When you follow a pH-balanced diet consisting of 80% alkalizing foods and 20% acidifying foods, you automatically eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. As Savers know, avoiding acidification of the serum pH protects the integrity and quality of bones. But that's not all this dietary plan can do for your wellbeing.
A new study out of Australia has discovered another benefit of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Not only does this benefit support your bone health, but it can help you navigate every part of your life with greater ease and enjoyment.
Today we'll take a look at this study so that you can apply its findings.
About The Study
Researchers at Edith Cowan University in Australia conducted a study analyzing questionnaire responses from 8,689 Australians between the ages of 25 and 91. The participants were part of the Australian Diabetes, Obesity, and Lifestyle (AusDiab) Study from Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute.
Each participant filled out two questionnaires, a food frequency questionnaire that described their dietary habits, and a perceived stress questionnaire that asked about how often they have felt stressed.
The researchers then examined the resulting data for patterns between diet and stress levels.
Australian researchers studied the results of two questionnaires filled out by 8,689 Australians, between the ages of 25 and 91. One questionnaire asked about the participants' diet, and the other asked about stress levels. The researchers examined the relationship between these two factors.
Eating More Fruits And Vegetables Reduces Stress Levels
When the researchers compared the results of the questionnaires, they found that the more fruits and vegetables a participant ate, the less stress they reported.1
Participants who ate at least 470 grams of fruit and vegetables each day had stress levels that were 10 percent lower than participants who consumed less than 230 grams.1
For reference, 470 grams is a little more than a pound. Here are some weight measurements of popular fruits and veggies to help you get a sense of this quantity:
- A large apple is about 100 grams
- A cup of blueberries is about 190 grams
- A cup of kale is about 67 grams
- A medium sized head of cauliflower is about 588 grams
- A cup of cooked green beans is about 180 grams
The researchers concluded that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables plays an important role in reducing stress and maintaining good mental and emotional health.
The participants who consumed the most fruit and vegetables reported the lowest stress levels. Those who ate at least 470 grams of fruit and vegetables each day had stress levels that were 10 percent lower than participants who consumed less than 230 grams.
The Dangers Of Stress (And The Benefits Of Reducing It)
Stress is an unavoidable part of being alive. However, too much stress for too long can have serious negative consequences for your health.
In a press release from Edith Cowan University, lead researcher Simone Radavelli-Bagatini shared the following statement:
“Long-term and unmanaged stress can lead to a range of health problems including heart disease, diabetes, depression and anxiety so we need to find ways to prevent and possibly alleviate mental health problems in the future.”2
Additionally, unchecked stress can damage your bones. When you feel stressed your body releases a hormone called cortisol. This compound puts your body and mind in a heightened state of readiness– part of the “fight or flight” reaction. But extended periods of high cortisol levels can lead to systemic inflammation, which has been linked to bone loss.3
This study didn't examine the underlying mechanism that links fruits and vegetables to reduced stress. However, the researchers suggested that the nutrients in those foods reduce inflammation and prevent oxidative stress.
Inflammation can be caused by stress, which, in turn, can result in increased stress. For the participants in this study, the researchers observed that fruits and vegetables were able to break this cycle– providing relief from stress. And as stress levels are reduced, so do many health risks, including bone loss and subsequent fractures.
Prolonged periods of stress can result in numerous health problems including heart disease, depression, and bone loss. Too much production of the stress hormone cortisol can cause systemic inflammation, leading to reduced bone density and strength. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help reduce stress, prevent inflammation, and protect bones.
What This Means To You
If you're following the Osteoporosis Reversal Program's 80/20 pH-balanced diet, you’re already getting the benefits identified in this study.
That's one of the strengths of the Osteoporosis Reversal Program's integrative approach. All of the diet and lifestyle changes it recommends for bone health also take the rest of your health and wellbeing into account. As a result, every action you take to strengthen your bones has numerous positive health impacts.
This ripple effect is the opposite of drug side effects. Instead of sacrificing one part of your wellbeing for another, if you follow a natural and holistic approach to your health, all aspects of it will improve.
1 https://www.clinicalnutritionjournal.com/article/S0261-5614(21)00192-8/fulltext
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I’m just joining I’m
Still learning foods. My dr wants me to
Start Prolia . It make me nervous, I take only Vitamin D . I
Would prefer all foods and or some supplements -
The mechanism could also be attributed to a healthier gut microbiome. More serotonin is produced in the gut than anywhere else and a healthy microbiome there supports that.
I try to eat fruit with every meal. I put it in my morning oatmeal, my salad for lunch, and have it for dessert after dinner. Now that I know this I will focus also more on veggies. Thanks Vivian for sharing this information!
Great articel! Thanks, Vivian
I would like to read these articles, but it’s difficult because the type font is very thin and looks gray rather than black. Also, it’s well known that sans serif is harder to read than serif typefaces. Please choose a typeface that is easier to read! Thanks for your consideration of this issue.
I ordered the full program quite awhile ago. It has shown up on my credit card statement and I have received nothing. Please check on this. Thanks.Connie
Thank you Vivian! That is good to know, especially during these difficult times. I try to eat every meal 80/20 and am feeling much better.
I would have loved a table listing the the pH level of foods included with this article!
I would also love to receive a table listing the ph level of foods. Thank you.