How To Kick-Start The Bone Building Cycle

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Exercise

4 min Read

There’s an amazing and scientifically proven cycle that you can easily kick-start to build your bones and to noticeably improve your mood. I call this cycle the ‘Good Bones, Good Mood Loop'.

Today we’ll take an in-depth look at how this cycle works, and how you can use it to build your bones, feel happier and look better.

The ‘Good Bones, Good Mood Loop'

You’re certainly aware that exercise helps strengthen your muscles, and that weight-bearing exercise is vital for building bones. But you may not know that when you exercise regularly, something else – something remarkable – also takes place.

I call it the ‘The Good Bones, Good Mood Loop' because it has three main components that work together. Here’s how it works:

  1. You kick-start the cycle by regularly practicing weight-bearing exercises such as walking, jogging, or your favorite sport.
  2. In response, your body releases “feel good” hormones, particularly endorphins, which elevate mood and ease pain.
  3. Exercise also decreases the amount of cortisol (the stress hormone) that your body produces, so it protects your bone density. Your mood is greatly improved by your body’s natural chemicals, and you feel more positive and energetic.

All these benefits make you more likely to exercise again, and the more regularly you exercise, the more the cycle perpetuates itself. That’s the loop!

Isn’t it amazing that something so simple can have such a profound effect on your well-being? And let’s not forget that engaging in regular exercise builds and strengthens your bones, thus protecting you from fractures.

More Good News: This Cycle is Scientifically Proven

According to a meta-analysis published in The Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, “In studies comparing an exercise group with some form of a control group, exercise is related to enhanced mood.” 1

We often receive e-mails at Save Our Bones from community members who fear they may be “too old” to benefit from the Program and its corresponding exercise program, the Densercise System. This comprehensive meta-analysis offers assurance that advanced age is all the more reason to exercise:

Of all age groups, the elderly have the most to gain by being active because of the effects of exercise on improved body composition, fitness, longevity, ability to perform personal care activities, and the management of arthritis or other debilitating conditions. 1 [emphasis mine]

So the fact that the emotional, psychological, and physical benefits of exercise increase as we age is good news indeed. And winter is a great time to kick-start your ‘Good Bones, Good Mood Loop' since you might experience seasonal “blues.”

The Many Benefits of Exercise

In addition to building bone and lifting mood, regular exercise offers many other excellent benefits:

  • Strengthens your cardiovascular system
  • Increases energy
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces body fat
  • Increases muscle tone and flexibility
  • Boosts your self-image and confidence
  • Improves sleep
  • Reduces stress

Here’s How You Can Kick-Start Your ‘Good Bones, Good Mood Loop' Right Now

All of the benefits of exercise can be yours with Densercise . This unique eBook system is specifically designed to increase bone density in just 15 minutes a day, 3 days a week. The moves target fracture-prone areas of the skeleton such as wrists, hips, and ankles. And one of the best things about Densercise is that you can do the exercises anywhere, without special equipment.

Your Densercise System is delivered to your inbox as a downloadable file within minutes of placing your order, so you can get started right away. In addition, you’ll have access to online videos if you need clarification of how to do the moves.

With Densercise , you can kick-start your ‘Good Bones, Good Mood Loop' right away and beat the winter blues (if you’re in the Northern hemisphere). If you live in the Southern half of the globe, the benefits of exercise still apply – and you have the advantage of being able to “densercise” outdoors if you like!

Click here to learn more about the Densercise System and the groundbreaking EpiDensity Training Method.

And remember, you can try it risk-free for 60 days.

Till next time,


1 Arent, S., Landers, M., et al (2000), “The Effects of Exercise on Mood in Older Adults: A Meta-Analytic Review.” The Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol.8, , , , pp.407-430. ISSN:1063-8652. Pdf.