Question & Answer #1
Dear Vivian,
I fractured my hip a month ago my doctor wants me to consider injections of Forteo. I fell, and this is how I got the fracture. What do you know about these injections. I am scared. It has serious side effects.
Dear Rosetta,
First of all, I am sorry to hear about your fracture! I wish you a complete and speedy recovery.
While I am not an advocate of feeling fearful about osteoporosis, you are right to be afraid when it comes to osteoporosis drugs like Forteo. As you point out, it does indeed have serious side effects.
Forteo is teriparatide, a synthetic form of the human parathyroid hormone, or PTH. It’s given as an injection and is usually prescribed for those who can’t tolerate the digestive side effects of bisphosphonates. This strange drug’s mechanism of action remains a mystery, even to its manufacturer. And in animal studies, Forteo was shown to cause a lethal form of bone cancer called osteosarcoma. This side effect is so risky that Forteo can only be prescribed for two years or less.
So really, taking Forteo doesn’t make much sense. Why risk a deadly cancer over a possible fracture?
In contrast, the Osteoporosis Reversal Program is risk-free. There are no side effects, unless you consider stronger bones and a healthier body “side effects”!
Keep asking questions,
Question & Answer #2
My question is about milk being harmful because of acidity. I drink two glasses of milk a day. If it is only the matter of acidity, how much of it is in 500 g of milk comparing with acidity of an average apple? or a slice of lemon?
The topic of milk consumption has been one of the more controversial ones at Save Our Bones.
I never recommend drinking milk, and the acidity you mentioned is just one of the reasons. Because milk is an animal protein, it creates an acidic environment in the body. The calcium contained in the milk is not enough to neutralize this acidic state, so the body pulls calcium from the bones to balance the pH. Of course, this weakens your bones!
Another reason why I do not recommend drinking milk is that it is simply not natural to do so. As I write in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, monkeys do not drink zebras’ milk, and cows don’t drink goats’ milk. If they did, they’d get quite ill. So why do we seem to think that drinking the milk of another species “does a body good”?
While no food or beverage is off-limits in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, including acidifying foods, I don’t recommend that you make milk a part of your 80(alkaline)/20(acidic) diet.
Instead of cow’s milk, I suggest an alkalizing beverage like almond milk or a refreshing bone-healthy lemonade.
Lemons are actually alkalizing foods. I know it can seem contrary to what you’d think, because lemons taste acidic. But when digested, lemons actually help create an alkaline environment in the body. Many foods exhibit this ironic alkalizing property, such as tomatoes and other citrus fruits.
Check the Osteoporosis Reversal Program for a complete list of alkalizing and acidifying foods – there you’ll find clear charts that explain and give examples of both kinds of foods, as well as a Recipe Sampler with creative, delicious preparation ideas.
Here’s to your milk-free future!
Question & Answer #3
Vivian, I have two questions. One is regarding water purification. Does the Brita charcoal filter provide clean water after filtration? And, second, does almond milk provide a significant amount of calcium?
Thank you.
Brita filters do filter out impurities and organic matter, but they do not remove fluoride or lead. (This is true for any brand of charcoal filter, not just Brita).
Fluoride in tap water is a growing health concern. As I write in The Missing Link, one of the bonus reports included with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, fluoride ingestion has been linked to increased risk of fracture, particularly hip fracture. There have been so many studies on this topic that an entire website is dedicated to listing them.
The claim that fluoride in tap water prevents cavities is also suspect – it turns out that healthy teeth have far more to do with improved oral hygiene and diet than fluoride in the water. In addition, any dental benefits of fluoride come from topical application of this chemical, not from drinking it.
In short, fluoride is an industrial chemical used in pesticides and fertilizers, and it should not be ingested.
Regarding your other question about calcium in almond milk – most of the calcium added to almond milk is calcium carbonate, a very unabsorbable form of calcium, especially in high doses. But the amount in almond milk is small enough for your body to process.
I don’t recommend you make almond milk your primary source of calcium. Supplementing with organic, plant-derived calcium supplements and eating foods rich in this mineral (such as plain yogurt, spinach, kale, and sesame seeds) are the best ways to get the calcium your bones need.
Keep your bones strong, naturally!
Question & Answer #4
I am a vegetarian and have osteoporosis. How can I get protein without eating meat or fish ? I am allergic to soy.
Thank you for all your help.
“Am I getting enough protein?” is one of the main questions vegetarians ask, and it’s understandable. The USDA dietary recommendations really push protein and give it a big spot on the government’s “food plate.” But you really don’t need a lot of protein – especially animal protein – to have healthy bones.
In the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, I write about “the protein myth,” which is the notion that you need protein to build strong muscles. But the world’s most enormous and muscular animals, elephants and gorillas, are exclusively plant-eaters! Here’s the secret: your body actually builds its own protein from the foods you eat. Once food is broken down into amino acids, your body puts them together in the right order to form protein.
If you do wish to consume a complete protein, whey is an excellent source. Despite its cow’s milk origins, whey is alkalizing, and it contains a substance called lactoferrin. This amazing bone-builder naturally inhibits bone break-down and stimulates the manufacture of new bone. It does not do this in an unnatural way, like bisphosphonates; instead, it works with the body’s own bone remodeling cells to achieve stronger bones.
And no worries about being allergic to soy – most soy crops are genetically modified, so you’re better off not ingesting them.
Stay healthy!
Question & Answer #5
Vivian, I have been diagnosed with severe osteoporosis and have already broken my left wrist once and my right twice. What results do you predict for me on the Osteoporosis Reversal Program? I am torn between natural and drugs (which I have already done plenty of, but don’t want to take anymore). Thanks for your response!
Congratulations, Carol – you’re already on the right track! You’re obviously doing your research and looking into alternatives to osteoporosis drugs. I am sorry to hear about your broken wrists, and I wish you a speedy recovery from those injuries.
There are so many individual variables that it’s impossible to predict exactly what the Osteoporosis Reversal Program will do for you. They key is to develop your own bone health philosophy, and go forward from there. A bone health philosophy is basically an understanding of why you’ve chosen your particular path with regard to your bone health. In addition, your bone health philosophy is formed from your personal thoughts on how the body works. You’ve already taken the first step – you’re looking for answers and information as you decide whether to continue the osteoporosis drugs or take “the road less traveled.”
If you’re not sure where you stand, and if you’d like more guidance on forming your bone health philosophy to facilitate your decision, you can take our Bone Health Quiz. Click here to give it a try.
Remember that drugs, whether prescribed or over the counter, if they help at all, it’s only temporarily – but there's always a high price to pay. Osteoporosis drugs actually harm your bones in the long term, because they disrupt the body’s natural bone remodeling cycle. You see, your bones must shed worn bone cells in order to replace them with new ones. Osteoporosis drugs stop the bones from shedding worn cells, which at first sounds good, until you realize the drug is building bones made of worn-out cells and fewer healthy cells. This may make your bones appear denser in a bone scan, but the scan fails to measure the hard, brittle, dry nature of the bone. This lack of tensile strength actually makes the bone more likely to fracture.
To read more about osteoporosis drugs and how they affect bone remodeling, please click here.
Best wishes moving forward, Carol!
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Thank you,Vivian for much help and advice. Following you diet tips I have been able to keep my bone density results the same for seven years and this is after I gave up Fosamax. This is remarkable of a 78-year old woman!
I forgot to notate the information on exercises for dowagers hump. Is it possible for you to give it to me again.
Mary Blomberg
My grandson is seven months old and now on formula. Whole milk is supposed to be the next step, but my guess is that you would be against it. What should we do and why?
Many thanks, Vivian!
There are many families whose children have never drunk cow’s milk and they are quite healthy. 🙂 The decision is entirely up to your family – do your research and, if you like, see if there is a naturally-minded pediatrician in your area. 🙂
I have osteoporosis of the spine and osteopenia of the hips. I have your program. A year ago my vitamin D level was under 20 so my doctor put me on a vitamin D. 1000. 3 and calcium I also am taking a pro biotic. My most recent blood test for vitamin D. Was 90 which is high. Now I want to stop taking vitamin D. I also read that pro biopics can raise your vitamin D level by 25 percent. Your thoughts.
I have osteoporosis so severe that I have a humped back, have lost more than 7 inches of height and cannot lie flat. Thus I cannot undergo an operation that requires a fully supine position. I took the usual meds for more than 5 years but my bone density did not increase and I no longer get DEXA scans because, according to the doctor, my spine looks like a building after being hit with a wrecking ball, and fractures are “too numerous to count.” After reading that prunes are good for bones, I eat about 2 a day and feel that I have improved. Apparently the medical profession doesn’t know why prunes are good for bones, but acknowledges their benefit. My reason for mentioning this? Few women have any idea how debilitating and painful osteoporosis can be. Any suggestion that you know cannot harm you is worth a try.
I am writing this e-mail also to your ohter 3-mail address which was given
to me by your customer service. My question is: ‘Do you have physical BOOKS which are available to purchase as oppsed to ‘downloaded information or CDs for computer use?’ I would very much like to order your most popular package which includes ‘booklets’ as well, however, when I called to order, I was told these materials were only for ‘computer use.’
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Thank you,
Rosalyn Schnall
at all possible. My number is: (702) 616-0859
Rosalyn, thank you for your e-mail! We responded yesterday and I hope you received our reply!
We do indeed sell the hard copy book – all the supplemental reports and materials are included inside the book. You can learn more here:
I’ve been drinking coconut milk for the last 6 months. I have noticed that my finger nails seem to be stronger and thicker than they were. Do you think it might be doing the same for my bones?? I really do enjoy the articles that you send out. I might not make very many comments but I do read them and I am here. Thanks so much.
I don’t know how I missed it but I did not know that almond milk is mostly carbonate. I have been drinking cups a day and thinking I was getting all the calcium I need. I must go out and buy an organic, plant-derived calcium supplement. Can you recommend one?
EVery time I read your answers I always pick up something I did not know. Thank you for all your honesty and research. You are the best source I have found for answers to these tough questions. Your book and exercise plan are also very helpful. I try to use the exercise plan as often as I can find time. Thank you!
Vivian, what do you think of “SOLRAY-D….doctor-formulated using state of the art nanosphere liposomes which ensure the highest concentration of vitamin D3 gets released into your body in the quickest time possible…”?
I truely believe medicine is like a band aid as well as hurting another part of your body. I also believe proper nutrition can cure most illnesses . I have a thirst for learning more….
Glad you joined us, Candi. 🙂
The fact is that 1 on 5 million rats got bone cancer after two years. I took my chances for two years and gained 17% on my bone mass. I had no side effects to my knowledge.
Roberta, how did you gain the bone mass? Through osteo drugs/injections or a change of diet? It would be interesting to know after all the warnings on these drugs.
Cheers, Trudy
Dear Vivian: I am kind of discouraged. I found your web sight about a year or so ago, and it called my attention because you were talking about Fosamax. I bought your Save Bones Book and, hate to tell you, I haven’t finished. Anyway, after taking Fosamax for more than 10 yrs., I told my doctor I didn’t want to take it anymore. He asked me a couple of questions and said, OK. I have been following your advise on how eat the right foods, etc. Not too long ago I had my bone density test and it was not what I expected. It says that my density of the total hip has decreased by 3.8%, density of the forearm has decreased 8.7%. Also mentions the “rare complication of osteonecrosis”. He told me to go to the dentist, have work done before a start taking “Boniva” once a month. I haven’t told him yet that I do not want to take Boniva. I feel like I am disintegrating, very upset and confused. Thanks for listening and whatever advise you give me will be welcome. Thanks, Jael
Nearly the same happened to me with Actonel. After 5 years of taking it, my bones were worse than ever. Thanks to Vivian’s book/emails I changed my diet, ditched the drugs and my last dexa scan was better than ever – nearly normal! Try to do the same!
Jael, I understand that you are disappointed since you are faithfully following the program and expected an improvement! Unfortunately, the one to be blamed is not you but rather, your doctor who kept you on Fosamax for no less than 10 years! And here’s why.
The half-life of bisphosphonates is approximately 10 years, meaning that it takes 10 years for the body to get rid of half of the drug that attached itself to bone. As you know, these drugs stop normal bone metabolism, namely bone remodeling, but as it gets released and less is attached to bone, normal bone remodeling resumes at one point. The question is WHEN will this happen. As with everything else in the human body, this varies with each individual. According to a Harvard Medical School study (also mentioned in the book), pre-drug bone metabolism is restored to “normal” levels in an average of five (5) years.
Why is it so important for bone remodeling to resume? Because as new bone covers old bone (with the wretched drug attached to it), the drug becomes inactive. Till then, the drug gets released into the blood stream and alters how bones rebuild themselves.
Rest assured that at one point this WILL happen and you will be noticing some improvement! You have the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, so you have everything you need to succeed. :)So be patient, follow your own bone health “philosophy”, don’t let brainwashed doctors interfere with your own decisions, and know that had you continued with the drugs, not only would you have been at even greater risk of large bone fractures, you would have probably worsened even more.
Believe in your bones and believe in yourself!
Dear Vivian,
Six years ago I was diagnosed with mild osteopina. Having a little more bone loss in the next two years my doctor recommended Fosemax. I took one pill and was so sick for a week that I threw the pills away, got on line to do research and found your website. I ordered your book and got to work on changing my eating habits. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. I am 70 years old and thankfully, have always been in good health but I now feel better than ever. I just had another Dexa Scan and I am thrilled with the results. I no longer have osteopina in my left hip and my left femoral neck has increased in bone density. My spine has always been in the normal range but also showed improvement. Thank you so much for your wonderful work. I try to spread the word as much as possible to anyone who will listen.
Thankyou for posting your results here, it gives me much encouragement, as i am only just starting the diet, about 5 days I think now, I just don’t enjoy it much yet as i am on antibiotics that are making me sick, but I feel i will enjoy it once i’m off them.
Good news, Audrey! I am sorry you experienced that illness, but I don’t blame you for tossing the Fosamax. 🙂 Here’s to feeling even better in the future! And thank you for telling others about the Program. 🙂
Reg MILK: Der Vivian. It is absolutely important that this topic be not treated casually. RAW milk is entirely different from pasteurized and even homogenized milk. GOAT milk is the closest to human milk. In most indigenous cultures dairy is essential to food, be it soured or not. In my quest to find nutrient rich foods for my bone/tooth problems I have full blown -4 osteo porosis, huge bone loss in the JAW and am loosing health molars due to that, event though I eat since years the way you recoomend, teach yoga, exercise, have sun exposure… But: I discovered the WESTON PRICE nutrient dense “diet”, and consume now fat soluble Vit A, K, D, added even liver to my diet and bone broth. My teeth are remineralized, and I betmy bones are as well. The Weston Price diet discloses that un-sprouted, unfermented whole grains do not allow Phosphorus absorbtion. And Phospohorus, just like Magnesium is the missing link in discussions that focus on Calcium. I truly hope that you, dear Vivian will look into this connection Weston Price makes. Chapters are forming nationally and internationally, do find answers to the cavity” problem, which is mostly related to netition, and that means nutrition dense food, incl animal milk. (My 92 year old Godmother “cures” herself of ailments by drinking the raw milk from her Bavaria,n grass munching cows). I do hope you post this and find inspiration in the Weston Price books and teachings. Health to you and to all the readers in this community!
I too have joined Weston Price this past winter and am thrilled after reading so much literature on Raw Milk! I was able to find a farmer who sells it and many people visit the farm and express the excellent health after drinking Raw Milk for years. I was never a big milk drinker growing up but after researching and observing the people I am so excited about this new adventure. I do have osteopenia but believe I can change it with all this positive energy. Please check out Weston Price and for more information a great informative book is Sally Fallon “Nourishing Traditions”. I Love your work Vivian. Thank You
Dear Vivian, your work is commendable as you help us tackle huge problems. Alas, in this post I must add info to your post reg water filters: While Fluoride indeed CANNOT be removed by COMPRESSED charcoal water filters, LEAD can. This is ONE reason why city dwellers are encouraged to filter their water. It removes lead from old water pipes. Multipure for example, manufactures since many decades (5 ?) in water filtration, both beneath and above counter models, and its filters are certified since the company was founded, to remove lead, and today over 100 other toxic substances, turbitity, cryptosporidium, tiny giardia organisms etc. Other manufacturers get their compressed carbon block technology from Multi Pure, also since decades. Each of these filter comes with a list of substances it is CERTIFIED to remove. They cost $ 100 – and more depending on the model. The per gallon price beats by much Brita, which is NOT a compressed carbon block. The latter have to be certified by independent labs. The state of CA has been leading in this is – or used to be the Gold Standard. Lead is one of the easier heavy metals to remove, 99.9%. NOT SO FLUORIDE, and indeed, its most helpful to inform the readership of this column on this topoic: Each municipality in the USA can elect ! whether to floridate its water or not. There is lack of education on the topic. Very few countries allow fluoridation. NO European country does.
They are so right! Unfortunately Australia makes the mistakes good old Europe has long since rectified. Some councils have removed fluoride, but the majority has not. Wherever you go – restaurants, cafes, water fountains, schools etc. supply water containing fluoride. Dentists signed up for a huge campaign a few years ago demanding this chemical to be put into the water in order to protect teeth. The government gave in. The wake up call will come when it is too late, as usual!!!
Sorry to differ re the Europe flouride thing, but Stupidly Ireland allows full flouridation & certain municipals of England. The rest of Europe has awoken to the dangers of flouride, a highly toxic chemical…
I read in this past email from you that spinach is a good source of calcium for us. I have always thought that the calcium binds with the iron in spinach and therefore we do not absorb the calcium. What do you say?
Thank you.
Peggy Terry,RT
Bone Desity Technologist
Dear Vivian,
I keep away from Whey Protein.
Here’s what my pea protein flyer says; “Many people are allergic to whey, which comes from milk and is a byproduct of cheese production. Whey protein also contains large amounts of two amino acids (cysteine and methionine) that are high in sulfur, which has an acidic effect on the body. These two amino acids are found in most all sources of protein; however, they are found in higher ratios in animal proteins.”
Please explain chemically how some foods are acidic and some alkaline. The healthy body controls blood pH and calcium within a very narrow range. As long as one is getting adequate calcium intake I don’t see the logic of acidic/alkalinic foods.
Hi Nancy,
World-renowned scientists and doctors like Lynda Frassetto, Debbie Sellmeyer and many others from around the world not only believe that foods have an effect on pH levels; they also study this concept in depth.
The pH level of individual foods is determined by burning them and testing the ashes for a pH reading. Some labs give different results than others, thus the discrepancies you see and will continue to see, but even if we don’t have the exact pH for a few foods, by following the Save Our Bones program we are way ahead of the rest of the population that eats a very acidic diet.
I hope this helps answer your question! 🙂
Hi Vivian, it’s good to be able talking to somebody who did some research and prefers the natural healing method. I enjoyed reading your book.
I am 78 years old. After a hysterectomy for endometrial cancer stage 1, seven years ago, I changed my diet and feel healthy.
About two years ago I had a hip replacement. All Glucosamine and many supplements recommended for cartilage did not help, no matter what I tried. Two years ago I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. As I read, after a removal of the ovaries there is a rapid bone loss, which may be the reason.
I stay away from hormones and all pharmaceuticals, add just some supplements to my daily juicing, I also started taking EZorb, but am not sure, if I should continue. I don’t take extra calcium and don’t drink milk, I am a vegetarian, eat lots of fruit and vegetables, in addition Krill Oil, D3, Magnesium, Vitamin C and some supplements.
What is your opinion, should I continue taking EZorb to avoid a second hip replacement? What would you do in my situation?
Thanks for your response. (I do hope I will find your answer again!?) R.
Rachel, you are to be commended for some very healthy habits. 🙂 I do recommend an organic, plant-based calcium supplements, simply because we just can’t get the calcium we need from foods alone due to various factors.
Ezorb calcium (aspartate anhydrous) is a combination of a calcium atom and l-aspartic molecules bound by chelation. The makers of Ezorb don’t specify the source of the calcium molecules; they could be inorganic, but we can’t find out for sure. Ezorb is highly absorbable, which is good! So chances are it would not cause damage. 🙂
I would have serious questions about EZorb because of the aspartic component. Reference neurologist/neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock’s books, lectures and published papers regarding “excitotoxins” and the neurological damage they do. Aspartame, MSG and some other substances that do not come immediately to my mind, are included in that category. He does NOT recommend chelated minerals which are produced using aspartates, and many brands do not include label information about what a mineral is chelated to. Frankly, long-term brain function is of equal importance to my bones, for me personally. You might want to examine some of Blaylock’s works, and see if it might affect your thoughts concerning EZorb, to decide if the potential trade-off is worth the risk.
I love your website with few exceptions. How do you feel about taking Fosteum, a soy-based dietary supplement? I’ve been taking it for a couple of years and my bone density has increased substantially. Also, what are your feelings about hormone replacement therapy? I’m on that, as well. And finally, what the heck is an avatar?? Thanks for your response. Cary
The Avatar is the small picture by your name.
You can put your photo there if you want or just leave it with the standard picture that’s there.
Cary, the main ingredient in Fosteum is genistein, which is a phytoestrogen. In addition, almost all soy is genetically modified. You can read more about the topic of hormone replacement therapy here:
Have a great weekend!
For a water filter we use the Zero pitcher, according to them it filters out flouride, I even called to talk to them to confirm what they advertised. You just have to check the water with the monitor that comes with it and change the filter when it says .006.
Q. Does the ZeroWater filter remove Fluoride?
A. ZeroWater filters are not certified for the reduction of fluoride however fluoride is an inorganic compound. The TDS meter is designed to detect inorganic compounds. Fluoride levels in water are usually around 2 to 4 ppm, which will show up on the meter as 002 to 004. So when filtered water reads 000 it is not likely that fluoride is present in water. …..This is from ZERO’s web site…. My confusion is.. it says 000 reading and your saying 006? Thanks for any further info Diane!
the 006 is when you’re suppose to change the filter, so every couple weeks check the water, be sure it’s with something clean, I put some filtered water in it pour it out and then put some more filtered water in it and test it, when it reaches 006 I change the filter.
thank you,Ita.
How do you feel about inversion tables?
Pls notice that Brita filters do reduce lead in the water (should there be a contamination)
It surprises me that you only advocate for your methods of treatment! You, being a medical professional should really reconsider what you are advocating that your patients do. I have yet to see you reference data fr om any clinical studies which has brought all these drugs to market in a positive manner. You are the typical “Monday morning quarterback”! The studies that you fail to talk with your patients about are blinded, randomized, and placebo controlled, then placed in peer reviewed journals. Additionally, people are actually looking to you for advice and you are continuing to create doubt in their minds as to the effectiveness or safety of the drugs that are currently approved for the treatment of osteoporosis. You should really STOP being as negative about all treatments and have the patients ask their doctors more questions rather than helping them to be non-compliant when taking their meds. I might also point out that most of the bone specialists that are involved in these studies, have spent their lives “helping patients” get better.
Sorry Joe, I don’t agree with you. I “took” some of those drugs and they made me ill in many ways. Those that produce the studies have too much of a vested interest for me to trust them at all. Blind studies or not, they only report the better side of the finding and then if you read the whole warning section of what these meds are capable of doing, why would anyone want to take that chance. There are many studies that have proven a healthy Akaline/Acidic diet is so beneficial and Johns Hopkins admits it should be the first line of defense when dealing with cancer. Vivian is right to lead us in this direction. I know this is my opinion, and I don’t expect you to agree at all but I would rather go as natural as I can.
I too agree that a natural approach is good. Patients react differently to different therapies. Creating doubt about other approved products may lead patients to not take their medicines which may cause more harm than good. Additionally, all of those side effects are required to be reported in the clinical studies. Even if patients are in those studies during cold and flu season, it’s likely that “flu like symptoms” would be reported. I would consider all literature out there before making a choice. Consult “your” doctor before making rash decisions!
I know by experience – and my mum’s and friends’ – that these drugs are not beneficial at all. Been there, done that! My bone density deteriorated drastically after being on Fosamax/Actonel for at least 5 years. I also lost some teeth in the process thanks to the drugs. I only improved my bone health following the ‘alkaline’ diet and taking organic (not inorganic) calcium etc. Doctors often don’t know or take the time to properly research this issue. The ‘script pad’ is always the quickest and easiest solution in my experience. I was advised at the time when I had my first terrible result of the dexa scan to include some soy sauce in my diet, plus I ended up with the script for Fosamax, then Actonel for the next 5 years until I came across Vivian’s book and decided to ditch the drugs and adopt her advice on diet. After 2 years my bones were nearly back to ‘normal’.
Joe, just to clarify – I am not a doctor, and I do not have “patients.” 🙂 I believe in the body’s power to heal itself from osteoporosis without drugs. I have researched and continue to research this subject meticulously, and bring the information together for others to read and decide for themselves. 🙂
The Bible mentions milk. I kind of wonder why the bible would mention something that is bad for you. Since we don’t breast feed off of our mothers the rest of our lives we must be getting it from somewhere.
The Bible is a book — just a book. The people who wrote it lived in the Middle East — then, not now. Allow yourself to wise up. After being raised in the church, I read for ten years, everything I could find, about the beginnings of religion. I finally allowed myself to wise up. Wising up would put religion out of business, which is precisely why religions have their “absolutes,” like the Bible, and the Koran. Science would be nowhere if it did not accept new findings because of “certain” parameters.
Connie…whether you share her beliefs or not , this is not the place to debate that. We should not be unkind to anyone for asking a question. Just sayin’
Interestingly most of the milk mentioned in the Bible came from camels, hence the term “Milch Kine”, The profile of camel milk is very close to goats milk which is also close to human milk. Cows milk has a very different Lipid & protein profile, so is better to avoid, especially as it is homoginised & pasteurised. If we fed this supermarket milk to calves, they would die. These trials have actually been done. Alas it is true that some of the original traits of cow had better milk. Water buffalo are a modern day example of a traditional breed. With modern breeding focusing on yields & nothing else, the cow herds have changed significantly from a genetic point of view giving us A1 milk which is not fit for human consumption.
Deae Vivian,
i am trying to decide what pots and pans set to buy. xtera or something like that is sold as a safe ceramic set and i have asked dr mercola if this was the same set he sold and they said yes. they are made in china but swear it is safe. also there are tons of stainless steel sets but i remain confused which is the best and safest. thankyou sincerely terry
Stainless steel need to of good quality and of right metallurgical specification for making utensils . The stainless steel also contains metals such as nickel, chromium etc If these metals are not in correct proportion they may leach out and may be harmful to body
Hi Vivian, thanks for clarifying these issues.
Can I ask you to take a look at the smiley face at the top right of this page, to which your customer support team refers people if they wish to have personal advice …. I have never yet been able to locate it and am wondering if it actually exists !If anyone else can give me precise directions as to how to find it, I would be very grateful …. Thanks Lynda
Lynda, up above the search box at the very top, top of the page you will find the smiley face and customer service spot. It took me a while to look that far up also, but it’s there and they have been very good about responding!
I understand, Lynda – but as Terry said below, it is there! 🙂 Here is a link to e-mail Customer Support that you can use instead if you like:
Dear Vivian, I have osteoporosis in my spine and fractures, and osteopenia in my hips. I was prescribed Fosamax but refused them. I was prescribed Adcal-D3 1500 mg chewable tablets, but was worried about taking them because of how calcium can cause deposits. However recently I’ve read that if I take K2 it transports the calcium so that it won’t deposit where it shouldn’t
I’ve always taken magnesium citrate as well.
Can you tell me if this is right?
Thank you
You’re on the right track, Rosemary – Vitamin K is important for your bones. Here’s a blog post I wrote on this that should help answer your question. 🙂
Dear Vivian,
I was diagnosed with osteoporosis at 39. I resisted treatment until I was 50 by which time my bones had become very thin. At 55 I fell and had a serious fracture of my hip and upper femur. I started to take bisphosphonates. I became very unwell and then I found you!! Thank goodness!!!! I took myself of alendronic acid after 18months. 3 years ago I read what you said and changed my whole lifestyle. I started taking calcium gluconate, magnesium, vitamins C & D and selenium and few other supplements. I began doing Tai Chi. This year I started going to the gym 3 days a week & swimming once a week. I am now 59. In the three years since I came off the bisphosphonates my latest DEXA scan has shown an overall 10% improvement in my hip and my spine is now virtually normal although on the edge of being thin. On this evidence, where will I be in another 2 years when I have my next scan!
I cant thank you enough for all the help and advice you have given me over the years since breaking my hip. I have to admit I was nervous about making the decision to ignore the medical advice but wanted to give it a go. It has certainly paid off for me. My family are absolutely delighted, especially my daughters who are very interested in making a start to preserve their bones for the future as we know osteoporosis and early menopause run in my family.
Many thanks again and carry on the good work.
Ann Shepherd
Ann, what an inspiring story! I am so glad you shared with us – your situation is one that doctors could easily write off as hereditary, and impossible to overcome without drugs. But you’re the one who has overcome! It’s amazing what your body can do when you give it what it needs. Congratulations! 🙂
Think about this , you never heard of osteoporosis especially among women which is becoming epidemic when people consumed” whole” dairy products like roughly 30yrs ago and before . The coorelation is undeniable .
Go back in time like 50 yrs and before everyone grew up on” whole” dairy [ milk] and lived on it their whole lives and they were way healthier than we are now , .
Look at the rate of heart attacks and no one is drinking” whole” milk , most people like 75% drink 2%, 1%, skim , and look at how overweight everyone is .
How could something whole be bad for you ?, are not whole grains good , then why wouldn’t whole dairy also be beneficial ?.
Whole dairy is one of the” 4″ original food groups , there was an old adage or saying to ensure you get all 6 essential nutrients eat from all 4 food groups , it makes sense.
The bible is the secret or” Foundation of Nutrition” and it’s big on whole dairy Ex3, Ex 13 , Ex 33 [NIV] bible .
Dear Vivian,
I was diagnosed with hip arthritis and the doc recommended removal of the extra cartilage caused by arthritis, and perhaps later on does bone rejuvenation with my own blood cell similar to stem cell. Is there any other way besides this method as I understand that there’ll be steroid used for the cartilage removal and I don’t want that in my body. Is there also ways to slow down the process of arthritis?
Thank you
I have been working in the field of energy medicine and found when the body maintains an alkaline state it maytects and heals itself.