A Bone Healthy Dynamic Duo

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Nutrition

3 min Read

I am really thrilled and happy to see that the Daily Double Challenge has generated so much buzz and enthusiasm. Thumbs up to all of you, and let this be yet one more reminder to stay motivated and upbeat as together we pursue our natural bone-building quest.

Today, on the heels of the Daily Double Challenge, I am presenting you with another “double”: the Double Delight. I’ll explain.

This simple yet powerful combination could very well be considered a Superhero of your alkalizing efforts. It also contains several bone-smart nutrients to help you build your bones. What’s more, it’s so delicious, that once you’ll taste it, you’ll understand why I named it Double Delight.

Here are the ingredients: alkalizing cucumbers and apples, eaten together. It sounds simple, but the sweetness of the apple really complements the refreshing crunchiness of the cucumber. And both are Foundation Foods in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.

This somewhat odd combination offers a lot more than just taste, because there are…

Lots of Bone-Healthy Nutrients Between the Two!

Knowing this, it’s not surprising that I’ve written blog posts about the bone health benefits of both apples and cucumbers. In ‘Powerful Bone-Building Antioxidants Found in Apples', I give detailed information on the bone-smart nutrients found in this deliciously crispy fruit.

In a nutshell, apples are rich in vitamin C – a Foundation Supplement – and in a variety of bone-building polyphenols, flavonoids, and valuable minerals such as boron. One flavonoid which is mainly present in apple peel, phloridzin, has been shown to increase bone density in postmenopausal women.1

And what about the incredible, crunchable cucumber (also the title of a previous blog post)? This refreshing veggie, and especially the peel, is loaded with collagen-building silica or silicon to strengthen bones, plus it facilitates calcium assimilation. Cucumbers also contain magnesium, a Foundation Supplement, which works in synergy with calcium to keep bones healthy and strong. And now, for…

The Double Delight Moment of Zen

All you have to do is to cut thin cucumber and apple slices. If you can’t get organic, then make sure you wash them very well, because you want to eat the peel; remember, that’s where many of the bone healthy nutrients are. Then just sit back, relax, take a bite of each at the same time, and enjoy.

“Double” hugs,


1 Puel , Quintin et al.. “Prevention of bone loss by phloridzin, an apple polyphenol, in ovariectomized rats under inflammation conditions.” Calcified Tissue International. Vol. 77, No. 5. 2005