This weekend’s challenge focuses on the transverse abdominis, a deep core muscle that tends to be neglected in favor of the more obvious and superficial “abs.” Despite its understated nature, the transverse abdominis plays an indispensable role in stability and balance.
Today’s exercise also targets the femur and its head, areas of keen interest for those who have taken bisphosphonates (which increase the risk of femoral fracture).
The Femur And Core Strengthening Leg Lift builds strength and stability; but don’t let the term “leg lift” scare you. While highly effective, today’s exercise is not the grueling experience that traditional leg lifts can be. In fact, exercising to the point of significant pain is actually counterproductive, while some muscle soreness is actually a good sign.
We’ll explore this apparent paradox and more in this weekend’s challenge.
Let’s get started!
The transverse abdominis is sometimes called the “corset muscle” because of the way it wraps around the waist. When it contracts, it gently draws the tummy and sides inward and lifts the torso as it stretches the vertebrae upward.
The transverse abdominis is a rather thin muscle that lies deep in the torso. It runs from the lower spine to the front of your abdomen, connecting to the crests of the pelvis and lower ribs in between. It is one of the larger core muscles and is essential for trunk stability as well as pelvic and spinal alignment.
The Femur And Core Strengthening Leg Lift targets this core muscle. In addition, it’s a low-impact move that works the hip joint and thigh, toning the muscles that run along the femur itself and hold the head of the femur firmly in the hip socket. As I am sure you know, bisphosphonate drugs such as Fosamax and Boniva weaken the femoral neck – the bridge of bone that connects the top of the femur to the head, or ball – greatly increasing the risk of an atypical fracture.
As you get ready to do this weekend’s challenge, bear in mind that it’s important to move slowly and keep your abdomen down as you perform this exercise. This ensures that the transverse abdominis gets utilized.
Grab an exercise mat and if you need it, a towel for neck support.
- Lie on the floor with your knees up and feet flat. Think of your ribs as being heavy and imagine their weight pressing your back flat against the floor. Don’t let your back arch and your tummy “pop up” during this exercise. Your pelvis should be in a neutral position, resting evenly on the floor.
- Take a deep breath. As you exhale, lift one leg until your thigh is perpendicular to the floor. Keep your knee bent.
- Hold the lift and take a deep breath, and then slowly exhale as you lower your leg back to the starting position.
- Repeat five to 10 times, or however many repetitions you can comfortably do.
- Switch sides and repeat another set of leg lifts.
If getting up and down off the floor is an issue, here are two Weekend Challenges that work the same muscle but without lying down:
Seated Abs And Hips Strengthener
These challenges are also excellent follow-ups to this weekend’s exercise. Make sure you go slowly and keep your tummy down against the floor in order to work that deep transverse abdominis and not just the abs.
As you begin to add more Weekend Challenges to your workout routine, you may begin to wonder how much exercise is too much.
No Pain, No Gain?
If any exercise causes sudden sharp pain, I recommend you stop doing it because that can indicate an injury or underlying problem. But there is a certain amount of pain involved in building muscle to build your bones that’s inevitable, and that’s okay. I’ll explain.
Building muscle requires a certain amount of muscle damage. When you feel a “burn” while working out, it means your muscle fibers are experiencing slight tears. The next day – or even two days later – your muscles will feel sore. This is nothing to be concerned about, and it’s actually a good sign. Pain related to injuries rarely takes two days to manifest (it’s typically immediate), and soreness means the muscles have been challenged.
That sore feeling may keep you from wanting to do any rigorous exercise the day after working out, and that’s actually a good thing. Your muscle fibers build and recover during rest, becoming bigger and stronger. That’s why it’s so important to take breaks.
To give your muscles this critical rest time, the Densercise™ Epidensity Training System is practiced three times a week for 15 minutes. As your muscles grow accustomed to the workouts, soreness will be less of a factor. At that point, you’ll be maintaining muscle, which is just as important as building it. And, of course, you can always supplement your Densercises with the Weekend Challenges and weight-bearing activities such as walking or running.
Densercise™ has more than 50 muscle-strengthening, bone-building exercises, so there’s plenty of variety to build muscle and bone all over your body, particularly in areas that are prone to fracture (such as the wrists, ankles, and hips). And because different areas are worked each week, it gives your muscles time to recover while you build another area.
Take Exercising For Your Bones to the Next Level!
Learn the 52 exercise moves that jumpstart bone-building – all backed by the latest in epigenetics research.
In sum, challenging your muscles causes slight damage that ultimately results in stronger muscle fibers; but working out to the point of extreme pain or muscle fatigue is counterproductive.
As always, I love to hear from you about your experience with this weekend’s challenge. Please leave a comment below to share your thoughts with the community.
Have a great weekend!
I have been doing many of the weekend challenges for awhile, walking a lot and following a bone healthy diet. My last bone scan showed virtually no less bone density from a previous diagnosis of osteopenia two and a half years prior. This came after years of taking aramatase inhibitors for breast cancer. This encouraged me to do a lot more.
What is your opinion of Prolia? Doctor says I have ghost bones and compression fracture in spine and that is my only option.
I am also interested to have your opinion about the prolia? I have been taking it for the last two years! My doctor says that I have built some bones, but if I don’t continue it will come right back. 5 years ago, I fell & broke my femer, it still gives me problems because it was not put back properly.please give me your opinion.
Thanks & best regards
Valentine Balass
Nice exercise for those of us who took the osteoporosis drugs. Very grateful for this!
You’re welcome, Lillian. 🙂
what is your opinion on raloxifene (evista)? Isn’t it the lesser of two evils, the others being the bisphosphates? I have been adhering to your program for a couple of years now, but bone densities keep dropping and am now full osteoporis in all of lumbar area. I am considering raloxifene , maybe 1/2 dose ( 30 mg). Does raloxifene slowdown osteoclast activity just like other bisphosphates or does it help osteoblasts? I read all your blogs and know you feel forteo is bad for our bodies. Is there anything other than alkaline diet and weight bearing exercises that increases osteoblast or bone building? I am 67.
I have the same issue and I would like also a reply to Sandra’s Questions. I took all markets biophosphates for many years. I quit, them all but I lost fat, muscle tone and height, although I exercise. I appreciate your comment. I have all your literatures already and appreciate your articles.
Awesome move. I will do it every day. Very grateful for these exercises.
I’m glad you can add this to your daily routine, Christine!
I really appreciate the weekend challenges! Thank you, Vivian.
You are welcome, Audrey!
I tried this exercise this morning, but in bed. I have a firm mattress and it is difficult for me to get up off the floor. I felt my thigh and stomach muscles, so I suppose it can be done in bed also. I hope I;m right.
Good idea, Laura. Sounds like it worked for you. You also might like to check out the links to the other exercises that work the same muscle, but that don’t involve lying on the floor. 🙂
Great exercise, Vivian! Unfortunately, I took Fosomax for 3 years until I found Save Our Bones, so I really want to strengthen my thigh bones. Don’t know how to thank you for all you do to save us from those dangerous drugs.
Congratulations on choosing to build your bones without drugs, Stella! Keep up the good work.