There have been some interesting developments regarding osteoporosis and osteopenia recently. From scientists once again trying to discredit the value of Vitamin D as it pertains to bone health (what a surprise!) to an unconscionable osteopenia study involving fluoride ‘supplements’ , there’s no shortage of news this time.
So let’s get started…
Again! Scientists Attempt to Diminish the Benefits of Vitamin D
In New Zealand, a group of researchers assessed a number of studies on Vitamin D. Their conclusion: Vitamin D supplementation does not prevent osteoporosis. Specifically, the scientists noted that Vitamin D did not help bone density in the hip, forearm, and spine.
The first problem with this study is that the researchers’ reasoning is based in reductionism, which is far too simplistic an approach for something as complex as bone metabolism.
In addition, we have no idea what the general health habits were of the study participants. And this study focused solely on oral Vitamin D supplements, and did not take into account how much or what sort of supplement the participants took. That makes a big difference, as some forms of Vitamin D are not bioavailable. And finally, there’s no mention of sunlight, which is the best, most bioavailable way to get this bone-healthy vitamin.
News Excerpt:
Professor Ian Reid from the University of Auckland affirmed that around 50% adults aged 50 years and more take vitamin D supplements. But with this, he was quick in mentioning that these supplements are not going to bring major difference.
“Our data suggest that the targeting of low-dose vitamin D supplements only to individuals who are likely to be deficient could free up substantial resources that could be better used elsewhere”, affirmed Reid.Reid affirmed that taking vitamin D supplements without knowing its risk factors can prove fatal. 1
Other studies point to the importance of Vitamin D in maintaining and building bone density, such as a recent one from Norway. This study, which adjusts for age, gender, and other variables, shows clearly that low Vitamin D levels increase the risk of hip fracture by 38%.2
Glucose-Protein Compound Shown to Increase Hip Fracture Risk
A product of glucose metabolism, Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs), have been shown to increase hip fracture risk according to a recent study. Participants with the highest levels of AGEs showed a significant increase in fracture risk.3
AGEs are proteins that are bonded to a sugar molecule. They are produced when the body metabolizes glucose, and as you might suspect, ingesting sugar increases the formation of AGEs. These glycated proteins have been implicated in the development of Alzheimer’s disease, and now we have evidence that they increase the risk of breaking a hip.
News Excerpt:
Patients with the highest level of serum carboxy-methyl-lysine were at the greatest risk for hip fracture, researchers found.
A higher quartile of carboxy-methyl-lysine in blood was significantly associated with increased risk of hip fracture, at 27% for each increase in quartile (95% CI 1.16-1.40, P<0.001), according to Joshua Barzilay, MD, of Kaiser Permanente of Georgia in Duluth, and colleagues. This association remained significant after adjustment for age, sex, race, body mass index, smoking, alcohol consumption, prevalence coronary heart disease, energy expenditure, and estimated glomerular filtration rate (HR 1.17, 95% CI 1.05-1.31, P=0.006), they wrote in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. ...Carboxy-methyl-lysine is an advanced glycation end product, which can occur in the body in diabetes and with age. These end products can accumulate in bones and "lead to increased bone matrix stiffening and fragility," they wrote. 4
Unbelievable! Osteopenia “Patients” Used as Guinea Pigs in Toxic Fluoride Supplement Study
In a disturbing experiment, human “guinea pigs” were given fluoride supplements to see if it would be an “effective therapy” for osteopenia, and invented ‘precursor’ of osteoporosis. Obviously, it wasn’t – and in fact, some study participants had to back out of the trial due to gastrointestinal problems. 5
News Excerpt:
Low-dose fluoride didn't improve bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women with osteopenia, researchers found.
In a randomized controlled trial, none of three doses of fluoride — 2.5 mg, 5 mg, or 10 mg — significantly raised BMD of the lumbar spine to a greater extent than placebo over the course of a year, Andrew Grey, MD, of the University of Auckland in New Zealand, and colleagues reported online in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.Fluoride supplementation “is unlikely to be an effective therapy for osteoporosis,” they wrote. 6
Of course ‘Savers’ are familiar with the toxic nature of fluoride and what it does to bones. As I write in the Osteoporosis Hydration Protocol, a bonus report included with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, ample research has already shown that fluoridated water is clearly linked to increased fracture risk.
Given that this and other information about the detrimental effects of fluoride ingestion are already available, it’s unconscionable that medical scientists would use human volunteers to “prove” what’s already obvious.
And as we’re quickly approaching Christmas, if you’re looking to get in the holiday spirit…
Listen to This Acapella Rendition of a Popular Christmas Song
Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays filled with love, laughter and good health.
1 https://topnews.us/content/257661-vitamin-d-supplements-not-staving-osteoporosis
2 Holvik K, et al “Low serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D predict hip fracture in the elderly. A NOREPOS study.” J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2013; DOI: 10.1210/jc.2013-1468.
3 Barzilay J, et al “Circulating levels of carboxy-methyl-lysine are associated with hip fracture risk: the cardiovascular health study.” J Bone Miner Res 2013; DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.2123.
4 https://www.medpagetoday.com/Geriatrics/GeneralGeriatrics/42648
5 Grey A, et al “Low dose fluoride in postmenopausal women: A randomized controlled trial” J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2013; DOI: 10.1210/jc.2012-4062.
6 https://www.medpagetoday.com/Endocrinology/Osteoporosis/38395
What do you think of the Grain Brain/Wheat Belly diets and how do the bones fare on them?
I am so happy to have your Save our Bones program and Bone Appetit. Thank you so much for all you do for us. May you and your family ha a Happy New Year and keep up the GOOD WORK!
Happy New Years Vivian and Thank You so much for all the good work you do for us. You have helped me alot. Thank you. I enjoy reading your e-mails. Thank you.
Hi! Vivian,
I LOVED The Acapella Singers. They Were FANTASTIC! Thank You Very Much For Sharing Them With Us.
Hope You And Your Family Have A Healthy, Prosperous, Best Ever, And Just A Very Very –
Happy holidays to you and yours! May the new year be a healthy one for you and
your family.
Thank you for your good advice!
Dear Vivian,
In the past you have spoken very briefly about taking synthroid or levothyroxin for hypothyroidism. I have read conflicting reports on this substance affecting bone health. As someone with osteoporosis (-4), I am concerned about taking this medication and was wondering what levels of TSH or T3 and T4 you consider adequate as I am hoping to reduce the amount of medicine. Can you elaborate more on the effects of this drug on osteoporosis. Thanks.
Cynthia, my research is focused primarily on bone health and osteoporosis and how certain conditions can affect bones; and because I am not a doctor, I can’t answer questions about medication and thyroid levels. That is definitely something to discuss with your health care provider! 🙂 However, I did write a post on this topic not too long ago that you may find helpful. You can find it here:
Thank you Vivian for all you do to keep us informed about keeping our bones healthy!!! I love the Christmas song, what wonderful talent!!!
Happy Holidays.
Peace, Blessings and Perfect Health
Thank you the wonderful Christmas song and all the information.
Due to the health problems, the doctor recommended me to take vitamin D 1000 IU
until next blood test.
In here, I wish you and your families Merry Christmas and happy holidays.
I’ve never heard Carol of the Bells sung as beautifully as this. Many thanks Vivian. Thank you and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thank you, Vivian, for all your informative newsletters and books, and the beautiful rendition of “Carol of the Bells” by a very talented group of singers. I will most certainly look to purchase their music for Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and your family and to all your readers!
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year filled with good strong bones and good vitality! Vivian, keep up the good work and than for all the information!
Thanks a lot my dear Vivian for your wonderful lectures on bones. It is unfortunate that I cannot get hold of your Book – ‘Save Our Bones’ here in Nigeria by shipping. Let me know the cost of mailing it to me. Thanks and God bless you. Compliments of the season. See you in 2014.
My question is if all types of sugar increase fracture risk, or is it white sugar only? Will fruit consumption will increase the risk as well? Does anybody knows?
Thanks, Happy Healthy Holidays for all of us
Shula, white sugar is extracted and refined to the point that it contains no nutrients, fiber, or any other molecule besides sucrose. This is a very unnatural and highly concentrated way to eat sugar! The sugar in fruits and vegetables is a combination of fructose and glucose, and these sugars are part of a highly nutritious whole food that contains may bone-healthy nutrients. 🙂 Also, whole foods have far less sugar by volume – for example, half a cup of strawberry ice cream has 15 grams of sugar, whereas half a cup of strawberries has only 3.5 grams. 🙂
Have you heard of a product called Alkaline Antioxidant Water? Or is that just a high-falutin’ name for distilled water? It touts the “micro-clustering of water molecules – The six sided or hexagonal water molecule micro-clusters enhance the proper hydration of our cells………..Hexagonal water is water which has undergone hydrogen bonding………..” This is quoted from a mailer I received promoting this special water. Your thoughts? Thanks!
Barbara, I recommend distilled water with a few drops of lemon juice. 🙂 It’s inexpensive and very bone-healthy!
Thank you for keeping the public informed on osteoporosis and osteopenia. Have a very Merry Christmas and flourish throughout 2014.
Hi Vivian, Just to wish you and your family a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A HEALTHY NEW YEAR. Thank you once again for all your helpful information.
I really enjoy reading everything you send. I have osteoporosis of the spine and would like to know what you recommend for a calcium supplement.
Thank you
Hi Patty depends where you live, this is a product that is recomended, go to Vivians article on Calcium. I live in England and I would take it, but this costs to much to have sent with the tax,postage etc
Try TrueOsteo, the perfect calcium, now →
Just adding these, go to Vivians link in Carole’s reply. There is also Ezorb and Algaecal.
I seem to have shrunk in my spine, including neck and I think also legs! I eat healthily, and take calcium/magnesium as well as vitamin D. Should I also take algae?
Hi Vivian, thank you so much for you fantastic program, I have been following Save Our Bones for a year and four months and I have amazing results ! You have saved me from taking medication, Protelos which I was on.
I wish you and your family a Merry Xmas and a healthy New Year all the way from Malta !
Dr. Mercola has an article out this week about the importance of taking D3. The article also mentions how vital it is to take K2 with it. Calcium can stick to the wrong places and K2 helps to prevent that from happening.
If I forget to take my D for too many days, my hip begins to hurt. There is no way I would believe for a second that d3 isn’t working its magic on my bones.
Most of the research that they are doing is a waste of time and money because they always seem to use low dosage of D. Then they say it doesn’t work. This we already know! Use a real dose and get back to us.
Happy Holidays to us all.
Thank you for the “Save” program. I am very grateful for your dedication to helping others. I have a question about Vit D. My Naturalpathic doctor prescribed 25,000 iu . I live in WA State so there are many cloudy days. So sun exposure is tough to get. I am wondering if 25,000 is actually hurting me and if sunlight is minimal is the lack of sun light something you’d consider a strong enough concern to consider relocating?
A retired allergist said the best way to verify amounts of needed supplemental Vitamin D was to check current levels in the blood with a lab test available through your GP. She said the optimum level was about 75. Toxic is 100. Mine was 37 when taking 2000 IU/day, so she suggested doubling that amount. Also consider natural sunlight exposure. I get very little.
Thank you, Vivian, for your passion and sustained, in-depth efforts. You’ve literally saved my bones! A wonderful Holiday Season to you and all our Bone-Health family.
I take lysine whenever I have a herpes outbreak. Is this the same lysine as carboxy-methyl-lysine implicated in hip fractures? Uh-oh…
I live in upstate New York where the sun doesn’t shine very much in the winter months. I take Vitamin D3 (2000 IUs) once a day. I like MegaFood vitamins. They can be taken any time during the day without food. I also take their daily “Women over 40” once a day. I find these vitamins work really good for me. You can buy them online (MegaFood) or at your natural health food stores.
Thank you Vivian for all your hard work. Really liked the Acapella group.
Have you read the book “Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox” by Kate Rheaume-Blleue, B.Sc., N.D.? Tells how calcium is good for the bones but not so good for the heart needs K2.
Carol, you might be interested in this post on this topic:
It really does depend on the type of calcium you take!
Wishing everyone a very Merry and meaningful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Thanks Vivian and staff for all the information you have brought to us over the year
Here’s a toast to healthier bones for everyone in the program.
Thank you for your kind words and wishes, Betty! Here’s to celebrating healthier bones now and in the coming year!
Thank you for your site. I have passed on your site to many of my friends and even strangers.. Could you tell which is the best Vit D supplement to take???
Have a wonderful Xmas and a happy New year.
Hi Christine! I always recommend sunlight as the first source of Vitamin D. 🙂 If you take an oral supplement, look for D3, as it’s the most bioavailable.