This weekend’s exercise is the Posture Adjuster. It concentrates on the area between the shoulder blades and the cervical vertebrae, aligning the upper back and neck to improve posture. As soon as you’ll try it you’ll notice that it feels great.
Correcting and avoiding poor posture is essential. Not only does it increase your risk of falling; a shocking study reveals a connection between poor posture and future disability.
Let’s get started!
As Savers know, Forward Head Posture, or FHP, is a growing problem. Because it’s a precursor to kyphosis, FHP is of particular concern. In addition, FHP throws your body out of balance, setting the stage for falls that can result in painful fractures.
In fact, poor posture in general compromises your balance by skewing your center of gravity and making it harder for you to stay upright. In addition, it can greatly affect your future quality of life, as you’ll see later.
For those with significant FHP or kyphosis, it’s also harder to see where you are going and what’s at your feet, because your range of vision is restricted due to the downward, thrust-forward position of your head. This sets the stage for tripping and stumbling.
The Posture Adjuster places the head in the correct position and flattens the upper back. Even if you have FHP or kyphosis, this exercise can help reverse the “hump” and restore cervical alignment.
What Causes FHP?
A number of factors go into the development of chronic FHP. Repetitive movements such as texting, carrying a heavy backpack every day, computer use (gaming, typing, etc.), and even poor sleeping positions can contribute to the condition.
If your occupation leads you to lean forward and down frequently (think hairdresser, painter, computer programmers, etc.), then you’re at greater risk of developing FHP.
Weak neck muscles can also contribute to FHP, and The Posture Adjuster, especially when combined with other exercises that strengthen the neck muscles, can help tone and strengthen these important muscles so they can hold your head up without strain.
Symptoms Of FHP Go Beyond Head And Neck Pain And Poor Posture
Did you know that FHP carries with it a host of unpleasant symptoms? Fatigue, insomnia, sleep apnea, height loss, decreased appetite, and even neurological symptoms (such as numbness and tingling in the hands and arms and facial pain) can all be signs of FHP.
Also, muscle imbalance is a significant problem associated with this condition. To compensate for the awkward head position, other muscles must step in, causing tightness and pain. The muscles of the shoulders, neck, and chest try to keep your head up and your body from toppling over. Some of the compensatory muscles include:
- Pectorals (both major and minor)
- Latissimus dorsi (the “lats”)
- Sternocleidomastoid (runs along the side of your neck from the base of your skull just behind the ear to the clavicle)
- Levator scapulae (originates in the lower 4 cervical vertebrae and attaches to the medial border of the scapula)
- Upper trapezius (the upper part of the larger trapezius muscle that lies across your shoulders and upper back)
- Arm flexor muscles
While the above muscles and muscle groups become fatigued and strained, other muscles grow weak. They include:
- Lower trapezius
- Rhomboids (connect the top inside edge of the scapulae to the last vertebrae of the neck)
- Cervical flexors (muscles in the front of the neck)
- Posterior rotator cuff
- Arm extensor muscles
As you can see, FHP has much larger implications than simply an unsightly posture issue.
To do this exercise, you’ll need to stand up against a wall. In fact, this is a good test to check your posture. You’ll see what I mean in a moment.
Source: rekrain on YouTube
- Stand with your back against the wall. With your chin tucked in, touch your upper back and the back of your head to the wall. If you can’t do this without lifting your chin, put a pillow between your head and the wall.
- Your buttocks and heels should also be against the wall.
- Hold your arms out at a downward 45-degree angle, palms down.
- Raise your arms up above your shoulders – again, about 45 degrees or slightly higher.
- Lower your arms back down to the starting position and repeat.
- Continue raising and lowering your arms evenly 10 times, or as many times as you feel comfortable.
- Rest, and repeat at least three times.
Follow Up With Another Weekend Challenge
The Posture Adjuster goes well with The Dowager’s Hump Corrector And Preventer. The latter is also performed while standing up against a wall, so one exercise naturally leads to the other.
Scientifically Proven: Poor Posture Is Indicative Of Future Disability
A Japanese study involving 804 participants reveals a startling truth: people with the worst posture were the most likely to end up needing assistance or living in a nursing home.1
Researchers evaluated the spinal curvature of the study subjects to determine if posture was linked to an increased risk of becoming dependent as they aged. All participants were 65 years or older, and at the beginning of the study, all were able to perform daily tasks unassisted. After four-and-a-half years, those with the most pronounced forward lean were 3.5 times more likely to need assistance with daily tasks.1
Now Is The Time To Correct Your Posture!
It’s never too late to improve your health and posture. Regular posture-enhancing exercises go hand-in-hand with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, which is why you’ll find many upper-body exercises in the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System (of course, lower-body exercises are also included in this comprehensive program).
I hope you enjoy this weekend’s challenge as much as I did! And please share your comments with the community below.
Have a great weekend!
Take Exercising For Your Bones to the Next Level!
Learn the 52 exercise moves that jumpstart bone-building – all backed by the latest in epigenetics research.
1 Kamitani, Kojiro, et al. “Spinal Posture in the Sagittal Plan Is Associated With Future Dependence in Activities of Daily Living: A Community-Based Cohort Study of Older Adults in Japan.” The Journals of Gerontology. January 2013. doi: 10.1093/gerona/gls253. Web. https://biomedgerontology.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/01/24/gerona.gls253.abstract
‘A Japanese study involving 804 participants reveals a startling truth: people with the worst posture were the most likely to end up needing assistance or living in a nursing home.’
As you have no doubt heard many times, correlation does not equal causation. At least some of the folks with poor posture may have had conditions that predisposed them both to poor posture and to a need for assistance. A few I can think of off the top of my head: arthritis, COPD, cardiac pain, previous spinal injuries, early stages of diseases such as Parkinson’s.
Is there anything one can take and do to try and regenerate the hip bones?
Develop the muscles in your legs and the hip area as much as you possibly can through regular exercise. Also, keep the weight off at all cost and stick with a proper diet.
Take care,
Hi do you do the e manual in a paper format?
I’ve had your Densercize manual for years. Is it possible to get the video?
Hi Nancy,
Please check your inbox for a message from Customer Support. 🙂
Hi I have ur exercise e book and video which I do everday is it okay to do some of the ones that are on the on the floor on a a bed or on a pillow as lying on the floor hurts me and also one where head back of arms and shoulders and head are on the well is very difficult this the ladder one for dowagers hump I can put the all on wall but do it the nearest I can is this okay love the exercises and will keep doing them and weekend challenges to best of my abilities thank you
Hi ebirrell,
If an exercise or move causes you pain, then stop! Choose a different exercise that does not hurt, or make adjustments as you described. Pain should not be a part of any workout routine!
Hi Vivian thank you for your reply will carry on with the routine and I will do some of them on the bed when it is easier for me
Thanks for answering that one Vivian. I was doing very well with as many exercises I can manage until my last visit to a hospital. They decided I needed Tomography scan and the young women in charge of it were not the least bit careful of my fragile spine. I told them but of course they want to push as many through in the middle of the night and charge insurance for it. I haven’t been right since. Working on it though and expect that in time I’ll recover. My ribs are resting in my pelvic bone now but I do have faith that time and work can heal…
Hi Vivian,
Your exercises are. The best and so easy to do. Thank you so much.
You are welcome, Josusa!