Vivian Answers Day #28: Calcitonin Nasal Spray Still Prescribed By Doctors, Persistent Back Pain Between Shoulder Blades, Natural Ways To Reduce Or Eliminate Wrinkles, And More!

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Lifestyle

6 min Read

Question & Answer #1

Hi Vivian –

Would like to know your comments on calcitonin nasal spray that my doctor prescribed recently. He suggested this when I asked him about strontium supplementation. I do have a history of thyroid problem and have been told I must take calcium supplements for life so I include calcium/magnesium in my vitamin regimen. I am 84 – and except for nodal arthritis on some fingers and some stiffness in them do not have any other problem with arthritis. 


Dear Gigi,

First of all, I commend you for questioning your doctor’s recommendations and for doing your own research before making a decision to take a drug.

Calcitonin is a hormone found naturally in the bodies of birds, fish, and mammals. It does play a role in controlling blood calcium levels, but the nasal spray version is an entirely different story.

Sold under the names Miacalcin and Fortical, salmon calcitonin is synthetic, and recent research shows an alarming side effect of this mysterious drug – namely, increased cancer risk. But there are other side effects, too, such as nosebleeds, headache, joint pain, bladder infections, hives, difficulty breathing, and muscle pain (to name a few). In addition, the FDA declared earlier this year that, based on the research, calcitonin is ineffective. So not only is it risky – it doesn’t even work!

The bottom line is that calcitonin salmon is a synthetic hormone, and I never recommend hormone therapy. I do not think that humans need to alter their biological cycles to “trick” the body into producing “results.”

There are much safer and more effective ways to get the calcium your bones need. I know that the issue of calcium supplementation can seem overwhelming, but it’s really simple: plant-based, bioavailable calcium is the optimal choice.

Keep asking questions!

Question & Answer #2

I get pain in my back after I have been on my feet for awhile. It is my middle back right below my shoulder bones. (beneath my bra strap in the back) I think it is related to my poor posture and lack of good stomach muscles. What exercises will relieve this? I am doing some back exercises. 


Dear Ruth,

Back pain of any kind can be very frustrating! Most likely, the pain you’re describing is just what you suspect: the result of poor posture and weak abdominal muscles. In fact, strength in all core muscles is vital for strong bones and good posture. You see, muscles that are toned and supple help hold your skeleton properly. And of course, having strong, healthy bones and well-toned muscles is also crucial to good posture and freedom from back pain.

Appropriate bone-building exercises are a vital component of bone health. When I developed Densercise, the only exercise program specifically designed to build bone density, I made sure it also includes exercises to ensure a youthful posture.

Densercise is full of easy moves that target just the area you spoke of, as well as the other muscle groups that play a role to support good posture.

Wishing you a pain-free and happy life,

Question & Answer #3

Dear Vivian,

I enjoy carbonated beverages, but realize that cola and other such beverages are extremely harmful to my bones. Is sparkling apple juice (pure without sugar added) or sparkling water with lemon or lime bone depleting? They are great substitutes if they are not harmful. Thanks,

-John R. Hertzler, Jr.

Dear John,

Good for you for recognizing that sugary, acidic drinks and colas are terrible for your bones and overall health. Not only are they high in sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners, but they contain phosphoric acid as well. This is particularly detrimental to bones.

But the carbonation is not a problem, so your idea is excellent! It’s especially good for your bones to add lemon to the sparkling water, because lemon juice is not only alkalizing (as is all citrus), but it also helps sweep toxins out of your body.

Unfortunately, sodas can have an addictive quality. So sometimes a transition period is necessary to make the step to drinking the healthiest beverage of all: distilled water with a few drops of lemon juice. In the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, I actually recommend drinking sparkling water and lemon juice to ease the transition.

Enjoy your homemade bone-healthy beverages!

Question & Answer #4

Dear Vivian,

Last year I had stomach surgery and fortunately it went well. Because of it I lost a lot of weight and I notice lately that my face is very wrinkled. I don’t like to use creams full of chemicals and my husband won’t let me get a face lift. What can I do to have less wrinkles, Vivian?


Dear Greta,

Rapid weight loss can cause excessive wrinkling and sagging of the skin, and I understand your concerns as you experience those changes. And of course, I also understand that you don’t want to use toxic “miracle” creams that promise the moon.

The good news is that there are natural solutions to reduce or even eliminate wrinkles, without painful injections or surgery. First and foremost, make sure you’re well hydrated. One of the symptoms of dehydration is dry skin, which is of course, more prone to wrinkles. Drinking plenty of water can help your skin’s elasticity.

Here’s to your wrinkle-free future!

Question & Answer #5

I turn 70 in Sept. Already have curved and continuing curving spine as did my Paternal Grandmother, my Father and his two older Brothers (Uncles). Any way to stop it? Correct it? Straighten it? Hopefully! Also, continue to have spontaneous fractures in the spine and ribs. HELP! THX for Being YOU and showing/teaching us there truly are alternatives.


Dear Jan,

You’re welcome, and thank you for your kind words!

The development of the spinal curve known as “Dowager’s Hump” (or “kyphosis”) is something many in the Save Our Bones community dread. But there’s good news: kyphosis is not inevitable, and it is correctible!

Kyphosis is not necessarily related to osteoporosis, nor does it always indicate fractures in the thoracic vertebrae. It can simply result from poor posture. As the spine curves more and more, your shoulders appear more rounded and your head gets pushed forward, resulting in pain and breathing problems.

To correct the hunched posture that aggravates or leads to kyphosis, the right kind of exercise is vital. Just any exercise won’t do – in fact, some workouts can actually make curves in the spine worse because the wrong muscles are being strengthened.

Stand tall and proud!

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