When it comes to good posture and greater bone density, your core muscles and axial skeleton (skull, vertebrae, and ribs) are literally central.
The Spine And Core Solidifier strengthens and stabilizes these crucial areas and more, promoting strong core muscles, a stable spine, and toned arms and wrists.
Why: While stabilizing the spine and keeping the vertebrae aligned is of prime importance, Savers will also recognize the emphasis on core muscles from previous posts, and for good reason.
These are the muscles that hold you still and upright in space, and it’s your core muscles that kick in when you find yourself off balance, preventing falls and potential fractures.
So it’s a good idea for Savers to know just why working the core is a vital aspect of bone density exercise.
Why Strong Core Muscles Are Important
Generally speaking, your core includes the muscles of your trunk, located in your abdomen, pelvic floor, mid- and lower back, and along your rib cage. Some muscles in the hips, neck, and shoulders are also included.
- Almost every movement you make with your whole body requires the core muscles. Even simple actions like getting up from a chair, going up and down stairs, or practicing bone-density exercises involve these important muscles.
- Healthy posture depends on toned core muscles, because they hold your head up at a proper angle from your shoulders and align your spine. A strong, supple core prevents forward head posture, a precursor to Dowager’s Hump (kyphosis) and spinal misalignment that can lead to vertebral and back problems.
- Working your core tones your waist and improves your physique, especially when combined with a pH-balanced bone-healthy diet full of delicious Foundation Foods.
- Your diaphragm is included in the core muscle group, so keeping it toned and flexible promotes deep breathing, which is essential for bone health. Regular deep breathing alkalizes your body’s pH by reducing acidifying CO2 levels, and it also improves circulation and relieves stress.
The Spine And Core Solidifier does all this and more. As you’ll see below, this exercise builds bone in the wrists and tones your arm muscles as well.
How: The Spine And Core Solidifier may look a bit challenging, but once you’ll try it, you’ll realize it’s easy. You don’t need any equipment at all, not even an exercise mat. If you have trouble getting off the floor, make sure you’re near a chair or a wall or anything stable to help you get up when you first try this exercise.
- Get down on your hands and knees. Arms should form a straight line from the shoulders to the floor, and your knees should be right under your hips in a straight line.
- Raise your knees a couple of inches off the floor, supporting yourself with your hands and toes.
- Your back should be parallel to the floor and as flat as possible.
- Lifting your alternate arm and leg (right leg, left arm and vice versa), crawl across the floor. Keep your back level like a tabletop.
- Now reverse the process and go backwards across the floor to return to your starting point. (Don’t turn around.)
- Rest for a few minutes, and then repeat.
- Make sure your back is stable and level, as if you’re trying to balance a cup on the middle of your back.
- Try to lift your alternate arm and leg off the floor at the same time.
- Ideally, you should travel 10 yards (30 feet) forward and 10 yards back; but if you have a smaller space, you can simply do more reps or circle the room.
- Comfortable exercise shoes are a good idea for performing this move.
3 Key Elements For Building Bone Through Motion
The Spine And Core Solidifier is but one example of an effective way to build your bones.
If you’re really serious about increasing your bone density, if you haven’t yet, you’ll want to check out the moves in the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System.
It’s a comprehensive exercise program specifically designed to increase bone density in all areas that are most prone to fracture.
The Densercise™ Epidensity Training System is the only bone-building system based on the three vital exercise components required to increase mineral bone density:
- Weight-bearing: Based on the scientifically proven Wolff’s Law, the moves in Densercise incorporate the action of muscle and gravity on bone to stimulate an increase in density.
- Resistance training refers to exercises that build and tone muscle to support the skeleton. And the stronger your muscles are, the more effective weight-bearing exercises will be, giving faster and better results.
- Postural exercises encourage proper alignment of soft tissue and bone, toning the muscles that hold your head, spine, and hips in place. Improving your posture aligns your body, helping you move more gracefully and eliminating sources of pain caused by postural imbalances.
These three key exercise elements overlap, promoting and accelerating an increase in bone density.
And this is what makes Densercise™ a thorough and uniquely comprehensive approach to building bone through motion.
If you’re currently exercising for your bones but are not including these three vital components, you won’t get the results you’re looking for.
So if you don’t have it yet and would like to learn more about the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System, please click here.
And as always, I'd love for you to share your experience with this weekend’s challenge and with Densercise™ if you're following it, by leaving a comment below.
Have a great weekend!
Dear Vivian,
This exercise is a real challenged for me, but I did it
anyway. Thank you very much for sharing.
Have a wonderful day and take care always.
Good Afternoon Vivian And Maddie,
I Agree With You Maddie, If You Read The Instructions, Along With Viewing The Image, You Will Get A Feel, For How That Exercise Is Done.
Thank You Very Much, In Advance, Vivian For All You Do. And Thank You Very Much, In Advance, Maddie For Your Very Helpful Input!
Until Next Time, Both Of You Take Good Care Of Yourselves, And Stay Well!
I love cheese, but should not eat any. I found out that the imported cheese from Switzerland is not made with pasteurized milk. Can I eat that safely. I do have osteoporosis, and got off the Fosamax pill, trying Vivianne”s way.
Will try it Vivienne. Many thanks. Regards
Let us know how it goes, Georgina! And I am so glad to hear your bone density has improved over the years. Great news!
will try this! Have to keep moving! I’m very petite and have serious osteoporosis! Didn’t realize how bad I was when I tried last weeks exercise! Thought just lying on my back would be easy! Couldn’t get down but my husband helped me and put a cushion under my head! Have done it each day and can now when I’ve done over 15 I can actually stretch my arms to the floor and do 30! Feel I have to keep doing them daily or I will cease up again! My spine is feeling stronger! Many thanks Vivian!
That’s great news about your progress, Janet!
If you have osteoporosis, logic and common sense tells me that this exercise would put perhaps excess stress on the wrists. For example, I no longer do full body push ups since being diagnosed with osteoporosis but now modify my push ups by performing them against the wall or counter. Although, I agree this is a good full body exercise, don’t know how you could modify this exercise to take the pressure off the wrists.
Unable to “get” the technique of the spine and core solidifier. Would it be possible to show a video. Do the knees ever touch the floor? This would be good for me as I have sustained a compression fracture.
Peggy, if you’ll look at the illustration, you’ll see it actually moves…you’re basically crawling on your hands and feet. I hope this helps!
I have suffered a compression fx of t8 about 6 weeks ago, 20% fx so did not need to get the balloon kyphoplasty done. My pain is minimal but not doing much for the past 6 weeks I have lost a lot of muscle tone in my body. I have a history of copd and have taken prednisone for 16 years. I do have ospeopenia. I need slow strengthening exercises. thanks
I agree with you Peggy. For me the image moves to quickly to see the different positions – just as I think I have it in my head it moves and then moves again. I don’t know if it is because I am dyslexic – but I just could not ‘get it. A video would be great 🙂
Hi Peggy and Jaki,
I find that reading the step by step instructions along with viewing the image helps me “get it”. I suggest you try that. Vivian does a great job explaining it. A video would be helpful, but she already gives us so much!