I am really thrilled and happy to see that the Daily Double Challenge has generated so much buzz and enthusiasm. Thumbs up to all of you, and let this be yet one more reminder to stay motivated and upbeat as together we pursue our natural bone-building quest.
Today, on the heels of the Daily Double Challenge, I am presenting you with another “double”: the Double Delight. I’ll explain.
This simple yet powerful combination could very well be considered a Superhero of your alkalizing efforts. It also contains several bone-smart nutrients to help you build your bones. What’s more, it’s so delicious, that once you’ll taste it, you’ll understand why I named it Double Delight.
Here are the ingredients: alkalizing cucumbers and apples, eaten together. It sounds simple, but the sweetness of the apple really complements the refreshing crunchiness of the cucumber. And both are Foundation Foods in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
This somewhat odd combination offers a lot more than just taste, because there are…
Lots of Bone-Healthy Nutrients Between the Two!
Knowing this, it’s not surprising that I’ve written blog posts about the bone health benefits of both apples and cucumbers. In ‘Powerful Bone-Building Antioxidants Found in Apples', I give detailed information on the bone-smart nutrients found in this deliciously crispy fruit.
In a nutshell, apples are rich in vitamin C – a Foundation Supplement – and in a variety of bone-building polyphenols, flavonoids, and valuable minerals such as boron. One flavonoid which is mainly present in apple peel, phloridzin, has been shown to increase bone density in postmenopausal women.1
And what about the incredible, crunchable cucumber (also the title of a previous blog post)? This refreshing veggie, and especially the peel, is loaded with collagen-building silica or silicon to strengthen bones, plus it facilitates calcium assimilation. Cucumbers also contain magnesium, a Foundation Supplement, which works in synergy with calcium to keep bones healthy and strong. And now, for…
The Double Delight Moment of Zen
All you have to do is to cut thin cucumber and apple slices. If you can’t get organic, then make sure you wash them very well, because you want to eat the peel; remember, that’s where many of the bone healthy nutrients are. Then just sit back, relax, take a bite of each at the same time, and enjoy.
“Double” hugs,
1 Puel , Quintin et al.. “Prevention of bone loss by phloridzin, an apple polyphenol, in ovariectomized rats under inflammation conditions.” Calcified Tissue International. Vol. 77, No. 5. 2005
Thank you Vivian for all the advice you give us. I enjoyed the weekender
and boy did I love the dancing parrot…..I WANT ONE !!!!!!!!!!!
My husband does not believe that sleeping with a slightly open window is healthy for your bones.
Will you please explain why this is so?
Thank you
Vivian, I have a life threatening allergy to apples. Is there another fruit that could be substituted? Would pears work, nutritionally?
I have allergies to fresh fruits and nuts eaten raw, but, I can eat them cooked so do you have any suggestions on other options I can follow. (I can eat pineapple, bananas, and citrus)
I try to eat lots of alkalizing fruits and vegetables, I start my day with a huge glass of vegetable juice, but if I don’t eat a good portion of protein and carbohydrates(whole grain, not gluten or soy products)I’m just starving. I don’t eat any other sugars or sweeteners and very few fruits, but still because of this I don’t get up to 70% alkalizing foods. Any suggestions? Thanks so much
I am 46 and diagnosed with osteoporosis in lower spine and osteopenia everywhere else. Dr wanted to prescribe fosamax type drug but side effects too risky to me. So, I visited an endocrinologist to do further bloodwork and see if there were other underlying factors to bone loss. 24 hr urine showed i am “leaking calcium” Calcium was about double what normal numbers expected to be. So, Dr said lets try to “stop leaking” by prescribing hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg a day. As I read side effects again I am uncomfortable. Is this one of the conditions that you talk about that needs to be treated or do you think just the diet change could fix this issue?
Does it matter whether the cucumber is the normal type, or the English (long, mostly seedless) tyoe?
Either type is fine, Charleen. They’re both alkalizing and delicious! 🙂
I have been on the vitamin K2 for 4 months. I am having some dental issue’s and will need to have a wisdom tooth extracted. Will this have any effect on getting this done??? Like extreme bleeding?? Not clotting??
Look forward to your reply. Thanks
Jo Ann
I’m sure your dentist knows.
I’ve been off reading some of your previous blogs and am glad to see that some of the things I am doing ie: 2 apples a day and a green smoothie with a lot of greens, cucumber,etc Now am searching for answers to some of the other needed bone strengtheners. I relate to how you felt when you heard abt. the problem. I am so frustrated. Can’t wait for the book. There is a lot to learn reading the blogs. Hope I can help myself.
Cannot wait to try the cumcumber & apple combo.
Thank you for all the good information you give! I took bone medications for 3 months! Now i am off of them got so afraid of them!
I tried the apple and cucumber slices. They taste really good together. As for the chewing slowly i haven’t mastered that yet. The deep breathing i’ve been doing more often especially when i sit at the computer i think of your advice.
I have been following the advice in your programme for about 9 – 12 months, having been on drugs for about three years previously for osteoporosis. I recently had a scan result, and my doctor was delighted to tell me yesterday that I am now osteopenic and my bones are improving. She told me to carry on in the same way, and did not try to persuade me to take drugs. I’m now 78 and am thrilled to find that your programme works for someone of my age.
Thank you!
Thanks, June! Gives me hope at 74.
Thanks for the encouraging post. I just turned 74 and had the same concern.
I love cucumbers and apples and eat them every day, but never together. What a nice surprise.
Also what do you know about using organic agave nectar? Is it alkalizing? can it be used as a substitue for honey?
I see questions in this blog that I have had before myself but I don’t know how to get the answers. Where do I go in the save our bones site to get the answers?
Hi Lannette,
You can send questions to our customer support department. Just click the yellow Customer Support link at the top of any of our web pages. 🙂
Judy, I prefer honey or stevia as sweeteners. Some brands of agave contain high levels of fructose, but the typical organic agave nectar has approximately 50% fructose, which is fine, so if you choose to use agave, try to find an organic product. I don’t have the exact pH for agave — some claim agave is a low acid food, others claim it’s neutral to slightly alkaline-forming.
I always enjoy to read your e-mail.
1. I am doing more chewing foods and deep breath.
2. Double delight, apple and cucumber eat
together. Thank you for your good idears to
help us.
your newsletter is awesome and full of love and happiness . you teach me to be a giving and caring person right down to my bones! thank you
What a delicious idea! Tried the apple/cucumber combo for a late lunch and found it both energizing and refreshing. This may well become my favorite go-to afternoon snack.
Vivian….Thank you for today’s suggestions, but I have been unable to eat cucumbers….I cannot digest them…I will Burp and Burp for hours, etc…I have to always take them out of my salad…Why do you think this happens to me?
Hi Edna,
Have you tried taking the skin off as it is very indigestible.
Dear Vivian,
I agree apples and cucumbers sound great. I also am trying to follow GreatTasteNopain diet which has to do with Ph balance. She however says never combine fruit with anything else but always eat it separately. I also noticed you said that green tea is acidic whereas she said it is alkaline. Can you address these two issues?
I think the issue with the green tea is the fluoride in it, a big no no for bone building, hence, the distilled water or RO water to get away from that issue, also. As far as the fruit, this is my two cents. There must be something about eating fruits alone that battles digestive ailments. You might can follow both plans at once, but I think all the suggestions Vivian gives has an emphasis on bone building alone, and the digestive benefits are just an added bonus.
No wonder the saying, “An apple a day will keep the Dr. away.” Of course coupled with cucumber it sounds like an enticing bone healthy treat. I am going to try it but I might have to crush them in a blender as I have a hard time chewing peels. I wouldn’t think this would minimize the effects.
Also I received an email a few weeks ago (from a different site) that prunes are very good for the bones. But I am wondering if eating prunes daily will destroy the enamel of teeth as prunes are rather sweet.
I love apples and cucumbers. Especially home grown cucumbers. Now that my cucumbers in the garden are past, I will have to get store bought ones.
Ah, how I wish that following Vivian’s program resulted in weight loss for me, but such is not the case. In fact, I’ve gained weight. I have a bone density test scheduled next week, so I’m hoping for some evidence of success with my bones, at least. Stay tuned, I’ll let you know. Now I’m gonna go slice an apple; can’t slice a cucumber, though, I don’t have one. The trouble with cucumbers is they are not good keepers – if you don’t eat the whole thing in one sitting, what remains is likely to be spoiled by the next time you want it. Anyone know a way around this problem?
If the cucumber is wrapped in plastic (many come that way), remove the plastic. I’ve found that cucumbers taste better and actually keep better if stored at room temperature. I just cut off a thin slice from the exposed end.
Vivian: I am really serious about following your advice in the Save Our Bones Book. Love it. I have also been reading recently about research being done by B.H. Arjmandi PhD., RD, Professor of Nutritional Sciences and Gerontology at Oklahoma State U., now at Florida U. for eating prunes to prevent osteoporosis. A serving of 12 prunes per day is recommended. The study revealed that Prunes’ high concentration of phenolic compounds act as antioxidants to curb bone loss. They also are an important source of boron. Since prunes at acidic, would they be compatible with the Save Our Bones program?
Beverly, first it’s important to keep in mind that no foods are off limits on the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, and many acidifying foods are filled with bone healthy nutrients. It’s just a matter of balancing the proportions of acidifying and alkalizing foods.
About prunes, studies have shown that prunes are beneficial. The question is why and whether there is something in prunes that can’t be found in other fruits. And the answer is: NO. Many other fruits contain the same beneficial polyphenols found in prunes.
Thanks for the idea of putting the apple/cucumber together for a snack. I like both of them, can’t wait to try them together.
An apple a day!! Nice to know that cucumbers fit into this equation!
Cucumbers and apples – what a delightful snack.
I’ve been chewing much slower and deep breathing as well (although I do yoga, so I deep breath frequently).
Help, I’m being bombarded on all sides to get a flu shot. I’ve had one every year, but being an avid follower of your plan, remind me again why I should not get the shot. Thanks so much.
Here’s a link to my blog post about the flu shot, Jackie:
What do you think of the shingles shot/vaccine. My doctor has recommended it. A friend of mine had shingles and it was awful.
Hi! Vivian,
I Love Apples And Cucumbers Also. And It’s Extra Icing Knowing They Are Good For Our Bones!
Thank You VERY MUCH For Your Advice, And Your Articles!
I love apples and cucumbers. Its great to know how beneficial they actually are for our bone health, when eaten together. As always I look forward to receiving your emails. Thank-you
I have been following your programs for two years….I enjoy reading al of the helpful hints you send. I love apples and cucumbers! I am eating more fruits and veggies than I evere did befre your programs…..Thank you!
I love your helpful hints. Glad I like apples & cucumbers – will definitely be eating more of them now.
this is a question for Vivian – hope she can reply !
being treated for cervical (C6, C7) disk problem with steroids. Worried about calcium loss as have osteoporosis. Been on your program for 8 months, planning on another bone scan in 4 mos to see how bones are doing. Do you think 3 separate rounds of steroids (spaced 6mos. then after that, 1 month ea.) are going to undo or even negate my bone density ? Thank you so much, if this round doesn’t work they are suggesting cortisone injections….
What do you think about adding baking soda to water to help rid the body of acid and create more alkalinity?
As I recently commented, Paige, “I don’t advise using baking soda on its own. For it to be effective, it must be combined with other important alkalizing elements that promote digestion. Baking soda alone will simply neutralize stomach acid and impair digestion. Plus you have to be very careful with the dosage due to its high sodium content.”
Thanks again Vivian, Tomorrow morning when I eat my daily apple I shall have it with crunchy Lebanese cucumber. I will be 80years old at the end of November – my health is good – my balance is good (thanks to Mike Ross reminding us how important it is) – every now and then I get fearful about my bones – I saw a bone specialist recently to ask him about the “medication” causing bone to grow brittle and he said he had not heard about that – I was surprised (and disappointed)- that he then advised me to go on line and read about Fosamax and consider taking it (before he has to mend my broken bones. I am making a renewed effort with exercise etc – and I also reminded myself that God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a SOUND MIND.(Timothy) – Many Blessings – Kelsey.
I have always enjoyed both apples and cucumbers and am going to try them together. Sounds like a great combination. Thank you, as always for your great imformation!
Regarding apples and cucumbers. If only I could. So many good things are a no no for me because I have IBS. Apples and cucumbers both do me in pain wise unless the apples are cooked.
Dear Jane, Your IBS will disappear if you try Food Combining. Don’t mix protein with starch but combine either with almost all veggies. Eat fruit separately first thing in day. Many books on Food Combining and it really works – just as Vivien’s programme works on bone loss. My husband has just ‘cured’ himself of ulceritive colitis by food combining. Clears all digestive problems and all chronic diseases will be helped.
What a wonderful way to increase one’s bone density. When I finish this note, I am on my way to the refrigerator to have some cucumber slices and apple slices. I just had breakfast and this will be a great addition to the cereal I just had. You are a gem to give us such good advice.
I will certainly try this double delight. However, I do have one question for you.
A while back you mentioned that we should NOT take Actonel drug for osteo. I have been taking this on a monthly basis now for just over a year. Now a friend has told me the same thing. What can I take instead if I give this up. I must say I have not had any ill side effects from it, nor from the one I used to take weekly. ??
Is there anything in your archives ab out the dangers of taking this particular drug. Your comments are appreciated. Thanks. Beryl
Beryl, it’s great that you haven’t yet experienced side effects, but the downside of these drugs goes beyond side effects — they make bones more brittle and actually increase the risk of fractures. In the free Natural Bone Building Handbook, I write extensively about Actonel and other bisphosphonates. If you don’t already have it, just fill in the form on the right side of the page.
The best way to regain your bone health is to avoid the drugs and allow your body to do the job naturally by following the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
So simple and easy to do…using what God gave us the way he made it…Thanks, Vivian…so glad I found you…I recommend you to all my friends…
Thank you so much for sharing your wealth of healthy and restorative information.
My apple and cucumber are waiting!
what a coincidence.. I just made a salad the other night with butter crunch lettuce, thinly sliced honeycrisp apples and cucumbers and sliced dates. Then I tossed it with a blood orange infused olive oil and a little bit of lemon juice. Arrange on plates and top with slivered almonds and a little bit of gorgonzola cheese… It was AWESOME!!!! I knew this combo was primarily alkalizing, but it’s nice to know about the special bone boosting effect of apple and cucs together.
Great minds think alike, Angela. 🙂
Your salad sounds scrumptious!
Sounds like a great combination. I will definately give it a try…..Thanks again
for all the inspiring emails. I look forward to each and everyone of them.
AllI have to say is CUCMBERS & APPLES – What a yummy treat and imagine it does wonders for our bones. This is the best treatment yet.Thanks Vivian. Have a great day!
Hi Vivan, all your information is helping me.Thanks for all your help,but if you could write something on how to lose weight without losing bone. I would appreciate it if you could. Thankyou for all your support.
If you follow Vivian’s program without overdoing it on the olive oil, carbs or nuts, you will lose weight. That is one of the fringe benefits. It took me 55 years to discover I had osteopenia and also find the most natural weight loss plan you could ever imagine, and also save my bones,hopefully, at the same time.
I agree. You WILL lose weight on this program. I lost 10 pounds without trying and it has easily stayed off the year I’ve been on the program (and I’ve cheated). I feel great and have gone down a clothing size. This program has changed the way I eat forever!
Vivian, thanks so much for all of your helpful information. Recently, I obtained information from John Hopkins stating that filterd or purified water is better than distilled water, which they say is acidic, as a cancer preventing agent. They also reinforce foods to eat/avoid to have an alkaline/acid balance. Please comment. Thanks
Vivien your programme just gets better and better. Many thanks for all of this wonderful information.
I love both of these and will try this one immediately!! I have not experienced the fact that eating an apple makes me hungry. As long as I get a tasty apple, it is usually satisfying.
I’m going to try it, but why does eating an apple when I’m hungry make me even hungrier? I’m not the only person to experience this, but I wonder if you know the reason?
I have also found that eating an apple when I am hungry makes me hungrier and I came to the conclusion that it is not enough to satisfy my hunger and although a healthy snack I need something of more substance. Hope that helps.