Save Our Bones Bulletin: Merck’s Odanacatib Affects Bone Cells In Atypical Ways, A Polyphenol Increases Bone Density, NASA Affirms The Program And Densercise, And More!

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Drugs News

8 min Read

Yesterday, the 20th of October, was World Osteoporosis Day, established by the International Osteoporosis Foundation to raise awareness of this condition.

Personally, I’d rather raise awareness of Big Pharma’s shady tactics and give you safe, drug-free ways to reverse and prevent osteoporosis. That’s why I’m thrilled to share with you today’s Bulletin.

The Medical Establishment is (wrongly) thrilled about its latest discovery of Merck’s soon-to-be approved osteoporosis drug, odanacatib. It turns out that the drug tampers with vital bone cells in ways scientists never anticipated.

On a different note, once again Savers are ahead of the curve – new research has confirmed that resveratrol, a plant polyphenol, actually increases bone density.

Plus NASA is on board with the nutritional guidelines of the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. And last but not least, more space-age research reaffirms the importance of weight-bearing exercise to increase bone density.

So let’s get started!

1. New Discovery: Odanacatib Study Reveals This Drug Tampers With Crucial Bone Cells (And The Medical Establishment Is Thrilled)

When researchers used mice to study Merck’s odanacatib, an experimental new osteoporosis drug,1 they found out something that surprised them. It turns out that osteoclast (bone-destroying cells) precursors called preosteoclasts secrete PDGF-BB, a substance that attracts more bone-building cells (osteoblasts) and specialized blood vessels necessary to form new bone.

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“‘Most osteoporosis drugs on the market slow down bone resorption but do nothing to encourage bone rebuilding,’ says Cao. Previous data, including that from early clinical trials in humans, indicated that the drug odanacatib decreases bone resorption by hobbling CTSK, one of the enzymes used to resorb bone. What came as a pleasant surprise was that the same drug also increased bone rebuilding, but the question was how it did so, Cao says.

To learn more, Cao and his team studied mice genetically engineered to have neither bone-dissolving osteoclasts nor their precursors, preosteoclasts. Though the inner bones of the mice were abnormal, as expected, the team also found that the outside layers of the bones were thin. Moreover, the specialized blood vessels needed to transport bone-building supplies were in scarce supply, suggesting overall that osteoclasts and their precursors regulate bone building and bone resorption.

According to Cao, in addition to slowing bone resorption by blocking CTSK, an osteoclast ‘weapon,’ the drug also appears to slow down the maturation of preosteoclasts, lengthening the amount of time they secrete PDGF-BB before becoming osteoclasts. With increased PDGF-BB, more specialized blood vessels are made and more bone-building cells arrive, restoring the balance between bone resorption and bone rebuilding.”2

On the surface, this could sound like a step in the right direction. But I predict that there will be awful side effects reported in the future in part caused by slower preosteoclast maturation. Time will tell, as odanacatib will most certainly get approved in the near future, in spite of its many (already known) undesirable side effects.

In fact, research chief Roger Perlmutter raised concerns about a higher incidence of stroke and atrial fibrillation among patients taking odanacatib. He also mentioned morphea (skin thickening and itching) in those taking the drug. And an even more notable danger of odanacatib is the increase in femur fracture Perlmutter observed in some study subjects.

If we’ve learned anything from the extensive research and scientific studies in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, it’s that tampering with the body’s natural bone remodeling process is not only ineffective, but it can also be disastrous. And there’s just no need to “go there” with so many natural, safe, and easy methods (as described in the Program) that can reverse bone loss and recover youthful bones.

2. Scientifically Proven: Powerful Polyphenol Increases Spinal Bone Density

Savers will not be surprised about this: while studying metabolic syndrome, Danish researchers discovered the bone-building effects of resveratrol, a polyphenol (plant chemical) found in grapes, some berries, and wine.

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“Resveratrol is one of a group of plant compounds known as polyphenols. In addition to red wine and grapes, resveratrol is found in nuts. The compound has anti-inflammatory properties and has been found to protect against bone loss in mice and rats.

‘Our study is the first to reveal resveratrol's potential as an anti-osteoporosis drug in humans,’ said one of the study's authors, Marie Juul Ørnstrup, MD, of Aarhus University Hospital in Aarhus, Denmark. ‘Our findings suggest the compound stimulates bone-forming cells within the body.’

Men who took the higher dose of resveratrol had a 2.6 percent increase in lumbar spine volumetric bone mineral density compared to men who had taken the placebo. The high resveratrol group also had a 16 percent increase in levels of the bone formation marker bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP) compared to the control group.”3

I find it very revealing that one of the study’s authors referred to resveratrol as a potential “anti-osteoporosis drug.” Even when it’s a natural substance boosting bone density, the Medical Establishment refers to it as a drug!

Savers are well aware that resveratrol is good for bones – in fact, resveratrol even promotes good balance by preventing neural cell death.

Resveratrol Is Best Absorbed From Foods…

… So let’s take a look at some of the top foods of this plant chemical:

  • Blueberries* are acidifying, but like all healthful acidifying foods, they have a place in the Save Our Bones 80/20 diet. Their resveratrol content is one of the reasons. Blueberries also contain bone-rejuvenating Vitamin C, which doubles as an antioxidant, as well as Foundation Supplements manganese and Vitamin K.
  • Red Grapes* are, of course, the alkalizing fruit from which resveratrol-rich red wine is made. The highest concentrations of this polyphenol are found in the grapes’ skin, along with other Foundation Supplements like vitamins C and K, and minerals manganese and potassium.
  • Dark Chocolate* has made an appearance in several places on the Save Our Bones blog lately! Like blueberries, chocolate is acidifying, so of course moderation is important. Copper and manganese are also found in this delicious food, in addition to resveratrol.
  • Peanut Butter* is another acidifying food with resveratrol, and it also contains niacin (Vitamin B3) and manganese. Try peanut butter, celery, and sliced grapes for a pH-balanced, resveratrol-rich snack.

*Foundation Food

3. NASA Advocates The Save Our Bones Approach To Bone Loss

It’s long been known that time spent in low gravity (microgravity) causes astronauts to lose bone density. In order to combat this effect of microgravity, NASA has implemented a program that sounds remarkably like the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.

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“The goal of Pro-K is to develop a way to optimize nutrition by examining how diet impacts bones. Specifically, researchers are looking at how a decreased ratio of animal protein to potassium that an astronaut consumes may mitigate bone breakdown.”4

This sounds a lot like maintaining a balanced pH through diet to me, which is precisely what the Osteoporosis Reversal Program is designed to do.

And here’s more about NASA’s program that involves exercising for bone health:

“The crew needed resistance-based exercise that provided enough ‘weight’ to productively stress bones and muscles. Enter the Advanced Resistance Exercise Device (ARED), which launched in 2008. The addition of ARED helped researchers prove that the right kind of exercise, combined with nutrition, could maintain bone mineral density.

‘What was shown,’ said Smith in his publication, ‘is that crew members who had access to the ARED returned from flight with no loss of body mass, an increased percentage of lean mass, a decreased percentage of fat mass, and maintenance of bone mineral density in most regions and in whole body scans.’”4

It really sounds as though NASA’s astronauts are actually implementing the Osteoporosis Reversal Program and the Densercise Epidensity Training System to maintain their bone mineral density.

You can, too – the process works even better with gravity!

As studies on osteoporosis move into the future, Save Our Bones will remain relevant and practicable. Because it is based on changeless, holistic realities about your bones and your body, the Program has and will stand the test of time.

Till next time,


1 Hui Xie, et al. “PDGF-BB secreted by preosteoclasts induces angiogenesis during coupling with osteogenesis.” Nature Medicine. 5 October 2014. Doi:10.1038/nm.3668. Web.
2 “‘Unsung’ Cells Double the Benefits of a New Osteoporosis Drug.” Johns Hopkins Medicine. 6 October 2014. Web.
3 “Resveratrol boosts spinal bone density in men with metabolic syndrome.” Science Daily. October 16, 2014. Web.
4 Nimon, Jessica. “Microgravity Bone Research A Half Century Later.” Space Coast October 10, 2014. Web.