Savers are familiar with powerful immune-boosting and bone-building vitamins, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, and other well-known nutrients. But today, you'll discover three unusual and fascinating ways to build immunity that also rejuvenate your bones.
It’s so amazing how immunity and bone health are tied together! I’m quite sure that you’ll be surprised by these interesting connections.
1. Keep A Sense Of Wonder And Admiration
This is not about a supplement– it's about an attitude you can cultivate and enjoy. Researchers at the University of California-Berkeley conducted an amazing study that shows a link between positive feelings (especially awe) and good health.1
Study participants were asked to give an account of their emotions at the end of the day. Tissue samples from the mouth were taken from each participant and analyzed for their cytokine levels.
Cytokines are inflammation markers found throughout the body and are at particularly high levels during times of infection and inflammation. The latter, greatly increases the risk of fracture.
In this study, the cytokine Interleukin 6 was found to be lowest in those who experienced the most positive feelings: love, joy, pride, compassion, awe, and amusement.
It was awe, however, that is especially linked to good health, according to the study’s lead author, Jennifer Stellar. It’s that sense of wonder and amazement that you get when you look at a powerful waterfall, a rainbow, or even lightning during a thunderstorm.
This may sound familiar if you have the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. The importance of a happy, healthy outlook and its relationship to bone health is discussed at length in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
In it, there are detailed steps for getting rid of bone-damaging stress, and one of the steps is to connect with nature. I don’t know about you, but when I see a breathtaking view, a body of water, a forest, etc., I am in awe at the marvels of nature. It’s the perfect remedy for generating that bone-saving sense of wonder.
2. Laugh Often
When was the last time you had a really good, deep laugh? Many of us can’t even remember when we’ve had a true “belly laugh.” But we should do it more often, according to a study from Indiana State University.
Thirty-three adult women were divided into two groups. One group watched a funny video, while the control group viewed a video on tourism. Blood tests and questionnaires showed that the funny video group claimed lower stress levels and had significantly higher levels of “natural killer cells,”2 which are white blood cells that specifically target and destroy cancer cells.
This indicates that laughter has a positive effect on the immune system. In fact, laughter apparently can boost your body’s own anti-cancer mechanism. Incredible!
3. Limit Your Exposure To Toxins
Unfortunately, there is just no way to completely avoid toxins in our modern world. For example, individuals exposed to dioxin, one of a group of highly toxic chemicals produced as a byproduct in the production of herbicides, paper bleaching, and other industrial processes, exhibited greater frequency of “antinuclear antibodies and immune complexes.”3
From dioxins to PCBs, these poisons are rampant. And the evidence is mounting that these substances – called xenobiotics when found inside the human body – suppress immune function to potentially debilitating degrees.
Chronic immunosuppression can lead to recurrent fungal, bacterial, and other microbial infections, and a host of other conditions associated with compromised immune function (including some forms of cancer).
According to a scientific report on this topic:
“Studies of human immunodeficiency diseases and the counterpart animal models emphasize the potentially serious consequences of immunosuppression, whether it occurs as a result of heredity, aging, or nutrition or is acquired as a result of exposure to xenobiotics.”3
The report goes on to explore environment contaminants, noting that:
“…environmental toxicants are implicated in a number of reports that describe increased rates of neoplastic disease or infection in humans associated with immune-system changes.”3
Such pollutants are detrimental to bones, too, creating an acidic environment and taxing the kidneys and liver.
So while avoiding these and other toxins as much as you can makes sense…
It Also Makes Sense To Be Proactive About Removing Toxins From Your Body
In addition to avoidance, periodic removal of toxins is crucial, because as mentioned earlier, you simply can’t avoid them all.
With the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse: The 7 Day Bone Building Accelerator, it’s really simple to get rid of toxins (including osteoporosis drugs), and it doesn’t involve taking exotic supplements or cleansing agents. In fact, all the ingredients can be found at your grocery store!
Effective and easy-to-follow cleansing techniques are explained step-by-step and it also includes shopping lists and lots of delicious recipes.
Now you can give your immune system a boost and build your bones faster with the Osteoporosis Fresh Start Cleanse: The 7 Day Bone Building Accelerator. You’ll look younger and feel more energetic, too!
Till next time,
2 Bennett MP, Zeller JM, Rosenberg L, et al. “The effect of mirthful laughter on stress and natural killer cell activity.” Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 2003;9:38-45.
3 National Research Council (US) Subcommittee on Immunotoxicology. Biologic Markers in Immunotoxicology. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1992. 4, Autoimmune Diseases. Web.
This has been the central core of my life and marriage yet I allowed it to slip over the last 5 years and it has cost me my health…slowly I am getting back to my OH-SO-ZONE and my health improvement is a direct correlation.
Thank you Vivian yet again for giving such thorough insight into the majesty of who we are and how our bodies work.
Go well, breathe deep, give thanks
Thank you for this last article! I can identify with “awe”! I recently became a
“birder” and got hooked on the hobby when seeing the beautiful and colorful birds out in nature! Once you get the skill of using binoculars and where to find them, I experience AWE every time! Thanks, Vivian, for including this!! -
I am interested in this printed book. How do I buy it?
Hallo, disappointment reigns yet again, no printed version of the Osteocleanse e-book, which I have just purchased after wading through pages of ‘bumf’ to find only the wretched e-book at checkout.
This causes stress which is no good for bones ! For Goodness sake Vivian PLEASE LISTEN to those who, like me, loathe e-books. We don’t mind paying or the postage; we need proper book books !
They are not good for eyesight, and in the case of the Densercise, too almost maddenly annoying to bother about, IMPORTANT AS IT IS.
We live in hope or not as the case may be. Kind reghards, Judy
Hi Vivian
Have you ever studied the connection of a low hormonal system in women over the age of 40 + and oesterprosis. I have just seen an Intergrated Medical Practioner and had a series of blood tests done . The finding are that i have low progesterone and even lower estrogen and tostesterone. My gynacologist had in the past told me i was fine ( for my age 62 ) and should`nt interfere with nature.
Not so ! ….. according to the IMP as it can cause insomnia ( which i have ) and oesterprosis among many other serious medical conditions.
I am now taking Bio identical hormones and hope to see an improvement in the months to follow. Will keep you posted.Many thanks for your articles and advice.
Hi Vivian, I feel you might have already read a book ..
The Calcium Lie by Dr Robert Thompson MD, if not
I urge you to seek it out. It backs up everything you
say and much more. There are several other ‘lies’
he uncovers that are foisted on the world by the drug
companies and careless doctors.
I can only thank you for alerting me to the danger of
biphosinates. Elizabeth.-
Hallo to Vivian and replying to Elizabeth re [my Bible ! ] The Calcium Lie.
Finding this about three years ago, was my Eurika Moment, especially regarding minerals’ ionic versus colloidal.
I bet all the mothers in Alaska are the healthiest in the world ! If you haven’t already, do get a copy, Vivian, whilst you are in the throes of giving us printed versions of ALL your books. Kind regards, Judy