I'm always working to listen to the needs of our community and to make your battle with osteoporosis as easy as possible. So I'm happy to announce that this week is the second “Ask Vivian Week”.
Here's What ‘Ask Vivian Week' is All About
Simply post your question by leaving a comment below before Thursday, June 21st. Please only post one question.
The questions I receive during ‘Ask Vivian Week' will be answered throughout the year as part of our hugely popular ‘Vivian Answers Day' series.
On June 28th, I will select five questions and will post my in-depth answers to them right here on the blog. Then throughout the year, I will continue answering five questions on a regular basis.
This is your chance to ask me your most pressing bone health related question.
It can be ANYTHING you've always wanted to know. Your question can range from a general bone health concern to a question relating to your specific situation, or even a question you may have regarding the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
Don't hold anything back…
I'm here to listen and to answer. Ask your question now.
I’m thrilled that so many of you enjoy and benefit from the past editions of ‘Vivian Answers Day', and am excited to continue answering a brand new crop of your questions.
My warmest regards,
What is the best alkaline milk to put in coffee? Is coconut milk acidic? There is a lot of contradiction about which foods are acidic on the internet. But I trust what you say.
Thanks for all your effort.
Sheri Valentine
I’ve been noticing lately that I have trouble remembering things. I’m really worried about my memory. Please help!
I have been getting the Depo Provera Injection for birth control and they tell me it causes bone density loss. I am wondering if it is like “fosamax” and loss can be reversed once I stop taking it. I also just got the handbook even though I have been following you for over a year now and the question from that is how do I determine my PH so I have a starting point to measure by. Thanks so much.
Vivian: I’m confused. You state that our bones are living. I have osteoporosis and my bones look much worse than some skeltons that are dug up and can be a couple thousand years old. How can this be if the owners of those skeltons are dead? Are those skeltons still alive? Leads me to believe that maybe the only way to stop the osteoporosis is to die.
Dear Vivian,
I look forward to your emails and comments. You are the BEST!! Yesterday, the deadline for making these comments to you, I had a bone density test. It had been 2 years since my last test diagnosed with osteoporosis. That is when I did my research and found YOU. I refused to take any MEDS. Today my T-scores were only down .2 but at least I know they are being reversed and I will work harder. I have changed my diet to vegetarian, no cows milk, and follow your recommendations. I do yoga almost every day along with intermittent weight barring exercises, & I walk & swim. Before I started doing yoga I could not do a push-up. In fact, I could NEVER do a push-up even when I was young. I am now 65 and I am doing push-ups.
I realize I am late for a question but I was wondering does it make a difference if your tests are done on different machines? I would think NOT.
Thanks so very much for all of your help. You are truly a GREAT help to all of us women. Thank you!!!!! Carole
Vivian, Thank You for all the information you send out.
What is your take on the product Supple? Would it help or hinder to add to my diet? Just curious. Thanks Leida
Dear Vivian
I am currently on your program but have a friend who has recently been diagnosed with osteoporosis. She discovered it after falling and broke her spine (upper and lower). She gets sick when taking magnesium tablets. She is now taking a daily Vitamin D/Calcium combo tablet and is asking me about Ostelin. What can you tell me about these? I really would like to convince her to go on your program. She is nearly 73 years old and has the bones of a 79 year old. Hoping to get an answer for my dear friend.
Kind regards
Hi Vivian,
I am 54-year-old woman who went into menopause at age 36. I have maintained my bone density, without HRT, just by exercise, mineral supplementation, and watching my diet. My bone density had gone into the osteoporotic range, and returned to osteopenia when I reached my 10th year of post-menopause.
I recently had physical therapy for tendonitis of the right bicep tendon. It involved external application of a gel containing dexa-methasone with electricity to the affected area, 3 times per week for 2 months. I was told at the end of the treatment that dexa-methasone is a corticosteroid. I had stomach problems during the treatment, and have developed hairloss and hypothyroidism as well, and am wondering if it was due to the treatment.
Now I am worried that my bone density will have worsened as a result of the corticosteroid treatment. Do you have any advice?
Thank you,
What is your opinion of strontium supplements for improving bone health and growth?
Suzy Cohen recommends this for bone health please comment.
I would like to know you’re thoughts on several capsules I’ve been taking for the past year. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis but refused to take a prescription medicine. However I discovered the following over the counter capsules and have been taking them for about a year. The company is called Garden of Life; Vitamin Code Growth Factors and (same company name) Vitamin Code Raw Calcium.
Thank you,
Hi Vivian, have your Osteoporosis Reversal Program. Have made a lot of changes in the way I eat. I take magnesium, 2200 units of D, calcium 2/day. My T-score in the left hip 2 years ago was -2.6. My recent bone density on the left help is -2.8. Have an appointment tomorrow to see my doctor who has been pushing the drugs. In the past, I have taken Fosamax, Actonel, and Boniva. Developed shoulder and knee pain and an irregular heartbeat. Have refused to take the drugs for the past 5 years. Doctor wants to prescribe Prolia. I am 68 years old, very active, with no other health problems. I take metropolol for the irregular heartbeat. Would appreciate your thoughts on this. I have read about the newness of Prolia; as well as the side affects. Thinking about telling my doctor I would rather have a fracture than die of a stroke or endocarditis (sp?). Incidentally, my recent test was done on a different machine. Thanks, Vivian. Sincerely, Betty Caldwell
12 years ago, i got back pain due to vertebry gap. from that time to till i am suffering with that pain.
please suggest me what i will do to cure that.
Hi Vivian, thank you for all you do. Your information has helped me a lot. I have read that olive leaf supplements are good for bone health. What is your opinion?
Dear Vivian: I am a huge fan of your program. The information in the handbook that I purchased a few years ago is packed with great advise and good old common sense. A friend of mine sent me an article just the other day that baffled me. I am hoping you can shed some light. The article is from the Tribune and it states that postmenopausal women shouldn’t take low doses of vit D and calcium (D-400 and Cal – 1,00 mg) as they have little effect and come with slightly increased risk of side effects such as kidney stones. Your book suggests in chapter 11 the RDA for women should be 800 to 1,200 calcium and 400 IU vit D. I do not know how much of each I should be taking at this point. Please help! Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for our bone health.
One more question if you don’t mind: Does Osteoporosis cause pain throughout the body other than fracturing a bone?
My question is regarding the recent news about calcium and post menopausal women. Is it true that it is not necessary for post menopausal women to take calcium and that it can actually cause kidney stones? The news story also stated that calcium, along with vitamin D no longer helps with strengthening the bones in menopausal women. I appreciate your research and the time you put into helping women with this issue. Thanks! Barb
Vivian, I have two questions.
One is regarding water purification. Does the Britta charcoal filter provide clean water after filtration?
And, second, does Almond Milk provide a significant amount of calcium?
Thank you
I’m very grateful for all your information for us, the osteoporotic people. I’ve been on Save Our Bones diet for three years and feel great.But at 64 years old I’m underweight & my doctor is very concerned. I’ve tried to change my percentage of alkaline versus acidic foods, but still can’t gain the weight. What high caloric density foods would be safe for me? Thanks
Hello Vivian,
I have breast cancer which has spread to my liver and spine (T5). Dr is about to put me on Zometa or Denosumab (seems to think the latter is better, but I have read your opinion on this!!) Apparently things are going to worsen as I am on arimidex and they say I have osteopenia. I take calcium, magnesium, boran, K2 drops, D3 drops and glucosamine. Think I read that you don’t recommend strontium citrate even though it’s the better type. What else can I do??
I have been diagnoised with having Pagets disease. The doctor is insisting on putting me on Reclast, Boniva etc. I am NOT going to let them inject me with that poison. I read upon the side effect…they spray orange trees and oil machinery with the Reclast, the others make the bones so hard that if you have a fall your bones would shatter like glass. What are your recommendations for me?
I was trying Ultimate pH Balance in early May of 2012. I stopped taking the drops after 12 days because it felt as if it was affecting my blood
sugar readings as well as my blood pressure. Could Ultimate pH Balance
possibly affect some people in this manner? Could it possibly be a
coincidence of some sort? I’m debating whether to return the product or
try it again to see if I get the same type of feeling again.
I would like information regarding women who take a “holiday” from Fosamax. I have been on it 14 years. No adverse side effects, but my DXA scores are progressively worse. Doctors tell me that statistics say that women do not improve, but they hold ground better than those who take nothing. Do you have something I can see in print regarding these tests? Many thanks.
Do you think that small daily amounts of baking soda can help with osteoporosis?
What do you know about DHEA sublingual drops to help osteoporosis ?
Thanks for your help so far.
Am still waiting for my refund from Nugenics – was emailed on 14th to say money would appear in my account in 3-5 business days.
Thanks for your input.
It is now SIX days later.
Anyway you can reply to my email address so I can let you know the outcome and ask for more help if needed.
Many thanks
Can you give me a list of the exact vitamins/supplements that we should be taking for osteoporosis? I have refused the medicine that my doctor prescribed (fosomax, boniva, etc. he said I could take either one – thanks but no thanks). I am trying to follow your progam and also take vitamins, exercise, etc. I need more exact guidance on what vitamins/supplements I should be taking everyday for example brand,etc. I have your program but am having a hard time figuring it out. I need more specifics. If you could be more specific it would be very helpful.
Hello Vivian,
I have osteoporosis. I now have a compression fracture at T10 on my spine, which the Dr suspects is from osteoporosis. I will have a bone density scan tomorrow. Is there any option for me, I don’t want to take meds.
Thanks, Christine
Dear Vivian,
I met a nurse who told me she uses Diatomacous Earth DE for good health.
Is this product safe to use for osteopori\sis?
Thank you for the many tips you send, I really do appreciate it.
Dear Vivian,
Please help us understand the role that oxalic acid and other chemicals that bind with calcium, including phytic acid, have in the Save Our Bones program.
I’ve recently read some articles that have left me concerned that I may have replaced many of the acidic foods in my diet with foods that inhibit calcium absorption, and that my bones will be no better off (or possibly worse off). For example, when I started Save Our Bones, I replaced regular milk with almond milk and I have been juicing dark green vegetables including spinach on a regular basis. Now I see listed under “Very High Oxalate” some of the foods recommended in Save Our Bones, including almonds, sesame seeds/tahini, spinach, and swiss chard. A number of fruits and vegetables, such as dried apricots and sweet potatoes, are listed as “High Oxalate.” I cannot find the oxalic or phytic acid content of many of the other foods in my diet.
I hope that you will consider this request and provide additional guidance. Also, please let us know if there is a test that would help determine whether there is enough calcium in someone’s system for good bone health.
Thank you for the opportunity to ask questions – I always read your responses to see if there are ways that I can improve on what I’m trying to do for healthier bones!
Hi Vivian,
I had osteoporsis about 5 years ago, I recently took another bone scan and was told that I have osteopenia, my question is what the difference between the two and what I need to do. Thanks for your info.
Hi Vivian,
I have one additional question: Is coconut water alkalizing?
Thanks for all you do!
I stopped taking Boniva 14 months ago, after taking it for about 2-1/2 years. How long, on average, does it take for the drug to leave the system?
I have been suffering with shingles in my head (the worse kind)for the last six months. No pain killing med has worked so far except poisoning my body. I am ready to try other routes. I found a website called Nature’s Pearl that recommands a premium Muscadine red grape seed supplement; I am told it reduces inflamation. I used to have osteoporosis but now thanks to all your hard work I have progressed to osteopenia. I’d greatly appreciate your opinion. I don’t want to go back to osteoporosis but I need to do something about the excruciating constant pain I’ve lived with since January. I am also considering seeing a chiropractor. Would that have a negative effect on my bones? Thank you so much for everything you do for us. Your hard work is greatly appreciated – Nicole
I am a Pilates teacher and underwent a DXA Bone Densitormetry indicating:
Left hip: T-score -2.7 and BMD (g/cm2) 0.609
Femoral neck: T-score 2.8 and BMD 0.540
Lumbar spine: T-score -3.6 and BMD 0.637
I have declined pharmaceutical intervention. I reade the following (https://www.ideafit.com/fitness-library/modifying-pilates-for-clients-with-osteoporosis) learning the risks of Pilates and exercises I should avoid. This is very disheatening as it is my occupation. Based on the T-scores listed above, how high is my risk for a spine fracture if I continue to do or even demonstrate flexion and spinal twists?
Thanks for all your good work, Vivian!
I am a vegeterian and have osteroporosis. How can I get protiens without eating meat or fish – I am alergic to Soja?
(You can understand that this is very urgent for me!!)
Thank you for all your help.
Does anyone keep statistics on fractured bones in relationship to person being on fosamax (or similar drug) and number of years person was on drug, and is this available to the public? I was on fosamax for at least 10 years, have been off for 3-1/2 years, and trying desperately to improve bone density scores. Very difficult to eat 80/20 alkaline/acidic but trying. Postive note – weight vest (only up to 5 lbs.) while on treadmill has improved strength in my back.
Thank you for all your work in this field and keeping us updated.
Hi Vivian
Is Candida and Osteoporosis a related problem?
Thanks for a reply
Hi Vivian, Do you think that an osteoporosis with T-score more than 4,0 (about 4,2-4,4) can be treated only with your program? Now I am 60 years old and have pain in my back and legs. I would like not to use any drugs for osteoporosis, but I am afraid it won’t be enough and later I could face much more problems?! I am in a very difficult situation. Please let me have your advise!
Dear Vivian, I have been on Actonil for about 6 years, and gave it up a month ago…most of the pain in my shins has stopped, but upper arms still very painful when I raise them..do you think this pain will go and if so, how long should it take?
Hi Vivian,
I have adjusted my diet to include more alkalinizing foods and find that I am experiencing constipation. I’ve always had a tendency toward slow motility and constipation but it’s worse now than before. I consume only yogurt and kefir milk products. No cheese, only alkalinizing grains. Used to eat more whole grains, prunes, but these are acidifying and I’ve mostly cut them out of my diet. Do you have suggestions to help treat the constipation naturally to avoid taking laxatives?
Thank you so much!
Hi Vivian,
Could you please comment on which breads, if any, are alkalizing? I am wondering about Ezekiel Bread, manna bread or other sprouted wheat breads. What about spelt bread, as spelt appears in two columns in the Save Our Bones book? Love your work!
Susan Walker, Vancouver, Canada
I have been reading up on the health benefits of kale as I have quite a bit of it growing in my organic garden. My question is this: If kale is high in calcium (one cup providing 15 % of the daily requirement and 40 % of manganese required daily, which I thought helped the body absorb calcium) and superrich in Vitamin K which is necessary for bone health BUT contains oxalates that interfere with the absorption of calcium, then how is kale a bone healthy food? I am so confused. Please help us understand this whole process. I am trying to follow the dietary plan that you recommend in your book, but get confused when it comes to kale and spinach, which I think of as super foods!
Hi Vivian, Im building up my ration of alkaline to acid foods in each meal. So far it is 1 third alkaline to 2 thirds acid. I am vegetarian and my main meal of the day is lunch. For instance I would a have a salad to 1 third, a bean dish (1 third) and a grain dish (1 third). so I thought I would sprout my grains. Is it true that if you sprout a grain it will be become alkaline rather than acid? So then I would automatically have 2 alkaline foods and 1 acid food at each main meal. What do you think? Is it a good idea? Raw food is not my favourite food and i find it difficult to get enough alkaline food so I thought that this would be one to add to my growing arsenal. Also I have been to see a natureopath and he said that my system is acid so It is an important issue to me and I beleive it is one reason why I have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis. Vivian I would also like to say that I think you are amazing…what you have done…your website…how you have helped the global communtity and me as an individual…it truly does bring tears to my eyes and I thank God for you…xx Maxine 🙂
Thanks so much for all the information you send. It is very interesting and helpful.
My question pertains to coconut sweetener. You list fresh coconut and coconut oil as alkalizing. Only honey and stevia are listed as alkalizing sweeteners. My bag of coconut sweetener indicates that it is “All Natural Pure Coconut Sap”. Where does this sweetener fit in? Is it alkalizing or acidifying?
I like to drink unsweetened ice tea when I go out to eat, and get green tea sweetened with honey from Starbucks. My question is, is the caffeine bad for me?
I was wondering the same thing.
What can you tell me about taking strontium?
Dear Vivian,
One of my good friends was recently diagnosed with acid reflux and her doctor advised her to go on Prilosec and follow the “gerd” diet. She is very concerned about taking Prilosec because of her family history of osteoporosis and the drug’s negative calcium depletion side effects. Also, the gerd diet prohibits many of the foods that strengthen our bones (yogurt, tomatoes and many other nutritious fruits and vegetables).
I noticed in one of your responses (from a reader who was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia) you mentioned you also had acid reflux and successfully weaned yourself from an acid reducing drug and now just follow your Osteoporosis Reversal Program. How were you able to wean yourself off this drug, follow the akaline diet in your program and no longer have to deal with acid reflux?
My mother is also trying to wean herself off Prilosec after being on the drug for 10 years and would like to do so while following a natural wholistic diet. What would you recommend for them?
Thanks so much in advance for your cooperation.
Claire Crilly
Osteoporosis “runs” in the maternal side of my family. On my mother’s side, all women as they aged had it (great-grandmother, grandmother, mother); they all shrunk in height & developed Dowager’s humps. All are/were Caucasian, short in height (I am the tallest at 5’4″) & relatively thin. My mother had double hip replacements in her mid-70s; the doctors said she had osteoarthritis & had abused her hips when she was younger (she’d been a downhill skier & ran a ski shop in which she frequently climbed up & down stocking ladders; often jumping down from the ladders).
I am now 60 years old (my mother is 83) & have been taking calcium-magnesium supplements since my 30s. Currently, I take Whole Foods Market’s “Bone Complex” synergistic product (contains, in addition to calcium & magnesium — vitamin C, vitamin D3, vitamins K1 & K2, vitamin B12, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium & boron). Also, since my 30s I have been active (aerobics classes, swimming, walking & currently Anusara yoga). Despite my efforts to stave off osteopenia/osteoporosis my bone density levels have continued to drop
(2004 — total L hip: -1.1 & L hip femoral neck: -1.5)
(2006 — total L hip: -1.6 & L hip femoral neck: -1.5)
(2007 — total L hip: -1.4 & L hip femoral neck: -2.1)
(2009 — total L hip: -1.6 & L hip femoral neck: -1.5 & total R hip:
-1.1 & R hip femoral neck: -1.2)
(2011 — total R hip: -1.62 & R hip femoral neck: -1.76)
For the past 4-5 years I have been consulting with a traditional chinese medicine / functional medicine practitioner. She tells me that osteoporosis is due to inflammation, not lack of calcium. We are doing several things, among them strengthening my thyroid (Apex Energetics TYRO-CNV has definitely increased the FT3 levels (2010: 2.19 & 2011: 2.63); I under-convert from T4 to T3 which causes my weak thyroid levels.) She also has me on an insulin resistance diet (all my life I have been a carbs/sweets binge eater, although I am not overweight). I have been on the I.R. diet for about 1 1/2 years. My cravings for carbs/sweets have gone, probably ever since she warned me that if I did not change my ways, diabetes was headed my way. Also on the advice of my alternative health practitioner I’ve begun boiling beef, then poultry bones with vinegar twice/week & drinking this bone broth once/day.
I know that you wanted one ?, but the older I get & the more I study about bone density, there isn’t just one ?
Based on my journey so far, it seems that no matter what I do, I am bound to wind up with osteoporosis?
(by the way, I do not & never really have smoked, I do not drink either alcohol or caffeinated beverages & am on a modified paleolithic diet (protein with every meal, lots of cooked vegetables & some seeds/nuts/grains; this diet was advised by my TCM/functional medicine practitioer + I cut out sugar 1 1/2 years ago when I began eating to treat I.R.)(I do yoga classes 5 times/week (depending on my energy level; I tend to get fatigued easily) & it’s not just the stretch & restore type of yoga; I practice handstand, headstand, backbends, etc. — my Anusara teachers are very careful when teaching these challenging poses & I think that they do help my overall health)
I apologize for this long-winded ? I guess my ? is something like, “Despite working against getting osteoporosis since my 30s, it seems that I’m going the same way the other maternal side women in my family; is it impossible to fight genetics in regard to osteoporosis?
I fractured my hip a month ago my doctor wants me to consider injections
they are Forteo. I fell is how I got fracture. What do you know about these injections. I am scared.It has serious side aeffects.
I would love to TRY your new sweetener, but can you offer it in a smaller amount? Three pounds is a lot at one time. What If I don’t like it? Can I return it?
Is Strontium good or ok to take for those who don’t have actually have osteoporosis?
Dear Vivian,
You keep saying that you improved your bone density by 20% in a year. That was several years ago. What happened later? Did it improve further? Thank you.
Hi Vivian,
My only aunt is now suffering from bone cancer (after surviving breast cancer and then lung cancer 10 years ago). All labs and tests performed were normal until last week when they performed a Bone Scan because her hip started to hurt. The diagnosis is Bone metastasis (mainly on vertebrae, femur and acetabulum). How can I help her ease her pain and make her bones stronger? Thank you!
My ph level 6.5 or 7, I am Asian, until October I am turing 78. My questions are: Where can I find the supplements in one pill with sufficient quantity? or I have to take several pills? Please recommend me.
and the other, Can you give me a success story about an Asian, how she
prepare her meals? I am struggling for my meals, because I am old, a big
change, sometimes I hardly to adjust it, even I live in Australia for 22
Hi Vivian ,thanks for all the tips and updates that you forward on a regular basis.
My question is which is the best oil to cook with, particulary when pan frying or baking fish?
Dear Vivian,
I had written to you one month ago.But got no reply .I was diagonised with osteopinia 8yrs ago since then my specialist put me on IDROPHOS once a month and calcium.My bone density is no better than before. But after readng your book 4months ago, which has been an eye opener i have stopped taking IDROPHOS. I still take my calcium.I want to change to natural calcium as you have said it is better absorbed by the body.Can you suggest any? I also want to start taking ubiqunol, can you suggest that too. I am 58yrs old and active. I try to eat a healthy diet, as you have mentioned.
Thank you so much for sharing your research with all of us.
Hi Vivian…I would like to know if you know anything about ‘EZORB’. It’s supposedly the ‘New Generation Calcium Supplement’. It comes in powder form and capsules. I’ve been taking this for almost 2 years. I have no known side effects and feel really good, but my concern is how safe is this product. Is it causing me any health issues that haven’t shown up yet. When you read blogs, it’s mostly negative with few positives and you never know what to believe. Your opinion: should I continue taking this? Thank you!
Is San Peligrino and spring water OK to drink?
In your Save Our Bones program you mentioned that a particular type of calcium supplement was better and necessary for good bones, but you never gave any information about that calcium supplement. Which calcium supplements are best for us to take for better bone health and how much?
The matter of milk being harmful because of acidity.
I drink two glasses of milk a day.
If it is only the matter of acidity, how much of it is in 500 g of milk comparing with acidity of an average apple ? or a slice of lemon ?
I know fermented foods are good for bones (as well as having other benefits). How do you ferment your own food, such as broccoli, kale, or cabbage for sauerkraut?
I have your great book Save our Bones and I’m working my way through it. My question is this. How can I help keep the cartilage between the bones healthy.
Recently I have been diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis.. degenerative disks and compression. Also Osteoarthritis.
I continually have pain in my left butt and stiffness down my leg. I am not diagnosed w/Sciatica. I go to chiro, get manipulations and acupuncture. I am afraid of the Decompressing machine that is hooked up to computer. I am actually afraid to be decompressed at all. MY choices are: Chiro, Physical Therapy, Epidural, and Surgery. How can I help relieve myself of the constant pain. I will be trying physical therapy very soon.
I have been diagnosed with severe osteoporosis and have already broken my left wrist once and my right twice. What results do you predict for me on the Osteoporosis Reversal Program? I am torn between natural and drugs (which I have already done plenty of, but don’t want to take anymore). Thanks for your response!
What is your opinion of the recent studies indicating that calcium supplements can lead to heart disease? Also reports of side effects using Vitamin D. I always refer to your book. Thank you.
Is it true thata millet and buckwheat are alkaline forming too?
Will bones be too badly damaged by past anorexia to follow programme. Would taking aldronic acid be best as doctor advises, I have broken both wrists.
Vivian,I’m a 79 years young male. Recently My T3 Total was 72, my T4 Total was 3.5 and my TSH 27.37 up from previous test 2 weeks previously of 20.22.
I meet with Endocrinologist this week. I am concerned she will prescribe Synthroid instead of Armour.
May I have your comments, please?
Many thanks,
is the aspartame which is in calcichew+d3 harmful..? thanks Ita.
What do you know about use of calccitonin (taken as a daily nasal spray) as a treatment?
do you agree with protelos as treatment? I have it but am not happy drinking it..please comment .thank you Ita.
A major medical clinic in the U. S. A. wrote in a study that distilled water is acidic. (I believe it was the Mayo Clinic.) Is this true?
Recent Japanese research (Keio University) has reported negative results in bone mass in mice given Vitamin E & positive results when there was a deficiency. The researchers suggest that vitamin E could encourage the formation of bone-depleting osteoclast cells.
Help! Confused! What is your take on it Vivian?
I have your Save Our Bones book and although i have osteoporosis, up till now (I am eighty) I have no arthritic pain and do not believe in taking pain killers, sleeping tablets etc. My left hip is beginning to trouble me, so i am aware of every step i take. My podiatrist said Wear better balanced walking shoes, and this helps, but is there something else i can do to minimise the pain, which i am not used to! I walk and am very active, always trying to lose some weight.My question is “Can I lessen the pain naturally – say by drinking a glass of hot lemon first thing in the morning, or take apple cider vinegar or what do you suggest?
Hi Vivian, Is swimming any good for your bones? I swim about three times a week, and wondered if there was an exercise that I can do in the water to help improve my bone density.
Best wishes
Until I bought your book I was taking 2,000 mg of calcium carbonate every day because my doctor told me to take a lot of calcium. I switched to the type of calcium you recommend and now I take a lot less, but I’m really worried because I’ve read that calcium can cause heart attacks. Am I at risk?
I’ve been trying the SAVE diet for about 9 months…I rarely achieve the 4 to 1 ratio, but am eating MUCH MORE fruit & vegetables than I ever did in the past. One very odd thing I’ve noticed since around last October is that my fingernails are starting to look worse, not better, than before. They were always weak, split easily, and had white lines through them, but now, for the first time in my life they are hooking slightly, like claws, and warping toward the center. The only diet change I’ve made in the last 9 months is the SAVE OUR BONES diet and the Distilled
water. Is there any way the distilled water could be causing it? I decided to cut that out of my diet for awhile to see if that makes a difference. I’m drinking purified water. Any thoughts?
I just posted a question for Vivian about distilled water. A recent study by the Mayo Clinic, I believe, stated that distilled water is acidic. I had also switched to distilled several months ago but have not noticed any problems. Of course, if it is acidic, I won’t bem drinking it.
Hi Vivian, I bought two copies of “Osteoporosis Reversal Program”, one for my daughter and one for myself. I have two important questions to ask you. First question, what brand of calcium supplement do you recommend? I was on one for six months and had to stop because it had high levels of lead. I had a few supplements tested for lead, mercury, and other metals. My Dr. tested me for metals because I was always tired. All the metals came high. I spoke to a toxologist and he recommended I have my supplements tested. Second question, I tried to do the exercises that you recommend in your program. I found it difficult to do 10 minutes of the same exercise. Is it ok if i do five minutes of two different exercises every other day? Thanks again for a great program and for all your daily tips. Sincerely, Joyce A
Joyce, Your post was very enlightening! Did your doctor send the supplements off to be tested? That is scary, are you allowed to name names as everyone would like to know what NOT to take! Is your doctor a naturopathic doctor? Thanks for the info. Marilyn
Hi Vivian…I have been drinking exclusively distilled water since I found your book. That’s a lot of distilled water. Recently I found an article stating that distilled water is acid, and while it might help initially, is very dangerous and it could lead to an early death. Why the controversy?
Dear Vivian,
I’ve heard for many years, that squeezing a lemon into a glass of water and drinking it in the morning will make your body alkaline. If this is true, wouldn’t it be necessary to continue that several more times throughout the day?
Thanking you in advance for your response.
Hi Vivian
I was on actonel pills for nearly 7 years they really did nothing to help me.I have stopped taking them for over a year now as they were causing me stomach burns headache Now I cannot balance my meals right is it possble that you could help me with what foods that go together some different ones that you have already in your wonderful book,I,m having problems with milk as I love milk very much I’m 85 years old and I dont find myself old and may God bless you for the wonderful work you do to help all of us Carmen
HI Carmen..if you love milk, try Oat Milk..I am dairy allergic and have been on Oat Milk for years..Personally I wouldn’t take Soy Milk,which I started on B4 Oat..I got Graves Disease which gave me double vision..when I stopped the Soy the Graves Disease went away, but unfortunately it was too late for the double vision to repair itself.
What can you advise me about the pros and cons of parathyroid hormone to increase bone density? I am hopeful that following your plan will take care of the problem, but if my doctor is not pleased I know this will come up again. I am wondering if some women need this to absorb calcium properly. I have been a pointe ballet student for the past 17 years who has always been intersted in nutrition; therefore I’m shocked that bone density would be an issue, although I am an extra small person. Thank you for answering me.
I get pain in my back after I have been on my feet for awhile. It is my middle back right below my shoulder bones. (beneath my bra strap in the back) I think it is related to my poor posture nd lack of good stomach muscles. What exercises will relieve this? I am doing some back exercises.
Just want to know whether or not Strontium is good for osteoporosis.
I cannot remember whether or not Brie or any other cheese is helpful for
I really appreciate having the opportunity to ask direct questions of you.
You have been quite an inspiration for me!! Thank You Vivian.
Hi Vivian,
I downloaded Save Our Bones a year or so ago but for some reason the download started at page 24 and I did it twice. Did I miss anything in pages 1-23? Is it possible to have them sent to me? Thank you for your work.
Somewhere (cannot remember where) I had heard that strontium was good for our bones. Is is so?
This is my third year with your program. Last March I had another bone scan…I did not grow any bone back, lost a little in each place. Perhaps this is age related. But I continue on your program. We will see the results March 2013. I love all of your recommendations and try most. I eat veggies and fruit, drink Alomond Milk and George’s Aloe Water. I just turned 70..I have also been on the Mannatech Nutrition Program for over six years…that has also helped me…pure nutrition, plant based. Thank you for your continued help as I journey down the bone growth road. Cindy
Dear Vivian,
Where are your answers to these questions?
Thank you,
Give her a chance to get to them they have only been posted on 16 June
Hi Patricia,
As Vivian wrote in the blog post above:
“On June 28th, I will select five questions and will post my in-depth answers to them right here on the blog. Then throughout the year, I will continue answering five questions on a regular basis.”
Hope this clarifies things for you!
Hi there Vivian
lovely to be able to speak across the ocean to you! I have just been assessed again by my OP doctor and as my results have come up with a spine curve of nearly 90 degree bend, I have 3 crush fractures and others looming and have lost 6 inches in height, he is putting me forward to have Terepetide injections every day.
Can I ask you do you know any other people who have taken these injections which you have to administer every day yourself and did they help them? I am also unsure exactly what they will do to me, I have looked on the web but get differing answers. I havent started them yet, but I would like to know all I can about them before commencing if you can help in any way.
With many grateful thanks from Trisha Clark Horsebridge East Sussex England. (age 61)
I bought your book this year and have not read it completely so I don’t have a specific question at this time but I am excited that you will take questions and respond to them.
My gratitude for your attitude.
Is there a simple urine test to determine acid or alkaline or some other test to determine the same?
I buy litmus paper from the chemist. You can test it by colour change with urine or saliva.
I’m sure it would be available in all countries This Australian one has a website:
Many of us out here need to take medications that can hurt our bones. I have quite a few chronic illnesses including fibromyalgia and ankylosing spondylitis. I stopped taking Prilosec when I read your book. I ended up with bleeding ulcers and had to stop the ibuprofen, too. I got to the point where I was at a level 9-10 on the pain scale all day long and it was nearly impossible for me to walk. The doctors put me back on ibuprofen but I refused Prilosec but am now taking Pepcid AC. I feel better about that since Pepcid AC isn’t a PPI.
My question is, what can people like me do to offset what these medications are possibly doing to our bones? For me, without them, I have no quality of life.
I bought your program 5 months ago. I am having difficulty finding the right calcium and other supplements and ship them to me. I am a little discouraged to read comments saying they stick to your program and the results have got worse. They are asking your help.
Recently my urine ph is within 6.5-7.5, I suppose this number is good for the bone.
What brand or kind of fish oil is really good?
Where or how can I read others comment up to date?
Thanks Vivian
You have stressed the importance of an Algae Calcium. Please tell us which one YOU use and also a multiple that would include many of the foundation supplements. I’ve hounded all the health stores and am still somewhat confused about making the right choices. Please give some guidance here.
Thank you in advance.
I am following your diet as best I can. I weigh 60 kg normally,can you suggest a food which would help me to gain some wieght?
My last DEXa scan showed that I have severe osteopenia for all areas of the
DEXA scan and that was about 8 months ago. I have been off Fosamax for that amount of time. The endocrinologist makes me take 3000 to 3500 I.U.’s of D a day to get my elevated PTH down to 68.9 which is much better than
100. I will have another scan the end of October but now it will include the forearm. I walk, use weights, wear a weighted vest try to follow the diet but it has been less than a year. I want to know if anyone uses the Osteo Mins which have strontium in them. My doctor tells me that stays in your system forever because it is a metal and is not FDA controlled. The doc knows I will not do Forteo or PROlia so she suggested that I take Actonel in November of 2012.What should I do and what do you know about strontium?
How can I connect with people who’ve been successful? I’m struggling with meal planning. I’d also like to know where they got their supplements. It would be helpful to have a forum on your website where people can connect. Thank you.
I just moved from a house with a yard to a small apartment, so I had to give up my herb garden and also my huge aloe plant. I cooked with my organic herbs and made smoothies with the aloe. I miss my aloe plant so much, especially since it seems to be the only thing that helps me eliminate my heartburn that I got from taking Fosamax for six years.
Hi, I note in your Save our Bones document that you state that the ph of pasteurized milk (and dairy products) ranges from 2 to 4. I have been unable to find any data that supports your stated ph level for milk. Research data suggests that milk has a ph level of between 6.4 – 6.8. As you suggest not to drink milk, I am most interested in understanding the correct ph level of milk.
Vivian….how beneficial is it to take apple cider vinegar for people suffering with osteoporosis and if it is good for helping the bones is it detrimental to the health of any other part of the body ?…..thank you Mick
What is your opinion of the product, Osteo Phase by Tango Advanced Nutrition? It is supposed to move blood calcium to the bone, thereby increasing bone density even without additional calcium supplements.
Dear Vivian,
I am 73years old, Asian. Since the sole of my feet are sore and so are my knees, every time I do your exercises I feel the pain quite bad, so I have stopped doing them now, I only go for a brisk walk for 30/minutes in the morning. would that be enough? I go to the gym for other exercises as well.
Is that enough?
I have bone spurs on the tops of my feet. What causes them, how do I deal with them, and what can be done, other than the shaving operation (according to an orthopedic surgeon) which the bone grows back from? It is interfering with walking, running, exercising, ect. The spurs are located on the middle of the tops of my feet. Any help available? Thanks
Is it proven by clinical studies that diet and exercise can and do improve bone density in each and every case, or do some people get too far gone to be helped??
What Supplements, If Any, Are Good For Your Bones?
Vivian, my question is: What are the remedies for osteoporosis as a result of hormone issues after menopause? are your recommendations still the same? could you please suggest what to do for women who live in the many countries where there are NOT bio-identical hormones?
Thank you
I turn 70 in Sept. Already have curved and continuing curving spine as did my Paternal Grandmother, my Father and his two older Brothers (Uncles). Any way to stop it? Correct it? Straighten it? Hopefully! Also, continue to have spontaneous fractures in the spine and ribs. HELP! THX for Being YOU and showing/teaching us there truly are alternatives, Jan
Hi Vivian, My question is “Do you know which exercises we should not be doing if you have osteoporosis or osteopenia?” (like yoga)
I want to thank you so much for giving us knowledge on how to stay healthy. The majority of mediation as you know has too many side effects. I’m so happy to come across your link and to get your Save Our Bones book. It’s the best thing I’ve done for myself in decades. I especially appreciate you giving us the encouragement to tell my doctor why I stopped taking boniva. I can’t thank you enough for all of your help.
What is a healthy way to gain weight if you have osteoporosis?
Hello. Question #1: I have been on your diet for two years now and love it.
I have read sooo much about the oils we are to cook with nowdays–not canola or olive as high temps cause oxidation.
We are to use coconut oil for baking or butter. I am allergic to milk, so I will have to use coconut. The saturated fat content bothers me in coconut.
Canola if used at a high temp oxidizes and causes cancer I have read. What is your view on this?
Question #2: What about Earth Balance which I use for my margarine?
It is expeller pressed which makes it OK I read since it does have the canola, olive and palm in it.
Can you use Earth Balance to bake with since it is expeller pressed?
Question #3: Also can you use sesamee butter to make with or is the oil in that not good for baking either.
I use a lot of quinoa flour & flakes to bake with and am confused about the oil. I do know that one can use applesauce to substitute for the oils I a sooooo confused. Can you shed some light on this?
With much appreciation for your diet and help. Marie Hinnrichs
Dear Vivian, I have was on Fosomax for a year and stopped 4 years ago. I somehow found your program and I have been following it
ever since. I have not given up eating oatmeal(cholestrol mitigation) or meat ( but have reduced it) but for most other things I have followed your diet. In addition, I am very active, lift weights a couple of times per week, walking or running several times per week, biking, skiing, snowshoeing, hiking,swimming etc. I just recently had another bone density test and now instead of osteopenia I have osteoporosis. What am I doing wrong? Could it be that the Fossomax completely stopped all new bone growth and it will never start again? I am very Depressed and upset. Any ideas? 62.5 years old, nancy
I have not read anything in your column about compressed fractures in
lumbar and thoracic areas. Can you give any updates on this subject?
Treatments or warnings. etc. Thank you.
Could you please comment regarding Diatomaceous Earth…It is 89% Silicon Dioxide and supposed to be very beneficial for calcium absorption. It is supposed to be good for hair, nails and bones. Please let us know what you know about this product and if it is alkaline or too acidic.
I had a bad bout with thyroid problems several years ago (now under control with synthroid). I know when the dosage is off, my bones suffer.
My question is: What RX drugs cause the most harm?
I’m asking for just a listing of say the top 25-50 drugs without explanation. We can do our own research and check with our doctors if we take that drug.
Thanks for ALL you do. It so nice to have someone in our corner.
I have been on the Save Our Bones plan for a few years now. My last dexascan was almost 2 years ago and did not show good results. Whenever I tested my pH it would be very acidic no matter how closely I stuck to the plan. A few months ago I discovered drinking 2 Tbsp. lemon juice, 1/2 tsp. baking soda, and 1/2 c. water once in the morning and once in the evening helped keep my pH where it should be. I’m hoping this in addition to your Save Our Bones plan will make the difference for me. I’ve noticed my nails are strong yet flexible (in all my 60 yrs. I’ve never had healthy nails).
My question is whether there are any health risks to consuming the above drink? I respect your opinion and look forward to your advice.
I have made your homemade icecream several times and it is delicious, now I want to try to make the delicious smelling lavender and have all ingredients except the natural rattan reeds get them from.do you know which sort of shop I can get them from?
I am a hearing impaired person and also am diagnosed with Osteoporosis. I went to a new ear Dr. a few months ago and he wants me to take Zantac. I have a lot of sinus drainage and he thinks it’s caused by Acid Reflux. I am resisting doing that, not wanting to reduce my stomach acid which is needed to digest minerals for my bones. The first thing he prescribed I got but didn’t take, because I called the pharmacist and she read that it can increase your risk of fractures. Is there a test for Acid Reflux to even prove I have it? He wants me to take something for it to help the drainage which may affect my ears. What should I do?
Diagnosed with Osteoporosis four years ago. Two years ago Dexa Scan showed no change. On calcium supplements only. My dentist tells me that my jaw bone looks fragile on my x-ray. Help! Trying to maintain an Alkaline way of eating. Any suggestions Vivian? You are doing a great job. Thank you.
By the way I am 75 years old…I do the weights at the gym 3x a week and Yoga on the off days.
Recently had an xray of my right hip after a few months of painful Adiscomfort in hip joint area (as well as upper right leg (outside) & knee. They said the hip issue is osteopina. (Didnt realize it caused pain). Are there better or worse foods, etc.?, (already try to eat healthy). Topically, I use some stick on flecto patches, or menthol, or w/capsisan (sp), just for more comfort since I’m on my feet alot at work. And which exercises are best for this issue? I do take otc calcium (citrate) both in tablet & liquid (which I prefer)!
Any advise would be appreciated. I’m only 63, & enjoy walking, hiking, etc. Thanks soooo much!
vivian, sometimes i get confused….the advice from you, and also from others you recommend contradicts….for instance, Sherry Brescia (whom i discovered through you) helps with belly issues, which is mostly based on food combining….at times, this doesn’t fit with the advice for osteoporosis wellness….any suggestions for making it all work together? thanks!!!
I have a bulging disk, and it is causing me quite a bit of pain. I am unable to work. I have tried many things. I’ve had therapy, decompression therapy, some exercises, and shots. What would you recommend? I do not want surgery!
Thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate it. I would really like to be pain free!!
Many thanks!!!!!!
Hello Vivian.
After being diagnosed with osteoporosis two years ago at the age of 63 I found your website and straight away proceeded to follow the Save Our Bones programme (after buying your book). I started taking the supplements Organic Calcium etc and followed the 80/20 balance as close as possible (sometimes 70/30) and was sure I was on the right path to halting my osteoporosis or even reversing it a little. I keep fit by walking and swimming and my weight is normal for my size. However, having now received my two year follow-up bone scan (DXA) it has got considerably worse.
In 2010 the T-score for the Spine was -3.4 and in 2012 is -3.7. For the Total Hip (left) in 2010 was -0.9 and in 2012 is -1.2. The report conclusion states that I have “lost significant amount of bone in two years” and also that I have “severe osteoporosis”. Naturally this conclusion came as a shock and was devastating.
I have had all the necessary blood tests for calcium, vitamin D, coeliacs and all are normal. I am still going to carry on with the Save Our Bones programme and my doctor has not put me under any pressure to go on medication so I am just hoping that my next two year scan shows a marked improvement. Can you shed light on why this is such a disappointing result? I would be very grateful for any further advice.
Vivian, What are your thoughts about Silk brand coconut milk to replace cows milk?
Hi Vivian, I know that you advise drinking only distilled or reverse-osmosis fileterd water but my kitchen is tight for space and I cannot fit a home distiller or reverse-osmosis system. I can buy distilled water in plastic jugs in the grocery store. My question is…does the risk of drinking water from a plastic jug outweigh the benefit of drinking distilled water? Thank you.
I would love to try your sweetener, but I do not feel buying three pounds is a good way to get your product out there. I feel you should sell it at a one-pound offer.
My osteo condition has been caused by celiac and that is why I am on rose ax or alendronate. All the good nutrition that I can consume does not pass thru the small intestine so just diet change is not going to change the bone density. Are there any other safe medications out there that I can take as supplements that might be digested and absorbed properly?
I found the below paragraph regarding drinking distilled water:
Is distilled water safe? That is a question many people ask and seems to be a controversy wherever you go.
One one hand, distilled water removes any and all impurities in the water such as any metals that may be present, fluoride (if you think it’s unsafe, that’s also under review), chlorine etc.
On the other hand, it also removes healthy minerals your body uses and leaves the water acidic and ‘hungry’ for minerals which it may remove from your body.
Eventually, drinking too much of this water over a long period of time can deplete your body of much needed minerals and electrolytes.
While drinking the occasional glass of distilled water won’t harm you, but it may be a chronic problem if drank repeatedly over a long period of time, especially to women who are at risk for or suffer from osteoporosis.
It makes me wonder how safe it is to drink distilled water. Please advise.
I take a suuplement consisting of calcium from coral mineral powder and magnesium. It is a 2:1 ratio. What are the plus factors and the negative factors of this typ supplement? I also take vitamin D-3.
I recently found that I have a gluten intolerance. I have eliminated all wheat, rye, and barley products from my diet. How does eating gluten vs. not eating it affect them bone health for a gluten intollerant person?
Hi Vivien,
I know you wrote a lot about the negative health effect of cow’s milk. Still it is not clear to me if you consider ORGANIC RAW MILK FROM GRASS FED COWS unhealthy and acidifying on the body. Does it leaches calcium out of the body the same way as pasteurized milk does? Also, is there a difference between organic raw cow’s milk and BUFFALO’s milk? Is buffalo’s milk more valuable? I would appreciate your reply.
I am 74 years old took not take any medication for osteoporosis but have been trying to take calcium supplements cannot take any because I get problems with them, I am allergic to most medications. I am going to try gel tablets without magnesium, because I get diarrhea from the magnesium. Could you give me some advice. I do have osteopenis and have had breast cancer in 1997 surgery chemo and radiation. Thank you.
Since I am on hormone therapy for prostate cancer, should I be overly concerned about osteoporosis as long as I do all the right things? I am 76 years old and in great health with exception of prostate cancer and some arthritis. I maintain a extremely healthy diet and workout daily for one to two hours(stretching, weights, yoga,and swimming.)
Riding a bicycle good for your bones when you have Osteoporosis.
I have plantar fasieitis do you have any ideas. This pain in my feet has been for one and half years. have had acupuncture, massage, helpe thourh a podyatrist, orthotics and exercise to no avail. dr keeps suggesting antiinflamortories but I refuse to take them.Any suggestions
If you add pure apple cider vinegar (Bragg) to reverse osmosis water will that make it alkaline? I find it easier than using lemon and am inclined to do it more often. Thank you
I meant June 15th not 21st! I am a week ahead of myself…lol
Hi Vivien, hope I am not too late as it is already Friday 21st. You will be pleased to know I came off my Protelos 2 a couple of months ago and feel great. I had memory problems/confusion and also my lower legs were extremely sore to the touch, in fact a burning painful sensation was present. I had other side effects like diarhoea but the previous two were too serious to ignore. I hated having aspartame in my meds anyway as I avoid it like the plague but I did give it a go for about 3 years, alongside food for my bones and exercise but I told my GP today I am doing everything the natural way now. I do have a specialist appointment next week but I think I would rather stay off the meds altogether now. My bone scan on my spine was “bad” so 3 years on that med was more than useless. I am doing three of your exercises every day, but would like the dvd. However, I need it to go into my dvd player in my large living room, and not the small dining room and through the pc. I want to be able to do the full range of your exercises…not just a small part of them. How do I get round this….I am willing to buy the dvd but need the room to exercise. I do hope you pick up on my question Vivienne?
Just make your own DVD. You must know some one with a “Burn DVD” feature on their computer, who can create this for you. You can buy the blank DVDs at any office supply.
I recently had my Dexa scan and my osteoporosis has gotten worse. My numbers are all -3.4 in hips and spine. I have been eating an alkalizing diet for about a year. My doctor insists I take drugs but I don’t want to. Please tell me what else I can do. Thank you.
I’ve been suffering from back pain, even before I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, and I’m running out of options. I’ve wasted money on all kinds of gadgets and doctors visits (that inevitably end with a toxic pain pill that I never want to take).
Even though I know this may not be your area of expertise, I’m desperate, and hope that you have some kind of resource that could help me.
I’ve been suffering from back pain, even before I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, and I’m running out of options. I’ve wasted money on all kinds of gadgets and doctors visits (that inevitably end with a toxic pain pill that I never want to take).
Even though I know this may not be your area of expertise, I’m desperate, and hope that you have some kind of resource that could help me.
My 12 years old daughter has scoliosis and the doctors/chiropractors here (Hong Kong) advised that this disease is incurable and surgery is the only way out. Is it true and as a parent, I can’t just sit there and wait for surgery. What can I do to help my poor little daughter to overcome this disease and will your “Save Our Bone” Programme help with regard to scoliosis treatment?
Ringo, Please google “spine cor brace. This is a great treatment for young girls.
Many utube stories about success without surgery. Its very flexible.
I had a Dexa Scan and it came out very low.I heard Strontium is very good for the bones.
What is your opinion on that?
I am scheduled for a bone density test and found out that radioactive dye will be inserted into my veins to allow the bones to be viewed better. I am thinking of canceling this appointment. Where does this radioactive dye go and does it have any affect on the bones, kidney, liver, heart, spleen? It just not feel safe to me.
What is your opinion and what information do you have regarding STRONTIUM as a supplement for strengthening bones. I was told while calcium is good for bones that are already strong, strontium works for weaker bones.
Any info or opinion or clinical trial results would be greatly appreciated.
HI Vivian They say I have small kidney stones w/ the osteoprosis, should I be taking calcium at all? Thanks for all you do, it is veyy much appreciated. gracie
Dear Vivian,
I have cancer in the bones/spine, osteoarthritis and osteroporosis. Can I use a trampouline for overall excercise?
Nearly two years ago, at age 64, I had my first Dexa scan and was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis in the lower spine (- 4.8) and moderate osteoporosis in the hip (- 2.6). After a year, it was discovered that I had parathyroid disease, and in March of this year, I had surgery to remove a parathyroid adenoma. My PTH and calcium levels are back to normal now, and I will have a second Dexa scan later this fall. I do NOT want to go on any bone drugs, and am continuing with a healthy, bone-building diet and bone-strengthening exercises. Will I be forced to go on the drugs if my readings don’t improve?
My son has fried eggs and toast most morning. I think this is qite alkalizing. What could he have with it that is quick to do. THanks Anne
I am 56 and according to my last bone density report I am now borderline osteoporosis. My question is concerning exercise. How do I know if I am doing enough to help reverse my scores? I realize that taking supplements and eating an alkaline diet is also part of the answer. I’m sure that any amount of exercise is better than no amount of exercise but I want to know what to do to make a difference that’s noticeable the next time I have my bone density test.
do alkalizing beans and vegetable still retain these properties if they are
I would like to know that too, I buy Eden’s butter beans which I found out are actually lima beans which are alkaline but since they’re canned are they still?
do vegetables and legumes that are alkalizing become acid forming when
they are canned?
Hi Vivian,
I had been on fosomax for 5 yrs and ruined my singing voice. I then got a nasal spray for 5 yrs, that was a salmon hormone and it dried out my nasal passage. I have now been on Aclasta, that is a 15min infusion that lasts for the year. I am into my second year.
My Question: Can I start your program even though I have 7-8 months left of this Aclasta in me? I am 68 yrs old, just ordered your book and hope for good things. I look forward to your reply.
I believe that an important underlying cause of osteoporosis today is the typical diet and types of foods being eaten.
When the body is acidic it tends to neutralize and compensate by releasing minerals such as calcium and magnesium from the bones. Many doctors prescribe drugs to treat the symptoms, however these often produce significant side effects and do not deal with the underlying cause of osteoporosis.
I have found that calcium in the blood vessels producing arteriosclerotic plaque can be removed and placed back in the bone by using Vitamin K2
Vic Herlacher, M.D.
I have read that DEXA scan equipment varies from one machine to another, thus the author recommended staying with the same location (hospital) for each scan. Is this true? I recently changed location and my DEXA scan reading was lower than before.
I stopped taking calcium supplements as I heard on the news that they were bad for your heart and that we should get calcium from food. I know that you e-mailed us about what calcium supplements it was safe to take but I didn’t write it down. Could you give the name of the supplements again please. Thanks for all of the e-mails. Appreciate it.
have you ever recommended osteoporosis patients to also have a gluten/celiac test to confirm that gluten is not the problem and when you get off all wheat…/gluten products then your food is able to absorb nutrients again.
Dear Vivian,
I enjoy carbonated beverages, but realize that cola and other such beverages are extremely harmful to my bones.
Is sparkling apple juice (pure without sugar added) or sparkling water with lemon or lime bone depleting?
They are great substitutes if they are not harmful.
John R. Hertzler, Jr,
Vivian, do you think that calcium 600 mgs 3 x a day could be constipating?
I take 750 mgs. of magnesium at night to prevent it for the most part.
Thanks for letting us air our thoughts. I have been hearing some this past
week about taking calcium and that is isn`t helping much. I also heard some rumors about taking a multi-vitamin as they don`t do anything for you. What is your opinion and thoughts? My doctor wants me to take them but what if we don`t are we going to be worse off if we stop or should we still take them?
I take 1800 mg of calcium a day. That is morning, noon and evening. Some new research the pharmist says to take my calcium tablet 4 hours before I take the thyroid tablet early in the morning. So I get up at 4:00 AM and take it and then I take the thyroid tablet either at 7:30AM or 8:00Am. It is supposed to give my thyroid a boost since I have hypothyroism. Also more absorbtion of the tablet. I do feel better and not so tired. I am glad to see some movement with this approach. I am not able to lower my weight however only 5 pounds. Exercise has been good for me and that helps to bring it down a few more.pounds.
I have followed your advise of using foods to increase my calcium and use almond milk faithfully with exercise. This has made my digestion system function much better. I would like your opinion and more advise how to handle this new idea. Thank loads for you website and help. Donna K. Iowa
I’ve known for years that processed milk is bad for you and will not drink it. But my wife has been told by doctors to drink lots of milk and she makes up for both of us. Fortunately I found the hemp website and those products have done her a grea service. But my question is, how can I convince her the doctors are wrong about milk and get her to stop drinking that toxin?
I do not suffer from osteoporosis…so please do not Email me.
Thank you
I have osteoporosis and have gotten off the inorganic calcium and onto organic. Is Ezorb OK to take and if so do I need to take D, K, and magnesium with it? Ezorb says it’s not necessary. The other calcium supplement is from Garden of Life and called Raw Calcium which has AlgaeCal in it. My question is, which supplement is better? I just finished Ezorb and thought I’d try the Raw Calcium. If you could advise me, I’d appreciate it. Maybe you know of even better ones! Thank you.
Hi Vivian,
I’ve recently seen a Dr. on T.V. recommend taking 680 mg. of strontium citrate daily. He said strontium builds bone. You say that strontium is only okay in small amounts . I’m very confused! Please clarify this for me.
I will be discontinuing Miacalcin nasal spray in August. Until now I have used it every night, but only every other month. This medication has been a part of my regimen for several years. (I am concerned about respiratory effects).
The rest of my bone program includes calcium and magnesium supplements as well as strontium (340 mg per day) taken seperately. I have a customized balanced supplement program as well. My bone density (Dexa test of finger only) has improved and am out of the osteopoenia range and into the normal.
I wish to replace the Miacalcin with something else that will help to keep my bone density strong. I have your book but have not had time to study it yet. My hope is that you will be able to suggest a good replacement for the Miacalcin. You may suggest pages in your book that best address this question if you wish. Thank you very much.
Are we going to get answers from Viv or do we answer each other-this can be frustrating because we are trusting Viv to give us the right answers.
Have you tried the “Search” option at the top of the website page? I have found lots of answers from this. Type in a few keys words of concern and it will direct you to articles where Vivian deals with that topic. Or you could order the program. It answers most all the questions I see here in the comments. That way you can do your own research and have answers right away.
I have wondered the samething.
Vivian asked us to ask question, then she NEVER answers them.
What is that all about!!!
Truthfully I could answer allot of these question, but it is not my job, but I feel sorry for so many of the people here.
When I have more time I will come back and try to answer some of them, if Vivian has not..
Also there are some question, that people should ask there Drs.
Vivian is Not a Dr..That said, I would never even consiter taking Osteo drugs..
@ Dee,
If vivian has asked people to leave questions, nobody should have to look them up..
That said, they should just go to Google and get answers.
Vivian is selling books, sugar and other things that I get emails for!!
As Vivian wrote at the top of this page,
“The questions I receive during ‘Ask Vivian Week’ will be answered throughout the year as part of our hugely popular ‘Vivian Answers Day’ series.
On June 28th, I will select five questions and will post my in-depth answers to them right here on the blog. Then throughout the year, I will continue answering five questions on a regular basis.”
I hope this answers your question 🙂
Recently I heard that taking Vitamin D and Calcium ( especially Calcium) supplements are harmful and that we should get them from foods that we eat. This can be very difficult especially Vitamin D and my understanding is that the older you are the more difficult it is to get enough Vitamin D from the sun also sun is damaging to the skin.
How much Calcium do you think is safe? What about Vitamin D?
I seem not to like any calcium but then i tried cal-mag caps and then it seem like i heard do not take any. trying to reread the -ultimate book info but have not got far enough to talk myself into anything. Is a calcium pill really worth taking at all. sometime yes and sometime no to me??
I recently bought a vibration machine-called Crazy Fit-in hopes of benefiting my bones. It is 112 in the desert now and it is almost impossible to walk outside. do you think this was a ghood idea?
Can you reccomend or know of company making the calcium formula you mention.,
Hi Vivian!
I already acquired your save our bones program and read it front to back. I am defintely giving it a try.
I am a 33 year old male, and was diagnosed with Osteopenia about 2 years ago. I am otherwise very healthy and have always been very active. In fact I came to know I had osteopenia after I broke my tibia while skateboarding, it healed and then a year after that I broke my knee while surfing. It was then when I asked the doctor to give me a Bone Scan which revealed I had Osteopenia. It was a real shocker.
I had numerous endocrine, blood, etc tests done and everything seems normal. My hormone levels are normal, calcium blood levels are normal, etc. The only thing that was not normal is that I had excess urinary excretion of calcium and I was also forming kidney stones. They really dont know why this is happening.
I was just given diuretics (diurace 12.5 https://www.clinicasanantoniosac.com.pe/web/medicamentos/PLM/productos/33536.htm) and took it for 1 year. Although it helped lower my calcium urine excretion -but still it didnt bring it all the way down to the normal levels- I had also a new DEXA scan done in the same place and it showed that my bone mass had deteriorated a bit more in a 1 year span.
Do you have any special suggestions for me other than following your program given I have this elevated calcium urine excretion? Is it common that people with Osteoporosis or Osteopenia to have excess clacium in the urine?
I have to say I used to ingest a lot of Dairy, plus I also had elevated animal protein on my diet.
Thanks and hope you can give me some pointers to help restore my bone health and be able to surf again without any worries.
I am 60 years old and in pretty good health, except that I had a bone scan 2 years ago and showed Osteopenia so I started a program of daily following a diet rich in calcium, weight bearing exercises and walking, hoping that it will help me to reverse or at least maintain the level, but this week i had a bone scan, and doctor told me that now I have 3.2 Osteoporosis and need to start thinking about the last medicine which he said will help me to at least maintain this level of Osteoporosis. The medicine is Prolia and he said it is $800 for a 6 month injection. He gave me a brochure to read it, and i do not even know what to do now. I have been receiving your newsletter, and i am saving money to buy your books,please what is your advice, I am a petite latina, and many of my friends are already taking Actonel. Thanks for your reply.
On and off in the last 3 or so years, due to specific symptoms I’ve resorted to taking Nexium but take no other prescriptions, just some very good supplements. Diet and blood work are excellent but I am concerned about how this affects my bones. When I stop it for a couple of months, I am suddenly blindsided with symptoms similar to heart attack symptoms and have gone to emergency when it is at it’s worst but heart wise am okay. I then go back on the Nexium which tends to get everything fine again. Not sure how to get off it but will try again in the future. In the meantime how are my bones being affected by the Nexium? I am 62 years old, quite healthy otherwise, up ladders, bending, twisting, pushing/carrying weight etc. while working in our tomato greenhouse and have quite good energy.
Just wanted to know if taking whey protein powder would make my osteoporsis
worse since it is a milk product? I am trying to build body mass since we loose a lot as we age.
I just received a copy of my latest Bone Density Test.
This study was performed on our new Lunar Prodigy machine. A direct comparison with patient’s previous examination of July 2010 is not possible.
This examination will serve as the new baseline for this patient.
It is noted that the patient is on a remineralization regime.
The T-score in the lumbar area from L1 to L4 is . The Z score is -1.0. The mineralization value of 0.800 gms/cm2 is seen. The above value shows an increase from the last study in the lumbar area.
The T-score in the femoral neck area i -2.4, the Z score is -0.2. The mineralization value of 0.707 gms/cm2 is seen. The mineralization in area also shows an increase from the last study.
Both values are in the osteoporotic range. A high risk fracture rate category is seen. A follow-up study in 1 year is suggested.
Can you please explain to me what that means? For the last two years I am following your advice. I do the things you recommend and I take no drugs. Of course, my doctor cries “foul” after each bone density test. Could you take a look at this one please? I just picked it up at my doctor’s office. It looks to me that I am improving. Am I correct in this? Should I worry about this or just go on with what I am doing?
I really would appreciate your opinion.
Thank you for doing an excellent job in helping us,
I’ve been taking calcium (blend of calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate, calcium citrate, calcium amino acid oligfructose complex) with vitamin D for years. I am vegetarian and do not drink milk and have only minimal dairy in my diet. In addition to trying to stay on an alkaline diet and exercise should I give up the calcium supplements? Thank you so much for all you are doing to help so many.
Do you have a recepi book? If not are you going to make one?
Is strontium a safe and helpful supplement to take for osteoporosis? If the answer is no, please tell us why? I enjoy your news very much and have passed your website on to others. Blessings, Jean
I try to follow an alkaline diet as much as possible, walk several times a week, make sure I stay active, take calcium (recently switched to Ezorb). However, I have also been taking Evista for a number of years. My doctors encourage this because my sister and aunt had breast cancer. However, I know you recommend not taking any prescription for osteoporosis. I’d appreciate your comments about this situation. Thank you.
My husband, knowledgeable in chemistry, is very critical about the whole alkaline/acidic forming ability of food in the body. Can you lead me to a source that gives a scientific explanation of how the alkalinity or acidifying potential of food is determined? Thanks!
Dear Vivian,
On a recent Dr Oz show, he recommended taking Strontium 680mg per day to increase bone strength. He also went on to say that Strontium should not be taken at the same time as your calcium supplement. I believe you have said that you do not recommend more than 5mg of Strontium in a calcium supplement. I am confused if I should continue taking my calcium supplement that does contain 5 mg of Strontium or if I should take the 680mg that Dr Oz suggests at different times than my calcium. Could you please clarify?
I would like to see this question answered. Is the 5 mg in new chapter enough strontium and could you take more strontium by itself later on in the day. Is it stomach friendly? Thanks
Hi Vivian,
Please re-state your position on Strontium Citrate. I am taking only 5 mg in my vitamin supplement but am still unsure if I shouldn’t be taking more.
Hi Jeannette,
I couldn’t have asked that question better myself!
Does a vibrating machine help osteoporosis or osteopenia?
Is a glass of Pinot Noir ok around the same time as taking a calcium tablet?
I wouldlike to know about the vibration machine also-I just bought one because it is too hot-112-to walk in the desert. I love the machine-a Crazy Fit-and it feels good but am not sure it is beneficial
that might be so but noboddy is answering my plight thank you, Gerard
why ask questions that you never see an answer for it.
YEs—where and when can we see the answers to our questions–
You might have missed Vivian’s introduction to Ask Vivian Week, where she rights,
“The questions I receive during ‘Ask Vivian Week’ will be answered throughout the year as part of our hugely popular ‘Vivian Answers Day’ series.
On June 28th, I will select five questions and will post my in-depth answers to them right here on the blog. Then throughout the year, I will continue answering five questions on a regular basis.”
So keep asking questions 🙂
Dear Vivian, I am waiting for the arrival of your book “save ourbones” I have ordered and paid for however I have also been charged for a DVD which I did not order, good you please rectify this for me. I have read your e-book “the natural bonebuilding handbook and find it very interesting and informative, thank you very much kind regards Gerard.
Have you heard of the new progam to help your bones without medicine. It is called B.Strong4Life and uses Bio Density Bone Therapy.
which toods are acidic nd wgich are alksline?
which foods are acidic and which are alkaline?
I have numerous food intolerances, so I would like to know what I can eat before exercise to replace the whey protein, I am unable to have egg, dairy, gluten, soy. I started the exercise program you sell through e-book. I am enjoying, it but need some food help. Thanks!
I am taking a supplement called Pro Bono by Ortho Molecular Products. Can you tell me if you think this is a good supplement for the bones. It is expensive.
Have been unable, so far, to track down marine algae calcium in Britain, I’ve been told it’s no different than the calcium tablets with have been proven to block arteries etc. However, I have stopped taking them but how do I know if I am getting enough calcium? I am following your Osteoporosis Reversal Programme but still not sure as I have been told I need to take 1600 mg a day. Dexa Scan shows I have Osteoporosis and osteopenia and widespread osteoarthritis.
A bit of a mess! I can’t have another scan for 3 years. Help!
I have had bypass on my heart and do have serious vascular disease and worry about the calcium making it worse-I have osteoporousis and am using Viviens program.
1. What is the name of a healthy toothpaste not having fluoride? My dentists all recomment toothpaste having fluoride. I have had implants from
bad gums.
2. What is the name of a health sunscreen?
Thank you
Hi Vivian and readers, My last bone density test shows that I have reversed my osteoporosis to osteopenia.. However I recently developed a disease called Polymyalgia and the only cure for it is prednessone. Prednesone like other steriods causes thining of the bones.How canI keep from getting worse. If you should select my comment why not combine it with others who have to take steriods for other conditions such as R.A. etc?
Please comment on the NYT article of 6/13/12 regarding the non-benefit of low doses of vit. D & calcium in healthy adults. This is getting wide reporting in the media. Does this have implications for those with osteoporosis? I’m sure you’re getting many queries from your website about the article!
Thank you.
I am wondering what the alternative is if ones bone density worsens after discontinuing actonel and following save our bones. Is there ever a time to reconsider taking medication?
I would like to hear a definitive to this legitimate question
I purchased your program and followed it…until I began experiencing more severe episodes of Kidney Stones requiring emergency surgery. What diet recommendations do you propose to those of us suffering from chronic Kidney stones who want to protect our bones & refuse to take drugs?
Hi Vivian,
Your thoughts on Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar for
nutrition, reducing acidity in the joints as
well as aiding heartburn acidity. Thank YOu.
I have the same question
did you know that heartburn is actually cause from lack of stomach acid–google it. I used the water and salt program for its benefits for 6 weeks and then quit because I found out that senior citizens are usually lacking hydrochloric acid any way and being too alkaline can be another problem–what are we to do?
Greetings Vivian;
Please explain the current media and medical reports regarding the negative side effects of taking calcium. There have been several reports including one this week in USA Today. The reports do not specify the type of calcium (carbonate, citrate or vegetarian) and the information is confusing.
Thank you for the Save Our Bones program and best wishes!
I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. Do I need to continue the calcium and Vitamin D supplements? I drink lots of milk, eat cheese and yogurt and several foods that have calcium. Since I am taking Coumadin and lanoxin for A-Fib, I have to leave off the dark green vegetables which supply Vitamin K. In readings, I learned that Vitamin K helps my bones. What can I substitute for the dark greens/Vitamin K?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
i too am worried about getting enough Vit K as I take Warfarin for A Fib. I have osteoporosis in spine.
Hola Vivian,
Can your sale products be ordered over the phone??? If they do, I would like to have a phone number. Thank you for all you do for healthy bones! Hasta la vista!
Can you explain why there is such a discrepancy in alkaline vs acidic food charts? For example, in some, grapefruit is alkaline and in others it is acidic. Same with spelt, apples, peaches, cantaloupe, brazil nuts,honey and many other foods. It’s a little confusing when you’re trying very hard to achieve the 80/20.
excellent question…
Vivian, I always wanted to know why is there so little calcium in fresh cheese, like cottage or pot. Does the calcium stay in whey after separation. If so, whey can be used for drinking (chilled) or cooking. I make my own pot cheese sometimes and used whey as a base for vegetable soup.It tastes a little tangy, but definitely tolerable, especially if it is a good source of Ca. Is it?
I have bad reflux – everything I eat causes heartburn. I have osteoporosis and would like to know what can I take besides the prescribed PPI’s since they contribute to osteoporosis. The also seem to be the only thing that stops the acid reflux.
I have been following a gluten free diet for the last 2 yrs. As long as I follow that diet I am relatively free of gastrointestinal problems.
I was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis in my back. I found your program that day on the Internet. Should I be doing anything differently when following your recommendations? Do you think your program will help me.
Thanks from someone who doesn’t want to take ProLira,
What other nutrients besides strontium and Vitamin K2 are needed for bone health? Is there a supplement that contains all of them?
I have a slight curvature of the spine which causes very tight muscles in my right shoulder and neck if they are used a lot, like in exercising. Also, I have a limited diet due intestinal difficulties, which means I can not eat a number of vegetables nor fruits–I am really limited on which ones and how much. So, in trying to follow the food plan and exercise plan I feel I may not be doing all that is necessary to improve my bones. I am in my mid 60’s, my T-Score a couple years ago was -1.9. I am tall and thin and the Dr. wanted me on one of the supplements which I refused. Any advice on how to stay with your program but adjust it to my problems? I have never had any fractures and otherwise am in good health. Thank you for your help.
Is there a way to check a person’s alkaline levels with saliva or urine tests? I found a test strip for swimming pools, and I’m in the alkaline level, but I don’t know if that is a valid test. Any suggestions? I would like an idea of how I am doing as I wait to get my next bone density test.
Thanks – Pam
You can look for the test strips on the net-I found them but dont remember where. Not too expensive. good luck-we sure do need present answers from Viv.
Try amazon
Dear Vivian,A year ago you wrote about Sherry Brescia’s books on food combining. I sent for them and have had wonderful results. No need to go into the horrible symptoms that plagued me for years. When I first began the program my nails began to crack and chip until it became a real problem for me. When I asked my dermatologist what to do for it he suggested eating more meat. I am not a meat eater as a rule; I eat a vegetarian diet and prefer it, but even when I increased meat in my diet the problem persisted. I reasearched and found a suggestion for one gram of Biotin a day. This has solved the problem and after six months my nails are once again growing and are free of chipping, etc. I am curious about why it began in the first place. Any answers for me? Please know that I am very grateful for what you do for all of us. Your books have helped me to understand a great deal. I gave up the dreadful drugs for osteoporosis and feel much better. I am glad I did not take them for a long period of time, but, in spite of that, I did develop problems and reflux–gone now. I am 85 and both my husband and I take good care of ourselves…it pays off!
What is your opinion og the calcium supplement Ezorb. I began using it about 2 years ago but could find little information on the product other than that posted by the manufacturer. I changed to another organic based calcium but recently went back to Ezorb. I use the powder form and dissolve it in water. It requires no concomitant use of magnesium or vitamin D for absorption. I would appreciate any feedback you have to offer.
Thank you.
Nancy C.
Which is better, Ezorb or Raw Calcium by Garden of Life? Thank you.
How does a person who is 71 and diagnosed with Stenosis and degenerating discs in the neck reverse these conditions and improve range of motion and decrease pain in the neck?
Any advice you give will be greatly appreciated
Can algae-based calcium or other supplements contribute to a rise in cholesterol, especially LDL? Other medications?
Does adding ph drops to milk negate the negative effect on my bones?
Recently I read that Vitamin K2 of sub type MK-7 was an effective means to shuttle calcium plaque from the circulatory system to our skeletal system.
Do you concur? Is this part of a useful supplementation program?
Sometimes I feel some raised bumps on my legs (calf muscles, thighs)or arms (deltoid or biceps or triceps)& one time also on my scalp with no history of trauma or bruises & they last from a few days to a week or 2 & the tenderness or soreness is felt only when I press or massage the spot. Are these caused by calcium deposits? I have osteopenia but I don’t take any prescribed medicines. I used to take calcium with magnesium & vit D3 combined supplements & other multivitamins & minerals for more than 10 years but stopped taking the cal-mag-D3 for about 2 years now & am just taking some green powder mix or making my own vitamix vegetable & fruit drink for breakfast. I also added regular aerobics & stretching 2-3X a week. My bone density scans remain stable for the past 5 years. Do I need to add Ipriflavone to my regimen? Thanks!
I am confused about calcium supplements since I recently learned of a study that says they are harmful.
I am so grateful for all the information you post and feel confident that I am improving my bones by following your programme.
Dear Vivian:
The thumbnails of both hands are bumpy and wavy. I showed them to a nutritionist at the health food store and she said that it may be because of the distilled water and that it has no minerals in it. I have been on distilled water for about a year. What do you think it could be? Frances
Hi Vivian –
Would like to know your comments on calcitonin nasal spray that my doctor prescribed recently. He suggested this when I asked him about strontium supplementation. I do have a history of thyroid problem and have been told I must take calcium supplements for life so I include calcium/magnesium in my vitamin regimen. I am 84 – and except for nodal arthritis on some fingers and some stiffness in them do not have any other problem with arthritis.
I would like what do you think of a calcium that is call EZ calcium???
I ask again, is a vibration machine good for your bones. Please answer.
good question… please answer
very good question-please answer soon. I bought the machine lst week.
How much organic calcium is there in Almonds? I’d like to give up my Inorganic supplement and eat more almonds instead.
Does Aquafitness strengthen bones. I have fibromyalgia as well as back and foot problems that make it a good option for me. Thanks so much for your program!
I joined the Save Our Bones Community on JULY 29, 2009 and received my information. I have lost the recipe information and ask if it is possible to receive it again. Right now I am quite limited in my diet and would appreciate some help in finding some new (to me)RECIPES. I also stay away from nightshade vegetables due to arthritis, (tomatoes, potatoes,peppers and eggplants)and that limits me a lot.
I would appreciate any help you can give me.
With best regards,
Phyllis AlRoy
I’ve always heard extra calcium is good to increase bone density BUT calcification in parts of our body (like arteries?blood) can promote hardening of our arteries & kidney stones. Also, I’ve been told that Tums (for the tummy) can substitute for calcium pills if I’m afraid of calcium pills. I’m puzzled & need to increase my bone density. Suggestions? I’m a 73 yr. old male in otherwise “good health”.
I am interested in taking a decaffinated green tea extract as it is sucha powerful antioxidant. I am aware of the floride component. Would the benefit outweigh the risk?
My interest is to know & understand what I should be focusing on and eating to prevent bone loss etc. I have no problems and am enjoying a very happy healthy life and I desire to keep it that way—
The Natural Bone Building Book had far to much problem talking that I am not interested in only good eating habits—Thanks
I have RA and take Methotrexate all of which are bad for my bones. I walk most days, lift weights, and bowl. I have osteoporosis of the spine and osteopenia in one hip and have been doing your program. Will it work for me as I am also small boned. My Rhumatologist is quite angry with me for not going on reclast. Thank you.
Are ph strips a reliable measure of alkalinity/acidity? If so, when is the best time of day to do it and is saliva or urine the most accurate way? Sometimes I’m surprised by the readings, considering that I try to eat 80 percent alkaline foods.
Saw a post (some health-related blog)that stated extract of Milk Thistle is helpful in building bones. Any evidence for this? If yes, any recommended formulations?
I am 70 and a recent bone density is just a bit worse than 2 years ago of T score of -3. I have been on your program and also have been on bio-identicals for the last year. I have been watching my pH levels. I am disappointed that there was no improvement. What do you suggest I do now? The doctor says I need to go on some form of bone building.
I follow your healthy recipes Vivian yet I am very concerned with my health, my diagnosis a year ago of osteporosis along with lumbalgia and 2 dehydrated discs plus arthoris of the sacroiliac. All are very serious impediments to many of your exercise routine because of the pain I suffer when the area becomes inflamed as consequence of movement or sitting too long, I cant bear any weight either. I have taken Calcium+D for several years, I will be 68 in September, the specialists all say I must get on osteoporosis meds but I have been adamant afraid of the side effects, yet I dont want to risk more loss of bone and muscle, please Vivian, what can I do to help myself other than eating right? oh, the Rehab therapist and doc recommended swimming 3x per week starting slowly and building up. Thank you very much for your continued help to all women.
Vivian, I am 83 years old and I have pain in the knees, sometimes pretty bad. Sometimes I can hardly walk. I am not on any medication. I am not a pill person. Is there anything that can help me. I was reading today about Apple Cider Vinegar and the different things it can do for you. I would appreciate your recommendation or suggestion. Appreciate your articles. I bought your Osteoporosis Reversal Program. Thanks again.
I am using your alkaline diet from your excellent book. I know that meat is acidifying but what about grass fed beef?
I am so confused…can you tell me what the best calcium supplement is to use???? I don’t know what or who to believe anymore 🙁
a repeat of several others. one thing one day the opposite the next! perplexing to say the least.eg old folks not enough HCl…next too much of it…it can’t be both!
The common one is Ca or No! [the citrate along with D3 K2 and Mg] taken for years..now stopped for 3 months and experiencing 1. excruciating pain from ankles to half way up the calves AT NIGHTS…and loss of leg [thigh] muscles…so that i can no longer stand without assistance.
just passed 80
now i can no longer stand from a sitting position…need to push up on some object with my arms… leg muscles seem to have vanished.
Dear Vivian,
The last T-score:-2.6 was about 2 years ago.
What is the best supplement for me to take in order to grow bone?
My husband bought a product by True Health called “Dr. Cutler’s ULTIMATE pH BALANCE. 4 drops are put in each 8 oz. glass of water. This is supposed to help you achieve perfect alkalinity. Your thoughts??
It was disappointing for me along with hundreds of other ‘Vivian loyal
devotees’ to see you enter the world of promoting products to buy other
than your own book and the occasional mention of a personal recommendations for various over the counter aids to build bone health and well being. The addition of actually marketing and giving
sales pitches and discount puchase opportunities for other peoples books etc. are a discredit to your integrity. Please stop using your good name
as a platform for pushing in this direction.
I feel the same way, Vivian…you have been a great source of trusted info, as have several other individuals I have come across, yet when you or any of these others begin advocating other people’s products, it does put you and them into a category that questions your own efficacious stand. Stay focused on your own research or break out and develop your own line…and not just latch on to someone else’s with your own private label, as I have seen done too often. Thanks for posting this comment.
Dito!! I find them very expensive . and they dont deliver to Australia . I have found a source of calcium called Pure plant source calcium , from health food shop . any idears / any good?
Hi Vivian, Do you think that an osteoporosis with T-score more than 4,0 (about 4,2-4,4) can be treated only with your program? Now I am 60 years old and have pain in my back and legs. I would like not to use any drugs for osteoporosis, but I am afraid it won’t be enough and later I could face much more problems?! I am in a very difficult situation. Please let me have your advise!
I have a question at your convenience. I have been on almost every drug the last of which was forteo for two years. They have had serious crippling and disfiguring side effects which continue. I need exercise from a sitting position and I am quite sedentary. I am bent over and can barely walk Is there any hope at all? Thanks for your help. AS
I know that Synthroid used for hypothyroid is not good for the bones. I’ve been using Synthroid for more than 9 years. What should I do? Can you recommend a specific name brand calcium supplement and/or vitamin to help prevent further damage to the bones? Any extra info/help?
do you have any info regarding ipriflavone to help bones?
I noticed you added Strontium with the other osteo drugs, why?
I thought it was one of the natural forms of calcium.
Hi Vivian, I am a 24 year old female who has been diagnosed with osteopenia. This is concerning, given my age, and I am doing all I can do stop it from progressing further. I have been following your program for a few months now and feel better already. Additionally, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the somewhat new theory of Whole Body Vibration machine therapy to help improve bone density (originally developed by NASA for astronauts to maintain bone density while traveling in space). Thank you.
What about EZorb for calcium for the body?
I cannot eat anything with vit K due to having had two instances of pulmonary emboli in the past year and a half. What can I eat or take for my bones? I already have slight osteoporosis??
Dear Vivian,
Yesterday I took your article on flouride to my dentist’s office (there for cleaning). I told them that I use Sensodyne for brushing and it does not contain flouride. The dental assistant told me that she agrees with all of your article except that Sensodyne is not healthy because it contains pumice, which wears the teeth down. Any comment? Thank you.
Hi Vivian:
I’m on synthroid due to thyroid cancer 13 years ago and have been diagnosed with osteoporosis (if you believe the bone density scan). Do you think that using the natural thyroid hormone would make a difference in my bones? I will also consult my dr, but would like your opinion too.
Minerva Scheffel
Hi Vivian
I sometimes hear people say the have osteoporosis in just certain places. is it possible to have osteo just in a hip or just in a back or just in a shoulder? I thought bones behaved the same way throughout the body. Should bone density tests be done on different bones? not just one area.
I am interested in magnetic therapy as it relates to balancing PH. I have read about treatment using North pole magnets. I currently wear stainless steel bracelet, ring and anklet with North pole magnets.
Do you have any information about to further enlighten me?
Thanks – Pam
I was just wondering if MK-4, based on the existing research, would be the better supplement to take for bone health, instead of MK-7?. Or in any case, take a little bit of both?. If so, what would be the recommended amount of each?
I have osteoporosis in the lumbar spine and osteopenia in the left femoral neck/total hip as follows:
Spine: Total BMD of the spine (L1-4) is 0.718 g/m2 with a T-score of -3.0 and a Z-score of -1.0 (what does this mean and how far from normal am I?)
Left Femoral Neck: BMD is 0.629 g/cm2 with a T-score of -2.0 and a Z-score of -0.2. (what is normal and what does T-and Z- score mean?)
Left Total Hip: BMD is 0.702 g/cm2 with a T-score of -2.0 and a Z-score of -0.5. (again how bad is this compared to normal and how much do I have to adjust these scores?)
I am 69 1/2 years old and post menopausal – small and thin framed bones and had polio as a child. 5’2 1/2″ tall and weigh 125 lbs. with no clothes or shoes. I joined a senior center and do strength training, pilates walking + treadmill & Qigong class every week – 3-4 times or more. Try to walk at least 30 min. per day. Take balanced supplements and eat leafy greens & lots of veggies, many different fruits, whole grains and salmon, tuna fish, free range eggs (occasionally), & brown rice – nuts & raisons, Goji berries – dark chocolate (one in a while) and smoothies with bee pollen, almond milk, many different fruits and raw fresh local honey a couple of times a week.
Try to eat healthy since I am approaching my 70’s and want a good quality of life. Thank you for your time & expertise!
My doctor has recommended Prolia. What can you say about it?
With all the talk about Calcium causing heart issues, and not to take more than 500mg per day, what is your advice?
What are your feelings about our taking “Osteo BiFlex Nutra Joint” with Knox gelatin? Good idea? Bad idea? Thanks, Viv! Appreciate ya!
I have information on using Dlectro-Magnetic Therapy for osteoporis. Do you know anything about it. Also, treatment with Parathyroid hormone?
Hi Vivian……
i have osteoporosis and have been trying to eat well for my bone health.Because i had atrial fibrillation when having an operation last year i have been prescribed Warfarin. 6mgs a day. I am worried that now vitamin K will be knocked out my diet and my bones will suffer further. Do you think i can still get enough vitamin K ?
Irene age 70
Vivian, I asked a question the last time you did this question and answer program and I never got an answer. What’s up with that?
Dear Vivian,
Not only do I have osteoporosis, but I have a high blood calcium level. The calcium that I take is it contributing to the blood level??
I’ve been asking the same question, about vibration machines and never got an answer. I think I asked 3 times. What is the point in asking anything?
If you add fruit to plain yoghurt in making a smoothie, does it change the composition from alkaline to acidic? The only fruit that is acidic is blueberries, the rest are alkaline. I don’t add any sweetener.
Dear Vivian,
In trying to organize meals with the correct alkaline/acidic percentage, how do I gauge the portions so that the percentage is accurate. If I have one cup of coffee with breakfast, does that mean all the 4 items have to be alkaline? I try to go for 1 acidic to 4 alkaline at each meal.
I lost weight by eating a better balance and I am no longer constipated which is a great relief. I have mentioned your program to many others including my doctor. Thanks for the good research and the sharing.
I have been following your program to some degree for several years now. I have always walked, and do moderate excercises as well. My bone density test numbers did improve last year. However, I now suffer from diverticular disease and eating all that raw green food, be it fruits or vegetables, just wreaks havoc on my intestines. I can no longer eat that way. I had to cut way back on anything with too much fiber in it. Is there any food that I can still eat that will continue to help my bones? I take calcium, but now see it might not be all that good for you either.
I would like to know whether it is harmful to drink plain carbonated water (sparkling water like Perrier).
Hi Vivian,
Inside your Save your Bones manual, you mention that except for a few exceptions, your program can help reverse Osteoporosis. I am one of those few excepions, since I am young and my Osteopenia has developed as a result of past eating disorders that have kept me from menstruating for long periods of time. Do you still think yout program can help me?
Many blessings
I heard that Glucosamine and Chondroitine are good in easing joint pains.
How much should one take ? Thanks a mille, Vivian.
PS:- I am 69 years old.
I was involved in a freak bicycle accident Feb 29th and shattered my tibia in multiple places. I am 13 weeks out from surgery (March 8th) and xrays show osteopenia. Doctor said to bear more weight but with a plate and 4 screws in my tibia, weight bearing becomes very painful..since i am 59 and menpausal, should i be taking Estriol on a regular basis in addition to your save our bones program? I have been following your save our bones program for 12 weeks and was surprised that I show osteopenia in the x-rays.
I have heard that the biggest bone loss happens within the first few years following menopause. Is that true, or is it something you continually have to be concerned about?
Hi Cindy,
I think possibly many things must contribute to bone loss.
I found out that I was deficient in Vitamin D 3. Research shows as we get older or even the youth who do not eat a healthy diet… one lacking in certain minerals and vitamins needed to support a health can bring on a problem.
Not being active also adds to a problem.
Dear Vivian,
Please help me to heal a rotator cuff injury that persists.
Thank you.
I have been told that a supplement of 15mg of DHEA should be taken for a healthy body and to help the bones, as this element declines with age.
What can you tell me about DHEA?
I have infrequent heart palpitations. I wanted to know if there is a natural way to minimize the sensations. I know in the past I have had
a slight Mitral Valve prolapse issue. I go to my doctor next month but
would appreciate any advice you could give me. Many thanks, Allie
Does anyone out there wish the exercise program by Vivian could be on DVD? I sure do because I do not have a computer at home and that is why I have never purchased the program.
Hi Vivian,
It seems as though many in the Save Our Bones Community have the same question about the new calcium and vitamin D study as well as which calcium supplements are the best to choose from.I hope you will comment on these issues. We value your opinion and knowledge.
Thank you for your commitment to our health.
I have Hashimoto’s Disease/Hypothyroid plus osteoporosis. I have been taking Algae-Cal for over a year now and I am scheduled for my Dexa Scan in November. I am praying for good results! Some say synthyroid affects your bones, but I have been reading articles from a thyroid advocate and she says it has not been proven that it does. She recommends Armour Thyroid if your dr. will prescribe. My question is it is hard for me to do exercise and I was wondering if you could put your new exercise program on DVD instead of having to watch from the computer. I do not have a computer at home, but would love to have this program! Please try to put on DVD for those of us who do not have computers.
What is considered a dangerous number on a bone density test and what range would just be acceptable?
Thank you
I understand that:
1.BMD = Bone Mineral Density
2.T and Z scores indicate the number of standard
deviations of the patient BMD, From the young adult and age-matched values, respectively.
3. T and Z score of: -2.5 and below is considered
4. T score of: -1.0 to -2.5 is considered Osteopenic.
5. Each standard deviation (T) of bone loss results in a
Three-fold increase of fracture risk.
I’m 74, weigh 98 pounds have t-scores of -3.9 in hip and -3.1 in spine; I have never had a fracture (other than stress fractures years ago in feet) and my endocrinologist wants me to take reclast; she says I can take a lower than normal dose. I exercise, am quite active and eat a good diet along with Vit. D 1000mg a day and 500mg of Tums on an irregular basis. Why shouldn’t I take my doctor’s advice?
Am dealing with pain from diagnosed Fibromyalgia & carpal tunnel in hands (am social justice activist & use computer quite a bit)
I swim, do water aerobics – 3 times a wk, taichi once, & yoga most days with some light weight lifting.
Thank you for your commitment Vivian,
Do you have any special tips or suggestions for Osteoporatics with diabetes? I have coronery desease as well. Thanks
I have been following your advice for some time now. I just read an article that said taking calcium supplements does not prevent bone fractures. What is your opinion on supplements versus food sources of calcium? I take calcium citrate and D3 daily along with food sources.
Thanks for your articles and for sharing your wisdom!
For bone health, which is better: red wine or Reisling?
My question is the controversary about taking Vitamin D and calcuim now–just lately in the news, it’s not healthy for you–should I continue to take AlgaeCal plus extra D3 or what? I’m confused–Thank you!
Dear Vivian, my daughter has sent me some Silica (diatomaceous Earth) she says I should take 1 tablespoon a day, She says it has many health benifits, including the regulation of PH levels, increases body alkalinity and is good for my bones. I am a little leery about trying it, so I hope you can give me some advice. Thank you for all your devotion to saving our bones. Valerie
Your information in your e-mails are wonderful. also the book you put out
but it is necessary for each person to get tested are. their bones and body
It is not done. usually expensive and the medical establishment does not do that. there are doctors who do that, as I said very expensive
I am a president of a advisory board in a senior center in new york city, also have access to organizations that deal with seniors both in the state and the city. Many seniors do no cook any more, and eat at the center.
I am one of them. I had a gallbladder out a few years ago, and I know it affects the bones. each person needs special attention to their bodies and also health care. As you know it is very expensive to have your body tested, DNA. yes you can read about what to do but if not have availability to cooking facility, or cannot afford supplements, etc , It makes it hard
Have you any thought on this. could there be a way your information could be filtered through the organizations. or some teaching method of your work
I would like to hear your comments on my comments
Thank you
Last night on NBC news, Dr. Nancy Smitterman (sp) announced that new research has learned that taking calcium plus Vit E doesn’t help bones not to break and can do harm to heart and kidneys. On the advice of my Dr. I have been taking calcium for years. I am going to my Dr. tomorrow. I don’t understand why they don’t know the latest research or believe it. Thanks and blessings, Betsy from Winston Salem NC
I have embraced your program. Latest height check showed increase of almost 1/2 inch. Bone density hasn’t changed yet but have only been on program for 6 plus months. Can you give me a range of how long does it takes to change bone density scores?? (Dr wants to push the drugs and I am resisting)
Also – there is a local brand of cottage cheese that uses cultures from yogurt in it’s recipe. Would that influence the acid-alkaline status, ie. make it alkaline instead of an acid food? It tastes better than ordinary
cottage cheese and is a great protein source.
Thanks for your dedication to this important topic. It is very much needed, since no one wants to fund research that will mean less drug sales.
Hi Vivian, I appreciate your vast knowledge and research into current topics regarding bone health. Yesterday the media had a story which cautioned older women about taking calcium and Vitamin D supplements. It seems that every week a story debunks the previous week’s story. I am beginning to doubt any of these studies and wonder if any of them really care about what is right for any of us.
is it good to drink organic milk to get calcium?
Hello Vivian,
Is there a way to tell if a product that contains a mix of acidic and alkaline ingredients is either acidic or alkaline? Recently I’ve found Newmans diet lemonade which has both stevia and sugar and also coconut milk frozen non dairy bars, plus something homemade, for instance I make a split pea soup where everythng is alkaline except the chicken broth. So how can we tell if these mixed foods are acidic or alkaline?
Thanks for all your help,
I heard this morning that Drs are now saying that calcium supplements are not effective. I had bone scan two years ago and was diagnosed with osteopenia. I read your book and adopted some diet changes (including a plant based calcium supplement) one year later my bone scan came back “normal”. My question is, are my improved scans due to diet and supplements or diet alone?
Thanks Doc
Hi Vivian
Love your book. I’m trying to locate the resource for a product called “Ultra Green” and thought I had read an article from your site. Are you familiar with that?
A recent news item indicated that calcium supplements taken by healthy woman increases the risk of heart attack. What about those of us who have been diagnosed with osteopenia/osteoporosis who take calcium supplements to help build bone mass? I take red algae calcium but, I must admit, I’ve stopped taking it because of this latest scare. Should I simply increase my intake of calcium-rich foods and forgo supplements entirely?
Thanks for your attention,
A very quick question.I have replaced my mug of hot milk and honey at bed time with almond milk and honey.I heat it , but not to very hot.Is heating almond milk OK? Thanks for your programme – my doctor wants to borrow the SOB book.
Hi,My vit d levels have gone below 3(normal levels are aboce 30),my spine is also degenerating,can you suggest any changes that I can make to increase my vit d levels?
Is it possible that only taking one fosamax, which made me feel very unwell within one hour, could affect me for months…today I am going for a heart check after I was admitted with chest pains – feeling bloated and dizzy. I was in great shape till I took that pill.
A question. To what extent an osteoporotic bone may gain density. Can a score of -3.0 become a score of -1.0 ? That is in a condition where osteoporosis is not related to a single condition such as taking cortisone or having a downright hormome imbalance. Being a male of 56 otherwise healthy, I suffered an osteoporotic fracture. My hormone levels are good. Have you seen a person going from -3.0 to -1.0 ?
I really appreciate your program and book, but when are you going to put your excercises in print? Thanks.
What do you think about Strontium as a supplement to help build bone?
I am considering beginning Horizontal Therapy treatment for osteoporosis with a local chiropractor. It is a physical, non-drug treatment using mild electrical stimulation. It is rather expensive and not covered by insurance. Do you have any information on this treatment?
I WOULD LIKE ADVICE ON A PROGRAMME OF WEIGHTBEARING AND AEROBIC EXERCISE SUITABLE FOR MYSELF.I have osteopenia and am anxious not to let it deteriorate further,but have been housebound and bedbound for many years.I have CFS so can do very few repetitions.I also have damaage to my balance system from Meningitis,so cant stand up without crutches.Can you advise on exercises which could be done from lying or sitting.Would vibration tables be helpful?
Could you please provide me with an article showing actual test results regarding those who have been on fosomax for a long time (over 10 years) and what happens when they take a “holiday”. Is it the same as those on a placebo, does it get worse, or does it improve? Thank you.
Yes, I asked once before, some time ago but was not given an answer.
Dear Vivian,
What do you suggest to prevent loss of calcium in urine?
I would be grateful for any hint or suggestion to combat this problem.
Best regards,
Vivian,I am 56 and was told I have osteopenia.Thank you for being there. I am so glad there are advocates out there for a natural approach to improving bone density and strength.
I am really sticking to the acid /alkaline regime other than
2 cocktails at the end of the day
Are some alcohols worse than others for your bones?
I have acid reflux and have to take tums or rolades on a regular daily basis. Is this effecting my bones and is there a better way to get rid of this problem? Thanks for your help.
Your Save Our Bones program has helped me immensely~thank you~
Tell me more about olive oil~ is it okay to cook with olive oil? I’ve read somewhere that cooking changes the composition and destroys the health benefits~ please clarify if we should not cook with olive oil~
Hi Vivian, when reading nutrition labels and it says the percentag of your daily allowance, how do you find out what lets say 5 percent is in milligrams or IU’s? Also is 5 percent a good amount of calcium in a product or should we be aiming higher? How high? Hoping you have a quick method for figuring this out while we are shopping. Thank you Sandra
My latest bone scan showed a 4.3% improvement. I have never had an improvement before and the radiologist called it significant. I was very pleased. However over the years, I have lost height from 5’6″ to 5’4″. I have been trying to stand taller, and I do your exercises too, and have started taebo classes as well, very slowly. My question is this: Did osteopena cause my loss of height, or is it normal aging where we just shrink a bit in between each vertebrae until we become noticeably shorter?. Will this continue now that I am improving my bone health? I am 65, and went thru menopause at 46.
I read your article on milk and I agree with you but if milk is not good for our bones then why eat yogurt?
I am not an expert, but I believe it has something to do with the fermentation, and milk is acid, while the fermentation in yogurt makes it alkaline.
Hi Vivien,
A study was apparently conducted that indicated that people who take 500 ml or more of calcium supplements daily are more likely to have a heart attack. (Of course, they don’t make any distinction between different kinds of calcium supplements.) They claim that consuming dairy products is a safer way to take calcium (apparently unaware that calcium absorption from dairy products is very inefficient to say nothing of the fact that as you have pointed out dairy products are acidifying and therefore contribute to bone loss.) Would you please comment on this study?
Can taking HRT help slow the loss of bone after Menopause?
Hi Vivian, I am into my second year of following your Save Our Bones program as much as possible and feeling so much better. I would like to start taking Algaecal tablets instead of the inorganic tablets I currently take. However, struggling to find a UK supplier, could you please advise? Many thanks, Margaret from Chester, North West, UK.
What can ou tell me about Zometa?(Zobone)
It was subscribed to me after my scan.
Hello Vivian,
You may have already addressed this, but my question is:
Is the supplement Stronium (I think its spelled correctly) safe
and effective for bones? Dr. Oz recommends it and if you goggle it
the results say it is as effective as any of the osteoporosis drugs
out today. It does caution you to take it 4 hours after calcium and to
make sure you get required calcium amount. It mentioned something
about alkaline, but I don’t remember what it said. My main focus is
Does it strengthen bones. Now the latest government study says calcium
and vitamin D supplements are not the answer to bone health.
Thanks for your input
My thoughts exactly, Edna. I heard this same info on Dr. Oz and am now more confused. I had been taking strontium for my bones (after reading great things about it) but stopped after Vivian’s update on the supplement. I’m so little to begin with and am trying so hard to maintain the bones I have without prescription drugs. I’m now trying my best to keep my body in an alkaline state.
My question Vivian is:
How does a person remineralize the jaw bone so that teeth don’t loosen with age and cause problems with the gums receding from the teeth?
I would like an answer on your question too, I was on Fosomax for a year and got terrible pain in my jaws, now my teeth are in bad shape and my gums, I’m afraid to have them pulled because of jaw rot.
Hi Vivian – thank you for this opportunity. You have presented strong arguments for taking in more alkaline foods or foods that move your system toward the alkaline state. NOW MANY FOLKS ARE SELLING ALKALINE WATER. Is there a benefit to this water or not? Does it help if say you are drinking other fluids that more acidic – like sodas – or eating foods that are moving your system toward the acidic state?? I must admit I have not searched carefully through your book Save Our Bones and it may be in there but I don’t remember. I think there is so much talk of the ALKALINE WATER that other may have this same question. If beneficial I would like to know. But I do think sometimes folks will take a scientific fact and then assume that it can change something that it CANNOT. I did try to email you this question once but your staff answered that I should read the label or speak to the people who sell the water. Something like that – but I want to know if you have studied this alkaline water theory and if you think it is beneficial. THANK YOU – and thank you for your research and commitment to our HEALTH.
Sincerely, Gwin
Vivian says just squeeze lemon juice into your water…..of course your water should be fluoride free. I installed a filter that removes the fluoride. Lemons become alkaline once they hit your gut.
Hello sometimes i hear milk is good when u are 40 years plus then later u hear other people say milk is not good what do u say about this
Can you suggest the best tasting tea to drink hot or cold and have some
health benefits?
I find the Save Our Bones an excellent program to be on and enjoy your regular e-mails in which others are able to give their experiences and receive answers to questions posed by a wide variety of people around the globe.
I see you are receiving a lot of calcium and vitamin D questions and look forward to reading your views on these. It has been suggested that I stop taking calcium and vitamin D and replace them with Cacitriol I cannot imagine why unless it is because there is a kick back on the number of prescriptions issued. (?)
Also, Dexa scan checking has been changed from every 18 months to every 12 months – will these more frequent Dexa scans expose the patient to too much radiation exposure?
Look forward to reading your views on calcium, vitamin D and Dexa scans.
Very best wishes
My bone scan reflected a reading of -3.9–very bad. I had fallen & broken 3 vertrabrae & was encouraged to take the drug FORTEO by stomach injections every day for 24 months. I stopped at 18 months due to my scare of taking any drugs. (this ws 2 yrs ago & I am 62.)
However, my next scan reading was 1.6–my Dr. told me I was not osteoporosic anymore, so it did help.
I also have been taking the whole food calcium that you recommended: New Chapter Bone Strenght Take Care & replaced milk with ALmond milk & consuming more fresh produce & plain yogurt, calcium fortified Orange Juice & cereal,snacking on almonds,walking 4 days wk & yoga 2 days a wk. What else can I do to help?
Local “Safe Our Bones Support Groups” could be started, (through Meet-Up). Would you “support” that by encouraging that,by bringing that option to every body’s attention? There is no one who competes with your spirit and competence. SOB would only continue to grow. Perhaps we could meet you one day. Docs’re aasking for Dexa scans, then recommend Fosamax, all in one breath, every day! We have lots of work to do. Leonore
Hi Vivian:
As we age we begin to lose our hydrochloric acid thus our digestion begins to slow down. Good digestion is key to healthy, strong bones because without good digestion we are not absorbing our nutrients very well. Many people supplement with hydrochloric acid to increase their stomach acid. My question is “what affect on the pH of the body does supplementing with HCI have? Does it make the blood more acidic and if so, could this present a problem in keeping a pH balance? Marilyn
Hi Vivian,
Have you heard of any side effects by taking AlgaeCal Plus? I alternate this calcium with Vitamin Source chelated Cal-Mag which is vegetarian. In your opinion, which is the better calcium? I have been having dryness on my eyelids and wondering if either calciums might be causing it.
Hello Marian,
I have tried every algae calcium I can find and always go back to chelated calcium because I keep having problems with back aches and wonder if it’s affecting my kidneys, but I keep trying. I’ve asked my doctor and although she doesn’t know she said she does have another patient who tried it and also thought it bothered her kidneys. Don’t know if it’s the problem but I keep going back to it on and off because it’s suppose to be the best for your bones.
Hi Vivianne
Im astonished by the revelation that Fosamac stops bone re-modelling. Why then do doctors precribe it along with recommending weight-bearing and exercise. Surely the reason for exercising is to increase bone density by encouraging bones to regenerate so is the drug then negating the effects of exercise. Marie
Wheat grass is easy enough to grow, but I cannot figure out a good way to harvest it into my diet. All the instructions on the web are difficult or expensive. Is there a simple way to make it edible? I have been using a juicer with alkaline water and filtering, but the very green concoction is rather upsetting to my system.
What are your thoughts on the New Chapter Bone Strength Take Care 100% vegetarian calcium plus other vitamins? It is plant sourced whole-food calcium, not limestone and the 770 mg. calcium is from algae. There is also 3 mg. of strontium, 2 mg. of silica, 11 mcg. of vanadium, 58 mg. of magnesium all from algae, along with 1000 mg. of Vitamin D11 and 35 mg. of Vitamin K11. I have a friend who’s bone density improved after taking this and this was the only thing she did differently.
Hello. Can you tell me whether Spirulina (blue-green Algae) is helpful in a safe drug-free bone-healthy diet? I understand it helps keep us alkaline and has lots of nutrients but cannot recall you ever mentioning it – but that might be because you call it something else in the US. Thank you for this and all your help and advice. K
Dear Vivian,
About two years ago (05.08.2010), out of curiosity, I booked myself in to have a “bone density test” called “Fracture Risk Profile Using Bone Ultrasonometry at the Calcaneum (heel) and Clinical Risk Factors”. It was conducted by Australian Bone Density Testing Centre (mobile site), held inside an authentic Pharmist shop for one week only.
My T-score was “+1.2”, with Z-score being “+2.3”.
For your information, I am a 67 year old male of Chinese descend; have been a diabetic since Decemember 1988, still well under control and seeing an endocrinologist once a year.
My questions is how reliable / accurate are these results?
Many thanks and best regards,
Hi Vivian,Do you need estogen to help you restore your bones? I’ve read many articles saying that you do. I’m so confused. Thankyou so much for all your great information, it really helped me. Bernadette
Good question Bernadette, I am 68 years old and never had any estrogen therapy , often wondered if that is the reason I have osteoporosis .
I’ve been ordered to cut out calcium supplements because the body was creating bone-like debris in the muscle tissue. Now I’m receiving PT to treat the mess it made in the neck and upper spine. The PT means manually cleaning out the muscle tissue and the debris around the bone. It also includes electric stimulation and my question to you is can the electric stim help bone growth in a helpful way?
I have read that several prunes (10-11) per day will reverse bone loss. One of the studies was done by Dr. Bahram Arjmandi at Florida U. What is your opinion. I see in “Save our Bones” that prunes are acidic.
I recently found out that I have kidney stones. The urologist feels it is from too much calcium and my alkaline diet, although my stones have not been analyzed. I take algecal calcium and have been for several years. Any ideas as they want me to reduce calcium and change my diet.
Is there a link between fluoride and osteoporosis ?
Fluoride leaches calcium from the bones. Install a filter that removes fluoride removal filter.
Does an alkaline diet help your bones. My doctor said that there has never been a proper study done.
I was told that hormone replacement will help prevent bone loss in the spine. What do you know about this?
Where to see the answers to these questions?
Do you have a recommendation for a good calcium supplement? I am presently taking
Bone-up by Jarrow. I wonder if you have another supplement you take or would recommend.
Thank you!
I am taking a calcium called CORAL COMPLEX made from dead coral reefs above the waterline that are supposedly full of essential minerals (there is a website)After reading Vivian’s suggestions ,I also bought a calcium made from organic marine algae called PhytoKinetic Calcium by Rainbow Light certified organics. They are expensive but hopefully worth it.
Hi Vivian
I was asked the other day by someone to whom I was trying to explain your approach ‘What does an acidic system actually mean? Where is the acid, in the blood, stomach – and what is the body trying to rebalance?’ I am afraid to say I could not answer her. Could you tell me how to explain?
Thank you.
does taking metamucial everyday hurt you, I am concerned it will pull vitiamins needed to get stronger bones. I have worked this program two years and my numbers are not getting better.
Can eating several alkaline foods at the same time having a glass of milk
counteract the acidity and then be alright to consume?
I love your program because I have avoided the drug options for osteoporosis and have wanted something natural. Keep up the good work.
Question: The astronauts used isometric exercises to counteract the effects of weightlessness/bone loss. I have been unsuccessful in finding them. Do you know what they are?
I believe they also used a vibrating machine. A few of the exercises (like bouncing your heals on the ground) Vivian promotes should get the same results.
Please explain the relationship between estrogen and bone density. Like many women with breast cancer I must take an estrogen suppressant for five years as part of my treatment. My bone density has gone down by 11 percent in the two years I’ve been on this treatment.
Dear Vivian, I want to know are there any issues regarding oyster shell.
Apparently they build bone strength and increse bone density over time.
and where can I obtain this substance, i live in Australia.
David Parry.
Im not much of a reeder. I bought your book . I need a quick start simple system to get started on building my bones . Thanks
I have been following your save your bones program for several years and have seen improvement in my bone scan Unfornately, I now have breast cancer and after a mastectomy (today, I will be receiving chemotherapy, radiation therapy and anti-hormonal therapy which I understand is hard on bones. Is there anything I can do to limit the damage?
Dear Vivian
If the usual Bone scans do not show how healthy and flexible our bones are what better test is available that does measure bone health so that so many women are not told that they have osteopenia at a certain age?
Your research is really so thorough.
Thank you
My doctor told me to stop taking multivitamin capsules as research reported in the British Lancet had established that they shortened your life span. What is your opinion?
Hi Vivian,
I downloaded your book save your bones. I was wondering is it possible to cure osteoporsis, I am due to have another dexa scan soon, what should the best reading be.
Thank you
There are seemingly many who attribute osteoporosis to nutritional deficiency, yet others say the type of water we consume, etc. What is the real cause(s)?
How can I combat fracturing of the ribs by metastatic breast cancer to the bone?
I’m hearing a lot about the relationship between women taking calcium supplements and heart attacks. I’m wondering if even the “natural” calcium supplements should be replaced entirely with eating greens. Thank you.
We need to keep all of our nutrient intake levels up as we age. That said, I think if we use a highly absorbed calcium like amino acid chelated calcium (44% absorption), then a relatively low dose is adequate in most cases. The common calcium carbonate and citrate are only 10% and 11% absorbed, leaving a huge surplus to be deposited in the arteries. Truckloads of calcium are probably unhelpful, to say the least. Also take magnesium and vit.d3 to assist the calcium process. Contrary to common belief, sunshine may not give us nearly enough of D3. We are probably going to benefit hugely by having some omega 3 FISHOIL (not flaxseed) and ubiquinol or even CoQ10 to help our hearts and arteries. Look at what nutrients are good for muscles because they will also surely benefit the most important muscle of all which will receive these nutrients as it pumps away all day and night. EAT YOUR VEGGIES !
Dear Vivienne,
Thank you for asking for questions. This has to do with Protein, milk, and Solgar Whey to Go.
By substituting Almond milk for cow’s milk we omit the Protein. Solgar Whey to Go provides the Protein. I have been adding 1 scoop of Solgar Whey to Go to my Almond milk. Please comment on this and what your suggestion is.
Sincerely, Elizabeth Morrissey
thank you Vivian for yet another help you wish to give. I am 79, I have been on dialysis for nearly 9 years, thanks to this I have never been prescribed drugs for oestoporosis. 2 years ago I slipped off my bed to get up and fractured my right hip: successful operation but my muscles, also in my left tigh, have been damaged, I am just recovering from 2 months of atrocious pain. I am following your food intake and excercises to improve my tighs muscles: am I doing correctly?
Many thanks and best wishes
Hi vivian my question is
Do you know if fosamax causes head shakes I was on fosamax for eight years wondered if anyone else had this
Hi Vivian,
I have had breast cancer and went through chemo and radiation and have been taking a hormone blocker called femara for almost 3 years and I’m supposed to take it for 5 years daily along with calcium twice a day. Femara weakens the bones so I have been told I have osteoporosis as well and have to have prolia shots every six months-I’ve had two of the so far. There are side affects to both femara and prolia–is there any alternative to these drugs? I’ve shared the info you have shared with us with my Oncologist but she still insists prolia is necessary or I could end up with lots of fractures. I am following the Save Our Bones book and am hoping my next bone scan will show an improvement or I can just continue for the next 2 years and then discontinue the femara and prolia and continue to follow the Save Our Bones plan. Thank you for any reply. Lori
Hello Vivian. I have been on steroids (prednisone) for 32yrs and am now steroid dependent. I stuggle to get below 20mg/day now. I have been taking Fosamax but stopped using it about 18mnths ago due to the horror stories I have read and heard about it. I have not started on any other treatment as I feel let down by conventional medicines aproach to this problem. I am 62yrs old but feel I have body of a 75yr old at least due to the severe muscle wastage caused by the steroids. Is Strontium a safe treatment for osteo in your opinion. I dont know if it is yet available in New Zealand. It wasn’t about 10months ago.
I respectfully look forward to your thoughts on my problem.
Are you using Vivian’s program ? If not get the free handbook and read about it. It’s about bringing your body back into balance, which is not the same as listening to drug solutions. When the body’s chemicals are up to par then it is likely your ailments will improve. This may well apply to many ailments, but Vivian can only speak of her own experince of course.
Dear Vivian,
My question is could we have a regular flow of bone mending recipes in some way that I can print them straight out and keep them and keep them handy without having to look up the computer box.every time. Very long winded but it’s for real.
Kindest regards Marion
masiv vertical and horizontal osteofitozis of cervical vertebrae, how to fix the situation??
Read the free handbook at the top of this page.
Went to a very well know Garden Centre and was bitten badly 3 weeks ago. I must have brought the insects back to my home and have tried so many different insect repellents and essential oils to get rid. Whilst they seen better in the house I think they may now be in my bed. A bit desperate.
Can you tell me if you are more likely to have a fracture if you have arthritis and curvature of the spine? I am following your plan as much as possible. Also have you any plans to bring out a cookery book in the future. Thanks
Spelt is it alkaline or acidic? On Page 107 it is listed in both groups.
What ingredients should a Gluten Free Loaf of bread have?
1 local one has the flours of brown rice, tapioca, maze, white rice, seeds (8%) flax, quinoa, sesame, poppy, sunflower & pumpkin
hi,first of all very thanks for your detailed information on health topics,you are doing great job,i have few questions in my mind,plz reply me if you have answer to these.
Here are my queries:
1.you mentioned yogurt is better to consume than milk,as milk is acidic,but i saw in database that yogurt have almost same PRAL as that of milk.
2.i want to know whether lemon juice is acidic or alkaline,i did lot of study on this,but could find no solution,some times it is written in acidic foods and sometimes in alkaline foods,so please clarify whether its acidic or alkaline.
3.if we consume lot of milk (say 1.5 kg)daily along with calcium supplements(2000 mg),would it be a good option for bone health.
4.if some one is diabetic+osteoporosis patient,& his weight has reduced,then what type of diet plan he must follow,i mean if we give him protein rich diet for muscle recovery then it would be acidic,so what is solution in your opinion.
5.i want to know more about your natural treatment for uric acid elevation.
6.as u know uric acid patients are often advised to stop eating spinach and purine rich foods,as we know spinach is goosd as alkaline food,my question to you is do you suggest any diet plan for uric acid patients.
My doctora are wanting me to try prolia. The list of side effects are very frightning. What do you know about this drug.
Vivian what is your opinion about the role of Vitamin K2 MK7 in the prevention of heart disease due to the ingestion of supplements containing calcium?
Dear Vivian, I would like to order your book about density training.As I had a
Hi Helen,
You can order the Densercise eBook System here:
When you have osteoporosis
How much Magnesium and what type should I take daily
In a suprement?
Also some say 1000ug Vitamin D3
Others. Say 2000 ug???? Per day
Can you advise?
I’m in my early 40’s and was diagnosed with osteopenia in my 20’s. I would like to know what are the best supplements to be taking right now, and what should I be doing when I go through menopause to prevent further bone loss? I currently take calcium and vitamin D, and do weight bearing exercise.
This one is a curley one for you.
Q. Why are you giving us links to other companies – Nugenics – who are unable to supply product and when requesting a cancellation of the order due to the hold up, are constantly fobbing me off and withholding my refund since the 24th May.
I have rung them several times – they refuse to confirm my refund via email and the money is 3 weeks overdue.
Where is the professionalism, integrity, honesty – lost in space it seems.
As I was not given the chance to pay via paypal, I now have no way to claim my refund.
I am ill and have been on a pension for many years and this money was spent in good faith via your website.
Accountability please.
Hi Paulinel,
I’ve personally contacted them about your issue. You should expect to hear from them shortly.
I’m really sorry to hear about the negative experience you had. Please let us know if they don’t rectify the issue.
Thank you so much – I am at my wits end, and hope you can shake them up.
Hello again,
Am still waiting for the refund to appear in my account.
They said it would be done in 3-5 business days.
IT IS now SIX days. No money.
PLEASE help.
Can you email me privately to stay in contact as this site goes down 22nd then I left hanging.
Many thanks
I have the ‘Save our Bones’ program. However, I can’t find a solution to leg and foot cramps. As soon as I stretch during the night or early morning, I feel the cramp coming on. My toes spread like a fan and the cramp in back of calves is excrutiating. In my sleep, I’m aware of fighting for control to hold back the cramp. The back of my legs feel bruised 24 hours a day for weeks after a severe occurence of cramps which can occur in both legs at the same time on occasion. I’m already taking vitamins and minerals, and I fast walk for about 20 mins once or twice a day for circulation benefits. I would like some relief from this situation. Is there any help for this condition.
When I was pregnant I had leg craps and was told I should increase vitamin C. Not sure if your cramping is for the same reasons, but it was a common reason during pregnancy…
Hi Vivian, I would love to see you on either Dr.Oz or The Doctors cause they are giving out so much misinformation. Actually I would prefer that someone give you your own show to expose how much deception is out there.Any chance ? With all your success stories [including me]you could shut down the drug industry and become the solution to the Healthcare system.sincerely, carmen
At age 72, I hv kept osteo-arthritis at bay for some 10 yrs after I first felt symptoms, with (I hope) a healthy lifestyle (lots of fruit/veg/exercise etc) and a supplement of glucosamine and chondroitin. Am feeling nowadays as tho’ father time is gradually overcoming my efforts. Anything newer in supplements that will raise the bar of cartilage re-generation etc.?
Hi Vivian. A while back you mentioned about not juicing beets and brocolli together as it can cause kidney stones. Can you combine the two in salads or soups as you wont be having anywhere near the same quantities as you would when you juice or do you avoid putting the two together all the time.
Love your articles. Keep up the great work – Jan
I am taking two calcium and D tablets a day. I know I cannot take them together. How much time should there be between doses?
6 years ago I had acut disseminated encephalitis myelitis (ADEM, possibly autoimmune??)at 64 which left me with myelin sheath damage to sensory nerves in right leg and left arm and trunk. I have been taking Gabapentin (anti-convulsant) these past 6 years to help the pain. It has worked well although my body is increasingly developing tolerance to the drug and I am in much more pain than I was 6 years ago (and I am reluctant to take on more drugs such as the anti-depressants). I have tried to minimize the use of the drug but am still taking a rather large amount (2400 mg/day). I had a DEXA scan a few years ago which showed osterporisis (from taking the drug??). I was surprised because my sport is surfing and I still (at 70) continue doing the sport through the nerve pain. I have been following your advice on food and exercise, pH of the blood, etc and a few months ago I fell after jumping out of bed to get to the telephone. I twisted the left side of my foot and it buckled under me and basically the whole of my 110 lbs fell on my foot under me. I thought I must have at least fractured something. But I managed to get to my physio and she taped it up and suggested icing. I had and X-ray and no broken bones. I was amazed. My physio said it’s because my muscles are still strong and keeping my bones in good shape in spite of the DEXA scan. I do not wish to have another DEXA scan. I don’t want to know. Especially as you say it doesn’t tell the whole story.
My Question: I try to eat about 80% alkaline fruits and vegetables to conteract the obvious acidity of the drug. Do you think the amount of drug I am taking is a lot of acidity compared to the alkalinity I can get from my foods?I have no idea how much prescription drug is A LOT in terms of acidity. I have tried the litmus paper testing, but there are a number of problems with that to get a proper reading. What about blood test for acidity/alkalinity of blood?
Are reflexology and body massage recommended for one with osteoporosis?
I have just had my third bone scan here in France and the surgeon is not pleased with me, even though, in more than 3 years since the last scan not only has my T score NOT deteriorated, it has ACTUALLY SLIGHTLY IMPROVED! For the last 5 and a half years, I have been refusing to start a treatment of FOSOMAX or something similar. Instead my own doctor has prescribed Estrogen gel and natural progesterone. I try to keep active, even though I have arthritis in knees etc. I do Tai Chi and aquagym and other forms of exercice.
2 months ago, I bought the Save Our Bones program and and am seriously trying to follow its recommendations, particularly by starting the day with lemon and warm water. With this recent control of bone density as a measure, I would now like to gradually reduce and subsequently eliminate the estrogen and progesterone. Can you advise me, please? Is this a good way to proceed? Obviously I am nervous about stopping the HRT and/or continuing it.
As I left the specialist, I said to him: At least I am not ill! He was sceptical but managed a smile.
I have osteoporosis and decided not to take the Fosamax my doctor prescribed. So I’m on the Osteoporosis Reversal Program and I’m feeling great. The problem is that I have high blood pressure for many years and I’m taking two medications for the pressure. I’m really worried that the drugs could hurt my bones. I asked my doctor and he says that I need to take them. What should I do?