The End Of Bisphosphonates? Bombshell Study Proves They're Ineffective - Save Our Bones

2015 may be the Establishment’s worst year yet regarding osteoporosis. A few days ago, a meta-analysis of no fewer than 33 studies was published in the prestigious BMJ (the former British Medical Journal). This study confirms what Savers have known all along: that bisphosphonates are totally ineffective at preventing fractures.

Bisphosphonates are a class of osteoporosis drugs such as Boniva (ibandronate), Fosamax (alendronate), Actonel (risedronate) and Reclast (zoledronic acid). Their mode of action is to disrupt normal bone remodeling, which is ultimately detrimental to bone integrity and fracture resistance.

Now that this study has been published decisively in a mainstream medical journal, it will be interesting to see how long it will take for the Establishment to take notice. Meanwhile, Savers can rejoice that they are, as always, ahead of the curve!

Today we take a closer look at this long overdue meta-analysis and what its implications are for the treatment of osteoporosis and osteopenia.

But first, I’d like to give you some very relevant information about…


Formerly known as the British Medical Journal, the BMJ is an international, peer-reviewed medical journal that has been in print since 1840. It was the first medical journal to have an online presence, launching in 1995.

With an average weekly print circulation of 121,762 and a monthly peak of 1,365,786 for new online visitors, the BMJ is well on its way to realizing its vision, which is “to be the world’s most influential and widely read medical journal.”1

At the 2008 Medical Journalist Association’s awards in London, the BMJ was named Medical Publication of the Year.

There’s no doubt that the BMJ is a respected, mainstream, prestigious medical journal, which is what makes the published meta-analysis all the more remarkable.

The Study: A Closer Look

The meta-analysis is not only clear that bisphosphonates do nothing to prevent fractures. It also notes the fact that bisphosphonate therapy makes bones more susceptible to fracture, and goes so far as to accuse Big Pharma of aggressively (and deceptively) expanding the eligibility requirements to get more people on osteoporosis drugs.

In fact, the study points out that fractures are not necessarily (or even usually) the result of “fragile bones.” Instead…

Falls, Not Low Bone Density, Are The More Feasible Culprit In Hip Fractures

Quoting from the study:

“Estimating absolute fracture risk is intuitively attractive, focusing on actual fractures rather than proxies such as bone mineral density or relative risks of fracture. But it has a fundamental conceptual flaw: fewer than one in three hip fractures are attributable to bone fragility. Fractures are traumatic events induced by falls, mostly in frail older adults. …The question, ‘Do you have impaired balance?’ can predict about 40% of all hip fractures, whereas osteoporosis predicts less than 30%. Ageing does result in bone fragility, but without a fall even fragile hips do not fracture.”2

This should sound familiar to Savers, because Chapter 2 of the Osteoporosis Reversal Program cites an article published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism which came to a similarly startling conclusion.

This study followed 8,065 participants for 5 years, 83% of which did not have osteoporosis. 243 of the participants sustained a hip fracture, and more than half of those did not have osteoporosis.3

As quoted in the Program, the JCEM article concludes that:

“… after 5 years of follow-up, the majority of hip fracture cases were without hip osteoporosis regardless of age,”3

The BMJ study points out that fractures are “induced by falls” and have more to do with impaired balance than bone fragility.

Yet Mainstream Medicine insists on targeting bone density with drugs, “treating” everyone who’s diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia by prescribing drugs that bring billions of dollars to Big Pharma.

Mainstream Medicine Over-Diagnoses And Over-Medicates

Despite the very real side effects and dangers involved in taking bisphosphonates (more on that later), the Establishment has quite recently expanded the criteria by which osteoporosis can be diagnosed, medicating even more people unnecessarily.

The BMJ article puts actual numbers to this crude approach:

“Our meta-analysis indicates that 175 postmenopausal women with bone fragility must be treated for about three years to prevent one hip fracture.”2 (emphasis added)

Amazing! It’s tragic to think how many people have been taking bisphosphonates as part of this “medicate everyone” approach, risking dangerous side effects while actually harming their bones and body.

Side Effects Are No Light Matter

The just-published BMJ study correctly points out that:

“Oral bisphosphonates are associated with gastrointestinal problems (typically nausea, indigestion, heartburn, vomiting, and retrosternal pain) leading up to 20% of patients to discontinue treatment. They are also associated with atypical femoral fractures and osteonecrosis of the jaw.”2

In addition, bisphosphonates have an extremely inflammatory effect on the body, and can also raise the risk of esophageal cancer, cause vision problems, and even bring on atrial fibrillation.

It’s disgraceful that such life-altering, debilitating side effects are not even taken into consideration when doctors dole out osteoporosis drugs like candy. In fact, if you expressed concern over side effects to your doctor, you were likely dismissed.

So while safe, drug-free, effective options exist, like the Osteoporosis Reversal Program

Focusing Mainly On Osteoporosis Drugs Means That Viable, Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions Are Ignored

Here’s what the study researchers have to say about this very important topic:

“The focus on drug treatment means that widely feasible non-pharmacological interventions are overlooked. A recent meta-analysis of various fall prevention programmes estimated an overall relative reduction of fracture risk of 60% (95% confidence interval 34% to 78%) with exercise training. The benefit of physical activity on hip fractures not only shows a dose-response relation but is also comparable with that of drugs tested in idealised situations with highly selected participants.”2 (emphasis added)

Non-pharmaceutical approaches are often regarded as “alternative” and “fringe” by the Establishment, but more and more mainstream researchers are unable to deny the evidence: drug-free options in the form of exercise and nutritional therapy are incredibly effective.

Regular exercise, especially targeted moves designed to build bone density in fracture-prone areas, has been shown to be comparable to drug therapy. And as Savers know, adopting a bone-rejuvenating lifestyle is ultimately more effective than any drug, because it truly heals and builds bone; it doesn’t artificially mask a symptom.

In addition, a bone-healthy lifestyle has many attenuating benefits besides healthier, stronger, fracture-resistant bones and better balance to prevent falls. You also reap the “side effects” of improved overall health, more energy, and a happier outlook. A nutritional and exercise-based approach, like the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, offers a positive effect on the health and well-being of its participants. No drug can even come close to offering that!

The Fact Is, The Current Mainstream Approach Just Isn’t Working

The BMJ analysis concludes on a foreboding note:

“The dominant approach to hip fracture prevention is neither viable as a public health strategy nor cost effective. Pharmacotherapy can achieve at best a marginal reduction in hip fractures at the cost of unnecessary psychological harms, serious medical adverse events, and forgone opportunities to have greater impacts on the health of older people. As such, it is an intellectual fallacy we will live to regret.”2

Savers don’t need to worry about living with regret. From the get-go, the Program acknowledged the dangers of bisphosphonates and the “intellectual fallacy” of pharmacotherapy.

In Chapter 4, for instance, the Program goes into detail about the exact nature of bisphosphonates’ mechanism of action in the body. Here’s a quote that pretty much sums it all up:

“[…] the bisphosphonates attach themselves to the bone matrix, altering its normal function by affecting the replacement of old bone with new bone. Indeed, bone loss will be reduced; but at what price? A very high price, because what the makers of these prescription drugs don’t mention is that…inhibiting bone loss also inhibits new bone formation. Bones remain thick, but old bone is more prone to fractures than less dense yet more flexible newer bone. Not surprisingly, researchers have found that these medicines can make the bones more brittle, actually increasing the risk of fractures.” 4

The concept of bone quality and integrity, a key point in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program is becoming a subject of greater focus in the mainstream.

Bone Quality Is More Important Than Density Scores

As Savers know, bone density is just one aspect of bone health. It is simply one factor in an overall journey to fracture-resistant, high-quality, youthful bones, which is explained in great detail in the Program. Simply put, healthy bone turnover – the body’s mechanism of removing old, worn-out bone and replacing it with new, healthy bone – is essential for strong bones, and bisphosphonates disrupt normal bone turnover. This artificially induces some “density” that may look good on a scan, but is actually destroys bone quality.

Research has shown that bone quality is the key to reducing fractures, noting that changes in bone quality increase bone fragility, and thus increase fracture rates. DXA (previously DEXA) scans measure bone quantity only.

The Truth Is Out, But Will Doctors Pay Attention?

It will be interesting to see if doctors will take notice of this meta-analysis, especially since it’s been published in a mainstream journal. I doubt that the majority of doctors will get up to speed on this just released information.

I wish I could be more optimistic about this, but most doctors are simply not on the cutting edge. For one thing, they are often over-worked and very busy. For another, new information often “offends” their long-held beliefs, and re-structuring their practice in accordance with new research can be impractical and burdensome.

It saddens me to think of all the unsuspecting “patients” who will be diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia and will walk out of their doctors’ offices with a prescription for bisphosphonates. Remember, 175 people have to take osteoporosis drugs for three years in the hopes of preventing one fracture!

You Don’t Need To Go To Your Doctor For Cutting-Edge Information

This is yet more prove that the Osteoporosis Reversal Program has always been ahead of the curve. Much to their joy, many individuals have experienced better bone health on the Program over the years.

Stop Worrying About Your Bone Loss

Join thousands of Savers from around the world who have reversed or prevented their bone loss naturally and scientifically with the Osteoporosis Reversal Program.

Learn More Now →

Yes, there is a way to reverse bone loss and prevent fractures without dangerous and expensive drugs. And I predict that one day in the not-so-distant future, toxic and dangerous osteoporosis drugs will be a thing of the past.

Have you taken bisphosphonates and experienced side effects? Please share your story with us by leaving a comment below.

Till next time,


1 “About The BMJ.” Web.
2 Jarvinen, Teppo L.N., professor, et al. “Overdiagnosis of bone fragility in the quest to prevent hip fracture.” BMJ. May 27, 2015; 350:h2088. Web.
3 Wainwright et al. “Hip fracture in women without osteoporosis.” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2004.
4 The Osteoporosis Reversal Program, Chapter 4, page 43.

The Top 14 Things You’re Doing That Are Damaging Your Bones... And More!

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  1. marge

    Can you please cite the date that the study was published in the BJM?

  2. Patricia

    My twin sister took actonel for over a year and was very ill with bone pain and constipation and developed cancer lesions all over her body from brain to toes. I told her not to take that poison and then her bones started to fracture and sadly she died after a very painful experience. Just eat right and take your vitamin D etc. Why doctors prescribe this drug is outrageous and I expect the pharmacy people get kick backs. People I talk to about it just don’t want to hear. Now I am lost without my lovely sister.

  3. Catlvr

    My mom was out in farce-a-max at age 83. I begged her not to take. She had continued bone pain, then developed an eye issue which finally scared her enough to stop taking this poison. Too little, too late..
    Not quite 2 months after stopping she collapsed St an appointment…cause aortic dissection. Hmmmm, how far a stretch from other reported heart issues could this be. Needless to say she died after lingering fir several months in the ICU. Surgery to repair was successful but the hospital gave her C-Diff and MRSA. Thanks big pharma!!

  4. Sheree

    I have just quit taking tamoxifen for breast cancer due to side effects and now my oncologist wants me to start taking letrozole. While tamoxifen is supposed to help bones letrozole is known to contribute to bone loss. I already have osteoporosis and he wants me to take prolia to offset the bone loss. So I feel like I am between a rock and a hard place. I don’t want to take either drug but am afraid to not take letrozole. Is prolia as bad as a bisphospenate?

    • Gisela

      I have done some researching and , some of them can even give you another cancer called ‘esophageal cancer’ I wold not take another one they just same rubbish with a different name. Take high quality minerals and healthy chemical free foods and there are lot of other good products available. There are many good youtubes out there to watch that give good informatioin. Being happy and positive helps even when having downfall days.which does not help at all.

    • Gisela

      The are all bad, we not getting told the whole truths of side affects. It always pays to research yourself about any drug they bescribe, I was told that the drug called Denosumab(Xgeva) had only one side affect in 10 percent of people who take it, when i looked into it a bit more i was reading lots more side affects and of course we are not being told, otherwise no one would go ahead with it. I was offered a chemo tablet for breast cancer, Letrozole, side affect totally cruel, I lasted 5 days, another one called Paclitaxel, which i did not even try, the all have different names and all bad. I do Natrual chemical free vegetables, mainly raw feeling good and healthy. Besides why put a bandade on it which the drugs do, they stop maybe the cancer but it does not cure it, and what a miserable lifestyle on top of that. There are many good products that a natrual out there , just need to google and search around. Hope you find that helpful. God bless and good luck finding the right product that works for you

  5. Deirdre

    I am 69 and was taking bisphosphonates for about 9 years bar a couple of breaks for a tooth extraction. 4 years ago I started getting bad neck pain after doing a neck excercise. It never got better and a year later developed terrible lower back pain as well + Atypical Odontalgia (unexplained facial/teeth pain). I was in so much pain I could barely walk, do normal activities or chew food + lost over a stone in weight. 2 years ago I decided to take myself off the bisphosphonates as my GP couldn’t help + painkillers didn’t work at all. 6 months later I started to improve a little. Now I am almost pain free and have put back the weight I lost and am living a normal, active life again. Surely, those poisonous drugs had something to do with ruining my quality of life. A DEXA scan last year showed the osteoporosis is worse now but I refused the infusion of strong intravenous bisphosphonates I was offered. I have never had any fragility fractures and commonsense tells me that my osteoporosis was made worse by not being able to walk much or do normal activities for about 2 years. I am now fit again and walk a lot and exercise every day now that I am not in that awful pain. I will never take bisphosphonates again and think they should be banned.

    • Gisela

      Iam glad I came across to read your comment Deirdre, I was told to take this drug and something told me not to do it. They offered me an injection every 4 weeks Denosumab(xgeva) what i have read about and what the Drs told me , were two different things. Any artificial drug cannot be good for anyone , no matter what and they all do have sideaffects sooner or later. Glad you took yourself off it .

  6. Helen

    Have been on alendronic acid since August. Worst few months of my life—–indigestion and arthritis 10 times worse than it was before. Now ditching the things—seeing the doctor next week. Bought Vivien’s book, and some decent supplements!

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Welcome, Helen!

      • Eve

        Hello Vivian i would like to talk more with you about the bones and what help is available , Thanks

  7. I

    I cant believe i was drawn in, I’m always seeking a natural holistic approach to any problem – you are very smart and irresponsible, these are peoples lives your playing with, a holistic approach is common sense that INCLUDES drugs! how ignorant you are, for you forget where all those “drugs” come from!.. nature, plants.. the earth. Opium is a highly addictive and dangerous drug which has caused many deaths, its also a very effective painkiller that has saved many lives. Paracetamol so safe that expectant mothers can use it as can infants and children, yet the wrong or inappropriate usage causes death, in fact the most frequent reason for poisoning admitted to hospitals in the UK is overdose of Paracetamol. I am disgusted that your “advice” and “help” on this website are for personal profit. There are other ways to earn money, Karma as hindsight are wonderful things.

  8. Sergio Martínez Sierra

    I am very interested in the report of the British Medical Journal about the ineffectiveness of drugs against osteoporosis you mention here.

    I have not been able to find the original report on the website of the British Medical Journal (BMJ) so if possible I would appreciate if someone could tell me some link where I could remove it.

    Best regards.


    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Hi Sergio,
      Here is the information from the References at the end of the post. It includes a link. 🙂

      Jarvinen, Teppo L.N., professor, et al. “Overdiagnosis of bone fragility in the quest to prevent hip fracture.” BMJ. May 27, 2015; 350:h2088. Web.

      • Sergio Martínez Sierra

        I am very grateful Vivian. These supports are superbly to reinforce the arguments of one, against those who still, defending these drugs as beneficial.

        With best wishes!


  9. Kala

    Hi Vivian,

    Is enteric coating on capsules safe to take as I take True Osteo supplement and capsules are coated.
    Many thanks for all the informations you give.


  10. A. Rose

    What is the exact reference for the article you cite? I have been trying to find it. It might be really good ammunition with my doctors about the issue of taking those drugs.


  11. Henry Black

    After a fall 5 years ago I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis of the lower spine although I did not fracture a bone. I was put on Alendronate acid tablets and vitamin D pills. I did not suffer from any of the side effects that can develop. I recently have undergone further scans with the result showing an increase of between 5% and 12% in bone density and my doctor has taken me off Alendronate acid pills. For the last two years I have been attending a Gym where I work out for 40 minutes at least 2 or 3 times a week and I also lay golf 3 or 4 times a week as I am 73 and fully retired. I suspect the exercise and diet has contributed to the increase in bone density

  12. Nancy Silva

    In 2011 both my femurs broke as a result of taking Fosamax for 14 years. Four surgeries and lots of PT put me back together but it was a difficult year. I’ve been working with a personal trainer since then and my bone density has improved and I have been able to resume most of the activities that I enjoyed before the fractures.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      I am so sorry to hear about your fractures, Nancy. But it’s wonderful that you’re on the mend and your bone health has improved. Most importantly, you’re enjoying your favorite activities again!

  13. Maria O'Neill

    Dear Viviane,

    What is your view on Prolia? Is it in the same class as Fosomax for harmful side effects?
    I am 83 have had osteoporosis for many years, but went off Fosomax a few years ago and after getting your book try to eat right, take vitamin D, Magnesium and a low dose of calcium and exerctse and walk a lot. My bones keep on deteriorating slowly tthough.

    • Jean

      I believe Prolia is the same thing as Xjeva

      Prolia, like Xgeva, which my oncologist recommended after finding my breast CA had spread, is Denosumab. I refused it; these drugs are not bisphosphonates, but act in much the same way. Asking about effects, I was led to “Your Bones,” a book by Lara Pizzorna. I got it from the library, and then my daughter got it for me, herself and two sisters for Christmas. I recommend you read this book, too. Not easy, but worthwhile.

  14. Crete

    Hi Vivian! I was on Fosamax for several years. I suffered bad side effects, which I could feel in myself were due to this drug. But the Doctor wouldn’t believe this – of course!
    I used to dread the day of the week when I had to take that pill. Eventually I “took my life in my hands”! And just stopped taking it, much to my Doctor’s disapproval! I was quite nervous about it, but then I discovered your “save our Bones” (just started) , and I knew I was on the right track! I have followed the program ever since. Thank you, Vivian , from the bottom of my heart! Thanks for continuing to keep us updated, and encouraging us. Thanks for all your weekend advice, too. You’ve proved that you are always spot on! God bless you.

  15. shula


  16. M

    Hi Vivian

    What can an elderly woman (83 yrs of age) who is confined to wheel chair and takes Warfarin amongst other drugs do?

    The doctor insists that that Reclast (Eclasta drip) is the only way to prevent fractures and is good science.

    The warfarin constrains the diet options of the S O B Program and partial left side paralysis (as a result of a stroke caused by not being put on blood thinners timeously by doctors) makes exercise very difficult.

    Snookered by the circumstances!

    • M

      Hi Vivian,

      Why no reply?

  17. Lynn

    I have an additional thought to my earlier post. I think most doctors take the easy way out, even the lazy way out, when a patient is diagnosed with osteoporosis, especially at a young age as me. Instead of investigating for a deeper reason, such as another health issue impacting the body which includes the bones, they just prescribe a “magic pill” that promises healing but delivers poison.

    • Eve

      Totally truths

  18. Renee

    I was taking the drug Actonal for about five years
    I quit as my stomach was having issues.
    In 2007 I was starting to feel hip pain my right hip
    I was informed that my left hip was bad. In 2009 I
    Had fell twice in the house then slowly I could not
    stand up or walk in 2010 I finally got a doctor to
    listen to me had X-rays the right hip was broke bad
    my hip had shoved up that my knees were not even
    aligned up. I was short by 3″ now 5/8″ the doctor
    That did the operation was not sure how to fix it
    he broke a bone just put in fumor rod big claw
    clamp to hold in place I do not have full function
    of my right hip. It still hurts I walk with a limp
    even with shoe lift added to one shoe.

  19. Lynn

    In 2012 I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis at age 50, having the bones of age 70. I was prescribed Fosamax. Luckily a friend told me about Save Our Bones before I took the drug. I’m convinced the reason for my osteoporosis was due to a 20 lb liver tumor. My entire right lobe was destroyed and my body had taken a toll from years of stress to the organs from the tumor. My bones must have been effected as well. In 2014 the tumor was removed. A recent CT scan showed the left lobe grew larger to function for the left and right lobe, all healthy liver tissue. I’d be curious to see what my DEXA will be now with my liver in fully restored health. Those poisonous bone drugs would have been completely useless and would have done me in. Thanks, Vivian, for being part of my road to back to my original excellent health. —Lynn

    • Lynn

      Oh, and I forgot to mention, I’m also eating much better, following Save Our Bones diet. A HUGE help!

      • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

        Incredible, Lynn! I am sure you know how important a functional liver is in bone health, so you are likely correct that the tumor affected your bones. But it’s great news that your liver is fully functional again, and that you are on the path to healthier bones without drugs!

  20. Cherie

    I finally had enough! My bone scan showed osteopenia 2 years ago and now my doctor says I have osteoporosis. I was on Boniva for about a year and so sick I could not leave the house. I quit the drugs, started following your program and the results are amazing! My PH is alkaline, was very acidic, and I have been pain free for 2 years; used to wake up every morning with aching hips and shoulders. while my bone scan showed a slight change for the worse, I can FEEL the difference. The machine can only measure density, not quality. I just sent this link to my doctor, hopefully she will read it and do more than consider it momentarily and go back to handing out poison. Thank you for all the time and effort you dedicate to our bone health, not sure where I would be if I had not found your program. THANK YOU.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Sending your doctor the link is a brilliant idea, Cherie! And you are living proof that there is more to bone health (and feeling healthy) than bone density scores.

  21. Marsha

    Did Fosamax for 7 yrs. (Dr. had not realized I had passed the 5 yr mark). Have been off osteoporosis drugs for more than 10 yrs. Now my internist & bone specialist r pushing for me to start Forteo. What r your thoughts??? I do exercise & lift weights & my DEXA #s r dropping! What to do??????? Thank you

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Marsha, only you can make the decision as to what you’re comfortable with regarding osteoporosis drugs. I encourage you to look over this site (there is a great deal of information on Forteo – a quick search will reveal all the many posts on the topic), and make your decision based on sound facts. 🙂

  22. Marge Peters

    What do you think about Provia taken twice a year with a shot every six months? I stopped using bishphosporates a while ago because of what you wrote about them, and had a bone density that showed osteoporosis. Should I take this.
    Thank you

  23. Mary

    I had an early menopause and was prescribed HRT to protect my bone density. I was on HRT for 10 years and my doctor wanted me to come off it and so I had a dexa scan to check out my bone density as a baseline measure. To our surprise my bone density was well into the osteoporotic range despite having taken HRT. I was prescribed Fosamax and had a lot of side effects including acid reflux. My doctor said it was unlikely to be due to the Fosamax and she prescribed Lansoprazol. I had a repeat dexascan and my bone density had increased a little and my doctor said I would need to take Fosamax for life. Seven years later I moved to a new area and my new doctor said I had been on Fosamax too long since the guidelines were now 5 years maximum. I was referred to an orthopaedic consultant who gave me a “drug holiday”, and he said I wouldn’t need the Lansoprazol once I was off the Fosamax (and he was right), and that in any case Lansoprazole makes bones more brittle! He said the best thing was diet and exercise, in other words Vivian’s programme, which I followed, and 18 months later my bone density has increased far more than it did through taking Fosamax, and I am now classed as being in the normal range for my age. And I feel great. Wonderful news, but I am shocked that my first doctor got it so wrong, no doubt she just accepted wholesale the sales pitch of the drug companies. I hope my story inspires others to do their own research and not just accept what their doctors say. Thank you Vivian.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      What a difference in those two doctors’ approaches, Mary! Your experience underscores how some doctors are well-informed and others simply go with the drug protocol.

  24. Diane Diehl

    Dr had suggested taking drugs but I said no. My motto to not fool with mother nature if possible. Had a hysterectomy years ago and stopped the hormone replacement patch after a few years due to breast cancer research. However started a few yearsvago with the patch & my result was increase in my bone health so will remain taking hormone replacement. Do take concentrated bits my OBGYN of sea bits which also helps.

  25. Jean

    Diagnosed with osteoporisis at 53 after a fall & fractured fibula. I refused medication and after 1 year of gym exercise increased hip density by 10% then went on progesterone for 3 years and increased spine density by 12% in first year, then plateaued out. After being pressured by doctor I took Actonel. At first it was fine but at 3 months I had difficulty swallowing and then had 2 choking episodes and developed oesophageal pain, I stopped the drug and gradually recovered. Now I am grateful to have found Vivien’s comprehensive program and I feel supported to continue drug free.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Thanks for sharing your experience, Jean. Having a supportive community is so helpful!

  26. Roxanne

    I am following your program in terms of supplements, do some of your dietary suggestions (I wish I had the discipline to do them all, but I don’t as yet), drink water with lemon, and I walk 3.5 miles three times a week and do some form of exercise two other days — such as gardening or an exercise class, or just shorter walks.

    My doctor tells me walking is a weight bearing exercise, but I’ve read you need to be using weights.

    Can you tell me if walking frequently is a sufficient form of exercise. I had a borderline bone density 18 months ago and asked to delay drugs and see what I could do on my own. Thank you.

  27. Patrice

    I just spoke with my doctor yesterday and he mentioned the prolia injections, also.
    Has anyone had any experience with this treatment?

  28. dorothy

    I took Fosamax for 4 years–no side effects, but no bone density improvement. It was suggested I take Reclast, but I said no!

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Stick to your guns, Dorothy! Good work.

  29. Annemarie

    Just been diagnose with -3.2 reading osteoporosis and was prescribed Fosavance. I took this for one month and stopped as the pain in my hips was just unbearable. then my dentist advise me to read about this drug and necrotic bone syndrome. So glad I stopped.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      I am glad you found this information, Annemarie!

  30. Maureen

    Dear Vivian,
    may I, along with so many others you have helped and educated, thank you, for your wonderful web site, which I stumbled across eighteen months ago after being diagnosed with breast cancer and osteoperosis at 63 years old.
    I was put under pressure to start bisophinates straight away, but refused. I returned home feeling very very anxious, that I had spoken out boldly to the doctors.
    Then I found you Vivian. I bought your recipe books and started supplements and exercises. I haven’t been back to have a another dexa scan, and I feel fit and strong and in control of my own body. I am from GB and thrilled this news has been published in BMJ.

    Thank you again for all you have done with your wealth of information

    • Jean

      I’m so glad for you, but what’s happened re breast cancer? I was treated for breast CA nearly 10 years ago, and after all that time have now been diagnosed with metastatic CA, though it’s been hiding all these years (long story). I quit bisphosphonates after having taken Actonel for 2+ years, and refused my oncologist’s recommendation of Xgeva when the metastasis was discovered recently. Life can be very complicated – David had it right when he said ” I am fearfully and wonderfully made”; only God knows the bottom line.

      • Judy

        I was diagnosed with hormonal breast cancer in 1999 at the age of 47 with 10 out of 11 lymph nodes positive. I was fortunate to hear about Jane Plant – I suggest you check her website out. My prognosis was not good even after all the treatment I had but I changed my life completely as to what Jane wrote about and I am still here, 16 years later. Jane saved my life just as Vivian is helping me with my low bone density now – which the treatment for my cancer would have contributed to.

  31. Joanne

    I was on Fosamax for a number of years and then Actonel for 2 years. Two years ago I stopped all medication as it was not helping. Realized after I stopped how much better I felt. Bone density improved the first year but declined again the second year even though I’m maintaining an active lifestyle with lots of exercise. I’m also seeing a naturopathic doctor who has helped me with an alkaline diet. I also joined the Save our Bones program which has also helped. Now my doctor wants me to use Prolia shots every six months. I am reluctant due to the possible side effects. Doctor says it works differently than bisphosphonates in that it helps to build new bone. Has anyone in the Save our Bones community tried Prolia & if so what were the results. Thanks

    • Tan S H

      Hi Joanne,

      I was also on Fosamax for 5 years and the doctor asked me to take a “drug holiday”. After 8 years my bone density for hip and spine has worsened to -2.2.

      Now the doctor is asking to me to try Prolia. I am not keen to use it.

      Vivian, would you be able to advise us on the possible side effects of Prolia as compared to Fosamax?

      Thank you.

  32. Jane Schweer

    Years ago, I was prescribed and took Fosamax for about a year when a friend was also diagnosed. My friend participated in the extreme heart challenge, incredibly active and drank lots of skim milk every day. I thought this is wrong so I nosed around and found Savers and was so grateful to have an alternative that made sense to me. My doctor was okay with my decision, they she moved away and my new doctor again prescribed the drugs, which I won’t take. He accepted my decision – what choice did he have. I admit that I am terrified of falling.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Jane, you have hit on an important point in talking to your doctor about osteoporosis drugs. You said, ” He accepted my decision – what choice did he have.” Too often, people think they have to take the drugs because “what choice do I have?” It’s actually the other way around, as you pointed out!

      I encourage you to search the site for balance exercises to alleviate your fear of falling. 🙂

  33. Pat

    I was on Actonel for 7 years. My Dr. told me that she over prescribed me and wanted me to take a “medical vacation” from Actonel. Well I took a permanent vacation from all osteoporosis drugs. Found this program and am doing fine with lots of exercise and the right foods. Pat

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Congratulations on the “permanent drug vacation” Pat!

  34. Pamela

    I only took bisphosphonates for four weeks 9 years ago and it made me feel so I’ll I searched the internet for an alternative and found save our bones and thank goodness I did from a score of -4 I now only have osteopenia I am so grateful to you for saving my life Vivian THIS PROGRAMME REALLY WORKS!

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      We’re glad you found Save Our Bones, too, Pamela! Your story can inspire others.

  35. Yvette

    I had a complete hysterectomy when I was 42 and just after I had a baseline bone scan which identified me as having Osteoporosis in my spine and Osteopenia in my hips. For 10 years I have refused to take these drugs and my t-scores have not changed. This confirms what I have always know:taking these drugs is not worth the risk:)

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Good news, Yvette!

  36. Janet

    Been on your program one anda half years my dexa was -4.9 a year ago went back this year my dexa was -0.7. I am so happy with the exercises and the supplements.

    • Sandy

      Wow, Janet! What supplements and exercises are u using? How often do u exercise? My Dexa score is 5.1 . I am curious maybe I didn’t work hard enough.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Amazing, Janet! Thank you for sharing your success with the community.

  37. Marc

    We are all so lucky that you were born in our lifetime Vivian.


  38. Olivia

    Thank goodness that it is now in the British medical journals as my doctors thinks that my refusal of medication is a mistake. I have had eye problems and thining hair and upset stomachs with Fosamax for about 9 years. Since weight bearing exercises I feel fitter and have good muscle tone which is helpful in all sorts of ways.
    Thank you so much for your valuable information. There must be so many of us who would be in a bad way had we continued with what the doctors wanted to prescribe.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Thank you for sharing, Olivia. Armed with knowledge, you’re on the path to better health!

  39. Betty

    I forgot to say that I rejected the offer of bisphosphonates and some people thought I was exercising poor judgement.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Yes, Betty – that happens often, unfortunately. But once you develop your Bone Health Philosophy and determine to stick with your health choices, you can be confident in refusing the drugs. 🙂

  40. Betty

    Wow! I hope we hear this from media around the world.

  41. Di

    I took Alendronic acid for 4 months and got really bad back pain. I was later prescribed Risedronate and 4 months later had even worse back pain. Then I found Save Our Bones online, ditched the bisphosphonates and feel great. No pain, lots of exercise, more alkaline food. Thank you! My next bone scan is in October. Will then see if density has improved.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      I am so glad you’re here, Di, and free of pain! What a great testament to the power of nutrition and a bone-healthy lifestyle.

  42. Ros

    I declined the alendronic acid, the doctor offered, and listened as he warned me of the dire consequences of such a foolhardy action. However,having just read your article, I’m so pleased i stuck with my decision to tackle osteoporosis with supplements, diet and exercise. Thankyou Vivian, for keeping us up to date with the latest news.

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      Your bones will thank you for listening to your gut, Ros! Hopefully, your doctor will realize drug therapy can carry “dire consequences.”

  43. June

    What wonderful news that doctors are at last beginning to take note of what you have been saying and writing about for so long, Vivienne.

  44. Fran Bowen

    I am in the red as far as bone density is concerned and have had osteoporosis for many years having had all my bits removed in my 30’s. I was not told about osteoporosis and what it can do until I was 50 and I’m now nearly 60. I went on bisophosphonates for a while but had terrible headaches so stopped taking them. I then (5 years later) decided maybe I had better go back on them again (after another DEXA scan( which showed by bone density was even worse) and so I did, but after reading the above article am even more confused.!!!!

    • Trudy

      Relax, I took Actonel for 6 years and my bone density got worse plus I lost a few teeth in the process. Stay away from that poison! Try Vivian’s program, it really helped me.

  45. Sonia

    I am so happy I never took the alendronic acid prescribed by my doctor and found your web site Vivian

    • Vivian Goldschmidt, MA

      It’s a wonderful feeling to be comfortable and secure in your health decisions, isn’t it? Glad you’re here!

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