September 29th marks the “anniversary” of Fosamax, the first bisphosphonate drug approved by the FDA in 1995 for treating and preventing osteoporosis. Soon after, other similar bisphosphonate drugs, such as Boniva and Actonel, along with their once-a-week and monthly variations, entered the profitable osteoporosis market, as well as Reclast, an intravenous drug.
As you probably know by now, the day I was “diagnosed” with osteoporosis, I was handed a prescription for Fosamax, a bisphosphonate.
Fortunately, I didn’t take it.
But plenty of people do.
A Sudden Osteoporosis Epidemic?
In the Osteoporosis Reversal Program I wrote that “until the year 1994… one had to actually fracture a bone caused by minimal impact or trauma to be diagnosed with osteoporosis.” So what happened in 1994? As Merck was getting closer to launching Fosamax, the World Health Organization announced new parameters for diagnosing osteoporosis and osteopenia. This new definition, essentially inventing a “disease” defined by fracture risk, instantly created millions of new Big Pharma customers.
As time went by, a few years after the approval of these new osteoporosis drugs…
Horrific Side Effects Were Linked to Bisphosphonates…
Ranging from an increased risk in esophageal cancer, atypical femur fractures, and the dreaded osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), new “black box” warnings were gradually added. But doctors still today, continue to prescribe these drugs, which can cause untold suffering to those who experience adverse side effects.
Here’s one heartbreaking example. A few years ago I was contacted by a woman afflicted with ONJ, a disfiguring and irreversible condition. I will never forget her heart-wrenching story of how she obediently took Fosamax for years, ending up with a rotted jawbone and unable to speak clearly and even eat solid foods. She had joined the class action lawsuit against Merck. My heart still aches for her.
Today, as a stark reminder of the dangers of Fosamax and all other bisphosphonates, I’ll share with you new information that links bisphosphonates and ONJ. Believe it or not, I had to go back to the 19th century, to bring you…
Phossy Jaw: A Ghost from the Past
When the power goes out, do you reach for your box of matches to light up your emergency candles? For those of us who live in areas where thunderstorms and power outages are common, the humble kitchen match (along with flashlights and batteries) are necessities.
But how are matches connected to bone health? Today, you’ll discover the unlikely connection between the two.
The common match we take for granted was once the culprit behind a nightmarish condition that claimed victims in the mid-1800s and early 1900s. “Phossy jaw”, a condition that caused the jaw bones of its victims to rot from within, sometimes exposing the bone, was eventually linked to matches. I’ll explain.
Today, “strike anywhere” matches are made with red phosphorous or a chemical known as phosphorus sesquisulfide. Matches weren’t always made with red phosphorous. At one time, white phosphorous was used to manufacture match heads, but once the dots were connected…
White Phosphorus Was Banned…
Here’s why. When the explosive properties of white phosphorous were first discovered and harnessed for use in making matches, someone had to manufacture those matches. During the mid-19th through the early 20th century, factories were built where workers, usually young women, were constantly exposed to the toxic vapors of white phosphorus. They also ingested the chemical while eating their lunches within the factory. Many of these workers contracted the dreaded phossy jaw, so named because of its connection with white phosphorus exposure. It was considered an occupational hazard of working with white phosphorus in match factories.
Phossy jaw is caused by phosphorus in the jaw bone. As I mentioned earlier, it is a painful and traumatizing condition characterized by rotting tissue in the jaw. The jaw bone itself decays, causing a foul-smelling discharge and great pain.
In the early 1900s white phosphorus was banned, and the non-toxic red phosphorus took its place in match manufacturing. Phossy jaw, it seemed, was a thing of the past.
But thanks to Big Pharma, it wasn’t the last straw for this dreadful condition.
Phossy Jaw Returns, But With A New Name
As bisphosphonates such as Fosamax, its generic alendronate, Boniva, and others were prescribed to osteoporotic patients, modern maxillofacial surgeons began to see cases of rotting jaw bones similar to phossy jaw, with almost identical clinical progress and painful bone exposure. Often incurable, these “modern-time” cases of phossy jaw were given a new name: osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ).
ONJ is especially prevalent among those who have received Reclast (or its stronger-dosed Zometa), but it also is showing up among those who ingest Fosamax or other bisphosphonates.
You see, once inside the body, bisphosphonates act disturbingly like white phosphorus. This is because white phosphorus, when combined with substances commonly found in the body (water, carbon dioxide, and amino acids), produces a chemical nearly identical to bisphosphonates.1 In other words, once the white phosphorus is in the body, it is transformed into bisphosphonate.
Given this chemical interaction, then really it was bisphosphonates that were causing the phossy jaw some match factory workers had to endure. Today…
Bisphosphonates Still Cause This Painful And Disfiguring Condition
The way bisphosphonates can increase bone density is by prohibiting bone remodeling. As I explain in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, bone naturally breaks down and builds up, renewing itself regularly. But bisphosphonates artificially inhibit this vital process, so for a relatively short time, bone becomes more densely packed, full of bone cells that should have been shed and replaced with new ones by the body’s natural remodeling process.
In long bones like the femur, this can mean a greater risk of fracture. In the jaw, it can lead to osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), or the phossy jaw of the 21st century.
Enough is Enough: The London Matchgirls’ Strike
In 1888, female workers at the Bryant and May Factory in Bow, London took to the streets. In addition to protesting unreasonably long work days and low pay, the matchgirls also protested their primary occupational health hazard: phossy jaw. This was a day and age without antibiotics, and the disease could be deadly. Surgical removal of the affected jawbone was often the only recourse…and this was also a day and age without anesthesia. The matchgirls had had enough of being placed in the line of fire, so to speak.
Maybe it’s time that osteoporosis patients did the same. I’m not suggesting you take to the streets, but what if everyone with an osteoporosis diagnosis refused to take bisphosphonates and chose instead to follow natural treatments? Maybe it’s time to “go on strike” against Big Pharma and its money-making tactics.
What’s My Purpose in Telling You This?
Am I trying to scare you?
That’s exactly what I’m trying to do.
These drugs are awful. And I will do everything in my power to encourage people to investigate safer ways to get healthy bones.
According to Business Week, researchers have found that 70% of patients taking top-selling osteoporosis drugs drop out in the first year of treatment because of heartburn, ulcers, and other side effects.
The poor people can’t even make it through the trial!
Does that sound safe to anyone?
I got rid of osteoporosis by discovering how to let my body heal itself.
You may or may not decide to take the exact path I did to healthy bones. Either way, you owe it to yourself to investigate your options.
The Osteoporosis Reversal Program contains the information you need to make smart decisions about bone health and steer clear of the dangerous land mines like “dead jaw.”
You can get the program here →
Save Our Bones: the Perfect “Match”!
The Osteoporosis Reversal Program will show you how to avoid these dangerous drugs and boost your bone health with diet and exercise. It’s the perfect “match”: sound information and lifestyle guidelines to implement it. The Osteoporosis Reversal Program will help you escape the grim specter of phossy jaw. This is one ghost that needs to be laid to rest.
1 Marx, RE. “Uncovering the cause of “phossy jaw” Circa 1858 to 1906: oral and maxillofacial surgery closed case files-case closed.” Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery. 2008 Nov;66(11):2356-63. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18940506
February 2007 I was diagnosed with ALL acute lymphocytic leukemia. Why do I tell you that- part of my treatment was large doses of steroids in excess of 200 mg IV a day x 7 days. I received this dose several times during treatment. The fact I received chemotherapy along with large doses of steroids X 3 years put me at risk for developing osteoporosis. Also my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis and suffered multiple vertebrae compression fractures and bilateral hip fractures. Naturally I would be concerned about developing osteoporosis. I was diagnosed with osteopenia around 2010. I tried fosamax but kept forgetting to take it so my physician suggested Reclasp once a year Iv infusion. I agreed trusting my primary care physician (who was well aware of my history) to have my best interests in mind. I was not told of any side effects nor was I given literature regarding the medication. The first year I tolerated the Iv infusion without incident but the second year after receiving the drug IV I developed a moderate fever ie 101 range. Suffered muscular and bone pain. I did not take the drug again. After it was clear I could not tolerate reclasp my PCP recommended prolia. I have taken 3 doses of the medication . About 2 months ago I developed a mouth ulcer lower gum area. I wasn’t very concerned because I have had mouth ulcers in the past. One month goes by and the mouth ulcer does not heal. I knew a non healing ulcer in mouth was not normal so I made an appointment with my dentist. He discovered I did not have a mouth ulcer. I HAD EXPOSED BONE inside lower jaw. He checked me again after 2 weeks and there wasn’t any improvement in the area healing. My dentist referred me to a periodontist/oral surgeon. After taking a through history he told me he suspects osteonecrosis (ONJ) caused by reclasp and prolia. He took a bone sample sent to pathology and my results were indeed osteonecrosis of my lower jaw. I am now waiting to see my periodontist for a follow up next week. I am so mad I survived leukemia treatment and now I have necrosis of my jaw bone because I took the drugs that were suppose to make bones stronger not destroy my bones!!
I was given the Reclast Infusion 2 months ago, by a well known auto-immune disease specialist in our area, south GA, North Florida. I have never been so sick in my life and will never get this again.
I’ve always been healthy, using a lot of natural path neutraceuticals, and eating organic foods, no red meats, etc.
The first week of Reclast I had all of the flu-like symptoms. The second week every bone in my body ached, along with my eyeballs and eyes constantly running. By week 3 I was vomiting nonstop. Very rachid vomiting where your whole body convulsed, along with very bad sour stomach. This went on a few weeks, could not stand the smell of any food and could not eat. Vision became blurred. Then the loud belching started. I’ve never had a belching problem before. It’s very loud, your whole insides trying to come up. The sour stomach still remains after 2 months. They’ve taken all types of labs trying to find out what’s going on. My Neurologist’s office reported that one of their patients died from Reclast. This is a dangerous drug. I have never been this sick in my entire life and would not recommend this to anyone.
Last year I broke my back,and have 3 fractures that cannot be operated on.I have osterporose for many yrs now took vitermin 3 and every 3 months an injection,but this time I have to take a lot of medication,due to the pain.! I I have recently been given a once a yr injection,is this a new thing ? or just dangerouse, ????
I have broken my back in 3 places,I have had osteoporosis for years now,because of this accident which cannot be operated on apart from other medication I have recieved,a one time a yr injection what is your oppinion on this????
I am 78 yrs old and physically active. I was diagnosed with osteopenia and osteoporosis about 3 years ago. I was told to take one of the drugs to prevent bone loss. I read about it and decided not to take it . Last summer I fell down some concrete stairs and got a torn rotator cuff but no broken bones. I have never broken a bone except my little toe when I hooked it on a table leg when I was about 35 years old. Since then I beganntobworry and read about algae last and strontium and began taking it. Next time I had blood work done my liver enzymes were very elevated. I quit those pills and a month later the enzymes were almost normal. My doc said to quit all supplements except CA if I wanted and vit. D3. I will soon be getting another blood test and am anxious to see what the liver enzymes are like. I totally do think that the osteoporosis drugs are very bad…
I am a candidate for spine surgery, but because of osteoporosis the surgeon fears the screws will not hold in my bones. The pain and nerve damage are reasons to have the surgery asap. What do you recommend as a treatment to get my bones stronger in three months?
Hi Vivian,
I was recently directed to your emails from a friend who religiously follows your advice, and I’m beginning to see why. I’m about 3/4 of the way through the Lily Forteo 2 year program, and would appreciate your views.
Thank you,
I was given a Prolia injection by my GP October 2018, and developed terrific pain in Femur, after several X-Rays MRIs found I now had fractures in both Femurs, needless to say I didn’t have a 2nd injection, Specialist wanted desperately to put metal rods in my legs, I refused. After several X-Rays it seems the fractures are healing/knitting. I’m still having visits to specialists.
This advice does not work for patients with multiple myeloma because the normal osteoclast-osteoblast relationship is interrupted by the disease, and the bones keep developing lesions. So diets and supplements aren’t going to help as long as the disease is active. I wish you would do some research about this. I developed ONJ from Zometa infusions, but as a multiple myeloma patient I don’t know what alternative I have.
I have developed this dead jaw disease as a side effect of biphosphonates since 1994. I know I can feel the horror on all your faces. I have just had debridement which is removing and scraping off the dead bone which was protruding from my gums. My consultant now wants to prescribe me Strontium, I do not really want to take anything but feel nervous because of my severe osteoporosis, just having broke my pelvis and last year a finger. Can your programme really help me.
I would like to purchase your program, but the price was 39.99 now is 69.95. Being a senior on a budget this is a big jump
Is there a reason you don’t offer it at 39.95 anymore
Hi Diana,
Please check your inbox for a response from Customer Support, where these issues are typically handled.
I have Pagets disease but intend to refuse intravenous bisphosphonate as I have numerous dental implants. The hospital says risk of ONJ is very low and I may soon be unable to walk as it is in my heel bone. However I fear in my case jaw osteonecrosis is a real risk. Any suggestions for alternatives please.
Glad you’re here, Janet! The Saver approach is all about “alternatives.” 🙂 I encourage you to continue to research and explore all your options for managing your Paget’s disease.
I broke my wrist because I fell over, hard onto my hand, Is this REALLY a fragility fracture? I thought people had fragility fractures when they broke a bone having sex, getting out of bed, or just moving! Or, not doing anything much at all! I have been going to the gym for the past 15 years, and have also gone through chiropractic treatment. Hard stuff. I had been doing HITT classes with the 25 year olds (I am 62), and had never fractured anything, until my silly accident in April. Now, apparently, I have osteoporosis, and was prescribed alendronic acid, which I took for 6 months, until I could not stand it any more., I hate the osteoporosis industry, and am now on algae cal and strontium boost. I know Vivian does not like strontium, but I am giving it a go—I dont care if it gives me a false positive dexa score, as if I get that, I will no longer be classed as having osteoporosis, and the medical people will leave me alone!! I used to be 60, going on 40. I am now 62, going on 75!! I do not care if I dont live beyond 80, but I jolly well want to enjoy my 60s!!!
i looked at that ad for the algae cal and strontium and was intrigued too. the guy makes it sund so good. but i noticed the Nature’s Way ALIVE calcium i had — jut b/c i wanted to try the non-rock kind — anyway, it also has strontium (7 mg). 1 thing re strontium – i saw a very mainstream dr this winter, she wanted me to do prolea or reclast, and i asked her about all the natural alterna tives, silica, strontium – the one she thought might actually do something is srontium. i was going to do prolea until i read that scary article in the nytimes about side effects
My primary care physician wanted me to start Prolia injections a few years ago when I fell and broke my wrist. I asked the orthopedist who treated my wrist if it was broken because of osteoporosis or just because I fell and broke my wrist. He said it was because I had a hard fall and that was all. I also had osteonecrosis of the jaw after a root canal while on Fosamax so I am determined NOT to take Prolia, even though that is being recommended again.
thankyou so much for warning me of this drug, cause i took for um month and stop, cause i dint like the side efect. . simply amazing with yours advices. i will pass to everyone in the same situacions, especialy my sister that recently broke her femur. thankyou so much vivian
Vivian — THANK YOU for all the work you are doing to warn people of the absolutely dangerous and toxic atrocities created by Big Pharma and fed to a trusting and vulnerable public.
I pray that one day, stories like these will only be read about in history books.
Bless you and Happy New Year!
What a vision for the future, Chloe!
Vivian , have you researched the calcium supplement called Ezorb ? If so, do you feel that it would be safe. ? What caught my attention was the high absorbency rate. Please reply. Thank you.
I used EZorb calcium capsules for 3 years ( just 2 per day and I was not 100% consistent because I ran out for a few months) and my bone density had a significant increase of 4%! I will continue to use them consistently.
Hello VIvian
I took fossamax for a number of years and stopped when I read about the side effects. I am so upset about it.Now that I have stopped ,will my bones repair themselves?If I ever needed dental surgery, do you think I still have the potential for Osteonecrosis of the jaw?
Thank you for all of your pertinent information
Shari, I am so glad you found the Save Our Bones site!
Whether or not you are at risk for osteonecrosis at this stage is impossible to answer; every individual is very different in how they react to osteoporosis drugs. I suggest you move forward from the first step you’ve already taken, which is stopping the Fosamax. From that point, I encourage you to do your research and make health choices that will promote healthy bone renewal. There is information on this site and in our products (https://saveourbones.com/products/) that will answer your questions in all these areas!
Now that I read your article, I’m really concerned about phosomax. I’ve been taking this drug for over 5 years,and now I will stop takin this drug. Is it too late for me at this point?..I have not felt any pain in my jaw or legs as yet. The question is will I heal eventually after stoping this drug.
Gustavo, it’s never too late to make a decision to go off of osteoporosis drugs and embrace a healthier lifestyle! 🙂
For breast cancer treatment I was started on Zometa. Due to a dental issue where its suggested I have a tooth extracted, I learned about ONJ. I have only had 4 treatments with this drug. I still have my tooth. Is it possible on your program to potentially restore my bone health, save my tooth and my jaw?
My mom, who is 80 years old, has just been diagnosed with Vasculitis which also has given way to Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis. Basically, mom’s a bit of a mess right now. She has ALWAYS eaten the proper foods but recently has been diagnosed with Osteoporosis barely over the borderline for it. But, the treatment for her Giant Cell Arteritis is 40 to 60 mg. of cortisone for 3 months (until the headache subsides) and then they will taper it down but she must remain on it for 2 years in order to put her disease into remission. They are doing an infusion of RECLAST this Thursday and I am just very nervous about her winding up with ONJ or worse! She feels she has NO recourse but to do this RECLAST infusion and take her chances. Is this true – that cortisone will thin her bones without taking the RECLAST? She feels she has no choice – between a rock and a hard place. She has done all the reading (very intelligent person) and knows nothing else treats the Giant Cell Arteritis but steroids. I really don’t know what to expect from all of this and I realize that she will die if she doesn’t get this into remission or worse GO BLIND but the RECLAST has me terribly worried! What can I do to help her?
Susan, I am so sorry to hear about your mom!
While it’s true that synthetic steroids deplete the body of key vitamins and minerals (like vitamin B6, Vitamins D and K, zinc, and potassium), your mom can simply pay special attention to these particular nutrients. They are also Foundation Supplements (except for potassium), so if your mom has the program, she has all the information she needs to go forward without Reclast. 🙂
Thank you Vivian! Have followed your advice for about a year! In March last year I stopped taking bisphosphonats after 4 years on them! Sounds like i’m lucky that my jaw is OK, because in 20007 I had polymyalgia and a side effect called Tomporal artiritis which can also damage the jaw! I had a good rhumatologist whilst in hospital who found I had lots of small fractures in my spine and hips! I was told by him to stop steroids but my GP kept giving me them amongst other drugs! Thanks to you, I weaned myself off all of these and feel no worse for it! Was a hard thing to do, but I got there! I can now do things naturally! Many thanks!
I’m 42, my ovaries was removed 6 years ago and had a bone density exam and diagnosed with Osteoporosis today. My average bone density result -2.8. Reading all the posted side effects of to your other forum scare me to take any drugs for Osteoporosis. My doctor is calling my insurance now to schedule my Reclast infusion. If I back out to this what program should I use to help me getting to get worse than I am now.
I have frequent back pain, but Im healthy and not having a lot of pain than those people that went on Reclast. Im very confused on what to take to better my bones.
Thanks in advance for anyone who will give me advise.
My new Dr is very insistent that I begin
taking Actonel, Fosimax or Reclast. My Osteoperosis has not changed since 2011. I told her I am not interested. She is very insistent…afraid I will break my hip. I am very active, live in a farm, care for animals every day and as I told my Dr I do not consider myself “fragile” in any sense of the word. I do have back pain but at 71 I feel healthy and don’t want that to change due to one of these drugs! Help! What is the best thing to tell her other than NO?
Dear Vivian, I am using phynelbutazone or Butazolidine for my ostheoporosis and ostheoarthritis pain. What can you say about this drug? Is it good for a regulated doses? It seems to be a very effective drug for gout/arthritis medication? Is it alright to take this pills? Walter
Walter, the Save Our Bones program is all about drug-free alternatives to osteoporosis. 🙂
vivian what do you think about the flu shot is it safe to take bea
I developed osteoporosis before the advent of Fosamax, was told by my internist not to take estrogen for fear of cancer, went on to have so many compression fractures of the spine that I can no longer have
DEXA scans – can’t lie flat – my back is too humped. The doctor said my spine looks as if it has been hit with a wrecking ball and he can’t count the splinters anyway. I’ve lost over 7 and a half inches of height. I quit Fosamax, Boniva, etc., when the side effects became known. I eat two prunes a day because I read that they would protect my bones. I do believe they are. Is it my faith in them or is there something in prunes that affects bone?
Hello Eleanor Peed,
I have been diagnosed with Osteoperosis. I started taking Bio-identical hormones from Lakeside Pharmacy in Virginia Beach. You can look it up on the internet. It is natural hormones. They have saved my life. I had lost all my estrogen at an early age due to cranial surgeries I had to endure for many years along with other surgeries. Now my test show I am manufacturing my own estrogen. I still have bone density problems but that is because I had 3 cranial surgeries in one year to remove acrylic that was placed on my skull 15 yrs. ago. My body was rejecting it causing cranial pressure and severe migraines. Now that the artificial stuff is out of my body, my body can focus on my healing of my bones. I am following Save Our Bones healthy eating and know that I will get better. I hope this helps you. Keep researching on the internet.
Hi Vivian,
Great article; thanks so much for keeping us informed.
With regard to TrueOsteo – it seems to have a high amount of stronthium; is this safe? I thought that you did not approve of strontium.
Please Respond,
Oh I totally agree on these osteoporosis drugs,was on Fosmax,had a back tooth that split in half,then was put on the injection,yearly,started having problems in walking,started reading up on these dangerous drugs,the sad part,these Drs.don’t
Even know about the dangerous side affects of these drugs,it should tell you something when a dentist,will not pull a
Tooth,when your on these osteo drugs,I think I will just stick with calcium with vitamin D,and magnesium.please read
Before taking these drugs.
Hello Walter O. Lituan,
I did some research on the internet by looking up both the names you give for the drug. Researching myself has given me so much information about drugs prescribed by doctors. After researching articles I find that I would not take this drug. According to one website: eHealthMe.com and looking up the name of the medication shows that this drug can cause cancer and other complications. Also I found another article dailymail.co.uk in the News section, that this chemical is used in horses and in the UK horsemeat was found in foods illegally. The drug they say causes cancer. I hope you will continue to do research on the web. You can learn alot.
What do you think of Prolia injections? My 86 year “young” Mom is at bottom of bone density T-test for Osteoperosis. Her insurance will cover cost BUT she is not so sure she wants to do this every 6 months, doesn’t like the sound of the side effects.
Your thoughts Please
Thank You,
What do I need to know about Prolia, I have had many back surgerues but, in 6 months I had 2 majoe back surgeries,rods all the way up to my neck and than my neck callasped so I am rods, screws @ metial all the way up , my doc is giving me Prolia. I have had all the other drugs for osteo @ none helped, my bones are so thin you can harley see them on x-rays.
Thank you
Margaret Stricklin
Hello Margaret Stricklin,
I have the article that Save Our Bones wrote about the discovery of Prolia. Prolia has the same negative effects as all the other bone hardeners. Some of the side effects of Prolia are as follows: Low calcium levels, Serious skin, lower abdomen, bladder or ear infections, Dermatitis, rash or eczema, Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, caused by infection. Severe jaw bone problems such as osteonecrosis of the jaw. I would not continue to take this drug. Change in diet, by omitting pasteurized dairy products and eating more of fruits and vegetables. Follow the Save Our Bones program. I am changing the way I eat now because I too suffer from Osteoperosis.My GYN is trying to force me to take injections but I will not do it. I hope you will do research like I do on the internet. That is how I found Save Our Bones.
Thanks Vivian for Save Our Bones. I am a breast cancer patient who is a three year survivor. However, because of the type of cancer I had I have to take Femara for the next five to ten years. This drug is suppose to keep my body from producing estrogen. Will your program help me to keep from advancing to osteporosis? I have been diagnosed with osteopenia. I also broke my femur during chemo and it still has not healed. I took Fosamax and Boniva for many years. Do I still keep on with your program?
My friend just went to her endocrinologist in NYC. He told her that next year there will be a new drug on the market, assuming FDA approval, that is unlike any other currently available. It has a new composition, has no side effects, and will be revolutionary in the treatment of osteoporosis. BTW, this doc is also a believer in proper diet to control the disease. Have you heard anything about this new drug, sorry I do not know the nane, Jim
I received an response that stated that I had previously submitted my article however, I have NEVER submitted an article on the internet. Perhaps I should have included my last name but I chose not to…Edie
I read the article regarding Fosomax and by chance I had my annual checkup today and my doctor suggested that I return to using Fosomax inasmuchas I am now 88 and have lost 2inches in height and have osteoparosis, but not severely…he believed that since I had not used Fosomax for more than 45 years that it would be to my best interest to use it again….however, since reading the article on my computor I will not start using Fosomax and will call my doctor and suggest he read the article. Thanks for the information and I am a regular exercise person and believe in stretching….I am perfectly straight and strong and have no physical problems and enjoying having energy for my many activities…I am blessed with good genes….thank you….Edie
Hi Vivian, have you heard anything about taking emu oil either as a direct oil or capsule and after 4 months you do the Phosphate Process (tissue salts] 2 a day for two months whilst continuing taking the oil then oil only again for four months and so on. Supposed to clear the arteries and help cholesterol etc re high blood pressure. more info on their site at
Glad to see this suggestion here regarding the Emu Oil. I work as a Bowen Practitioner here in Australia with a particular interest in Heavy Metal Detoxification.
Over 15 years in the clinic, I spoke with numerous people who had remarkable results from using emu oil. By the way I dont sell and am not affiliated with tis company.(Just excited to see it here!)
My mother was diagnosed with an enlarged heart and used the Emu oil/Phosphate Tissue salt protocol and had amazing results.
Something that has never been discussed in all your articles is the impact that heavy metals have on bone health… in fact the body will sequester Lead in bone to get it out of circulation.
Oesteoporosis is multi faceted,
Good info at http://www.leadpoisoningsymptoms.com
Interesting and very informative, Vivian….thank you so much for all you do to keep us informed!
Thank you, Vivian, for your tireless research on behalf of women’s health. You should know that you’re “preaching to the choir” here.
I am an oncology nurse. Often times Zometa is ordered for patients with bone metastasis. What is your stand in this circumstances?
Vivian, I was sad to see that you are aligned with Jesse Cannone. He has made some politically offensive remarks on his site. I have put him in my spam filter. I have been touting your book, but I am having second thoughts now. I would not sink into the mire if I were you.
I took Fosamax for about 5 years and after being off it some time I did break my femur and fractured my hip in two places; however, I fell down stairs so didn’t think it had been from the Fosamax. A year ago I started to enter a medical test on the drug Forteo and gave myself shots daily for six months then decided (after reading Save Our Bones) not to continue the shots so I’m just exercising and not taking any drugs other than calcium.
Good choice Kay! Stay on the natural path 🙂
Scottish surgeons were using chloroform by 1847, long before the Match Girls strike. American medics are frequently hestant to adopt European ideas, for example when Lister introduced the concept of washing hands, and the use of carbolic as an antiseptic, many American doctors laughed at him. Only now are new breast implants being used here after ten years of use in Europe, and I with a broken hip would like to avail myself of the so-called Birmingham method for repair, rarely practiced here.
No, I don’t have osteoporosis, I walked into a shelf, split my head open, and went down like a sack of potatoes on a concrete floor. I lived in France, so the femur repair was performed within six hours of the breakage.
Stacey – Thanks again Mimi I still get a big smile when I look at those.FYI, the A monogram is from Pottery Barn Kids, but just a wnnairg it was horribly difficult to get it on the wall without tearing!
Hello Vivian,
What a great article, this should be copied and made available for everyone to read. To think that our health is at risk for the benefit of making money. What is going on should be a crime.
A comment about osteonecrosis. You can also develop this condition from pulled teeth and root canals because the tooth socket has not been thoroughly cleaned out. Then infection sets in. This happened to me and I went through 7 hours of surgery. All of the teeth on my right side, upper and lower, had to be pulled and then surgery to remove the infection and rotted bone. This was a horrible and painful thing to go through.
I had a toothache 2 years ago. My dentist had retired and a year before and I had been remiss finding a replacement which was a huge mistake. When the toothache set in, I scrambled to find a dentist what would see a new patient. When I did find one, the first question was “do you take the osteoporosis drugs”. My doctor had taken me off of Boniva a year before so I said “no, not now but I did for many years”. He explained the problems these drugs can cause and it seems that many women experience many dental problems even if they do not experience the jaw problem. I have now lost 4 teeth, one right in front. Up until now, my teeth were pretty good so I feel this is directly related to the years on the medication. When I then checked with my physician, she verified that it does cause the teeth to begin to fall out in some women. I will not take it again.
Man, that is interesting! Thanks for your research and presentation. I wish this would be published on the front page of every leading newspaper – as you see, I still read an actual paper, and hope the day does not come that I’ll be dependent on the internet to get my news, or for that matter, on the TV.
I also have been on Fosamax since I fractured 10 ribs in 2016. My hair has been falling out in clumps in the shower ever time I wash it or brush it. It is very embarrassing. I am 68 years old, but a young 68 I walk over a mile every day. I have chronic back pain. I too have discontinued Fosamax. If my doctor had told me all of the side effects I would not have taken it. I also had to have 8 teeth extracted in 2017 and after 1 tooth it required over a month in healing time. I have been told I have too many teeth to have them pulled and replaced with dentures, but in March will be one year since I started this tooth process and I still cannot get a good fit on my partials.
Dear Vivian, I have been prescribed Osteofos D3 by my G.P. Listed on packet is Phosphhate. Should I avoid taking this.
Hydroxapatite, present in bone matrix, is made of calcium and phosphate (Ca10[PO4]6[0H]2). However, serum calcium phosphate has been linked as a risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke. You’re better off taking an organic calcium supplement.
My doctor has taken me off all calcium supplements, says the D3 and K2 are what is needed along with my High Raw (Green) diet. I try to apply what you teach too. It’s a lot to remember. Yes, I have the book. I took actonel for about 4/5 yrs, and developed jaw necrosis. I have been off them for several years now and because of your book and the Raw/Fruits and Vegetables (greens) I can tell that my jaw is better. I am even reluctant to get another Dexa Scan. Not sure what it would prove. What do you think about just trusting the health process and letting go of all these tests, x-rays, etc. I’ve had so much over the years.
I have a question. Is there any danger in taking baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) daily, to raise pH levels and keep them elevated, if one does this over an extended period of time?
Thank you,
Laura, you do have to be careful since being too alkaline is not good either. Plus too much baking soda can compromise digestion, since it requires just the right amount of acid and other elements.
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To help me follow your program, I purchased a nutri bullet. I add all the bone building veggie, fruits and nuts and have this for lunch every day. I also switched to the organic calcium.
Deborah – What is a nutri bullet, where did you get it & for howmuch? I never know what to have for lunch & what you are suggesting sounds great for me. Thanks – Nicole
Hi Nicole, It is a larger version of the “Bullet” that was on TV for so long. Also has some health gurus advertising it. Might be a bit cheaper than the larger, more powerful Vitamix, but there is nothing like the Vitamix in the long run. Good to do your research. There are many sites on Youtube that show all the different blenders and juicers and compare them. Good luck/enjoy!
Oh, and let me say that the original packaging of God’s fast food ain’t bad either. A bag of fruit and a salad with great greens, vegis, and nuts and seeds and dressed with a wonderful mix of OJ/lemon is to die/live for. enjoy either way.
Dear Vivian,I amire you for being one of the few who is dedicated to natural healing that works instead of siding with big pharma and the artificial medical profession whose sole mission is to profit from our misery.I have not been taking any drugs for the past 40 years and I am blessed to be very healhy. Like the match girls I feel we should go on strike against big pharma who is sucking the like blood from us with their worthless and dangerous drugs-millions die wordwide every year from side effects of drugs while big pharma is making billions. I would like people to realize that drugs can not cure disease and gradually bankrupt big pharma and the lucrative medical profession and make them history for future generations to read and realize how stupid their ancesters were.
And that will eventually happen! truely,Fotios
Have been told I have osteoporosis and need to take alendronic acid. I am worried about taking them and don’t know what to do. Can anyone advise me please?
Gillian, you do have options. Start by downloading my free Natural Bone Building Handbook 🙂
Vivian. You are wonderful. Tearing up a lttle here!