Mainstream Media Warns Against Bisphosponate Therapy - Save Our Bones

In the early part of the 20th century, doctors recommended tobacco smoking as a digestive aid and for relaxation. And that’s not all. Doctors were featured in cigarette ads! Of course, that has changed and nowadays doctors try to get their patients to quit smoking.

In Chapter 5 of the Osteoporosis Reversal Program I write that:

“Osteoporosis is a perfect example that could be compared to the cigarette debacle. What doctors consider ‘common sense’ prevention and treatment of osteoporosis today, may end up like the story of cigarettes.”

Based on a study just published on May 9th in the New England Journal of Medicine, it looks as though we are slowly but surely getting there.1

Watch this video about the study:

My Take

In their analysis of the FLEX trial, which reviewed results of 10 years with bisphosphonate therapy, researchers conclude that those taking the drugs had a minute benefit when compared to those taking placebos. And they openly question the fracture-prevention benefit of continuing bisphosphonate therapy for more than five years.

Their latest recommendation is that those who need continued bisphosphonate therapy, should be evaluated on a periodic basis.

And for the first time ever, they caution doctors against prescribing a variety of osteoporosis drugs, since the trend appears to be that when one drug doesn’t give results, another similar one is prescribed:

“Clearly, given the potential for cumulative risk, caution should be exercised in switching between bisphosphonates and other potent antiresorptive medications.”1

Don’t Be A Slave to Osteoporosis Drugs

Many Save Our Bones community members have shared their bad experiences with osteoporosis drugs, after taking different ones without any positive results. Once they stopped the drugs, they successfully got rid of osteoporosis with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.

Here’s a perfect example, sent by Neita D. on March 15, 2012:

I have had osteoporosis for 5 years. I started on Boniva per my doctor. Two years ago my doctor took me off of Boniva and wanted me to take Actonel because my scores kept going down. So, I started doing my own research. I took myself off of Boniva and never started Actonel. That is when I ordered your book. I began the habit of walking every day and eating more and more vegetables. My osteoporosis has improved to osteopenia, even though my doctor only gives credit to the previously taken Boniva. Thanks for improving my health with your recommendations. I am a firm believer in this program.”

Reverse Osteoporosis Fast!

And about the “wisdom” of not pursuing bisphosphonate treatment for more than five years, the question is, why should it take five years to reverse osteoporosis in the first place?

You already know that I reversed my osteoporosis in one year, and I’m not the only one. Take a look at what Jean S. wrote on November 2, 2011:

Hi Vivian thanks for all the updates etc. Thought you may be interested to hear that recent bone scan proves I no longer have osteoporosis. Now reduced to osteopenia. This has changed in the 14 months, since I stopped taking bisphosphonates, and followed your way of eating. I feel very well.”

And this is just one example. Go here to read more success stories from Save Our Bones community members.

So save yourself from the drugs and start saving your bones today!

Till next time,



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  1. .Martha

    I was taking Actnol and quit on my own. My Dr. put me on Calcitonin-Salmon. Should I stop that also? Thanks

  2. Linda

    I really need some advice. Recently my back surgeon is pressuring me to get the Reclast Infusion. I have no intention of doing it because of all the horrible side effects of patient who just took the word of a doctor trying to sell me a drug. Unfortunately they have all become that way. I have Osteoporosis had L2 fracture last year, now this year L4 and broke a rib after husband put board up to keep dog out..couldn’t believe it. This constant badgering from my husband and Salesperson re Infusion is making me loose my sanity. What do you think of Bone Up and Strontium? Any advice would be so appreciated.

  3. Gloria

    in march 2011 my doctor prescribed prolia(which I never even bought) and instead went on Save my bone program, followed it till last week when went for a dexa scan which it had the same results of the one taken 3 years ago..-3.0, nothing changed but I assume that it would have gotten worse had I not started your program. Now the same doctor wants to put me on forteo, an every day injection. I said to give me a month to make up my mind but I am so doubtful. What do you recommend? Thank you for your attention! Gloria

  4. Leslie (Ms. L.)

    Hi! Vivian,



  5. Marion

    Marcia told of a dramatic improvement in bone density with Save Our Bones plus a gluten free diet. Your reply shows that you agree, but eatng gluten free isn’t part of the Save Our Bones program. So what is the story on gluten free eating and bone density?

  6. Maria Pinsky

    Congratulation, Vivian! This video is the Victory, it does not matter it is small, but now thousand of people would be aware of this pitfall- prescribed medication. All thanks to you!
    I go 80/20 couple of years ago after reading “Alkalize or die”.In one year my scores get better, thanks to my intuition, I did not take prescription drugs. And then I found on the Internet your program and people, who help each other to get well.
    In one of comments to your post I found letter from Marsia (14.05.12) and I figure out that I am not alone, who didn’t absorb Ca, no matter what kind (I had tried around 10 trademarks and use recommendation from one of your posts),I take 2000IU of liquid vitamin D, vitamin K and all foundation foods and vitamins, I am walking 4 km daily and do exersises. Nothing helps! As you mentioned on the page 29, splitting nails are the indication of a shortage of Ca within the body. And constantly falling out hair! All Ca, I took, go to my arteries- X-rays shaw strong calcification. Now I read about GF (gluten free)diet in Marsia’s comment Would you be so kind and explain is it really some sort of connection between gluten and Ca absorbtion in our body?

    The second Q is about some controversy between your “Save our bones” book (pages 131-135)and Bonnie Ross’s “The Amazing Acid/Alkaline Cookbook”.In her book there is very helpfull table -“PH Values of Food”(pages 9-13),where very often used food checked as acidifying – tomatos, honey, kefir, spinach, yogurt, peas, canola oil In your book they are mentioned as alkalizing foods.Blueberries and tahini oil you count as acidifying, and she – as alkalalizing. What is true?
    Thanks again for your titanic job well done!

  7. Carolyn

    I did hear this newscast, and at the time I thought, because of Vivian we are ahead of the game! I do not trust any of the osteoporosis drugs. One pill made me very sick. I always enjoy reading the new articles that are posted.

  8. Carolyn

    God bless you Vivian for bringing all this to our attention!! I love this web site and your bone saving program.


    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Thanks for your kind words, Carolyn!

  9. Cynthia

    Prolia (denosumab)seems to be the latest drug to help fight osteoporosis.I need to know more about it. Please tell me if it is to be avoided like the bisphosphonates and why. I need to be educated on the subject. Help, please.


    I’ve been off fosamax for many years , but what I do take is generic called ALENDRONATE TAB 70MG . 1 TABLET A WEEK. pLEASE GIVE ME YOUR HONEST OPINION ON THIS DRUG.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      You can read my opinion (and much more)about alendronate in this blog post I wrote:

      • rtoy wolf

        in the SAVEOURBONES literature you list the
        acid and alkalizing foods. under alkalising you list lima beans, spinach,
        pumpkin seeds. however, in his ad for his
        alkaline balance supp., dr cutler lists these foods as acid causing. also, do
        vegetables become acid causing when in
        canned form?

  11. Carole Scully

    I was taking Fosamax for over 7 years. I finally said enough and just took myself off the drug. About 36 years ago I fractured my elbow. Recently I’ve been having elbow pain and when I went to get an X-ray, I was told there is actually bone missing. I’m thinking that’s because of the Fosamax. Could there be a correlation?

  12. Avis Mawson

    The print above is so small that I can’t ead most of it without a magnifying glass. what I am printing is small but it’s large compared to what is printed above. I just wondered why it was so small – is it something to do with my computer or is it meant to be that way????

  13. Hugo Schmidt

    Dear Vivian,
    National Public Radio (and TV) here in Washington, DC had a broadcast last week high lighting the dangers of osteporosis drugs (Biphosphenates) and their dangerous side effects. Also there lack of prevention of fractures.
    The program was quite up front and I feel necessary. Maybe eventually the FDA will recant?
    Peace, Hugo

  14. Jean

    Commenting on Feona’s message: so sorry about your sister. It was my sister (and Vivian)who got me off of Actonel. She was a medical writer for a major drug company, and thus had access to studies most of us would never see. She had been on Fosomax herself for a number of years, but took herself off and encouraged me to go off, too. That was about 8 years ago, and, though my T scores have not improved, they haven’t gotten worse, either, and my doc is now OK with my decision to avoid bisphosphonates.

  15. Jean

    For some reason, some (not all)videos play at an unacceptably low sound level on my computer; this one was one of them. And for some reason, the print on V’s “take” also appeared unusually tiny. So I was unable to hear or see what’s going on comfortably. Guess I can run and get my reading glasses – don’t normally need them – but that won’t help me hear! Sounds interesting, though, and with luck, some of this will appear in my daily newspaper. Thanks!

  16. karen marsack

    i am 70 years old, cannont and will not take those drugs…My mother died a horrible and long suffering 25 year bout with rheumatoid. No respite at all. I know I have osteo in my knees and in my shoulder that I broke…I am too old to start a “program” what is my best line of defense for my age….I have a very very sensitive stomach with irritable bowel…feel quite helpless at t his point. Thank you, Karen

    • Carolyn

      You are never too old to do this program, as it is just a natural approach. I am your age, and it is just a lifestyle and so easy to do. I highly recommend it at any age.

  17. Nu Ly

    After I took 4 years of Foxamax, the scane result was not much improved.
    The doctor gave me the Protos 2g daily, the first day was o.k. but the second day, my stomach-ach from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m., I was so scare. That,s why I abandom to take drugs. After read your book, I understand completely, but I hardly followed your eating diet, ph level, I failed
    in this program the main reason . Before I had a terrible back, my muscles
    one side was very thick, and the other side was very thin. I go to the
    chiropretor almost 6 years, I go several months and stop several months.
    Now, my spine is very straight and as normal. My daughter said to me,” It
    is unbelievable, he can fix your spine in your age.” The chiropretor also
    taught me several exercises. I make much effort to change my diet, sometimes, I prefer to die early and no pain. I feel better now, but the
    doctor not allow me to take the scane. Thank you very much for your encouragement

  18. Marcia

    One year ago, my hip t-score was -3.1. Now, a year later, it is -1.7. I no longer have Osteoporsis. Save our Bones got me started!!It gave me hope to not need to go on Forteo and live in fear. I started her program, PLUS went on a 100% gluten-free diet. You must do both in order to have success. The GF diet enabled my body to absorb the calcium and vitamin D. As a plus, I am absorbing so well now, my Synthroid doseage went from 175 mg to 100mg!!

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Way to go, Marcia! The Program and your GF nutrition have made all the difference… You’ve saved your bones! 🙂

      • Linda

        I have heard that going gluten free can be sorta dangerous unless you have Celiac disease, true or just another bunch of crap?

  19. kenneth A parker

    I dont pay any attention to that crap that comes from washington the drug companies an large corps.pretty much own our republican senators an congresman an some democrates as well. good exampel look what there running for president what a sick-o.i cant imagine any one voting for him.

  20. Linda

    Finally! I sure hope my doctor gets this message, and stops harassing me to go back on the drugs. Thanks for sharing the video clip.

    I have been off the drugs for 10 months and I feel so much better now. I kept telling my doc, I just do not feel good while taking them. Between the drug and the Caltrate D he wanted to force feed me, I felt awful all the time. Now I take an organic calcium/magnesium supplement and try my best to follow the alkaline diet. I feel better now than I have in all the years I stupidly followed medical advise.

  21. c. J.

    If you didn’t see this on the News….now you


  22. Feona

    Thank goodness more and more coverage is being given to the dangers of these appallng drugs. My sister has been on Fosamax for 20 years and refuses to believe that her doctor could possibly be giving her the wrong advice or medication. She has had so many fractures in that time – foot, ribs, thigh bone, ankle – but still takes this poison. I can’t persuade her to do otherwise, sadly, she just won’t believe me and says I’ve just got it in for the medical profession. I hope I can get her to at least watch this clip.

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