‘Ask Vivian Week’ 2012 Starts Now!

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Inspiration

2 min Read

I'm always working to listen to the needs of our community and to make your battle with osteoporosis as easy as possible. So I'm happy to announce that this week is the second “Ask Vivian Week”.

Here's What ‘Ask Vivian Week' is All About

Simply post your question by leaving a comment below before Thursday, June 21st. Please only post one question.

The questions I receive during ‘Ask Vivian Week' will be answered throughout the year as part of our hugely popular ‘Vivian Answers Day' series.

On June 28th, I will select five questions and will post my in-depth answers to them right here on the blog. Then throughout the year, I will continue answering five questions on a regular basis.

This is your chance to ask me your most pressing bone health related question.

It can be ANYTHING you've always wanted to know. Your question can range from a general bone health concern to a question relating to your specific situation, or even a question you may have regarding the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.

Don't hold anything back…

I'm here to listen and to answer. Ask your question now.

I’m thrilled that so many of you enjoy and benefit from the past editions of ‘Vivian Answers Day', and am excited to continue answering a brand new crop of your questions.

My warmest regards,

Vivian Goldschmidt