The Right Way And The Wrong Way To Exercise For Your Bones

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Exercise

4 min Read

I have something to confess. I may not have emphasized enough one of the most important things you can do to get rid of osteoporosis. Don’t get me wrong, nutrition and lifestyle changes are crucial to your bone health. But there’s more to treating osteoporosis naturally.

In the Osteoporosis Reversal Program I’ve devoted an entire chapter to this topic, but I’ve noticed that I haven’t matched my dedication to drive my point across about it here on the website.

I'm referring to the crucial role exercise plays when it comes to the health of your bones. And with today’s blog post, I’m determined to show you the right way and the wrong way to exercise for your bones.

But first, I’d like to share with you a very interesting study that proves just how powerful exercising for your bone health can be…

Even With a Vitamin D Deficiency, Exercise Boosted Bone Density!

The researchers compared the bone density of female ballet dancers and sedentary study participants who were divided in groups based on their Vitamin D levels. Their stunning conclusion was that the dancers with low Vitamin D levels maintained desirable bone density while their sedentary counterparts did not.1

Does this mean that you should not pay attention to your diet? Of course not! But it does point to the crucial role of exercising to conquer osteoporosis. And that’s where the kind of exercises you do make a whole lot of difference.

Through my years of extensive osteoporosis research I’ve found the perfect moves that build bones most effectively and in the shortest time. They’re all based on…

The Density Training Method

Before I explain to you how the Density Training Method works, let me tell you something that most personal fitness trainers will never tell you. You see, the typical exercise plan is rigid and incorporates a ‘one-size-fits-all' approach. It requires a set number of repetitions and leaves very little room for customization. And often times, people following those programs feel pressured to complete a the pre-set number of repetitions and it can lead to injury.

Frankly, most fitness experts are clueless when it comes to the most effective way to exercise for bone health.

That's why I developed the Density Training Method, and many in the Save Our Bones community have reported that they’re able to do more repetitions that they’ve ever thought possible, with no exhaustion and risk of injury.

Here's How The Density Training Method Works

Since no two people are in exactly the same shape, it makes absolutely no sense to incorporate a ‘one-size-fits-all' approach to exercising for your bones.

With the Density Training Method, you’re in complete control of your workout, regardless of your fitness level.

Here’s how it works.

An exercise is performed for a set period of time – usually for five minutes. Within those five minutes you practice the exercise in short sets of three repetitions with a 10 second rest between sets. If you’re not able to continue with that particular move, then extend your resting period to 20 seconds.

You can increase resting periods by 10 seconds as needed to regain the stamina to complete the set of three within the five minutes.

So that's the Density Training Method, and as you see it's the completely customizable workout methodology that will completely transform the way you exercise to increase bone strength.

Based on the Density Training Method, I’ve compiled the most effective bone-building exercises in the Densercise eBook System. These exercises build and support bone in high-risk fracture areas such as wrists and ankles, plus the hips and spine.

The Densercise eBook System shows you the exact weight bearing, resistance, and postural exercises that are easy to perform, yet most effective at building bones. You won't need to search and guess which exercises work best to increase bone strength, because I lay it all out for you. Plus you can start benefiting from it just minutes from now and you won't need to buy any special equipment.

Are you willing to trade 15 minutes a day, three times a week, for stronger bones?

Take a big step towards a healthy future, get the details here.

And if you're already a proud ‘Denserciser', leave a comment below and let me and our community know how it's working for you. I'd love to hear from you!

To your health,


1 Constantini N W et al. “Physical Activity and Bone Mineral Density in Adolescents with Vitamin D Deficiency”. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: April 2010 – Volume 42 – Issue 4 – pp 646-650.