Weekend Challenge: Seated Femur Rejuvenator

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Exercise

6 min Read

This weekend I bring you another exercise that’s practiced while sitting down, which comes in really handy when you’re trying to include density-building exercises in your daily routine.

This kind of accessibility is especially important today, since sobering statistics reveal that osteoporosis is more prevalent worldwide than ever before.

So making bone-building exercise available to everyone is one significant way to combat the spread of osteoporosis. Let’s get right to it!


The Seated Femur Rejuvenator focuses on the muscles of the inner and outer thigh, thus stimulating bone growth in the femur. In addition, strong thigh muscles play an important role in stabilizing the knee joint and preventing injury.

The femur is very strong, but where it joins with the patella to form the knee joint, there is a weak point that is more prone to fracture than the middle of the bone. Working the muscles of the thigh is a simple and effective way to strengthen this area.

The quadriceps are the most well-known thigh muscles when it comes to strengthening the knee joint, but it may surprise you to learn that the inner and outer thigh muscles also play a very important role in stabilizing the knee.

Strong and stable knee joints promote a healthy gait, and strong, stable knees are much less prone to injury. If the inner and/or outer thigh muscles are weak, the knee moves from side to side while walking. The knee is not designed to bend sideways, so this scenario sets the stage for knee injuries such as torn ligaments. It can also give rise to inflammation and knee pain due to the instability of the joint.

When you work the muscles of the inner and outer thigh, you’re helping to keep the knee confined to its correct range of motion: a hinge-like movement forward and back.


While this exercise is performed on a chair, it’s best if your chair or stool is high enough that your legs are stretched a bit beyond a 90-degree angle when your feet are flat on the floor. In other words, this exercise works better if your thighs are slanted downward a bit. I found that a kitchen stool works well.

If you don’t have a chair that is the correct height, you can put cushions or even a phone book on the seat to raise yourself up.


  1. Sit tall with both feet on the floor.
  2. Engage your abdominal muscles and raise one knee up slightly above the level of the chair seat. Keep your shin perpendicular to the floor, and your other foot flat on the floor.
  3. Without changing the angle of your knee, bring your knee outward slightly. Make sure to use the muscles of your outer thigh to bring it out.
  4. Bring your knee back in, using the inner thigh and abdominal muscles, and slowly lower your foot back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat 5 to 8 times, and then switch sides for another set of 5 to 8.


  • Keep your pelvis level and stable throughout the exercise.
  • Do not twist your torso; only the leg you’re working should be moving.
  • Make sure your shin stays perpendicular to the floor – don’t tilt the foot inward or your knee tilt outward. Your foot should go along with the leg you’re working, not just the knee.
  • Don’t let your supporting leg wobble or slant; keep it still.

As you can see, exercising to build and strengthen your bones does not have to be complicated. Effective, challenging, bone-building moves can be practiced right in your home or office.

It’s more important than ever to bring exercise into daily life routines, because, as you’ll read next, osteoporosis is sharply on the rise.

Recent CDC Report Shows An Alarming Increase In Osteoporosis Prevalence

Researchers examined five years’ worth of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, and they discovered that low bone density among adults over age 65 has increased.

After adjusting for age, low bone mass at the femur neck and lumbar vertebrae, osteoporosis was found to have a prevalence of almost 25% among women over age 65. Without age adjustment, the prevalence was 25.7%. General low bone density was found in 48.3% of adults over 65.1

This is sobering indeed.

If that isn’t motivation enough to start exercising for your bones, consider these other unhappy statistics:

  • Almost nine million fractures are caused by osteoporosis worldwide each year. That means someone sustains an osteoporotic fracture every 3 seconds on average.
  • If the current trend continues, researchers predict that the incidence of osteoporotic hip fractures will increase in both men and women by 310% and 240%, respectively.
  • Osteoporosis accounts for more hospital stays among women over the age of 45 than diabetes, myocardial infarction, and breast cancer.

But There’s Good News!

While such facts can be alarming, they can also be motivational; and there is no need to be discouraged. There are positive statistics as well, such as:

  • Regular exercise is associated with reductions in pelvic fractures for both men and women.
  • Therapeutic exercise can increase and maintain bone density among postmenopausal women.
  • Exercise reduces the risk of osteoporosis and fracture, and also decreases the chance of fall-related injuries.

Clearly, exercise is a vital aspect of reversing osteoporosis. And Savers know full well that the same statistics cannot be applied to bisphosphonates and other osteoporosis drugs. These medications are not only ineffective; they also have a dismal safety record.

There is just no “magic” pharmaceutical solution to osteoporosis, a truism that even mainstream scientists have come to recognize. In fact, the concept of “osteogenic loading” (in other words, weight-bearing exercise) as a safer, more effective means of building bone density was officially recognized in April of this year at the World Congress on Osteoporosis.

Today’s The Day To Do Your Part To Reduce Osteoporosis Prevalence

The fight against osteoporosis starts with one person at a time. As each individual makes healthful choices and takes charge of his or her own bone health, the incidence of osteoporosis will decrease across the board. But it starts with you.

Like Having Your Own Bone Health Personal Trainer!

Let us guide you through 52 exercise moves that jumpstart bone-building – all backed by the latest in epigenetics research.

Learn More Now →

The Densercise Epidensity Training System is accessible to anyone with a computer, or any device that downloads PDF files (which is just about all of them!). Densercise is full of exercises that, like today’s challenge, target fracture-prone areas all over the body with moves that are specifically designed to stimulate bone growth.

Let’s all work together to decrease osteoporosis all over the world, one person at a time!

Have a great weekend!


1 “CDC: One in Four Women Has Osteoporosis.” MPR. August 14, 2015. Web. https://www.empr.com/medical-news/cdc-one-in-four-older-women-has-osteoporosis/article/432694/