It may sound too good to be true. A new study shows that exercising for just a little over two hours a week curtails the production of a hormone that stops new bone formation. Plus, it naturally increases levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which promotes bone growth.
The soon-to be-published research is great news to all of us in the Save Our Bones community, and especially to those who are using the Densercise System. You see, in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program I explain all about Wolff's Theory of Bone Formation, which predicates the now proven fact that muscular tension and the pressure of gravity creates new bone tissue that strengthens bones. This powerful premise is the basis for Densercise, which combines it along with the Density Training Method to maximize bone growth and strength.
The new study pinpoints specific bone health benefits of physical activity, further confirming the importance of exercising for your bones. Read more about the study here:
WEDNESDAY, Aug. 15, 2012 (HealthDay News) — Engaging in more than two hours of physical activity per week appears to help pre-menopausal women maintain healthy bones, new research suggests.
The finding is based on the impact that even small amounts of exercise seem to have on curtailing the production of a protein that impedes bone growth, while at the same time increasing the activity of another protein that promotes bone formation.
The study will appear in the October issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
“Physical activity is good for bone health and results in lowering sclerostin — a known inhibitor of bone formation — and enhancing IGF-1 levels, a positive effector on bone health,” study author Mohammed-Salleh Ardawi, a professor at the Center of Excellence for Osteoporosis Research and the faculty of medicine at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia, said in a journal news release.
The authors note that sclerostin, a hormone, works by migrating to bone surfaces, where it impedes bone cell creation. IGF-1 is shorthand for insulin-like growth factor-1, a hormone that promotes growth.
For this finding, researchers tracked 120 pre-menopausal women for an eight-week period. About half of the women were engaged in a supervised physical-activity routine, while the other half were not.
Women who had participated in more than two hours of activity per week were found to have “significantly” lower sclerostin levels and higher IGF-1 levels.
“Physical-activity training is conceptually simple and inexpensive, and can serve practical purposes including reducing the risk of low bone mass and osteoporosis, and, consequently, fractures,” Ardawi said. “Our study found that even minor changes in physical activity were associated with clear effects on serum levels of sclerostin, IGF-1 and bone-turnover markers.”
Source: Everyday Health
I have the save our bones program but I wouldlike to order the Epidensity Training System -Densercise for $27 and I called and they said it is not available. Can you help me to get this program
I read somewhere that Calcitonian Salmon a medication that you squirt up your nose has some side effects. Do you have any information regarding this.
Thank you
Vivian, I enjoy doing exercises to help my bones, however I cannot do any that include a jump of any kind, due to the pressure it puts on my back. When I do I have back pain for days, so I really appreciate knowing exercises that do not include jumping. I also climb up and down stairs, how does this rate for building bones?
Thank you very much for all your help and sharing your knowledge.
I enjoy these wonderful exercises and is there any exercise CD available to buy online?
Thank you.
Great info — thanks !!
Thank you for these suggestions. I will start doing them.
Dear Vivian,thank for the so good videos and so easy to do too!.
Blessing. Herminia
I needed to see this report! I went to the endocronologist last month and she said I didnt need to exercise for bone growth because the latest studies by the “guru” of bones said that exercise only grows bones if you have been a couch potatoe your whole life and then decided to exercise. I thought she was whacked at the time but it did discourage me so I am glad to hear your thoughts.
Thanks for all information you share with us. I will try this excecise!.
I have been reading some of the comments/questions on this site and do not see any response from Vivian Goldschmidt. Does anyone know if this site is monitured? Just wondering…
Vivian I have enjoyed watching all your videos. I have been doing the heal lift and jump for some time, although it can be a little tiring I have enjoyed it. I am hoping to get started on the rest in a few hours.
Thank you for sharing the videos.
Have just been diagnosed with osteoporosis in spine and hips at the age of 57, in spite of taking extra vitamin d, which is prescription strength! and consistently taking citracal for years. I am convienced that my irratic thyroid has played a factor, in the inability of my body to absorb nedded nutrients and vitamins. Is it safe for me to do the heel lift with the jump if I already have the osteoporosis? Needless to say, I am fed up with the conventional methods for treating bone density, so within the next few minutes, I will be ordering the save our bones program!!!!!
Thanks Vivian, You’re exercise videos are really good. I have your Osteoporosis Reversal Program. It is very informative and I have incorporated many of it’s suggestions. I am particularly interested in spine strenthening, as my bone density is steadily decreasing in the lumber spine and I see a chiropractor regularly for spinal issues. I would love to have a printed exercise guide handy if you ever decide to offer one. Keep up the good work! I enjoy reading your informative e-mails.
Best I have seen for the hips.
Thank You for the refresher videoes
Hi Vivian thanks for all your help so far .However I’m still losing bone at a rate of knots from my shoulders .Not much left to keep my bras straps up. Have you any ideas or exercises to help build up my shoulders. Does anyone else have this problem? I really need HELP!!!!!
I had that same problem with the shoulders and bras. Yoga has helped me alot. My shoulders look more square rather than slopped down as before.
Hi Vivian thanks for all your help so far .However I’m still losing bone at a rate of knots from my shoulders .Not much left to keep my bras straps up. Have you any ideas or exercises to help build up my shoulders. Does anyone else have this problem? I really need HELP!!!!!
yahh i agree that rebuilding bones can be done in a natural way without depending much on expensive drugs. As what Save our Bones Program shared by ma’am Vivian, exercise plus nutrients from fresh vegetables and fruits could be of great help for us people suffering from osteoporosis to live a happy life. i started with gentle exercises such as; walking, hip exercises and some stretching. no jumping since i just have bilateral total hip replacement last year due to accidental fall.
Thank you ma’am Vivian for your untiring effort to conduct research on natural medicines to make our bones healthy and for sharing it to us. we feel so blessed knowing you. God bless you
warmest regards,
I have read almost all the comments about calcium& other minerals & vitamins we need to build our bones,but I did not get my answer. The hip & Densexercise are great easy to incorporate in daily routine at our own pace.
Thank you,
P.S. Thanks for all the people who shared their experiences & knowledge they shared with every one.
Does calcium taking after meals give rise to GE reflux. I experienced that with Ezorb-Ca aspartate & also with 3 A calcium.The one you are recommending is from algae, so is from sea. People who are allergic to fish,shrimp- sea food , can they take it? As always you are the encyclopedia of USA with all research on Save our bones & Ocean of compassion.
Love you,
Hi Vivian!! Thank you sooo much for visiting the densercise program again.
I had downloaded these exercises into my cmputer before, but then lost them when my computer crashed. I am so very thankful for this refresher course!
Every time (for the last 3 years) I go back to my bone specialist and am tested for bone density the measures of bonedensity have increased due to the advic e you are giving us through the “Save our Bones” program. I am
always sharing this information with whosoever will listen and have helped many friends and members of my family with your teachings.
Please, continue your teachings and know that “we are listening!”
A very thankful listener, Elisabeth
Two questions:
First: Does wearing a weighted vest promote new bone growth?
Second: Does standing on a vibrating pad promote new bone growth?
Hi, I would also like to know if using vibrating plates as a form of excersise will cause any damage to an arthritis sufferer ?
I would also love to know if wearing a weighted vest increased bone growth.
Thank you for the video, you have beautiful posture. I should learn the
spine excercise more often.
I don’t want to commend on the exercise itself but on the way to perform this movement. The big question or the most important instruction is
how to breath !! Because wrong breathing technique will create more discomfort while executing the exercise and that will not lead to
improvement.A lot of us have no idea of how to breath correctly and i don’t
mean breathing from the diaphragm but also when to breath in or out, related
to the movement.
I don’t want to commend on the exercise itself but on the way to perform this movement. The big question or the most important instruction is
how to breath !! Because wrong breathing technique will create more discomfort while executing the exercise and that will not lead to
improvement.Alot of us have no idea of how to breath correctly and i don’t
mean breathing from the diaphragm but also when to breath in or out, related
to the movement.
Great videos. It sure feels good doing these exercises. Thank you for the help and the informations to go with them.
Good videos and it sure feels good to do these exercises. Thank you for the help and informations along with them.
Thank you for this excellent video on simple back excercises. Easy to remember sets based on 3. Great to do and easy to fit into normal life routine. Much appreciated.
Hi! Vivian,
Thank You VERY MUCH For This Article On New Osteoporosis Exercise And The Videos On The Exercises!
Hi Vivian,
Thanks for great exercises. I do about 40 half pushups (bended knees)
almost every day. Is it a good replacement for the wall exercise?
Bless you,
Fantastic Vivian! Just love the format too that you have put together. Sort of wondered tho’, whether it would be possible to have these exercises printed with photographs of each move and an explanation of each one underneath so that a computer is not necessary to access them. Many older people (those who recognize that they need these exercises) are over 60 and many of them are not computer literate or don’t even possess a computer. They are simple enough to cover with photographs and an written explanation. Thank you so much for these exercises. They are great! Simple yet oh so effective! I love your explanation of what the various exercises do for what group of muscles affecting what bones. My congratulations for putting together these exercises!
Loved the videos and your enthusiasm for exercise Vivienne.
Can you please tell me if it would be safe for me to follow the programme as a type II diabetic for 4 years and recently being diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation. My date of birth is 28.08.1940 so recently turned 72 years.
Would greatly appreciate your comments before beginning to follow the programme.
I recently purchased your book ‘Save our Bones’ which I am so pleased to have discovered.
Thank You
Diane Faulkner
I can’t thank you enough for posting these wonderful exercises that are so attainable that they are bound to give thousands of people hope. Please keep up your important work, You are like a candle in the darkness!
Oh! wonderful I never cease to be amazed at your integerity and entheusiam.
Very Best wishes Marion
This study was based on pre-menopausal women. I believe exercise can promote stronger bones , however it would have been more convincing if it targeted post-menopausal women as they are the ones who are most affected .
Thank you so much for the wealth of information in your Osteoporosis Reversal Program. I have enjoyed the new post on the denser size exercises and will be incorporating them in my daily routine. I am a nurse and who loved to jog at least 3x’s per week about 2 miles in my 40’s. I was shocked to find out I had osteopenia and a little osteoporosis in one hip. I have started changing my diet, drinking distilled water and look forward to an improvement without meds.
Thank you,i like it, it is very helpful.
the exercises are fabulous!
Hi Vivian, these dencercises are great, you look wonderful, even I am not in condition to do them well, my heart is jumping from joy when I do some of it, you are great and we love your system, until next time.
The exercise videos you show are wonderful, but are you aware that for hearing-impaired folks the background music makes it difficult to understand your words? Keep up the excellent work you do to educate us all. Thank you.
I enjoyed the few examples of bone building exercises you gave in the above.
I definitely will try them.
Thank You
I had a bad fall in late February and one two weeks ago in a hotel room. Have had no broken bones but then,
after Sunday when I foolishly carried a new purse with the strap on my right shoulder I got lots of pain. So I went
to the doctor who referred me to physical therapy. The therapist is having me do the opening up exercises so
I can open up the diaphragm twice a day. I had a rebounder years ago but we got rid of it because I heard that it could be hard for a person’s neck.
Can someone (like me) who has five whiplashes in the past use a rebounder, with no risk for the
neck or spine. I would love to get another one though I’m not sure where we would put it (we have a very
small house). What about just bouncing with keeping the feet stable on the floor?
THANK YOU for all the good information that you give your readers. It’s much appreciated. I have enjoyed
the SAVE OUR BONES program.
I have read that you shouldn’t have more than .4 grams of protein daily for each pound that you should weigh. However, a nutritionist told me that every woman should have about 60 grams of protein daily. Where do you stand on this? I know you need sufficient protein for bone building, but too much takes calcium from the bones. I’m confused.
Thanx for all your great info and products Vivian.. Wanted to order the true osteo as it sounds good and I,m always looking to expand my knowledge and try new things HOWEVER ,,!, I do not condone any company that is going to gouge the client with an outrageous shipping fee.. Where does this product come from? The shipping fee is almost as much as the product.. Makes no sense from a cost effective point of view and it,s very clear where this company is coming from..
honestly if the product is that good,wouldn’t, you want to get as many people to try it as possible by making it cost effective for EVERYONE!
I agree about the outrageous shipping costs for the true osteo product. I will not order it as I don’t trust companies that do this; makes me suspicious as to their integrity.
I enjoyed them very much. Now I must get started at Soon as possible, easy and Confortable exercises, God Bless you
I love these exercises and am so glad you brought them out again for us to see. Will be getting started on them right away. Thanks for all of you information and exercises. Truly appreciated.
Thanks Vivian. I have been doing the standing exercises every morning in front of the sink before I get dressed for the day, and they have really helped the pain in my lower back. I am working to do them for a longer period as you recommend.
I’m an 80 yr old former gymnast (as a young girl in school who still loves dancing and being active although I have been diagnosed with both Myeloma and kidney cancer (both stable w/o treatment!), and I just love your research. As I come from a medical family background, I know for a fact that nothing helps keep our bodies working as they are supposed to more than proper care, including proper nutrition, keeping moving, and a positive mental attitude! You do help in all these ways, so THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO! Enjoy your emails and info. x0x0x0
Read the book… OUTSMART YOUR CANCER it tells of alternative, non toxic treatments that WORK… I recommend it highly.
Hello Vivian,
As usual your great tips and information are very much appreciated. Thank you for your continue support and dedication
Thanks for the exercise email, Vivian.
My question: Are these exercises for someone that has Osteoporosis at the fracture stage in the low spine???
Thank you,
Robbie P.
I just love the way you people think these exercises are so great, but what about seniors? There is not a single one of these exercises that I would ever be able to do. So What are we supposed to do?
Dear Faye, At 80, I guess I am also “a senior”, so is it possible for you to just take walks? Small walks that become larger, longer, brisker walks can help loads. I also have neuropathy and my legs have become stronger since I started slowly walking, until I could walk the perimeter of our senior community, which is 1 mile. Give it a try! My doctors say it’s the best exercise anyone can do and can be done anywhere, inside the home, outside.
I am 78 and have been playing tennis almost all my maried life, now I still play tennis with the U3A in my area, and also golf, sometimes my leg aches afterwards because I have osteoporosis, but will continue to do both these sports as it keeps me fit and we have a lot of fun doing them.
Nice videos. I can get sound on all of them except the first one, the spine strengthener. No voice. Can hear only the music.
Thank you for your video on Osteoporosis excerises for the hip. In the tape you mentioned that these excerises will help strengthen the bones. Well, secondary to all my running, I had to have a bilateral total hip replacement a few years ago (at age 52). I wore out the cartlidge at my hip joints. I am not allowed to jump.
I have used a rebounder for almost 3 years and a maximum excercise period of 10 minutes daily 5 minutes each time is sufficient, you acheive that starting with 30 seconds daily, it helps your balance, walking and posture. I have not taken any medication from a doctor since Osteoporosis was discovered in my hips, base of my spine and knees. I could not do a particular excercise of yours as I cannot lie down on the floor, so this is my excercise regime, gentle bouncing, jogging side to side steps, during this time, your feet never leave the mat, there is NO jumping up and down, this is not a trampoline with a springy mat, it is much firmer and there is a stability bar to give confidence, people in their 80’s and 90’s are using this form of excercise as shown on websites.
I am 78, it sends lymph, blood coursing thru your body tingling of the extremitiesand it is all good, if you are unable to sleep at night 1 or 2 minutes gentle bouncing is much better than any thing else ( but not if you are in pain ) you will sleep like a baby!.
I had read that exercises with jumping movements, like your heel jump, jump roping even jogging could cause fractures in those with osteoporosis of the spine like mine of -3.5. My doctor doesn’t know whether to advise me to do them or not so I’ve avoided them just in case. What are your thoughts? Also I do regular floor push ups but can only manage 7, are your wall push ups better for the back, they seem to be less intense, so if you can manage to do the floor method would they be better for the back?
Thanks for everything,
Hello, Thanks for the video.
I recommend that you could do a cervical retraction, rather than or as well as an extension.
Often hyperkyphosis of the T spine and therefore hyperlordosis of the cervical spine can exacerbate shortening of the extensor muscles on the cervical spine and occipital origins, and a lengthening of the SCM and retraction muscles on the anterior.
By doing retractions you will lengthen the short weak cervical spine muscles and shorten and strengthen the long weak SCM muscles. Just a thought 🙂
Thank you for these Densercise videos. I’m recovering from a hip fracture, 6/1/11, with nerve damage, previous to the fracture, and these are simple, but effective, enough that I can do them.
Nice videos.Will try them out. Already started with yoga & feeling better. Thanks.
Vivian, I am so thankful for all the information that you share with us. You inspire us to live good, healthy and wholesome lives.
I bowl and I go to the gym and am still trying to be clear of osteo porosis
last reading on bone scan -3.4 My doctor is not happy about me refusing to take Actonel and 2 calcium tablets daily.I’m almost at the point of deciding to take Actonel again as I am afraid of the future and the condition my bones will be in in my 80’s I have just had my 76th birthday.
Will these new exercises help and should I persevere and go against doc’s advice?
You will retain bone but it will be old bone. This bone will be brittle and more apt to break. Do not take it!!! Be sure your body is alkali, not acidic. Do this by eating lots of fruit and vegetables. Less sugar, less meat, less wheat. Those are acidic foods. Fruit and vegetables are the best thing we can do to be healthy and disease free. You may want to add some minerals to your supplements , calcium, magnesium and others. I wish you the best..
a little twist to the jump rope exercise is to do it in the pool. the water adds resistance and softens
the jarring effects on the joints.
How effective are these exercises for POST- menopausal women, like me? Is there any hope for post menopausal women to build new done?
YES!!! I am post menopausal. Bone is dynamic and rebuilding continually. Type II Diabetes can be reversed with diet, this i how important diet is. Diet is VERY important. Fresh fruits and vegtables, adequate protein to help build muscle and bone. Adequate bone building nutrients: Calcium citrate, Magnesium, MK7, boron, Cu and others. Vitamin D ! Exercise! PROBIOTICS! I have been doing the above for 2 years since having 4 compression FX of the thorasic spine riding my horse. I still ride, my bone density has gone from osteoporosis to osteopenic. I have not fractured a toe in 2 years when I would normally have 3-4 FX a year. Osteoporosis is a marker for systemic inflammation.
I enjoyed them very much. Now I must get started!