A recent study on calcium has revealed that those who took calcium supplements had an 86% greater chance of a myocardial infarction (MI) or heart attack than those who didn’t, and more than double the chances of a myocardial infarction (MI) than the previous study I wrote about a while ago.1
For the latest study, University of Zurich scientists followed almost 24,000 participants for an average of 11 years, and documented 354 heart attacks, 260 strokes, and 267 cardiovascular disease deaths.1
Smokers Were Included in the Study!
Amazingly, smokers were included in the study which was designed to:
“…evaluate the associations of dietary calcium intake and calcium supplementation with MI and stroke risk and overall CVD mortality.”1
While the study mentions that “adjustments” were made for smokers and other confounders such as age, weight, and BMI, smokers were still accepted as study participants. Knowing this, take a look at the quote below, where the researchers openly acknowledge that there were more smokers among supplement users and worse, that they also smoked for a longer time than those who consumed dietary calcium for the study. Here’s the quote:
“Compared with non-users, users of calcium supplements were more likely to be women, physically more active and less likely to be overweight/obese. On the other hand, users of calcium supplements had an older age, an overall lower educational level and a longer duration of smoking.”1
But that’s not all, because the researchers show…
Ignorance About Nutritional Supplementation
Their observations reflect poor knowledge of the basics about vitamins and minerals. Take a look at the quote below, for example.
“Users of calcium supplements had a statistically significantly increased MI risk among users of calcium supplements, in agreement with the results of two meta-analyses of clinical trials. The more pronounced increase was seen among calcium supplement only users, suggesting that this adverse effect is mainly from calcium supplements themselves.”1
Notice that calcium supplements are once again singled out as the culprit for greater negative cardiovascular events, without distinction of formula and especially in the absence of other supplements.
For the near-sighted researchers, this is an indication that they can squarely place the blame on calcium – any form of calcium supplement. Straying from their usual microcosmic analysis, this time they are ironically focusing on the forest instead of on the trees.
Clearly, they don’t seem to know that when it comes to nutritional supplementation,
It’s About Synergy…
Nutrients interact in the body, and their proper function depends on the presence – or absence – of other nutrients. In the case of calcium, for example, vitamin D is essential for its optimal absorption. On the other hand, phosphorus increases calcium excretion.
And magnesium, most often ignored by the medical establishment, is crucial for the transport of ions (such as calcium) across cell membranes. What’s more, according to the Linus Pauling Institute:
“Inadequate blood magnesium levels are known to result in low blood calcium levels, resistance to parathyroid hormone (PTH) action, and resistance to some of the effects of vitamin D.”2
These are just a few examples, and with this in mind, it’s easier to understand why those who only took calcium supplements had the worst side effects. The calcium they were taking was not being properly utilized by the body.
But there’s more to this story. A recent study on calcium and Vitamin D intake concludes that:
“Calcium supplements with or without vitamin D modestly increase the risk of cardiovascular events, especially myocardial infarction.”3
In other words, taking calcium supplements (again, with no distinction of what type of calcium ever mentioned in the study) along with vitamin D still showed a slight MI increase. That’s because…
It's About Quality…
As I wrote in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program:
“Studies have shown that taking inorganic calcium, typically made from rock and limestone, may cause more harm than good… Your best bet is to use organic supplements, especially those derived from marine algae, because the body treats them like a food, and therefore, it’s the most bioavailable form of calcium.”
The key word that makes all the difference is “bioavailability”. Let’s take a look at its definition:
“The degree of which a drug or other substance becomes available to the target tissue after administration.”4
In other words, just because calcium is circulating in the blood, it doesn’t mean that the body can utilize it. This explains why unutilized calcium residue can block arteries, cause or worsen cardiovascular disease (CVD), and even mimic arthritis, plus a whole slew of other health issues.
What You Should Look For in a Calcium Supplement
Foundation Supplements
The type of calcium and the combination of minerals in the supplement is of great importance, and in particular the presence of as many Foundation Supplements as possible. These are vitamins and minerals that act synergistically with each other to nourish and build your bones, and include magnesium, zinc, silicon, boron, manganese, Vitamin D3, and Vitamin K2.
Organic Calcium
The ideal calcium supplement is from an organic source, so that much like nutrients in food, the body will recognize it and utilize it at maximum efficiency, thus preventing detrimental calcium accumulation in the body. As you know by now, what a calcium supplement can’t do is as important as what a calcium supplement can do. Clearly, the body won’t utilize inorganic calcium from rocks the same way it would calcium from a plant. Also, with organic calcium, its high bioavailability allows you to take a smaller dose than if you would take rock calcium, which in itself is a benefit. But calcium is not the only supplement that’s better if organic. All the Foundation Supplements are best when derived from an organic source.
Additional and Unique Ingredients that Benefit Bones
If you have the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, you already know that bone health is about more than just vitamins and minerals. For that reason, I’ve devoted an entire chapter to stress and its deleterious effect on bones, since it leads to elevated cortisol levels. As a community member you also know that I encourage detoxification in general and more so if you’ve taken osteoporosis drugs in the past.
The Perfect Calcium Supplement that Found Me!
One of the many product samples I received not long ago was an organic whole food calcium supplement made with Algaecal® , a marine algae, named TrueOsteo™
The manufacturer requested that I review and possibly endorse it.
I was surprised to find that it also includes crucial Foundation Supplements such as magnesium, Vitamin K2, Vitamin D3, and other bone smart trace minerals.
Also, I was pleased to discover that it contains valuable extracts from fruits and plants that you won’t find in other supplements. They are:
- Amla fruit extract: also known as Indian gooseberry, it is a rich source of organic Vitamin C, which is a Foundation Supplement that helps build collagen – one of its many bone-related functions. Amla fruit extract is also a potent anti-inflammatory and can help with digestion, aiding to proper absorb bone-healthy nutrients.
- Cilantro leaf extract and Chlorella algae: together these two botanicals can help you detoxify your body and protect you from the buildup of unwanted heavy metals like mercury.
- Ashwagandha: studies have shown that the ashwaganda plant extract Sensoril® reduces the levels of cortisol in the body by double digits, helping you protect your bones from the damaging effects of the stress hormone cortisol.5 And since the extract balances cortisol levels, if your cortisol levels are normal, Sensoril® won’t cause them to drop.
The Right Calcium Supplement Can Make a Huge Difference…
I was so impressed by the unique combination of ingredients, that I contacted the manufacturer of TrueOsteo™ and was able to arrange a special 20% off coupon available exclusively to the Save Our Bones community.
Click here to order TrueOsteo, then enter the coupon code SAVEOURBONES at the checkout page to save 20% off your order.
I would like you to try TrueOsteo™ , so you can maximize your bone-building with the best organic calcium supplement available today.
Exclusive 20% OFF TrueOsteo Coupon Code for Save Our Bones Readers!
Use coupon code: SAVEOURBONES at checkout to get 20% off your order!
Plus they offer a one year money back guarantee.
If for any reason you’re not satisfied with TrueOsteo™ , you can return your remaining bottles any time over the next year for a refund.
Read more about TrueOsteo™ here →
Please note that TrueOsteo only ships to the U.S., Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. So if you live elsewhere, I apologize for the inconvenience.
To your “organic” bone health!
1 Li K, Kaaks R, Lenseisen J, Rohrman S. “Associations of dietary calcium intake and calcium supplementation with myocardial infarction and stroke risk and overall cardiovascular mortality in the the Heidelberg cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study (EPIC – Heidelberg).” Heart 2012;98:920-925.
2 https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/minerals/magnesium/
3 Bolland MJ, Grey A, Aveneil A, Gamble GD, Reid IR. “Calcium supplements with or without vitamin D and risk of cardiovascular events: reanalysis of the Women's Health Initiative limited access dataset and meta-analysis”. BMJ. 2011 Apr 19;342:d2040.
4 https://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Bioavailability
5 Biswajit A, PhD et al. “A Standardized Whitania Somnifera Extract Significantly Reduces Stress-Related Parameters in Chronically Stressed Humans: A Double-blind Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association (JANA) Vol. 11, No 1, 2008.
Hi Vivian,
Please, as I am from Czech Republic (it is EU country – unfortunately not U.S., Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.)
So I can´t reach the TrueOsteo normally. Please, could you consider to put it in customer disposal through iHerb as well to help other people (including me) to buy the product too ? Please, could you give me an answer regarding this matter, best in mz e/mail address too 🙂
With my warmest regards from Prague, Czech Republic (EU),
Monika (Saver community member)
HI Vivian:
I purchased your program and I used to receive emails from you with various exercises. I enjoyed receiving them. I have not received any in a while. Is there a reason why these stopped?
Hi Vivian, I have been taking Bone-Up for 2 years and am feeling good. I do try to walk at least 5 times a week for at least half an hour a day which I feel makes me feel stronger.
Thanks so much for the comment section.
Thanks for helping us !?
You’re welcome, Paulette, and thanks for contributing to the conversation. Walking is excellent exercise for your bones, so keep it up! 🙂
Just what you were saying in your article is completely resident with what I have known to be true all of my life…. Sources of nutrition that come from inorganics and especially animal sources cannot make good blood & consequently good bones either. The reason why they like to obscure the lines between products is because they care to never admit this & admit what sources are true to your health. And they allow these individuals that violate their health the most in their habits into these medical studies to blur the lines even more to keep people ignorant of what is best for their health and well being. So I thoroughly agree with you that these plant sources are what is best for us in the long stretch. Blessings and many thanks!!!!
I take a plant base calcium containing dandelion leaf, alphalfa leaf and stem, flaxseed oil, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, vitamin D…hopefully it’s okay? Also I’m doing your densercise exercise program and I’m having a lot of pain while doing all of them is that normal?
Just bought your program.
I can’t find where you recommend glucosamine, MSM, Willow Bark, or Turmeric. Can you clarify?
alan scott
Hi Vivian,
I have just purchased your program and am reading regarding calcium.
I would like to know whether you have done some more research into ground up eggshells for supplementation. I am talking about good quality eggs, washed properly.
Your expertise would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Hi Vivian,
I just purchased your program. However,I take New Chapters Bone Strength which is Algae based and I also take Dr Rob Kellers Glutathione. Do I need to take the the calcium you recommend?
Debi Oakes
Hi Debi,
There’s no need to switch your calcium supplement unless you want to. 🙂 Algae-based calcium supplements are within the Program recommendations.
The AlgaeCal or calcium from Algae in the TrueOsteo supplement is coming from AlgaeCal company. It contains 5.2 mcg of lead in a daily dosage of 4 capsules. What do you think Dr. Vivian about consuming this amount of lead everyday?
Hi Connie,
I have researched this issue, and I conclude that the small amount of lead found in AlgaeCal is naturally there from the earth’s crust. The bottom line is that calcium supplements typically have lead in them. The question is how much and where it’s coming from. A study conducted in the year 2000 checked 23 OTC and prescribed calcium supplements, and all were found with lead (Source: Ross E, et al. Lead content of calcium supplements. JAMA 2000; 284(11): 1425-1429).
The reason for lead appearing in calcium supplements is because lead is a naturally occurring chemical element, naturally found in combination with other elements as lead compounds in rocks and soils.
Here are some possible solutions:
1. Take less calcium in supplement form and make up the rest with calcium-rich foods.
2. Do the same as above, but alternate one day with chelated minerals.
3. Take organic chlorella, since it naturally binds all heavy metals. This could be especially beneficial if you have amalgam fillings that leach mercury. You should check with your doctor before taking chlorella.
I just don’t understand Vivian why you cannot recommend AlgaeCal Plus when the ratio of calcium to magnesium is 2:1 which is the ratio that you recommended plus it has Vitamin D3, K2, Vitamin C and Boron without strontium. Why are you stuck in recommending just TrueOsteo when the amount of serving for each nutrient does not match your recommended ratio. Secondly, why don’t you answer everyone who asked you about AlgaeCal Plus. Is this supplement in competition with TrueOsteo that you are asked to promote with 20% discount? I am already worried of my health. I bought your book hoping it will help me. It is sad when you don’t even answer some questions that does not pertain to TrueOsteo.
Hi Vivian,
I am assuming you take the Trueosteo. I have stage 3 degenerative arthritis in my neck with a joint fusion. I was told by the chiropractor to start glucosamine supplements which I have. I was wondering your opinion on the glucosamine? Also, I have read, our bodies supposedly quit making glucosamine after the age of 40 which I am 66. I have been taking a calcium algae product also. Thank you for your important info.
Hi Kathy,
Yes, I do take TrueOsteo. 🙂
Studies have shown that glucosamine helps slow degeneration of cartilage and relieves pain. In addition, glucosamine has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant factors.
Glucosamine is produced in the body by the combination of glucose with the amino acid glutamine. Glutamine levels do tend to decrease with age. Eating foods rich in glutamine is one way to boost your glucosamine production. Youc an read more about these foods and glutamine in general here:
I had an 80% blockage in my lad. They put in 2 stents. Now I have osterporsis. Can I take this calcium
I had breast cancer, went through chemo and radiotherapy, Now I am on Letrozole, which can cause osteoporosis. In May I had my osteo densitometry and my T-Score is -2.8. As I cannot afford your True Osteo and I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, can you tell me which is the best calcium brand to buy? Do you know this product: FemmeCalm™ Osteo Formula from Webber Naturals. Thanks to let me know if this is good.
I always spent my half an hour to read this webpage’s content daily along with a mug of coffee.|
I was wondering if anyone could recommend a multivitamin that does not contain calcium or vitamin D but does contain the other foundation vitamins Vivian recommends like B complex and C? Also Vivian, you do not mention Vitamin A and E and some others vitamins found in basic multivitamins. What is your position on those? Thanks.
Could I please ask your opinion of the XtendLife Bone Support Supplement (see multivitaminguide.co.nz/bonesupport/) and how it compares to TrueOsteo? It’s a high quality supplement that seems to contain mostly the same ingredients as TrueOsteo, albeit from different sources, plus a couple of others, but at a lower cost.
Thanks in anticipation.
Update to my last comment on the True Osteo discount link not working. Apparently the link is working….sort of. I kept getting an error message when I tried to place the order, and the error message told me to try again…which I did…big mistake. I ended up with 3 duplicate orders plus the one that I placed directly on their website. I called Nature City on their 800 number and they were very aware of the Save Our Bones discount. I cancelled all the open orders and just placed a new one directly with them for the 20% discount.
Dear Vivian
About Ashwagandha, do you know if its also good if you have low cortisol ?
Hi Susanne,
Several studies have shown Ashwagandha to be effective at reducing cortisol levels, stress, and anxiety. Here are links to a couple of studies:
How can you recommend TrueOsteo when the Calcium to Magnesium ratio is so high? It should be 2 to 1 at its highest.
Started following this website after age 55 dexa scan showed some osteopenia. I did the diet + exercise + algae based cal/mag/D supplement from the food co-op ( the brand Now Foods, Illinois). Follow up dexa scan a year and a half later shows no change. At least it was no worse. I suspect my biggest downfall is not being very good at always taking all the pills every day. Any tips for making it easier to remind oneself, and can we take the powder and pour it into shakes, etc?
Just ordered 3 bottles of TrueOsteo , going to see if that makes a difference in this next year.
calcium+vit D without vitamin K2 is not only usesless but could also be dangerous,read up about vit k2 (both the mk7 and the mk4 types,mk7 stays in the body longer while mk4 is much more potent but only stays in the body a couple of hours.
Is the gelatin for TrueOsteo from vegetable or animal sources?
Hi Vivian,
I recently acquired your whole SOB Program, and am so glad I did! I am 40 years old, was “diagnosed” with Osteoporosis last month, due to a prolonged use of the Depo Provera shot. My doctor recommended all the supplements you talk about, and she also talked about the absorption of calcium, and Vit D, K and magnesium, so she suggested I got it on the “isotonic” form. Have you tried it before, what do you think about it, and do you recommend it?
Hi Simone,
Glad you’re here at the Save Our Bones site! Almost every day, manufacturers are coming out with new calcium supplements; there is just no way to assess all of them. I can tell you that I recommend algae-based, organic calcium without added strontium, as you will find as you peruse this site. 🙂
Ms. Vivian, I want so much to order ‘Trueosteo’ supplament and to my great disappointment there are no shippment to Israel… Can you do something about it?
Thanks so much!,
I broke/damaged bones in my back (L5 mild compression fracture and tip of L3 broken off. Pain lead me to emergency and it was discovered that I have myeloma bone cancer. I am currently taking dexamethasome, Revlimid, and Zometa every 28 days. I also take
calcium supplements with D3(Citracal 4 a day), 1 asprin(1 regular) a day to prevent blood clots, and a potassium supplement(KlorCon 2 a day). Would your product be compatible with the medications I take?
calcium+vit D without vitamin K2 is not only usesless but could also be dangerous,read up about vit k2 (both the mk7 and the mk4 types,mk7 stays in the body longer while mk4 is much more potent but only stays in the body a couple of hours.
Many readers are asking about cheaper, more readily available brands of algae based calcium supplements. At our local big box national chain pharmacy they have a brand called with the word “Alive” in it which is made from algae. It is about $17 for 60 pills, and you take four a day (two at a time) with food. So that is 15 days worth of supplements, or $34 a month.
I’m wondering if the Algae-Cal supplement is okay to take since it is mixed with Strontium and I was under the impression that the two should not be taken at the same time, thoughts? Thanks!
Hello Ma’am,
In your savethebones program and blog, the Vit D AI guideline was 400. The IU listed in the TrueOsteo supplement is 500. If I take that supplement 2 x twice a day, is that way over the guideline?
Vivian, you give an online address in your original book to go to to find out specific brands of supplements you recommend but it has either not been available or there is nowhere to go at your website to find this information.
I also need more information on TrueOsteo…do you recommend taking a calcium supplement? I’m confused because in your book it’s not clear how much, etc…there is a lot of negative information about calcium supplementation.
Thank you.
Kathleen, Vivian is not currently recommending any particular brand of multivitamin, but you can read about TrueOsteo (and get a coupon for 20% off) at the bottom of this post. You can read about the potential dangers of calcium supplements here:
and here:
My bone density scan indicated a loss of bone mass over the last two years. I have used TrueOsteo for this time. My doctor has recommended Reclast because my bones are not absorbing the calcium. My medical insurance has not agreed to pay for the IV. What is your advice? I am 66 years old.
Await your reply.
Kathy Bradley
I am intrigued by your article on Calcitonin Salmon. I have kidney stones and stage three kidney disease. My nephrologist took me off of calcium because of the kidney stones and had me start the calcitonin salmon. With my co-morbidities I have to be careful what I take. Now, I am confused on taking the Calcitonin Salmon. Suggestions then…
Is True Osteo gluten free?
Hi! Vivian,
I’m Highly Allergic To Cilantro, So Can I Still Take TrueOsteo? Please Let Me Know! And I Thank You VERY MUCH!
I have just received the “TrueOsteo” and have a question about the amount of vitamin D3 you can safely take. I take “Osteo Bi-Flex” for my joints, and it contains 2,000 IU of D3. Is it safe to also take “TrueOsteo” with 1,000 IU of D3?
Take osteo bi flex that has no vitamin d. They make both.
I started taking magnesium supplements years ago on the advice of my doctor as I suffered badly from cramps, not only in the legs and feet, but all over my body, including my hands, neck, back and elsewhere. This did help and I was pleased to see in your newsletter that magnesium is good for the treatment of osteoporosis as I have now been diagnosed with that, although I have always done sports since my school days, play tennis now, go to gym and walked 5 km x 3 per week for years before I was diagnosed. I used to take calcium but have since given it up and my gynae was most insistent I take Protos or Fosavance, otherwise I would end up in a wheelchair (I am 74). I have had a back fusion and neck fusion in the 1990’s and afterwards, again, was told by my surgeon that I would have to have another fusion otherwise…. guess what, I would end up in a wheelchair. Well, I am still playing tennis, still not taking Fosavance and still manage to do my own housework etc. so although I “should have another back op” and “should take Fosavance”, I am managing very well. Just thought I would send this to your Save Our Bones, as doctors are not always right.
Headline “Confused about Calcium? After reading the article and comments, Yes, now I really am confused about what calcium to take esp. when important questions were not answered.
You can send your specific questions to my Customer Support team 🙂
I have.been usin Cal-Max, Ostinol, and CALCIDRIN…..Cal Max is derived from potatoes…..please comment on these products…Cal Max is dissolved in hot water of 1/2 cup, followed by 1/2 cup of cool liquid.
diagnosed with kidney stones….also have Barretts Esophagus…must take omeprazole or Prevacid…I understand calcium cannot be absorbed without stomach acid…therefore I feel at a loss…..have a-3 TScore…osteoporosis….please share comment/info…..Thank You!
Hi Vivian:
Just read about the new calcium supplement and am wondering about the strontium in there knowing you are not in favour of it???
Also the shipping to Canada is very expensive and I can’t seem to get it shipped to the US (my daughter lives in Pittsburgh) via a Canadian credit card.
The strontium is present in negligible amounts, Mary. It doesn’t pose a problem.
I tried to order TrueOsteo. I filled out the order form and entered the promo code. It said the code SAVEOURBONES is invalid. What can I do?
You can try again, Annett. The code has been working, so it might have been a temporary glitch.
I am highly allergic to soy so I can’t take this. Is there a version without soy?
I’m taking Vitamin Code Raw Calcium and Raw one multivitamin for women.
This is from Garden of life. What is your opinion on this? You mentioned
raw calcium before. If this is not good, let me know so that I can stop.
Would like to see your reply to this comment about Vitamin Code Raw Calcium from Garden of Life. I take it as well and also their Bone builder.
Vivian, I am interested in your comments about the Garden of Life raw calcium supplement. Thank God my Dr took me off Fosamax this past summer & have been taking this supplement since then. Please let me know your thoughts on this. I am 78 years young & would like to keep my bones as healthy as possible.
Thank you, Lavita
Lavita, there are a great many supplements on the market these days, and we just don’t have the resources to address them all! What you can do is take a look at the ingredients and see if they fit with the recommendations in the Program: organic calcium derived from plants, for example algae, and that have the proper balance plus other Foundation Supplements, such as Vitamin K2, Vitamin D3, and other important trace minerals.
For more information about calcium, you might want to read my free Ultimate Calcium Guide. You can get it at https://saveourbones.com/the-ultimate-calcium-guide/
I had breast cancer which was estrogen driven. As a result I am on an estrogen blocker and have to avoid taking medications containing estrogen. Vit. k2 is a form of estrogen. Are there any calcium supplements you can suggest that do not have vit.k2? Thanks.
I am interested in the TrueOsteo. Ingreadients sound good.
I have in recent times come across another product called “PectaSol”
It has in it a citrus pectin,which I believe is very good for blood clensing and heavy metal reduction. Does the Cilantro work in the same way ,and as effectively as the citrus in claims which you can (no doubt )
obtain through googling it up.Also ,I would be interested in the alginate
comparison between the chlorella and whatever they are useing.
Should I place an order,Is it possible to phone through to do so?
I’ve always been reticent to put my card details through the computer!
Doug M.
Hi Vivien, I do hope you read this message. I have come off Protelos 2 at last! I have been off it a couple of months now and feel marvellous. It was producing Dementia type symptoms, and also very painful lower legs, and other various side effects, but the two mentioned are serious enough for me to come off it. My doctor actually respected me and said I was old enough and wise enough to know what I was doing…and besides could get a fracture whether I was on the medication or not! He is aware I am eating and exercising for my bones, and doing it the natural way. Thank you so much for all the encouragement for everyone on here, and all the continued tips you keep telling us about. Babs x
I’m glad you’re feeling better, Barbara! Protelos does have quite a long list of bad side effects. Keep up with the Program 🙂
I am thankful for the information that you prepare for the thousands of us , who are suffering from this bones condition. Thank you, Edith
am on a blood thining medication. would it be safe for me to take True osteo?
I browsed the article about TrueOsteo several times — but found nothing about how many tablets in a bottle or how many tablets comprised a daily serving. Without this information, I won’t buy it!
Sharon, the recommended dose is 2 capsules twice a day 🙂
Thank you so much yet again for these important information.
Wishing you all the very best at all times.
Thanks, John!
Thanks, Shula
You’re welcome, Shula 🙂
Oncve i read in your post that you recommended this calcium: TAKE CARE BONE STRENGTh, it has algae & comes in form of food substance in a pill.
Is thins one stil a good one to taek? PLEASE RESPoND as I am abuot out again.
Joyce Smith
Hi Vivian,Thanks for all the information.I have not heard from you, in some time.I had a bone density test a couple of weeks ago and it was suggested I go on Prolia. It is an injection to have every 6 months. I was wondering what you think of this.I am afraid to do that.I have taken too much of those meds. The only thing that worked was the Forteo injections and do not want to take that again.
Cathy Smith
Many thanks. Please respond to my questions.
1. You recommended K2 to take with Ca but Puritan Pride sent me gel capsules 50 mcg and I can not divide them to take it twice with Ca .
(For Ca I use kefir. My doctor recommended 900 mg of Ca (I am 76)
Is that really necessary to take each portion of Ca with K2?
2. My doctor recommended to take 800 IU D3. I take 500 IU with each Ca intake. Is there any limitation for D3 dosage? Some doctors say that it should be limited to 400 IU because it can develop osteoporosis but other suggest to take up to 20,000 IU to get rid of osteoporosis. How to understand all those contradictions?
Best Leonard
Leonard, you don’t need to take each calcium dose with K2. Also, you can read this blog post I wrote about Vitamin D3:
I subscribed to your site quite some time ago – can’t remember when.
I was diagnosed first with osteopenia and then three years ago with osteporosis. I had my most recent bone density test yesterday and I now
have osteopenia only. I evidently increased by bone density and reversed the bone loss.
I refused to take boniva or any of the others. I begin to play tennis about 3 – 4 times a week because it is the only activity I truly enjoy. I also have been very diligent about taking a minimim of 1000 mg of calcium and I watch what I eat. I am 104 pounds and under 5 feet tall so I am a prime candidate for osteoporosis but reading your articles and doing what I felt was sensible has enabled me to reverse the bone loss and I am thrilled!
Unfortunately my tennis is at a stand still at the moment because I recently had arthroscopic surgery on my knee. I tried to play again but it is too soon. I welcome any comments, suggestions, tips on speeding up
my knee healing!!
Please pass this on – it is possible to reverse bone loss on your own without those scarey drugs.
I try to read your articles as often as possible.
Kindest Regards,
Diane Woods
Way to go, Diane!
What is the current recommended daily amount of calcium for women over 50?
You can get the answer and much more in this calcium report that I wrote:
So, what is the current recommended amount of daily calcium?
You mention calcium from rocks and from plants. What about calcium from marine animal shells, such as oysters? That would be an organic source.
Read this, Christie:
Since AlgaeCalPlus can be quite expensive, can the chelated Puritan’s Pride brand containing calcium, magnesium, and zinc be a good alternative? The calcium used is calcium carbonate and calcium gluconate.
I am trying to work on the save our bones program very confusing when other calcium tablets are introduced taught the ones in the save our program where the right ones.I am taking Nature’s Plus bone support organic hope i am taking the right they are quite expensive love all the emails.
I am alarmed over the article you have printed on calcium. I have been taking calcium citrate for quite some time which includes 100% citrate, 800 IU Vit D3, magnesium free. As I am reading the label I see it also has horsetail4:1 extract, boron, organic spirulina, calcium 800mg.
Ialso take osteo bi-flex which has Vit C 60mg, vit d 2,000 IU, Manganese 2mg, sodium, 40mg, Glucosamine 1,500mg,Joint Shield 1,350,Chrondotin complex 1,250, 5-Loxin akba 100mg, Boron 3mg. I also take a proleia injection twice a year for osteo.
I would like your opinion . I also like your info on this organic calcium. Thank YOu.
I can’t easily swallow pills, Vivian, I have asked this before when you recommend a supplement how large are the pills? Last time you had already navigated to a different brand, but I am hoping you can tell us what size are these pills? I now take a liquid form called Osteo Calm that seems to fit the foundation foods bill.
I would like Dr. Vivian’s recommendation as to how to make the right decisions with regard to my bone health in light of my existing parathyroid problem. I have been told that I have a benign growth on one of my parathyroid glands and the endocrinologist has been “watching” the problem for several years now. He recently prescribed Atelvia to combat osteoporosis, which I reluctantly took once a week for four weeks and then stopped because of severe side effects (gastritis, upper abdominal pain, muscle and joint pain).
I have made an appointment (Aug 29) with a surgeon who specializes in parathyroid problems to get a second opinion. My thought is that if the benign growth can be removed with a minimally invasive procedure, and result in the elimination of this problem which is sapping calcium from my bones, is this not a better approach? I am trying to do everything right in preserving my health and my bone strength – a healthy diet, regular exercise, weight control, etc. It seems counterproductive to just “watch” as a malfunctioning parathyroid gland weakens my bones.
I register a 10 on my blood panel….my PTH is normal….I weighed 105# when I saw the Endocrinologist…she told me no dairy products even tho I had no symptoms of any kind of an adverse effect….I now weigh 80# and my primary care Dr. thinks I don’t understand “atrophy”….thank you for all the info you give me and others….I need to reverse this in a natural way…I am 77 and lead an active life…am stronger than most peoplemy age group, walk upright, wake up Happy….life is such a wonderful gift….I’ve never smoked, have always eaten healthy food….am told to eat lots of Broccoli….does anyone know a good recipe for candied Broccoli?…anyway, I need to get a handle on diet for this condition…..she also told me to stop taking supplements…I was illness free since 1974…now I have had Bronchitis, an ear ache, etc….I have taken Cod Liver Oil since born….can I safely take it…I live in Las Vegas so staying out of the sun is difficult to impossible!…Thanks for all your help
I also had a parathyroid tumor and had it removed at the Norman Parathyroid Clinic in Tampa, FL. They have a wonderful web site: http://www.parathyroid.com.
Thank you, as always, for a very enlightening post. I don’t have time now, but will read this again and again. I am on a fast learning curve to save my bones and do right by the rest of my body. As an older woman, I have done a lot right, but many things wrong. I finally have a doctor who understands about these issues. He is the brother of one of my go to internet whole food advocates who is also a doctor. A dream come true.
My doctor does not like the taking of calcium as a supplement and has asked me to stop taking it. He wants me to focus on D3 and K2. Studying the K2 issue has been interesting too. I see that K2-7 can bring on some irregular heart beats for some people, but not the K2-4. I am sure you have addressed that somewhere. I got the D2-4 drops. He feels we get enough of the right kind of calcium from our plant based diet. I will do it for now till I can prove otherwise. I also am careful to get my silica and boron, etc. Nice to finally feel I have some advocates that don’t think I am speaking a foreign language when I address these issues.
Thank you for being one of my advocates and providing this research and a place to express ourselves about this important subject. Lynn
Ooops. I meant to say, ” I got the K2-4 drops…” Thx. Lynn
Thanks Vivian
I am from south Africa ,
Question 1. This is not available to me.
2 I cannot afford this as the postage. Cost is high.
3. What can I take here ?
Please help
I have been told by a former nurse that coral calcium is better than rock calcium. I have also been told that it has been effective in dysmenorrhea. Please let me know what you think of coral calcium, and how it compares to other effective forms such as Osteo
Shirley, read my complete report on calcium, and you’ll find the answer to your question, and much, much more 🙂
I have been using AlgaeCal Plus. Are you no longer recommending this?
I have been using algae cal plus also for quite some time, I want to know if I should stop taking this—I’m still confused!
Your article was very enlightening, I too take calcium being 62 and the last bone scan was not good. But the price is out of reach for this product, as I take a multivitamin and an glucosamine and chrondrotin supplement along with other supplements.
Perhaps you have yet to break a bone? I have and although I have to sacrifice other things, I spend the money. I use Algaecal having switched from Garden of Life Raw Calcium. I watched my Mother and grandmother suffer for years laid up with hip and other fractures.
Find a way to budget for this. I am fit, healthy and physically active and wish to remain so. How about you?
i love all your e-mails i’m very interested in all the comments people make..But now i have just discovered i am suffering with Fibromyalgia and i am in a lot of pain, is there anything you can suggest that might be of help to me.diet-wise, or anything else i should be doing.
Sylvia..I am so sorry about your fibromyalgia diagnosis. I have suffered with it since forever. Diagnosed in 1991. It is really painful. I found some relief with ibuprofin which gave me a bleeding ulcer and anemia. Then I found even better relief with Cymbalta, which gave me heart palpitations and caused my hair to fall out. I also believe it lowered my absorption rate of the food I ate because it slowed down my system. I gained a lot of weight. A year ago I found the raw food diet and started eating smoothies, juices, and salads, mostly. As the year has gone by, I noticed the pain getting less and was able to get off the cymbalta with the help of the doctor. That is hard to do and I still have some side effects to deal with. So long story short…Raw, fruits and vegis (lots of greens) no grains, no overt fats/oils. Easy salt. Celery is a great salt sub. No refined sugar. No grains/no cooked anything. You can do it. There is a lot of support on the internet/Youtube, etc. You will never be alone in this quest. But you will become pain free. Wahoo!!
Lynn, I am on this diet.. but I grow very tired of eating the same foods.. Have you found anything that helps with a varying diet? Do you have any favorite recipes? Thanks, Susan
Susan. Good for you, me too. Yes, like anything, variety helps make it pleasant. I got on to Youtube by searching “Raw Food.” There I found a whole community of raw foodies. I discovered green smoothies which are where I try to include all the wonderful fruits and vegis that Vivian talks about for our bones. I find a lot of interesting recipes there. Dan McDonald and Dara Dubinet, are two of my faves, and more creative than I. I usually do the green smoothie in the am and a big salad at night. Fruit during the day. It’s melon and berry season and I just joined my local CSA for locally grown, organic produce set aside just for me every week. We can do this think and kick osteoporosis to the curb along with other supposed ailments of “old age.”
One of my favorite meals/desserts/snacks, or whatever, is non dairy soft serve. 1 whole peeled orange, 1frozen banana, Abt 1 C. frozen mango. Blend in high powered blender.(add a little water if needed. Enjoy!
I am a 64 yr old female and got diagnosed w/ FM 20+ yrs ago. I was in very bad pain. A friend gave me a magnet mattress to try. for about 2-3 wks I let it sit against the wall. she was a long time friend, so out of respect to our friendship, I put it on my bed. 3-4 days go by and nothing. BUT, on the 6th day, I woke up and went to a new store. about 5 hours later, I still wasn’t ready to go home!! normally I would be on the couch by 2 pm and only got off to make dinner, then right back on til bed time. I tested this mattress purposely and not purposely; each time it made a huge difference! I went right back to pain. When I had to return the mattress, I wrote a check with tears in my eyes because I was so emotional and w/ severe pain again. I was telling one lady about my success and she asked me if I was a scientist. I said no, but if I drive down the road I would be able to see this huge silver things go down runway and take off into the air and land thousands of miles away and there is no way I could explain how they work either, BUT I KNOW THEY DO. So, here I am over 20 years later and FM and it is NOT a part of my life! Unless I am totally stressed out or haven’t gotten enough rest, I DO NOT have FM. Read that over, I am now with hardly any FM in my life. Magnet therapy doesn’t work 100%, but most everyone. I think it is definately worth the try!! What do you have to lose?
All I know is, I am not in horrible pain anymore due to FM.
Have you tried Ezorb for your fibromyalgia?
What about Ezorb calcium, from plants. Great testimonials. The other ingredients you can supply from supplements. We take D3 and a comprehensive food based vitamins minerals.
This powder dissolves in room temp water, then you add cold juice. Supposedly it has increased density scores.
For whatever.
Ezorb is a very special calcium that does not need any vitamin D nor magnesium to be absorbed. For one year after discovering I had severe osteoporosis I took calcium, for 6 months calcium citrate powder, for the other 6 months, Ezorb. This along many other vitamins, minerals and supplements. Bone density increased 8%. The following year I took only Ezorb, my bone density remained the same, no further improvement. The other vitamins, minerals and supplement were the same. So I switched back to calcium citrate for 6 months and at the end of this 6 months will check my bone density. I have an idea that calcium citrate annihilates the phytic acid and other anti nutrients even though it is not seen as the best calcium. Ezorb has the calcium chemically bound to an amino acid, so no anti nutrient can affect this calcium. Also, Ezorb’s calcium is freed from the amino acid within the cells, following a different route than calcium from citrate. Perhaps for some this route may not be the most efficient. The human body is very complex. In three months time I’ll let you know about the BMD.
I use and recomend ‘E-‘Zorb’ Calcium! Look it up on the Internet. Been using it now or 8 months… Very satisfied.
what personal evidence of improvement ?
Doctors are telling people over 65 to limit the amount of calcium to 500 mgs. which is reasonable. Dr. Weill mentions less than 700 mgs. They must know someting. My doctor tells me to eat foods rich in calcium and that is the best way to absorb it.
I have been taking Garden of Life Vitamin Code RAW CALCIUM – Is there any reason to switch?
The article was very interesting.
Hi Vivian
I am using Green Calcium https://greencalcium.com.au in the powder form and I get at least 30 mins of sun most days
GreenCALCIUM exclusively uses Organic Certified Aquamin(TM) marine plant that is environmentally harvested from the clean, mineral-rich Atlantic waters off the west coast of Ireland and the north west coast of Iceland.
Hi Vivian,
I am interested in the Trueosteo calcium supplement
but find it rather expensive, if I purchased 6 bottles,
how long would they last me, it doesn’t say how many
tablets there are in each bottle or the daily dosage. I
would be very grateful if you could give me this
Many thanks and I eagerly look forward to your reply.
Should I been taking extra magnesium, and Vit. k2 if it is already in the Bone-up product that I already take? Thanks for your help.
Dear Vivian,
I would like to know your thoughts on the product Bone-up as well? I have osteoporosis and have had many fractures, sprains fissures, breaks etc. I do take calcium supplements and eat a good variety of calcium food derivatives, but still have pain in my bones where I have developed scar tissue. Would you recommend Bone-up for me in my circumstance?
Thank you very much Vivian!
As always,
Denise Sanders
Oh, and raving on about a 1.30% increase per year in bone density is not really so wonderful, rather pathetic I feel.
And candidly, I suggest you go searching for something with a bit more substance, and a lot less fluff.
The length of the sales pitch was enough to indicate “gilding the lily” or perhaps “clutching at straws”.
Viv, these guys at TrueOsteo seem to be more interested in money than getting supplements to people.
A single bottle of capsules costs $37.99, and freight to me in Australia would cost well over $40, more than the cost of the product.
I get products from other US suppliers, and freight charges are way lower, so I gather that ripping into international customers is part of their business plan. I trust that others will see this and avoid them like the plague.
I agree Derek. The cost of freight to Australia from some companies is prohibitive. I also find that some companies can ship much more cheaply so the others are ripping us off.
If this supplement contains gelatin and magnesium stearate, I’d steer clear of it. Gelatin is prepared from collagen. This most often comes from old, sick, and diseased animals.
Magnesium stearate is a flow agent used in the manufacturing process to speed up production by preventing machine parts from sticking. One side effect is to depress the production of T cells, a vital component of the immune system. It also causes the gut to form a biofilm that prevents the absortpion of all nutrients, not just from supplements but from food as well.
Magnesium stearate is a magnesium salt containing stearic acid. The latter is naturally converted in the body by the enzyme Stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 into oleic acid (also found in olive oil).
Stearic acid naturally occurs in foods, such as cocoa, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. One bar of chocolate can contain around 5,000 mg of stearic acid. In comparison, a supplement may contain anywhere from 10 mg to 20 mg of stearic acid.
Stearic acid is also a common fatty acid found in meat, poultry, fish, grains, eggs, butter, and milk products.
I stopped taking any supplements containing magnesium stearate after reading Dr Mercola’s article. So who does one believe?
I have read that magnesium stearate inhibits absorption. I used to take vit D caps which contained this inactive ingredient and when I changed to another brand of Vit D (manufactured in Australia) which only contained olive oil my Vit D levels were raised to such an extent that I was able to reduce the number of capsules I was taking.
This was good enough for me.
Maybe Vivian and Dr Mercola should get together and discuss where they source their information.
I read and enjoy your articles every day and have passed on your site to several others. Also have your program. I’m 81 and my bones are still holding up very well (without bisphosphonates). Agree with you wholly regarding magnesium. Fruit extract you mention, I think should say Amla.
Thanks again.
I was taking Osteocare but stopped when I realized it contained calcium carbonate which is inorganic and no vitamin K2.I am now taking Solgar ultimate bone support but see,(just looking now) that although Solgar use dicalcium malet and amino acid chelated calcium which are organic,(had to google dicalcium malet !) they also use calcium citrate which is inorganic but it does contain vitamin K2 along with magnesium,zinc, manganese, copper, boron and vitamin D3 !I do find it confusing and had often wished Vivian would just come up with a product we could trust.I haven’t looked at the strontium issue yet.
It is scary when your bone density scan comes back as “high risk of fracture” and when saying thanks but no thanks to the doctor’s presciption, it would be comforting to know that you have got the best possible supplement available.
If I’m already taking Algaecal isn’t that good enough. Why should I switch?
I agree with those who are taking AlgaeCal that was first recommended by Vivian. That is what I take and I don’t think I am going to switch to something else. Especially if it contains strontium which I though Vivian has said previously do not take.
Thanks for the info Vivian. I’ve been taking AlgaeCal Plus which doesn’t contain strontium but has Vitamins C, D3 and K2 plus calcium and magnesium from algae, plus boron (as glycinate). Is this as good as TrueOsteo?
The TrueOsteo website clearly shows that their idea of strong bone relies on the density of the bone. You tell us that density isn’t the point, so why recommend this? There’s a lot of scaremongering on the website, too. I shan’t be taking this product.
I guess perhaps Vivian wants more money. I am grateful for this site however, because of the neat interactions and sharing we have in this forum I think this is the best way to share info. I would rather trust betterbones.com, because it is a non profit organization.
I just visited that site Luc. She charges $208 for a 60 minute skype call. Non profit? No thanks! I’m sticking with Vivian, thank you very much!
Feona, regardless of its effect on bone density, taking a good bioavailable calcium formula is important. The fact that bone density increases when taking a good formula simply shows that the calcium is used by the body rather than just accumulated as a waste product. Bone density, as I’ve always said, is but one indicator of bone health, and mainstream medicine clings to it as the ONLY bone health indicator because it is the only measurable aspect of bone.
Hi! Vivian,
Another VERY GOOD Article!
The Only Thing Wrong With TrueOsteo Is That It Contains Cilantro! I Am Highly Alergic To Cilantro. But I Found A Calcium At My Local Health Food Store That Contain Magnesium And Other Vitamins Also. But I’ll Have To Double Check That It Contains No Cilantro Before I Purchase It!
The True Osteo looks really good and I was about to order when one thing caught my eye – Strontium. I have concerns about this and memory issues. Please could you give me some feedback on your views – Thank you
I had to mess about with the URL a bit, but got to the business main page by subtracting parts of it, and from there to the product page where they actually have the ingredients label shown. The very lengthy ad, of course, doesn’t have either the label or a link to it, which always makes me suspicious. The actual label does not mention strontium at all, so any in there must be pretty minimal. It is a capsule form, bottle of 120, dose 0f 4 per day in two doses. See: https://www.naturecity.com/p285/Trueosteo/product_info.html
Other ingredients are gelatin, magnesium stearate, silica. The MK7 is derived from fermented soy. Just FYI, if any of those are of concern for you. Magnesium is only 64 mg. per 4 caps, for the 720 mg calcium, so you’ll still need to obtain a considerable amount of magnesium elsewhere.
One concern of mine is the presence of Ashwagandha on a continual basis. I personally respond better to Rhodiola, and some people have allergic or sensitivity reactions to one or the other (or both), just as with any herb. The other concern is that adaptogens are recommended for periodic use, with rest periods of several weeks between, and only on an as-needed basis. I can’t point you to a reference for that, as I’ve read it so many times from a variety of alt/complementary med, nutritionist, herbalist sources both online and in published books, but that break period info has stuck with me. I’ll have to email them for commentary on that.
Pam H
Gelatin?? Ugh – isn’t that made of mashed up animal parts, pig hoofs especially..?
Natural gelatin is derived from the partial hydrolysis of collagen.
Hullo,You’ve the herb Tribulus Terrestris, it helps bleeper your gonad to pdcuroe more testosterone. You can get it from products such as Biotest Tribex, BSN Axis-HT and Nutrex Vitrix.Besides that, all for muscle mass and strength take a gawp at BSN Cellmass.Hope this helps!
Pam, since True Osteo doesn’t contain all the Foundation Supplements, the low magnesium content can be easily made up with a multivitamin supplement that contains magnesium. And in regards to your concerns about Ashwagandha, it has a large variety of health benefits. As is the case with any herbal supplement,a very small fragment of the population may be sensitive to it, in which case it’s best to stop it.
Dear Vivian,
your e-mails are number one on my reading list of incoming e-mails.
You were of great help to me over the years with your book and your great articles and continuous advice and interaction with your readers.
I have one question:
Is it okay that my finger nails show ripples? Yet, the fingernails don’t break, but grow and are hard.
Warm wishes
Erika Chemnitz
Erika, if your nails are strong, don’t worry about the ripples 🙂
I would very much appreciate it Vivian, if you were able to address the questions people have raised about Algaecal Plus, if it is the case that this was a previous recommendation of yours. As you said, the question of which product supplement to take is confusing and after my initial feeling of releif at reading your article and am now back to being confused ! …. which is not what you set out to do.
Vivian, seriously “don’t worry about the ripples”?? I would recommend, Erika, that you look into this. It could be psoriasis which is stress related and an autoimmune response. Addressing diet can help – gluten and dairy are known to aggravate.. There are ways to look after your nails too like filing them across and massaging oil into them – a nourishing oil like almond or argan oil. Iron supplementation can be helpful too. Good luck.
Vivian, you always advise against Strontium supplementation.
In this case you are obviously not concerned about the Strontium in TrueOsteo, because it also comes from the same plant source as the calcium, is this correct?
Maurice, the marine algae contains minimal quantities of strontium, since it’s naturally occurring among many other nutrients found in the plant. There is no strontium added to the formula.
jitendra kumar
Dr Vivian I am taking osteocare tablets- it contains calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and zinc- Do you think this is alright
I have been taking Osteocare (for calcium) mad in UK
Dr. Vivian what do you think of these tablets