The Simple Secret To A Lifetime Of Healthy Bones

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Inspiration

8 min Read

In today’s article, I’m going to let you in on a big secret. I’m pretty sure that once you’ll read it, it will amaze you. Because it’s really easy and anyone can do it.

It’s about a simple way to make sure you’ll have healthy bones for a lifetime, in contrast to the prescription drug solutions offered by the Medical Establishment that only give short-term results – if any.

And it doesn’t involve any overwhelming changes in your diet and lifestyle.

I’m really excited to share this with you, so let’s get right to it!

Big Pharma Is Always Searching For The “Magic Pill” To Treat Osteoporosis

…but let’s face it: they’re failing big time! So while the Medical Establishment keeps focusing on new prescription drugs, they fail to realize that reversing osteoporosis for a lifetime of healthy bones is easy, and it doesn’t require drugs. That’s the secret they don’t want you to know, of course.

So what do you have to do to achieve long-lasting bone health? First, you have to look at the big picture, but instead of getting overwhelmed, you must also…

Understand The Importance Of Small Changes…

Have you ever found yourself in a bad place, and wondered how in the world you got there? It was likely the result of a series of many choices and decisions, most of them too small to factor into your consciousness at the time they were made. The little things went unnoticed or ignored, and suddenly you find that you have a problem in your hands.

The good news is that this exact same process works even better in reverse. And you can make major positive improvements with changes so small and simple that you don’t really feel like you’re changing anything.

Let me share with you an inspirational story that illustrates how well this works.

The Amazing Success Of The British Cycling Team

When David Brailsford became the manager of Team Sky (Great Britain’s team of professional cyclists), no British team had ever won the Tour de France. So he applied a simple yet brilliant strategy for getting Team Sky prepped to win.

You might think that all he did was have them train for extra-long hours, eat a super-nutritious diet, and get fitted with the perfect bicycle seat. But he went further. Brailsford implemented changes that were almost imperceptible.

His goal was a 1% change in every aspect of cycling, including details that would seem irrelevant, such as testing massage gels and hand-washing to stay healthy. Brailsford and Team Sky searched and found tiny, 1% improvements in a myriad of things. The goal was to win the Tour de France in 5 years.

All of these little changes added up faster than anyone expected, and guess what? Team Sky won the Tour de France in only 3 years!

Implementing 1% Changes For Your Bone Health

Herein lies the secret to a lifetime of healthy bones: small, incremental changes you can make in many aspects of your lifestyle and diet that can have a huge effect on your bones as they keep adding up.

The changes don’t have to be drastic or big, but like saving pennies, if you apply these changes to enough areas for enough time, the dividends are huge.

You don’t have to take an “all or nothing” approach to increasing your bone density and reversing osteoporosis. You can start small and reap big rewards.

Eight Tips So You Can Get Started Right Away:

1. Start Small

As mentioned earlier, choose something small you can do today regarding your bone health. It can be as simple as changing your mindset about osteoporosis drugs by considering one truth about bone health daily. This way, you’ll build your bone health philosophy, which is a very helpful foundation from which to advance. Or maybe exercise once a week for 10 minutes, eat an alkalizing snack once a day, or add a new bone-healthy food to your grocery list each week. You see, small changes make it so much easier to start, because they won’t overwhelm you!

2. Sustain The Change

If you’re making small changes, you can sustain them much more easily than if you make one huge change all at once. For example, say you want to do more weight-bearing exercises for your bones. If you commit to working out at a gym every day for an hour, you may have trouble maintaining that. Chances are your schedule might get in the way, and you’ll feel tired out after a week. But if you decide to spend 15 minutes only three times a week exercising for your bones, you can easily maintain that commitment.

3. Inspiration For More Change – Learn To Trust Yourself

As you find the little changes easy and doable, you’ll feel inspired to take on another small change. Maybe you’ll start going out for walks on a regular basis or you’ll eat only 100% alkalizing snacks a few times a week. You’ll begin to find that you can trust yourself not to fail.

4. Form Habits With Regularity (Embrace The New Normal)

As you incorporate a small change, it becomes habitual. The “new normal” now includes this daily habit, and it eventually becomes effortless. It’s just part of your normal lifestyle, which is exactly the point!

5. Tie Habits To Consistent Triggers

As you incorporate these small changes, it helps to tie them to consistent triggers. Maybe one of your small changes is a set of bone density exercises daily. If you haven’t exercised for a while, you could start with sit-down exercises and, if you’re in the car a lot, use things like red lights or landmarks for triggers. In the home or office, you could simply use sitting down at your desk as a cue to do a sit-down exercise.

6. Prepare For Disruptions

The truth is, no matter how much you’ve tied your habits to triggers and associations, you’re going to experience variations and disruptions in routines and schedules. Accept this fact now and plan for it, so you don’t get thrown off and give up your good habits. Decide now how you’ll deal with vacations, visitors, holidays, and so forth. By thinking ahead, you’ll easily handle the upheavals in diet and daily routine that inevitably come along.

7. Step Outside Yourself

When you develop new habits, even if you do so with small, easy changes, you’re going to run into temptations to “cheat.” For example, you may want to reduce the amount of sugar you consume, since it’s been proven to harm bones. Chances are, you will run into cravings, but if you can mentally step outside of yourself and observe your behavior, it can give you time to assess the situation and talk yourself out of indulging the craving. You can learn to watch your craving rather than acting on it. This is a mental exercise that can be learned to become a positive habit – the craving itself can be your trigger.

8. Let Go Of Wanting It All, Right Now

This is very important: have patience, and know that every positive move you do builds up a future with healthier and stronger bones. Remember that this is all about building incremental changes so they culminate in a big and positive change: a lifestyle that maintains healthy bones for life.

These changes are like little stones built into a magnificent building. You add one stone at a time, and since the stones are little, they’re easy to lift and place. You can take plenty of time to place them just right. Maybe you’ll lift and place one stone a day, then two, then three.

And that’s how a sturdy building emerges. You could have skipped all those steps and thrown a pre-fab building together overnight, but it would be flimsy. The small stones placed carefully and deliberately form a much more stable and enduring structure.

Getting Started

You can easily apply the concept of small, easy changes as you begin your journey to healthier and stronger bones with Osteoporosis Reversal Program by your side, guiding you every step of the way.

And leaving no stone unturned, I’ve created the Save Our Bones Calendar to help you get started so you can achieve a lifetime of healthy bones. The Calendar is built on the concept of making small gradual changes and reaping huge rewards.

Yes, You CAN Do It!

Remember, you are more than capable of adopting a lifestyle that will give you healthy bones for a lifetime.

If it seems a bit overwhelming, take a step back and remember the Tour de France story, where tiny 1% improvements made all the difference in a huge way. Others have done it – so if you don’t have the Osteoporosis Reversal Program yet, now it’s your turn!

Till next time,