It reminds us of a burst of energy, bright sunshine, and autumn. It is also the color of quite a number of delicious veggies, some of which are Foundation Foods. So what is this all about? It’s about the color orange.
Believe or not, the colors of foods play an important role in bone health, and today, you’ll discover two orange veggies that nourish your bones and more.
Let’s get started!
Sweet Potatoes
This ancient and alkalizing tuberous root has its origins in Central and South America. Even though it is different from the yam, which is indigenous to Africa and Asia, sweet potatoes are often confused with yams. That’s because the U.S. Department of Agriculture requires the labeling of orange sweet potatoes as “yams”, to differentiate them from the lighter-fleshed variety.
A Great Source of Bone-Healthy Manganese and More
Sweet potatoes owe their bright orange color to their outstanding content of the antioxidant beta-carotene, which the body converts into Vitamin A. As I write in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, antioxidants are important to bone health.
But there’s more to sweet potatoes than antioxidants. They are an excellent source of manganese. This trace mineral is a Foundation Supplement because it is necessary for the synthesis of connective tissue in both cartilage and bone.
Also, the Foundation Supplements Vitamin C, copper, magnesium, and Vitamin B6 are present in sweet potatoes.
The Best Cooking Method
In spite of its sweet taste, one medium-sized sweet potato contains a little over 9 grams of sugar, and less fructose than most fruits. If you’re watching your glycemic load, then opt for boiling instead of baking. Baking alters the structure of the starch in sweet potatoes, causing a much greater blood glucose spike when compared to boiling. So it’s best to boil them for approximately 30 minutes, or until soft.
These crunchy and flavorful root vegetables are members of the parsley family and native to Iran and Afghanistan. As with sweet potatoes, carrots boast their deep orange color thanks to the antioxidant beta-carotene. Even though carrots are best known for supporting eye health, they also contain valuable nutrients that nourish your bones.
Rich in Boron and Silicon
Carrots are alkalizing and an excellent source of boron, a Foundation Supplement that is involved in bone metabolism and Vitamin D activity. Silicon, which is a trace mineral that’s instrumental for collagen formation and facilitates the assimilation of calcium, is also amply present in carrots. Plus they also contain good levels of Vitamin K.
A Link Between Osteoporosis and Heart Disease
First, I’ll explain why I’m talking about heart disease here. You see, studies have shown that there may be a link between osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD). As one study explains:
“Atherosclerotic calcification and bone mineralization share a number of intriguing common features… The mineral observed in calcium deposits of atherosclerotic plaques has a very similar chemical composition to hydroxyapatite crystals which form the inorganic bone matrix… Other cells involved in bone metabolism including osteoclast-like cells, chondrocyte-like cells, and hematopoietic bone marrow cells were also seen in plaques.”1
The study goes on to mention several hypothesis as to why this link is observed, including Vitamins K and D deficiency.
So where do carrots fit in?
Carrots Reduce the Risk Of Coronary Heart Disease
A recent study conducted in the Netherlands has unveiled the astonishing power of carrots to reduce the risk of heart disease. In fact, of all the orange colored foods tested in the study, carrots were shown to be the most effective coronary heart disease (CHD) risk reducers.
Just one quarter of a cup of carrots a day did the trick! Steamed carrots have the most bioavailable nutrients, but make sure you don’t overcook them. Of course, you can enjoy them raw as well. If you don’t get the organic kind, peel them and wash them well.
Till next time,
1 Farhat GN et al. “The link between osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.” Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism. 2008. Jan-Apr; 591): 19-34.
2 Oude Griep LM, Monique Verschuren WM, et al. Colours of fruit and vegetables and 10-year incidence of CHD. Br J Nutr. 2011 Jun 8:1-8. 2011.
Comments on this article are closed.
Is cold, fresh pressed carrot juice as healthy as raw or steamed carrots?
Love this article. It’s so good that whole, quality foods are being recommended for bone health. I had chronic RA and I incorporate sweet potatoes regularly in my diet to keep the pain away.
Thank you.Very interesting an article. Olga
Thanks Vivian for recomend Kerros, o zanahora y suit Petato. Yo como con frecuaencia Kerrots, SuitPetato Som time. Iwill do nnnnnnow more often. Thanks. If I did not answer often, because I often don t feeling well . Sorry, Y lovw you. Thanks.
Hello Vivian, I enjoy so much your book Save your bones” I have a question what’s the best calcium to take for somebody that has osteoporosis and in what form will absorb the most I hear that liquid form is the most absorbableand what quantity should I take. Can you advice please
Marcella -
I have recently read “The Whole Soy Story” and “The China Study” Both were very informative. I also read “Eat Naked” and “skinny Bastard” These were excellent resource books and were an eyeopener to me. What is you stand on soaking all seeds and nuts to eliminate the phytic acdid in these foods ( I understand that phytic acid is a “anti nutrient” that actually prevents the uptake of vital nutrients.Also soy appears to be something we should not consume at all. Casein protein appeas to be harmful even more so than other proteins from animal sources. Should I stay away from yogurt altogether? it appears that the consumption of casein protein in ALL dairy products are deleterious to our health . Does yogurt become safe to consume because of the fermentation process? thanks for the great work you are doing!!!!
Thanks for this article. I found it interesting since I cope with the CAD and Osteoporosis. I didn’t realize that there was a connection. I have always liked sweet potatoes and carrots, but haven’t been as consistent in eating them as I should. I will redouble my efforts. I always look forward to your research.
I don’t eat both sweet photatoes and carrots, because I had high blood
sugar, after I made my effort, my high blood sugar is normal now. Can
I eat pumkin (orange color) instead of them? thank you very much.-
These are amazing reiecps and you have inspired me to try them out this weekend. I bought salmon at the same sale and put it in the freezer, now I know what to do with it. Thanks!
Hi! Vivian,
This Article Was Very Interesting! And I Love Both Sweet Potatoes And Carrots!
And You Say Boiling Sweet Potatoes Is The Best Way To Cook Them; And Steaming Carrots Is The Best Way To Cook Carrots? That’s Good To Know.
Thank You VERY MUCH For The Tips!
I have been following the acid/alkaline balance of 80%/20%, but I have come across some conflicting information on what is acid and what is alkaline. In your book, carrots and tomatoes are alkaline, but recently I came across a list by Dr. Russell Jaffe. It has both carrots and tomatoes listed as acidic. How can a lay person know what to do?
good information. I would also want to know if the raw carrot is better than the steamed one; I would guess yes because I feel that the heat can easily alter the nutritional value of any food.
Hmmmm!! Orange is my favorite color. I knew there was a reason.
Thank you Vivian for this very interesting and important information, enough to encourage me to add more carrots to my diet be it raw or juiced as well as boiled and roasted. Just think – it’s helping your bones and your heart! And of course, not forgetting the sweet potatoes. I didn’t know ordinary potatoes had a high GI!
What do think about raw monk fruit sweetner and the new sweetner from Splenda, Nectresse? Are they acid or alkalizing?
Joyce -
Thank you , Ita.
Thands for the information on sweet potatoes and carrots. Are the benefits the same if I put the carrots in a juicer? Thanks for all your great health information.
Diane -
Thank you, Vivian, for sharing this good information about carrots. Really helpful.
Years ago when my kids were still at home, I made carrot juice regularly. When neighbor kids were drinking cokes, my kids were drinking carrot juice. My neighbor nicknamed me “Carrots” because we drank so much carrot juice! I guess I was doing something right way back when.
If carrots are so good for us why do they cause excessive flatulence?
They’re a rich source of fiber,… so chew them really well.
great article.very useful information no uually found elsewhere is easily understood laguage.
I’m glad you like this blog post, Angus!
The opening paragraph about Yams and Sweet Potatoes is confusing unless both sweet potatoes and yams have the same nutrient value and I do not know what you mean by “lighter-fleshed variety”.
“sweet potatoes are often confused with yams. That’s because the U.S. Department of Agriculture requires that the labeling of orange sweet potatoes as “yams”, to differentiate them from the lighter-fleshed variety”
I thought sweet potatoes were healthier, but if they and yams are both labeled “yams”, how do I tell the difference at the grocery store?
Patrick, while the most common sweet potato sold in stores is a deep orange, there is a “classic” sweet potato variety that’s a light tan color. So the U.S.D.A. decided to label the dark orange variety as “yams” (even though they’re sweet potatoes!). Basically it’s confusing because of the labeling requirement in the U.S.. Otherwise, think of sweet potatoes and yams as two different foods. And the “real” yams are not easily available in the U.S., so you can assume that even if labeled “yams” you’re getting sweet potatoes of the orange variety 🙂
Interesting, Vivian! Now…regarding yams…they don’t have the same nutrients as sweet potatoes then?
Botanically speaking, yams and sweet potatoes are two different species, even though they could be visually confused. To answer your question, sweet potatoes are a richer source of nutrients than yams.
Hi Vivian, I was wondering if you have heard of OSTEO SINE by NuLivLifestyle? It contains natural plant compounds which support the balance between the addition and removal of new and old bones. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this natural supplement.
It’s always good to read such useful and interestingly presented information. I just need to make one comment regarding the connection between boron and carrots. Carrots are well known for their ability to take up nutrients from the soil, however in areas of high rainfall, it is my understanding that boron is easily washed away (leached) from the soil therefore its important to know where the carrots were grown to be sure of their content. I am writing this from an area where there is high rainfall and as an organic farmer we are aware of the need to enhance boron levels in the soil for this reason.
Thank you Vivian, for bringing to our attention this humble wonderfood. -
This is a very important report,Thanks a lot Vivian!
Since I was a child I have been fond of sweet potatoes,but unfortunatly I usually choose the white variety because the orange ones have plenty of threads that I can’t swallow up. Is there no nutrients in the white?
Moreover,I’m used to drink carrot juice as well as shreded in the salad.I also add carrots to the sweet peas sauted and beside steaks.
Isabelle, the lighter colored sweet potatoes are also a good source of the Foundation Supplements mentioned in this post 🙂
Thank you so much for wonderfuland Inspiring teachings on save our bone programme. In fact this had made me to gain a lot of experience on managing and treatment of Osteoporosis for some times now. Remain blessed on this wonderful programme. My warmest regard Okpara
Thanks for your kind words, Okpara!
Another positive thing about SWEET POTATOES is that they have LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX (unlike potatoes which have high GI), perhaps because of the high Manganese content as this essential mineral, along with vitamin B3, is part of the sugar regulation in the body, being part of the insulin production.
Thanks Vivian… -
Yes,,,,,,,,,will do whatever works naturally! I do and can see how carrots and sweetpotatoes would be great sources to eat each day or weekly to help our bodies and bones ! …Ishould eat more myself. thanks for such healthful infor and advice! thanks to awaken our minds to all this ,most of all!
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