Calcium And Osteoporosis

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Supplements

2 min Read

Q:  I am interested in your answers on calcium.  I've had back trouble for several years and just had my 3rd back surgery.  After my bone density test, my doctor prescribed 1200 mg. of calcium + Vit. D and also at the same time Evista, 60 mg. once a day.  And your article leaves me WONDERING!!

Didn't say anything about milk, but when I was having babies, my doctor said if he had his way, children wouldn't have any milk AFTER they were weaned from the mother.  At THAT time, I thought HE was strange!  Maybe not.

A: Thanks for taking the time to share your story with me. The bottom line about calcium is that if we find the reason why our bones leak calcium, and stop the cause, we don't need large amounts. I take only 500 mg a day and have reversed my bone loss by 20% with my program. In other words, calcium is a “patch”, like telling a person with a hemorrhage  to  have daily blood transfusions.

And  it is true,  since we are not calves, we should not drink cow's milk. It's completely unnatural and detrimental to our health. To make matters worse, the dairy industry is what creates the very cruel veal industry, since in order to produce milk, cows must have babies at all times.