Two Studies Reveal Source Of Chronic Diseases And An Effective Natural Treatment

Vivian Goldschmidt, MA Exercise

8 min Read
2 Studies Reveal Source Of Chronic Diseases And An Effective Natural Treatment

Many of our most pressing societal health crises are caused by chronic diseases such as diabetes, depression, cardiovascular disease, and among others, osteoporosis.

In this article, we'll examine the extensive and significant evidence gathered by two major studies on the impact of physical activity on health and chronic conditions.

Their findings paint a remarkably clear picture of the power of regular physical activity, and the dire consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.

Hundreds Of Studies, Two Major Meta-Analyses, One Conclusion

Two studies compiled a wealth of previous research on the impacts of physical activity. They approached the subject from different angles. One examined the health impacts of sedentarism— a life of little to no physical activity. The other study analyzed the evidence supporting exercise as a treatment for a broad spectrum of chronic diseases.

The conclusions of both studies present a resounding and clear-eyed case for the necessity of physical activity not just for individual health, but for the future of humanity. Consider these conclusive statements from the studies on sedentarism and physical activity as a treatment, respectively:

“The comprehensive evidence herein clearly establishes that lack of physical activity affects almost every cell, organ, and system in the body causing sedentary dysfunction and accelerated death. The massive multifactorial nature of dysfunction caused by sedentarism means that just as food and reproduction remain as requirements for long-term continued human existence, physical activity is also a requirement to maximize healthspan and lifespan. The only valid scientific therapeutic approach to completely counter sedentary dysfunction is primary prevention with physical activity itself.”1

“In the medical world it is traditional to prescribe the evidence-based treatment known to be the most effective and entailing the fewest side effects or risks. The evidence suggests that in selected cases exercise therapy is just as effective as medical treatment and in special situations more effective or adds to its effect. The accumulated knowledge is now so extensive that it has to be implemented.”2


Two reviews of research on the impacts of sedentarism and physical activity concluded that physical activity is essential to good health and can serve as a treatment for many chronic conditions that are linked to sedentarism.

Chronic Diseases, Sedentarism, And Physical Activity

Below, we will review some of the specific diseases and conditions that these studies found could be caused by sedentarism and treated with exercise.

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  • Fifteen percent of adults will experience an anxiety disorder at some point during their lifetime.
  • Anxiety disorders are associated with reduced quality of life and an increased risk of chronic health conditions (including osteoporosis) and death.
  • An Australian study found that participants reporting no activity were 2.1 times more likely to develop anxiety disorders than those participating in more than 3 hours of vigorous activity per week.
  • A meta-analysis from 2010 considered 40 studies and concluded that physical training reduced symptoms of anxiety in people with chronic illnesses2


  • Stress is a common occurrence in everyday life.
  • Repeated or traumatic stress can be a precipitating factor for illnesses of the central nervous system, as well as organs.
  • People who experience consistently high stress levels often cope via unhealthy mechanisms such as a low-quality diet, avoiding exercise, tobacco use, or alcohol use. These behaviors have serious health repercussions, including increasing the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Studies have found that aerobic exercise in particular helps to relieve stress2


  • About 3% of people between the ages of 65 and 74 have dementia, and a sobering 47% of people over the age of 85 have some form of dementia
  • A study conducted with twins showed that low physical fitness is a risk factor for early-onset dementia.1
  • A 2010 meta-analysis considering the results of 24 studies concluded that physical activity prevents vascular dementia2
  • Studies associated moderate and high levels of physical activity with significantly lower risks for Alzheimer's disease and for dementia of any type.2
  • One study found that every 10 blocks walked each day by female participants over the age of 65, there was a 13% reduction in cognitive impairement.2
  • As cognitive function declines, the ability to lead a bone-healthy lifestyle also declines. We need a fully functioning brain to make the choices and take the actions that care for our bones and our overall health.


  • Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular events and conditions include stroke, acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and sudden death.
  • Multiple studies have concluded that physical exercise has a positive effect on blood pressure in participants both with and without hypertension.2
  • One meta-analysis from 2013 included 23 aerobic exercise training studies with previously sedentary older adults. The studies, representing a total of 1,226 older subjects, found robust statistically significant positive effects on blood pressure among older exercisers compared with control groups.2

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is is a chronic disease characterized by an irreversible decrease in lung function.
  • COPD often creates a vicious cycle where the deterioration in physical capacity, shortness of breath, anxiety, and social isolation lead to a reduction in physical activity, which worsens the condition. Rehabilitation can break this cycle by introducing physical training, psychological support and building community among people with COPD.”
  • Eleven randomized controlled trials including 331 participants and two previous systematic reviews found equal improvements in quality of life, walking distance, and exercise capacity in response to exercise interventions. The researchers recommend incorporating resistance training in COPD rehabilitation along with endurance training.
  • Any loss of exercise capacity limits your ability to build bone. Weight bearing exercise stimulates the formation of new bone, keeping the bone remodeling process active and healthy.


  • Sarcopenia is the condition of muscle loss, which in turn causes a loss of strength
  • Inactivity is linked to a decline in muscle loss. Without use, muscles atrophy.
  • In one study, inactive people reached muscle frailty 24 years earlier than weight lifters. This demonstrates the loss of functional years of life than can result from sedentarism.2
  • Sarcopenia is a major factor contributing to osteoporosis. Muscle loss leads to bone loss, since per Wolff’s Law, muscle stimulates bone formation.


  • The collected evidence suggests that a physically active lifestyle protects against the development of colon cancer, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and prostate cancer.2
  • Studies have shown that participants who were physically active after being diagnosed with breast cancer or colon cancer had a statistically higher chance of survival compared to those who were physically inactive.2


Chronic conditions including anxiety, stress, dementia, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and sarcopenia have all been found to occur in relationship to sedentarism, and can be treated through physical activity.

Osteoporosis, Sedentarism, And Physical Activity

These studies also spoke to the direct link between physical activity and bone formation. As Wolff's Law describes, bones tissue changes in relationship to how muscles are used. When you engage in regular weight-bearing exercise, that use stimulates the formation of new bone to support those activities.

A study with pre and postmenopausal women found that sedentary participants lost bone from the lumbar spine and femoral neck at the rate of approximately 1% per year. The study authors concluded that sedentarism is a contributing factor to aging-associated bone loss.1

In addition to healthier and stronger bones, physical training increases muscle strength, thereby improving sense of balance and reducing the risk of fall and potential fractures.


Sedentarism leads to bone loss. Physical activity stimulates bone formation. Exercise also increases muscle strength, which reduces the risk of falls by improving balance and strength.

Sedentarism Grows More Dangerous With Age

A study published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition followed 118 healthy elderly participants who underwent five, seven, 10, and 14 days of bed rest.

The study authors noted that young adults and elderly adults reacted differently to the sedentarism of bed rest. Older adults lost muscle mass more quickly than younger adults. The study shows how older adults are more susceptible to the harmful effects of sedentarism than younger people.3

Just as exercise stimulates physiological processes that increase strength and well-being, sedentarism initiates physical changes that make us weaker and more susceptible to chronic conditions, including osteoporosis. This fact makes exercise even more important as we grow older.


A study published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition found that healthy elderly adults undertaking periods of bedrest lost muscle more quickly than younger adults. This emphasizes that exercise becomes even more important as we age since the consequences of sedentarism set in faster.

What This Means To You

Sedentarism is a clear and immediate threat to your bones, your wellness, and your life. The answer is physical activity– and there are countless ways to get and stay active.

The Save Institute created SaveTrainer to help you access and navigate the many options for keeping you active. Our digital video workout platform is designed to help you explore new ways to exercise with ease and safety. You can use it to build a variety of enjoyable at-home workouts from yoga sessions to aerobic routines to resistance training. SaveTrainer has what you need to build your bones and extend your life.

Every day is a new opportunity to get active and take advantage of the extensive health benefits of bone-building exercise.
