Save Our Bones Bulletin: Vegan Protein vs Animal Protein For Muscle Mass; Healthy Plant-Based Eaters Live Longer; The Link Between Gut Health And Exercise Duration

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Exercise News Nutrition

5 min Read

This month’s bulletin brings us back to the basics of building a bone-healthy life: diet and exercise. If you’re wondering what more there could possibly be to learn about these fundamental parts of healthy living– read on.

First we’ll learn about a study that compared animal-protein diets to plant-protein diets. The vegan participants got their protein from a surprising source!

Next is a study on the benefits of eating a healthy plant-based diet.

Finally, we’ll look at new research on the ability of regular exercise to improve the gut’s microbiome. You’ll find out how much exercise it took, and why it matters.

Vegan Protein Equal To Animal Protein At Building Muscle

A study published in The Journal Of Nutrition found that a high protein vegan diet was just as effective at producing new muscle as a high protein omnivorous diet.

The researchers measured the muscle volume, strength, and function of two groups of participants: one consuming a high protein vegan diet, and the other consuming a high-protein diet that included protein from animal sources.

The study was performed in two phases: the first was a 3-day intervention that included leg exercises and measurements of participants' metabolism levels; the second was a 10-week progressive resistance training program. In both phases, the vegan groups' plant protein was primarily mycoprotein– a type of protein derived from fungi.

Relevant Excerpt

“There was no significant difference in muscle gains and strength between the two groups. In other words, the mycoprotein-rich vegan diet produced similar muscle-building results during resistance training as people who get their protein from meat.

People eating a high-protein omnivorous diet showed a 5.7-pound increase in muscle mass. The vegan group, in contrast, gained 6.83 pounds in mass. Both groups showed an 8.3-percent size increase in their thigh muscles during the experiment.”1

Rebuild Your Bones Naturally—Without Drugs or Side Effects

Stronger, healthier bones are possible—at any age. The Osteoporosis Reversal Program gives you a step-by-step, science-backed plan to naturally rebuild bone health, improve mobility, and regain confidence—100% risk-free with a 1-year, no-questions-asked guarantee.

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Since animal products are acidifying, the Osteoporosis Reversal Program recommends limiting them as a source of protein. This study re-establishes and expands on a known fact: you can build just as much muscle from plant protein as from animal protein.

For Savers, getting adequate protein is essential, because building stronger muscles allows us to build stronger bones.


A study in The Journal Of Nutrition found that high-protein vegan diets were just as effective as high protein omnivorous diets at building muscle mass. This once again proves that acidifying meat products are not necessary for building strong muscles– which help build strong bones.

Study Finds Plant-Based Diet Extends Lifespan

A study out of Northern Ireland builds nicely on the previous study’s findings about the power of a healthy plant-based diet free of sugary drinks, snacks and desserts, refined grains, potatoes and fruit juices. This study found that a diet rich in fruits, veggies, and whole grains significantly reduces the risk of a premature death.

The study, which tracked 126,394 adult participants in the UK for 10 to 12 years, found that overall mortality rates dropped by 16 percent among those who ate a healthy a plant-based diet.

Relevant Excerpt

“Deaths from cardiovascular disease and cancer dropped by eight and seven percent, respectively. Healthy, plant-based diets also reduced strokes and heart attacks by 16 and 14 percent, respectively.

“Greater adherence to a healthful plant-based diet was associated with a lower risk of mortality, cancer and particularly cardiovascular disease,” writes corresponding author Dr. Tilman Kuhn of Queen’s University Belfast and the team in the journal JAMA Network Open.”2

30 Minutes Of Exercise Daily Improves Gut Microbiome

Researchers at the University of Calgary have discovered a link between the health of gut microbiomes and regular exercise.

The study examined the relationship between gut bacteria and exercise habits, including type of exercise, duration, and intensity. The participants were a group of middle-aged adults.

Relevant Excerpt

“When exercise intensity was examined, results showed that how long a person exercised was more important than how hard they exercised during each workout in improving microbes in the gut. Reasons for this are not known and are a topic of future work in the laboratory.

The study also showed that changes in the microbiome were not the same between different groups of individuals. The most beneficial changes were seen in those individuals of normal weight compared to those who were overweight.”3

A healthy gut microbiome promotes a healthy digestive system. Not only is the health of the digestive system important for avoiding digestive ailments and discomfort, but it’s essential for healthy bones. That’s because our digestive system is responsible for absorbing the nutrients required to build and maintain bones.


A Canadian study found a link between gut microbiome and regular exercise. In a group of middle aged adults, the study found a higher exercise durations correlated to a greater abundance of healthy microbes in the gut. A healthy gut and digestive system supports healthy bones.

What This Means To You

Diet and exercise remain the most powerful tools at a Saver’s disposal. Wield them wisely to attain better health, stronger bones, and a long and independent life.

The Osteoporosis Reversal Program is a guide for doing exactly that. It provides a drug-free, all-natural approach to building stronger bones, preventing or reversing osteoporosis, and regaining the power to improve your health.

From a diet rich in bone-building foods, to exercises targeted for building stronger and healthier bones, the ORP and the Save Institute are here to help you accomplish your goals safely and fully.





Rebuild Your Bones Naturally—Without Drugs or Side Effects

Stronger, healthier bones are possible—at any age. The Osteoporosis Reversal Program gives you a step-by-step, science-backed plan to naturally rebuild bone health, improve mobility, and regain confidence—100% risk-free with a 1-year, no-questions-asked guarantee.

Discover the Program