Easy to grow and readily available in grocery stores, this fruit seems so commonplace that it’s easy to forget how valuable it is for your bones and your overall health. In fact, it’s so delicious that its flavor has been synthetically mimicked and added to just about everything, from candy to gum to ice cream.
But if you take a step back, you’ll see that this amazing little fruit can be used for more than just building your bones, as you’ll soon find out…
Strawberries: They’re Good for Your Bones
Of course, the healthful properties of strawberries as a food shouldn’t be overlooked. That’s why they’re included in the list of alkalizing Foundation Foods in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. Chances are, if you’re on the program, you’re already aware of this and include them in your diet.
Strawberries are considered a Foundation Food because of their impressive Vitamin C content. Vitamin C is a Foundation Supplement because of the crucial role it plays in bone health. In fact, strawberries rank among one of the highest food sources of Vitamin C, right up there with citrus fruits. And they contain other Foundation Supplements as well. In addition, strawberries are an excellent source of polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that is responsible for their pretty red color.
And guess what else?
Strawberries Also Fight Pain and Inflammation
The search for natural pain relief is on, in large part because the toxic nature of pain-relieving drugs is becoming more and more well-known. Strawberries are anti-inflammatory in the body, and therefore play a prime role in pain relief.
Strawberries top the list for joint-friendly foods, but they also top the list for pesticide residue. Therefore, to take full advantage of strawberries’ healthful properties, please try to choose only organic ones. This is because…
Beware! Strawberries are Among the “Dirty Dozen”
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) put together a list of foods that are most likely to be contaminated by pesticides, and strawberries top the list. So choosing organic strawberries is important, because all your healthful intentions will be undermined if you’re eating toxic pesticides.
A few quick budget tips: organic strawberries do cost more, but you can offset the cost by buying them when they are in season and freezing the surplus yourself. Another affordable, year-round option is buying frozen organic strawberries at your grocery store. And finally, you can save money by growing them yourself – strawberries can be grown in “strawberry pots” or in a small garden.
Fun Facts about Strawberries
How well do you know your strawberries? Here are some fun facts and trivia:
- There are 600 varieties of strawberries available today.
- The name “strawberry” may come from the fact that the berries grow in such a way that they are “strewn” all over the plant – “strewberry” became “strawberry.”
- Other sources say that “strawberry” comes from the use of straw to cover the plants in winter (strawberries are perennial), and strawberry growers sometimes use straw under the drooping fruits to keep them off the soil.
- Strawberries grow wild in various places throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
- Strawberries are traditionally consumed at the famous Wimbledon tennis competition.
And finally…
- Strawberries are good for your skin.
- When applied to skin, strawberries remove dead skin cells and help cleanse your pores. You can use them to make a do-it-yourself, 100% natural facial to give your skin a radiant glow.
This is a great way to use up overripe strawberries that are no longer edible (make sure there’s no mold on them, though). Here’s the recipe:
DIY Strawberry Facial Mask
Combine 2 or 3 ripe strawberries (leaves and hull removed) with 2 tablespoons of finely ground oats and 10 drops of lemon juice. Mash to form a paste. Spread the paste on your face and keep on for at least 15 minutes. Rinse off with water.
Useful Tips
- Before applying mask, steam your face or use a hot washcloth over your face. The heat opens up pores allowing for a deeper cleanse.
- Apply the mask using your fingertips to gently massage in a circular motion, avoiding eyes and lips.
- Use warm water and a washcloth to rinse off the mask. Then splash your face with cool water to close up your pores.
- Pat dry.
There you have it! Strawberries taste good, work as an all-natural facial, and are good for your bones. Have fun with this versatile fruit, share this information with your family and friends, and leave your comments below.
Here’s to your beauty and to your bones!
I love your book and the great dietary bone saving tips you send.
I love making my own creams and can’t wait to try these. I was wondering what to do with all of our strawberries-Thank-you!
I take Nordic Naturals D3 (from lichen), Nested Naturals K2 (from chickpeas), and EZorb Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous – My integrative doctor says this combination has increased bone density for several of her patients and in her own body.
Thank you for the strawberries information and skin-recipe.
Strawberries need to be organic. They are very high on the Environmental Working Groups dirty dozen list (dirty with pesticide residue).
Appreciate all the information you share freely. I felt awful the short time I took the generic fosomax and after reading your advice stopped taking it (dr. said to keep taking calcium and d3 and she was going to do some research too) . I am eating more off the foods as you suggested and trying to do some of the exercises as well as my usual walking videos. I feel better and have told some friends about you even though I don’t have the whole program
Good news, Karen. Thanks for sharing your experience with the community!
I love all the information you give about Saving our Bones Vivian,I will shortly be ordering your program but meanwhile I am curious to know if Bone scans are safe as regards the amount of Radiation one gets from the proceedure???Thanks.
I have a very hard time finding GOOD Strawberries! They are usually very tart and flavorless.:-( The organic ones are sometimes more tasty but almost prohibitive in cost.
noy taking any meds for osteoporosis right now score is -3.5
Sherry, I had been taking 70 mg of Fosamax weekly, until the bone pain became so severe I could barely move. Then, my DEXA showed a score of -3.5, also. So the doctor suggested prolia, biannual injection of basically the same meds, VERY $$$$. Thankfully I read Vivian’s email to me, and I am going to try it first. Don’t want to break up–literally–but don’t like the many side effects either. I hope the plan helps you as well. Praying for us both. Randy
Would the program work when i am stuck taking prednisone forever? only five mg every othe day
That is another good question, Sherry. I have to take hydrocortisone tabs each day, due to a low cortisol output by my adrenal glands. I haven’t read far enough to know if that will be a problem or not. Actually, the doctors seem to think that most if not all of my osteoporosis problems resulted from hypopituitarism, which, since it was not stimulating the right hormones to be produced, probably started causing the osteoporosis way back in my late 30’s or 40’s [58 now].
Thank you so much for all the information…I will try to buy organic straberry now,cost more money but it is worthed..keep up the good work.
I stopped taking any Rx Bone medication. I bought your book Vivian and I am relying on diet and exercise to better bone health. Thanks for heads up through e-mails on what’s good for our bones.
I too love your info. I take Nordic Naturals D3 (from lichen), Nested Naturals K2 (from chickpeas), and EZorb Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous – My integrative doctor says this combination has increased bone density of her patients and in her own body.
Thanks for the very useful information that you cotinually give. Strawberies are not easily available in my part of the world (LAGOS). What is the nearest alternative ? I also have growing in my compound and doing well, STAR FRUIT (carambola).
What is your take on this vitamin C-enriched fruit ?.
Must remember to save some strawberries for the mask! They are so yummie as well as being so healthy. Thank you.
I love strawberries but at times they don’t love me. Once in awhile I get hives; some times they break me out and other times they don’t. am wondering about Kiwi fruit, read that they are also packed with Vitamin C. They taste great but they can be a pain cutting the rind off of the small pieces.
This comment is forTanialee.
The way to eat kiwi fruit (rich in calcium) is
to cut it crosswise and scoop it out with a spoon.
I learned that from a “Kiwi” when i was in New Zealand.
Thank you Vivian for this information on strawberries and there bone building properties! I was in recently in a traumatic automobile accident and have some loose bone fragments in my body because of my osteoporosis, so this news is very much appreciated and welcomed at the right time! Blessings, Denise
How scary, Denise! I wish you a full recovery, and I am glad that this news came at a good time for you. 🙂
Dear Vivian, thank you for the interesting article, I use the mask but instead of lemon I use honey, it woks really well, it leaves the skin like baby skin, I will try it with lemon too
God bless
Although out of the strawberries subject, it is important to know that jaw rot is 100% correctable with ozoned oils. You can check http://www.aaot.us.
Thanks Vivian. Yes I ate alot straverries, and blueverries. I Forgot to tell you that I am taking once a Week Alendronate sodium 4’S 70 mg. fot my bond. Love.MJCM
I thought I was getting the execize and the disc, instead I got the digital. Can I exchange it for the book and
Marjorie, please feel free to send an e-mail to Customer Support by clicking on the smiley face icon at the top of the page. 🙂 Someone will be glad to help you out!
Hi Vivian Thank you for the tips about the strawberry and its uses, information of bone density!
What about veggy wash I have being bying it to wash my veg which i have seen some time a comments from Vivian about it hope it works it says on the bottle that it is suppose to take away the pecticides you will get it in health stores.
Hi! Vivian,
Thank You VERY MUCH For Sharing Your Blog About Strawberries Being Good For Your Bones!
I LOVE Strawberries. And I Will Try To Buy The Organic Ones; If I Can Convince My Significant Other!
I have read in the past that strawberries are bad for bones because they prevent the uptake of calcium (as does cabbage unless it’s cooked). Not so? Also, in my neck of the woods (North NJ) they are not easy to grow and the animals (deer, groundhogs, et al) eat them before you can harvest them.
Still waiting for my Dr to read my last bone density test, she is out of town.. hope it is alright, I will let you know as soon as I get results…
Thanks Vivian for all your love and concern..
Hi Vivian and Readers, Thanks for information on strawberry mask. I grow my own strawberries and they are extremely easy to grow in pots. I now have a question about apple cider vinegar which I take. The ACV has lowered my fasting glucose and raised my good cholesterol. However some authorities say long term users have reduced bone density.Any comments on this?
Dee, apple cider vinegar is alkalizing, so it promotes bone health. 🙂
Raw stawberries are not good for anyone with a significant mold sensitivity / allergy (along with raw grapes, vinegar, soy sauce (Braggs unfermented soy is ok), wine, beer and the obvious moldy cheeses and other aged cheeses like Parmesan & cheddar). You can also whiten your teeth with strawberries: You need 1 strawberry and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.From Health.Com: Crush the strawberry to a pulp, then mix with the baking soda until blended. Use a soft toothbrush to spread the mixture onto your teeth. Leave on for 5 minutes, then brush thoroughly with toothpaste to remove the berry?baking soda mix. Rinse. (A little floss will help get rid of any strawberry seeds.) Carrel says you can apply once a week.
To help rid foods and nuts of mold,etc. you can soak them in water with GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract). I use about 10 drops in a small bowl of water and use up to 35 drops in water in a large kettle that I soak veggies in.
The GSE kills mold and yeast and bacteria.
I am seriously thinking of ordering your program. I have not yet been diagnosed with any problem, but am at the age where it becomes a potential on the horizon. As well, my husband recently had a shoulder injury with a fracture. Does this program also help in general with strong bone healing, as I imagine it might? I would love any commentary on this.
Absolutely, Susan – in fact, many people in the Save Our Bones community have experienced relief from various health issues while on the program, such as acid reflux. I think you are wise to get “ahead of the game” and build strong bones now!
appreciation and thanks
Thank You for your helping info Vivian please send me speciphic info about a treatment to fight osteoporosis
There’s no way to contact Vivian directly by email so I’ll just have to leave this information here:
How to make calcium using eggshells:
This uses organic free-range eggs to make elemental (bioavailable) calcium, plus 26 other elements like magnesium, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, sulphur, silicon, zinc, etc.
While we’re on the subject of chickens, evidence now exists that they appear to be able to transmute elements – specifically, potassium into calcium. To read physicist Lt. Col Tom Bearden’s article, click here:
Thanks for the article. Can strawberries and bananas be blended together to make smoothies? A few years back we were told not to combine the two.
I include both strawberries and bananas in an Island Smoothie recipe in the Save Our Bones program! 🙂 There are no issues in combining these fruits. Enjoy!
A trivia note: Another explanation for the name “strawberry” is that they were traditionally served on a straw.
Hi Vivian.,
Does your program work when there are already micro fractures in the spine or at that point is the only treatment option to take the bisphosphonates?
Thank you.
Hi Beverly! Please feel free to send a message to Customer Support by clicking on the smiley face icon at the top of the page. We’ll be glad to communicate with you about this issue. 🙂
Question- can your program help when there are already micro fractures? Can anything reverse that or is the only alternative taking the bisphosphonates?
Thank you.
Can the cherries replace the strawberries? Fight pain and inflamation?
Cherries are also alkalizing and a good source of antioxidants and bone-building silicon! However, research has not shown that cherries fight pain and inflammation the way strawberries do. 🙂
On the question of cherries not being as good as strawberries for fighting inflammation, cherries, especially tart cherries, are touted for fighting gout.
Perhaps pick-your-own strawberries during their short season might get less toxic treatments than ordinary store-bought strawberries, which are grown and prepared for shelf life rather than taste and nutrition: I don’t like white tips and white shoulders. Also, off-season, individually quick frozen strawberries might be better because they avoid the problems of nonfrozen shelf life.
Vivian, I love getting your educational information and recipes. Thank you so much! I have a question for you. Years ago, I took an “eat for your heart” course at Tulane University, in New Orleans. They told us we can remove the pesticides from fruit by washing them in water with lemon juice and salt, which avoids the high cost of organic. Is this true?
Sharon, I am so glad you enjoy the information on this site!
The use of pesticides in agriculture is about more than just washing foods…I wish it were so simple! For one thing, strawberries are difficult to wash thoroughly and become waterlogged and mushy quickly. It’s also very difficult to get pesticide residue off of foods, even with vigorous scrubbing (and strawberries would be hard to scrub!). In addition, pesticides seep into the soil, affecting the nutrients the plant takes in via its roots – so the effects of the pesticides carry on inside the fruit. And finally, conventionally-grown produce tends to be lower in nutrients and antioxidants than organically-grown produce, and no amount of washing can fix that! 🙂
Well, now that I know strawberries are good for my face as well as my tummy I will buy some plants and grow my own..thanks for the info.
Really enjoyed learning the benefits of this fruit. Thanks for the useful information.