The Mediterranean region is known for its beautiful beaches and colorful healthy foods that so many of us love. The alkalizing cruciferous vegetable you’ll read about today is native of that region and packs many bone healthy nutrients plus lots of flavor. So what is it?
The often forgotten yet healthful and tasty addition to salads, sandwiches, and other dishes is arugula. This deep green wonder is more than an excellent source of no less than six Foundation Supplements. It also contains valuable phytonutrients that promote skin and eye health and boost the immune system.
You might be surprised about this: what makes arugula stand out most is what it doesn’t have. But first, I’d like to highlight arugula’s…
Foundation Supplements
Vitamin K: In the Osteoporosis Reversal Program I write about Vitamin K and why it’s beneficial to bone health. It works synergistically with vitamin D to regulate the production of osteoclasts and it’s related to osteocalcin, a calcium-binding protein synthesized by osteoblasts. You can read more about it in a blog post titled ‘Vitamin K: Your Osteoporosis Knight in Shining Armor’.
Vitamin C: A vital antioxidant that’s crucial for the production of collagen, a protein that maintains – among other things – healthy bones and cartilage.
Vitamin B9: Also known as folate or folic acid, it belongs to the B-complex family. It synergistically works with all of the B vitamins to help the body utilize protein, among other functions.
Calcium: Directly involved in the construction, formation, and maintenance of bones, this bone health “classic” is best absorbed from organic sources, such as calcium-rich foods.
Magnesium: A crucial mineral involved in over 300 essential body reactions, including protein synthesis, and closely linked to calcium absorption and bone health.
Manganese: An important trace mineral necessary for the synthesis of connective tissue in cartilage and bone.
But you might not know that arugula is…
Low in Oxalates
Oxalates are substances that bind to calcium, thus making it less bioavailable. A variety of greens such as spinach and some fruits, including most berries, contain it. In small amounts, oxalates typically don’t pose a problem. But isn’t it nice to know that arugula offers you bone smart nutrition with low levels of oxalates?
And finally, let’s not forget about the…
Valuable Phytonutrients
Thanks to its high levels of beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein, arugula is excellent for skin and eye health. And glucosinolates are powerful immune-system boosters.
All in all, I recommend you include arugula in your bone healthy nutrition. And to make it even easier for you, here’s a delicious and bone-healthy recipe.
A+ Salad
2 Servings
2 cups arugula
1 pound asparagus, cut into bite-size pieces and steamed
2 tangerines, peeled and segmented
1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon sliced almonds
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, pour your favorite dressing, and sprinkle with almonds.
Appreciate your article, however I am prone to kidney stones and green veg. especialy spinach, kale, and such should not be part of our regular diet.
Hi Vivian, I do not know what Arugula is. By your explanation it is a green vegetable. Maybe in Australia we have another name for it? Looking forward to your reply. Kelsey.
Hi Kelsey,
Arugula is often called “rocket” in Australia. 🙂 It’s Eruca sativa, a salad green.
Yes, it’s rocket and very easy to grow. I love being able to duck out to the verge patch and grab half a dozen leaves to add to a sandwich or salad. And I love the tangy flavour.
I don’t drink milk, but I DO eat lots of sugar free chocolate pudding! Is pudding in the same category as milk, as far as destroying the bones???
Thank you for all your work and sharing your knowledge with us. Keep doing it please. I enjoy the recipes you share also. It’s very important to know how to translate all this knowledge into something that is very delicious to eat.
Thanks so much for your comment on my blog, and for reaindg! I’m in a similar situation here in Toronto (not much local going on between end of October and June!). I’ll look to your blog for inspiration. . .starting with this salad! I think I might even like radishes in this one 😉
I like to recieve your emails each day. thank you Ellie
thank you so much, i’ve finally got my appetite for the healthy fresh summer veggies and fruits… watermelon for breakfast?
Can you please send me the article you wrote on why milk is NOT good for you.
Thank you.
I have interstitial cystitis and vulvodynia which are very painful. These conditions have only been helped by eating a low oxalate diet. Many vegetables are high in oxalate as are beans and nuts (like almonds). Dairy and meat are almost oxalate free. It is very hard to eat as so many foods have varying oxalate levels. It seems so many healthy diets are full of things I cannot eat.
Vivian, I love all of your emails. This one in particular…I have been on Mannatech Glyconutrient Products for over six years. I feel my health has improved 100% from these products. It is Nutrition…food for your cells, not a vitamin. I have followed your program for over two years. My last bone density was in March 2011. I had no bone growth, decreased a little. I was very sad. I continue to follow your program, eat veggies and fruits with a little protein. I will be 70 May 24. I love all of your health info…thought you would be interested in looking at Mannatech.com. Thank you. What do you think? Cindy
I had download the “Restore” Video already, thank you very much.
I just know the arugula is also good for skin and eye, never too old to
learn, thank you.
Dear Vivian. Thanks for all yours, Consejos, apologize for mail. Last week my doctor found in my exray osteros porosis on my hip and spine or columna. I m taking me toking medicine for lupus i can get sun, and I do very litle exerciases, I feeling tirer and alot of pain. I have to star more exercices. Also ate beter. Thank you Vivian. Apologize por my EngliSh. Love , Maria J.Mckenney
Good salad recipe however I will wait until it is a little warmer to try it.Spring is here but cold and rainy in “sunny California” where I live.I have trouble getting enough alkalizing foods during winter. I do fix some wonderful soups such as Chicken Vegtable and Seafood Gumbo but mainly have trouble with lunch.I could have had a salad or yogurt and fruit for lunch but instead had grilled cheese sandwich because it was hot.
I love … !! i put it on a salad or on pizza ,it gives a nice flavour .
very good, encouriging,educational, greatley appresiating. tank u
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I have never heard of such a plant and this just adds to my “pro active ammo” on my osteoporosis situation. THANKS,THANKS, THANKS!
Is this Arugula the same plant as we would genetally refer to as Rocket?? It looks near the same thing on the picture .
I’m interested to hear if Arugula is the same salad veg as ‘rocket’ Can’t find any reference to it but have it growing and love its taste!
Yes it is – see my message a bit further down the comments. Lovely stuff!
Hi! Vivian,
That Arugula Sure Is Powerful! And The A+ Recipe Sounds DELICIOUS! THANK YOU VERY MUCH For SHARING THIS ARTICLE WITH US!
Hi Vivian
In your article you say
“You might be surprised about this: what makes arugula stand out most is what it doesn’t have. But first, I’d like to highlight arugula’s”
But you omitted to say what it does’ny have
I’m curious What is it?
Thank you
What I read here is this: “what it doesn’t have” is an excess of oxalates, which would make the calcium in this green less available to us. [See the paragraph under the heading, Low in Oxalates.”] Since it doesn’t, we are able to take in more of this mineral so necessary for our bones. 🙂
I’m happy to know this about arugula!
Where do I find the Arugula seeds certainly love to have them to plant i the
garden it seems like it is a very important plant to have and to eat to help
to restore a healthy bone growth.
Arugula is very easy to grow. I planted seeds and they sprouted in two days! It grows so fast perhaps that is why it is called “Rocket Salad”. Arugula has a wonderful crunchy texture and a delicious mildly spicy flavor. Try harvesting the plants as baby greens and continue to reseed through the season. A good plant for container gardening too! Thank you Vivian!
I have been growing arugula for many years, very easy to grow. Just sprinkle the seeds over the ground.(like a basil seed). Peppery taste There are many recipes on line for cooking with aruguls.
Dear Vivien,
Thank you for your information. I think we do not have that plant available in our country and it is beyond recognition as yet.
Thank you
Thank you,Ita.
I never heard the existence of arugula and its nutritious properties before, but thanks to your researches, I have come to learn a new vegetable to keep our bone safe. I saw from the previous commentator from England, that it is known as Rocket in England.This is another plus to join the conversation and leave a comment.
My gratitude to you,Vivian,for giving us an extra bonus to healthy living.
Yes, it’s a wonderful plant. In Egypt they call it ‘gergeer’ (jerjeer) and is very well known in rural areas as it is cultivated everywhere, but you always find it in the city. So anyone who is going to be an addict and find herself/himself holidaying in Egypt, you can easily find it there!
All very nice, Vivian, but I don’t think it’s the Vitamin K that matters; K2.
Hi Vivian, hope you won’t mind me telling your UK fans (of which I’m one) that arugula is known here as rocket. It’s native to England, too. My favourite combination of leaves from my local supermarket is a mix of rocket, watercress and spinach. Lovely!
Thanks, Vivian,
I love arrugula and I buy as a treat live watercress as well.
Question for you. I bought tomatoes with high Lycopene from Holland at Trader Joes this week and although I only ate one one day and 2 small yesterday one at breakfast in an omellet and one at lunch, I got horrible cramps in my calf muscle both nights. This has happened in the past as well. Nothing else in my diet changed. Why is this?