Today’s challenge targets specific muscles of the back to improve posture, and it can easily be practiced while sitting down or standing up.
The Anytime, Anywhere Posture Improver works the rhomboid muscles, which are located just below the base of the neck between the shoulder blades. It reverses and prevents forward head posture (FHP) and the hunched upper back that can follow if this is not corrected.
While the rhomboids are not large muscles, they’re very important in correcting and maintaining posture and upper back and neck alignment.
Proper posture helps you look and feel younger, and according to research I’ll share with you, this perception can have a profound effect on longevity and quality of life.
Let’s begin by taking a closer look at the rhomboids, and what can happen if they become weak.
The major and minor rhomboid muscles lie below your trapezius muscle. They run between the inside edge of your shoulder blades to the cervical and thoracic vertebrae. Specifically, the rhomboid major connects to thoracic vertebrae 2 through 5 (T2-T5), while the rhomboid minor attaches to cervical vertebrae 7 (C7) through T1. So it’s clear that they play a significant role in the position of the head and neck.
They’re shaped roughly like a rhombus, which accounts for their name. The rhomboids are key muscles for holding your shoulders back and keeping your upper back and neck from falling into a slump.
FHP and a slouched, slumped posture are connected to the hunchbacked appearance associated with Dowager’s Hump( kyphosis). It’s something of a chicken-egg situation – poor posture can cause or exacerbate kyphosis, and kyphosis can worsen poor posture. Here’s how the cycle works, with an emphasis on the role of the rhomboids.
Kyphosis can start with FHP, which often has its beginnings in hours spent reading phone screens, sitting at a computer, or other activities that require you to lean forward. Often, you don’t even realize you’re doing it. FHP can also be a postural habit you’ve acquired over the years, even from childhood or adolescence.
This compromised posture stretches, strains, and ultimately weakens the muscles that hold the shoulders back and the head up. There are other reasons why the muscles of the upper back and neck become weak and stretched, too, such as feeling tired or simply not performing exercises that strengthen them. Thus, the vicious cycle continues – FHP and a slumped posture can cause weakened muscles, but weak muscles can encourage FHP and slumping.
Besides improving posture, strong rhomboids and correct shoulder alignment prevent another seldom-mentioned problem…
Tingling In The Hands And Fingers Can Be Caused By Slumped Shoulders
Basically, if you feel a tingling sensation and/or numbness in your hands or fingers, it could be due to nerve compression. It may surprise you to know that misalignment in the shoulders can cause compression of the nerves that supply your hands and fingers.
Most people have heard of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a painful condition often caused by the position of the wrist while typing. But there are two lesser-known conditions that can originate with shoulder slumping: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and Cervical Root Radiculopathy.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome results from compression of the brachial plexus, a conglomeration of nerves that originate in the neck and branch off into the arms, wrists, and hands. The brachial plexus passes through the thoracic outlet, a space lined with muscle and bone that is located beside your neck. Tight muscles and poor posture compress this space, leading to pressure on the nerves that pass through it.
Even hand strength and the ability to grip tightly can be greatly decreased by Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.
Cervical Root Radiculopathy can result from spinal compression brought on by slumped posture and FHP. The nerves in the cervical spine branch down to the arms and hands, so when the vertebrae are misaligned and compressed, the nerve impulses are compromised. Tingling and numbness of the hands, fingers, and arms can result.
Therefore, targeted exercise that really works the rhomboids is important for strengthening these key postural muscles.Today’s challenge is specifically designed to work the rhomboids. Here’s how to do it.
The name says it all: the Anytime, Anywhere Posture Improver doesn’t require any special location or equipment, and it’s equally effective whether you’re sitting or standing.
- Sit or stand tall, imagining the top of your head rising to the ceiling.
- Grasp your hands in front of you with your elbows up, as in the illustration. It doesn’t matter if your right or left hand is facing out; just switch hands halfway through so you work the rhomboids evenly.
- Gently pull outward with your hands connected, but rather than focusing on your arms, concentrate on pulling your shoulder blades together. If you’re doing this correctly, you’ll feel the rhomboid muscles tightening.
- Pull for about 5 seconds, and then relax. Keep your hands connected in front of you and your elbows up.
- Repeat the pull-and-relax move 10 to 12 times (or fewer if you prefer), and then switch hands.
- Repeat another 10-12 times with your hands reversed.
Because it’s so convenient, you can do this exercise often throughout the day to tone and strengthen the rhomboids and prevent all the issues described above. And of course, in addition to strengthening muscles, the Anytime, Anywhere Posture Improver stimulates bone growth and strength in the thoracic vertebrae.
“Dowager’s Hump” Does Not Have To Be A Part Of Aging!
A hunchbacked appearance is usually associated with old age, because the bulging, rounded-out upper back can take years of bad posture habits to develop. But it is by no means an inevitable part of aging. It’s important to recognize this, because how you view yourself as you age has a very real impact on your health and longevity.
Recent Study Shows Feeling Younger Increases Longevity
Researchers asked approximately 6,500 men and women aged 52 and older, “How old do you feel you are?” Eight years later, researchers followed up to see which of the participants were still living. 1 Remarkably, 86% of those who felt younger than their actual years were alive, while just 75% of those who felt older than their true age were still living. Of those who felt the same as their actual age, 82% were alive.
It gets even more intriguing. Of those surveyed, self-perceived age had a profound impact on deaths due to cardiovascular events. Researchers conjecture that this is due to several possible factors: those who feel younger exercise more and are more likely to take on physically challenging or new exercise (such as taking up a new sport or activity), and that’s good for the heart.
In addition, those who feel old may go ahead and eat unhealthy foods, thinking they have a limited time to enjoy them. On the contrary, those who feel younger might be more likely to make heart-healthy food choices to improve their future.
Regardless of how it happens, the bottom line is that feeling younger can lead to a longer, happier, healthier life.
Regular Exercise Is Part Of “Youth Perception”
Regular exercise sets off another cycle, but this one’s beneficial. The more you exercise, the younger you feel; and according to the above research, the younger you feel, the more you exercise!
Feeling that youthful energy again is just one of the many benefits of exercise, and it’s one of many reasons why it’s a vital part of building bones naturally. The Densercise™ Epidensity Training System is meant to be used in conjunction with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program as part of a comprehensive, bone-rejuvenating plan that doesn’t include drugs.
Take Exercising For Your Bones to the Next Level!
Learn the 52 exercise moves that jumpstart bone-building – all backed by the latest in epigenetics research.
If you’re hesitant to give Densercise™ a try, remember that you can return it for a full refund within 60 days of purchase. That’s plenty of time to decide if it’s right for you. So there’s no risk!
I want to encourage the community to share exercise tips and other engage in discussions about today’s post. So please let us know how your bone-building exercise is going by leaving a comment below.
Enjoy the weekend!
1 Goodman, Heidi. “Feeling young at heart may help you live longer.” Harvard Health Publications. December 17, 2014. Web. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/feeling-young-heart-may-help-live-longer-201412177598
I love this one! I can feel it in my mass of knotted muscles/nerves under my right scapula where I have had knife stabbing pains my entire life…..
Thanks so much Vivian <3
The Anytime Anywhere exercise improved my posture from the 1st time I did it..My back feels so much better…It’s a great exercise..thanks Vivian.
Is the $27 for the dansercize e program just a one time fee or will my card be charged monthly. Need to make sure there is no hidden cost that I may be missing. As others have written I really wish you would make it available in book form as that would make it easier to take with you when traveling or to the gym and that wouldn’t require an internet connection. Also a lot more transportable when you are doing the exercises. I would pay more for a hard copy of some sort. Printing it all out would practically deplete printer ink and going to Kinko’s is equally cost prohibitive. Dragging your lap top everywhere is just not practical.
Since my last DEXA scan, in 2013, I have been excercising, eating good things Kale, Celery, etc, taking AlgaeCal, I have just had another scan & was disappointed I’ve gone from lumbar -3.1 to -3.3. I’ve allways eaten really healthy, done exercises, would’ve always been alchaline & never take bisphosphonates. I can only assume I was never deficient in calcium & that osteoporosis is caused by being in a wheelchair (I’ve got S.C.A., nothing I’ve done); what do you think? I’m very thin (nothing wrong) would that cause you to have thinner bones?
PS- this exercise is good, I can do it sitting down, thanks
Thank you again. I appreciate the encouragement.
This is a great do anywhere exercise. I can really feel the muscles in my back straining. Even my husband likes it. Thank you Vivian and God Bless
Thank you for another useful exercise that can be done at any time. Will keep practicing this along with the other exercises you have recommended.
Great exercise for airplane rides.
I am new to the program and trying not to give in to taking weekly fozamax. Since I have several fractures I am afraid to exercise and make it worse or start the spasms again. Just started your readings.
Hopeful but wary
If people would do this exercise when they are stuck in traffic, at a red light & not moving instead of texting, think of all the accidents that could be avoided & all the lives that could be saved.
Hello Vivian,
An excellent and timely exercise.
Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day.
Hi, Vivian,
I am 62 years old and had osteopenia for about 12 years. A couple of months I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in my hips, although my spine had remained stable for the past four years. I was shocked because for the past six years I have worked out regularly with a functional trainer, at least partly with the aim of staving off osteoporosis. My overall health has improved quite dramatically and yet the bone loss has continued. My doctor prescribed Prolia injections twice a year. I am very reluctant to take any of the “bone building” drugs because of the numerous unwanted side effects. However, I was at a loss (and rather depressed) until I discovered you and your program. You have given me hope that your program will help me to manage my condition without prescription meds. Thank you so very much for your dedictation and work on this important health issue! If you have any additional thoughts, I would be so pleased to hear from you personally.
I wish I had had your book 25 years ago. With all the reading and research on the web I did, nothing jived until you explained the necessity for alkalization. Too late for me, but I hope not for my daughter.
Do you have exercises for someone with “too many to count” spinal compression fractures, humped back and the loss of more than 7 inches of height? I can’t lie down on a mat, nor can I raise my arms very far above my head. I can’t walk far (less than the length of a football field) and bending over causes pain. Thank you for your great work.
Penny, I like your attitude of not giving up and helping your daughter. I suggest you see a good Physical Therapist before you start exercising at home, since you already have many compression fractures. And please keep us posted on your progress 🙂
Good morning Vivian,
An excellent and timely exercise for me.
Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day.
Thrilled the timing is right for you, Marlene. Let’s all keep exercising and moving for our bones!
I love exercises like this one. I will share some helpful isometric exercises that I do while I’m still in bed. When I wake up in the morning I alternately press my arms, shoulders, legs, feet and head gently into the bed four a count of approx. 5 seconds. Then I slightly stretch each leg to try and lengthen my spine. These exercises have seemed to help me feel stronger. Because of my osteoporosis condition and previous back fracture, I like to do them because my back is supported against the bed. Thank you Vivian for all your helpful exercise and for sure I will be adding this one to my list.
I also love the convenience and ease (not to mention efficacy) of this weekend’s exercise. Happy you like it too. And thanks for sharing your isometric moves with us!
Need a printed Dancercise book.
Cannot see the digital version.
Placed and paid week Of August 17, 2015 Thank you for for your prompt
Rose. Perrin.( Ro******@gm***.com)
1 Grove. Isle. Drive. Apt.#504A
Miami, FL. 33133
So sorry about that, Rose! Densercise is only available in digital format. And remember, we’re here to help you.
Warm regards,
Save Our Bones Support
love the new exercise at 78 and osto i can do it often during the day thank you cindy
Yes, Cynthia… this is truly an “anytime, anywhere” move 🙂
Thank you very much for this exercise, I really like the ones that you can fit into everyday life so easily, this one is excellent. Also all the explanation that goes with it is invaluable, you are a great person. I will also pass the exercise on to my son who spends so long on computers that he already has a pronounced forward head posture at the age of 29, he complains of neck pain and tingling in his hands as well!
You’re very welcome, Muriel! And by all means share it with your son. It’s amazing how FHP is no longer a condition of the “elderly” these days…
Happy Weekend All, I suffer from severe FHS and this one is wonderful. I have another which I’ll share and believe it could enhance this challenge. I go outside and have landings at both doors. Railings are very useful for placing my hands on them standing back a few inches with feet back a bit and leaning forward helping my shoulder blades come together to an extent. I do those 10x and now I’ll add the new one to that routine. Thanks very much Vivian….
So glad you like the exercise, and thanks for sharing your move with us!
Can I get the printed manual instead of digital copy?
Please inform me.
I am an avid follower of your articles and tips & am a Medical doctor.
You give very practical advice.
Dr. Yogender Sharma.
Thanks for being a part of the Save Our Bones community and for you kind words, doctor! Densercise is only available in digital, downloadable format. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.
Yours in health,
Save Our Bones Support