Let’s say you’ve invented a new gadget and you want to manufacture and sell it. Only problem is, it does something that nobody needs.
There was a point in history, not all that long ago, when you’d wisely move on to your next invention. But with the age of advertising a new option was created. By placing manipulative ads in newspapers, on the radio, or on television, you can do more than just let people know that your product exists; you can convince them they need it.
Imagine now that your invention caused physical harm to those who bought and used it. What if it made them nauseous, dizzy, unable to drive or think straight, or caused spontaneous bone fractures? That would be immoral, right?
Yet it’s happening right this moment all over the world. Big Pharma regularly patents new drugs that wind up in the medicine cabinets of millions of people– people who do not need the drug they’ve been convinced to take, but who suffer dangerous side effects in exchange for an often illusory benefit. Osteoporosis drugs, such as Fosamax and Boniva, are good examples.
Today we’ll look at two drugs that were created for invented diseases, at the meaning of disease mongering, and more.
What Is Disease Mongering?
The phrase disease mongering was coined by medical and science writer Lynn Payer in her 1992 book “Disease-Mongers: How Doctors, Drug Companies, and Insurers Are Making You Feel Sick.” Payer defined this deceitful practice as “trying to convince essentially well people that they are sick, or slightly sick people that they are very ill.” That was 25 years ago, and it has only gotten worse since then.
While there are various ways to disease monger, the reason is always the same: profit. Pharmaceutical manufacturers are for-profit, most often publicly traded companies. They aim to show earnings to their stockholders, so they’re under pressure to keep creating new drugs, as older drugs lose their patent.
One of the earliest examples of disease mongering is Listerine, invented in 1879 and used as an antiseptic and even a floor cleaner before its creators figured out how they could sell it. After marketing it to dentists for in-office oral care, they started selling it directly to consumers. Except that consumers didn’t need it. So the creators invented a disease that their product “cured”: halitosis, which is nothing but bad breath.
The name halitosis was borrowed from antiquated medical texts and paraded as a disease that could have dire consequences for your personal and professional life. By taking advantage of people’s insecurities, and through the creation of manipulative soap-opera-like commercials, Listerine turned into a sought after remedy for a previously non-existent malady.
The same method is applied by Big Pharma today, and it’s incredibly profitable. For every dollar Big Pharma spends on advertising directly to consumers they make about $4.20 in sales. That turnaround really adds up over the millions and millions of dollars spent on advertising.1
Rebuild Your Bones Naturally—Without Drugs or Side Effects
Stronger, healthier bones are possible—at any age. The Osteoporosis Reversal Program gives you a step-by-step, science-backed plan to naturally rebuild bone health, improve mobility, and regain confidence—100% risk-free with a 1-year, no-questions-asked guarantee.
As a result, drug mongering becomes the primary activity of companies that claim to be focused on research and development. Of the 100 largest pharmaceutical companies, 64 spent at least double the amount of money on marketing than on research and development, 58 spent triple, 43 spent five times as much, and 27 spent ten times as much.1 These companies claim to be in the business of curing diseases, but the facts show that a big portion of their business is actually inventing them.
Disease Mongering And Osteoporosis
This story should sound familiar to Savers: when the pharmaceutical giant Merck first isolated the drug that became Fosamax, there was no market for it. There was no disease that it could treat. Instead of moving on to the next idea, they decided to engineer osteoporosis, and then osteopenia, through intensive lobbying, influence, and manipulation of the Medical Establishment. You can read more about the sordid history of Fosamax here.
The Osteoporosis Reversal Program clearly states that osteoporosis is not a disease. The rejection of the pathologizing of osteoporosis is an important first step towards actually addressing the true cause of bone loss and making the lifestyle changes required to reverse it. Here is the definition of osteoporosis given in the Program:
“A condition of the skeletal system, common in middle aged and older individuals, mainly caused by the body’s attempt to correct an unhealthy biochemical imbalance by utilizing the calcium that should normally remain in the bones, causing bone density loss. However, unless certain abnormal endocrine and/or gastrointestinal conditions are present, the biochemical imbalance may be corrected by diet and lifestyle changes.”
Osteoporosis drugs don’t even accomplish their goal of reducing fractures. In fact one of the side effects of Fosamax is atypical fractures. A drug causing more problems than it solves is a tragic pattern in the story of disease mongering.
Sometimes when people first hear this information they are shocked, and reluctant to believe that the Medical Establishment could be complicit in something so brazen and shameful. But sadly, it’s true, and it’s not just limited to mouthwash and bone health.
We can better understand, and thus recognize, this foul play by examining other cases. Let’s have a look at two other examples of disease mongering: Dry Eye Disease and Restless Leg Syndrome.
The Invention Of Dry Eye “Disease”
Many people experience the sensation of their eyes feeling dry at certain times or under certain conditions. The Mayo Clinic explains that this happens when the tear ducts aren’t able to provide adequate lubrication, which leads to temporary discomfort especially when staring at a screen for too long, riding a bike, or when in a heavily air-conditioned room.2
As with every physical trait, some people may have an anomalously severe version, but this would be a very small fraction of the populace. For those people, a product to lubricate the eyes makes sense. But to make billions of dollars off patented eye drops, a much larger market is needed. This is where disease mongering comes into play.
Here’s a commercial for Allergan’s prescription eye drop Restasis. Look out for the hallmarks of drug mongering: labelling a condition a “disease”, convincing viewers it’s harmful, and insistence that the only course of action is pharmaceutical.
It’s no wonder that people are convinced by slick commercials like the above that their life could be improved through the use of a drug, even though it might have side effects, or create the risk of infection, as in the case of Restasis. Here’s a list of the side effects that Allergan has publically disclosed:3
- eye burning,
- redness,
- tearing,
- discharge,
- pain,
- itching,
- stinging,
- visual blurring, or
- feeling as if something is in the eye
In addition, cases have been reported of hypersensitivity (including eye swelling, urticaria, rare cases of severe angioedema, face swelling, tongue swelling, pharyngeal edema, and dyspnea); and superficial injury of the eye (from the vial tip touching the eye during administration).3
Allergan states on their website that there are other side effects that they don’t list. And all too frequently, pharmaceutical companies are found guilty of lying to people about the possibility of severe and often life threatening side effects. You’ll notice almost none of this is mentioned in the commercial above.
The creation of this “disease” has been so effective that the number of Restasis users has continued to grow. In a recent report, Allergan boasted that the demand for this type of drug has grown 30% since last year.4
It doesn’t seem likely that 30% more people suddenly developed a condition so severe that they independently asked their doctor for a pharmaceutical intervention. Those people were convinced by advertising that they have a disease; one that was invented to sell a product.
Restless Leg Syndrome
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a real neurological disorder that creates an irresistible urge to move one’s body to stop an uncomfortable physical sensation. It’s also extremely rare, and about 60% of cases are inherited, so people who have this rare condition likely already knew they were at risk of it.5
GlaxoSmithKline, the world’s second largest drug company, developed a drug called Requip that was intended to help manage the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Seeking further profit from a drug they had already developed, in 2005 they managed to get the drug approved for Restless Leg Syndrome.
Given the small number of people who suffer from RLS, this seems like an unproductive move, until you factor in the disease mongering GlaxoSmithKline knew it could accomplish. Anyone who feels restless for reasons that could have nothing to do with a condition could be convinced that this drug might improve their life.
What those people might really need is to drink less caffeine, get more exercise, change their lifestyle to accommodate more restful sleep, or accept that they tend to get restless and adjust their activities accordingly. What they don’t need is a prescription drug. Especially one with potentially harmful side effects.
Requip can result in dizziness, nausea, somnolence (falling asleep), viral infection and even hallucinations. But the way, these side effects are listed in the commercial below. Falling asleep at the wheel, developing a sudden gambling addiction, or suffering fainting spells is not a reasonable risk, but this commercial might make you feel otherwise.
This ad doesn’t even represent the full range of possible side effects. Here’s the staggering list of only the major problems that can arise when taking this drug.6
Most Common:
- confusion
- dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up from a lying or sitting position suddenly
- drowsiness
- falling
- nausea
- seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there (hallucinations)
- sleepiness or unusual drowsiness
- swelling of the legs
- twisting, twitching, or other unusual body movements
- unusual tiredness or weakness
- worsening of parkinsonism
Less common:
- abdominal or stomach pain
- bloating or swelling of the face, arms, hands, lower legs, or feet
- blood in the urine
- blurred vision
- burning, pain, or difficulty in urinating
- chest pain
- chills
- cold sweats
- cough
- double vision or other eye or vision problems
- fainting
- fear or nervousness
- feeling of constant movement of self or surroundings
- high or low blood pressure
- irregular or pounding heartbeat
- loss of memory
- mental depression
- pain
- pain in the arms or legs
- pounding in the ears
- rapid weight gain
- sensation of spinning
- slow or fast heartbeat
- sore throat
- sweating
- tightness in chest
- tingling of hands or feet
- tingling, numbness, or prickly feelings
- trouble in concentrating
- troubled breathing
- unusual weight gain or loss
- vomiting
- anxiety
- buzzing or ringing in the ears
- changes in vision
- fever
- headache
- joint pain
- loss of bladder control
- muscle cramps, pain, or spasms
- nasal congestion
- runny nose
- sneezing
- trouble with swallowing
- unusual urges
That last one, “unusual urges,” demonstrates the deceit practiced by GlaxoSmithKline. It refers to a troubling pattern that emerged among people taking Requip: the development of severe gambling problems, shopping addictions and hypersexuality.
Many people have reported developing sudden uncontrollable gambling addictions that have drained their savings and strained their relationships. The personal accounts on message boards about these drugs are absolutely heartbreaking. Pharmaceutical companies have even been successfully sued by some sufferers who had their lives destroyed by the side effects of a drug that claimed merely to help them sleep more comfortably.
Creating Diseases Doesn’t Make Anyone Healthier
It’s clear that disease mongering is a danger and a burden. Another truth that emerges from this data is that even those who are genuinely helped by these drugs to solve one problem could easily end up suffering from side effects that often are even worse than the condition they’re treating.
Big Pharma is barking up the wrong tree, and their reductionism is at odds with the function and form of the human body. Our biology is complex beyond our complete comprehension, and using chemicals to artificially alter the function of our brains, hormones, and other biological systems can have many negative ramifications.
This is one of the reasons why the Osteoporosis Reversal Program advocates a holistic approach to bone health. Research has proven that natural solutions work, are safe, and effective in the fight for stronger bones. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and a bone-healthy lifestyle, do more than just improve bone quality – they also improve life quality.
Stop Worrying About Your Bone Loss
Join thousands of Savers from around the world who have reversed or prevented their bone loss naturally and scientifically with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.
If you haven't already, you can read more about the history of the invention of osteoporosis, the ways the Medical Establishment has profited from it, and learn about a natural, drug-free treatment to combat bone loss in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. Don’t be frightened into believing you’re sick and helpless by advertising, doctors, or the drug industry. You are intelligent, capable, and full of life!
Till next time,
1 Nick Chanko. “Big Pharma: Ignoring Needs, Following Profits” The McGill International Review Jun 15, 2017. Web: https://mironline.ca/big-pharma-ignoring-needs-following-profits/
2 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dry-eyes/basics/definition/con-20024129
3 https://www.rxlist.com/restasis-side-effects-drug-center.htm
4 Jon Swedien. “Allergan’s Restasis Revenues Up 13 Percent in Q4-2016.” Market Scope. Feb 10, 2017. Web: https://market-scope.com/breaking-post/allergans-restasis-revenues-up-13-percent-in-q4-2016/
5 Jeanne Whalen. “How Glaxo Marketed a Malady to Sell a Drug.” Wall Street Journal. Oct. 25, 2006. Web: https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB116174246339602800
6 https://www.drugs.com/sfx/requip-side-effects.html
My density readings caused my endocrinologist much anxiety. Over many years I tried the usual medicines but gave up because of side affects. Emphasis on bone loss and fractures is constant leverage for me to “do something”; however, a few months back I had a fall and landed hard on my left side. Hurt a lot, but no broken ribs just bruising. Doctor said I was lucky and insisted something needed to be done “If you break a hip, you’re done.” Gave prescription ($4,200) for Forteo to try for a month, I read the information provided and spoke to a Lilly representative. In that conversation, my medical history was looked at, and I was told I was not a candidate for Forteo because I had radiation as a child, and this could result in bone cancer. When I returned to discuss this with my doctor, he just laughed and said his wife told him she wouldn’t take it either! I was dismissed as his patient. What a blessing! I am now convinced my body will take care of itself following advice from knowledgeable people like you, Vivian. I am almost 80, and feel invincible.
“This information is not intended to replace recommendations or advice from physicians”
If your source of medical advice requires this quote (AKA a “Quack Miranda”), I highly recommend you find a different source of medical advice.
I love articles like this. I dont have osteroporosis but i do have fibromyalgia and sjogren’s syndrome, for those who never heard of it its an autoimmune disorder in which your glands dont produce enough moisture, leaving you with very dry eyes, dry mouth, dry skin and other orifices, as well as a host of other symptoms. I have actually found a lot of relief in herbs and natural supplements like high dose fish oil, cholinergics like dmae, vitamins, flax seed oil, N acetyl crysteine, and vitamin D which i was low in. I take hardly any pharmaceuticals at all. Big pharma is a monopoly nightmare who has the fda, the cdc, and the medical industry in their back pocket. These entities have their place..they just need to stay there!
Is systane harmful to the eyes? They are lubricant eye drops for dry eye sold over the counter.
My friend’s chiropractor told her to take OmegaGenics GLA 240 (Borage Seed Oil) by Metagenics. Comes in 90 softgels. I take 2 a day and it eliminates all the symptoms of dry eyes. It is fairly expensive but has no side affects like pharmaceuticals would. I can notice the difference if I don’t take it every day. Don’t know if you want to mention brand names.
Excellent article. I am no fan of big pharma; it’s all about profit, not health. I suffer from hayfever and for decades experienced itchy eyes that would drive me nuts ( 10 times worse if you rub your eyes; the grass pollen grains are like spikey balls if viewed under a microscope) so I had to resort to eyedrops which I was very grateful for. However, there is a macrobiotic remedy for this sort of thing, namely a drop of black sesame oil in each eye. I often resorted to a drop of regular roasted sesame oil in each eye if I didn’t have any eyedrops; it clouds your vision for a little while but is otherwise soothing and combats the itchy symptoms. Not sure if Vivian would approve, I am merely recounting my experience.
So if you really do have dry eyes…from lasik surgery. What would you suggest? I have used countless eye drops and restasis? I don’t find restasis that helpful.
I’m glad that Vivian walked back her comments about dry eye a bit (below). If you’ve ever had really severe dry eye, to the point of causing very painful corneal abrasions, as my mother and I have had, you’d definitely take it seriously, whether you call it a “disease” or not. That being said, my patients who have used Restasis have not been very enthusiastic about it; it seems not to be terribly effective, especially considering the astronomical cost. We have been having more luck using eyelid washes such as Cliradex, to get rid of parasites and infections and help the oil glands in the lids work properly. That’s the ideal use of medication– to help the body do its own functioning rather than stopping natural functions.
It’s also odd that Vivian’s article refers to restless leg syndrome being rare. I don’t have a very large patient base in my one-person practice, but I’ve seen quite a few cases. Not only have I known it to be self-reported by patients, I’ve actually observed it many times because as people lie and relax on my treatment table, those who have it tend to find it coming up. (Over time it does tend to lessen with acupuncture even if we are not focusing on treating it.) I can’t see how it can be considered rare.
Restless leg syndrome can easily be dealt with by magnesium. I buy a spray – it’s magnesium flakes mixed with water. I spray it on my arms and legs after a shower. I use topical magnesium because it gets into my body in about 20 minutes – doesn’t go through the digestive system. I use it for leg cramps that I no longer have. My dog uses it for restless body syndrome. I spray it on the inside of his ears and rub it on his tummy.
I also use magnesium. After a long run or hard workout my legs can ache at night, so I rub in magnesium gel by Ancient Minerals, and sleep like a baby.
My brother’s eye doctor told him to take 3 fish oil pills for his dry eye. He told me she said you don’t need to use eye drops for it and that it’s not a disease but a condition that comes and goes.
Your brother’s eye doctor sounds like she’s not afraid to think outside the box, Pat!
My eye doctor prescribed Omega-3 fish oil capsules for dry eye and it worked beautifully. As long as I’m regular in taking it, no dry eye!
I came across a drug called Ezorb calcium. I found it on the internet. What can you tell me about this drug.
Marlene I have been taking ezorb capsules and all I can tell you is so far my nails have improved drastically so hopefully it is helping my bones too .
I took Ezorb calcium for a year without fail and my next bone density scan was worse. It did not help at all! What a letdown. It was a total waste of money. I now use a plant-based calcium product recommended by Vivian.
Ezorb is so interesting, I took it for several months, but it did nothing for me. Yet this form of calcium is different facinating. It is very soluble in water and adding soda powder will not make the liquid cloudy like most other calcium supplements that dissolve well in water. The calcium is bound to a molecule and has to be separated from it by cellular enzymes to be used. It may work wonders for many, but we have all different metabolisms.
I just read that mineral water is the best source of calcium. Is this true?
Hi Marlene,
Please check your inbox for a message from Customer Support. 🙂
It is not just Big Pharma putting out lies and exaggerations The FDA itself is right up there since so many go from Pharma to the FDA and back.
The CDC makes billions off of vaccines. They are a vaccine marketer and wholesaler.
Think that might motivate them to push vaccines and even develop them themselves?
I understand your concerns, Mary. Have you looked at some of my posts on the FDA? Here are a couple of links that you will find informative:
Thank you so much for your informative website and posts!
I very much enjoyed the decision making article since I am currently at a crossroad.
Today’s article is certainly something I very much agree with, although I do think there is a place for medications in certain instances.
I have been told I must get on a bisphosphonate due to getting off Forteo, since that will continue to break down bone for months and “all gains will be lost”.
I do not see myself accepting that or starting a regimen of Fosomax as recommended by my doctor.
Thanks for providing a good source of information to refer to!
You are welcome, Joanne. It’s excellent that you’re thinking this through so thoroughly, and I want to encourage you to continue your research so you’re confident in your decision.
Can you suggest a natural pain relief for severe bone on bone osteoarthritis in my knee.
A knee replacement has been suggested but I hate the thought. I do chair yoga which
involves leg exercises and reduces my stress and I follow a saveourbones diet.
Feeling very restricted re activities. Thank you Vivian
Gail, please check your inbox for a message from Customer Support. 🙂
Hi Vivian,
While I appreciate your comments about drug companies and disease mongering, I must draw the line at chronic dry eye. I have an autoimmune disease that causes chronic dry eye and Restasis has helped me immensely. Is it a disease? I don’t know. I don’t really care. Restasis has made my life much more comfortable. I use it sparingly, only for a few months during very dry times of the year and I don’t use it twice a day as they recommend. I have spent the majority of my life studying diabetes and trying to find a ‘cure’. The truth is, as you have helped us learn well, drugs are not always the answer. I have reversed my osteoporosis with help from you and the gym. So the key is education. Learning about what is needed and what is not. Thank you for being a part of my education and I enjoy your posts immensely.
I understand that what this article saying about “invented diseases” or conditions, however it is incorrect about dry eyes. That is not an invented condition. Ask any good Optometrist and they will tell you that if your eyes are dry and not properly lubricated (which happens with age or lifestyle or environmental conditions) it leads to Glaucoma.
My wife had her eyes checked not long ago and he told her that she had the very mild beginning signs of Glaucoma. A yellowing at the back of the eye. Not serious right now and it could be thwarted by using some drops called Systane Balance. They are not prescription drug drops, just over the counter, pretty inexpensive lubricating eye drops. She was apprehensive about eye drops, because they burned when she applied them. He said that this is normal and proves she needs them. It’s like when you put water on hot pavement or sand, it burns and steams, but the relief after using them, cannot be understated. What a difference it makes. Instant relief and they are harmless drops, so why not? They are clinically proven to help and first hand results from my wife are glowing ones. It works and it’s just that simple.
She spends a lot of time in front of a computer and living in Canada, in the winter, our indoor heating can make the air very, very dry. We do what we can to rehydrate the air, like using warm mist humidifiers, but that is just the nature of indoor heating. So, I think that perhaps the author of this article should research her non-Osteo stuff a little better, before making such incorrect claims. This is very common these days and she is obviously believing nonsense clickbait articles on the internet, written by slick shills and liars who have no proof of their assertions and use fear mongering to scare people, just like Pharma does. Probably so they can sell you something “natural” or make money on advertising, or sell their book, etc. etc. In that sense, the natural “industry” is no better than Pharma in it’s lies and slick writing and tall claims. Pharma may be greedy and invent diseases, sure, but the “natural” camp is no better. They lie and deceive too. A lot actually.
Demonizing Pharma helps nobody and sometimes Pharma DOES actually have cures, or effective treatments that natural can’t match. Vice versa happens too, yes. The answers to our maladies lie in finding the solutions, through legit research (whether that be yourself or a Dr. of some sort) somewhere in the middle of Pharma and natural. They both have their merits. Where one fails, the other may succeed. It’s up to you to find out which, through proper education of how the body actually works. A little human Physiology and Chemistry knowledge goes a long way.
The author should stick to what she actually knows, Osteoporosis, because yes, it is treatable naturally and quite effectively, at that, with no drugs at all. Printing fear mongering like this, serves no purpose by to make people paranoid and perhaps more sick, or dead, because they ignored a legit Pharma solution that could have helped. I’ve seen her write other articles like this and I know that she is not getting correct information sometimes. She does write some really great articles though and I find some very informative. Sodium Risedronate drugs are indeed garbage, I agree and they don’t help build bone or stop Osteoporosis. So her hate for them is certainly warranted. All they do is make bone thicker, not stronger. Hip fracture studies have proven that. They don’t reduce fracture rates at all. It’s like a dry thicker twig and a fresh thinner twig. The slightly thinner one is stronger, because it flexes and bones need to and can flex. This is why natural things that build bone, like Silica, water (yes bones contain water), proteins, acids, Boron, Zinc and the old standards like Cal-Mag and Vit. D and weight bearing exercise work. I’ve had gains thank’s to all of them. Albeit small slow gains, but that’s just bones for you, it’s a slow process.
Osteoporosis is a legit condition, there is no question of that. Bone Density scans prove it and I have it bad in my spine, from a car accident many years ago and spinal fusion. As we age, these maladies crop up because we produce less of the things we need, like we did in our younger years and must be dealt with and can be dealt with “sometimes”, quite naturally and I love natural medicine.
Through years of research and Science study though, I have realized that Pharma is not the Devil and does sometimes have good solutions. Osteo drugs though, are not one of them and carry numerous risks. Namely bone Necrosis and my Dentist was always concerned about that and has never liked them for that side effect. So, I eventually quit them, after doing much research, because they don’t do anything.
Hi Kim and Bill,
I do appreciate your points of view and understand that you have experience with a very real, very challenging condition. Please don’t misunderstand – we’re not saying that dry eye is imaginary. Rather, it’s an indication of an underlying condition, such as diabetes, damage to the tear glands, inadequate blinking, ectropian (turned-out) or entropian (turned-in) eyelids, and so forth. Dry eyes can even be a side effect of medication, including over-the-counter antihistamines. What we are saying is that dry eye is not a disease in and of itself.
Best wishes to both of you in finding solutions and enjoying optimal health!
I’ve learned over the years that many of my pals with dry eyes have forced hot air heating. My smart sister put a humidifier on her furnace – no more dry eyes. And – it’s great for the skin!!
I was prescribed Fosamax when it first came out, but only used it for 3 months, as it caused indigestion. Then was put on Boniva for awhile, same result because it’s essentially the same drug. Then a doctor said Prolia would be best for me. Even my primary doctor brought up the side effects on his computer and thought it was a bad idea. I was convinced I needed to take some drug as my bone density tests were getting worse and worse. But then I found your site and relaxed. I exercise regularly and eat well. Just had a bad fall and landed on my wrist – just a bruise, no broken bones. I may not have great bone density results, but my bones are strong and healthy! Thanks for all you do.
How fortunate that you found this information in time, Elisabeth! You’ve touched on a very important point here:
“I may not have great bone density results, but my bones are strong and healthy!”
This is such a crucial concept. Bone density tests measure the quantity of bone, not the quality; a less dense bone that has tensile strength may be more fracture-resistant than a denser, harder bone. Congratulations on avoiding a fracture, and for sticking with your beliefs!
Very interesting! I work in the medical community and see providers handing out medicine like candy. Patients come in expecting a prescription. I have two sisters on Fosamax and I try to tell them about the side effects, but, they think since their doctors prescribed it, it must be safe. How can we educate consumers to do their own research? My bone health clinic told me not to take any bisphosphonates at all. But, the prescribed Forteo. I tried to take it for 3 weeks and got depressed, fatigued and all terrible pain. My spouse told me I aged two years in three weeks. I stopped it and have decided to refuse anything else. Have you heard much about HGH and osteoporosis?
This is a great question, Lori: “How can we educate consumers to do their own research?”
That’s one of the things that inspires me to keep researching and sharing this vital information. Knowledge is not only empowering; it’s essential!
As far as HGH (human growth hormone) goes, at the Save Institute, hormone therapy of any kind is not recommended. Rather, our approach is to support the body nutritionally and with healthy lifestyle changes so as to achieve balance rather than supplementing a substance that carries potential risks and side effects.
I inherited RLS. I read it was caused by too much glutamate in ones system. I stopped using MSG stock cubes and eating Chinese food with MSG in it. I discovered soy sauce, fish sauce, tomatoes, mushrooms have high amounts of glutamate in them. I rarely get RLS now and when I do rub Biofreeze on the soles of my feet, round the ankle,up the calf muscle and round each knee, ocassionally take two paracetamol. It works for me. There is a list on line of amounts of glutamate in certain foods.
As for Listerine, it cured my nails fungus. I was put on powerful antifungal tablets that made me feel nauseous, I thought if Listerine got rid of mouth infections it may work for nail infections. It did. After every bathing I covered my nail front and down the back as far as it would go. Now after one year I have a perfect new nail.
Interesting, Val! I am glad you found a drug-free way to manage your symptoms, and that you were able to get rid of your nail fungus.
One of my friends that I mentioned above broke her hip while on Prolia. I had told her about the Save Our Bones program but she didn’t listen. She is walking again but has a bad limp, walks with a cane, and has screws in her hip. She can’t put on her own shoes and socks because the hip won’t let her bend like she needs too.
My doctor wanted me to go on Prolia when it first came out. After I read the brochure I wondered why anyone would put this in their bodies. That’s when I did an Internet search and found this site! Yay!
I am so sorry to hear about your friend, Sherrine! But I am very glad you found this website, and that your bones are so healthy and strong, thanks to your efforts and commitment to a drug-free approach.
I’m very surprised at some of your statements here. Chronic dry eye IS a disease. It’s a malfunctioning of the tear ducts where a sufferer cannot produce enough or any their own tears. Restasis is a prescription medication that contains cyclosporine that helps the tear ducts produce tears. This is not an artificial tear product like Refresh.
I had two dogs who developed dry eye. The first dog ended up going blind because of lack of tears. I was using a prescription lubricant but that didn’t help much. They were in the process of doing a double blind study on cyclosporine so it wasn’t available for my poor dog. This condition had to be quite painful for her.
The second dog was put on cyclosporine immediately and was on it her entire life and she never lost her vision.
I’m thankful for products like Restasis, which my mother had to use in later life. She was able to see until the day she died.
Bad breath could possibly be caused by a disease. Certain cancers can give people bad breath. Check out the Mayo Clinic site. It talks about this. Also diseases of the mouth can cause bad breath so it is important to find the cause of the problem.
I totally agree with the fear mongering that is going on with osteoporosis. Everyone loses bone as we age and you have given great information as to how to help with bone remodeling and strengthening. I have followed your advice and have never broken a bone…even though I had a very bad fall on a tile floor and I also was knocked over by a 100 pound grindstone that ended up on my foot and leg. Yet, I have two friends on osteoporosis medication that have had falls and both have broken a bone! So, keep up the good work. I may not have the best “picture” on the bone scans but I sure have good tensile strength!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Sherrine, and congratulations on avoiding fractures! While I do understand that some of these conditions are diseases or indicative of disease, the point is that the drugs are prescribed to people who do not have the actual disease, but who have been convinced that they do. And even in cases of real illness, such as halitosis resulting from cancer as you mentioned, a mouthwash is certainly not the answer for the actual cause of the condition.
Your thoughts on Prolia
You’ll find a lot of information on Prolia (including my review) here at this website, Benita. The easiest way is to type “Prolia” into the Search box at the top of the page.