First-time visitors to the Save Our Bones website may find it hard to believe that a nutritional program can replace osteoporosis drugs. It may seem even more unbelievable that the Program can reverse osteoporosis and osteopenia without dangerous side effects – except, of course, for the excellent “side effects” of more energy and better overall health.
The Program is scientifically backed with studies published in mainstream journals, and today I bring yet more studies that show low bone density is not the only condition that responds favorably to food-based treatments. In fact, there are three ubiquitous “diseases” – diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol – that studies have shown actually respond better to specific foods than prescription drugs.
Yet, not surprisingly, the Medical Establishment willfully ignores this…
So today we’re going to look at these three common foods – two of which are Foundation Foods – and the data supporting their effectiveness.
Let’s start with a fruit that many of us know by its scent.
1. Bergamot for High Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease
The flavor of bergamot gives Earl Grey tea its distinctive flavor, and bergamot essential oil is used in blends to alleviate anxiety. Both of those forms use the peel of this small citrus fruit; but it’s the juice that contains the highest level of polyphenols, which account in large part for this fruit’s remarkable health benefits. (Remember that polyphenols are essential for preventing bone loss as well.)
In fact, it’s the polyphenolic compounds in bergamot that are responsible for its ability to boost cardiovascular health, an Italian study found. Researchers directly compared the effectiveness of bergamot to a popular statin drug, rosuvastatin : they divided up 77 people into groups which received a placebo, rosuvastatin, bergamot polyphenolic fraction (BPF), or both rosuvastatin and
BPF for 30 days.
The scientists found that combining the BPF with the rosuvastatin had the most impressive results, with lower total cholesterol and – this is important – an increase in the “good” cholesterol, HDL, keeping the ratio at a healthy level.1 This is not something that statins can do, and bear in mind that HDL levels are actually more relevant than total cholesterol.
In addition, the groups that took BPF had reduced levels of specific biomarkers for oxidative vascular damage, showing that BPF protects against heart disease as well – another area where statins fail.1
The sticking point with bergamot is that it simply is not a widely available fruit that you can purchase and eat as-is. Even if you could obtain this South Asian citrus fruit, which looks something like a yellow-colored orange, its juice is very sour and bitter. For that reason, bergamot extract is available as capsules and tablets.
The participants in the study took 1000mg daily of BPF, and no side effects from the BPF were reported, which is in distinct contrast to statins, whose list of side effects includes muscle damage, muscle pain, liver damage, type 2 diabetes, and neurological effects.
Speaking of type 2 diabetes…
2. Grapefruit For Type 2 Diabetes
In Florida, where I live, grapefruits are plentiful year-round. In the more northern states, grapefruit season is at its peak during the winter months, making this Foundation Food an excellent, alkalizing source of bone-healthy nutrients during the winter season.
In addition to slowing bone loss, grapefruit (a Foundation Food in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program) has been shown to lower blood sugar as effectively as the popular diabetes drug metformin.
When mice were given either sweetened grapefruit juice or sweetened water (so that caloric intake was the same for both groups), and fed either a high- or low-fat diet for 100 days, the results were startling.
The mice that drank the grapefruit juice showed lower glucose on par with the effects of metformin – a 13 to 17 per cent decrease.
As researcher Professor Joseph Napoli said:
“…a natural fruit drink lowered glucose levels as effectively as a prescription drug.”2
Interestingly, the mice that ate a low-fat diet did not have such dramatic results, and the high-fat group of mice did not gain any weight…in fact, they gained less weight than the sweetened water group. And the grapefruit juice group’s insulin decreased by three times, suggesting their bodies had become more sensitive to insulin.
This is great news for grapefruit lovers! Not only does grapefruit build your bones, but it also tackles type 2 diabetes, a problematic and increasingly-prevalent health concern in Western societies. (For those who do take certain medications, it’s wise to make sure that grapefruit is the right choice for you, as it can affect the metabolism of various drugs.)
3. Beet Juice For High Blood Pressure
The humble beet has been enjoyed by people in Eastern Europe for centuries. In the West, many of us only know the canned “pickled beets” that are loaded with added sugar. Now, this deep red root, which is also a Foundation Food, is being brought out into the light and given its rightful place among nutritional disease-fighters.
Beets are full of bone-strengthening phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Their rich color is due in part to betalains, plant pigments that support detoxification. And research shows that the juice from beets has dramatic blood pressure-lowering effects.
Sixty-four people, all with high blood pressure, were divided into two groups: one group was given a 250ml glass of beet juice every morning for 30 days, while the other group received a placebo (beet juice that had its active constituents removed – more on that in a moment). The blood pressure in the first group experienced a significant drop in blood pressure – 8 systolic points – which is more than comparable to the 6.5 systolic drop typically experienced by those who take the diuretic drug HCTZ (hydrochlorothiazide).3
A word about the active constituent in beet juice. The ability of beet juice to lower blood pressure is likely due to its naturally high levels of plant nitrate, which is not to be confused with sodium nitrate, the unhealthy preservative use in cured meats. Plant nitrates occur naturally as part of plants’ absorption of nitrite from the soil, and are perfectly safe…in fact, quite beneficial, as this and other studies show. The placebo beet juice had its nitrate content removed.
The researchers note:
“…that the [beet juice] intervention is well tolerated, safe, and associated with robust BP reductions measured in and out of clinic.”3
Once again, we hear “well tolerated” and “safe” when discussing the highly effective effects of these natural cures.
Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence, chances are you won’t hear anything from your doctor about the power of foods to heal and prevent disease. But…
The Research Is Clear: Some Foods Are As Effective And Safer Than Prescription Drugs
In today’s post, we looked at just three powerful foods and their impact on common health issues. As you consider the whole scope of foods available and the process of reversing osteoporosis and osteopenia without drugs, you may find yourself overwhelmed.
But there’s no need to worry about it being difficult or complicated. The Osteoporosis Reversal Program guides you every step of the way and provides a clear, concise list of Foundation Foods to simplify choosing the right foods that nourish your bones. And the Save Our Bones cookbook, Bone Appétit, makes cooking for your bones easy, delicious, and fun.
Eat Your Way to Stronger Bones!
Discover over 200 mouth-watering bone healthy recipes for breakfast, smoothies, appetizers, soups, salads, vegetarian dishes, fish, and plenty of main courses and even desserts!
To help you even more, Bone Appétit includes the 30 Day Meal Planner, a comprehensive chart that maps out each day’s meals and snacks. This alleviates confusion and sets you on a clear path to bone health success through nutrition.
As always, I love to hear from the Saver community. If you have any thoughts on today’s post, including ideas for preparing the foods discussed, please feel free to leave a comment below.
Till next time,
1 Gliozzi, Micaela, et al. “Bergamot polyphenolic fraction enhances rosuvastin-induced effect on LDL-cholesterol, LOX-1 expression and protein kinase B phosphorylation in patients with hyperlipidemia.” International Journal of Cardiology.December 10, 2013. Volume 170, Issue 2, pages 140-145. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.08.125. Web. https://www.internationaljournalofcardiology.com/article/S0167-5273%2813%2901708-7/abstract
2 Chudnovskiy, Rostislov, et al. “Consumption of Clarified Grapefruit Juice Ameliorates High-Fat Diet Induced Insulin Resistance and Weight Gain in Mice.” PLoS ONE. October 8, 2014. 9(10): e108408. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0108408. Web. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0108408
3 Kapil, V., et al. “Dietary nitrate provides sustained blood pressure lowering in hypertensive patients: a randomized, phase 2, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.” Hypertension. Debruary 2015. 65(2): 320-7. DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.114.04675. Web. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25421976
Happy new year.Thank you all for your good work and support
What foods should one eat to lower A1C while not losing weight?
I have found a source claiming one needs to have one-half non-starchy vegetables, one-fourth protein, one-fourth starch/carbo and one glass of low-fat milk or small fruit. I suppose snacks are vegetables or a true sun-grown carbo like quinoa with brown rice. I also suppose a treat daily is fun to consume–processed or home-baked? In addition I suppose one bite of a soft candy is sufficient processed food or cake. Home-baked foods are the whole serving.
I have had a compression fracture for a year and the pain will not go away. I have changed my diet for the better. Is there anything else I can do. I was told I have ghost bones. Doctor wanted me to take Prolia but I refused. Please advise!
I suggest you find another doctor who can help you find the source of the persistent pain, Nancy. It could be chronic inflammation, misalignment, or any number of things. And once you find the source, the problem is much easier to solve!
I have had a nasty ‘virus’ for approx 10 weeks which, after copious Blood Tests, Dr I have been seeing is hinting could be caused from Prolia injection I had end March 2016. Evidence of too much Creatine Kinase in my system. I have been referred back to my ‘home’ Dr (I have been away from home 3 mths). What treatment/action can be taken? How can I relieve symptoms – severe muscle pain and contractions; insomnia; mouth ulcers; fever; and the list goes on!
I am a 72 year young woman who had gastric bypass surgery over 20 years ago. Unfortunately the calcium has leeched from my bones and I now have osteoporosis. I had the infusion Reclast in March 2016 and have had nothing but problems. My kidneys are now involved and I don’t know what is next.
I have had Prolia injections a couple of times but having spoken with my dentist about the problem bone effects, I’m reluctant to continue. How can I best go about this. ?
Hi Ursula,
If you wish to stop taking Prolia, then you can simply not accept any more injections. It’s your choice!
How can I order TrueOsteo Advanced Bone Support and get the Save Our Bones discount? I have ordered it in the past but don’t remember how I did it.
Thank you.
I am taking Xarelto to prevent a stroke secondary to my Atrial Fibrillation and already have been told that I have had a small cerebellar stroke as demonstrated in a MRI. Being 75 y.o. my density numbers are at the lower end of the normal range. I would like to take True Osteo but I have noticed there is some Vit K in it. I am wondering if the amount would negate the effect of the anticoagulant. Thanks
I was drinking lots of Hibiscus cold drink, and found out it has lots of acidity so I stopped…..also I was taking a baby aspirin and I stopped that too, as my Osteo is not a good number 2.8….Norma
How to get beet juice? Do you know anything about bio sil for bones?
Thank you very much for the wonderful advice which we get from you Vivian.Iam going to travel for 3 months and I wont be able to get beet root JUICE in Zanzibar.I wonder if taking cooked beet root would be just as good as the juice.I have been taking the juice for sometime now and it works wonders.I will be grateful for a reply.
Grapefruit is not allowed with Crestor. How will I take Crestor? Thanks for your research.
Hello Vivian,
I will start juicing beets as soon as my juicer machine
arrives . I usually boiled them. Thanks. Marlene
Hi, I have just had a bone density test and was told that I have osteoporosis. I have a lot of allergies including cows milk. I am about to get implants as my bridge was removed but would like to know from you if it is a good idea to get the implants or will it harm the jaw bone itself. I have had 3 implants a year and a half ago and had a lot of pain as I am allergic to chemicals! I love reading your info and am always e-mailing it to my clients as well. Thanks C (Carmina)
Would also like to know about dental implants….
I was taking a supplement, PROBONO from my nutritionist, but found out that the Calcium is not organic( marine algae), YET it contains all the other elements Vivian recommends in her book, SaveOurBones Program. (. Mang, copper, vit c , Zinc, the Vit. B’s , Boron, Mag, D3 and K ) so I thought I would consider the supplement, TrueOsteo supplement that Vivian recommends. BUT even though TrueOsteo contains the organic calcium, D3, K, Mag, and boron, IT DOES NOT have all the other elements that she recommends for Osteoporosis, such as the Manganese, Copper, Silica, Vit. C, Zinc, and B’s. Please advise , thank you very much ! I look forward to your advise and how I should proceed.
Do I get enough calcium by eating variety of vegetables
And lots of home made plain yoghurt everyday.
Kala, I do not like milk so I avoid it as much as possible. All fermented milk products make me sick, so I eat like a rabbit: greens, greens, nuts and most of the food from Bone Appetite. My calcium level, just tested, is perfect!
I tell people to do what cows do, that is, eat green. Cows do not drink milk and they produce lots of calcium.
Dora, your serum calcium level will remain within narrow normal limits, as it’s essential for proper muscle and nerve function that it’s tightly controlled. To maintain that, if it got lower, calcium would be withdrawn from your bones. A serun calcium level on its own doesn’t tell you what your bones are like, although if you eat a mainly alkaline diet at least you won’t be withdrawing minerals from your bones to buffer excess acidity. I can see why you’re giving reassurance to Kala, and I’m sure you’re doing all the right things for your bones, but a serum calcium is only part of the story.
I see the name Fosamax keeps coming up. I just want to say to anyone out there…..DO NOT take it. I told what happen to me once before….that I had developed a severe TMJ problem, meaning severe pain in my jaw and stiffness. Almost had oral surgery done. I quit Fosamax because it upset my stomach and quess what my TMJ problem went away.
Since I stopped taking Fosamax over 4 years ago, my bone density is normal, just barely on the border of starting osteopenia. I want to encourage everyone not to give up, and continue eating 80% alkaline and 20% acidity diet as mentioned in the SAVE YOUR BONES PROGRAM for continued bone health. My doctor was also telling me Fosamax was tried and true, but I disagree, and saw it was time to take my bone health into my own hands. These medications interfere with bone remodeling, and a bone healthy diet is the way to go. Good luck to everyone changing over to a bone healthy diet.
THANKS for the information about grapefruit and beets.
I had a Dr. Visit today and left quite upset. She is not happy with me because I am putting up resistance to taking Fosamax or one of the other drugs she recommends. I didn’t do a very good job of explaining my reasons to her. My bone density tests have shown more loss since the last tests. I also have chronic pain so it’s quite difficult to do alot of exercises. I am not sure what I should do now.
Sorry to hear about your pain Susie, it overshadows everything. Don’t give up, the alternatives to drugs are many and as individual as the drugs. My scores got worse before they showed improvement too, keep eating for your bone health and overall health. There are many natural pain relievers, inflammation is often the culprit, have you tried spices like tumeric and garlic? The research is worth the time and effort. Can you find a near by naturalistic doctor to help guide you on your mission of health and a pain free life? Love and blessings.
I am sorry your doctor visit left you feeling upset, Susie. The main thing to realize is that it’s your health and your body. It is not your doctor who will reap the consequences, positive or negative, of any action you take concerning your health — it’s YOU! Certainly you can be polite and diplomatic, but it’s extremely important to take your health in your own hands. Continue to do your research and learn as much as possible. Then, YOU decide how to proceed.
Don’t be afraid to take your health into your own hands!
Where can bergamot extract be purchase. Can beet juice 250 mi be purchase in natural food stores.
Thanks for the timely info on grapefruit’s effectiveness in replacing metformin ! I had just learned that metformin changes my liver function and was wondering what to do next. Obviously I’ll be eating more grapefruit !
thanks, Vivian.
Thank you for this information.
I thought the bergamot in Earl Grey Tea came from the plant, I have grown the flowering herb with purple, pink or white flowers and the leaves smell just like the tea.
It a lovely perennial and great in a cottage garden.
Thank you for all the wonderful information. I will be looking for bergamot supplements, and buying beets right away. My cholesterol & BP levels have raised for the first time and of course the doctor prescribed me a medicine to bring my triglycerides down even though I told him, no medicine!
On another note, I can’t find the ingredients to make a facial cleanser at home that is safe for my face and bones. Can you give me those ingredients again, please.
I have read that beetroot is high in oxalic acid – and thus inhibits the absorption of calcium
Hi Peta,
While laboratory studies have shown that oxalates may interfere with calcium absorption, the reduction is relatively small and should not prevent you from eating spinach, which contains many valuable nutrients. In addition, beet greens are higher in oxalates than the beet root, from which the juice in the studies was extracted.
Does one need to take a trace minerals supplement periodically since, we’re drinking distilled & reverse osmosis water only? If so, how often? Thank you!
Alice, TrueOsteo is only sold online. You can click on this link to read more about this and to get a 20% off coupon (the first time you order):
Where in Britain can I get trueosteo?
Your emails are a godsend because it is so easy to get discouraged and think perhaps it’s too hard to go on – then your email comes and I’m inspired to persevere. I especially appreciated your exercises on the upper back. Thank you so much.
You’re so welcome!
Where do I find the beet juice? Also The BERGOMOTS fruit
Is grapefruit the only choice?what about pomelo?
The pomelo is also known as the Chinese grapefruit, and while it’s a citrus fruit closely related to the grapefruit, you’ll end up paying a lot more for it and it’s hard to come by. Also, the study mentioned in this post refers to grapefruit. Interestingly, pomelo in Spanish means grapefruit 🙂
I love your news letter SO much. I am allergic to nuts, orchard fruits, and bell peppers and green beans and peas. So many recipes are not possible for me. But just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you in my fight against taking statins and osteoporosis drugs.
And I appreciate you as one of our many Savers from around the world, Brenda!
I’ve only bought canned beets. Can I buy bottled beet juice?
Can you purchase bergamots or is there a BPF supplement? Thank you.
Bergamots are really sour and a little bitter, plus they’re not sold in most stores. So your best bet is to take a supplement, Joan.
Can beet juice be bought at local grocery stores?
Great question! I personally haven’t seen bottled beet juice, Judy, but if your blood pressure is high, I would strongly recommend you get your own juicer.
Wow! Great information, Vivian. I was on a bp med for about 5 years and finally got off of it w/ diet and exercise. Recently I had to be hospitalized, and the bp went up. They put me on 2, mind you, TWO bp drugs. I did not panic because I knew that once out of there, the bp would go back down. I am now on just one. I am SOOO doing the beet juice! Out with the poison! In with what God intended!!
Vivian, thank you so much for dedicating your life to educating others!
You’re very welcome, Kimberley! Love your positive attitude 🙂
Amen ! GOD BLESS t
Isn’t Bourcht (sp?) beets, and beet juice in a jar, which is healthier then in any can?
Organic Hibiscus tea lowers BP..Also look for No salt bread if you eat bread, and No salt tomatoes sauces if you make chili,and sauces, which beans have allot of fiber, and are healthy for our bones. You can spice it up with out using added salt.
Eating out any place , uses tons of salt.
Salt also draws calcium from your bones.
Grapefruit cancels out some medications..Call your pharmacies if you take any type of Med.and ask them.
Do the Vibration Plate machine really help bone density as they advertise they do?
These are the type of machines you passively stand on that vibrate.
I just came from a demonstration of the Marodyne low intensity vibration device. Be sure to note the difference between the full body vibration and the low intensity vibration. I have become convinced that the low intensity is better. Several in my group have this device and sing it’s praises. It is expensive and that is the only thing holding me back.
How much beet juice is beneficial, and does involve juicing it?
Glenda, the study involved drinking 250ml a day, which equals a little over 8 ounces (or one cup.) And it also specifically says that the study participants drank the juice.