It made big news abroad, especially in Europe. But chances are that if you live in the United States, you didn’t hear about this at all. And it might make you wonder about the well-known saying, that “bad news travels fast”.
The latest osteoporosis drug fiasco is about the drug Protelos, the trademarked name for strontium ranelate, which is not sold in the U.S. and is also marketed under the names Bivalos, Osseor, Ossum, Protos, and Protaxos.
According to an article published this week in The Telegraph,
“Doctors ‘should not prescribe’ strontium ranelate – sold in Britain under the brand name Protelos – to patients who either have venous thromboembolism (VTE), or have a history of the condition, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has warned. Physicians should also refrain from prescribing it to patients ‘who are temporarily or permanently immobilized’”.1
One Study, Many Surprises
At least until now, strontium ranelate was considered by the medical establishment as one of the most innocuous osteoporosis drugs, often prescribed to patients who could not tolerate bisphosphonates. Fortunately, Save Our Bones community members know better, because from the get-go, the Osteoporosis Reversal Program prominently lists blood clots as one of strontium ranelate’s most dangerous side effects. What’s more, in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program I wrote that,
“We must remember that long-term safety and efficacy of any form of strontium (except for Servier’s studies) have never been evaluated on humans using large scale medical trials.”
Still, the EMA recommends the drug to treat osteoporosis because of its thickening effect on bones.
Don’t be a Guinea Pig!
The warning about blood clots stems from a French study published in October of 2011.2 Researchers analyzed almost 200 severe adverse reactions to Protelos reported in France during a three year period.
Of the total 844 side effects reported to French authorities during that period, VTE or blood clots were the most frequent severe cardiovascular side effect. The study also breaks down other commonly reported side effects, including severe skin rashes and blisters.
Let’s keep in mind that strontium ranelate is a combination of strontium with synthetic ranelic acid, a “necessary evil”, so to speak, to make the product patentable, since strontium is a naturally occurring element. While I don’t recommend taking any form of strontium in large supplemental doses, small amounts of strontium that may be naturally present in certain organic supplements do not pose a problem.
But the main lesson learned from this news is that you are better-off not taking any chances with osteoporosis drugs. That you can follow the safe and 100% natural Osteoporosis Reversal Program so you’ll never have to deal with bad surprises.
You Deserve Better Than a Synthetic Wannabe
What good will it do to you to take drugs that strengthen bones while taking a chance on the way you feel? How does that many any sense? Because if you’re doing what’s right for your bones, it also has to be right for your general health and for you life.
And you’ll know that you’re doing the right thing when you feel better than ever, full of radiant energy and a sense of well-being that no drug in this world can give you. Read some of the real life results from community members, and you’ll understand what I mean.
With this in mind, I’ve created the Osteoporosis Reversal Program. So you can stop worrying about the dangerous side effects of drugs and improve your bone health and your general wellness. Indeed, you deserve the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you are not doing anything that could ultimately harm your body and that you’ll never have to face the awful burden of treating an osteoporosis drug side effect.
So if you haven’t yet, get on the Osteoporosis Reversal Program and don’t worry, be happy!
Till next time,
1 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9148586/Blood-clot-warning-over-osteoporosis-drug.html
2 Jonville-Bera AP, Autret-Leca E. “Adverse drug reactions of strontium ranelate Protelos(® ) in France.” Presse Med 2011. Oct; 40(10):e453-62.
I started taking AlgaeCal and Strontium about 4 months ago. This June 2019, my feet burning so badly I could not sleep. Two night of this and the next morning my lips felt like they were on fire. It got worse as my whole entire body felt like it was on fire. I wound up in the ER and the ER doctor told me he thought my problem was in the bag of stuff that I had been taking. (I had AlgaeCal and Stronium) I immediately quit taking it and I still feel like my body is being flushed, like a Niacin flush all day. It starts in my feet and moves all the way to my lips. I would not recommend anyone taking this poison. This company needs to reimburse me for the mental, emotional (I truly felt I was dying) psychological, physical and financial they have caused me! If AlgaeCal is so darn great, why the heck do they recommend taking the strontium with it???
I have read so many posts on the topic of the blogger lovers but this post is genuinely a nice piece of writing, keep it up.|
Algecal company has a strontium that it sells with the Algea Cal supplement. One does not take these two supplements together because they will bind up and the body will not be able to absorb them. My understanding about strontium is in producing phytoblasts which is the bone building cells promoting density and strength. I have been taking one tablet at night, away from any calcium. It is from Advanced Bionutrials and also contains D2, K2 Zinc, Copper, Manganese, soybean,L-lysene and Hops. They have said nothing in their research that blood cots are a side effect. Should I be concerned? I’ve been takin it for five years and am 76 years old. Also it keeps my teeth firm in the bone. Thank you,
Would like to subscribe to your notices, but cannot locate any clear method to do so. Even when I click on the subscribe link from a friend’s connected email address. Cannot download your e-book either. It’s not my computer settings, I just end up in a loop. Can you assist? If not, then I guess I won’t be participating in any way. thanks
Please check your inbox for a message from Customer Support. 🙂
Hi Vivian;
I have just bought a bottle of Ultimate Bone Support Manufactured by Solgar in the U.S.A; please can you advise if this will help as I have lost 6 points in my spine in the past two years and my gynae is pressurising me not to loose any more time and to go onto Fosomax; or one of the other Bisphosphonates; I have been on Mena Cal 7 and Vitamin D3 by Solgar as well as Magnesium supplement at night. I have said I want to give it a year on the Ultimate Bone Support to see if it works before I take any drastic steps. Would appreciate your comments on this if possible.
Many thanks
hi..is there any alternative for strontium in IHD patients? need urgent reply..thanx..pharmacist
Vin, in my opinion, you don’t need an alternative to a strontium supplement, because strontium supplements are not necessary anyway. 🙂
I really appreciate your website. Thank You. I have a question. I am allergic to dairy products, plus a number of other foods. My doctor wants to put me on an injectable drug called PROLIA. Do you have info on it? Thank you
My Doctor took me off Evista, a drug for osteoporosis, because of the blood clot danger. I do have osteoporosis, so I decided to take Ultimate Bone Support made by Advanced Bionutririonals after reading of the strontium benefits. The supplement has Strotium citrate and other natural ingredients.
After a few days of taking this supplement, I started aching all over. I stopped a few days, and the pain stopped. Just in case it was a coincidence, I started taking the supplement again two or three days ago. Now my body aches all over again.
I just read that strontium should be taken in small quantity. The supplement from Advanced Bionutritionals has 250mg of strontium. Could it be the reason I ache like if I had the flu?
I wonder if anyone has this problem with this supplement
Thank you for any information on this matter!
I have been taking Strontium Citrate in Ultimate Bone Support from Advanced Bionutritionals for over over 8 years and it has really helped with pain., I never had any additional pain.but, I wasn’t aware of the issue with blood clots. I ‘m going to investigate if it’s the same as the one in the study. The one I take is a “natural supplement”, not an actual medicine/drug.
If anyone knows this information, please advise.
Thank you for any information you can provide.
Hi Vivian, I have been taking protos for six months now with no side effects yet but I am worried about not taking any medication as I had a really bad shoulder injury and really couldn’t deal with another fracture at sixty three. I have lost weight and doing bone strenthening exercises at my gym and have a pretty good diet. Is it safe for me not to take any medication, I would hate to get worse. I have also been told not to take calcium tablets, is this right?
I am a breast cancer survivor (1998/9) and it was oestrogen sensitive. I have been using progesterone 4% with DHEA 4% cream for many years since then and do not appear to have any bad side effects. It certainly helped with menopausal symptoms – I am now 71 yrs old. My bone density test said no osteoporosis, so am I doing the right thing with the cream? Are there any negatives to this treatment? I stopped taking calcium several weeks ago,but have had awful leg cramps and am now on magnesium glycinate – no more leg cramps. What do you think?
What do you call a small amount of strontium?
Hi Marcia,
The small amounts of naturally-occurring strontium found in most algae-based calcium supplements are not a problem.
For more info about this, please read my blog post about strontium: https://saveourbones.com/strontium-demistyfied/ – it will tell you what I mean by a small amount of strontium.
Several years ago I was on Evista for 3 months at the insistance of my family doctor. The side effect were taking away the quality of life and after a serious discussion with the doctor we both agreed that I should discontinue taking the drug. After a few months the side effects disappeared with the exception of constant cramps in the lower legs. About two years ago my lower legs began to swell and felt very hard as if they were made of wood and I could not walk very well. I was sent to a hospital clinic for investigation which revealed the following: damage to the valves in the veins of the lower legs, they were no longer able to close. I was asked to remain for the rest of the day for intensive and extensive examination of the legs (ankle to top of thigh) and the neck area for possible blood clods. So far all is well; however, I am certain that these problems date back to the days that I took the medication and although the term was extremely short the permanent damage has been done. I am afraid to contemplate of damage that may be done to people who take Evista for years.
Hi! Vivian,
Thank You VERY MUCH For Letting Us Know About The Strontium Blood Clot Risk, And Keeping Us Up-To-Date On The SAVE OUR BONES PROGRAM!
As you can see Vivian I have a new email address – I almost took Strontium – but I’m so glad I decided not to – I have vascular insufficiency and wear compression stockings,(after having veins stripped)- thanks so much for your research Vivian. Many Blessings Kelsey.
What about taking BioCitrate Strontium? The lady at the health food store recommended it to me to take with calcium. What are the risks?
Hi from Australia.
My 90 year old mother was prescribed Strontium Ranelate towards the end of 2010 as it was deemed better than Fosamax. Just prior to this, her blood test results were perfect.
A couple of months later we noticed her skin became very pale, and she developed many mouth ulcers and sore gums. By April 2011 she developed a deep seated pneumonia that did not fully respond to two courses of antibiotics, and they ceased this treatment as they believed the infection was so deep, further antibiotics would not make any difference.
Around September, her blood test results suddenly showed low levels of white cells and platelet count. The haematologist wasn’t concerned at that point, but mentioned that it could sometimes lead on into Leukemia.
As soon as her GP got the test results he took her off the osteoporosis drug, as that was the only change there had been to her medication. This raised a red flag with me, and I went online and read the side effects listed on the drug company’s website.
Guess what? Common side effects; pale skin, mouth ulcers, sore gums, infections that cannot be cleared, and yes, as your article pointed out, blood clots. Further down it happened to mention that ‘in very rare cases’, may impact white cell count and platelet count!
Basically the only side effect she didn’t have was the blood clot. Late November the specialist gave us the grim news that it had advanced to Acute Leukemia, and at her age that would mean her life span would only be a matter of weeks. Sadly that proved to be true, and she passed away just two weeks later. An incredibly quick progression from normal blood test results to death from Acute Leukemia just over twelve months later.
We will never be able to prove this drug hastened my mother’s death,but it certainly makes me wonder how rare this side effect really is. For instance, was the drug tested on otherwise healthy people, or was it tested on frail 90 year old people?
As you’ve pointed out many times, the drug does nothing to increase bone density, merely gives a small percentage increase to bone thickness over a period of something like 3 years! Unbelievable when there are real food calcium supplements available which increase bone density by 10% in twelve months.
Just wanted to share this story with you, as there will be no way to ever know just how many people die from this drug, as there is no mandatory reporting of the side effects in Australia.
Yours sincerely
Ruth Diprose
I was sorry to read of your Mother’s sad experience with Strontium Ruth. I guess the Doctor changed to it instead of Fosamax because it is supposed to be a “natural” substance. I am 80 years old and I am following Vivian’s advice and doing my best with a few supplements added to a good diet. and exercise. I live in Townsville and I note you are also in Australia. Blessings, Kelsey Fickling.
I have Osteoproses and would love to have the free reports sent to my email
Thank you
Hi Vivian
I have been reading about magnesium at the following address:-
It covers many aspects of heart disease and also bones.
I think this strongly emphasises its importance and will
be a real eye opener for many, as it was for me. As with
calcium, amino-acid chelated magnesium is highly absorbable.
I have bought it locally as well as from iHerb.com.
My whole attitude to health originated with you. Thank you. Jim
Indeed, the medical establishment places so much emphasis on calcium. But there are so many other minerals that play an important role in bone health! Thanks for sharing this with our community, Jim!
Magnesium is also the cure for jumpy leg syndrome, and other leg cramping that’s not associated with being hydrated enough. Our heart requires Mag and our body will take what it needs from our muscles or bones for proper heart functioning, thus the leg cramping, or jumpy leg syndrome. I’ve been taking it for years without a problem, or side effect issues. It’s a very important mineral.
Thouhgts on Evista
Hi Vivian! How are you? I just wanted to say that I did hear about this information and I am glad to know you are sharing it! Thank you, Denise Sanders
Hi – I was recommended by the Hospital to take Strontium Ranelate as I could not tolerate the Bisphosphonates, and when I went to my GP to collect the new prescription he told me seriously that it was a risk to take this, I jokingly queried ‘Are you saying this could kill me’, his reply was ‘Yes’.
Needless to say I did not take this medicine and try to follow the healthy living remedy as recommended by Save our Bones.
Because of osteopenia/porosis I wonder if Balanced Bioequivalant Harmone Replacement is effective in strengthening bone structure? Is this taking Estriol/Progesterone in cyclic fashion to simulate normal cycles of younger years? Also to help skin integrity & improve muscle mass/strength! Thanks for your response! JHM
Thanks 🙂 shula
What is your opinion of Miacalcin nasal spray for osteoporosis??? (One spray in alternate nostril each day.) My doctor suggested this instead of strontium supplementation.
Hi Gigi, I discuss Miacalcin (also sold as Fortical) in detail in my free Natural Bone Building Handbook. If you don’t already have it, just click the link that says “Free Handbook” in the orange strip near the top of any Save Our Bones web page. There are several adverse side effects,
including runny nose, sinus pain, joint and back pain, and headache. And the injectable version is reported to affect kidney function, as studies have shown that it increases the excretion of sodium, calcium, and phosphate. The larger issue with calcitonin products is that they alter the bone resorption process, thus affecting bone remodeling. And, as you know by now, the bone remodeling process is what helps bones remain ductile and therefore, less prone to fracture.
I am taking a vitamin supplement that has stromtium carbonate in it,is this one good for me?
Hi Carol,
(This response is also for Tim, the other Carol, Susan, Sara, Maureen, and Hazel) 🙂
You can get the full scoop about strontium in my blog post Strontium Demystified
The bottom line is that the small amounts of naturally-occurring strontium (usually 3.8-5 mg) found in most algae-based calcium supplements are not a problem. What I don’t recommend is separate strontium supplements that contain megadoses of strontium, often in the range of hundreds of milligrams.
Thank you for this reply to so many of us, as I see. I am taking the Vitamin Code Raw Calcium by Garden of Life. I just had to order a new bottle and was really concerned about the 3.8 mg of Strontium in it. I will stop worrying now, as I thought it was one you had said was good. So good to see this post. You are a gem. I will read the Strontium article again. Sometimes it pays to read things again. Can you say old age? LOL Actually I am doing pretty well thanks to you and others like you, but retaining what I’ve read is a bit tricky…Oh well!! =;-)
Hi Vivian,
I have one comment which I think is not only very important; it is CRITICAL. Strontium is indeed sold in this country. Its proponent is a female physician from whom I personally receive periodic updates on what she is “promoting” for this and that. One of her supplements has strontium as its main ingredient. I thank you for giving us this info, as I have become so achy that I am thinking of trying anything – and this has been on my list!
Moral of the story? Sometimes it is good to procrastinat!
Thanks again-
I have been taking 227 mg of Strontium Citrate from Pure Encapsulations at lunch once a day. Is this OK for helping to strengthen my bones? I also take Boron once a day. I’ve been on your program now for some time. Thank you so much!
Hi Tim – Please see my response to Carol above.
I take novo-alendronate, 70mg once a week, long time already.
My doctor says it is enough with it and there is a new medicine which is not paid by the government yet and expensive he would like to give instead.
Now I read about side effects rashes. I experienced severe rashes with even fever, the doctors gave me all kind of drugs for seasonal weather changings, ranitidine and others. These rashes were very long to cure, the drugs didn’t help much, months and months. Now again it appeared and I wonder as reading you about rashes if this medicine alendronate is the cause?
Thanks for your answer.
Hi Monique – I can’t tell you for certain whether your rashes and fevers were caused by novo-alendronate, but it is a definite possibility. I’ve written extensively about Fosamax and othe bisphosphonate drugs (Fosamax is the brand name for alendronic acid in the U.S.; it’s sold as Novo-Alendronate in Canada). You can start by reading Fosamax: When Good Things Happen to Bad Osteoporosis Drugs. And for more info, you can search the Save Our Bones site for bisphosphonates.
thank you Ita.
I have been taking AOR Advanced series – Advanced bone portection and strontium – Stontium (11) Citrate 1 capsule per day
Should I stop taking this?
Many thanks
Susan Melin
Dear Vivian-
I have been told for many years that i have osteoporosis.
Over the years I have enjoyed a healthy diet (vegetarian to vegan) and a good exercise program which for a while started to improve my condition.
Then, about 4 years ago i began experiencing extreme fatigue and was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
I have been to all kinds of specialists and been told that I have Epstein Barr, fibromyalgia (this is not true) and even Autonomic Nervous Syndrome.
The point is that exercise is difficult when one is fatigued.
I do not do well on drugs and although I have tried some I discard them.
The one thing that helps me is caffeine but that is bad for bones so it is a vicious cycle.
Without caffeine I can’t exercise and with it I am harming my bones.
I have an interesting life and a good marriage and want to move on and live my life and be able to exercise.
I am desperate at this point – do you have any ideas or know anyone who can help me?
I live in the NYC area.
With thanks-
Hi Kendra – I have good news for you! Read Drink This, Not That for Better Bone Health to learn how you can enjoy your coffee without hurting your bones. 🙂
Thank you for your reponse.
I read the link and it does not wholly apply to me as I basically drink herbal tea – mostly ginger.
I have been using caffeine tablets to keep going during the day.
What do you think of them?
I need something more than just a caffeine drink in the morning because my chronic fatigue is very bad.
Although i have rejected the strong drugs i use excedrin without apirin (it is acetaminophen and caffeine) very sparingly (no more than one day )and it helps when i have a big day in the city.
i would rather not use it but i have not found an alternative that helps and i need energy and relief from my other symptoms.
Would appreciate some further thoughts.
With thanks-
The Ultimate Bone Gro Formula from Dr.Cutler that you suggested at one time while back is it O. K. to take?
how much is the save our bones programme in the uk?
now I am at a lose after reading about strontium as I have been taking ultimate bone support by advanced Bionutritionals which includes strontium citrate 250 mg…..is this safe? thanks
I have been taking Ultimate Bone support for the last year..is that OK? Dr Fuch’s strongly suggests this as the best formula to take. Please respond if this is OK or if I need to change to something else? Thanks
You are so right about the peace of mind. With not taking any drugs that stripes me of this worrying about the side effects to dosage justifications.
Thanks Vivian for being on top of red flags to research.
Kim, Ohio
do you know anything about the drug fosteum i have been taking this for about 3 years….
Hi Maria – I don’t recommend Fosteum, due to the fact that one of its main ingredients is soy-derived genistein, which is a phytoestrogen.
I have just read your email regarding Protos, which I have been on for 3 years now. I live in Australia where it is prescribed quite a lot and we have had no warnings at all about how dangerous it is. I will now review the situation and look around for a more natural alternative, thanks once again,
Dear Vivian,
I have been taking Strontium for the past 4 or 5 months for my osteoporosis. What I take is called Strontium Support II – Strontium (II) Citrate, and I take one 341 mg capsule early in the morning, at least an hour, if not 2, before eating. It says in the discussion: Strontium supports the function of osteoblasts, while reducing the differentiation and activity of osteoclasts.
What do you think of this? Should I continue or am I just wasting my time?
Thanks for your input.
Maureen Salkeld
I have osteoporosis but have avoided all drugs . I have bought ,however , Strontium Boost ,together with Algae Calcium . I have yet to take the Strontium having read your previous comments Vivienne . I should appreciate your comments please .
Your site is very important to me – so helpful and reassuring . Thank you .
Kindest Regards , Hazel
Hazel – I have the same question for Vivian. I was taking strontium along with calcium but stopped as soon as I heard that a study showed strontium was in the bones giving the appearance of bone strength not healthy bone cells. Algae/Cal alone appears to be a good product and I’m thinking of making a purchase. So Vivian is Algae/Cal a good product to take?
Hi Carol – Please see my response to Carol Reed above. To add to it, AlgaeCal is an excellent product, but I do not recommend taking the Strontium Boost with it.
I took AlgaeCal for 2 years and my bone density got worse by 7 to 10 %. Would not recommend it.
Hi Hazel (and Carol) – Please see my response to Carol Reed above.