Question & Answer #1
Is swimming in a pool OK for bones?
I know it’s not weight bearing exercise but does keep you aerobically fit. It’s my favorite exercise and I swim every day along with walking.
Dear Flick,
The best way to define weight-bearing exercises is as an activity that works bones and muscles against the force of gravity. Bones adapt by becoming stronger and by building more density. For example, walking, jogging, stair climbing, and even dancing are considered weight bearing activities. Because of water's buoyancy, swimming does not fit into the weight-bearing category.
But swimming can have beneficial effects on the mechanical properties of bone. Mechanical properties of bones include include tension, compression, bending, and torsion, which can be affected by water content ratio and collagen formation in the bone matrix.
A breakthrough study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology investigated the effects of exercise in rats – both with or without weight bearing – on the mineral and mechanical properties of growing bone. As expected, the rats assigned to the running exercise group ended up with a higher bone mineral density. But surprisingly, study results also showed that both running and swimming rats experienced an increase in long bone mechanical properties compared to the control group.1
Additionally, swimming can have a beneficial effect on bone turnover, strength and structure, according to another study published in the same journal. Author K. Hart and team reached this conclusion after analysis of the effects of swimming as an alternative to weight-bearing exercise in rats.2
So to answer your excellent question, swimming and walking are a great bone-healthy combination.
Question & Answer #2
My T -scores are bad. Why can I expect up to only a 20% improvement with a diet change…why not a 50% or 75% improvement? Thank you.
Dear Donna,
First of all, don't get discouraged by “bad” T-scores. As I wrote in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, the parameters to diagnose osteoporosis were set up arbitrarily by the World Health Organization. The T-score numbers compare your bones to those of a randomly chosen group of women – of which we know nothing – in their late 20's and at their peak bone mass. Keep in mind that mainstream medicine needs strict parameters to diagnose and treat any disease, so the same applies to osteoporosis (although it's really not a disease).
A natural and drug-free way to increase your bone density is a great option. I increased my bone density by 20% after following the Osteoporosis Reversal Program for one year, but that doesn't mean you – or anybody else for that matter – couldn't do better. In fact, many in the Save Our Bones community have surpassed this number.
So believe in yourself… and believe in your bones.
Question & Answer #3
I have been diagnosed with Hallux Limitus 3 months ago,have gone for strapping & fitted orthotics instead of surgery,the pain(between big toe nail & ‘bump’ on the toe) has reduced by 80% , however the ‘bump’ is giving me some serious pain that may prevent me from my weekly outing to golf & other activities. I am in my late 60′s. Could this be gout instead of H.L? Any suggestions & thank you in advance.
Dear Michael,
Hallux Limitus, which is the loss of motion to the big toe joint, can lead to an inefficient gait pattern and increased fatigue and pain, eventually leading to arthritis. Custom molded orthotics are a great idea because they can take some pressure off the big toe by redistributing the weight through the rest of the foot.
Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing if it's gout instead of H.L., but your health practitioner can check your uric acid levels to determine this. And if it turns out to be due to uric acid accumulation, you should consider following a pH balanced program. Studies have shown that uric acid crystallization in gout is accelerated by an acid pH. 3
Keep enjoying your weekend golf and activities!
Question & Answer #4
I have been reading about Silica and how good it is for your bones. I have been following your program for a year and feel wonderful, even had a fall and did not fracture (yeah!). Do you recommend silica for bone health?
Dear Kathy,
That's great news, and it shows that while we can't always avoid falling, we can most certainly avoid fractures. So stay on the Osteoporosis Reversal Program to you give your bones everything they need to stay strong and resistant to fractures.
You can read all about silica in a blog post I wrote titled “The Incredible Crunchable Cucumber”.
To your bone health,
Question & Answer #5
Age is 87. Started on Miacalcin & last 8 years or more on Actonel. Nothing works as last score was -3.5. Now they want me on Forteo shots & I refused.At my age don’t think anything will work. Do you? Comments please.
Dear Robert,
Let me correct you on something: Age is 87 years young 🙂 Experience has shown you that osteoporosis drugs work against normal bone metabolism rather than in cooperation with it. So it is not surprising that you haven't seen positive results. But age is not the main factor. As Dr. Insogna, Director of the Bone Center at Yale School of Medicine points out:
“We tend to think of the skeleton as an inert erector set that holds us up and doesn't do much else. That's not true. Every bit as dynamic as other tissues, bone responds to the pull of muscles and gravity, repairs itself, and constantly renews itself.”
So it makes sense that bones can heal themselves as well as regain their density and strength at any age. If you haven’t yet, get the free Natural Bone Building Handbook where you’ll discover how easy it is to increase your bone density without dangerous drugs. Then try the Osteoporosis Reversal Program to accelerate your bone growth and know exactly what to do every step of the way without drugs.
Warmest regards,
Question & Answer #6
I don’t doubt your research and your solution to osteoporosis. I am a proactive person who wants to be in control of her health management. I am 49 and have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. It seems to me the basic problem is trust. To refuse the meds prescribed is a risk according to the doctors; to take the meds is a risk according to you. So in the end, all the talk is simply a platform of knowledge. We, the patients, have to simply decide whom we are going to trust. I am interested to know your reaction to this. I will also be asking my doctor the same question. Perhaps these answers will be the ultimate help in helping me decide which way to go!
Dear Kate,
Your question brings up a very important yet often neglected topic. Indeed, when there are dissenting opinions, whom should you believe? The good news is that we live in an era where it is easy to find information on just about anything. Which means that you can navigate without bounds to find the osteoporosis answers. Now you might wonder, “where do I begin?”
You might first want to research the osteoporosis drugs, including the side effects warnings. From bisphosphonates like Fosamax to daily injectables like Forteo, they all carry pretty serious potential side effects. Then compare them to the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, which is based on natural osteoporosis solutions centered on easy nutritional, lifestyle, and exercises.
With that in mind, you can carefully review your choices to tackle osteoporosis. For example, are you willing to risk the serious drug side effects, even if in some cases the drugs don't even stop the bone loss? (See Robert's question above, as one example of many). Or would you rather opt for the new natural and drug-free osteoporosis treatment that has already helped thousands build their bones? In other words, before you make a decision, you need to formulate your own “Bone Health Philosophy.”
Here's what I recommend:
Step 1: Download the free Natural Bone Building Handbook.
Step 2: For the complete step-by-step treatment, try the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
The answer is in your hands, as is your health.
To your informed and educated decisions!
Question & Answer #7
After trying to take Fosamax, I developed chronic gastritis and was advised by my Gastroenterologist that I must take Protonix on a regular basis each day. I have read that it could cause my body not to absorb calcium properly . WHAT TO DO?
Dear Sue,
I am sorry that you are yet one more victim of the osteoporosis drugs. Protonix (like Nexium, Prevacid, Pepsid, Zantac) is a Proton-Pump Inhibitor or PPI, which impede the proper digestion and absorption of calcium and other bone-healthy minerals and vitamins. Many in the Save Our Bones community have had similar problems, and some have attempted – and succeeded with flying colors – at weaning themselves off the PPIs while on the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. Even though I never took Fosamax, I've had my share of acid reflux events years past, and was also able to get off Prevacid for good soon after I started on my program.
And here's what Carol has written to me in an email:
“I was diagnosed with osteoporosis two years ago. My family doctor freaked out and said I must take Fosamax, even though he knew I had acid reflux and that the prescribed medication (Prevacid) was not completely taking care of it. I was sure there had to be a better way, so I did research and found your website. I purchased your program and got started on it. I have emailed you over time about coming off Prevacid. I was able to do it much faster than you thought I would! I have been on the Osteoporosis Reversal Program for two years.Thanks!”
So what to do? For starters, know that you are not a slave to the PPIs and that sooner rather than later your doctor would have to find a solution because even per manufacturer's directions, they can't be used for more than a few months at a time. And that while you are following the pH balanced Osteoporosis Reversal Program you can try to gradually decrease the dose until you will be free of the disturbing gastric symptoms without taking Prevacid any more.
Here's to your freedom from drugs,
Question & Answer #8
Two months ago I took a nasty fall and had multiple fractures of my left arm. Since there was no way to set the arm, short of a shoulder replacement I chose to let it heal however it would. I used the info from you,eating green bananas and added alfalfa tablets. The arm is healed and my question is, should I stop the green bananas? I am 82 and yet it is healed in standard amount of time. I am thrilled. Thank you.
Dear Marian,
I'm so glad that your arm has healed by now. To answer your question about green bananas, I see no reason why you should stop eating them. But don't think even for a minute that green bananas are the only bone-healthy foods. There is a plethora of foods that naturally help maintain bone health and even increase their density. For that reason I have listed them in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, and have named them “Foundation Foods”.
Foundation Foods are rich in bone-friendly nutrients such as vitamin K, zinc, copper, and boron, to name a few, and can be used to prepare a wide variety of delicious meals.
Question & Answer #9
Are you familiar with the Columbia University study examining the role of serotonin on bone formation?
Dear Sandy,
A team led by researchers from Columbia University Medical Center is investigating a once daily oral drug that inhibits serotonin synthesis in the gut in order to stop its effect on bone formation. Serotonin is present in the brain, where it regulates mood and other critical functions, but the majority of serotonin is found in the intestines, where it is secreted in response to the presence of food. Among many other functions, and as it relates to bone health, serotonin is also involved in the activation of bone-building cells (osteoblasts) and bone-degrading cells (osteoclasts). The study aims to stimulate osteoblast proliferation with serotonin administration, which in turn leads to bone formation.
So far, study results on laboratory rats have been positive to prevent or reverse bone loss, but details are scant. As study leader Dr. Karsenty has commented, “It is important to note that since this study was conducted in rodents, it will need further confirmation in human subjects.”
Time will tell if serotonin is the osteoporosis “miracle” drug scientists have been dreaming of, but based on past performance of drugs that alter bone metabolism, I wouldn't hold my breath.
So stay healthy naturally,
Question & Answer #10
I would like to know if alfalfa is good to prevent bone loss. Thanks!
Dear Barbara,
Alfalfa is rich in several bone-healthy vitamins, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K. It also contains calcium, potassium, carotene, iron, and zinc. In fact, it is so nutrient-dense that it can interfere with anticoagulant therapy.
But raw alfalfa can raise some concerns because of L-cavanine found in the herb, the sprouts, and seeds. In very rare cases of excessive consumption, L-cavanine can cause abnormal red blood cell counts, enlargement of the spleen, or relapses of lupus. However, L-cavinine is not active in heated alfalfa. So you can most certainly enjoy it in moderation, or you can make alfalfa tea.
Alfalfa sprouts are one of my favorite salad toppings. I also love to stack them on sandwiches because they add a delightful crunch.And here's one of my favorite on-the-go sandwich recipe that tastes as delicious as it is bone-healthy.
Sprout Delight Sandwich
1 Sandwich
2 slices sprouted or whole grain bread
Treasure Trove Tahini (see recipe in my blog post titled “The Power of the Sesame Seed”)
1 hard-boiled egg, thinly sliced and lightly salted
2 tomatoes, sliced
1/4 small cucumber, thinly sliced
2 Romaine lettuce leaves
1/4 small onion, sliced
Alfalfa sprouts, rinsed and dried
Spread bread slices with tahini and stack ingredients in order as listed in the recipe. Yum!
And remember, let your food be your medicine.
1 Huang T. H., et al. “Effects of Different Exercise Modes on Mineralization, Structure, and Biomechanical Properties of Growing Bone.” Journal of Applied Physiology. 7/2003
2 Hart K. J. et al. “Swim-trained rats have greater bone mass, density, strength, and dynamics.” Journal of Applied Physiology. 10/2001
3 Hellsten Y. et al. “Oxidation of urate in human skeletal muscle during exercise.” Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 22: 169–174, 1997
Three years ago at the age of 60 I was told by my GP as a result of a DEXA scan that ‘I had the spine of a 90 year old’. The scan indicated that I had -3.5 in the spine and 1.5 in the femur. I consulted a leading nutritionist and followed advice on diet and taking supplements. A recent scan has shown the readings are now -3.9 (spine) and -2.0 (femur). I had a genetics profile which implies I have a polymorphism on my calcitonin receptor which indicates I do not absorb calcium efficiently. I have now been advised to seek further advice from a leading bone specialist and to consider taking Miacalcin. The nutritionist it seems is unable to help further. Vivian, please what would you advise? – I would be so grateful for any help on this; I really don’t want to spend my time feeling anxious and fearful. I have bought your Programme and had found it very inspiring.
I was on Fosamax for 8 years before starting the Save Our Bones program in November 2010. My doctor has now prescribed Calcitonin-Salmon nasal spray because I am still losing bone (about the same as when I was on Fosamax). Has anyone tried this or heard of any side effects? What do you think Vivian would say?
What do you know about AloeCure an aleovera juice that American Global health Group sells. It is suppose to help your stomach acid when you have gastric reflux that I got from taking fosamax for two and a half years. I don’t dare take any acid reducer drugs as I understand you can not absorb any calcium when taking those drugs. Do you have any other suggestions? I have your “Save your bones” book and am following all of your suggetions on diet and vitamins etc. I go to the gym four times a week working out on the tread mill, lifting weights and taking areobic and Yoga stretch classes for seniors and do your back exercises, which have helped my back feel better as I have a compression fracture in my back from a fall. I do not have a humped back however. I make an effort to stand straight. I’m 84 years old and am very active for my age. I would like to get my gastric reflux under control. Would appreciate your views on this. Thanks, Flora
I’ll try to keep it short! (Not good at this!) I have recently been diagnosed with Age-related Macular Degeneration and am having Lucentis injections as well as taking Preservision (eye vitamins). I have recently read on the Bausch and Lomb website that one must not take calcium with these pills!! I have been doing that because my pharmacist said it was fine. Both have to be taken with meals, twice a day, and I have been doing that at lunch and dinner. Can you shed any light on this contraindication, and how I can take both safely and effectively? I take Synthroid and Hydrochlorothiazide in the morning and cannot take calcium with those. I am 69 and have osteopenia (spinal) which has remained constant for 2 years with calcium and Vit.D supplements.
Thank you for keeping us informed!
thank you so much Vivian for sending me plenty informations,I have learned many,many things.I couldn’t thank you enough and also the others who contibuted about health informations.
thank you and kind regards to you and to everyone, bye
I had a DEXA Scan mid July, 2010 and it showed results within the normal range. I have led a healthy, active lifestyle. I am avid about good health (although a non red meat eater),vitamins, antioxidents, natural anti inflammatories like turmeric and cinnamon, etc.
I have had 3 fractures in the last 3 years and am perplexed as to where I’ve have gone wrong.
I will not take osteoporosis drugs to prevent it.
Any ideas?
Mention of alfalfa reminds me of mid-1930s when my father had a lamb born with no use of front legs. He/she/it? hobbled around our fenced yard for awhile. My father decided to make some alfalfa tea for the lamb, who seemed to like it, and in time,its forelegs became as strong as the back ones.
Awww, what a sweet story! Did the lamb keep drinking tea after it healed?
Thank you vivian for
Hi Vivian,
I noticed from your highest sources of calcium list that spinach is close to the top. I enjoy it sauteed lightly until wilted with other calcium rich vegies and nuts. I have read to be careful to not eat to much as ??? it blocks the absorption of calcium??? so I am very confused. Does that mean at 1 meal, in 1 day or 1 week not to have too much?
Can you clarify?
Thank you for any advice.
Hi Marty,
Spinach does contain oxalates, which reduce calcium absorption. But the reduction is relatively small, so don’t worry about it — enjoy your spinach! 🙂
Hello Vivian
I have been drinking reverse osmosis water, also have used it in cooking. Is this good for bone health?
Thank you for all your hard work and enthusiasm!
You are most welcome, Joy! Yes, reverse osmosis filters out fluoride, which is not removed by most other filtration methods.
I love to drink ruby red grapefruit juice – it is much tastier and a lot more afordable than the fresh grapefruit we can buy here in the northeast. The brand I buy is not from concentrate put it is pasturized. My question is does the pasturization process change it from alkaline to acidic? Thank you.
Thank you the information for Alfalfa.
Your program seems easy, lifestyle, food and
exercise. Knowing is easy but practice is
difficult. I’m old, I can balance my food 50/50, The Asian people eat too much rice. I have to change my eating habit. I gain much from you, I’m very appreciated your hard work.
You’re absolutely right! But the more you practice, the easier it gets. Do the best you can — every step you take in the right direction will bring you closer to regaining your bone health. 🙂
Hi Vivian, please can u tell me whether taking Raw Unfiltered organic Apple Cider is good for your bones? I was told from the Health Store that it is a good alkalizer.
Your comments would be appreciated.
Ruth S
I have the same question and had the same response from my oncologist. Vivian, there are LOTS of us out there being treated for breast cancer who must take estrogen-blocking drugs (I must take Arimidex for 5 years) which our doctors tell us will cause osteoporosis. PLEASE answer this question.
Hi Elaine,
Please see my reply to Lori.
(sorry , hit the sumbmit button in error last time.. will try again)
Hi Vivan. I was recently diagosed with osteoporosis (age 38) as a result of taking clexane during my last pregnancy. I developed a clot in week 7 of the pregnancy and had to take the drug for several months. Since then I have also been advised that I have low protein s which means I have a predisposition to clotting. I am fine now and not taking any medication for the protein s condition. My question is, would it be ok for me to take a vitamin K supplement as I note that you recommend it to address osteoporosis, but i would have concerns that it might somehow not be advisable given my condition.
Thanks so much.
Hi Emer,
Please consult with your doctor about the advisability of taking Vitamin K.
Vit.K is necessary for both bone formation and blood coagulation. Anti-coagulation therapy with Warfarin(Coumadin)aims to reduce the effect of Vit.K. There are many of us who have osteoporosis, but must also take Warfarin. Are we doomed to osteoporosis? Does anyone know of a study done on this problem? I do not. Vivian, as every other authority, says “See your doctor.” Mine put me on Fosamax, thereby admitting he did not know the answer to my dilemma. (After reading Vivian’s comments on Fosamax, I got off it.)
Hi Stanley,
No, you are not doomed to osteoporosis. Not at all! Vitamin K is important, but it is certainly not the only nutrient that can help get rid of osteoporosis. The The Osteoporosis Reversal Program has many other natural solutions.
After many years in service my Reverse Osmosis water purifying system recently gave up its ghost and I had to make a decision. After some research I decided to invest in a water ionizer instead. I have started to drink alkalized water and must say that some of the changes I experience are welcome.What are your thoughts?
Hi! everyone, I have not taken any drugs for two years now and am much better, all the side effects have disappeared. I was first on didronel pmo then fosamax next actonel and then the Bonviva and was gradually going more and more downhill, the bonviva was the one injection every three months and I was having to go to bed for a couple of hours in the daytime, that has all stopped. I am a regular long walker and swim regularly, have a very busy lifestyle and at the end of the day just chill out, being just turned 76yrs of age seem to be very healthy, no gastritis anymore also. Healthy eating and healthy mind help and trying to have little stress. Thanks Vivian. XXXX
Thank you, Vivian, for the information on swimming and on Alfalfa.
Hi Holly, I also read a lot of health newsletters on the internet. When we get the proper amounts of magnesium and other minerals we can get by on a much lower amount of calcium. This has been the case with certain natives who do not display any osteoporosis despite low calcium intake.
Vivian , what do you think about the nasal sprays…Fortical?
Hi Alana,
There’s lots of info about Fortical in my free Natural Bone Building Handbook. All you have to do to get it is enter your first name and email address in the form on the right side of the page.
Hi! Vivian,
I Liked Your Sandwich Recipe Also. And That’s Saying Something Since I Don’t Usually Like Lettuce, Tomatoes, And Sliced Onions On Sandwiches, But I LOVE WHOLE GRAIN BREADS, And HARD BOILED EGGS; ESPECIALLY SLICED VERY THIN!
Do You Have Any Recipes For Sandwiches That Have SMOKED SALMON On Them?
Have read that ionized water is more alkaline and better for you than reverse osmosis.
We have a reverse osmosis filtered water system. I have not heard of an ionized one. How are they different and which is better for you?
I appreciate all your messages, Vivian. Thank you very much.
i really would like you to address the differences
in the acid/alkaline foods. since i dont eat chicken or meat anymore, i need the protein provided by beans-and they are all acidic. or are they?????
very very confusing and our healthy lives do depend on the right info.
i have your book but there are so many charts that say different things.HELP!
I had already decided not to take any osteoporosis drugs before I came upon your site Vivian. You simply confirmed what I had already found out about the drugs. Part of my rationale for this decison was that even if one day I break a bone or my spine starts to compress at least I will have had my health – no side effects – and a good quality of life. I am always mindful of your advice, I’m not always perfect!! but I keep trying and hopefully this will help me. Thank you and keep up the good work.
Thanks for your passion & advocacy in demonstrating a sensible approach to bone development & health.
My question: I’m following your recommended diet, but find some discrepancies in listings of acid & alkaline producing foods. (In addition for Save Our Bones, I’ve been using Dr. Susan Brown’ & Larry Trivieri’s handy Acid Alkaline food guide, 2006). For example, they list blueberries & lentils as medium alkalizing; you list them as acidifying; Soy beans are listed as high acidifying, whereas soy bean are on your alkalizing list. Some of the beans listed on your Acidifying side are low acidifying, which might be a good choice in the 80/20 balance. Spelt is on both sides in you book. Comments?
It has been fun exploring new foods & recipes and picking up more variety of vegetables.
I too found that Susan Brown listed some things very acid while Vivian said they were not acid. I am confused. The legumes are bad so says Brown . I hope Vivian is right…Love my beans. Can anyone help with the answer?
Most of the foods you recommend are green, leafy & contain Vitamin K. I am on 6 mg. of Warfarin daily, with my INR usually 2.4 to 2.6.
I am afraid to introduce too many green veggies
that could affect my INR, what do you suggest?
I stopped taking Actonel over 1 yr. ago, lost the hearing in my right ear after going on the once a month pill. My T-score -2.5 was the same as when I was on this DRUG. I had been on
it or Miacalcin for almost 7.5 yrs. I have a file in my office for my son should I ever have
esophogal cancer or the dental problems later on.
When i was told i had Osteoporosis two years ago i was told by my Dr the only exercise i was not to do was swim,just thought i would say this as there are a lot of comments about swimming.Having another scan in may hope all goes well for me.
Sorry but too much imfo. Too much focusing on our bodies, and dying can’t be THAT bad.
Cheers Rita
I also was reluctant to do water aerobics because of the chlorine in the water. I do use the osteo-ball at times and find this easy to use.
Here in Victoria, B.C. Canada, the pools have all been changed to ozone and they use very little chlorine.
I just recently purchased your book~Save Our Bones. While awaiting for it to arrive I have been surfing the net looking for Alkaline vs acid diets and menus.
I do not understand what is meant when you say 80/20~~how is this amount determined at meal time?
Appreciate any info.
I have seen a number of postings from people who have concerns about taking protein pump inhibitors for gastritis, but it interferes with their absorption of calcium. I would like to share a simple remedy which has enabled me to wean off my PPI and totally clear up my acid reflux. Each day, take one stalk of washed organic celery and cut into about 4″ lengths. Drop into a cup and a half of boiling water, and simmer for five minutes. Drain and cool. Sip during the day. In severe cases you may need to make more than one dose through the day. It takes up to six weeks to see results, but is well worth the wait.
P.S. When I first started drinking the celery water, I stayed on my PPI and gradually weaned myself off as the reflux improved.
I am 76 and have osteoporosis of the hip and back, I play golf and tennis, is this a good thing to do? I do have pains in my legs and back, mostly when I am in bed. I take pain killers if I can’t sleep, perhaps about 4 times a week. is this sensible. I would hate to give my sport up.
Hi Vivian,
This is in regards to the question the lady asked as to who do you believe. The doctors and your information on building bones. I can understand her thinking; I felt the same way, but my intuition tells me that anything that you take in pill form that alters the natural process of bone rebuilding doesn’t make sense. Nature set things up the way it was suppose to be, and makes me think, “what’s wrong with this picture”. Always, look for a natural approach.
I read that whey protein powder is an alkaline-forming food? If milk is bad (acidic) for our bones, is whey protein good or bad for bones? Do the benefits outweigh possible negative effects?
I too have wondered about that?
I am new to the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, and the reading is proving of major interest.
There will be questions eventually I am sure. It is reassuring to know that you will probably be available to answer them.
Regards, Hugo
…just trying to decide which is the better calcium supplement
MCHC complex by NutriCology or
Raw cal by Garden of Life
I’m wondering whether using an inversion table (which allows gravity to pull the spine and muscles in the opposite direction from when we are upright) could help strenghten bones. Or, could it be harmful to bones with osteoporosis? I tried one in a store recently, and afterwards felt relaxed and able to move with good posture.
I’d like to know this too, since a session with an inversion table makes me (and my back) feel pretty good too.
Hi Maggie and Sarah,
I haven’t yet researched the effects of inversion therapy. If you’d like to try it, just get your doctor’s OK first. 🙂
I have osteoporosis and am getting really scared. My Dr says it is obviously due to genetics that I have this disease yet no one on either side of the family has had it. I was wondering if people could let me know if they have actually gained a better bone score from doing this diet change of Vivians. I hear a lot of hope when I read these pages but I dont hear a lot of actual bone scan score facts about bone increase. I am not trying to be harsh, I too am looking for hope and proof. Thanks for your help
Does anyone care to share some scores with me please. I am doing the 80/20 diet and exercisisng adn carrying a 2 lb weighted backpack for now.
Hi Sue,
I’m not sure I understand your question. If you’re referring to stevia, it’s a natural sweetener that’s great alternative to sugar.
I too am having a difficult time to decide which way to go. My doctor has prescribed medication but the side effects could be severe and I certainly do not want that. I signed up for your information as wanted to look at alternatives. The problem I have is that I do not have e-mail at home as I am located in a low area that does not get internet reception so I have to receive your e-mails at work. I cannot download your information due to work’s internal download lockout from our IT department. I also have blood clot issues so want to be sure what exercises I can do and cannot seem to find anything on the web without requiring download of documents which of course I do not have. Can you provide me with more information as to what your program offers, the cost and is it available in Canada? I would really like to hear from you.
Why keep trying from a work computer? Go to your local library for free downloads – or failing that, ask a friend if you can come over and use their internet
In your book save your bones, in the section about alkaline and acid foods, mustard is writen as both alkaline and acid. I would like to know what category it belongs to?
Thank you
Hi Ann,
Mustard seed (the spice) is alkalizing; most prepared mustards are acidifying due to the addition of acetic acid (in the form of vinegar).
Has anyone else had terrible side effects with Evista. Heartburn. Palpatations. Tachycardia. Leg Cramps. After only three pills. Only leg cramps are listed on the drug reactions.
Does anyone know if these symptoms are as a result of low blood Calcium or something else?
I have a question. I had breast cancer in 2009 and had one breast removed. Also had chemotherapy and radiation. I am taking femara which I have been told I will need to take for at least 5 years. It appears that femara causes bone loss and I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and osteopenia. The doctor originally prescribed actonel which I took for about a year and after getting your SaveOurBones book and having many side affects decided to discontinue taking it although the doctor was not happy at all. I have been exercising and eating right following you program but wonder if I can recoup the bone loss while taking femara? Please respond to this question–I really would appreciate it as the doctor just wants me to take actonel period.
Hi Lori,
Following the Osteoporosis Reversal Program offers protection against the bone loss caused by Femara and other estrogen-inhibiting drugs.
You mentioned swimming is good exercise too, what about the chlorine in the water????
I used to make water aerobics 3 times a week. It work wonderfully because the water becomes like weight resistant when you exercise and even when you swim. They help me to lose weight a lot and I believe they help my bones a lot. To exercise is much easier and fun in the water. How ever, I have red about the chemicals that are used to keep the water “clean”. They are really bad for you. I decided to make the water aerobics just 2 times a month and always with protection on my eyes, ears and hair. I combine them with walking and I want to start lo lift weights. I believe to have peace from God is the best key to be healthy. Also to have peace with every one trough forgiveness is very important. Miryam
See my reply above. See if you can find a pool that uses ozone to cut down on the chlorine.
THanks a lot for your help I’ve been following your recomendations for 2 and half years It’s been difficult for me to get the water you recommend I’d like to know how to make tap water good for my bone health.
I, too, have questioned the chlorine I swim in every day at the YMCA. I understand that some kind of Chloramide is released when urine and chlorine are mixed; we all know that kids do pee in the pool. Very curious whether Vivian would condone daily swimming.
Hi Carol (and Betty & Deborah),
Chlorine is a chemical, but it is necessary to keep pools clean. Yes, ozone is used in some areas, but it can be difficult to find a pool that doesn’t use chlorine. My opinion is that the benefits of swimming are greater than the detriments of swimming in chlorinated water.
This comment refers to KATE’S question about trust and the wisdom of going with conventional osteoporosis drugs vs. “Save our Bones”. Kate – at age 49, you don’t have to go on trust alone. When I was 54 I was in the same position: my general practitioner acted like yours – she “freaked out and prescribed Fasomax”. However every specialist in the area of bone health that I have consulted — including very well-known but conventional medical doctors — has said that for “younger” women like us they do NOT advise osteoporosis drugs. (The exception would be if your T-scores are alarmingly low… eg -3.5 or below, or if you are fracturing easily. Then it’s an emergency and may require drugs.) The long-term side effects are simply not known. So at your age the choice is VERY simple: learn as much as you can about how to build bone with nutrition, supplements, exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle factors. If you can, get a “bone genome” test to see if there’s a genetic cause. Building up your bones without drugs will take time and effort – but is really the only way to go at your age.
I am 62 and I DO HAVE a -3.5 T-Score in my spine. Does that mean I should be following three doctors’ advice on daily Forteo injections? I bought the Osteoporosis Reversal Program to try and implement instead of drugs but perhaps I need drug therapy. I cannot see injecting myself daily; perhaps I could take the once a year Reclast shot??? HELP!
Hi Carol,
The Osteoporosis Reversal Program is designed specifically for those who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia. Regardless of your scores, you should see improvement by following the program.
Please read my recent blog post about Reclast: https://saveourbones.com/reclast/
You have to make the ultimate decision about your bone health philosophy. Drugs may help temporarily, but there’s always a price to pay.
Your sandwich even sounds good. I’m a terrible cook and am looking for suggestions on what to put with what to make good meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), simple easy ingredients. What can you suggest? How about a tab in your toolbar where I could pick the ones I like? Maybe, please.
Some suggestions for bad cooks
Breakfast: one hard boiled egg , rye bread butter , cheese ( goat cheese or fresh parmigiano, or blue cheese ) fresh squeese pink grapefruit , tea ,
Lunchon green salad with sliced cucumber, or zucchini or string beans seasoned with olive oil and lemon or vinaiger
Diner: fish either cooked in oven or stewed, with salicorn or grilled meat with raw vegetables those recomended by vivian , drink beetween the meals and avoid drinking
During the meals, veggies bring enough liquid to your body , also with these reciepes
If you don use much salt , you may loose weight .
I always enjoy reading your question and answers. They are very educational. I trust your judgement almost 100% of the time. When you are questioned you quote studies and scientific proof of your answers.
I do have a quesiton though. I get natural health newsletters in my mail often because I am interested in all natural health. Some of the well respected Dr’s are saying now that taking calcium is not the thing to do.. they tell us that if we take adequate amounts of magnesium and Vit. D3 that our bodies will make its own calcium.
What is your take on that?
I had another lumbar fracture (L-3) a couple of months ago (from lifting 20# rescue puppies). Also had a kidney stone stuck in left ureter at same time! Had vertebroplasty procedure but continue to have considerable pain across lower back and into both hips, mosty right. Will start P.T. soon and back to swimming; have had very loose bowel movements since vertebroplasty but Dr. says there is no connection. What do you think? (This was 5th fracture I’ve had in my back)
I’m sorry Bonnie, but your question is outside the scope of my research. I wish you a speedy recovery!
Hi Roth,
Keep an eye on this blog and your emails for information about my upcoming cookbook. I’m just putting the finishing touches on it, and it’ll be out within the next month or so. I’m excited about it, and I think you’ll find just what you’re looking for. Lots of simple (as well as fancy) recipes and ideas for putting meals together. 🙂
I have tried Fosamax and Actonel for my Osteoporitis and the side effects were terrible, I do not want an injection, any ideas to help me along? I am a 72 year old male.
Thank You
Hi Cyril,
I’m sorry you experienced the ill effects of these drugs.
I would suggest that you try the natural approach I detail in The Osteoporosis Reversal Program.