this I would appreciate their input. I love your book and your e-mails. Keep them coming.
I have recently bought and read your book and found it very interesting.
Some years ago I studied the effects of Acid/Alkaline foods simply because of an upset stomach and was unaware of it’s effect on bones. So now knowing it has a two fold effect makes it my kind of diet.
A few months ago I broke my shoulder and was told to get a bone density test
which I haven’t yet got around to. I take calcium [as carbonate vit D3 magnesium zinc copper manganese] I have arthritis but do not take prescription drugs. They’re too upsetting to the system.
I shall re-read your book to properly absorb its contents
Thank-you for your intersting comments
Very interesting scenario. I’m determined to forget about these “new” drugs for osteo…. – will continue with calcium, D, and mag. – and I refuse to be a hand at the drug companies getting rich and using us for guinea pigs. I know my doctors are very unhappy with me, but it’s my body. I’m told I’m a “young” 77, so I must be doing something right.
Thanks for your info and input.
Regarding your 4th October 2008 scenarios for the future …..
Your scenarios are beautifully expressive, as is everything else you write. And your research into osteoporisis has been incredible – thank you from the bottom of my heart. BUT, scenarios like these are so overblown that you devalue your central message.
Once in a while it’s great to have a laugh. But those types of conspiracy-level comments crop up so very often in your writing.
Yes, I do believe that big pharma is out to make mega-money without any regard for consumer’s health; and that governments and FDA approvals have been manipulated and abused by lobbyists and corporations (as have so many processes that affect all spheres of our lives). So your bravery in pointing this out, and providing us with well-researched, accurate, wholistic information is an incredible gift to all of us.
However, I also know of certified organic businesses that are just as money-grabbing and cynical as big pharma (albeit on a smaller budget, and with minimal influence on government). And I know of one or two ordinary conservative businesses that genuinely care and operate with integrity and humanity. And of many many businesses that, if they only knew what was going on behind the scenes, would be prepared to behave more ethically.
The black-and-white extreme scenarios you incessantly feed us are only making you look one-sided. Taking sides implies schisms, and schisms don’t help in the long run.
You are such an effective communicator. You are a wonder in how you get across the dangers of believing every word the health care industry feeds us. Surely you can manage this without resorting to repetitive, simplistic, extreme, black-and-white conspiracy scenarios. Please, please, don’t devalue your spectacularly wonderful message.
For similar work to yours (in a different health area), have a look at how Petrea King expresses herself. She is just as damning of the “system” as you. But after several years she is now getting doctors and heath authorities to not only hear her views, but to slowly start adopting them too.
Your message is so vital – but to be truely effective, it needs to get beyond us individual subscribers. It needs to eventually filter through to doctors, to health policy decision makers, to the people who are in a position to change the “system” and improve it for millions of people around the world.
Please, please, don’t put doctors off side by categorising them all as monsters or idiots or bribe-taking-pawns of big pharma. Please, don’t create a schism where alternative medicine is perfect and Western medicine is evil. Both sides have faults. Both sides have valuable input. If only we can get some cooperation between them instead of deepening the already-existing war between them. By opting for a simplistic good-guy-bad-guy approach, you’ll just perpetuate that war – you will affront the very people we need to effect lasting deep-seated change – the people who can take your fabulous research to the whole world.
You are so good at communicating Vivian. And your message is vital. It is worthy of being adopted right now by us subscribers, and also of being adopted longterm by mainstream policymakers so it can be carried to the world.
Please honour the value in your message by altering your communication approach. Please keep the long-term in view too.
Ruth – your letter brought what was someplace in the back of my mind to the foreground. Vivian’s style is clear, knowledgeable, humorous and easy to digest. I’m sure it has attracted much needed attention to the bone health issue. But I think your point about the importance of avoiding the polarities is right-on and necessary for long-term positive change in health care. Thanks, Lorraine
I have been receiving your e-mails now for about a month. My internist wanted me to take Actonal – she gave me some samples and a prescription. Never took them after reading stuff on the internet. I have osteopenia according to my test – my femoral bone density was -2.3. I have increased my calcium intake but that is all so far. I use to walk 2 miles every morning but can’t since Nov. because I now have plantar faciitis. Have a podorthist at a good shoe store helping me and I do exercises for it. I also had a 62 RA factor on a blood test and am waiting to see a rheumatologist on Feb. 3. I want to see what he thinks of all my problems and does more blood tests. Most days every joint in my body hurts. I also want him to do blood tests to see what my calcium and Vitamin D levels are. I take Zocor for high cholesterol and sometimes suspect that contributes to my aches. I also take coumadin because I have a fib. I have taken that for 3 years now and suspect it has caused the osteopenia. I also have colitis and take asacol. All these drugs are probably causing my aches and pains and osteo but what is one to do? I will let you know what the rheumatologist has to say.
Thanks for all your e-mails.
I like the 2nd scenario best. I am a believer that drugs don’t get to the root of the problem and end up creating other problems and you end up with more drugs to alleviate the problem the drug created.
I am looking forward to the day when a patient can choose their method of treatment and the doctor they wish to go to. I am appalled to see the Insurance companies telling my doctor which medicine I should take because they are trying to save money. Also, why have drug insurance plans when now they only cover certain medications and if you want a brand name you have to pay the bigger postion of the cost.
I sometimes feel like they want us to be sick so they can get more money in their packets.
It is my desire that people will wake up and start taking their health into their own hands by researching the best method of treatment for their condition.
I was told I had osteoporosis and that Reclast would not help. but was given Forteo. I tried the drug, but had bad side effects. Than they wanted me to try Actanol and I refused as I have reflux have all I can do to keep that under control. Finally I just told my Dr. I wanted to go the old fashion way with trying a new calciumn supplement (Citrecal with genistein and boron. I have started a low impact weight program and walk as often as I can. I will have another scan in May 2009 to see if I am stable or still losing density. I also take 1000 mg of vit. d-3 Am I on the right track? Any other action should I be considering? Thanks for your many e-mails.
Hi Vivian,
After I had my bone density test done (in which they told me I had osteoporosis) the doctor there said that he has this wonderful new research that I may qualify for and it involves this great new drug. At the moment this drug is incredibly expensive, but if I join the research group, I can try it for free! Well, all the red lights started flashing for me! Soon after that I found an integrative doctor who agreed with me and he hates those drugs! I finally feel as if my doctor and I are working as a team and together with the information you have given me, we will rebuild actual bone mass. Incidentally, I’m 53, very active, eat very healthy, no history of osteoporosis in my family, never broken a bone…no risk factors at all! My integrative doctor is incredibly skeptical of the bone scan results!
Hi Vivian, This is an answer to your e-mail dated 1/11/2009 asking for comments on the future of osteoporosis. Your first scenario seems like a replay of todays pharmaceutical companies and I hope we don’t have to wait for 2050 to realize a correction. If we don’t learn from todays disaters, Vioxx, HRT’s, Osteoporosis Drugs, etc., etc., nothing will change in the future. We need to spread the good news we learn from you to everyone who will listen including our doctors. Hopefully by 2050 we will be using natural remedies and we will not have drug companies killing us.
Hi Vi, I enjoy your E-mails very much.My wife & I try to eat healthy, but NOT always easy, considering what we have to work with in our area. My wife’s mother is the one who has the osteoporosis, so bad. However, since I have gotten her Dr. at her Nursing home to take her off one of her drugs(for which we couldn’t figure out why she was prescribed to have it, in the 1st place) and has gotten her on a double dose of Calcium & Vitamin D(2 times/day),she seems to be coming along much better.It really hard to get her to eat properly. She loves tomatoes, but too much of a good thing can be bad, especially when you don’t eat enough of other wholesome foods.I have downloaded Christopher Vasey’s Acid-Alkaine Foods Chart from phionBalance.com. I have found that to be VERY Good! You should check out their website at http://www.phionbalance.com! They have some some nice recipes as well. I waiting to hear more about these drug companies going bankrupt! Serves them darn RIGHT for screwing around with our health, like they have for the past 50 years! Sincerely, Phil
Hi Vivian
Thank you for all your research into bone density I get a lot of good info out of your emails and after studying your book have found that I am on the right track as I have an alkerlizer that takes all the acid out of the water and helps in keeping the Ph in the body at a better level I am 69 and keep fit with exercises and take no other supplements at the moment the exercises seem to help to keep the pain levels down
many thanks again for your assisisance
Regards Rex
I absolutely love your emails! I forward them to my gyno’s office, his wife is the office manager there and I want her to know all this information so he can pass it on to his patients.
I use Nature Made products for calcium and the other supplements that I take. But I was wondering if you had products that were proven to be effective. I wanted to let you know that I had fallen on the ice last week. Thank God that I had my longer coat on because I fell on my hip and shoulder. I thought that I would be sore for a while, but the next day I was fine. I contribute that to exercise, eating a healthy diet and my strong bones (no matter what the doctor said). I know that I am healthy.
Thank you for the wonderful information.
Thanks for all the info Vivian, I enjoy reading everyone comments, makes me feel I am on the right track with what I am taking, I have switched my reverse osmosis water as I found the water to be acid, I now have another water filter with an added calcium filter, so now my tests show that I am more alkaline, which is great as I drink quite a lot of water.
I was told about a negative Dexa test 3 years ago and my doctor just told me to increase my calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D. But after 2 years the results of the next Dexa test were so negative that the doctor told me I had osteoporosis (lost almost 2 inches) and prescribed Fosamax. I refused to take it because my sisters’ doctor warned her not to take it – that it would be dangerous because she has reflux. That was when I looked on the internet for an alternative solution and got your book “Bone Health Revolution”. I like any thing that is a natural alternative. I do Reiki and Tai Ch and yoga for exercise and I make my own heart pills for my high cholesterol (hereditery problem) so I loved your book. I believe keeping your body with a balanced PH is the answer to most health problems.
The person that asked about TriVita”s bone builder supplement sounds simular to the GNC bone density vites that I take and a friend of mine got a possitive Dexa test after taking them for only one year. I get another Dexa next year.
Other acid- alkaline lists claim Soy milk as acid. I have troulble staying away from breads because I went Vegetarian and eat so many veggie sandwiches. How would a Ph level be with these since I have to eat a lot of beans,eggs and cheese? Your feedback is important to me. Thanks.
it would be nice to be around to find out just what the future results will finally be, it would be very nice to find a natural cure that would have no cemical effect at all, but use only a cure from nature its self.
Wow! And thank you -Is all I can say after reading your book. My Doctor is really after me to “take something ” for my bones.She wants me to take either Forto or Zometa–well I looked them up on the web and also after reading your book–no way! I take vitamins B,C,E and calcium. I switched to the new Caltrate with the bone builder and am also taking magesium and vitamin D. I have six months before my next bone scan so I hope to see a great improvement when I have it. What do you think of the new Caltrate with Genistine?
I greatly appreciate your contacts and research about osteoporosis. I prefer to avoid drugs and try diet and would love more details on that please. Must give the watermelon a try.
What is your opinion on Cementex – sounds a bit drastic, stiffening of joints, knees, elbows and fingers plus $200 discount towards wheelchair – not ready for that yet!! Keep up your great work. Val
Elaine : Thanks for sharing your comments. While strontium does not have dangerous side-effects, it is denser than calcium and can therefore show greater bone density on the DEXA scan (which is misleading).
Margaret: You’re right. I am hopeful that the pain will improve. If you have not tried it yet, you might want to take a vitamin B complex supplement…it might help you.
All the best,
Cookie: Sounds great! I’m so glad your bone density increased in your hips…it’s so inspiring to hear such good results after one year.
And thanks for sharing a great tip. Watermelon is high in lycopene, which has a very positive effect on bones.
Keep in touch,
Aline: I am sure your efforts to improve your bone health will show great results. Keep it up!
To answer your question about the supplement, the ingredients are fine, but it is not clear whether the MCHC (microcrystalline hydroxyapatite) is really that much more effective than other forms of calcium. One study was done in 1995 with 40 people where it did show improved results, but obviously it was a very small study. There is an issue with it also because MCHC is derived from bovine bone. In the 1980s, bone meal calcium supplements were found to be contaminated with heavy metals…in an ideal world I would recommend the product, but from pasture-fed, free-range livestock not subjected to routine antibiotics or rBGH.
Take care,
hi, everything is so confusing. I thought I was doing everything right –just had a bone density test and was a little lower than 2 years ago. I don’t want to take meds but what else is there? Heredity counts for some too, right? What’s the best natural thing out there? I need to get better, am almost at the bottom of the chart.
Thank you for the information on Cementex. I will see my doctor tomorrow and will ask how she perceives its effectiveness.
Vivian..I print every piece of information you send me. It’s too important not to. I file it in with your book you sent me for further information.
Right now I’m taking pro-adjustments from a Chiropractor here in Sun City. The interesting thing about her is she’s on Boniva and don’t know what else to do. I gave her your website and I’m sure she will be in contact with you.
In reading your website mail I have a question. Why would they want to go back and have a density test knowing all the info you have put out on these machines? Why would they even want to go back to a Dr. who diagnosed them with a death sentence? Forgive me for being so questionable.
Thanks Vivian,
Darlene F. Doerfler
Dear Vivian:
Thank you so much for all your very informant emails. Please continue to send
them. Enjoyed reading everyones comments. Hope I am helped by all the info.
Thanks again, Janet Barbera
Hi Vivian: Thank you so much for all the research you have done on osteoporosis and ostopenia. Not only that, but also sharing your findings with those of us with these conditions. I am trying to follow your advice and I really appreciate the information you have been sending by email. My next bone density test is sscheduled for May, 2009 and I am anxious to see if my scores have improved. Thanks again, Bonnie Holloway.
Thank you for the update, personally I would not jump into having my bones injected with this new product until it has been out there in the open world for a few years.
I am flabergasted that the bone density score ,of my 65 year old body being put up against the standards of a 20 year olds. Doesn’t make sense to me.
Too many products in the past which were the then “one to end all” have now been removed from the shelves.
I have increased my calcium and am now looking into the new recommended increase of Vitamin D.
With the onset of winter, I can no longer do my earthbox gardening(major source of exercise) so I have just joined a gym. I am doing standard range of motion patterns as warm up and using some of the equipment (without weights) to assess my muscle responses. I’ll ad weight as tolerated later.
I am a retired Occupational Therapist,I have moderate/severe scoliosis with stenosis of the spine that provides for multiple aches, pain and such. I just can not bring myself to take synthetic drugs knowing the potential side effects to my still healthy organs.
Gentle active exercise and gentle resistive exercise is essential to retain flexibility.
Dear Vivian,
It has been a long time since I’ve e-mail you.
Well I have been faced with a lot of health problems over the past year.
I’ve lot several inches in height so my doctor odered a MRI of my spine.
Oh – I have a fractured L-4 and a Slipped L-5 vertabra. I have been getting steriod injection in my back to try and help ease the lower back pain. So far I;ve recieved little to relief, and I;m supossed to have another on the 26th of Nov.
I have always thought that steroids can cause bone lose but Dr. says NO.
I also have been told that I have Fibromyalgia. Extreme muscle and joint pain. the weather plays a big factor in how I feel. Heat bothers me cold bothers me and the only thing that I have found that help is a product called OPC-3 or opcextra.
I have been taking 1000 I.U. of V.-D,
1000 Calcium, 400 of Magnesium and V.-K. My last bone desity test I was told that I had ostoporosis very bad.
I will not take the trash that is prescribed by the Doctor’s, I have a very understanding Doctor and she has been taking courses in Alternative Med.
thank you for all you help and letting me bend you ear. Any and all suggestions would be welcome.
Dear Vivian
Thank you for your reserach and your book. I do enjoy your e-mails with osteoporosis news. I am trying my best to keep to the PH diet – not too hard as I love fruit and vegetables and I found the recipes in the book very good.
I am a retired physiotherapist so naturally I believe in exercise and I was interested in Simplecise. I have started doing that.
i am fortunate to have only occasional slight back pain. I wonder if those who have pain have tried Reiki or energy healing. As you know I am English but I know that these are available in the States.
My gynocologist has intstilled the fear of God in me. He has made me so afraid not to take the drugs, but I am even more afraid to take them. I actually think he is probably going to quit seeing me if I do not. You have given me hope. My spine is a negtive 2.9 and my hip and leg bones are a negative 2.5. He tries to tell me I have not choice but to take the drugs. I have tried two which have given me stomach problems. Like so many other drugs on the market, I am afraid down the road we are going to hear of the terrible results of taking them. Please keep doing the good work you are doing. I am going to see a new doctor next week who is in to alternative medicine. I can’t wait to hear what he has to say about these medications.
I love reading your views on bone health….I went to your web site when the Dr told me she was going to start me on fosamax….Turned out she had me mixed up with someone else. Thank God……She told me I had great bone health and to keep doing what ever I was doing. I turned 59 today and may treat myself to you book. I love prevention. and like the second version of your senerio. I have a thyroid problem. Will your suggestions interfer with my synthroid. I have hyshemoto. Thanks for taking the time to study bone health Valerie
Thank you so much for all your information
How ever, I do not know what your book contains & have not as yet ordered it.
I can not take Fosomax, as I read an article on the computer, saying it is not advisable to take if one has had a stroke or heart attack. As I have had a minor stroke some two years ago, I decided not to take Fosomax. I then saw my doctor, who luckily had seen the same article, & so agreed with me not to take Fosamax, which he had prescribed just a few days earlier. My doctor then referred me to an endocrinologist, to find out what I could take for my osteoporosis ie Lumber spine T-score -2.3, & Left femoral neck T-score -2.8.
The endocrinologist was in favour of Fosamax. He said that there was not a conclusive evedence that there is an increased incidence of atrial fibrilation associated with biophosphonate therapy. (these are his words)
However I told hom I was not going to take Fosamax. He then prescribed me OsteVit-D or VitaminD3 1000 iu, to take one a day, which I have now been taking for about 2 months. I also take one Ultra Calcium tablet a day, which I have taken for a number of years, because of my osteoporosis, which I have had for several years now. I am 78 years of age.
I really thought that the endocrinologist would be able to prescribe something instead of fosamax, but apparantly not so. He wishes to see me in another year. Probably will again have to have my bone mineral density measurements taken.
Thank you Vivian for all your information on the computer, but I have not as yet decided to buy your book, as I don`t know or understand what you may have in mind.
I loved the analagies and the clever names you “came up”with.
Others that have emailed their response are interesting as well. My story is this:
I had been on Boniva (once a month pill) for two and a half years (doctor prescribed) and was tired of paying $109.00 for each pill (no insurance). I was searching the web sites for a better price on Boniva when I noticed a little ad to one side of the page that had an ad for Vivian’s book “The Bone Revolution” and maybe a statement on “what you really don’t know about osteoporosis”.
I am 84 years young: active: and I cut Boniva off “cold turkey” after reading Vivian’s research and book.
Thanks Vivian for keeping in touch email as well. Those that have not started with the book, SHOULD! It makes a difference even if you “eat well” already.
I love the articles. Everybody sounds so up-beat and positive and I hope some of it will rub off on me!!!
I have developed “frozen shoulder” and the pain is at the acute stage and a good nights sleep is a thing of the past!! I have started a course of acupuncture and have had my first physical therapy session. I can manage the pain during the day but the nights!!!! Any suggestions from anybody?
I am hoping to have knee reconstruction on both knees. As my Dr’s report says I have almost ‘total obliteration of the cartilages on both knees’
I have never been able to stomach any form of chemical pain killers I have osteo-arthritis etc, and Glucosamine is all I can take. Pain is still there and stiffness also.
Does cartilage ever grow again? Is there nothing that I can do, but wait for the surgery to be able to walk pain free again?
As it is it’s getting almost unbearable at times to even stay up to sit and enjoy watching TV or to just sit.
These are old posts so maybe too late for Talei but this is what has helped me to eliminate pain in arthritic hip.
Magnesium – citrate or orotate
MSM – methyl sulphonale methane
Apple Cider Vinegar – 2 capfuls in dilute apple juice – 3 times daily to start
Did this to alkalise with unexpected pain reduction in 2 or 3 days
Coffee enemas – absolutely brilliant and worth the effort. Really underlines
the importance of gut hygeine and correct nutrition.
Hope this helps someone. Nickie
I got osteoporosis in my back when I had a steroid shot in my back for pain. No warning that it might thin my bones. The literature says boniva, fosamax, etc. prevent the bone loss. I said “no” but no more shots. I quit my last internist when he was so persistant about trying to make me take the pills I wouldn’t take. It reminded me of a former doctor who insisted I must take hormone replacement therapy. The drug companies really have brainwashed the doctors and have advocates in them. Thank you for your book & your information. They help give me the strength to keep saying “NO”. I have been taking ezorb & will get another bone test in January. I have an inner ear problem that causes imbalance & I sometimes fall but having younger, more flexible bone instead of old, brittle bone has proven good for me.
Thank you,
Jeanne Litteer
Atlanta, Georgia
I have stopped for about 8 months now taking any meds for osteoporisis in my spine. I have had bad stomach problems from Fosamax and Actonal and therefore stopped against my doctors orders. I don’t have any pains and walk on the sand/beach for 45 minutes almost daily. I dance very aerobically 2 hours at a time 2 times a week. I feel fine but worry about not taking meds for osteo. I have read and printed articles written by qualified researchers that blame Fosamax for atrial fib which I developed out of the blue sky. The afib is transient but I now must take Coumaden. I only have had a few episodes and they quickly revert back to normal. I always thought that how could I have this atrial fib when all my heart tests are negative. The doctors won’t address this at all even though the studies show that Fosamax can cause atrial fib. What the heck can we do??? I also take the calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and boron as you suggest.
Loved the scenarios, Vivian! I have been very motivaed, thanks to you and your dedicated research into this subject, to continue to carefully monitor my daily intake of acids/alkalines. And I try to find the best calcium supplement at an affordable price that I can. Some of the extraordinarily good ones are just out of my price range. But I try to at least go for calcium citrate which I researched to be better than oyster or carbonate. (I’ll have to get your opinion on that.) I haven’t had a second bone scan to compare to the first, because I really am in no rush to have such an unreliable test again. And I do believe that any time a drug company is involved in something like this, a healthy scepticism is the best approach. Thank you for adding substance to that initial unease!
I am pleased to receive so much information from you, Vivian!
I am not taking any prescription drugs for osteoporosis/ osteopenia as I had reactions to several drugs which I was given i.e. Actonel, Didrocal.These made me deathly ill.
I am taking 681 mg of strontium citrate( supplement) daily; made by AOR, a company in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I watch my diet also.I am doing weight- bearing exercises. I am a strong 70 yr old female now.
Elaine Langdon
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Vivian, thank you -thank you – thank you!
I read your book and did a lot of research. No more “soap suds” for me. I started to follow the D, Calcium and magnesium like a religion. Followed your diet and exercise advice. Results after one year – bone density test revealed no change in my spine and more positive change in the hips! I am 72 and I feel great. It is very important to rid the body of acids (a result of the chemicals in our food) in a natural way. Take a day of eating just watermelon, as much as you like and drink lots of water. Your joints will be cleansed and you will feel the difference. I try to do this at least once a month.
Vivian, I am thrilled to have access to your website. Great article and I love the blog.
I would like to know if you are familiar with TriVita’s Bone Builder suplement. It contains
1000 IU Vitamin D; 1000 mg Calcium; 600 mcg Vitamin K; 400 mg magnesium and other vitamins. It is a patented formula that they have tested to build bone density. I have been taking this for a few months but will not have another bone density test until May 2009. I just wanted to know what your thoughts are on this supplement.
I have really been trying to keep a good PH balance and I truly believe this is the key to the success of treating osteoporosis. Thanks for the research you are doing and in this area.
I refuse to take the prescription drugs for osteoporosis. I am taking calcium supplementsnwith D+K. I will have a bone density test done in Sept. 2009, hope it works, However I did take bonivia about 2 years ago, had a very bad expierence with just 1 (one) pill. Just wondering what the turned out was, since the test was done May of 2009, would appreciate a reply.
Excellent, exciting scenarios. Let us hope for their realization. No longer would I need to hear from my doctor, “If you fall, that’s the end of you.” Yes, he really said that, but I could hear between the lines: “Someone is pressuring me to pressure you, and I have to comply.” The upshot of that short sentence put me almost flat on my back, not with fear, but with anger, which lasted three months. I welcome the day doctors no longer frighten us into submission. I tell you the truth. They have been trying it with me since the beginning of the seventies.
To be more specific, I should tell you that I have a severe pain problem, which most likely is neuropathic. It has no name and no treatment. My feet feel like a bundle of rocks, and the pains shoot higher and higher up my body. Thus I am unable to exercise as recommended, but I do eat right. I have found the line I must walk between too much movement and too little. However, this pain has robbed me of much of who I am and what I used to do. It’s unfortunate that along with osteoporosis, problems originating in the brain, and many others the medical profession has no answers except drugs to try to cover up the symptoms.
Thank you, Vivian, for your help and inspiration.
Vivian, I ordered your book several weeks ago and paid for it with my credit card, have not received it yet. Please let me know the status on it please.
Carolyn Boren
To Margaret Preble: your doctor said “if you fall that’s the end of you”. I remember back in the days of HRT, a doctor telling my friend “If you don’t take HRT your body will fall apart”! She’s still waiting!
Good luck to you with your neuropathy. My mother had the same thing, I know it’s awful.
I too had terrible pain in my feet for years and couldn’t walk more that short distances. At the end of a day the pain would radiate into my legs and keep me awake. I found a product called Yoga Toes, there are cheaper knock offs available. The difference is no short of a Miracle. I hope this will help you. It has certainly changed my life!!!