They say light colored eyes are very sensitive and mine are no exception. Every time I peel an onion, I shed tears to no end.
But they may as well be tears of joy. Here's why:
Swiss researchers conducted an experiment at the University of Basel and found that the onion peptide GPCS (γ-glutamyl-propenyl-cysteine sulfoxide) reduced bone breakdown in rats.1
Amazingly, when isolated bone cells from rats were exposed to parathyroid hormone in order to stimulate bone loss, GPCS-treated cells retained significantly more bone minerals – including calcium – in comparison to cells that were not exposed to GPCS. More research will follow in humans, but these preliminary findings give us yet one more reason to incorporate these flavorful (and alkalizing) bulbs in our daily menu.
Other Bone Health Benefits
The high sulfur content of onions has a direct effect on the formation of connective tissue such as tendon and cartilage. Sulfur is present in all long chain polysaccharides called glycosaminoglycans (GAGS), with the exception of hyaluronic acid. GAGs make up cartilage, tendons, and synovial fluid. Tendons are especially important to your bone health since they attach muscles to bones, so the muscles' contractions can be transferred across the joints and pull on the bones.
But that’s not all. Onions are an excellent source of bone-healthy polyphenols, specifically the flavonoid polyphenols. As I mention in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, these plant pigments have been shown to help increase the production of oesteoblasts (bone-building cells).2
Big Flavor, Big Nutrition
Onions are used as an ingredient in a wide range of dishes. And since they are hardy and store well, it’s easy to always have a good supply on hand. So don’t skimp on these nutritional powerhouses.
They are an outstanding source of the antioxidant quercetin, which has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory benefits. Much research has been conducted on the role of quercetin on other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease.
And thanks to the presence of allicin in onions – albeit not as abundantly as in garlic – they have both antimicrobial and anti fungal properties. Allicin is a naturally occurring defense mechanism in bulbs to guard against attacks by pests.
Last but not least, onions are a source of various minerals and vitamins, many of which are listed in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program as Foundation Supplements. Vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, potassium, phosphorus and copper are important nutrients present in these wondrous bulbs.
Onion Trivia and a Delicious Recipe
Onions are available in a wide variety of sizes and colors, and the good news is that the fantastic health benefits I have mentioned apply to all kinds – even the smaller varieties such as the green onion or scallion, and the pearl onion. It’s best to keep them in a well ventilated area at room temperature (except for green onions; store them in the refrigerator) and away from heat and bright light.
If you would like to pre-cut onions, refrigerate them in a sealed container and try to use them within a couple of days; they tend to oxidize and lose their nutrient content quickly. You can also keep cooked onions in the refrigerator for a few days preferably in an airtight container so they’ll retain their taste.
And here’s a delicious recipe chock-full of onions that you and your family can enjoy anytime:
Cream of Onion Soup
6 Servings
4 medium-sized onions, sliced
2 tablespoons almond flour
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons ghee
2 ½ cups almond milk
2 cups water (adjust to desired consistency)
1 teaspoon sea salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper
Heat the oil in a frying pan and brown the onions. Set aside.
Make white sauce mixing the flour, the ghee, and the milk in the soup pot.
Add to this the browned onions, salt, and pepper. Add water to desired consistency.
Heat thoroughly and serve.
Till next time,
1 Wetli HA, Brenneisen R, Tschudi I, et al. “A-glutamyl peptide isolated from onion (Allium cepa L) by bioassay-guided fractionation inhibits resorption activity of osteoclasts”. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. March 30, (2005).
2 Balachandran, Rao, Murray. “Polyphenols in the extract of greens+ herbal preparation have effects on cell proliferation and differentiation of human osteoblast cell line SaOS-2”. American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. (2004)
hello vivian,
i heard its good to eat red onions raw ..but use yellow onions for cooking?
is it right?
Hi Vida, red onions are often eaten raw because they have a milder, slightly sweet flavor, especially when thinly sliced and added to salads, sandwiches, and salsas. They also contain higher levels of antioxidants (like anthocyanins) that can degrade with cooking, so eating them raw maximizes these benefits.
Yellow onions are more pungent raw, but they develop a rich, sweet flavor when cooked. They have a higher sulfur content, which gives them a strong flavor that mellows out with heat, making them great for dishes that require a longer cooking time, like soups, stews, and roasts.
Both types of onions can be used interchangeably, but using them in these ways can help bring out the best in each type!
Hi Vivian thank you for this information on onions I do eat them regularly
I also love eating berry’s especially blackberries and raspberries are these beneficial for bones. Thank you.
You’re welcome! And blackberries and raspberries are excellent both for bone health and for overall health. You can read more about them by clicking the links below:
Hi Vivian 🙂
Thank you for another informative email.
I just love using onions in everything, forby the leeks, onions would go in soups, stews, steak & onions, roasted cheese topped with onions … and the list could go on.
I had heard many years ago that they are “good for colds”. I use normal everyday white onion but when I have salads I use the red ones. Don’t know what differences there are between the both but both I find are great.
have a nice day
Marysia 🙂
You’re very welcome!
I am having Osteoporosis and uric acid problem also. Most of my food clashes with each other. The food which is good for bones, increases my uric acid.I am very confused in eating. So please help me in selecting my food, Which is alkaline and also good for my bones. Thanks
Hi Naveen,
Actually studies prove that an acid blood pH accelerates uric acid crystalization which contributes to painful gout flare ups. (Hellsten Y, Tullson PC, Richter EA, Bangsbo J. Oxidation of urate in human skeletal muscle during exercise. Free Radic Biol Med 22: 169–174, 1997). And foods that contribute to uric acid increases are mostly acidifying, so it doesn’t clash with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
High levels of purines are present in meats (especially organ meats). Dried beans, peas and lentils all have moderate levels of purine. The only “bone healthy” foods that contain low levels of purines are cauliflower, spinach, asparagus and mushrooms. All the other foods are OK, so you can maintain the 80/20 balance.
Have enjoyed reading everything you have wrote very much so far the wife and I have gone organic grow our own fruit and veg, off the grid solar power only fresh fruit in the am. Got dairy out of our lives five years ago.
Don’t use soy milk because it is not fermented but we do use coconut milk and oil because it is short chain fat whats your thoughts on coconut milk you have not mentioned it in anything I have read yet.
Stay healthy get you vitamins from mother nature D is best from the sun
Years ago, I made 10-12 gallons of soup at a time for our church suppers. There were many onions to peel and chop. Using a table fan beside me to blow away the onion vapors did the trick. No burning eyes. It was also helpful to chill the onions beforehand in the refrigerator.
The fan’s a nice tip, Milly! I’ll have to try it. And yes, I’ve also found that putting onions in the refrigerator helps.
Dear Vivian your programme helps a lot of people,which is very helpful.I really appreciate it very much.thank you so much my dear Vivian.I am alwayszzzzzz looking to hearingfrom you.My kind regards to you and all.
take care
love always
Vivian, I made your Cream of Onion Soup this weekend and I LOVE it! It’s also good knowing that I am helping feed my bones while I am also enjoying some really delicious food. Keep the recipes coming. 🙂
So glad you enjoyed the soup, Mark!
I love onions too, but they are hard for me to eat them fresh as I have no bottom teeth and will likely never have. I am 62 and have had false teeth since I was 15 years old, so can’t eat raw onion unless I puree them with my other veggies. That’s how I get my raw veggies!
I,m glad to hear that onions are good for our bones too, when I cook soup, I am always put a big one in the water to cook, but after finish, I throw it away, is it still good for us?
Thanks for this valuable information about onions. I love them and always seem to have to have at least one onion on hand. It’s great to know how helpful onions are to our bodies! I never would have guessed. Thanks for the info!
Thank you Vivian for keeping me healthy with all your informative emails. I love onions and won’t complain about my eyes watering when I cut one up again!!! I am also making your soup tonight.
I have a question about lactoferrin. Have seen this for sale in supplements and on Google there are reports of promising results for osteoporosis. What do you think about this?
I love green bean casserole! I’ve never made it tgouhh and I’m more encouraged now because it does sound supa easy. Ps I didn’t know Campbell’s invented the recipe idea- talk about great marketing. Have a happy thanksgiving!
I like onions and thank you. I had a colonoscopy today and did well. The doctor told me the only things he see wrong is that regular doctor does not give me enough medicine. lol I do not take any. But he was surprise and please with my health for my age 67 and how active. The nurse did asks me cq10 I take and told her how I found it but I know why and the dosage but could not tell her at that moment. Little busy with what was going on. Thanks again.
Hi Victoria. It’s common for stone fruit trees to atlarnete a heavy crop with a light crop. Next year should be a good year for your young tree, but it won’t really bear heavily until it’s been in the ground for five years. I hardly fertilize mine at all, just a sprinkle of organic fertilizer (can’t remember, but about 2-3-2) and some homemade compost. It’s important to water it well in the fall before it goes dormant for the winter. Enjoy your peaches!
Vivian, I use lots of onions in soup, omelets,and sauted over lean cuts of beef. I know they’re good for you! Gloria
I am fascinated about the comments on how beneficial Onion sandwiches are! Are the onions raw or cooked? Also – what about ‘onion breath'(not to mention wind) when eaten at night – especially if only one of you is eating them!!(although I suppose it’s not high on the list of priorities if you’re in your 90’s!). Even eating them at work would ensure no contact from your co-workers for the rest of the day.
As an emigrated Brit. to Australia we still keep up the tradition of a sunday roast & I often include an onion to be roasted once the roast potatoes are underway – Yummy!! -& now apparently also good for you-very happy about that.
Love these forums & all the tips from everyone.
So glad to have found the site.
I too have now refused to have another infusion for my Osteoporosis since reading all the info.& hope when I have the next bone density test that I can take the frown off Doctors face with the results because he was not a happy chappie when I told him!
If you are bothered by onion breath, try drinking a little herbal mint tea at the end of the meal or snack. I can’t wait to hear your success success story, Terri!
I am so looking forward to the arrival of my book & have been following the foundation foods religously since downloading it. Thank you for all your informative emails & I hope to see a difference in my bone mass when I have my next check up. Thank you so much for caring enough to share! Debbie in Queensland, Australia
I’m happy to know that onions are good for bones! I have fairly light eyes (green), but cutting onions rarely bothers me. And I’m very short so am closer to the cutting board! I read years ago that onions are also good for removing cataracts. Something about letting the onion vapors get into your eyes and then rinsing your eyes with water. Has to be done repeatedly over time to work.
Thank you, Vivian, for the recipe of the onion soup. I’ll try it tomorrow. I like onions and always have some at home.I’m trying to change my diet in accordance with your book’s informations.
Thank you for sharing everything about osteoporosis. It feels good to have support in that matter.
Best regards. Edith
My pleasure, Edith! I hope you’ll like the soup 🙂
Hi Vivian,
Is there as much benefit in onions you chop and freeze?
Nothing beats fresh,Denise.
I am a cyclist/runner/hiker/weight-lifter. I need approximately 90 grams of protein daily to maintain muscle mass. I am a vegetarian who eats fish. I love veggies, but I find it impossible to eat enough vegetables to get to the 80/20 ratio of alkaline to acid. I usually have oatmeal (mixed with quinoa and millet) for breakfast with protein powder and fruit; lunch is a salad; dinner a stir fry with lots of veggies and some tofu or fish. I have some yogurt and fruit as a snack in the evening. Help!! I am a slender, tall white female 71 year old with moderate osteopenia except for mild osteoporosis of the femoral neck.
Joanna, you needn’t worry too much about being exactly at the 80/20 balance since it is more than likely that your high levels of physical activity can make up for it. Also, try some whey protein (it is alkalizing) and then load up on fruit and veggie snacks.
Thank you Vivian for sharing the onion-information with us, I read your book – but forgot this. When I get a cold – I eat onion with honey, this helps the runny nose, it stops running.
A good news posting and compliments to Save our Bones. I have managed to not only maintain but to actually increase my bone density (spine) by following your Save our Bones Program! About 18 months ago as a result of a bone density test I was told I had osteopena and the doctor gave me a choice of prescriptions to choose from. I was horrified to read of all the side effects of each of these and therefore refused to start taking any of them. While searching the Web I found your site and decided to try your program. I have followed it quite closely, changed my diet to incorporate more alkaline foods, taken the requisite supplements, including strontium citrate (the only kind available locally) and tried to exercise 3 times/week. I had been drinking lemon water for over 20 years but coffee is non-negotiable. I have to have my cappuccino twice daily! At best I had hoped to keep my bone density at the same level but to increase it in my spine was more than I had anticipated.
The doctor told me I can no longer go back to her (rheumatologist) as I am no longer in the “at risk” category. I shall have to go to my GP to be monitored every 5 years.
Thank you for all your research and a great program Vivian. I am most grateful to you. I shall keep to this way of eating for life.
Way to go, Caroline!
Thanks to your (smart) decision to refuse taking prescription drugs and to your perseverance following the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, you no longer have to worry about your bones.
Keep up the great work, and thanks for sharing these news with us!
One of my 95 year old mother’s favorite treat is an onion sandwich. She’s amazing.
May she have a long and happy life… eating lots of onions too 🙂
Hi! Vivian,
I Have Light Eyes Also. So I Know What You Mean. But I Do Love Onions, Especially Cooked Ones, And Raw Sweet Onions And Green Ones On Salads. Vegetable Salads, Tuna Salads, Chicken
Salads, And So On.
My mother-in-law also lived to be almost 91 and had an onion sandwich every night before going to bed, After reading your article, I realise now why she did not have a stiff bone in her body Even at that age she walk like a young person.
Onions are very versatile… you can add them to just about any food 🙂
Thank you for constantly giving us good info for our bones. I love onion.
I am going to make this soup tonight.
Thanks again.
You’re welcome, Susan!
I do not dispute the importance of onions. Very good facts in this article.
But I have read that you should never pre-cut onions to use later and you should never store cut-up onions. Do not even keep food with onions in it. Onions absorb bacteria quickly. I have read that if you are sick, put cut onions in the room. At night cut one large onion and place a half on each bed-side table. Onions will absorb virus’ and bacteria and turn black. I haven’t been sick since I read this info, so I can not confirm them turning black, but if I got the flu or cold I most assuredly would try this. I sent this information to a friend of mine with COPD over a year ago, who is prone to infections and she said using the onions did help her. Hellmans mayonnaise states that people do not get sick on the mayonnaise eating left over potato salad – it is the onions that absorbed bacteria that they get sick on. I have read many articles on this and seriously caution to use only onions that have just been cut in food preparation and discard the leftovers.
Thanks for the information on onions and sicknerss. I will try it out tonight as I have the worst chest cold ever with tons of mucous. Nothing else I have tried has worked so far so will give this a try tonight when I go to bed.
Get better soon!
I read this same information also, but I think there’s more than meets the eye. I keep cut-up onions (even minced) for more than a week even (though my fridge is VERY cold). I’ll keep half an onion for two weeks. But when I use it, I cut a slice off the cut side and peel a layer off, then rinse. I NEVER get sick. However……here’s what I do when cutting onions. I cut off the ends, peel the outer layer off, wash and dry the onion, wash the knife and turn the cutting board over. Then I cut up the onion. Extra gets stored in a clean glass jar with lid. I have done this all my life. I think the real problem is transferring bacteria from the outside of the onion by not being careful when you cut it!
True. And by the way, always dry any fruit or veggie that you wash with tap water. You don’t want to leave on the chemicals, especially if your tap water is fluoridated.
Eat fresh, and enjoy!
Just to say how interesting and informative this article is. Thank you so much for your great work. I look forward to EVERY email you send out, they’re so helpful. Please keep up this really useful work.
And keep reading, learning… and not taking mainstream info at face value…
I guess I am the only one here to say….if you wear contacts lenses your eyes will not tear. At least mine don’t. I love onions no matter how they are made. Thanks again Viv
for all the great info. Allison***
You’re welcome!
Thanks for the info. on onions and I will make the soup. I was given this info by a chef and it does help. Leave the root end on while cutting the onion, then dicard it.
Keep up the good work and Thank you!
I appreciate your chef’s tip.
I will be getting mine soon, but did you not receive the other materials that were advertised, either in download form or hard copy? Maybe you need to download materials and didn’t know it?
Thanks for the great tip, Irene!
Vivian, great information. Thank you. Question: does cooking or freezing diminish the nutritive value of onions? I suspect that vitamin C suffers, but what about everything else?
Great question, Susanna!
Freezing actually retains vitamin C, while cooking destroys some of it. So try to balance your raw vs. cooked balance.
Dear Vivian,
I have enjoyed your emails immensely, and as others have said, it keeps us focused on doing what we need to do for our bones, as well as providing valuable information. These played a central role in my buying the program too, as I came to trust you and your dedication and intelligence. You have become an important part of my life, giving me confidence in the natural approach I am taking, that I am not alone with this. All the best to you, always. Sherry
Everyone: we are not alone; we are a growing community with a common goal. And I am here to support everyone every step of the way!
Thank you Vivian for the great information on onions. Years ago I took Fosamax for a very short time and it burned my stomach. So for several years I did not eat onions because I had to deal with indigestion. Now I can eat them and do. Keep the emails coming because the information you provide is great, and it keeps me inspired and focused on eating right for my bone health. I was diagnosed years ago with Osteoporosis and refuse to take the medicine that is pushed. Keep up the great work!
Marysia: I also had dry eyes and they would not
tear… so I went to my eye doctor and
he suggested a prescription for some
special eye drops and they don’t hurt
P.S. I also purposely bought some tear
jerking books and what do you know, I
cried real tear drops…
Good Luck !!!
Blessings… Elizabeth W.
My eyes were really dry, and I happened to try local honey for my stuffy nose allergies this summer. Guess what it helped? My dry eyes!! About two teaspoons per day seemed to do the trick for me.
I also hear that mixing 2 spoons honey and a small teaspoon of cinnamin powder in warm water is great for numerous ailments including arthritis. Some people reported walking again after a month of this. Less pain too.
PS. Does Vivian have a cook book out? That would be so helpful instead of e-mails here and there.
Rosemary L.
My mother always stuck a match (the old fashioned kind that are wooden and can be ignited by striking them anywhere) in her teeth with the head sticking out (obviously!) and it absorbed the fumes. I still do it today when I have these matches on hand. It does work.
Fortunately, I love onions.
Hi Everyone!
Keep your onions in the fridge and your tears will stop (well mostly anyway!)
Thank you so much Vivian for the information on onions – one of my favourite vegetables and I will continue to use more of them and also try out your lovely soup.
My pleasure, Angela!
my mother-in-law owned a diner,this works,put a piece of bread in your mouth,don’t swallow it.somehow saliva combines with the bread and your eyes will not tear.thanks for all your efforts,to save our bones.
Sounds easy to do. Thanks for sharing, Patricia.
A good article, Vivian. Yes I do get tears when cutting onions too. Perhaps I undestand now why my grandmother who lived to 91 never ever had broken bones and would climb up the hill to my place every week. Her favourite dish was fried onions and I believe she had a lot of this!!
God bless your Grandma, Barbara! I suspect that climbing up the hill to your place played an important role in her health and longevity as well. 🙂
Hi Vivian 🙂
I am like you and many of your readers when it comes to onions. They do bring tears to the eyes.
Unfortunately though, because I have Sjogrens Syndrome I cannot produce tears, so my eyes feel like they are burning out of my head.
On the other hand we do eat a lot of onions, and I put up with the burning pain, steak wouldn’t be the same without them, so I am glad to know that they are helping our bones. I use them everywhere possible. I will try your recipe, thank you for sharing it.
take care
have a nice day
Marysia 🙂
No-one has yet come up with an idea that works for stopping tears when cutting onions.
Many years ago, I was given the answer to this problem and IT WORKS.
When you feel the tears starting, run the cold water tap over the insides of your wrists.The tears stop, why I don’t know and have never found this remedy in any book. A chef told me about it.
Yes I also heard about running the cold tap. My Mother said the fumes from the onion are attracted to the moisture in your eyes, so if you run the tap the fumes will be attracted to that instead.
Yes, I have always heard about the running of cold tap water too while cutting onions. I have tried it and it does work.
Also, the above comment about onions and bacteria is correct. Onions become laced with bacteria quickly if cut and stored for later use. Cut just what you need and use it up.
Vivian great news about onions and our bones. Thank you for all your continued great info.
Celestina Marie